5 months ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to the stream
2s I'm ccpb and you're tuning into the
4s fourth episode of aquinox and focus this
7s time around we're looking at stronger
8s groups and enhanced goals and I don't
11s have one but two senior game designers
13s with me first of all CCP Nomad welcome
16s hi and CCP hun Hi how are you guys doing
19s today not too bad not too bad yeah
22s pretty good you guys were in the video
24s uh we also had a Blog come out earlier
26s in the week and then we had a video to
27s describe the uh air daily go that are
30s changing the Corp and how the Corp goals
33s that are coming in that we're iterating
34s on uh let's Dive In First with CCP Nomad
38s to the corporation window we're going to
40s talk about what's coming what we're
42s iterating on uh and we actually going to
44s show it on a testure if we hop over to
47s that view we could show this and kind of
48s play around with it like we do with
49s these segments let me start off first by
52s opening up the Corp window the first
54s thing that we've done is we've actually
55s given it a fresh new look can you tell
57s us what is new about so we changed the
61s navigation scheme essentially we adopted
64s the the scheme that we are using in air
66s opportunities window where at the top uh
69s title bar has just few categories the
73s main categories in this case Corporation
75s alliances and administration and then
77s all the detailed sections are listed in
80s the sidebar so that's the the main
82s change before or currently on TQ you
85s have just layers of tabs yeah up here
88s you just have like tab after tab after
89s Tab and um underneath another type of
91s tax yes um we've also added three new
96s Corp projects uh can you first will tell
98s us what are cor projects so cor projects
102s in general um are just um things that
107s corporations can create or the managers
109s of Corporations can create to inform
112s their members about what are the tasks
115s needed that are needed to be done by the
116s cor members and reward them for doing
120s yes for doing those things so there's
122s several types of actions that those core
125s projects um can work with where the
130s manager of the corporation can create a
132s project for example for mining or or
134s delivering items and the members can
136s contribute to that and receive rewards
139s associated with their contribution and
141s this is the third time that this has
143s been iterated on since it came in
145s correct uh and we're bringing three new
147s goals now the first one that I want to
149s talk about is the uh ship loss project
152s which is kind of known as the SRP one
155s can you tell us how that works yes this
157s one is odd and funny because like how do
159s you how do I contribute I lose a ship
162s yes um it's not like the other ones
164s where you're asking them to go out and
166s get something in this one hey go lose
168s your ship but but how would players how
170s do you foree players use it so you can
173s set up this project uh and there are a
175s few parameters that um you can change
178s you can specify the type of the ship
180s that needs to be to be
182s lost uh then the location in which the
186s loss should happen and also who should
188s be the attacker and you can specify the
191s organization as in Alliance Corporation
193s or militia or specific character so
196s maybe you want to reimburse only losses
198s caused by one guy interesting if you
200s want to or you can just go Broad and
203s leave all those options empty then you
205s will be uh your corporation will provide
208s payment for any type of loss anywhere
211s and independently from who callused it
214s so SRP for those who don't know is
216s something that the alliances kind of
218s have thirdparty apps for this is a way
221s to get this into the game and in the
223s hand of people who might not have an IT
225s department which is kind of crazy for
227s some newer players there are groups out
229s there that have whole it setups this
231s kind of makes this levels the field a
233s little bit this allows smaller groups to
236s have a way to have these SRP programs to
239s have incent people to go out and fight
242s and do things that the Corp wants them
243s to do and say hey if you lose your ship
245s you'll get a free one immediately yes
247s and of course the tools the third party
250s tools that players are using in bigger
253s organization uh can be more
255s sophisticated allowing for more options
257s yes but at the same time they work they
260s don't work as a guarantee they happen
262s after the fact yes right where the where
265s your alliance or your corporation
267s promises to rebbur your sh after you
269s lose it here uh you have a guarantee
272s because before you lose the the ship you
274s see the project up and you know that you
276s will get paid as soon you uh you lose it
278s and that will happen automatically and
280s instantly so that's also a difference
283s between this and third party tools nice
287s um I think we've covered for most part
290s the SRP part but it's going to kind of
292s go hand in hand with the next one we're
293s want to talk about which is the earn
