10 months
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EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
3s | to shape Destiny is within all of |
11s | us with upwell you can shape the |
19s | universe unlocking the potential of the |
22s | stars and planets you call home has been |
25s | the unwavering focus of our finest Minds |
31s | and now we stand on the cusp of a new |
39s | era introducing |
44s | Equinox an unrivaled Suite of solutions |
48s | for a new age of |
53s | colonization revolutionary structures |
56s | that offer unprecedented systemwide |
58s | control |
61s | all operated and maintained by an |
63s | efficient and skilled |
70s | Workforce embrace the freedom to shape |
73s | space in your image and seize the dream |
77s | of a star system entirely under your |
83s | command |
84s | aquinox from upwell |
93s | and we are live welcome everyone I am |
95s | ccpb and you're tuning into the first |
97s | InFocus video for aquinox the expansion |
99s | coming on the 11th of June with me is |
101s | CCB trash Panda welcome thank you thank |
104s | you for having me uh just for the people |
105s | at home I'm going to give a bit of |
106s | context who you are you are a producer |
109s | uh for the team that's currently working |
110s | on all of these structures that are |
112s | coming correct yes and we have had lots |
115s | of questions and and ideas of where this |
118s | could be going we're going to try and |
120s | put put most of them to rest we're going |
121s | to talk about what we're hoping to get |
123s | out in the expansion and this is going |
125s | to be quite a long chat we're going to |
127s | have together yeah definitely um first |
129s | of all how are you feeling oh I'm pretty |
131s | good pretty good there's a lot I know |
133s | you guys are crazy swamps yes there's a |
135s | lot happening over the next couple weeks |
137s | so it's been like uh crunch time trying |
139s | to get everything out yeah well we tried |
140s | to avoid crunch but there's definitely a |
142s | lot happening and also it's like you |
144s | know I want to make sure that I spend |
146s | some time to be able to talk to you and |
148s | talk to the people so the feedback we've |
151s | gotten is insane I don't know if you see |
152s | in front of me here it's a little |
153s | intimidating but we have pages and pages |
156s | of things that we want to try and cover |
157s | today I'll do my best to help um some of |
160s | this stuff let's keep everyone at home |
162s | in the clear this is all still in |
163s | production some of these things might |
165s | change some of the Scopes might move a |
167s | little bit um but let's start with |
170s | Colony resources yes we have Colony |
173s | resources coming to e on line that I've |
175s | never been there before mhm uh as people |
177s | can see on the screen now this is power |
179s | Workforce and reagents yes can you talk |
182s | to us a little bit first of all what is |
184s | power and how can capsuleers tap into it |
187s | so power is essentially one of the the |
189s | backbones of these three resources it's |
191s | what's required for pretty much all of |
194s | the systems to be able to work uh it can |
197s | be uh gathered by harvesting from plasma |
202s | storm and gas planets yeah but it has to |
204s | be used from a orbital Skyhook so we |
208s | will talk about the orbital Skyhook in a |
209s | bit but it will become available to the |
212s | new sovereignty Hub and then players |
214s | will be able to distribute the power to |
216s | uh different upgrades and then based on |
219s | a priority system then the upgrades will |
221s | go online for the pal it can also be um |
225s | there's a little bit that comes from the |
226s | Sun as well so the type of sun actually |
228s | does matter in the system itself like it |
230s | there's a variable amount but it does |
232s | actually matter so this is when we say |
234s | we're adding topology to Eve this is |
236s | kind of the the the core of it at the |
238s | beginning systems depending on the sun |
241s | mhm and the type of planets if you have |
244s | a a system with a really good sun which |
246s | you'll learn about later mhm and maybe a |
248s | couple of plasma planets that has a lot |
250s | of potential to have uh upgrades |
254s | installed in the salog is that correct |
255s | absolutely I mean the main the main |
257s | thing is is that we're in a situation |
259s | where each system now has essentially a |
262s | DNA yeah like the the combination of |
265s | planets I mean as the the plants have |
267s | been seeded across the planet uh |
268s | distribution isn't going to change no |
270s | but essentially it means that each |
272s | system is now unique and that means that |
274s | the amount of upgrades you can have and |
276s | the amount of things you can do in the |
277s | system is going to change not all |
280s | systems will be the same some will be |
282s | essentially just better than others yes |
284s | exactly and there may be a situation |
286s | where someone's like Capital system is |
290s | actually just trash now |
292s | yeah all the Biggers are like oh no how |
294s | many plasma do we have how many yeah |
296s | exactly um so this if you think of this |
299s | kind of like a |
300s | for thehub we'll go into thehub a little |
303s | bit better later but let's cover the |
305s | other two here as well because power is |
307s | one thing yes and that is local which |
309s | means that it is based on that system M |
313s | but the upgrades they're also going to |
