over 2 years
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EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
6s | thank you |
29s | good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and |
31s | welcome back to Alliance tournament 18 |
33s | I'm Ithaca Hawk and you're here in gt44 |
35s | with me with Blackboard fire and with |
37s | mystical Knight hello how are you guys |
40s | doing today |
41s | oh I'm doing super great um I'm so |
44s | excited we're about to see a bunch of |
45s | people get kicked out of the tournament |
46s | which is always that my favorite part |
48s | that's why I love the days after the |
50s | first day so I'm ready to go yeah we |
53s | actually saw three teams uh get kicked |
54s | out the tournament yesterday going uh |
56s | Owen two uh in a double elimination |
58s | format that means they are guns owed uh |
60s | the next five matches that we're gonna |
62s | have for you today are all elimination |
64s | matches so these are teams in the |
66s | elimination bracket if they lose these |
68s | matches they are gone from the |
69s | tournament they that's it they go home |
70s | they get nothing they get no prize ships |
72s | they get they're just valued private |
74s | pool contributors so these teams are |
76s | going to want to try and pull everything |
78s | they can out of the bag if they have |
80s | their Flagship remaining they've got |
81s | some secret comp this is going to be the |
83s | time to use it and on that let's discuss |
85s | the first match so it's going to be dark |
87s | side versus Alexis Matari so let's have |
89s | a look at the bands for this match |
91s | coming up in just a few minutes |
93s | okay so the red team Banning nothing and |
96s | The Blue Team also Banning nothing which |
98s | is a controversial uh decision I |
100s | personally uh as a captain and a team I |
102s | would like to ban multiple ships up to |
104s | three if I could |
106s | um Bart yeah I think so even maybe |
109s | potentially more depending on if you're |
111s | able to get a few uh duplicates but it |
113s | turns out we did not actually have |
115s | duplicate bands so exactly so at |
117s | Darkseid buying Nighthawk Loki Gila um |
120s | relatively standard from what we saw |
121s | yesterday quite a few teams Banning |
123s | those ships and Alexis Matari Banning |
125s | out the curse Armageddon and the |
126s | Armageddon Navy issue so saying we don't |
128s | want to see those long range newts we |
129s | don't want to see those bonus tracking |
131s | disruptors or guidance disruptors |
133s | um mystical might what does this kind of |
134s | telegraph to you I mean again uh these |
137s | are pretty standard bands it looks like |
138s | Darkseid doesn't want to have to deal |
140s | with that Nighthawk Loki Rush that we've |
142s | seen quite commonly yesterday I think |
143s | we're having a conversation afterwards |
145s | where we're talking about the prevalence |
147s | or rather lack of prevalence for the |
149s | mimitar rush because mimitar Rush is |
151s | what we're all kind of Fairly used to |
152s | but it seems like people have opted for |
155s | caldari Rush a lot more now and it seems |
157s | like Darkseid just doesn't want to have |
158s | to deal with that whereas for Lexus |
160s | Matari they saw newts they saw tracking |
163s | disrupters they saw the get and buff or |
164s | navy getting buff and they went no thank |
166s | you and they don't have to deal with |
168s | that either I don't think Navy guidance |
169s | actually as good as we think it might be |
171s | given that a lot of teams have brought |
172s | it |
173s | shoehorned it into a bunch of comps and |
175s | then lost with it so far it's perhaps |
178s | not not performing as well as we thought |
179s | it would yeah it's always super |
181s | interesting when teams um bring ships |
183s | that have just been buffed the teams |
185s | haven't really had time like sometimes |
186s | people have maybe like a year to figure |
188s | out matters but then if a ship is buffed |
191s | like two weeks before everyone has to |
192s | just think on the Fly uh but speaking of |
194s | thinking of the flight let's go to the |
195s | arena and find out who's going to win |
196s | between Darkseid and Alexis Matari |
203s | all right welcome to the arena with me |
205s | wingner and zoo and we've got uh |
207s | darksides versus Alexis Matari and we |
209s | have a very interesting comp at the |
211s | moment we have full |
213s | um Well author span to be honest triple |
215s | Oprah's burgers with the Scimitar that |
217s | is kiting monstrosities from Dark Side |
219s | meanwhile Alex matar going for triple |
220s | Battleship with anushimu so honestly a |
223s | lot of control on the uh this Matari |
224s | team but a lot of range control as far |
226s | as I'm concerned from the Dark Side well |
228s | if I'm looking at these typhoons right |
230s | these are actually torpedo typhoons that |
233s | we're seeing here from em right now so |
235s | it's going to be interesting |
236s | um I'm not too sure that they're gonna |
237s | be really happy about choosing Torpedoes |
239s | going up against like full cardi offers |
241s | can't be right now so good luck chasing |
243s | down some boys |
245s | exactly torpedo typhoons against well |
247s | what is a very very incredibly courty |
249s | and hard to catch comp that is probably |
251s | not the best of course just double |
252s | checking those eyes those are definitely |
254s | indeed Torpedoes so they're gonna have |
256s | to rely on their support wing for sure |
258s | maybe have the Sentinel ruins on these |
259s | ships days but this is going to be a |
261s | game of cat and mouse and it's a kind of |
263s | a dark side match to lose as far as I |
264s | see I mean they're only long range webs |
267s | already here being the ashimu to help |
269s | those Torpedoes |
270s | um opted for a visual Fleet issue vigil |
272s | Fleet issue still has a role bonus for |
274s | that web so I think you can get about 15 |
276s | to 20 depending on hidden links um but |
279s | nothing like a Hino or Rapier are you |
281s | going to really have those super long |
282s | range webs to just reach out and grab |
284s | something |
285s | um and I don't think they already have |
287s | any bonus paints on their comp as well |
289s | I'm not too sure if the visual Fleet |
290s | issue has the pain bonus we'll confirm |
292s | that oh either way the match is about to |
293s | be underway and I suspect all the |
295s | support Wing the center or the vigil and |
296s | even maybe the uh Deacon and Thalia are |
299s | going to suffer under rapid lights from |
300s | the authors as the match goes now |
303s | you know it's confirming there's no |
304s | paint bonus on the visual Fleet so |
306s | nothing like the also mahina to support |
307s | these Torpedoes but they're underway |
309s | particularly that we've seen the |
310s | officers just uh running away for |
312s | freedom and uh let's see that going for |
314s | the Sentinel making sure that they're |
315s | going to keep this rain advantage in |
317s | every single way that they can probably |
318s | gonna be looking off to kill the tackle |
319s | after this but making sure that all |
321s | their missiles can hit fully on |
322s | everything that they choose |
324s | there's a bit of split damage when |
325s | they're hitting the sense not anything |
326s | the visual Fleet honestly oh there we go |
328s | there's some actual damage I better say |
329s | they're not doing all that much but |
330s | never started to hurt him but now he's |
332s | actually again not dying never mind I've |
335s | called things too early there oh look at |
336s | the failure what we're also seeing right |
338s | now these Jack doors on Darkseid doing |
340s | an absolutely killer job right now I |
342s | mean we've seen these Torpedoes come in |
344s | we already have our thoughts about these |
345s | Torpedoes but you've seen the absolute |
347s | utility that these Jack doors bring in |
348s | their mids just spreading guidance |
350s | instructors all over this Battleship |
351s | core of electricity Matari right now |
354s | yep it's basically a game no matter what |
356s | is Alexa Matari going to be able to do |
358s | here what's their strategy because at |