295s loyalty points because I foresee that
297s lots of groups in lowc for example who
299s are factional Warfare could both be
302s using this and the earned loyalty points
304s one could you tell us what the earn
306s loyalty points goal and project looks
309s like so how it works is that if you as a
314s COR manager Theo director or project
316s manager you set up this project type uh
320s you can specify which type of LP you
323s want to reward and by type I mean the
325s issuing Corporation yeah at which NPC
328s Corporation this LP is uh issued by and
332s when anyone in your corporation earns
335s this LP in any way then they contribute
339s automatically to this project and thus
341s can be rewarded uh with the amount that
344s you specify when you create it so you
346s can assign particular isk reward per one
349s LP be that a th000 isk that's like
352s average acceptable uh value of LP in the
355s game yeah uh if you want to consider any
358s LP for example but you might consider
360s specific LP that you want to that you
363s want to pay more for and at the same
365s time you could set the corporation LP
367s tax yes at 100% or 50% or whatever perc
372s um you feel that works for you and your
374s members and does automatically collect
377s the lp that uh members earn and pay them
381s for it uh for for the lp automatically
384s kind of transfers the or transforms the
387s kind of taxing of LP into like a buyback
390s program yes where IM me instead of
393s you're telling people to go out and and
394s get LP and try to fund yourself that way
396s they then have to take that LP and use
399s it in LP stores and turn it into profit
401s later you're kind of just saying hey
403s let's just pull it all in one place with
405s 100% tax some groups will do that and
408s for every x amount of LP will pay you
410s this much MH this is a this is going to
412s be a fantastic tool to do these kind of
415s buyback programs for it as long as you
417s OB really see trust that you're going to
418s get paid what you're supposed to get
419s paid
422s of course and read the fine print of
424s course 100% LP tax sounds uh yeah yes
427s this this may not work for everyone of
429s course um but but for some groups this
432s will be very useful perfect uh the third
435s one is coming in is a salvaging one mhm
438s uh talk us a little bit about that I
440s kind of seems a bit self explanatory but
443s what is that project so every time a
447s member performs a successful Salvage
450s action as in they activate salvager
454s module on a ship and they actually get
456s some Salvage from from a w yeah um they
459s will contribute to that type of project
462s and the managers can associate a reward
466s with associated with that can set a
468s reward so this might just incentivize
471s people to do things essentially you as a
474s as a manager you want your members
476s engaged and whatever their play style is
480s like the more options you have to keep
482s them engaged uh the better and this can
485s be used as a incentive for example for
488s newer players to engage with salvaging
491s which is actually pretty good income
494s Source it's a lot better than people
495s know yeah they can pair up with some
498s older friends in the cor some more uh
502s that um long longer time playing players
506s who for example want to just run
507s missions through and don't want to and
510s want to keep the Salvage uh on the field
513s they can just pair up with with some
514s newer players who who will be salvaging
516s and this this project would be a good
518s incentive for that yes but also like I
521s said that in the video kind of like a
523s like a joke but it is true that you can
525s set this up so you can monitor who is
528s actually
529s salvaging when and where yes so so you
532s can find that one person who does that
535s during the fleet Ops who's who's the one
537s not actually shooting but filling their
539s pockets it's always yes yeah that's
542s really cool I can foresee people using
544s this like you say to to
546s incentivize I mean Salvage is used for
548s building Rigs and it's it's actually
551s very valuable to pick up but most people
554s who are doing one thing they don't
556s really want to also then afterwards
558s clean up after themselves but there's a
560s lot of money laying around there and uh
562s this is a cool way to incentivize people
564s this a very good like collaborative
566s activity where one person does one thing
568s and the other does I remember as a newer
570s player chasing around people in N Shack
572s and like is there anything I can salvage
574s and you would chase after this guy who
575s would finish his Havens and just pick up
577s everything yeah another reason for it uh
580s is that salvaging isn't very well
583s exposed in the game as an activity like
585s we don't talk much about it in the
587s agency or in the tutorial or anywhere
589s for that matter so this is really like
591s one of the first place first times that
594s we Expose salvaging and we actually give
597s players tools to communicate
600s yeah it's not really coming from us it
603s is from your CEO your director they will
606s communicate the managers yes yes um so