315s | need Workforce correct yes and that is |
317s | something that you can route in from |
319s | nearby systems correct correct can you |
321s | talk a little bit about what that means |
323s | sure so maybe just so on where do they |
326s | come from first of all Workforce so the |
328s | workforce comes from planets that are |
330s | are temperate Oceanic and baron so those |
332s | are actually quite the in sort of more |
335s | from the baron side there's actually |
336s | quite a lot of those planets there's |
338s | there's significantly more gas planets |
339s | than anyone else but Baron are also |
341s | quite popular but essentially Workforce |
344s | comes from planets and it comes from the |
346s | Skyhook like it's essentially similar to |
349s | power except as you mentioned the the |
352s | workforce can be rooted from from planet |
356s | or from system to system now this does |
358s | mean that um when there are upgrades |
361s | that do require a fair amount of |
363s | Workforce you can then import from other |
367s | systems into this one although you can |
370s | only you can import from three different |
372s | systems yeah but you can only export |
374s | from one which means that essentially |
376s | you you have to take into consideration |
379s | all of your systems within the region as |
381s | to where you need to feed the workforce |
383s | yes so if you're looking maybe at a |
384s | constellation or a few systems you could |
387s | start thinking well these ones have a |
389s | lot of power |
390s | but they're lacking the baron and the |
392s | oceanic and the and the tempered Planet |
394s | but I could bring in you can just tell |
397s | them if you own the sa Hub you own the |
399s | the sky hooks on the right planets hey |
401s | send that Workforce to this system |
403s | correct and then you can make use of |
404s | that in upgrades in this one correct |
406s | yeah so you can in a way with the |
409s | workforce create the sort of like those |
411s | hubs that you want the only thing is is |
414s | that you will always be hard capped by |
416s | the power because power as you mentioned |
418s | is local to the system so there is a |
420s | there is a high limit as to how much |
422s | power you can have the potential amount |
424s | of upgrades and things exactly yeah |
426s | exactly and the last thing here are |
428s | reagents what are they so reagents are |
430s | new resources that we're adding into the |
433s | game that are essentially um almost |
436s | almost like fuel blocks they will be |
438s | able to be sold on the market they'll be |
440s | able to be sold uh to NPCs um but |
443s | they're also going to be used to uh as |
445s | part of the startup costs for um |
448s | upgrades within the sof they'll also be |
450s | used as the um the startup cost for the |
454s | metano Mund yes so essentially they they |
456s | become they're not they're not going to |
458s | become the the like the absolute the |
463s | almost like the fuel for the upgrade |
466s | yeah but it will be required to start |
468s | the upgrade to kickart so if things |
472s | get interrupted which we'll go into a |
474s | little bit later sure uh you might need |
476s | some of these to then restart and have |
478s | everything all the upgrades running the |
480s | way you want it exactly exactly and |
482s | these come from uh two different planets |
484s | is that right that's correct so they |
485s | come from lava and ice and that's the |
487s | only planets that they come from so that |
489s | also becomes very important yes I really |
492s | I just a little tang in super ionic ice |
495s | I I like that word a lot it's it's good |
498s | I really enjoyed in the in Focus video |
500s | being able to say maatic gas superionic |
502s | ice I know it's good the workforce we |
505s | have I think a little bit of a flow to |
507s | kind of go a little bit deeper in that |
508s | first cuz I think that one takes a |
510s | little more explanting to to understand |
513s | so think of these all these circles as |
515s | different systems MH um let's say you |
518s | have a work abundant system the one here |
520s | above us it's a system that has lots of |
522s | Baron planets lots of lots |
524s | of just excess Workforce that you could |
528s | tap into but you need it in this energy |
531s | abundance system where you want to have |
532s | all these upgrades you can route this m |
535s | through several systems and then tell |
538s | this system that has lots of people I |
540s | would like to export from this one you |
543s | tell this one here I would like to |
544s | Transit it further and then the other |
547s | system I would like to import it and you |
549s | said you could do that from three |
550s | different angles correct yeah this is |
552s | going to have a a a little bit of a kind |
555s | of micromanagement of how you want to |
556s | set up your space yeah and it's also |
558s | going to dictate where you actually like |
560s | you say have the upgrades that you want |
563s | yeah absolutely and it it also means |
564s | that um you may want to dedicate one |
568s | particular constellation to doing one |
570s | particular thing yes and then another to |
572s | another based on the workforce |
573s | requirements of those upgrades and the |
576s | reason people will go through planning |
579s | and prepping all this is because the |
580s | subhub if we can go over to the subhub |
582s | for a second now this is what you're |
585s | actually going to be using to upgrade |
587s | and install the upgrad in correct yes |