359s | the moment they're kind of just getting |
360s | killed they need to basically catch |
361s | something but how |
363s | have you got the tools to make it work I |
364s | have to wait and see at the moment |
366s | they're kind of are they even moving |
368s | well it looks like there's some uh |
369s | long-range things going on to the Bargas |
371s | there of skykiller I'm not sure if |
373s | that's a grapple going off on an off |
374s | right now no the battleships are closing |
376s | down on him the two typhoons bearing |
377s | down on the bar gas of skykiller right |
379s | now hopefully they can just show if |
381s | there's actually any like uh bite behind |
383s | that bark of the Torpedoes that we've |
385s | been talking about |
387s | yeah well if they get onto a battleship |
389s | the the Torpedoes will definitely kill |
391s | it but at the moment by the time they |
392s | finally get it they're going to lose |
393s | their entire support Wing if they can |
395s | even catch something I think |
397s | I'm looking I think a typhoon has got |
398s | some newts out on the bike I think a bug |
400s | is actually is uh double webbed down |
402s | he's grappled and webbed so they've |
404s | definitely got a close to a catch so |
406s | maybe they can get rid of this Sky |
407s | killer bug and then go from there but |
409s | losing your support Wing in a triple |
411s | torpedo a comp is not the thing you want |
413s | to be doing right now |
414s | you know it's unfortunately I feel it's |
416s | a little too late losing majority of the |
418s | support especially once that Ashima goes |
420s | down with the vigil feat going down soon |
421s | they're not going to have any real webs |
423s | to especially catch something like |
424s | authorizes and Jack doors so they're |
426s | just going to be chasing some uh cardio |
428s | boys for the rest of the game even if |
429s | they manage to kill this bar gas right |
431s | now but even that I mean we're getting |
433s | their entire core of their DPS onto this |
435s | bar guest and it's not really showing |
438s | that this investment of this Torpedoes |
440s | was actually a good choice right now |
442s | I'm just trying to see where the other |
444s | bug is currently is I think he's |
445s | actually the other bug is too far away I |
447s | think the stormbringer is actually |
448s | perma-helled him now yeah the opposing |
450s | Stormbreaker just held this guy down so |
451s | he can't even get over to the fight you |
453s | see the buggiest of our team now |
454s | Breaking Free I believe of the of the |
456s | storm Bringers finally able to shoot at |
457s | the other Vargas |
458s | luckily Bargas has a bit more of a range |
460s | in Africa uh range bonus with its |
463s | ridiculous velocity bonus of this |
464s | murderous Legion |
465s | um but still uh close trade on the bar |
468s | gas but not close in any other ways |
470s | right now we're gonna say |
472s | yep well as I said uh our team the bug |
475s | has now got onto the uh bug of Sky |
477s | killer and you can see actually he's |
478s | dying so much quicker now that you've |
479s | got three torpedo battleships right on |
481s | top of his face it's just a lot of |
483s | damage to go through |
484s | oh it's actually sad to see I mean I |
486s | love to see a Torpedoes show up |
488s | Torpedoes can always be such an exciting |
490s | game but I mean hey |
492s | um looks like darkseid's just gonna lose |
493s | a bar guys for this and they're just |
495s | gonna enjoy a comfortable Kylie comp |
496s | just you know swagging over there must |
499s | say really good choice on those jackals |
501s | Jack tools just bringing an absolutely |
503s | ridiculous amount of fertility |
504s | versatility one thing people generally |
506s | don't realize about the jackdoor is in |
507s | Sharpshooter mode it gets a bonus to |
509s | e-war resistance range sensor strength |
512s | so ironically enough if it were to get |
514s | into an e or fight with a carries are |
518s | Beaufort dams on top |
521s | yep and looks like this Stormbreaker |
522s | held down one of the battleships so they |
524s | have to pick on him next and honestly |
525s | that's a really tough Target to pick |
527s | when everything else is around the ears |
529s | incredibly tanky like it's one of the |
531s | few ships I don't think there's many |
532s | others get a six percent resist bonus |
534s | per level rather than a four percent or |
536s | three percent so that's honestly just |
538s | kind of crazy how much resist that thing |
539s | can have as the Scimitar will probably |
541s | keep them up pretty much forever I think |
542s | unless unless this typing doesn't go |
545s | down quickly enough like you say the |
546s | income sporting those are nice bonuses |
548s | um sporting the victory skin as well and |
550s | the storm bringer there so building a |
552s | bit of Swag so victory for the team but |
554s | not for the stormbringer as you should |
556s | hopefully be going down there I say |
557s | hopefully just so that uh em can have a |
560s | bit more kills in their pocket here if |
562s | they're Torpedoes but um uh stormbringer |
564s | might just be uh yeah |
567s | I think he's going to tank now because |
569s | that's a lot of DPS removed for the |
571s | typing being gone if they get one lucky |
572s | volley he'll probably rip him right |
574s | through a structure but at the moment he |
576s | is actually gaining Shield the Scimitar |
577s | is doing amazing work of Rick Ross he's |
579s | doing music a beautiful work keeping him |
580s | alive |
581s | so I suspect this storm bringer may just |
583s | stay alive |
585s | so hold on |
586s | battleships again opting for a full |
589s | spread of damage drones seen some more |
591s | heavy drones than what's coming in from |
592s | the EM side here right now |
594s | um not really large something you would |
596s | maybe expect to support something like a |
598s | solo logic like a scimitar but it looks |
600s | like dark side was quite confident in |
601s | her hiding skills here obtaining more |
603s | for the damage and just helping secure |
604s | those low end kills pretty quickly with |
606s | the combination of the rap about the |
609s | jackdaws also just been absolutely |
610s | awesome like long range snipe ships with |
612s | those light missiles and then just |
614s | having all that utility getting from all |
616s | those drones as well just Target Choice |
619s | um absolutely fantastic here for |
621s | Darkseid just be able to shoot it |
622s | anything they wanted I was watching the |
624s | typing Fleet of uh Debs or Debs or I |
627s | can't pronounce that name and they kind |
628s | of just burnt up to one of these |
629s | jackdaws and I don't know if they've |
631s | even got any real application besides a |
632s | newt I see a new being applied to the |
634s | jacket but nothing else so don't know |
636s | what's going on with that I think he |
637s | just tried to solo PVP at jackdore and |
638s | uh found that he didn't have the tools |
640s | to make that work but he is now the last |
641s | member of his team so fortunately uh |
643s | Alexis Matari kind of uh I don't know I |
645s | think they brought a knife to a gunfight |
647s | here because Dark Side brought the |
649s | perfect coating tools to just ruin their |
650s | triple Battleship dreams |
652s | I don't think we actually mentioned it |
654s | because the chat went a bit quickly but |
655s | that was actually a flagship bar I guess |
657s | we just sort of go down on Em's side |
660s | that is correct |
662s | it was a flex yeah |
665s | I would just see oh deeps do uh mjd |
667s | there 120 kilometers still safe within |
669s | the arena just make sure he turns around |
671s | because you've got to go for the honor |
672s | boundary he left |
674s | right thank you very much bataro you |
676s | guys had an amazing fight but |
678s | unfortunately Darkseid have Come Away |
679s | with the win and with that we'll go back |
681s | to the studio |
687s | [Music] |
694s | thank you |
708s | guys stop being casual they're really |
710s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
712s | warp off warp off take the fleet warp |
715s | everybody warp off this is a really |
716s | really bad it actually very disappointed |
725s | [Music] |
731s | [Music] |
