over 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

10s E online players have played as pirates
12s for years and finally they'll be able to
15s do that a bit more legitimately just
17s like players have been able to enlist in
18s faction Warfare with an Empire of their
20s choice VI it Kari galente Amar or
23s minmatar you will be able to enlist with
25s a pirate faction of your choice this
27s will be either the Gus or the angel
30s cartel the guristas are going to be
33s going to war raiding the space uh that
35s has been destabilized in the calari
38s galente war zone and on the other side
40s of the universe the angels are doing
42s much the same thing raiding into the
45s space that has been disturbed by the
47s ongoing war between the Amar and the
49s minmatar during these insurgencies uh
52s the pirate factions will deploy a
55s forward operating base into the space
57s from which they'll begin to raid the
58s space around them as they raid the space
61s they will attempt to attack corporate
63s outposts harass mining fleets and so on
68s the more crimes that those pirates
69s commit the more the crime level goes up
71s in the system this is what we're calling
73s corruption on the flip side the Empire
76s militias who are attempting to control
78s that space can act as law enforcement
80s and they're looking to stop these pirate
82s raids in order to do this as they fight
85s off the Pirates they will increase the
87s law enforcement level uh in the system
89s which we are calling suppression as
91s corruption increases in the system uh
94s the effects in the system will become
97s cumulative uh as more crimes happen Law
100s and Order begins to break down and
101s that's roughly what corruption is
103s attempting to stimulate corruption is in
106s a sense good for the Pirates they Revel
109s in it so to speak uh as corruption in a
112s system increases it will grant various
114s bonuses to the space that will alter the
116s nature of the space uh while that
118s corruption level is elevated uh these
121s can range from relatively simple effects
123s such as players dropping more loot when
125s they explode or more complicated effects
128s uh such as uh the system almost dropping
132s in a security status dropping in a
135s security status at maximum corruption is
137s a tricky thing this is a bit of a
139s challenge for us we've already had a
142s security status of the space uh that
143s they were attacking Pirates will be able
146s to do the same thing when they can push
147s corruption to the maximum level for low
150s sex system that has reached maximum
152s corruption that system will begin to
154s feel more like nelac we'll accomplish
156s this with a simple package of effects
158s which allows the use of interdictions uh
161s bubble launchers bomb launchers and
164s heavy interdictor bubbles these three
166s key items are really what tends to
169s separate the feeling of low security
172s space from the feeling of n security
174s space it is only these three things that
177s become active all of the rest of the
179s rules that apply to low security space
180s still apply which makes this rule set a
183s little bit more lightweight and easy for
184s us to deploy to systems uh dynamically
187s through these in insurgencies as we need
190s to similarly for a highx system uh as
195s the corruption level increases in that
197s system a high sex system when it reaches
199s maximum level May begin to feel more
201s like a low sex system and we accomplish
203s this by simply making aggression against
206s a player ship uh result in only a
210s suspect timer and not a criminal timer
213s uh Concord only responds to criminal
215s timers and so that means that they will
218s not come after you if you shoot a player
220s ship but players will be able to respond
223s this is a bit more like lowc however
226s criminal timers are still possible if
229s you attack a capsule of a player for
231s example which also in lowc generates a
233s criminal timer then Concord will still
236s respond making these corrupted highx
238s systems feel even a bit more diff
240s uh than loac they are kind of a very
243s unique type of space on the flip side as
246s suppression increases we also wanted to
248s make that feel uniquely impactful in the
251s same way that corruption does and
253s suppression being the law enforcement of
255s a system we are largely seeking for that
257s to feel more secure as the militia
260s players complete activities and they
261s increase the suppression of a system uh
263s there will also be a different set of
265s effects that suppression can apply and
267s note that these are not mutually
268s exclusive we could have level five
270s suppression and level five corruption
272s effects in a system at the same exact
274s time suppression is the law enforcement
277s effect on a system um just how well
280s locked down the system is it is the
282s suppression of free movement and
285s everything else that the criminals make
287s use of as suppression increases various
290s things will happen uh Concord will start
292s paying a little bit more for pirate
293s Bounties in those systems the militias
296s will get bonuses even including the
299s possibility of fairly potent PVP bonuses
302s such as an increase to webon scram range
304s which will really change the nature of
306s PVP in these systems and at level five
310s they'll even secure Gates and stations
313s more than they normally would be when
315s suppression hits level five the security
317s forces in the system will attempt to uh