611s the core project and the daily goals if
613s we go over to C Beav they use the same
614s technology they they have the same
616s underlying Tech and it has been improved
619s to to load much faster is that correct
621s yeah that's correct uh we had a problem
623s with like the servers being overloaded
625s with Theos previously and we have uh
628s optimized it and improve proved that it
631s takes uh much fast it's much faster now
633s load them so just loading times is going
636s to be more enjoyable to use yes if I
638s open this up real quick uh if I were to
641s create a goal it would obviously go into
643s the projects tab here actually I have it
646s right down here opportunities this is
648s the air daily goals but I'll also see in
650s the opportunity tab itself I would see
652s core projects this is all working
654s together with the other tab correct uh
657s well not really I mean the core projects
659s are coming into here yes the core
661s projects are coming to there and daily
662s goals are coming at the other tab yes
664s they use the same technology but they
666s are not connected in the game yeah when
668s it comes to the daily goals uh We've
671s updated them and and something's going
673s to be changing here we're not going to
674s have the log kind of rewards that we've
677s had or become accustomed to where you
679s just kind of log in Click a few buttons
681s and close your client on many alts how
684s is it changing so uh as you said um The
687s Daily login rewards are not going to be
688s a think anymore and instead we are
690s introducing this reward track that you
692s can see at the top of the screen and
695s this reward track is monthly which means
698s that you have uh 30 days to uh or around
700s 30 days to complete it uh it has 12
704s steps and how you uh go each step is you
708s have to complete at least two daily
710s goals a day so uh you see in the middle
713s of the screen over there uh destroy 25
715s non capsuleers and scan five signatures
718s you can choose to two out of these four
720s goals complete them and that way you
724s progress one step on the reward track
727s and get will this every day have a
729s different four Choice option yes they
731s are uh generated uh uh every day and
734s they're same for all the capsuleers but
738s uh yeah they are different every day
740s perfect so I could be doing the same
742s thing we could both be doing the reward
744s track every day but maybe I don't really
746s want to go scanning I just want to
747s destroy non-capsular and scan if few
749s things yeah so so but you're not going
751s to have one guy get the really easy
753s goals one day and someone else going oh
755s I have this one again that's different
756s yeah exactly everybody has the same
758s goals on the on the given day good yeah
760s so let's talk about the actual rewards
762s here because of course the initial thing
764s is like oh I got to go and do stuff but
767s what are what are you doing it for uh so
769s we have uh four milestones we call them
771s on D War track each Milestone is
774s achievable on the third day of
776s completing the daily goals and
780s as you can see the first Milestone is AR
782s marks uh second milestone is uh items
786s and uh Design Elements for the new
788s Skinner tool so you can uh uh Advance on
791s the robot track and try the Skinner tool
793s if you want uh if I interject here with
797s that will it be the same skin that I
799s would get or color or pattern as you
802s would get uh so uh in the Skinner item
806s reward uh that is we have a crate with
810s 10 randomized skins so when you get a
813s crate every month uh it's you will get a
815s different skin every time I like it yeah
818s and then moving on from there so I think
820s a lot of people are going to rush this
821s immediately it's going to take him a few
823s days yeah it is but getting more more
825s colors and more more sequencers is going
827s to be very very
829s handy uh yeah and the third Milestone we
831s are giving out uh five plexes and uh 8
834s million isk and uh you can see the the
837s top row is for omegas yes and the bottom
839s row is for Alpha players and uh Omega
842s Players will get both of the
844s rows and then it ends with skill point
846s at the very end yes and I think one
849s thing to note is that this isn't per
851s account right this is per character yes
854s exactly which means you could be doing
856s these daily goals on all three character
858s slots each of them earning these rewards
861s mhm uh and if if I'm not mistaken you
864s get more SP at the end of the month if
866s you were to do this than with what we
868s currently have yes there's a more
869s potential to there's potential to get
871s more SP yeah yeah but you have to go out
873s and do stuff yes exactly over the horror
877s yeah so one
879s comment I now need to do stuff to get
882s rewards how dare you see and I couldn't
884s tell whether that was
886s sarcastic I think it's a bit of both
888s yeah but we feel it's important to get
891s more people engaged and more people in
892s space out of the hangers I think this is
894s great yeah I think we could sub it up
896s because like uh as you described this TR