735s | crash our enemies your temps are |
738s | completely damned out Crush I'm dumped |
740s | out I'm downtown you don't like |
741s | Champions boys again |
749s | I'm jammed |
768s | Darkseid taking the victory over Alex |
771s | cemetery and unfortunately our Minotaur |
774s | role-playing contingent have now been |
775s | eliminated from The Minotaur Republic |
778s | sponsored Alliance tournament 07 to them |
781s | it didn't end well they lost their |
783s | Flagship Bargas as well a armored |
785s | torpedo bar guest and we don't normally |
787s | see armor bar guests that can be used of |
789s | course it has plenty of valid use cases |
791s | but Torpedoes as well uh Mr come out we |
794s | were talking about during the match good |
796s | ship has a lot of use but it really |
798s | needs a strong support Wing in order to |
800s | make more shoes out of it tell me about |
802s | that yeah so I suppose we don't really |
804s | see Torpedoes too much in the tournament |
806s | because they are a little bit more |
808s | difficult to use than your rapid heavy |
809s | missile launcher systems which we do see |
812s | quite commonly due to just the amount of |
814s | projection and burst damage that you can |
815s | get out of them but if you know that |
817s | you're going into Battleship setups as |
820s | we've seen commonly within this |
821s | tournament or a rush setup where they |
823s | have to be in range review Torpedoes can |
825s | actually be quite effective the issue |
826s | that we saw here is that they brought |
828s | three to torpedo battleships into a |
830s | kiting setup and didn't really have the |
833s | support Wing that allowed them to pin |
834s | down these kiting ships which meant that |
836s | their weapon systems were effectively |
837s | useless apart from against the Bargas |
840s | which they did manage to tackle and pin |
842s | down we also saw it took actually quite |
844s | a while for it to die because they had |
845s | to get into range of it and again that |
847s | leans on the fact that if you don't have |
849s | a strong support Wing then you can be |
851s | screened off and separated quite easily |
853s | and that will have again an impact on |
855s | how fast you can actually go through the |
856s | enemy team when you do manage to pin |
858s | something down so I suppose I would have |
861s | liked to see I've seen things like a |
863s | perhaps a hugin or a hyena they both |
866s | have stronger web range bonuses than the |
868s | visual Fleet and the ashimu and they're |
870s | also able to help with application which |
872s | is very important for Torpedoes using |
875s | their target picture bonuses so I think |
877s | yeah there are a few things they could |
878s | have done a little bit better to enable |
880s | their setup a bit more but I mean it was |
882s | a good attempt I think it's quite |
883s | interesting to see Torpedoes in that |
885s | tournament setting yeah I'm a big fan of |
887s | them just because like the huge amounts |
888s | of DPA yes if you get it right sometimes |
890s | we see bombers being used in comps |
893s | because obso they have to repeat the DPS |
894s | so a lot of DPS but if you have |
896s | something to help you apply now also |
899s | Bart we saw a whole bunch of guidance |
901s | disruptors coming across those ships and |
902s | that seemed to have a big impact on them |
904s | as well like why |
906s | uh well you know we've talked about it a |
908s | couple a little bit we talked about it |
910s | yesterday's some and I think this is |
911s | maybe one of the first games we actually |
913s | saw a lot of guy instructor usage and I |
915s | believe it was from the jackdaws and |
917s | probably the stormbringer uh and putting |
919s | those on torpedo ships which already you |
922s | know traditionally have such low range |
923s | and such low application means that |
925s | their range is even lower and their |
927s | application is even lower and I think |
928s | specifically we saw that the flag |
930s | bargist was guidance disrupted so much |
932s | that it couldn't apply damage because it |
934s | got tackled like it was pretty close it |
936s | was like maybe 25 kilometers off but it |
939s | was guidance disrupted to the point |
940s | where its missiles were probably like 10 |
942s | kilometers 15 and so when it finally got |
944s | in |
945s | um Alex Matari was finally able to get a |
947s | kill on the board and it was their only |
948s | kill and then they were done so very |
950s | very effective module uh used very |
952s | effectively and it I mean it worked like |
955s | atari's gone very sad there you go it |
958s | worked uh so yeah O7 to Alexa batari I |
961s | will see you next year for Alliance |
962s | tournament 19 confirmed |
965s | um now uh before we look at our next |
966s | match let's talk uh let's just check in |
968s | with Jin tan as he takes us through an |
970s | interview with the captain of Arcos core |
973s | hello and welcome first of all can you |
975s | just introduce yourself to the audience |
977s | please we are our Coast core I'm Nova |
980s | the CEO I'm joined by Western our |
982s | captain for the alliance tournament team |
983s | until he's our buddy and the corpse CEO |
986s | here we're essentially a small group of |
988s | null suckers whether or not we are |
991s | holding solve in the past we've lived in |
993s | non-solve areas of nullsack as well as |
995s | soft nilsek uh at the moment we're kind |
997s | of space hobos We Exist wherever we can |
999s | but in general we live in the galactic |
1001s | North and so therefore we have a history |
1004s | of being evicted by groups like |
1005s | fraternity and whatnot but yeah we're |
1007s | mostly small nanogangers and we filament |
1009s | around we show up to help buddies around |
1011s | new Eden |
1013s | um we do not have many blues and we're |
1015s | passionately anti-block so we typically |
1017s | show up to help groups of buddies who |
1018s | are also like-minded small gang pppers |
1021s | like ourselves if someone was to run |
1022s | into you on Tranquility what could they |
1024s | expect to happen they're probably |
1026s | Landing in a bubble and what would you |
1028s | normally be fighting them with probably |
1030s | anywhere between two to five guys |
1033s | um occasionally a couple more when we |
1034s | have a few buddies around but it's |
1036s | almost always ships that go above 2K 2.5 |
1039s | k we like to keep it fast and low keys |
1043s | and low-keys definitely so what's our |
1046s | cost course competitive history |
1048s | aquascore specifically doesn't have any |
1050s | history and Elon Stoneman is something |
1052s | we've always been really Keen about |
1054s | getting involved with uh we have uh |
1057s | joined forces somewhat with a couple |
1059s | guys who have been |
1060s | um in Alliance tournaments before uh and |
1063s | I can't recall how far they have |
1065s | actually gone themselves but they they |
1067s | have some limited experience more than |
1069s | us basically we're just really excited |
1071s | to cut our teeth on this and see how far |
1073s | we can make it |
1075s | what do you think is going to give your |
1076s | team an edge over the rest of the field |
1078s | I think |
1080s | we have kind of looked at this with a |
1082s | fresh perspective like we've taken the |
1085s | meta into account but we've also been |
1086s | trying to come up with our own ideas and |
1088s | and tweak uh existing ideas so we're not |
1091s | quite uh as integrated into the existing |
1093s | meta as a lot of other teams like we |
1096s | haven't been doing this for years and |
1098s | and just kind of going through the |
1100s | motions we're really trying to come at |
1101s | this with uh yeah fresh out of eyes and |
1104s | see what we can do |
1106s | also a lot of the people that we're |
1107s | bringing in to help us out for the |
1109s | tournament are people who have many many |
1111s | years of experience like have been |
1113s | playing for nearly 20 years know a lot |
1115s | of the other teams we have some good |
1117s | connections good information and some |
1119s | pretty interesting preparation in |
1121s | addition to that fresh perspective that |
1123s | veston was mentioning |
1125s | your MO is an anti-block organization |