320s lock down the system and they'll do this
322s by deploying upgraded sentry guns to
324s Gates and stations in the system to make
327s travel a little bit safer for
329s law-abiding
330s citizens these upgraded sentry guns will
333s be quite aggressive uh at punishing
336s criminal behavior and they hit a lot
337s harder than your standard sentry gun um
340s so the goal here being it's really hard
342s to actually gate Camp these systems if
344s these sentry guns have been put in place
347s as systems are fully corrupted the
348s Pirates will score a point towards their
351s progress in the Insurgency and as
353s systems are fully suppressed the militia
356s factions will score a point towards
358s their side in the Insurgency when the
360s anti-pirate factions have reached their
361s target point value then the pirate fob
364s will become vulnerable similar to upwell
368s structures this has a single
369s reinforcement timer uh so players will
371s have to shoot the Shields and then
373s return to destroy the structure giving
375s Pirates a lasted chance to attempt to
377s protect it on the pirate side if they
380s hit their goal they pack up their Loot
382s and leave this corruption will also
384s begin to spread these systems which the
386s Pirates are attacking those systems that
388s are under active insurgence
390s will grow naturally as you as a pirate
393s player increase the corruption of system
396s it will reach the spread threshold when
398s the spread threshold is reached for an
400s individual system it will preferentially
402s spread adjacent to that system if it can
406s if it can't spread from that system then
407s it will still spread but it will be
409s adjacent to another system in the
410s Insurgency zone so you always wind up
413s with a contiguous set of systems which
415s is which are in the Insurgency which is
417s the dynamic war zone that we've looked
419s to create create what we were really
421s trying to do with this was create a
423s system where unlike faction Warfare
426s where the set of systems in uh the war
428s zone are very static we wanted to see
431s what it would be like to create a war
432s zone which uh naturally changed over
435s time and was a bit more flexible and bit
438s different every time it spawned uh
440s making a lot of use of local geography
443s to make it particularly unique and
445s interesting the other thing that we
447s really wanted to accomplish with these
449s insurgencies is we wanted to create a a
451s war feature that was discreet in faction
455s Warfare right now uh that is an eternal
457s War those players are going to push and
459s pull on those systems uh probably until
461s the end of time but with the Insurgency
463s system uh a set of system spawns points
467s are pushed up towards uh completion and
469s once one faction has won they get a
472s bonus for winning and then the
474s Insurgency ends when Insurgency starts
477s it will choose a system where the fob
479s will spawn once it's chosen a system
482s where the fob will spawn it then chooses
483s the initial set of systems that will
486s have Insurgency content those will be
488s the systems that players will need to
490s compete over first when it becomes
492s active however when the fob is
494s originally placed the Insurgency is in a
496s forecasting State uh the Pirates are
499s still setting up the raid hasn't started
501s the security forces haven't been able to
503s bust down the door yet this is the
505s period where we let you as the player
507s know where the Insurgency is going to be
509s giving you a a chance to get your ships
512s into position or out of out of Harm's
514s Way uh depending on what how you want to
517s interact with it before the actual
519s Insurgency begins in the war zone the
522s Insurgency is intended to be a
524s destabilizing force if the pirate
527s factions are unequal uh then eventually
530s we will likely see that one side being
533s uh losing most of their space uh with
535s the other side being particularly
537s dominant the Insurgency is meant to come
540s in and disrupt that when one faction has
543s more systems the Insurgency will prefer
546s to attack that uh faction space and if
549s the Pirates are successful in their
551s Insurgency they will actually steal a
553s system from the faction when they do
556s when that system is stolen the Pirates
557s will have Sovereign ownership of it for
559s a limited period of time until they
562s decide to focus elsewhere and they
565s simply Let It Go when they let that
567s system go it will return to its previous
569s owner however it returns to the previous
571s owner with very little control over the
574s system as the ihub will be vulnerable to
576s attack immediately by the opposing
578s faction so if the owning faction wants
580s to rescure that system they will need to
583s defend that ihub and Plex the system
586s back down if you decide to align with a
587s pirate faction there are a number of
589s great rewards in store for you both
591s factions have brand new LP stores with
593s rewards that are only available from
595s Insurgency content the angels have the
597s new aeriel the angel faction
600s which is truly beautiful and in the
602s gista lp store you can find all of the
604s gista capital blueprints sub Capital
606s blueprints gista skins and more with the
609s pirate insurgencies we've intentionally
611s designed the system to be open and
613s sandboxy and dynamic and interesting and
616s I can't wait to see what you do with it
618s and what stories you
626s make