almost 3 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

9s all right hello fan fest what's up y'all
13s having fun
15s man last night
17s got to prepare for tonight but last
18s night was fun tonight's gonna be better
20s um but i'm tor volderoos here to talk
22s about streaming and eve online
24s um i sat through one of these
25s presentations a couple years ago
28s it inspired me man it was the coolest
29s thing um talk a bit more about that but
32s here's my uh
34s is that working
37s my button's not working
42s all right there we go all right so quick
44s about me just the history of eve um i
46s started playing in 2009
49s done everything except for wormhole that
50s stuff kind of scares me sorry wormholes
52s it's just
54s but everything else i've done so i've
55s been around been around the block but as
57s i said e vegas 2018 that was my first
59s ever eve event
61s um it was incredible the community was
63s awesome had a blast and uh there's two
65s people who got up on stage and they did
67s a presentation on streaming
69s and streaming always fascinated me like
71s it just you know watching streamers the
73s community it was incredible
75s and uh rayden harmon and miss moses they
77s got up on stage and gave that
78s presentation that inspired me to get up
80s and go live myself
82s so after e vegas 2018 i started
84s streaming started doing abyssal stuff
86s that's a lot of fun and eve a lot of fun
88s this stream
89s yeah those two i owe a lot too they got
91s me into this and it's been about three
93s years now
95s and you know from streaming i served on
97s csm15 i was able to get my vision about
100s faction warfare out
102s really talking about how much i loved it
103s so ended up on csm15 and hopefully csm17
106s so uh
107s if y'all are voting this year
110s ah that's working cool
112s but what is streaming so if you didn't
114s know streaming it's just broadcasting
115s your game play
117s nothing complicated you know um you can
119s do it on platforms such as youtube
121s twitch facebook gaming those are the
122s three main ones but
124s um
125s i think there's a couple other side ones
127s but not really you know those three
128s you'll typically see
131s but why watch streams why stream
133s there's multiple different reasons
136s entertainment so
138s just like watching a tv show if you're
139s watching you know you're watching a
140s streamer you're gonna have some good
142s laughs a lot of crazy stuff happen in
144s games sometimes stuff that you maybe
145s can't do yourself
147s um or that you don't want to do because
148s it seems kind of bizarre like that
150s wormhole stuff i was talking about
151s there's some really good wormhole
152s streamers
153s you go out there watch them it's
154s entertaining um
156s educational this is one of my favorite
158s ones because
159s you know whenever you're trying to
160s figure something out in the game
162s say it's like you know especially eve
164s how complicated it is
166s learning from a streamer is it's kind of
168s like it's better than going to like a
169s youtube video or website article
172s sometimes because you can like sit there
173s and have that one-on-one interaction
175s where you're like you know you watch a
176s video you have a couple questions
178s you're watching a streamer you can sit
180s there and just talk to them and they can
181s literally point on the screen and show
183s you what they're doing and so that's one
184s of the things that i love about
185s streaming and love watching streams
187s because when i'm trying to figure
188s something out man uh urslag you all ever
190s watch him he is a great streamer pve
193s wormholes he does all of it
195s i went went to him and trying to watch
196s some wormhole stuff to figure out i
198s still can't do it but i was able to ask
199s some questions and that was cool is that
200s interaction that one-on-one interaction
202s stuff
204s events
205s so if you all didn't know this event
207s what's up twitch chat i don't know where
208s the camera is but how you all doing at
210s home
211s all these events
212s they're all streamed
214s so the real life events
216s just like eve uh the eve world tour
217s events back in 2019
220s that all those were streams so ccp was
222s traveling around the world and even
224s though we all couldn't get to those we
226s could still watch them through twitch it
227s was incredible and that's another one uh
229s stream fleet was there they
232s busted their butt to live stream that
234s entire event all those events traveling
235s with ccp did an incredible job worked
238s hard and so all of us around the world
240s through streaming was able to watch
242s these events which is incredible
244s but not just real life events
246s there's also in-game events that
248s you know we all can't take part of but
251s through streaming we're able to watch
253s these events um
255s january of 2020. y'all remember what
258s happened
259s big battle
261s you remember that one not everyone could
262s take part in that one right what wasn't
263s that what was that one in january the
265s big war you can tell me
268s m2
269s that's right that one was everyone who
270s here was able to participate in that
274s dang a lot more than i thought
276s wow okay it was a big there's like 8 000
278s people in that right
280s well there was 33 000 people at one
282s point watching that battle on twitch
285s how cool was that that's an event
287s in-game that we all can't take part of
288s man you can watch the action
290s not always the most exciting but you can
292s see what's happening in real time
294s without even being there
296s um
297s community so
300s through these real life events like this
302s you really see the community come out
304s twitch is just like that it's you know
306s we kind of have like
307s in eve we have we stick with on our
309s alliance and corpse right you got to
311s stay within your like social groups
313s twitch kind of like breaks that down
314s right oh sorry i gotta hold that closer
318s microphone's getting away from me um
320s twitch kind of like breaks down those
321s barriers
323s um it really
326s you talk to people you normally wouldn't
327s interact with whether it's the streamer
329s other people in chat you know i know
330s i've made a lot of friends for
332s i know in my chat i've had goons and
334s tests sitting there talking and they're
335s best friends
337s that happens all kinds of alliances so
340s those community parts um or the
342s community aspect of twitch is really
344s cool
345s one of my personal favorites charity
348s y'all
349s if you've ever seen any of the streamers
350s they do some streamers do their
352s individual charity events right
354s i know
356s streamfleet's done a couple individual
358s streamers they set up their own events
359s where if you have something that's near
360s and dear to you that you want to raise
362s money for you can go live and you can
364s raise money for that um
367s judge sarn anyone ever watch judge sean
370s fly drunk
371s that man all the money he makes from
373s streaming which you can make money from
374s streaming he takes all of his revenue
376s from streaming gives it to a charity
378s and that's just one person so if there's
380s something that you're really interested
382s in you can raise money for it um
385s then there's the massive ones plex for
387s good we just had that recently for
389s ukraine man streamers we come out of the
391s woodworks whenever plexford good comes
393s out you know the community really gives
395s streamers we kind of see that as an
397s opportunity for like hey let's use our
399s abilities to like
400s encourage people to give more um
404s you know we all set up our little fun