1127s | what are your thoughts on your first |
1129s | round opponents pandemic horde I am |
1133s | personally very excited for this given |
1135s | that they have the second coolest |
1137s | Flagship pick in the Paladin so that's |
1139s | going to be a pretty interesting uh way |
1141s | to start off the tournament but again |
1143s | we're our whole our whole background is |
1145s | fighting blocks so I think it's pretty |
1147s | uh indicative of something at least that |
1150s | we'll uh be playing them in the first |
1151s | round I think that will go pretty well |
1153s | for us and uh we're hoping on you know |
1156s | to move our way from there and be you |
1158s | know teams that we expect to see in |
1159s | further rounds as well |
1161s | all right do you have any other comments |
1163s | you'd like to make to round out this |
1164s | interview uh Arcos core is recruiting |
1168s | we most certainly are come join us uh |
1171s | fight the blocks make the lifestyle and |
1172s | just have a good time |
1174s | otherwise I also kind of want to give a |
1176s | shout out we have like multiple members |
1178s | who at the moment because of internet |
1179s | crackdowns in various countries are kind |
1182s | of unable to access the game so I want |
1184s | to give a shout out to people who are |
1186s | hopefully staying safe otherwise can't |
1188s | be participating in the way that they |
1189s | would like to yeah shout out to those |
1190s | people |
1193s | thanks gentan for that interview with |
1195s | the captain of Arcos core now that match |
1197s | is just coming up right now Rook Capell |
1199s | versus Arcos score and again these are |
1201s | elimination matches so Arcos score you |
1203s | know they have to win this if they want |
1204s | to stay in wrote Capel same for them |
1206s | wrote capella Crush yesterday had a |
1208s | tough match against we form Volta uh so |
1210s | you know no shame in losing to that team |
1212s | is a great team uh but let's look at the |
1214s | bands for this match coming up rook |
1215s | Capel versus arkos core |
1219s | okay so Rook Capel uh Banning out the |
1222s | Scimitar Blackbird and Loki so they |
1224s | don't see any ECM here they don't want |
1225s | to see long-range webs and they don't |
1226s | want to see that Shield Katie uh |
1228s | Logistics ship Archos core Banning out |
1231s | the curse the Armageddon navigation the |
1233s | bar guest uh Blackberry pirate what's |
1235s | your thoughts here uh you know we're |
1237s | kind of seeing the same like set of |
1238s | bands from some of these teams with this |
1240s | this curse and Armageddon Navy issue set |
1242s | up so |
1243s | um not particularly unique I almost |
1244s | think it's like kind of to this point of |
1246s | they think that they're very strong |
1248s | ships and therefore they just don't want |
1250s | to see them uh the rockapel team you |
1253s | know sort of same situation you go to |
1254s | the Scimitar and you kind of get rid of |
1256s | a lot of these kaidi setups um we really |
1258s | haven't seen a lot of blackbirds yet so |
1259s | they maybe they know something that we |
1261s | don't that uh ECM is actually still very |
1264s | much secret sauce and in the game uh and |
1267s | the Loki band |
1268s | um I'm still kind of questioning it |
1269s | we've talked about the the Nighthawk |
1271s | Loki rush but I don't really think |
1272s | that's a thing anymore so I don't know |
1274s | it's uh kind of interesting I think rote |
1276s | doesn't want to be kited and Arcos |
1278s | doesn't want to be nuded but beyond that |
1279s | like who does want to be kited and |
1281s | neuted right yeah I mean it's a valid |
1284s | point I just love seeing the uh Rook |
1286s | valve at 93 pilots fly with them over |
1288s | the years there's just been such a long |
1289s | history uh like a story history in the |
1292s | alliance tournament like I remember |
1293s | watching live streaming you know 10 |
1295s | years ago on and Rook Capel being |
1297s | present and just always being like this |
1299s | consistent team in the alliance |
1300s | tournament so I'm always happy to see |
1302s | them I'm always I'm a mad bizell spammer |
1305s | um in uh in twitch chat I will spam that |
1306s | madamazel to support wrote Capel |
1309s | um and all of you are supporting Rook |
1310s | Capel as well by the looks of it and 90 |
1312s | of you voting for uh wrote Capell with |
1315s | your channel points that's a lot of |
1316s | Channel points 1.4 million of them on |
1318s | Road Coppell right now so you're a |
1320s | return if you vote for Arcos score and |
1322s | you win could be catastrophically huge |
1324s | uh mystical mate uh would you be putting |
1327s | your points on Arcos score here yeah |
1328s | absolutely yeah it seems like easy |
1330s | points to me you know uh what's the uh |
1334s | Point exchange rate on here at the |
1335s | moment how many do you get back if you |
1336s | win I think um so if you bet an Arcos |
1339s | score currently of going up to 12 so |
1341s | propaganda is working here |
1343s | um then the points for the on-rook Capel |
1345s | are split between all the people who |
1346s | vote for Arcos score and it depends how |
1349s | much you you vote so if you put 1 000 |
1351s | Channel points and your body does 2 000 |
1352s | then he gets twice as much back as you |
1354s | so you should put all your channel |
1355s | points on at any one time I would say |
1357s | don't take my word as any investment |
1359s | advice with your channel points so for |
1361s | the people that may have you know for |
1363s | the two percent that we just saw jump up |
1364s | there |
1365s | you're probably going to lose those but |
1368s | you know it's worth the risk I think |
1371s | yeah I mean it's still going up yeah 13 |
1373s | hat lucky number 13. so yeah make sure |
1375s | you keep spamming all those points uh |
1377s | bring yourself some cool skins uh I |
1379s | don't know if there's some more uh |
1381s | things you can win later on at this |
1382s | channel points but we'll certainly let |
1384s | you know if there are |
1385s | um I think we're almost ready to go to |
1387s | the arena I'm just waiting to get |
1388s | confirmation the teams are on grid and |
1390s | then we'll be able to hand over to that |
1393s | um Mr come out although the points say |
1395s | put points on our course who do you |
1396s | think it's going to win this one |
1398s | so I'm gonna lean towards rotcapel |
1402s | simply because of their tournament |
1403s | pedigree |
1404s | um knowing a bit about the actual pilots |
1406s | on the team knowing how they are how |
1408s | they fly |
1409s | um I think that they may be able to |
1411s | salvage the fact that they are in the |
1412s | lower bracket and make a decent run of |
1414s | it but having listened to the interview |
1416s | from Arcos score hearing about they want |
1418s | to try and bring a new Fresh perspective |
1420s | to the alliance tournament as a team |
1422s | that hasn't necessarily |
1424s | been going through the motions of just |
1425s | attending each year because it's |
1427s | something that they've done before you |
1428s | know |
1429s | the Underdog Story side of me kind of |
1431s | wants them to do well and surprise us |
1434s | um so I'm gonna lean wrote Capell with |
1435s | my brain and I'll lean Arcos score with |
1438s | my heart okay well it's time to find out |
1440s | if it's the brain of the heart as we go |
1442s | to the arena for root Capel versus Arcos |
1443s | core |
1449s | and welcome to the arena of pearl versus |
1451s | arca's core and my favorite ship is on |
1453s | the grid and I am sad because it is |
1455s | about to be kited to death by Road as we |
1457s | get a Vindicator and lecheck on grid |
1459s | versus heavy missile Nighthawk kiting |
1461s | comp I believe unless I've missed |
1463s | something |
1464s | uh what do you think about this one Zoo |
1466s | um interesting to see all the shack the |
1468s | Shacks can always be interesting in the |
1469s | shack tank tomorrow an armor control |
1470s | setup but obviously the Blackbird we saw |
1472s | being banned here um can't find going |
1474s | down so normally show The Shack being in |
1476s | the top heavy comp with a lot more |
1477s | control stipulation around it but we're |