589s | can you talk to me a little bit about |
590s | the subhub itself yeah sure so the |
593s | subhub is essentially the replacement |
595s | for the infrastructure Hub and also the |
598s | TCU yeah we're combining those they're |
600s | kind of going away yes yes and I know |
602s | there's lots of concerns about this |
604s | transition uh correct me if I'm wrong |
607s | but the transition period is going to be |
609s | like until November correct yes so until |
611s | next expansion you technically don't |
613s | have to do any of these things you can |
616s | do them bit by bit and slowly and I |
618s | think it's going to be like uh you can |
620s | install these and then just turn this on |
622s | if you would like but you're going to |
623s | have plenty of time to to prep and |
626s | organize this is no kind of like two we |
629s | rush job once |
630s | yeah June hits right of I will say |
633s | though there is because of the extra |
635s | benefits you get from the upgrades it |
637s | feels to me like you'd probably want to |
638s | do this oh you'd be losing out if you |
640s | don't I'm just saying that sooner rather |
641s | than later you'd probably want to do |
643s | that but there there is there isn't |
644s | basically a rush to do that if you want |
647s | take your time I'm sure they appreciate |
648s | that they're not being shoehorned into |
650s | like you got to fix this in half a month |
652s | once once June hits right it's not the |
654s | case if you have summer plans don't |
656s | worry you'll have some time but your |
659s | members might hate if you don't bring |
660s | them the upgrades that uh that we're |
661s | bringing into the game yeah um first of |
664s | all this is going to be like the Hub |
666s | where you then you route these the the |
670s | sky hooks they all kind of Connect into |
673s | this correct yeah um we showed some UI |
676s | as well from from the video I don't |
678s | think we have that here but the video |
679s | that um that we've been working on and |
682s | the UI to control this looks really cool |
684s | can we talk a little about the actual uh |
687s | upgrades themselves that are coming the |
689s | the new up up because it's going to |
690s | retain all the old s upgrades that |
693s | people are used to yes yeah uh but here |
695s | we have a list of all kinds of resources |
697s | infrastructure based and combat anomaly |
699s | can you run through what these are sure |
702s | um so maybe to start with just the the |
703s | infrastructure on one thing I want want |
705s | to make clear is that there isn't any |
707s | lost functionality with going to the new |
709s | system in terms of the infrastructure |
711s | upgrades so things like the super |
714s | Capital Construction the sinur |
716s | navigation these things or the advanced |
719s | logist Network these are going to remain |
721s | with the new system so it's effectively |
723s | just be transferring from one to the |
725s | other like we're not going to lose any |
727s | functionality from that point of view um |
729s | but where things get slightly different |
730s | is things like the individual |
732s | prospecting upgrades which is that you |
734s | can now dictate what type of uh |
737s | anomalies spawn in your system that |
740s | provide you with certain resources which |
741s | means that you can basically bring back |
743s | tranium pyite andx alone into your NX |
746s | systems so that's like super cool like I |
749s | I love that that's I know is huge for |
752s | those who uh who have been missing those |
754s | particular ores from NC yeah absolutely |
757s | which means that players are now and |
758s | organizations really are able to kind of |
760s | craft parts of their areas to being this |
763s | is going to be our dedicated mining area |
765s | with these type of upgrades and we're |
767s | going to make sure that this system that |
770s | has enough power has enough Workforce to |
772s | run all these yeah uh and you'll know |
775s | that that maybe is their mining pocket |
776s | this is their rting pocket this is uh it |
779s | it seems it seems like you could really |
781s | get into a situation where like parts of |
782s | your space become like the industrial |
784s | Zone yeah where like you you can imagine |
787s | there's like Smog and there's like |
789s | industrial stuff happening and then |
791s | you've got on the other side you could |
792s | then move into something more like the |
794s | combat anomaly so you can actually then |
796s | create space for your your ratters |
799s | essentially to just work through and |
801s | then they've got access to uh |
803s | essentially what we're trying to do is |
804s | essentially have similar in terms of the |
807s | amount of activities you have from uh |
810s | combat anomaly so the the Havens the |
812s | sanctums kind of thing we're also trying |
815s | to uh expand that uh we're expanding |
818s | that with a new type of sanctum uh that |
821s | will be the uh name pending |
824s | sanctum which will uh essentially just |
827s | be a much harder version the idea being |
829s | is that we understand that uh drone like |
833s | spinning is pretty like pretty standard |
837s | we want to not destroy that because it's |
840s | cool like that's what people want to do |
842s | um but then we have the option for you |
844s | to go a little bit harder maybe sort of |
846s | marauder that kind of and then you can |
849s | have a much uh better reward but you've |
851s | got to put a little bit more effort into |
853s | the actual like the den anomaly itself |