899s takes 12 days to complete and we would
903s rather see players logging in 12 days in
905s a month and doing something every day
907s than logging in 30 days and not doing
909s anything that's that's everyone here is
911s going to agree with that sentiment that
913s you would much rather space exactly more
915s people in space rather than people just
917s in station logging in pi a claim button
919s right uh but again 12 days this is quite
923s easily done throughout the whole month
925s you can do it over the 20 days you can
927s do it but the fastest you can possibly
929s finish is 12 days is that correct yes it
931s is so it's up to you you can do two days
933s then give yourself a 5 day break and
935s then do two days again just two 12 days
938s out of the month 12 days out of 30 and
940s then will it reset on the first of every
942s month yes it resets on the first perfect
945s will the rewards be the same every time
948s or will it shuffle around will these
949s change month to month uh they will not
951s change they will be the same every time
954s okay um what about the goals themselves
957s what type of goals besides these to you
959s remember being in there uh so there are
961s many goals in there uh as you can see
964s each one of these goals is from a
965s different career so we have enforcer uh
968s Explorer uh industrialist and Soldier
972s Fortune uh and uh we have actually added
976s two new gold types based on the
978s corporation project so we have we have
980s Salvage Rex and earn
983s LP uh and there are many other gold
986s types uh like available uh that have
989s have already been in the game since the
990s last expansion so we have uh scan like
995s uh uh scan five signatures but we have
998s also scan to combat sites or scan to
1001s Relic sites stuff like that uh armor
1004s repair other capsules you can see we
1005s have also Shield repair capsuleers we
1007s have a capture a factional Warfare
1009s complex for factional Warfare players uh
1012s so very healthy mix of all kinds of
1013s goals but yes with the added benefit of
1016s you only have to do two out of the four
1017s every time exactly because not all
1019s players focus on all the like pths in
1022s the game so they can just do what they
1024s feel familiar with yes maybe some people
1027s have to steal some of their Market alss
1029s to go out and do things yeah maybe
1031s that's their
1033s problem it still should be achievable
1036s for everyone uh like the mix of the four
1038s goals and the fact that you need to
1040s choose only
1042s two okay we've covered both the goals
1045s and the uh the air dailies there is
1047s another thing which has to do with our
1050s hangers and you guys can both uh
1053s absolutely chime in on this but there
1055s are now uh these cards that you can have
1058s as a selectable
1060s um what you call this an icon you can
1063s either have it in the old icons that you
1064s guys are used to but these cards here
1066s let's talk about them what they are mhm
1069s so uh we kind of wanted to make the
1072s ships more prominent and bring forward
1074s some of the important information that
1077s uh the ships have for new new players
1080s because like if you look at the previous
1082s um view in the icons you kind you have
1085s to like hover over it and then go into
1087s the like specific menus to see what they
1089s can do yeah but on the cards it's
1091s actually all listed so if you go back
1094s and you for example uh hover over the
1097s little icons that are in the uh under
1099s the shape of uh icons traits traits
1102s traits these traits yeah so you can see
1105s what these ships are good at so this is
1106s a large chip it's a combat chip drone
1108s chip and armor this I see being very
1112s helpful for a newer player instead of I
1114s mean I think everyone here will know the
1116s Journey of of seeing these icons and
1118s just seeing ships maybe not in their
1120s hangers but wherever and always going to
1121s show info and trying to go through many
1123s different Windows of what is this thing
1125s actually so having having this as you
1128s know a newer player if you see a ship
1131s that's suddenly in your hanger through a
1132s mission that you got or something and it
1134s pops up with this cart you can now learn
1137s more about it what does this actually do
1139s yes at a glance understand what it is
1141s but there's another thing here which you
1143s guys showed me just moments before we
1145s stream started I kind of blew my mind
1147s because usually when I'm I'm going
1150s through my hanger of ships and I'm
1151s trying to figure out which ship has what
1154s fit on it right what have I got laying
1157s around I will always open this and I'll
1159s drag this thing go what was this one
1162s again and I'll go into ghost fittings
1163s ago oh yeah that was the missile one
1165s with this fit the cool thing about the
1168s um the Cs is this little button
1172s here yeah you can just hover over that
1174s button and see what ship fits the ship
1177s so for any assembled ship in your hanger
1180s if that button is grayed out then it
1182s means it's just an empty ship yes but if
1184s it's white then it means there's some