1479s | seeing with a Vindicator and the |
1480s | sacrilege here |
1481s | um not so much of the Mina but seems |
1483s | like a weird mix between some kind of |
1485s | Rush armor team not really sure if |
1488s | there's much Direction on that comp but |
1490s | loving the mono minnow here uh kaldari |
1492s | with the sky breaker on roadside |
1495s | oh yeah and qadari missiles are going to |
1497s | be a hard thing to catch they're pretty |
1499s | much uh Arcus core put all their eggs |
1500s | into The Vindicator The Shack basket |
1502s | it's usually a very potent combo but |
1503s | when you can't catch your targets it |
1505s | becomes almost a liability and those are |
1508s | hams we have on The Nighthawks and the |
1509s | direct navies are they really yes |
1513s | they look like Heavies okay they're all |
1515s | good they're going right in for that |
1516s | bendy so I mean if they if those are |
1517s | heavy is they're doing it wrong but |
1518s | they're doing it right for going for |
1520s | their Divinity absolutely smashing in |
1521s | there once again we're seeing just an |
1522s | enormous amount of uh rep uh DPS spots |
1525s | going up we're splitting the damage onto |
1526s | the Thalia of magic right now so good |
1528s | tactics here coming from rote you |
1530s | putting that light drones off the |
1531s | perfect application onto the freed while |
1532s | focusing their actual heavy DPS top end |
1535s | DPS on that Vindicator absolutely Shady |
1537s | man if any kid is still going to have |
1538s | some Hull here but he's sure to go down |
1540s | yep he's gonna go down quick my favorite |
1541s | ship no not only is my favorite ship |
1543s | dead I've made the wrong call ah looks |
1546s | like there's a going for the caracal |
1547s | Navy with a little Shack |
1549s | um well Shack in his own stores a lot of |
1551s | DPS but now they're kind of on a timer |
1553s | here because they're going to get ripped |
1554s | apart remarkably quickly well off Note |
1556s | these character Navy issues are also |
1557s | hand fit normally you would see them |
1559s | going um the light uh missile launcher |
1562s | rapid lights but the uh Osprey Navy also |
1564s | have so full hams here from Road Coppell |
1566s | they're just all in on that ridiculous |
1569s | amount of damage they will lose one |
1570s | character Navy issue there but they're |
1571s | going to be shredding The Shack as well |
1573s | um the authors as well going in for the |
1575s | hams um just absolutely Shredder damage |
1578s | coming out of here not giving much |
1580s | chance for Arcus Corey here to actually |
1582s | get anything back |
1584s | yeah I don't think about ham comps is |
1585s | that there is no stopping it there is no |
1587s | reloads there are no breaks there are no |
1589s | brakes on this train at all as they just |
1591s | remove the entire top end of Arc is cool |
1593s | and at that point that's game like this |
1595s | what can they do now all their heavy |
1597s | stuff is gone we've got a support Wing |
1599s | that can't really do anything has no |
1600s | teeth so ravoda wrote for the uh the ham |
1604s | Rush that I didn't see coming |
1605s | yeah uh normally the downside to |
1607s | something like Nighthawks or being |
1608s | kinetic locked you know especially when |
1610s | you're going against the armor team you |
1611s | always run at risk especially with |
1613s | reactive armor hardness has been one of |
1615s | the most common modules when you're |
1616s | running an armor team and then just |
1618s | having all kinetic you just end up |
1619s | getting quite a dilemma like do you |
1620s | shift to low end damage do you keep that |
1622s | kinetic because you're bonus as the moon |
1623s | goes down there but with this Drake and |
1625s | every issue the author is the Osprey |
1627s | caracal Navy issues wrote isn't actually |
1629s | facing an issue they have all the damage |
1631s | choices in the World to shoot whatever |
1633s | they want and just finding all the holes |
1635s | in this comp right now and they just |
1636s | keep stabbing at Arkansas |
1638s | yeah this is very unfortunate looks like |
1640s | those who bet on Arcus core hoping for a |
1642s | big payday are about to be disappointed |
1643s | they probably expected to be |
1645s | as uh yeah they're just going to pull |
1647s | apart one ship at a time and look you |
1648s | see they're even struggling to try and |
1649s | kill his character I think the Osprey is |
1651s | honestly either not repping everything |
1652s | he's got or he had got very little reps |
1655s | to begin with because this carico Navy |
1657s | is holding perfectly |
1659s | unfortunately um Arcos score really had |
1661s | nothing to really Reach Out And Touch |
1663s | that Osprey right now with a whole |
1664s | hammerer screening you off making sure |
1666s | that nothing can reach you the best tip |
1668s | to be in a position to have touched it |
1669s | would have been a Le Shack but |
1671s | um that would have just been one DBS |
1673s | ridiculous amount of DPS coming through |
1675s | from uh the shack obviously but Osprey |
1677s | just comfortably he's not even pausing |
1679s | his prop mod he's just drifting around |
1681s | having the time of his life |
1685s | yeah let's see what's going to happen |
1687s | now obviously it's just going to be a |
1689s | complete Slaughter but honestly it's |
1691s | like you you bring an armor Rush com you |
1693s | think okay we're gonna win this and you |
1694s | see this comp and if they had more time |
1695s | than I did look at it they would have |
1696s | gone hey it's a hand Rush too we can win |
1698s | this and then you realize no you really |
1699s | can't they if you look to the bar at the |
1701s | side of the match rookie pill actually |
1703s | had a bigger attack bar than Arcus core |
1705s | and Arcus core brought the windy they |
1707s | should win right it's windicator right I |
1709s | don't know I feel like there was just a |
1710s | total mismatch coming through an Arcus |
1711s | course side Unfortunately they had |
1713s | another Shack cool a Vindicator blasters |
1715s | wants to get close sacrilege kind of |
1717s | fits into that but I think the namunan |
1719s | was actually |
1720s | um light missile fit or something like |
1722s | that uh rapid lights not too sure have |
1724s | to confirm about that |
1726s | um but it just seemed like such a |
1727s | mismatch that we're having there it |
1729s | seemed more like a kitchen sink armor |
1730s | Fleet to me unfortunately |
1734s | yeah Paul scarpick is now being uh |
1736s | chased also not mean Chase he's actually |
1738s | been tackled so he's now going to die |
1739s | painfully but yeah I think this is going |
1741s | to be a near clean sweeper route they |
1743s | would have uh if they didn't lost the |
1745s | Navy we've been a complete clean sweep |
1747s | it looks like the characters of all |
1749s | things clean sweep stars for winners |
1751s | Road capells in the losers bracket so |
1753s | just showing that they're not not |
1755s | perfect |
1757s | no one is and with that Last Ship |
1758s | destroyed Rogue comes home with a uh all |
1760s | single loss but with that we'll head |
1762s | back to studio and see what they think |
1767s | [Music] |
1783s | thank you |
1787s | Yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
1790s | collectively so that's why that Alliance |
1792s | logo is in the game of course you could |
1794s | change your alliance by leaving but that |
1795s | would be kind of a jerk move oh you |
1798s | don't like it now just leave this logo |
1800s | sucks I'm gonna go join |
1808s | [Music] |
1811s | thank you |
1817s | welcome to leave Pandora |
1844s | [Music] |
1849s | Rook Capell there with their take on a |
1851s | kaldari rush uh just dunking all over a |
1854s | Vindicator right there and then wiping |
1856s | up the rest of the Arcos core team and |
1858s | unfortunately we do say goodbye to them |
1860s | as this was an elimination match so they |
1861s | are out of the tournament uh for those |
1863s | of you who took uh your uh points |
1866s | investment advice from mystical might |
1868s | over here |
1869s | um we can only apologize uh as all your |
1871s | points uh have now vanished so perhaps |
1874s | we don't listen to Mystical might |