405s events where hey if we reach this amount
408s then i'll do something crazy in game in
410s real life who knows
412s um yeah charity streaming and charity
415s they go really well together and we
416s could we've always raised a lot of money
418s just from streaming um
421s the last one there advertising kind of
422s like a strange one like wow money really
425s not talking about the revenue streaming
426s you can make money but when i'm talking
428s about advertising in this context
430s it's about showing off eve um
434s i don't have any official metrics for
435s this but a lot of people i'll talk to
437s when they're trying to find out about a
439s specific game
440s they'll go to twitch and they'll just go
442s and they scroll through and they'll look
443s for that game on twitch
445s click on it and whatever they see that's
447s uh
448s that's their image of the game that's
450s what they think so streaming is a really
452s good way to advertise a game
454s um
455s recently you all might have seen some
457s streamers from outside the eve community
459s come in that's worked with ccp to get
460s that email to other people
462s that's you know pretty popular to do
464s nowadays and that gets the eye that gets
466s eve
467s into other people's vision who normally
469s wouldn't see it so
470s a lot of cool opportunity there for you
472s to show off eve you know if your
473s streamers show off eve to people who
474s wouldn't see it normally
477s um here are some statistics from
479s solinome uh it's a there's a couple
481s different website that tracks the
483s twitch statistics um these were kind of
486s numbers that i saw and they blew me away
487s so
488s um you may be wondering like
490s people really watch streams a lot of
492s people watch eve you know it's not one
494s of the more it's not as popular as some
495s of the big ones but in 2021 there are 5
498s million 77
500s 124
502s hours watched
504s there's the hours broadcasted throughout
507s the day average viewership 579 people
510s average channels 20
512s max viewers in 2021 was uh 33 000 people
516s it's that big fight we talked about
517s that's a lot of people if you go on
519s twitch's page and you start at the top
520s and you look at how many viewers
522s different games have eve was at 33 000
525s at one point
526s it's wild and then here's the one that
528s really blew my mind broadcasters
530s in 2021 there were 5 250 different
533s streamers streaming eve
536s not all at once it's like spread out
537s throughout the year um that's a lot more
539s than i thought because you know in my
540s mind i think of like 20 25 streamers off
542s the top my head but there was that many
544s people that streamed eve in
545s 2021 that's wild um yeah that one just
549s kind of blew me away
551s um so what do you need to get started
553s any of you all interested in streaming
554s um it's kind of like the
557s you don't know what you know it's kind
558s of a big thing to jump into but really
560s all you need is a computer and an
562s internet connection uh hopefully a good
565s one you can work with a bad internet
566s connection but it's a little tough to do
568s um
570s yeah that's all you need
571s and then figure out what you want to
572s stream
573s so there's a lot of different things eve
575s is a huge game a lot of variety a lot of
578s stuff to stream
579s um and we have
580s we have streamers for everything and i
582s literally found that out doing this i
583s was like man did someone stream that
585s found someone who does so
586s find out what you want to do get into it
589s um and then not only that but streaming
591s is your own personal like creative space
594s so
595s you don't have to do what everyone else
596s does be unique it's your way to just
599s express yourself sorry i keep forgetting
601s the mic
602s um it's your way to express yourself
604s right so when you're setting up your
605s page however you want to do it your
607s stream
608s you know you can have your camera upside
609s down on top of the screen it's you do
611s what you want you know if you even want
613s a camera so it's up to you
615s um but think of things that you've seen
617s in other streams
619s and either integrate or don't integrate
621s that in tears when i started streaming i
623s you know i thought about streams that i
624s saw i was like man
625s i really wish they did this way or i
627s really like the way they did that so i
629s think about that you know you're not
630s copying you're just taking ideas and
633s taking what you like and putting it in
634s your own way um
637s this one's kind of a tough one schedule
639s so
640s when you're starting out and streaming
641s just just jump into it you know don't
643s worry too much about a schedule but a
644s schedule really helps think about a tv
647s show you watch you know it comes on
649s every wednesday every wednesday at noon
650s right
651s so kind of think about that that makes
653s it easier for people if they enjoy
655s watching you and you know they want to
656s like i want to see this guy get get on
658s there and get blown up 12 times they
660s know that they can go to your stream
661s wednesday at noon like that tv show
663s so schedule really helps not necessarily
666s but
667s consider that
670s but what you'll need to have a good
671s quality stream so
673s i started out and found out a lot of
675s things really quickly i was inspired to
677s stream raiden miss moses i was like yeah
679s i'm gonna do it this could be awesome
681s i could have fried an egg on my computer
683s it was bad um
685s but i would i would suggest a good
687s stream where you don't have you know the
689s capability to burn yourself um a good
691s computer midge rate mid-range you don't
693s need no like five thousand dollar
695s computer anything crazy like that um i
697s have some of the specs listed there
698s that's just basic you know if
701s if you can run eve at you know good
703s graphics then your computer can most
704s likely handle streaming but make sure
705s your computer you know make sure you can
707s have the game going how you want it
709s and the stream running
711s um
713s don't set yourself on fire but you want
715s that smooth stream if you have a smooth
717s good quality stream people are more
718s likely to watch it and enjoy it because
721s you want to be able to see what's going
722s on right
723s um
724s these next couple of these are
725s subjective there are people who do stuff
726s without cameras and microphones it is
728s completely viable you do not have to put
729s your face up there you don't have to
731s have your voice on there you can i've
733s seen some really awesome streamers even
734s in the eve community
736s don't know what they look like don't
737s know what their voice sounds like but
738s when they go live i love watching them
740s because they're just cool to talk to
743s but camera
745s honestly any camera will do you don't
747s need to go and buy like some 200
749s plus studio camera um one thing i
752s learned and this was crazy to me
753s lighting that's it
755s you could have a crappy camera if you
757s have good lighting that camera looks
759s amazing um see
761s if you're thinking about getting into it
762s you really want a camera don't go and
763s buy expensive stuff
765s start start
766s lower build your way up but the cheap
768s stuff will do
770s microphone really helps especially if
771s you're doing stuff i mean obviously if
773s you're doing stuff with a fleet
775s you're going to need you're going to
776s need a microphone right but
779s stuff like camera and microphone really
781s helps
782s kind of connect with people you know
784s that's kind of what sets streaming apart
785s from just watching a video game you're