1186s something fitted on that ship and you
1187s can hover over to see what the fit is so
1190s you no longer have to make your ship
1193s because called with some cryptic
1194s information for you to remember what or
1197s people who name their ship something
1198s else they call call it you know scram
1200s fit but it's actually like those type of
1203s fits right yeah but here you will be
1205s able to find the strip you are looking
1206s for much more I think it's fantastic I
1209s mean if you're looking for a bunch of
1211s different shap you like which one had
1212s what fit just out a glance being able to
1214s hover over the buttons and go oh it's
1216s that one oh yeah let's hop into this one
1219s this is going to save a lot of time yeah
1221s from from the utility perspective yes
1223s but also there's there's something nice
1226s about these cards how they look satisfy
1229s more modern but also they have the
1230s faction logo in the background if you
1232s notice I imagine for some people it will
1234s be the point of Pride to share the
1236s screenshot of their hanger like all me
1238s mat no Amar
1242s allow right I like it yeah there's
1245s another new benefit as well where if you
1247s double click on a ship if it's packaged
1249s like this one it'll unpackage and hop me
1252s into it right I don't have to do an
1253s extra click obviously if I'm unpackaging
1256s a ship I'm intending to use it so if I
1259s double click on it it'll prompt me with
1261s this what is this yeah this is a prompt
1263s to name your ship and we thought this
1265s was important especially for new players
1267s uh to actually expose the functionality
1270s that you can actually name your ship yes
1272s and uh it's it's good for new players
1274s for the reason that uh uh players uh
1277s sometimes Target newer players because
1279s they have their ship name like a default
1281s name yes so this is going to help we
1283s think a little bit so I could just name
1286s my ship here with a smiley face
1290s enter uh and it'll hop into that ship
1293s immediately this is going to save a lot
1295s of extra clicks instead of assembling a
1297s ship double clicking it again uh this is
1300s this is fantastic I like this a lot yeah
1303s and if you double click on the card of
1305s the active ship it actually opens the
1306s fitting so you don't have to look for
1308s the nice uh for the neocom icon to find
1312s the fitting same like you can click
1315s double click on the background it opens
1317s the cargo of your active ship here it
1319s opens the fitting of the active ship
1320s nice
1322s y I like this a lot especially this
1326s functionality here say you have a bunch
1327s of extras you like which one am I trying
1329s to hop into oh that that one wasn't fit
1331s this one here has the fit that I'm
1333s looking for or maybe looking for an
1334s armor one or Shield one this is this is
1337s fantastic um I think we've almost come
1340s to the end of what we wanted to talk
1341s about do you guys think there's anything
1343s we missed when it comes to the Corp uh
1345s goals or cor window
1347s itself um maybe we should just say it
1350s again that we started the journey with
1352s improvements to organizations in general
1355s a year ago in
1356s Vian and we are not stopping no we every
1361s last time we were doing this we had a
1363s chat about the iterations that were
1364s happening with the last expansion here
1366s we are again talking about new project
1368s being added um yeah we were adding on to
1372s this functionality that is the Corp just
1375s the goals the the the managing of Corps
1378s it's fantastic
1379s yeah we we know that corporations are at
1382s the heart of the social yes aspects of
1385s if and if is all just social stuff
1388s absolutely like we wouldn't be playing
1390s this alone no and the stronger the Corp
1393s the stronger the alliance as well so if
1395s you're in Alliance I know a lot of
1396s people are yelling out for what about
1398s Alliance gold and Alliance this and that
1401s you know just wait a
1404s bit also PR that a stronger Corp will
1407s mean that a stronger Alliance will be at
1409s the back of that as well um for the Corp
1412s uh the air gos as well I think we
1413s covered that pretty well yeah I think
1415s you covered everything uh and then the
1417s hanger itself that's kind of all we
1418s wanted to talk to you guys about today
1421s uh thank you guys both so much for
1422s taking a moment to talk about this it
1424s was short and sweet but uh we'll see you
1427s again next week with uh this is actually
1429s the last in Focus series we've done four
1430s in a row now next week we're just going
1433s to be a chat with the directors and then
1435s you guys all get the actual patch notes
1437s in your hands on Friday
1439s uh about a week and something from now
1441s which uh I'm really excited for you to
1443s see there's a couple extra things in
1444s there you don't know about yet which is
1446s cool uh from us here at CB thank you for
1448s tuning in have an awesome rest of the
1450s day I'll see you next time thank you
1452s thank you byebye

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