1875s | anymore in the future all right |
1877s | um could they have done anything |
1878s | different there I mean at first we |
1880s | thought maybe this is going to be a |
1880s | kiting team uh brought by Rock Capell |
1882s | but then they just barreled in hams to |
1884s | the face you know what could the what |
1887s | could Arcos have done there I feel like |
1889s | there was an opportunity |
1890s | um I I think that Vindicator actually |
1892s | dropped maybe a little faster than we |
1893s | usually see and that's kind of the |
1895s | that's the fault of frigate Logie right |
1897s | versus using something like a kind of |
1899s | neros maybe that would have helped I do |
1901s | think there was like actually almost |
1902s | zero screening on the Arcos core side so |
1905s | like if they had pushed out and maybe |
1907s | caught some of those uh you know heavy |
1909s | assault missile ships which have a |
1910s | relatively short range |
1912s | um slowed it down given that Vindicator |
1914s | time to live given that LE Shack time to |
1915s | ramp up on some targets because all you |
1917s | really got to do is take like two or |
1918s | three of those calorie Rush ships down |
1920s | and now you can actually win uh they |
1923s | didn't do that they took a single Navy |
1925s | caracal down which |
1927s | not quite as much as what you want to |
1929s | get done I mean you shouldn't trade a |
1931s | Vindicator for Navy caracal ever and you |
1932s | shouldn't trade your entire team for a |
1934s | Navy caracal ever uh but it is |
1936s | unfortunate |
1937s | um especially after that like interview |
1938s | where you're kind of like oh yeah these |
1940s | guys are this is going to be awesome you |
1941s | know they're gonna they've got a lot of |
1943s | heart they're gonna get this done but uh |
1944s | you know like Misty said uh the heart |
1946s | doesn't beat the brain yeah I mean you |
1949s | know really anyone betting should really |
1950s | follow my my brain and not my heart so |
1953s | all right follow your brain cool |
1956s | um so we bar you touched on a little bit |
1958s | there about |
1959s | um about |
1961s | um uh production of uh uh Logistics |
1964s | Cruisers versus Logistics frigates uh |
1967s | can you just elaborate a little bit on |
1968s | the differences there uh sure I mean you |
1970s | know besides like the obvious ones which |
1972s | is that one in our frigates than the |
1974s | other is Cruisers uh case people are you |
1976s | know newish to Eve online actually |
1978s | correct that is correct uh you can |
1980s | there's there's a whole set of different |
1981s | like little rules in the alliance |
1982s | tournament um so you can't fit remote |
1985s | reps on any ships besides religious ship |
1988s | on top of that you can only either have |
1991s | one Logistics Cruiser or two Logistics |
1993s | frigates so that's why we don't see like |
1995s | a team bringing Trio neuroses and |
1997s | several other ships and it's like haha |
1998s | you can't defeat me uh generally |
2002s | most of the time depending on weird fits |
2005s | the tech 2 Logistics Cruiser will rep |
2007s | significantly more than two tech one |
2009s | Logistics frigates and on top of that |
2011s | they have a much farther rep range and |
2013s | that's kind of the big thing is that |
2014s | anyone who's phone Logistics Cruisers |
2015s | knows that you have to be like pretty |
2017s | dang close to your target to actually |
2019s | get your full amount of reps on them |
2020s | especially with you know rep fall off |
2022s | and such which puts you in the danger |
2023s | zone and the zone of danger is not |
2025s | somewhere that you want to have your |
2028s | Logistics ever everyone who's done any |
2030s | PVP on uh like just regular the game |
2033s | knows that so having two Logistics |
2037s | frigates in the middle of a rush not |
2040s | smart uh they may be would have lived |
2042s | with the neros but I don't I don't know |
2044s | I feel like that Vindicator died really |
2046s | fast it did there's a lot of damage |
2047s | coming from those uh those handmade |
2049s | talks we also saw Arcos score Fielding |
2051s | uh I think it may be the first munin of |
2053s | Alliance sermon 18 along with the |
2055s | sacrilege of course used to be this uh |
2057s | pretty op uh like artillery ship and now |
2060s | CCP Roar has come in with a very Hefty |
2062s | Nerf bat just got it right into the |
2064s | sacrilege window and it's now a ham chip |
2067s | basically mystical mate do you think |
2069s | we'll see a bunch of them this |
2070s | tournament yeah I think perhaps not |
2072s | necessarily enough but I'm more like a |
2073s | wood chipper and then reconstructed it |
2075s | completely differently to what it was |
2077s | before |
2078s | um I think they're they're not that bad |
2080s | to be honest they have the dual tank |
2082s | bonus now so I think they get three |
2084s | percent uh three percent per level to |
2086s | both shield and armor resistance which |
2088s | means that they're fairly flexible in |
2089s | the types of setups you can fit them |
2090s | into they're decent ham damage so if |
2094s | you're doing a rush setup then they're |
2096s | not necessarily a bad choice I mean the |
2098s | servers now get say range bonus to hams |
2100s | so if you were thinking about which hack |
2102s | to bring to a rush setup maybe the |
2104s | service is better it depends entirely on |
2106s | what you're going for but I don't think |
2108s | we'll see too many hacks in general in |
2111s | the tournament simply because of the |
2112s | points that people need to invest into |
2114s | them whereas we've seen a lot of the |
2116s | faction Cruiser variants coming in |
2118s | because they're also |
2119s | they've been improved you know |
2121s | especially the Navy caracal |
2123s | um does a lot of damage and you can |
2125s | bring more of them because they're |
2126s | cheaper so mystical mate they're with |
2128s | more advice on how to invest your points |
2131s | uh so I'm going to take that with the |
2133s | solid pinch of salt and just ignore |
2135s | everything that you say do you know |
2137s | where these ships look best though they |
2139s | look best in the new upwell hangers so |
2140s | let's check in with CC Benson and learn |
2142s | some more about that |
2144s | foreign |
2150s | we decided to visually after the Apple |
2153s | hangers |
2154s | because it's a place that players spend |
2157s | a lot of time in it's also an |
2159s | environment for us to try out new things |
2161s | because they're kind of content in this |
2163s | Hangar environment so we used it to push |
2166s | a lot of new tech stuff that is giving |
2170s | us a lot of possibilities in the future |
2173s | the main part also that we wanted to |
2175s | emphasize is the scale of the game so |
2179s | within the hangers there is this main |
2181s | hall and in that one for the first time |
2184s | now we have multiple |
2186s | placements for ships which gives players |
2190s | a sense of scale between the ships also |
2193s | to be able to you know see what ships |
2197s | they have in their hunger inventory |
2198s | before I would have been like why would |
2201s | I want to talk in a hangar you know now |
2203s | I'm like why would I ever want to leave |
2204s | the hanger it's it's amazing it's uh |
2206s | it's way more visceral way more like |
2210s | interesting as you just you're able to |
2212s | like swap between ships and it'll fly |
2214s | through the hangar get the boosters |
2217s | going off and then actually taking off |
2220s | if you uh and there's actually a couple |
2223s | different like ways uh or like West for |
2226s | you to play with your ship kind of uh so |
2229s | you can hit cancel and if you hit cancel |
2230s | in the first second then the shift will |
2232s | go and then all the lights and all the |
2235s | stuff is going on and I think it's kind |
2236s | of taking off but if you hit cancel then |
2238s | go back down like oh |
2240s | if you cancel just like two seconds in |
2243s | uh then it'll actually take off and |
2245s | it'll do a little fly around the hangar |
2247s | which is really really sweet so you |
2249s | actually get to fly around in hangers a |
2252s | little bit and if you do cancel after |