855s | yeah so I think that's that to me is |
857s | super cool because I say you don't want |
858s | to don't want to kill nsec no and the |
861s | current ecosystem of of what people |
863s | gotten hunt like yeah but you kind of |
866s | want to have greed push them into bigger |
870s | and I can make more if I do this instead |
873s | yeah exactly so so that's kind of where |
875s | our where our mindset is and where we're |
876s | trying to push and that's why the the |
878s | new the new sanctum is there is that |
881s | kind of like first step in more engaging |
884s | content for the player who actually |
885s | wants to engage in the in the shooting |
887s | of NPCs yeah but also more reward and |
890s | more risk so this basically is going to |
894s | allow them to to design their space and |
897s | mold it and and make the areas that they |
900s | want to be like you say the industrial |
902s | zones the farming zones so to speak and |
905s | and others going to realize that they |
907s | can uh mess with this as well right we |
909s | talked about uh these are kind of |
911s | strategic objectives as well if we look |
914s | at the um the raiding of skyhooks yes |
917s | sure can we talk a little bit about that |
919s | if we grab up the raiding Skyhook or |
921s | just the Skyhook itself just the Skyhook |
923s | itself yeah uh this thing this is what |
926s | is going to be first of all upgrading |
929s | Poco mhm um let's clarify that you don't |
933s | need to first put a Poco to then upgrade |
935s | this is not like an extra Gantry level |
937s | on top correct yes if you currently have |
939s | pocos and you want to Anchor this and |
941s | you own the Poco that's there the other |
944s | Poco will disappear and this will be in |
946s | its in its place right correct but you |
948s | can also go to an empty planet and just |
950s | plop down a Skyhook correct yes that's |
952s | right um it will still retain the same |
955s | functionality as a Pok can you talk a |
957s | little bit about that is there any |
958s | difference at all |
960s | um I mean the so essentially this being |
963s | the the Workhorse of the the new |
965s | resources yeah um all the player will do |
969s | by deploying a orbital Skyhook is just |
972s | allow you to access the new resources |
974s | yeah in terms of planetary inter |
976s | interaction or industry um there's no |
979s | change no that this will become the |
981s | point at which you interact with the the |
983s | same interface that you have previously |
985s | instead of going to the Poco to pick UPI |
988s | you're going to war to this and interact |
990s | exactly the same way exactly the same |
991s | way yeah |
994s | um but this can also be raided not for |
997s | the pi but for the the resources uh |
1001s | specifically the superionic ice and the |
1003s | magmatic gas yes yeah yeah um how does |
1007s | the The Raid take place sure so I mean |
1009s | the first thing to to note is that you |
1011s | really want to pay attention to the lava |
1013s | and Ice planets yes cuz those are the |
1016s | raidable yeah you can't raid the ones |
1018s | with the work for you can't just go and |
1020s | steal work force from one place and then |
1023s | y them you can't take power either the |
1026s | rable part are the ones on the ice and |
1029s | lava planets and I know this slide here |
1031s | says all kinds of things about |
1032s | notifications this might get get pulled |
1035s | out just to clarify M uh but the the |
1038s | flow of actually starting the raid is is |
1041s | basically locked in you have to shoot |
1042s | the shield can talk a little bit about |
1044s | that yeah sure so essentially you need |
1046s | to you need to bring a ship that can do |
1048s | enough DPS s to bring the the shield |
1050s | down to 10% Y at that point we then look |
1054s | at more of an ESS style heist where you |
1056s | link to the sky hook itself yes from |
1060s | there you then have to stay within a 30 |
1063s | km range yeah you can also you can't be |
1065s | cloaked at this point as well um you are |
1068s | you have a debuff put on you which is |
1071s | that you can't warp you can't cloak um |
1074s | you can't do any sort of like hyinks |
1076s | like ejecting or using filaments that |
1078s | kind of thing um there's also a speed |
1081s | limit that's put on the ship of a th000 |
1084s | meters a second this is essentially to |
1086s | try and of we we're kind of maybe a |
1089s | little bit more game mechanically but we |
1090s | just want to make sure that we're not |
1091s | like putting in speed tanking like H |
1095s | Jinks happening also that if someone is |
1097s | robbing it and linked to it that if you |
1100s | show up that they just don't burn off at |
1101s | like 12K or something ridiculous and |
1103s | then just with the ESS robbing there are |
1106s | limitations you have to go in you can |
1108s | only go in as Cruiser battle cruiser |
1109s | Battleship correct yeah and you can only |
1111s | use afterburners in that bubble this |
1114s | won't be a dead space grid this will |
1116s | just be a grid on the planet next to the |
1118s | the Skyhook Y when you link to it once |
1121s | you've and and the shooting of The |
1122s | Shield this is so that people don't show |
1124s | up in like an unted stabber like they do |
1126s | with the esess right exactly um but |
1129s | there is another thing that happens when |
1130s | you link yes which is that because you |
1134s | get all these debuff debuffs on you you |
1136s | you can't warp off once you're linked to |