787s seeing the person you're interacting
789s with them you're seeing their reactions
790s you're you know you hear every little
792s thing that's going on hopefully if
794s they're eating or something get a
795s microphone that has a mute button
797s highly recommend that because you don't
798s want people hearing you eating like
799s potato chips or anything crazy like that
801s so
803s mute button on the mic
804s important um yeah camera microphone um
808s two monitors
809s streaming with one monitor it's you know
812s i've streamed with some very bare
814s minimal stuff but two monitors helps
817s more than you would know um i think eve
818s players
819s i think most of us probably already have
821s more than two monitors so it's kind of
822s funny that i'm putting this in here
823s because it's like
825s duh
826s but two monitors goes a long way
828s mainly
829s you've got your game over here you've
830s got your stream stuff over here
832s it makes it easier you want you want to
834s be able to see everything that's going
835s on
836s [Music]
837s the chat and everything you want to be
838s able to see stream if you have one
840s monitor and you can see the game but you
842s can't see what's going on stream you
843s have no clue what's going on on that
844s stream you could have hit a button and
845s next thing you know your
847s you know your background's being
848s streamed your audio's off and it's wild
850s so highly recommend two monitors but
853s typically players have that so
855s you're already almost there
857s all right so extra stuff to make your
858s stream unique um
861s as i mentioned earlier streaming is like
863s your space to do your thing right
866s so this is kind of things that i've
867s learned over the time
869s that really helped me either make my
870s streaming life easier or just make it
873s more fun more interactive
875s um first thing on there elgato stream
876s deck that's the great even if you're not
878s a streamer get one of those that thing
880s is cool i don't know if you all ever
881s seen there's an eve player who set it up
883s to where the elgato stream deck had like
885s approach orbit you know and all the
887s buttons associated and you can hotkey
889s those so even if you're not a streamer
890s highly recommend that thing that thing's
892s awesome
893s but make streaming life so much easier
895s or really anything you know you can
897s assign hotkeys because there's a lot of
898s buttons and stuff that go on when you
899s start streaming depending on how you do
901s your stuff so anything with hotkeys but
903s that was my personal one um graphics
906s now you don't have to go and like
909s pay someone to do your graphics or
910s anything crazy like that you can
911s literally just
913s make it up put a little smiley face
915s whatever you want you know just
917s however you want to do it this is your
918s space to stream
919s [Music]
921s you can set up you know gifts
923s for if something happens say your ship
925s explodes and you have a little
927s you hit a little button and a gift pops
928s up on screen on screen that stuff is fun
931s and then on top of that
933s sounds
934s images and sounds
936s they're fun to go together i don't know
937s you ever go into a stream and you've
939s there's even ability for you know the
941s people watching to make stuff happen on
943s the stream
944s that's fun like i know i enjoy that when
946s i go into a stream so think about that
947s kind of stuff
948s integrating that into your stream if you
950s decide to do it
952s yeah creativity follow eve's rules
954s follow twitch's rules
956s have fun with it
958s all right so what can you stream um as i
961s said earlier
962s eve is massive there's i mean you all
964s know that there's a lot of stuff you can
966s do and if you can do it you can stream
968s it and you can make it fun
970s here's a couple different things
973s you know one thing i did you know how
974s we're talking about earlier you can
976s stream anything
977s you can stream ganking that's kind of
979s pvp i should have put ganking its own
981s little special category but we got a
982s couple ganking streamers
984s incredible people you always think
985s gankers are bad guys you go to these
987s streams you're best friends with the
988s ganker
990s zayn is the seth
992s yeah
993s there he is
995s yeah but here's all the different things
996s in eve you can stream and here's a
997s couple of the different eve streamers
999s hopefully some of you all have seen
1000s these guys
1001s um there's quite a few around the uh
1003s around this event
1005s they're just people who decided that you
1007s want i'm gonna hit go live
1009s and play my you know
1011s people are going to watch me
1012s um there earlier i said there's 5 250
1016s streamers right
1017s this is just like what 20 so there are
1019s so many more this is just the ones i
1021s went through and picked out you know
1023s from like the top you know most active
1025s the past couple days but
1027s yeah there's a lot you can stream
1028s there's a lot of different streamers so
1029s if you want to get into streaming
1031s hop in ask any one of these people i
1033s know all these people they're great
1034s people if you have a question
1036s more than happy to answer it um
1039s yeah all those different things you can
1040s stream and eve
1042s talk shows market pvp um i think that's
1045s one of the things that's unique about
1046s eve is that you can literally not dock
1050s or not undock
1052s and you can have an entire show and we
1053s see that through the talk shows and eve
1055s that's pretty unique
1057s music that's awesome
1059s all right so you want to stream you
1061s figured out what you want to stream you
1062s have all your equipment
1064s you don't just hit the go live button
1066s there's a lot that goes into it
1068s it can be as simple or as complicated as
1071s you want it to be
1072s and as long as you do this as long as
1074s you do the steps
1076s to make sure that you're checking
1077s everything you have a hopefully pretty
1081s flawless execution
1083s but i've definitely learned this the
1084s hard way making sure all this stuff is
1086s good to go um yeah you don't just simply
1088s hit the go live button
1090s updating all your programs so depending
1092s on how your stream is what you've got
1094s going on in it
1095s music programs all that you want to make
1097s sure everything is up to date
1099s because you don't want to be hitting the
1100s go live button and then launching
1101s something like oh man it's got to update
1104s that sucks i've had it happen it's
1105s embarrassing
1108s then once you update everything
1110s you got to make sure all your settings
1111s are good when i first started streaming
1114s i think i streamed in 720p for like four
1116s months
1117s until i finally realized oh my god i
1119s literally just have to go in the
1120s settings and there's a drop down where
1121s you can switch this you know switch to
1123s 1080p and i don't know if you all ever
1125s watched a 720p stream i mean
1128s anything's entertaining but man you just
1129s want to be able to see everything
1130s clearly and that was like that was that
1132s was embarrassing i didn't know that it
1134s was just literally a little setting
1136s right there
1137s um but one yeah update settings make
1140s sure everything's working and everything
1142s is how it should be you don't want to
1144s just pray that everything's good then
1145s you hit the go live button you're
1146s sitting there you're like your mouth's
1147s moving but there's no words coming out
1149s and all everyone chat's like
1152s your mic's your mic's not working next
1153s thing you know you gotta update your mic