2256s | the third second then well you're not |
2258s | canceling you're you're taking you made |
2260s | the decision you know you lost a chance |
2261s | you're going out |
2270s | there you are the new hangers they look |
2272s | absolutely incredible just so good when |
2274s | I first saw them I just was blown away |
2276s | by just the the ambience and just like |
2279s | being able to switch between ships and |
2280s | having the camera just zoom around I |
2282s | spent quite a long time just looking at |
2283s | my ships in my hangar |
2285s | um and I assume you guys have done the |
2287s | same thing it just looks incredible |
2289s | um like yeah I don't even have words to |
2292s | describe how cool they look uh great job |
2294s | CCP well done |
2296s | um let's look forward to our next match |
2297s | because it's gonna be a very exciting |
2298s | one it's gonna be between two teams with |
2300s | a long histories in the alliance |
2302s | tournament a long history on TQ as well |
2304s | doing lots of cool and interesting |
2306s | things it's gonna be a band apart versus |
2308s | pandemic Legion so let's see what the |
2310s | bands are for this match coming up |
2316s | okay a band apart Banning out the |
2318s | Nighthawk the Kieran and the curse |
2320s | pandemic Legion Banning out the balgar |
2322s | and the EOS and the Gila Blackbird |
2324s | pirate uh interesting sets of bands here |
2326s | what do you make about this Kieran ban |
2328s | yeah I was gonna say I think that is the |
2330s | first time we've seen a Kieran get |
2332s | banned uh obviously it is a shield |
2334s | Logistics frigate um in the shield side |
2337s | of things uh you kind of need a Kirin in |
2341s | most situations for a lot of these sort |
2343s | of modern kaldari rushes and like the |
2345s | Minotaur rushes just because many of the |
2348s | ships that you're rushing with like |
2349s | you're trying to get as much damage in |
2350s | as possible so you're using a lot of |
2352s | Cruisers and battle Cruisers so I think |
2354s | Banning both a Nighthawk and akirin is a |
2357s | pretty solid way to at least like |
2360s | significantly weaken the kaldari rush |
2362s | um |
2363s | very interesting I think though it |
2365s | really does say hey please don't rush us |
2367s | and I'm wondering if pandemic Legion is |
2369s | going to be able to pick up on that well |
2371s | I mean if any team can pick up on uh |
2373s | Banning meta being developed it's |
2375s | probably going to be the pandemic Legion |
2376s | team uh one of the most historic teams |
2379s | in the alliance tournament some absolute |
2380s | Giga brains uh in that team and in that |
2383s | Alliance uh incredible amount of |
2384s | wrinkles uh over there and look 108 |
2387s | Pilots over the years have flown with |
2389s | pandemic Legion of course we mentioned |
2391s | yesterday they've not had as much |
2392s | success as maybe they would have hoped |
2393s | to in previous tournaments but it's you |
2396s | know it's worth mentioning this is the |
2397s | most successful team in the history of |
2399s | the alliance tournament like there's no |
2401s | one else that even has five they have |
2403s | five wins I think the next one is three |
2404s | perhaps with Bob and I think maybe a few |
2407s | other teams have maybe tied on three I |
2408s | know Hydra has two Vedra has two uh I |
2411s | don't think anyone else has three and I |
2413s | think that's four but all right I see if |
2416s | I don't know wait a second there's a |
2418s | basic Edition here yeah |
2420s | interesting okay let's uh let's not talk |
2423s | about that uh let's look at the pandemic |
2425s | Legion history uh in the alliance |
2427s | tournament in a bit more detail in fact |
2428s | see if we can pull that up |
2430s | okay so I played a lot of matches over |
2433s | the years only 23 losses to what looks |
2436s | like uh is that 63 or 69 wins I can't |
2439s | actually read it from here |
2441s | um there's a lot of wins so they have a |
2443s | lot of experience in winning and very |
2445s | little experience in losing which is |
2447s | pretty much what you want to be in the |
2449s | last tournament you want to be winners |
2450s | more often than losers and pandemic |
2452s | regions certainly are that |
2454s | um they've had some fantastic Pilots |
2456s | over the years of course we spoke about |
2457s | them yesterday Destroyer Dan cool flown |
2459s | in nearly 60 matches like that is just |
2462s | so much experience uh in this team and a |
2464s | lot of like institutional knowledge that |
2466s | some of the members in the current team |
2467s | have been involved in for many many |
2469s | years and even if they weren't like |
2471s | leaders back then they've been there for |
2473s | a lot of it and they'll have picked that |
2475s | up and be able to bring that to the team |
2476s | so you know just huge amounts of |
2478s | experience let's take a look as well at |
2480s | abandon Parts history in the alliance |
2481s | tournament as a way of uh of comparing |
2484s | these two teams |
2485s | so 46 people have flown under a band |
2488s | apart in the alliance tournament not |
2490s | quite as successful as pandemic Legion |
2492s | um but about 50 wins is still pretty |
2494s | good most teams don't manage that most |
2497s | teams don't manage anywhere near that |
2498s | there's lots of o2 Kings uh in the |
2500s | alliance tournament history uh coming in |
2502s | losing uh twice and going out usually we |
2504s | say in fact that if you can get at least |
2505s | one or two wins they're going 2-2 |
2507s | especially in maybe your first year as a |
2509s | new team is fantastic abandoned apart |
2511s | I've lost a couple of matches uh against |
2513s | some really solid teams like Platinum |
2515s | sensitivity yesterday |
2516s | um fraternity last year were pretty |
2518s | reasonable if I remember correctly as |
2519s | were a test and of course cast abouts as |
2521s | well and brave Collective this year |
2522s | looking dangerous and I believe a line |
2525s | 215 would have been back when catalya |
2528s | missed was their Captain as well so lots |
2530s | and lots of interesting potential for |
2531s | this match uh the amount of History |
2534s | between these two teams just in terms of |
2536s | the quantity of matches played is |
2538s | phenomenal Bart what do you think about |
2540s | this upcoming match |
2541s | you know and uh I I hate to say it but I |
2545s | think that we've kind of reached a point |
2546s | where like the history of pandemic |
2548s | Legion has not been really relevant for |
2550s | a while now |
2551s | um just because if you look at that list |
2553s | of players there none of them showed up |
2556s | yesterday so you know you kind of have |
2558s | to have your cool guys show up to do |
2559s | cool guys stuff and a band apart looks |
2563s | like it's mostly the same team as last |
2564s | year and like a decent chunk of it is |
2566s | this year so you know I think that this |
2568s | is like a lot more even than you would |
2570s | think and normally you'd be like oh yeah |
2572s | Collegiate oh they're so so good and |
2574s | amazing and awesome but I don't know I |
2576s | feel like they didn't play particularly |
2577s | well and I think a band apart like |
2580s | actually did all right yesterday like I |
2582s | feel they played better yesterday than |
2583s | PL did but at the end of the day what |
2586s | matters is who wins today |
2589s | that is factually correct once again |
2590s | Bart uh Mr come out you look like you |
2592s | have something to say I just wanted to |
2594s | add I think it's it's easy for us to |
2596s | kind of lean on I suppose a team's |
2598s | Legacy and how they performed and how |
2600s | well they've done historically we do |
2602s | this quite a bit with PL because they've |
2603s | won so many times but |
2606s | like was mentioned you know a number of |
2608s | the players that we mentioned on the |
2609s | veterans list for PL are no longer with |
2611s | PL in fact they're in other teams now |
2613s | um same thing goes for other well-known |
2615s | groups like vidra Hydra Volta these are |
2619s | all teams that are triumvirate as well |
2621s | who's also done well these are all teams |