1138s | it uh it's a 30 km radius you have to |
1141s | stay in sight like you said you can't |
1142s | cloak can't eject can't do any of those |
1144s | hyinks but a Sino Jammer goes up yes so |
1148s | you can't be immediately dropped on by a |
1150s | bunch of capitals can you talk about |
1151s | that a little bit yeah sure so this is |
1153s | something I mean we're still in the |
1155s | process of like looking into this a |
1156s | little bit because there there have been |
1158s | some like because we've been working |
1159s | with the CSM quite heavily a huge amount |
1162s | oh yeah incredible I have to say it's |
1164s | just because you mentioned them like the |
1166s | summit and every week like I I I only |
1171s | have to say that I'm proud of the work |
1172s | that they've done with you guys so far |
1173s | it's been like crazy how much work |
1175s | they've put into this absolutely and |
1176s | they they've been like really |
1177s | enthusiastic and G us really good |
1179s | feedback so like I've been super happy |
1181s | with that collaboration 100% um yeah so |
1184s | the idea of be is that we want to avoid |
1186s | just instant hot dropping and ruining |
1190s | the experience so we thought about the |
1192s | idea of having essentially a sinur field |
1195s | like the or cural jamming field around |
1199s | the Skyhook for the duration of the the |
1202s | um the heist happening and the heist |
1203s | takes about 10 minutes is that right |
1205s | about that yeah we haven't nailed down |
1206s | exactly but but kind of that's where |
1208s | we're sort of leaning towards um and |
1211s | essentially it just it just means that |
1212s | there's more there's more content that |
1215s | can happen on the smaller scale rather |
1216s | than going to a larger scale I it |
1218s | doesn't mean to say that you couldn't |
1220s | like warp Capitals in if you wanted to |
1222s | you could bring them in from a different |
1223s | angle but then you have to deal with |
1224s | maybe Bubbles and stuff exactly so if |
1226s | you dink mhm can you then leave or are |
1230s | you stuck on that grid for 10 minutes uh |
1233s | you I believe that's still to be |
1237s | determined like we're we're still sort |
1238s | of trying to figure out but when it |
1239s | comes to the soo Jammer I believe when |
1241s | you unlink the soo Jammer goes down so |
1244s | you could technically keep the the thing |
1247s | and and play around with maybe turning |
1248s | it on and off there have been all kinds |
1250s | of discussions around that but I know |
1252s | need balancing gun but this is the thing |
1254s | like this the sosur jamming is one of |
1256s | these like this why we need to talk to |
1259s | assments why we need to talk to players |
1260s | and get feedback such a like it it's a |
1264s | really good game mechanic but it also |
1266s | interacts with so many different things |
1268s | that we want to make sure that we're |
1270s | like taking the right step on that sort |
1271s | of stuff |
1272s | 100% um we're talking actually to to CCB |
1275s | Swift about this early today about you |
1278s | could use this technically to to move |
1281s | capitals and supers and then turn on the |
1283s | soo Jammer and suddenly you've gone into |
1285s | system but you could do that with a |
1287s | anchorable Soo Jammer too like |
1290s | there's but yeah there it definitely |
1292s | needs to be discussed and and and |
1294s | thought about no precisely um but what |
1297s | you would be doing when you raid this is |
1300s | you're trying to get the ice or you're |
1302s | trying to get the lava or the gas right |
1304s | yeah uh why would you go through that |
1307s | well the idea is is that it it's a |
1310s | valuable resource that as uh as a raidar |
1314s | you can sell on yourself like you could |
1316s | in theory take it for your own |
1319s | sovereignty if you wanted to but there's |
1321s | also the ability to sell it on the |
1322s | market so it becomes it becomes uh like |
1326s | not only is it sort of engaging gameplay |
1327s | and it's also a little bit more fun in |
1329s | terms of hit and run but then you can |
1331s | get rewarded for it you get money for it |
1332s | yeah so it's sort of um like it just |
1335s | gives you that objective to to do in |
1338s | space we're going to talk as well next |
1340s | week a little bit because we don't know |
1342s | about the sizes of these things |
1344s | obviously you're it's different than an |
1345s | ESS Robin because an es token is Tiny |
1348s | yeah and you can have that in any kind |
1349s | of ship this is going to be a little |
1351s | bulkier right uh but we're going to wait |
1354s | until next week until we talked about |
1355s | the new ships a little bit more in depth |
1357s | uh but I'm very excited about those two |
1360s | um are you happy with how we've |
1362s | explained the Skyhook rating so far I |
1364s | think so so let's move on from the sky |
1368s | hook what do we want to talk about next |
1369s | I think this is a good segue into um the |
1373s | metox Mind drill because you said you |
1376s | could Rob the gas and you could use that |
1379s | because you're going to need those |
1381s | resources to power the mo drill correct |
1383s | yes let's first of all talk about what |
1385s | this is MHM well essentially it's |
1388s | bringing passive Moon mining back yes |
1391s | that's that's what we want to do with |
1393s | this with this structure the idea is is |
1395s | that um it is super fun to get together |
1398s | when you when you've cracked a moon and |