1154s restart your computer and
1156s it's a bad time i'm speaking from
1158s experience by the way it's
1160s it's ridiculous um so
1162s from me to you if you decide to get into
1164s this please just check your stuff
1167s audio visuals output all that um
1170s yeah like i said you want to make sure
1172s that
1173s if you are streaming music you want to
1175s make sure people can hear that music so
1176s you're not sitting there like bobbing
1178s your head and dancing on stream and all
1179s your viewers are like what's this guy
1180s like
1181s is he okay what's going on um
1184s yeah you want to make sure your gameplay
1185s is actually you know your gameplay
1187s streaming so if you go live it's not
1189s like your internet browser the you know
1192s your background image of your cat
1193s sitting there being broadcasted or
1195s something like that
1196s yeah you don't just simply hit go live
1198s do all that seriously i've learned
1202s all right things to remember when it
1203s comes to streaming um
1207s so
1208s go pretty in depth with this list ganker
1211s stream snipers zanus we're watching you
1216s but yeah gankers so eve online you are
1219s broadcasting your intel for free
1221s i mean there's ways to hide it you can
1223s you know you can
1225s blur it out however
1226s but everything you're doing an eve
1229s player will figure it out i know people
1230s have looked at the backgrounds of the
1232s universe and be like oh this is where
1234s he's at and they went and found someone
1235s that way so
1236s be aware of that don't let it get to you
1238s you know have fun try your best to avoid
1240s it you know figure out your way to do
1242s your proper opsec but that is an issue
1246s that you have to be prepared for and
1248s ganking
1249s it's part of eve so if you really don't
1251s like ganking or being stream sniped and
1253s it's going to affect you be aware that
1254s that can and most likely will happen
1256s depending on what you're doing if you're
1258s streaming yourself running abyssals and
1260s an 8 billionist ship
1263s easy target so be aware of that
1266s yeah just
1269s more on that later
1272s all right dmca copyright laws so
1275s a stream in my opinion i love music you
1277s know especially if i'm sitting there
1279s like talking a lot i've got to have
1280s music going some people do streams
1282s without music like i said you do your
1284s stream how you want
1285s but if you're going to play music or
1286s really anything
1288s you got to be aware of copyright laws
1290s basically don't play taylor swift on
1292s your stream don't play any like any big
1294s music
1295s there's copyright free music out there
1297s that you can use
1298s you just gotta make sure you don't click
1300s on a youtube video you know if someone
1302s links your youtube video while you're
1303s live streaming you don't want to click
1305s on that and have the music played
1306s because then you know you hit those
1308s there's
1309s you know
1310s there's so many different ways to go
1312s about it but yeah just be aware that you
1313s can't play whatever you want on your
1314s stream especially if you're monetized
1316s and you're making money obviously you
1317s can't make money from someone else's
1318s work
1319s that's their music
1321s so be aware of that
1323s this one is huge so obviously
1326s mental and emotional health for gamers
1328s very important
1329s we should all know that
1331s be in the right headspace for streaming
1334s if you're not in the right headspace it
1336s will show you know you're you're
1337s broadcasting yourself you're in your
1339s home you're in your computer chair
1340s you're comfortable
1341s people can see how you you know how your
1343s life is going they can they can tell
1345s when you're down and you're having a bad
1346s day
1347s and when it comes to streaming don't do
1349s it if you're not in the right head space
1351s it is not an obligation it's not
1353s something you have to do
1354s it's a fun hobby that you're passionate
1356s about right
1357s so don't go live if you're having a
1358s really bad day and you're gonna get on
1360s stream and
1361s a stream sniper comes after you and
1363s shoots you and you just lose your crap
1365s so be aware of that just make sure
1366s you're having a good day and you're
1368s doing it for the right reasons and it's
1369s fun
1370s um what i always tell people is like
1372s when you go to hit the go live button to
1373s stream you should be excited like it
1376s should be like yeah like you should have
1377s that little happy feeling like i'm about
1378s to do this you know and then when you at
1380s the end when you hit end stream it
1382s should be the same thing like yeah that
1383s was awesome
1385s you know if you don't have that feeling
1386s then
1387s consider not streaming or doing
1389s something else figuring out what the
1390s issue is but
1392s huge thing mental and emotional health
1394s when it comes to streamers there's a lot
1395s you know when you hit go live
1397s you're live for like you know however
1399s long a lot can happen so just
1401s be prepared to deal with it you don't
1403s know who's going to say what in chat
1404s what's going to happen in game obviously
1406s this is eve and a lot can happen so you
1408s got to be prepared for that
1410s so yeah be in the right headspace
1412s backseat gamers
1414s this is one of the it's a funny topic
1417s because like it's so hard to be you know
1419s to watch a stream and you see someone do
1421s something and i do it all the time but
1422s eve it's really easy like hey man you
1424s didn't activate your module and it's
1426s like
1427s you know i didn't see that but the 50 60
1430s people in chat they saw it
1432s and
1433s you got to be able to handle that right
1435s you got to be able to make sure that you
1436s know people telling you how to play and
1438s it's not like you're reading text you're
1439s not hearing them it's not like they're
1441s screaming at you they're just trying to
1442s say hey man you might want to rep your
1444s armor you might want to hit that little
1445s button um yeah backseat gamers you got
1448s to be able to deal with that and i'm not
1449s saying like it's wrong backseat game
1451s like yeah
1453s i've been helped so many times by people
1454s in chat saying hey man you should
1455s probably do this and i was like oh crap
1457s you're right
1458s so
1458s um you just got to be able to
1460s you got to be able to handle criticism
1462s and you know people pointing stuff out
1464s if you don't do too well with that
1466s something you got to improve on or you
1468s know you're going to have a miserable
1469s time streaming i promise
1471s sometimes it gets really bad some people
1473s they get really pushy with it you know
1476s three years of streaming i had one
1477s incidence where someone you know that
1479s all caps two letters 50 times in chat
1482s it's like i get it man i got you but
1485s be able to you know handle that it's one
1488s of the things you don't think about too
1489s much then you start streaming like oh my
1490s god that is annoying when certain people
1492s do it like i said most of the time it's
1493s helpful and it's great
1495s like instead of one person playing a
1497s game you've now got however many people
1499s watching to make sure all them are
1501s playing too so it's actually pretty cool
1503s helps a lot
1506s don't do it for the money
1507s huge huge very important
1510s point
1511s streaming as i said earlier it's a hobby
1514s it's a passion you should be excited to
1516s do it it should never feel like an
1518s obligation it should be something that
1519s you want to do
1520s um you know streamers i don't y'all have
