almost 6 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | hello everyone and welcome back to the |
2s | invasion World Tour this is the second |
4s | game in the finals we have the Russian |
6s | web sport going up against zze boy and |
9s | we have another matchup here with Anna |
12s | Marion theme however no no Osprey Navy |
16s | like we saw last time an auger a Navy |
18s | and an omen Navy facing off with |
20s | accompanying visual flee issues how do |
22s | you think this match is gonna go very |
23s | end it's actually not too different from |
26s | the Detroit at the Osprey Navy out for |
28s | an awkward maybe but it's just an |
29s | armored buffer ship compared to a shield |
32s | buffer ship the utility on it is pretty |
34s | similar and it's got the same range as |
36s | those heavy assault missiles that the |
37s | Osprey Navy has just a little bit better |
40s | application most likely so this could |
43s | play out and very similarly just with |
45s | the odd Navy being switched in for the |
47s | Osprey Navy yeah it's gonna be really |
50s | interesting though because the organ a V |
52s | does have a couple of differences just |
54s | unit being armor like it's a lot slower |
56s | than the Osprey Navy but as you |
59s | mentioned you can transfer so match with |
61s | her so maybe he's hoping he can use his |
62s | better piloting and maybe you just snipe |
64s | off that visually issue and win earlier |
66s | we have everything buff now do you |
69s | Whittle fleets look at it looks like the |
71s | organ AV is about to catch the visually |
73s | issue so you might just pray enough to |
77s | get some defensive web system and it let |
79s | us home and maybe do a little bit more |
81s | work compared to last match that might |
83s | be just learning from the previous match |
84s | here look how low and Sheltie as though |
86s | we know that these visually issues their |
88s | shield tanked and flight of Icarus there |
90s | is sitting really really low at shield |
92s | it's about 75 percent debt meanwhile |
95s | this orc Navy is starting to get a bit |
97s | of tackling but it's gonna take them a |
98s | while the old baby has a huge amount of |
100s | the base e HP yeah and if Leah's managed |
104s | to successfully run a waste no longer |
106s | taking much damage here well it does |
108s | have some drones to one the omen a via |
112s | show the trooper has to be really |
113s | careful he's coming up at the edge of |
115s | the arena 125 kilometers and he's going |
117s | to be ruled out of the competition |
120s | so they need he needs to turn himself |
123s | around soon or very close they're just |
126s | by the edge and you can see though that |
127s | are slowing him down and that could let |
129s | these ships catch up and get it |
131s | you can see that that vigil fleet issue |
133s | is completely out of the way |
134s | if the mercenary manages to dive in here |
138s | he will be able to catch him but it |
139s | looks like a fly of Icarus as well he's |
141s | an Armour already yeah he's got no more |
143s | defensive webscoe and on flight of |
145s | Icarus has had to run away from the |
146s | enemy drones just burning a straight |
148s | line away just to try and save himself |
150s | the Mercer he's dancing out there it |
153s | looks like he's trying to catch him |
155s | yeah so we've got like a 1v1 between the |
158s | vigil fleets almost and a 1v1 between |
160s | the cruisers very interesting we can't |
163s | quite tell if webs have landed looks |
168s | like they're just out of range from each |
169s | other the omen Navy still going at a |
171s | turn to hate each other but the careful |
173s | feel are most interesting is here at the |
175s | odd navies and about 80% Armour and the |
178s | oume Navy as well but the open V's |
180s | active tanks oh he's in a better spot |
182s | yep assume they have traded a lot of ehp |
185s | on to that vigil fleet issue though so |
187s | if they can follow that up it does mean |
188s | that they're gonna be taking a lot of |
190s | GPS and a lot of utility off the field |
191s | so it could be a good trade but yeah if |
194s | this is all they get if they only take a |
196s | little bit of vhp the only hit point in |
198s | eve that really matters is your last as |
201s | long as you can still be on grid firing |
203s | your guns and putting out your webs it |
205s | doesn't matter if you fall a hundred |
206s | percent HP or zero or one percent even |
209s | the omen Navy issue that getting beyond |
212s | the edge of the arena they're playing |
216s | very defensively here it looks like |
219s | they're all scared to kind of bit the |
220s | vigil fleeton get a hard tackle and even |
222s | though the augur Navy was burning it |
223s | pretty hardly know he is down to about |
226s | 60 70 percent of armor and he looks like |
228s | he's just playing a little bit more safe |
230s | now yeah both the ships here just |
234s | sitting in low well relatively high |
237s | armor they've taken a little bit of |
238s | damage the flight of Icarus managed to |