1401s | mine out the moongo yeah um but we also |
1404s | realize that there is a lot of value in |
1406s | just the the passive nature of being |
1409s | able to extract those resources yes so |
1411s | the idea is is that we want to give |
1412s | players that choice now so you can |
1414s | either go with the high efficiency |
1417s | cracking the moon and getting all your |
1419s | players into to mine that or you can set |
1422s | down this structure activate it and it |
1424s | will just passively at a like lower |
1427s | efficiency but generate and refine those |
1430s | resources for you yeah and that's an |
1432s | important distinction these can't be |
1433s | side by side next to an athor you have |
1435s | to choose if you want to have an athanor |
1437s | that has a moon Poole which you then |
1439s | physically mine M and I think groups are |
1442s | going to do this very differently some |
1443s | groups that have lots of members who |
1445s | enjoy going out and their income stream |
1447s | is mining they will still want to retain |
1450s | the ability to go mining our 64s and 32s |
1454s | but maybe those lower end moons that |
1455s | don't really get touched maybe you want |
1458s | to slap a few of these on them yeah |
1459s | absolutely uh on the other side of that |
1461s | coin there could be PVP focus groups |
1464s | that have kind of been starved of this |
1467s | sort of income for a long time |
1470s | uh who wouldn't physically M it |
1472s | themselves M they might want to do the |
1474s | opposite they might want to take areas |
1476s | and put these down on the really |
1478s | valuable mod yeah um let's talk a little |
1481s | bit |
1482s | about what we're may be hoping to get in |
1484s | when it comes to the the reinforcement |
1486s | flow of this I know that this is again |
1488s | with a grain of salt this could all |
1490s | change but we're hoping to get a uh no |
1495s | damage cap on these mhm uh with a manual |
1498s | repair cycle yes kind of like the old |
1501s | passage yeah now this might get changed |
1503s | this might end up just being a normal |
1505s | structure with the flex reinforcement |
1507s | Cycles but if it were to go this way mhm |
1509s | let's talk about what that would look |
1510s | like yeah sure so I mean essentially the |
1513s | the the default right now is we want to |
1515s | go with um the standard uh Citadel |
1518s | mechanics when it comes to repairing but |
1521s | one thing that we've been thinking about |
1522s | and one thing we want to experiment with |
1524s | is essentially bringing back a little |
1526s | bit of the old like P repairing field |
1529s | yes where it's like you your uh |
1532s | structure can be hit and this is more |
1534s | just specifically for the metano mut |
1535s | we're not bringing this to this would |
1537s | only be for the the this structure fical |
1540s | there is nothing to do with the sky |
1541s | hooks they would have their own yeah |
1543s | yeah no exactly but the idea would be is |
1545s | that we um we would have to rather than |
1548s | it just automatically repairing the idea |
1550s | would be is that once the structures |
1552s | become reinforced now when the structure |
1554s | does become reinforced all of the all of |
1556s | the materials in it become locked in yes |
1558s | you can't you can't take them out which |
1560s | means that if you hit someone's uh Moon |
1562s | mining structure and there's 20 days of |
1564s | of moon go there you want to come back |
1567s | and and hit that let's actually pivot |
1569s | right now to the uh we had questions |
1571s | from lots of people what does a short |
1572s | reinforc reinforcement cycle actually |
1574s | mean well a short reinforcement cycle I |
1577s | mean it can vary but essentially is sort |
1579s | of between like the two hours and the 25 |
1582s | hours yeah it's it's it can be within |
1584s | that it's not like a a a 15 minute type |
1587s | thing and it's not going to like a two |
1589s | we thing or a onee thing it's |
1590s | essentially between the two hours and 20 |
1592s | 25 hour reinforcement window and it |
1595s | depends on when they've set their |
1596s | structures their time zone that that |
1598s | should come out in so if you if you know |
1600s | that some group always has their |
1602s | structures in a certain time zone you |
1603s | could show up early one day yep attack |
1606s | them a couple hours before and then be |
1608s | able to hit these things again MH in and |
1611s | just kill them like five hours later Y |
1614s | in other cases you might hit them and |
1616s | have a timer like you say 20 25 is hours |
1619s | later so these going to be fairly you |
1621s | have to you have to kind of be there to |
1623s | to defend and and you know make sure |
1625s | they don't go down |
1626s | absolutely um as you said well in low |
1630s | power or reinforced the resources are |
1632s | locked in there MH um if it does end up |
1635s | having no damage cap would it have more |
1638s | Shield than a normal structure I I think |
1640s | in terms of structure we were sort of in |
1642s | the in the range of a medium structure |
1644s | in general like in terms of the HP like |
1647s | that's kind of where we're thinking |
1649s | um and the reason for this isn't it so |
1651s | people might feel inclined to maybe put |
1653s | a dread or two uh and and get that type |
1655s | of game back but but this this wouldn't |
1658s | have any tether no docking no weapons |
1662s | nothing like that nothing like that so |