1523s seen some of the articles out there
1524s streamers make a lot of money
1526s eve online streaming is not going to pay
1528s your bills
1529s don't go in it don't get into it for
1531s that
1533s it's not it's not what it's for it's fun
1536s um the minute you turn something you
1537s love into a job and an obligation you're
1540s not going to love it that much anymore
1541s so be aware of that um
1544s i know a lot of people look at when i
1545s tell people outside of the community oh
1547s yeah i stream like oh my gosh how much
1549s money do you make and i'm like
1552s that's not what it's about man i did
1553s this because i love it it's what you
1555s should be doing what you should be going
1556s for
1557s um
1558s yeah ultimately have fun
1561s be yourself be a good person you know
1563s you are broadcasting yourself people
1564s from around the world are watching
1567s you don't you never know who's gonna
1568s watch you know your mom could be
1570s watching you so
1571s be a good person you know people build
1573s their streams differently and they have
1574s their different personalities but
1576s just know that anyone could be watching
1578s you have no clue who's watching so
1581s have fun be yourself be a good person
1583s all right
1585s um that is i've got a cool little video
1587s here to show you all
1589s um
1590s this video i was inspired to make it
1592s rayden harmon miss moses eq they put
1594s this video together a couple years ago
1596s and this video
1597s is what inspired me
1604s [Music]
1631s i still have some of your stuff
1635s since the last time you rage quit on me
1639s it reminds me of all the good times we
1642s have
1644s maybe i just didn't choose
1647s [Music]
1648s maybe you wanted to
1651s shoot me more instead
1655s [Music]
1662s is more than i can bear
1668s keep looking over my shoulders
1679s [Applause]
1680s [Music]
1680s [Applause]
1683s [Music]
1695s and
1700s [Music]
1707s we write our names in the skies
1710s [Music]
1713s dare to dream as we gaze upon the stars
1719s every miner longs for eyes like a
1723s needs its fries
1727s [Music]
1749s hoping to see you there
1753s [Music]
1754s no one scans me down and blows me up
1757s like you do
1761s burns right through the armor of my
1764s heart
1766s [Music]
1773s let us all unite
1775s so we
1776s can each other
1781s [Applause]
1781s [Music]
1800s [Music]
1803s [Applause]
1808s [Music]
1813s oh
1814s [Music]
1823s with us
1828s my friends
1830s [Music]
1831s [Applause]
1836s [Music]
1838s [Applause]
1844s oh
1845s [Music]
1867s all of you want to go stream right now
1868s don't you doesn't that looks like fun
1871s it's a blast that's uh that's just like
1873s i said 5250 streamers that's like 20 of
1877s them right there so there's so many of
1879s them out there
1880s even if you don't want to stream
1881s yourself go out there on twitch join the
1883s community there's all kinds of different
1884s streamers out there all kinds of
1886s different communities they're all
1887s incredible they're all unique so
1890s does anyone have any questions about
1891s streaming anything
1894s any questions
1896s what you got
1903s oh see so this is where i'm a very basic
1906s streamer when i have these questions so
1909s stream fleet um has been my go-to source
1912s for all information they're a group of
1913s people
1914s they
1915s help out streamers other streamers this
1917s one is one where i just literally i
1918s don't know what i'm doing half the time
1920s and that's what i'm saying anybody can
1922s stream
1923s um i know how to hit the mute mute sound
1925s but there's a guy
1927s eq
1928s right here
1930s ask him these questions after streaming
1931s he will be able to help you out and
1932s that's what i'm saying like anybody can
1934s stream
1935s i should know that but i don't but i
1937s still stream somehow it's crazy
1940s what's your question
1951s i'm joining that guy
1955s love taylor swift that was just the
1957s first example that came to my mind
1959s there's a lot of other music you can't
1961s play but taylor swift was my one example
1962s so be aware of that
1965s all right so joining that corp cool
1968s all right what other questions you all
1969s got
1970s anyone got any questions
1974s so i use streamlabs obs
1977s and it is um i'm not going to offend
1979s anyone here it's dummy proof
1981s like i said i'm very
1983s i'm not very technically smart with all
1984s this
1985s and um you know when i mentioned earlier
1987s i started streaming and i was streaming
1989s in 720p that's simple stuff that like
1991s anyone can figure out i couldn't figure
1993s it out for a while
1994s but streamlabs obs like you don't have
1996s to be a wizard with audio visuals and
1999s all that you can literally anybody can
2001s do it i can do it so streamlabs obs
2027s yes
2034s so that's one of those um when we had
2037s that large fight back in january 2021
2039s and 33 000 people were watching or yeah
2041s 33 000 people are watching
2043s it sucks to sit there and watch a screen
2045s where nothing's happening right it's
2047s really hard commentators are the
2048s difference between making something
2050s great and making it boring so
2053s i would say yes commentators for
2055s everything really if there's any kind of
2056s fight
2057s i've seen people they actually go
2059s through and re-watch fights from the
2060s past and they commentate over it so i'd
2062s say yes
2063s obviously that's kind of tricky to do
2064s with streaming because there's a lot of
2067s a lot more preparation that goes into
2068s that
2069s stream and eve there's a lot of
2070s preparation that already goes into it
2072s just from the gaming side
2073s but for commentating you've got to be
2075s able to be in the right space
2077s you've got to have everything set up to
2078s where
2079s say you're there cloaked but somehow you
2082s know by some crazy circumstance you get
2083s caught
2085s you got to have an alt-ready there's a
2086s couple people who do it very
2087s successfully yeah it's always great to
2089s get those different perspectives and
2091s that's definitely a
2092s [Music]
2093s great avenue to take if that's what you
2095s want to do
2102s literally having
2105s multiple people on the other side
2129s always check with your fc before you
2130s broadcast the fleet and go live don't
2133s ever just stream because next thing you
2134s know you're getting you know you're
2135s getting black and you're off he's like
2136s what's going on you're like oh by the
2138s way i'm streaming don't do that
2140s but yes there's always
2141s great like opportunity for as long as
2144s you if you're the fc or ufc school with
2146s it getting different perspectives of the
2147s fight go for it like it's
2150s you know settings up the stream's easy
2152s you just gotta make sure you have the
2153s stuff to you know to stream and whatnot
2155s um it if you're talking about like
2156s streaming other people's streams
2159s that's a gray area
2161s i'm not too sure how that works i know
2164s sometimes it's okay but it's safe to
2166s assume that you can't broadcast someone
2168s else's stream
2170s um
2172s okay yeah that
2177s yeah you've got us
2182s that answer your question a little bit
2183s okay cool what you got
2188s oh so he was asking if you can stream or
2190s if if you can kind of bounce around
2192s streams of people commentating and if
2194s you can stream that
2196s um you've got to have their permission
2197s you can't use someone else's work
2200s um it's kind of a gray area for you know
2202s especially if like monetization plays a
2205s part in it um you got to make sure
2207s you talk to the person you're doing that
2209s with and make sure you have their