240s | regen a bit of his shields the person |
243s | who's in the real trouble aguado |
245s | yeah they're in a real bit of a pickle |
247s | here they're just sitting here letting |
249s | that augur get shoot through and they |
250s | don't have the sustain that this blue |
252s | team has it looks like it's just the |
254s | older a Navy is just too slow to do |
256s | anything without the visual issue |
258s | getting tackle and it's too dangerous |
260s | right to get close to his home and Navy |
261s | issue the mercenary and is that a flea |
264s | issue is doing good vote he's still at |
266s | almost full shields and he for some |
268s | reason hasn't committed to tackling that |
270s | home and Navy issue and I think he needs |
272s | to start burning in getting hard webs on |
274s | that omen Navy so his augur can get on |
276s | top of it otherwise they're gonna trade |
278s | off all of their hit points before even |
280s | applying any damage to the oume Navy |
283s | yeah you can see they're just dancing |
285s | around each other still looking for |
286s | positioning but the dream of mirrors |
288s | can't afford to do this he can't stay on |
290s | grid forever he's making a big tactical |
292s | mistake here and that's not good sign |
295s | there's trooper of the airmen Navy issue |
296s | he's cutting him between those two ship |
298s | and of mine that was just 30 face is |
302s | impossible the omen Navy is in a better |
305s | spot here he's able to keep buying time |
307s | and keep getting some shots off keep |
309s | shooing at the arbor and navy a little |
311s | bit even if it's not much damage that's |
313s | more damage than ply it to him and he |
315s | can just repair at a distance and just |
317s | take his time whereas the omen Navy or |
319s | the augury Navy doesn't have that luxury |
321s | he needs to use that time of his buffer |
323s | and get some damage done |
325s | he needs to get anything done look at |
328s | how little is being done right now - the |
329s | blue team at all both ships of retaining |
332s | shields and it's not like that oh man |
334s | Navy issue is shield tanked in the first |
336s | place no damage is coming on to them and |
339s | they're still being able to apply to the |
340s | red team that's such a dominating |
342s | position to be in |
343s | yeah even now the omen Navy is far away |
346s | the mercenary could easily run in and |
348s | tackle the flight of Icarus is in a |
349s | fleet in decision fleet and at least get |
351s | that off route but they're just not |
352s | committing to anything well as I say |
356s | that both are getting a little bit |
358s | listen to each other |
360s | Agra Navy does he get some shots off I |
363s | think a case of just being too |
365s | defensively here just not getting |
367s | anything done yeah the frigate pilot |
370s | just needs to commit to something at |
372s | this point he could be they have to |
373s | understand they can't win the match |
375s | without making a really good play at |
377s | this point yet they've had opportunities |
380s | to at least come to freak it off and |
381s | that would already get them a win if the |
382s | time runs out so I'm not sure why |
385s | they're not even willing to commit to to |
387s | forget like just right now as you see on |
389s | the rig there we go this might be |
392s | pretentious we might be able to see the |
393s | vigil take him out here yeah he's |
395s | finally burning it for it chasing him to |
399s | the edge of the arena they're going far |
402s | away you know but that might be just the |
404s | opportunity Oh web slides as you can see |
407s | that there we go this might be the play |
410s | that Russian web squad needs to turn |
411s | this game around you can see there that |
413s | both crews is now burning in towards |
415s | what could be the game deciding fight |
417s | let's see where the DPS goes down but |
418s | that OMA Navy issues optimal range bonus |
420s | it's really really helping it here you |
423s | can see the DPS already being put down |
424s | to the mercenary before a dream of |
426s | Mirrors can even do anything to engage |
428s | in this fight |
429s | yeah he's burning it as fast as he can |
431s | go he's pretty close now he should be |
433s | starting to get some damage on the |
434s | flight over his but it's just not |
436s | happening he's putting DPS on to the |
438s | omen a via shoot yeah he's actually slow |
443s | despite the fact that his teammate had |
445s | tackle and now the mercenary individual |
447s | fleet is actually getting beat up pretty |
449s | badly here |
450s | yeah it looks like the letter E is dead |
452s | Oh Oh Andy goes down some aggressive |
455s | around and with that well you pretty |
458s | much lose any hope of Russia we've swap |
460s | winning at all and we're talking earlier |
463s | about how you could see flight of Icarus |
464s | from smart here he's burning away so he |
466s | doesn't have the risk of being killed by |
470s | the arc Navy which will just blur to |
473s | xcxc boys yeah okay that's it |
479s | you |