1664s | you have to show up uh and and defend |
1666s | this on your own or with your group |
1668s | obviously yeah um another thing with |
1673s | it I know I had something else I wanted |
1675s | to talk about with it oh yeah if it ends |
1678s | up being something that you manually |
1679s | repair MH um then whether you repair |
1683s | either armor or Shield it would get |
1685s | fixed that's somewhat the idea of so it |
1688s | doesn't shoehorn you into a shield |
1689s | wrapping Fleet every time you're |
1691s | repairing one of these you could show up |
1692s | maybe with an armor Fleet and if you |
1694s | repair the armor to full it would then |
1695s | fix again this might not end up this way |
1699s | but but fingers crossed right for sure I |
1703s | know uh there's been lot of talk about |
1705s | this in the in the CSM uh back and forth |
1708s | and |
1709s | so I'm very passionate about this um |
1713s | okay I think we covered the metox moon |
1717s | drill yeah we have all kinds of other |
1719s | questions as well that we kind of just |
1720s | want to |
1721s | cover the community just had like a |
1723s | million questions after the video after |
1726s | the we've been like very diligently |
1729s | trying to gather DMS and just everything |
1732s | we see we go oh yeah maybe we need to |
1733s | clarify these let me just run |
1735s | through transitional period for sa we've |
1738s | covered this yes if we recap this how |
1740s | long will people have to decide if they |
1742s | want to opt into this or if they want to |
1744s | you know immediately jump on this so the |
1747s | idea is the transition period is between |
1749s | the expansion day and the next expansion |
1752s | day so they'll have like half a year |
1754s | essentially essentially of of deciding |
1756s | when they want to give their members all |
1758s | these good new things right push your |
1760s | push your leaders |
1761s | to I mean you're not going to sit there |
1763s | and not have all the good news stuff |
1765s | right no exactly um we talked about the |
1768s | esess grid mechanics and how it diffence |
1770s | the Skyhook y uh the robbing and the |
1772s | differences there mhm we've covered the |
1774s | moon drill uh versus active mining that |
1777s | they can't be on the same place y uh |
1780s | mining dungeon size actually we didn't |
1782s | talk about that one of the upgrades that |
1784s | we're going to have MH uh you talked a |
1786s | little bit more about the the new combat |
1788s | anomalies but the new mining ones uh |
1792s | they're going to be quite large are they |
1793s | yes both the rocks and the size of the |
1796s | actual the belts yeah absolutely um one |
1799s | of the one of the sort of design |
1801s | principles that we wanted to bring in is |
1803s | almost like uh the the Locust mining |
1805s | fleets of old yeah where you start from |
1807s | one end of the belt and you move all the |
1809s | way to the other end and the idea is |
1810s | that they're so large that you can |
1812s | actually walk within them so they're |
1814s | they're you know something in the region |
1816s | of like two to 300 kilometers long which |
1818s | means that like you can there's there's |
1820s | a lot of gameplay there that can happen |
1822s | but the idea is is that they're more |
1823s | sort of they're massive but they're also |
1825s | really long which and you'll also feel |
1827s | that progression as you're |
1828s | through all of these on one end you're |
1831s | working your way through the belt the |
1832s | whole way and it it also it feels really |
1836s | nice because then if you want to bring |
1837s | in something like a like a capital yeah |
1840s | like say a rock you have to move the |
1842s | rock or you have to move the Ora around |
1844s | yeah because you can't just like stamp |
1846s | in the middle and then like you've only |
1849s | got a limited amount that you can go |
1850s | because obviously the range of the |
1851s | drones or whatever so it's like you |
1853s | actually have to move your Fleet and I |
1855s | think that's really cool like as a as a |
1858s | concept people have been been doing this |
1859s | a lot in in poin too where they because |
1861s | they're the really big sites as well but |
1863s | you can't warp in between a lot of them |
1865s | but they're the people move them around |
1867s | with like mjd Des which is really cool |
1869s | cool yeah um replacing custom officers |
1873s | we've talked about that mhm uh there was |
1875s | one question here if a TCU and an ihob |
1878s | belong to different alliances MH uh can |
1881s | we assume that the ihob owner would be |
1883s | the one cuz the tiu really doesn't do |
1885s | much at the moment so if you're the one |
1887s | if you're the alliance for some whatever |
1889s | reason if two different groups it was a |
1892s | question I I blame them I guess it can |
1895s | happen yeah I mean the idea is that the |
1897s | the owner of the ihub ihub would become |
1899s | the owner of the the sof Hub which will |
1901s | now be the sof Hub and they'll become |
1902s | the owner yeah yes and to clarify that |
1904s | again when June 11 hits all tcus and |
1909s | ihubs are going to go away yeah and the |
1912s | subhub is going to become it's going to |
1914s | just appear at a at a place in space |
1917s | yeah I'm not going to say exactly where |
1920s | but people will decide if they want to |
1922s | click the button yes her on new system |
1925s | correct yes so yeah it will the ihubs |
1929s | and tcus are going away on on the |