2210s blessing to do it you can't just go
2212s clicking through other people's streams
2213s and you know stream their stuff while
2215s you're competing uh you know making
2217s comments over it
2219s all right next question
2242s they could be contacted before a huge
2244s battle
2245s and
2246s have the privilege to
2249s join the comms of either side at that
2252s point
2260s let's hope that fc has a few drinks in
2270s as long as you follow twitches and eve
2273s online's you know terms of service
2275s you you can do anything you just gotta
2276s make sure you coordinate with those
2277s people and
2280s do that
2299s yeah
2300s you just got to make sure you don't want
2302s to get kicked from your court for being
2303s that guy so check with the fc do it
2306s check with everybody in the chain egg
2308s man just say hey i'm doing this
2310s check before you do that but i mean
2311s there's an opening for it we had a
2313s question up here
2315s um
2339s myself um
2358s so everybody starts out somewhere you
2360s hit that go live button you could be
2362s streaming for a month or two and you
2363s could i mean my best piece of advice
2365s there's a little number that shows how
2367s many people are watching don't look at
2368s that
2369s you are playing a game you're having fun
2372s um this is going to sound really silly
2374s but man you got to be good at talking
2375s with yourself like and it's great
2377s because you're going to agree with
2378s yourself so there's no argument like you
2380s just got to sit there like
2381s you just um i i think every streamer
2384s feels that whether they've been
2385s streaming they just started or even
2387s people who've been streaming like i
2389s could
2390s personally i feel that i've been
2391s streaming for three years there's just
2392s sometimes and you know i talk about that
2394s being the right head you know head space
2397s but to get through that
2399s like man you just got to make sure
2400s you're doing what you can to grow
2403s organic growth don't do any of that
2404s crazy buy followers or buy viewers or
2406s anything like that but that's just one
2408s of those things that as a streamer and
2409s as a new streamer you got to push
2410s through and you know that'll be the
2412s difference between you
2413s going on and having a great time
2415s streaming and just be like this ain't
2417s for me you know everybody any streamer
2420s you look at they started out somewhere
2421s and you just got to be able to tough
2422s through those beginning times those you
2424s know you're going to be sitting there
2425s talking to yourself for two or three
2426s hours because no one else is talking in
2428s chat because no one's watching
2430s but you know
2431s best way to put it you ever click on a
2433s stream and they're just sitting there
2435s not saying a word
2437s nothing's going on maybe there's people
2438s talking in chat in my personal opinion
2441s the primary goal of a streamer and
2443s obviously as you know they get bigger
2444s it's harder to do but interaction
2446s between streamer and people watching
2448s when you click on a stream you say hi
2451s i should see that message be like hey
2453s what's up man
2454s so um that's really important as a
2456s starting out streamers just be talking
2458s narrate what you're doing tell a
2460s ridiculous story that has nothing to do
2461s with what's going on that way if someone
2463s clicks in and they hear that story like
2465s oh what is he talking about that's cool
2466s i want to hear the rest
2468s um yeah there's that rough beginning so
2469s if you know you hit go live right now
2472s you're not going to have 3 000 people
2473s watching that that's you got to grow and
2475s you got to start somewhere you just got
2476s to be able to bust through that those
2477s beginning stages
2479s um yeah don't let it get to you the
2481s minute streaming starts affecting your
2483s mental health
2484s stop
2485s go outside
2487s go
2487s shoot people and eve don't go do
2489s whatever don't stream it shouldn't be
2491s like you know
2493s i'm sorry i'll take your next what we
2495s got over here yeah definitely should
2496s have worded that better
2499s what's up corvus
2511s with the faction warfare updates pretty
2514s soon
2516s hopefully we get those but cowari for
2518s the state
2521s oh man we were we were doing so good
2524s i thought we were cool but
2526s okay next question zanus yeah
2549s again
2559s this community is the most incredible
2561s tight-knit community i've seen
2563s um and the twitch community i was
2566s terrified of streaming because i thought
2567s it was like a cutthroat world
2569s these two in the crowd they did their
2571s presentation and they showed me that
2572s community and then you go on twitch and
2574s streamers we give each other crap we're
2576s good friends like uh real quick all the
2578s streamers in here raise your hand we got
2580s quite a few of them
2582s oh yeah look at them
2584s yeah these are all streams they're
2585s incredible people so
2587s um make friends
2590s uh as you said network but
2593s these are people you don't use people
2595s like they're your friends
2596s you're gonna you're gonna help each
2597s other but don't ever be that guy that's
2599s like hey man i need help give me viewers
2601s like no just grow
2603s you know have fun with it connect with
2606s people
2607s because that's what stream is all about
2608s connecting especially the past two years
2610s two and a half years where we've been
2611s locked in streaming has done wonders for
2614s people so make friends
2617s what you gotta or we'll get this one
2618s next
2624s testing
2625s lovely toefl um
2627s so i'm eq i work in streaming and i have
2630s a question that's gonna put you in ccp
2632s on the spot but real quick first on this
2636s on the subject of um
2638s streaming and commentary and stuff like
2639s that uh for me i actually got into eve
2642s by watching somebody streaming a fleet
2644s fight
2644s and
2645s describing it and trying to understand
2648s it because for a new player
2650s they really learn from
2652s being in fleets with people right i
2654s think we all know that and probably
2655s agree on that
2657s so
2658s if you have any opportunity to stream
2660s fleets that maybe your new bros can't be
2662s on
2662s in discord alone
2664s do it because it's going to keep those
2666s people there and give them a sense of
2667s community
2668s and then the second thing is what can
2670s ccp do to better support streamers
2673s so ccp does an incredible job of
2676s supporting streamers recently with the
2678s um eve partner program so there's a lot
2680s of
2681s i'm not trying to sound bad about this
2682s there's a lot of perks to streaming and
2684s it can have some great benefits
2686s like i said you can make money for it
2688s don't get into it because of that
2690s but recently ccp did the e the partner
2692s program
2693s so and there's a bunch of different
2694s metrics for all kinds of sites and i
2696s mean that was that's monumental for
2698s content creators because it's basically
2699s csp's way of saying hey
2702s thank you for what you do for the
2703s community because as content creators
2705s not only do we highlight the incredible
2706s things in eve the community but we bring
2708s people in
2709s um people go to twitch
2711s they click on a streamer like man this
2713s streamer is really cool what they're
2714s streaming is awesome i want to play eve
2715s so ccp did the partner program to
2717s basically it's their way of saying thank
2719s you um it's a
2721s a part a program that you're you know
2722s it's a privilege to be a part of um
2725s so
2726s that's one thing that if you guys are
2727s looking in and not just streaming but
2729s any kind of content creation
2730s blogs anything like that you can apply
2732s for the partnership program
2734s and as long as you hit the the metrics
2736s and csv says hey you're a good person
2737s you know you guys obviously can't be
2740s toxic or you know talking bad about them
2742s because they can't you know they can't
2742s work with that and that's you know just
2744s common sense obvious logic you know any
2746s company in the world do the same thing
2750s yeah the partner program is one of those
2751s that's a huge step
2753s but not only the partner program csp
2755s also does all kinds of events with the
2756s community through streaming
2758s and a lot of times they'll reach out to
2760s content creators and i mean
2763s it's a tight-knit community and it's not
2765s like an exclusive like elitist club or
2767s anything like we're all just a bunch of
2769s normal people good friends and you know
2771s they'll reach out and say hey we've got
2773s this event going on and we would really
2774s love for you to come stream on the ccptv
2776s um page
2778s and it's not you know
2780s don't do that for anyone you just gotta
2782s make sure you're good that's why i'm
2783s saying like earlier when i was saying
2785s anyone could be watching so if you're
2787s you know up there
2788s spewing some toxic negativity obviously
2791s not gonna want to work with you but yeah
2793s that's a couple of the things csp does
2794s working with the content creators and
2796s um
2797s it's it's incredible i don't
2800s really know other gaming communities but
2801s i know with us that's unique so
2804s um next question anyone over here we got
2806s one up there
2811s oh sorry sorry microphone my bad that's
2813s okay i'm pretty large we'll just we'll
2815s just toss it next time okay yeah hi um
2818s so yeah i'm uh i'm just streaming myself
2820s obviously i actually mostly do youtube
2822s these days yeah i've heard a lot of
2824s stories about streamer burnout and i
2826s kind of want to get your take on it
2827s because i only stream like a couple of
2829s hours a week
2831s and i feel the compulsion to stream a
2833s lot more but obviously a family would
2836s without that that's that's getting in
2837s the ways i want to know your take on it
2839s so um he mentioned family
2842s it is critical you
2844s we all spend a lot of time playing games
2845s right whether our you know significant
2848s other whatever approves of it
2850s streaming
2852s talk with your person talk with your
2853s family if it
2855s this game streaming does not affect your
2857s per your you know your life negatively
2859s make sure that so talk with your person
2861s i'm very fortunate that my wife is i
2862s mean my wife is here in iceland because
2864s i'm streaming um you know so
2867s make sure your person is you know
2868s supportive but streamer burnout is real
2871s um man me personally i went through
2875s last year i
2876s i streamed consistently for two and a
2878s half years i kept a solid schedule then
2881s i hit a point where hitting that go live
2883s button felt like a burden where it was
2885s like i can't like and there's a couple
2887s times where i'd hit that go live button
2888s and then at the end of stream i'd stop
2890s and you know my wife would look at me
2891s and she was like you didn't want to be
2892s there did you and i was like dang it was
2894s that obvious like so
2897s when we're talking about mental health
2898s not you know
2899s in gaming
2901s very important streaming kind of takes
2903s it to the next level and you got to make
2904s sure that
2905s that does not negatively impact your
2907s life so if you if streaming becomes one
2909s of those things where you get a burnout
2911s just stop
2912s unless you're like somehow in some
2914s contractual obligation with a company or
2916s something crazy like that
2918s you know what no one's forcing you to
2920s stream and for the sake of yourself and
2922s the people who enjoy watching you you
2924s want to go live you want to give the
2925s best version of yourself to the people
2927s out there who want to watch you
2928s so when you get that feeling just don't
2931s do it it's one of those things like i
2932s said schedule's important it's great to
2934s stick to one but the minute it affects
2936s you here and here it ain't worth it man
2938s especially family family life
2940s very important if you're streaming eight
2943s hours a day five days a week
2945s and your kids haven't seen you or your
2947s significant other hasn't seen you
2950s you should probably stop streaming
2952s so that uh
2953s answer your question i had that
2956s yeah
2958s yeah i had that personal burnout where
2960s streaming just life was just taking a
2962s crazy toll and i was like you know what
2964s guys start cutting things out that are
2966s negatively affecting me and streaming
2967s was the first to go
2968s um
2969s and you know slowed down on a lot of
2971s things but yeah i was like streaming
2973s i can't do it in this head space so i
2974s just stopped
2975s um and then the cool thing about
2977s streaming
2978s it's your thing do what you want man if
2980s you want to stream five minutes a day
2983s it's weird because you're going to
2984s literally press the button and then
2985s press it five minutes later but
2987s you can do whatever you want man you
2988s want to stream once a month you want to
2990s stream once a year like it's your thing
2992s do it at your pace
3002s you'll make a lot of really cool friends
3004s streaming um people who enjoy watching
3006s you
3007s um
3009s things you want to avoid in you know in
3011s any kind of like gaming environment but
3013s those are your friends like people
3014s watching you you know if you're having
3016s enough time they'll understand they're
3017s not going back why didn't you stream or
3019s you know hopefully they're not but
3021s um
3022s yeah
3024s question over here
3032s thanks
3032s so this is going to be a very
3034s complicated question not directly
3036s related to the topic
3038s but in a way i follow some of the
3041s discussions we were having in the game
3042s balancing uh roundtable
3045s um
3047s philosophically kind of mirrors you know
3049s real life social media dynamics uh and
3051s it has
3053s something to do as well with uh
3055s the recent squishy laid out for leaving
3057s the game
3059s uh
3060s don't worry don't worry don't worry
3063s basically i am
3066s what do you what do you make of
3068s the changes that have
3071s been introduced to the game and very
3073s recently with scarcity etc
3075s it's becoming increasingly harder to get
3077s content without getting help dunked
3080s how much of content creation in eve is
3082s driven now by content creators with
3085s ulterior motives than just getting the
3087s fights for themselves as in they're
3090s basically creating content for others
3092s and that's why they're going out and
3094s getting fights is this masking
3096s potentially a problem
3098s with the game balance the game dynamics
3101s of people going out and creating content
3104s for other reasons than to you know have
3106s something to show
3108s oh man that's a tough one um
3111s it all depends on the streamer but
3114s i mean one thing about streaming you got
3116s to be very flexible
3118s and if streaming is what you want to do
3119s and you really want to stick with it you
3121s got to be able to
3123s go with those changes um
3126s it's kind of a hard one to talk on
3127s honestly because
3130s i mean we see a lot of things happen
3131s over the past two years that you know
3133s maybe have driven people to just feel
3135s like they can't do what they want to do