1932s | expansion day but you will still be in |
1934s | the old mode yeah the old system until |
1937s | you decide yes I want to do this there |
1940s | were some questions regarding this like |
1942s | if you had both up would there be some |
1944s | stacking benefit and none none of that |
1946s | stuff none of that nonsense uh gas |
1949s | planets had some questions I don't think |
1950s | we mentioned gas planets much are they |
1952s | going to be tied into the power of |
1954s | systems yes yeah gas planets are the are |
1956s | the underp they I think we maybe just |
1958s | missed talking about it when we yeah so |
1960s | I mean essentially gas planets are the |
1963s | most abundant planet in the universe um |
1965s | the idea is is that they do will provide |
1967s | Power but they are going to provide a |
1969s | low amount of power yeah so that because |
1971s | of their abundance it wouldn't make |
1973s | sense to make them super valuable no so |
1975s | the idea is they're a power generator it |
1977s | means that you you can systems that have |
1980s | like 12 gas giants they can you can do |
1983s | something with it you know there is |
1985s | something you're really hoping for the |
1987s | plasma ones nice lava planet right |
1990s | exactly um what else do some upgrades |
1994s | still require adms no they do not can we |
1998s | talk a little bit about that sure so the |
2000s | ADM system uh is still a thing it's |
2002s | still going to be a thing in the new |
2003s | system however we're decoupling the |
2006s | requirements for s upgrad and the ADM so |
2009s | you don't have to get the ADM to a |
2010s | certain level to be able to install a |
2012s | software upgrade all s upgrades will be |
2014s | available to to plug in and install |
2017s | it'll just rely on the amount of power |
2019s | Workforce in that system exactly yeah |
2022s | awesome um I think we covered how many |
2025s | cubic meters roughly we can talk about |
2026s | that a little bit next time about the |
2028s | the the size of the stuff in the sky |
2030s | hooks yeah I'm I'm hesitant to give more |
2033s | details about that one because it's sort |
2035s | of we we're still we'll strike that one |
2036s | up yeah we're still balancing there |
2039s | um we talked about how long is a short |
2041s | reinforce cycle for for these mhm um |
2045s | someone said they still don't understand |
2047s | Sky hooks uh the Poco part do they need |
2050s | that first no we covered that one as |
2052s | well um who can access the SV interface |
2056s | that's a really good one can anyone see |
2058s | the SV upgrades that are installed so |
2061s | yes and no okay so the idea is that uh |
2065s | with the with the sof Hub there is a |
2066s | component which is that the the upgrades |
2070s | are visual on the soft hubit itself yes |
2072s | you can so these things you're seeing |
2074s | these aren't just the the they are the |
2077s | upgrades so you can go to it and look at |
2079s | it and be like oh this has that this has |
2081s | these upgrades in it is that exactly is |
2084s | that what you you want people to |
2085s | physically go there look at it with |
2086s | their eyeballs and go ah yeah they have |
2088s | these upgrades exactly but as for the |
2090s | actual interface itself and also making |
2092s | a decision that's purely based on the |
2094s | cor roles yeah so you know as as the |
2097s | standard ihub um uh Corp rols work now |
2102s | they work with the new sofware uh will |
2104s | it be the same for the sky hooks as well |
2107s | as in seeing how much is in them like |
2110s | will you know that that oh this one here |
2112s | is is ripe for for attacking and robbing |
2115s | because when it comes to ESS robbing you |
2117s | can always see that oh that system three |
2119s | jumps away has 100 Mil in it so I'm |
2122s | going to take the time to go there mhm |
2124s | um for this you'll see somewhere oh this |
2127s | this |
2128s | ice sky hook is worth robbing right now |
2131s | yeah correct yeah perfect I don't really |
2134s | have any more I'm sure there's other |
2136s | questions I think we covered for the |
2138s | most part what I wanted to yeah do you |
2140s | think I've forgotten to ask you about |
2142s | something I don't think so I think that |
2144s | pretty much covers everything at least |
2146s | everything for for this particular |
2148s | segment I know there's way more that's |
2149s | happening in Equinox yeah yeah this is |
2151s | this is the first of like if you guys |
2153s | remember how the last three expansions |
2155s | took place we had weekly video block vog |
2159s | stream uh but we dove into each part |
2162s | this is just the first one so there's uh |
2164s | next week we're going to talk about |
2165s | ships the week after wait and see what |
2168s | we're talking about there um I'm really |
2171s | happy with the amount that we managed to |
2172s | talk about just again grain of salt some |
2176s | or much of this could still pivot and |
2178s | change MH but this is what we're hoping |
2180s | to get out correct yes um I know you're |
2184s | incredibly busy these days so I'm not |
2185s | going to take any more of your time I'm |
2187s | just going to thank you so much for |
2188s | coming on the stream and giving |
2189s | everybody time of course happy to do it |
2192s | and yeah good luck I hope you managed to |
2194s | get all of this in thank you thank you I |
2197s | think with that we're going to call it |
2198s | here uh and we'll see you guys next week |
2201s | uh thank you and and yeah goodbye yeah |