3137s the options are you know figure out
3139s something else that you can do another
3141s route
3142s or you know maybe it's just take a break
3147s but i guess the question is to your
3150s opinion on
3152s would people be going out roaming as
3155s they are as streamers are doing getting
3158s good fights ish or getting held down if
3160s they weren't streaming are there enough
3162s incentives to go do the activity in-game
3165s without being you know providing the
3167s content for others
3169s i mean
3170s it's all about having fun like you know
3172s when you go out
3173s streamers
3174s when they're going out and doing that
3176s stuff they're doing it for fun i mean
3177s obviously they want to get views for
3179s their content and they want to grow
3180s themselves but i can't speak for anyone
3183s else but i know like me personally if i
3184s do something eve
3186s i'm doing it because i'm having fun with
3187s it you know whether other streamers how
3189s whatever they're doing it for the
3190s ultimate goal when you go out on a fleet
3192s is to just have fun with it right um so
3196s yeah kind of a tough one i guess it
3197s depends on the stream you ask but me i
3199s think
3200s if you're asking me personally which i
3201s mean i'm the only person i can speak for
3203s i'll say
3204s no matter what happens in eve i'll find
3206s my content and i'm gonna have fun i'm
3207s going to make sure i'm having fun and if
3208s i'm not then you know i just
3211s won't do it
3212s but yeah it's up to every streamer to
3215s determine what you know what they can do
3217s with what they have depending on what's
3218s going on in game
3221s so hopefully that answers your question
3223s sorry it's kind of
3224s good
3225s yeah very fair it's
3228s yeah it's a tough question but that's
3230s kind of my personal opinion on it but
3232s um
3233s question
3242s uh thanks this is a simple one uh what's
3244s your opinion on uh hull alarm sound
3246s alerts
3249s they're bad
3252s gosh man um
3254s if you want to give a heart attack to
3255s every single person that watches you
3257s heck yeah haul alarm sound alerts
3260s you can uh
3261s there's a lot of cool stuff you can do
3263s on streams and you can set up
3266s literally stuff like that that happen
3268s you can have a button that you press and
3269s the hull alarm sound goes off
3271s um
3272s that stuff's fun if you want to be evil
3274s and do that that's great as a streamer
3276s how much do you think like what should
3278s be
3279s i don't know like what should be like
3280s the price for that like you're just
3282s channel points
3283s like do you want to make it hard to get
3285s her because it's like
3287s you know scary or do you want to make it
3288s easy to get because it's content
3290s you can i mean you can set it up to
3291s where man you literally just reach over
3293s push a button and you just woke every
3294s single person up that's watching your
3296s stream with a heart attack
3297s um but i mean that's how it like i said
3300s the creativity is all you man you could
3301s set it to where they pay channel points
3303s to play that sound and give you a heart
3304s attack especially man that would be
3306s that'd be bad for the streamer because
3307s imagine you're in the middle of a fight
3309s and one of your viewers activates the
3310s whole alarm
3313s that'd be awful so
3315s if you want to do that to yourself
3318s ballsy move but i like it
3322s that's a good one man
3324s any other questions
3327s you got one right here
3329s i think i'm way over my time
3333s oh sweet
3336s do you feel like there's a difference in
3339s behavior at the different weekdays and
3342s if so what would be your favorite
3345s weekday to stream
3347s oh man so
3348s i'm in a position right now where i
3350s stream on saturday it's cool if you ever
3352s like pay attention to the eve online
3354s twitch page you'll see the regulars and
3356s everyone schedules everyone it's it's
3358s crazy whether they mean to have a
3360s schedule or not um
3363s i feel like the weekends are always best
3365s because everyone's working throughout
3366s the week they get home they're tired or
3367s just craziness going on the weekend's
3369s always the fun time right so there's
3370s always cool stuff going on on like
3372s friday saturday sunday sunday's usually
3374s more chill
3376s but there's always stuff going on on
3377s twitch people have stuff you know people
3379s have they stream certain times
3381s like i said i just do saturdays for now
3383s some people do five days a week some
3385s people do every other day it's it's it
3388s varies a lot
3389s but yeah favorite day man
3393s favorite days when i stream
3396s next question
3399s ah here we go i know this guy
3404s um when you're set up as a streamer
3407s everything running everything is good
3409s what would the ideal path of upgrading
3411s your stream further on
3413s um so you're talking about all your
3415s hardware and everything right yeah all
3416s your hardware all your software where
3417s would you focus on upgrading each step
3420s so most importantly is your computer
3422s making sure you have
3424s the computer to run eve and this is
3426s personal opinion even max graphics and a
3429s flawless stream to where you can stream
3430s it
3431s that's in my opinion that's most
3433s important
3434s from there everything is personal choice
3436s so
3437s say you start streaming and all you have
3439s is a computer and a monitor
3441s obviously all the other stuff now is
3442s keyboard chair and a house and all that
3445s um
3447s we got all the basics
3449s but i would just start you know cam or
3451s microphone really microphone headset
3453s camera um
3456s those are the three that are kind of
3457s computer microphone headset camera
3460s lights yeah that's you can get a 13 ring
3463s light from amazon it'll make you look
3464s like you're in a freaking movie studio
3466s with your usb camera
3469s and then once you've got all those
3470s essentials i'd recommend the fun side
3473s stuff the stream deck
3475s a little sound board
3477s or
3477s if maybe you know you've got all your
3479s essentials and you realize hey this
3480s microphone it doesn't have that mute
3482s button so when i have to do something i
3484s can't hit you upgrade the microphone
3486s but that's one cool thing i kind of like
3488s that as a streamer because like you're
3489s always thinking of something that could
3491s be better than what you have and then
3493s you you know
3494s you upgrade something like okay that's
3496s cool but wait i need to upgrade this
3499s um so yeah upgrading all those
3501s peripherals
3502s green screen
3503s i personally love the green screen you
3506s can basically make it to where all the
3507s people see you know all the viewers see
3509s is you no background they can't see your
3511s cat doing backflips off the table in the
3513s background
3516s okay nevermind maybe that'd be cool to
3518s see but um
3520s yeah so um there's a lot that streaming
3523s is
3524s a why there's so many different things
3526s you can integrate into it and you can
3528s always talk to other streamers and say
3529s hey what do you use
3531s you know
3532s go into a stream be like hey man your
3533s camera looks wicked which one do you use
3535s and you like that you go on amazon you
3536s get that one boom you just upgraded your
3538s camera next upgrade
3539s so
3540s answer your question
3542s a follow-up question on the heart attack
3545s i have a troll nato sitting in a high
3546s set pocket
3548s when's the next time you're undocking
3553s i remember the firework incident
3557s all right any more questions
3560s gotcha all right thank you