2623s | that have performed well historically |
2624s | they've placed well but all of those |
2627s | players have moved on to other teams and |
2628s | it's difficult for us to necessarily |
2630s | track where these players are going |
2632s | sometimes sometimes they'll now not |
2634s | necessarily fly on grid but they'll be |
2635s | in the back end helping with Theory |
2637s | exactly that's super important really |
2639s | difficult for us to then figure out okay |
2640s | what does this actually mean for the |
2642s | team that we're now talking about what |
2643s | does the new PL look like in terms of |
2646s | their experience on grid their Theory |
2649s | crafting we're gonna go find out what |
2650s | the new PL looks like um and I just want |
2652s | to point out that out in twitchland you |
2654s | have got 69 of you voting for pandemic |
2656s | Legion nice uh so let's go to the arena |
2658s | and find out who's going to win between |
2659s | the band apart and pandemic Legion |
2666s | and welcome back to the arena and it |
2669s | looks like for once the Armageddon Navy |
2670s | was not banded immediately ABA is like |
2672s | we want some of that and they've brought |
2673s | two of them so we have rapid heavy |
2676s | Armageddon navies plus a fleet typhoon |
2678s | who's also rapper heavy versus a shack |
2680s | Paladin core with a good support wing of |
2683s | DPS and a lot of control from both |
2684s | parties this is going to be a very |
2686s | interesting match I'm super excited to |
2688s | see the Paladin how that's going to show |
2690s | off but I'm having more confidence in |
2691s | this Guinness right now that's what |
2692s | they're kicking off soon but I also want |
2694s | to know normally uh we've seen a mallet |
2696s | here on a band part side |
2698s | um Mather actually has beams fit it |
2700s | looks like uh dual beams or dual pulse |
2702s | aren't sure normally you see those |
2703s | matters Go full newts and the highs |
2705s | action just be a tackle brick ship just |
2707s | to get up there and scream so opting |
2709s | more for the damage here on the banner |
2711s | part side |
2712s | yeah as you said that is definitely |
2714s | unusual we see malls being used as |
2715s | utility boats and we see some damage |
2716s | already being out onto the mayor I |
2718s | believe it's from the Paladin so it's |
2720s | gonna be curious what these Armageddon |
2721s | navies and the fleet typhoon pick first |
2723s | because of course they're clip-based |
2724s | damage if they can't rip through the |
2725s | battleship with one clip they've kind of |
2726s | put themselves in a bad spot so what are |
2729s | they gonna pick |
2730s | well Dab's going out onto pl's side uh |
2732s | stopping in the shack in the Paladin |
2734s | right now |
2735s | um guidance disruptors going slightly |
2736s | out onto abandoned Parts side but um a |
2739s | bad part keeping the range but not |
2742s | really applying any damage they look |
2744s | like they're more drifting back to an |
2745s | mjd so I'm not sure if they're going to |
2747s | try and jump in there or do something or |
2748s | trying to just get their bearings and |
2750s | think how they're gonna crack this nut |
2752s | off their armor core |
2753s | I think a bit of that also kind of |
2755s | hoping for someone to make a mistake |
2756s | which is always a good thing to do at |
2757s | the start wait for someone else to screw |
2759s | up before you do but at the moment both |
2760s | teams are playing calm and careful we're |
2762s | seeing a stab a fleet of radicals |
2764s | actually being the first one to move in |
2765s | I suspect he's going to take a lot of |
2767s | fire in a moment that could be the idea |
2769s | though |
2770s | never mind having drones out we've seen |
2773s | a tiny bit of armor buds coming out from |
2775s | that apart side one of the first times |
2776s | I've already seen that's been making use |
2778s | of it but as I said that PL also has arm |
2780s | robots out so gonna be looking to see |
2782s | how these teams micro these Bots just to |
2784s | get them onto the right targets where |
2785s | they need to be um that being said some |
2787s | light DPS going down to abandon Parts |
2789s | side now uh some poking happening there |
2790s | onto the like of the male addiction and |
2792s | the Magus |
2794s | um but looks like they're just going to |
2795s | kind of defang some drones that are |
2796s | overextended there |
2798s | now if you can't kill ships killing |
2800s | apart these repair drones can definitely |
2801s | turn the match later on to your favor |
2803s | especially with comps like this where |
2804s | they've got a lot of spare drone bags |
2806s | that can be used for little bits here |
2807s | and there so you actually see a bigger |
2808s | wave of small drones going after the |
2810s | ashimu |
2811s | that's true so we do also get a note |
2813s | here that uh panamic Legions going for |
2816s | the tech two freak lodgy well abandoned |
2818s | part is gone for the T1 Cruise logic |
2820s | augura being quite a powerful little |
2822s | boat as well still having those High |
2823s | slots um just slacking a bit on the |
2826s | utility that's something that can |
2827s | execure might bring in the mid slots for |
2828s | injection so but being a lovely little |
2830s | ship the only downside it's going to be |
2832s | not me having here is speed so if that |
2834s | apart goes in for a dive of any mjd kind |
2837s | of play that order is just gonna have to |
2839s | look to keep up with his team and stay |
2841s | in range and relevant yeah organization |
2843s | needs to be supported basically to make |
2845s | it work to its fullest potential see |
2846s | actually damage not going to the |
2847s | radicals but I'm looking I'm waiting to |
2849s | see if PL wants to try and snag the |
2850s | older if they're going to try and pick |
2851s | off small ships or DPS ships but |
2852s | honestly at the moment both teams kind |
2854s | of just posturing and waiting for the |
2855s | either a mistake to happen or the right |
2857s | opportunity as PL slowly pressing ABA |
2860s | towards the arena boundary |
2862s | and it's very interesting I think the |
2864s | Paladin mainly taking the most of the uh |
2865s | pot shots here it seems |
2868s | um not really much happening right now |
2871s | um The Shack it doesn't seem to be doing |
2872s | any kind of spills uh slowly slow |
2874s | boating up ahead |
2876s | um I'm kind of hoping that pandemic |
2877s | Legion is gonna Corner a banner part |
2880s | because I'm really curious why band |
2881s | apart with the rage advantage on those |
2883s | rapid Clips |
2884s | um but very little e-ore being applied |
2886s | to them isn't testing anything like |
2889s | omegas or pontifex or vexor navy issue |
2892s | or any other Cruisers |
2893s | well if they start firing with the rapid |
2895s | Heavies and they do not kill and |
2896s | pandemic Legions see that that is the |
2898s | opportunity to be able to strike |
2899s | immediately and they know this it's it |
2901s | is a very risky moment when you choose |
2902s | when to fire |
2904s | and they either want to save their clip |
2905s | at the right moment or just not make a |
2907s | mistake |
2909s | well I have to say I mean I don't think |
2910s | you know pl's waiting to be shut out to |
2912s | shoot first they're going to see what |
2913s | the option is but like I say that you're |
2915s | actually making a playful little girl |
2916s | here going to half armor we're going to |
2917s | see if they're going to get enough |
2918s | airpods out on the bad apart side get it |
2920s | onto that order no Redbox on him right |
2921s | now so he's struggling right now they're |
2923s | coming right now there they are going to |
2925s | draft to their mjdb can maybe he's going |
2927s | to try and make an evacuation play there |
2928s | but then if that happens he will be by |
2931s | himself away from the red Bots and might |
2933s | be even more easy pickings as he gets |
2934s | even more isolated |
2936s | just checking to see if that's rapid |
2937s | heavy is finding the pedal because the |
2938s | palette is now taking a little bit of |
2940s | damage the ogre is actually taking quite |
2941s | a good chunk the rep drones are slowly |
2943s | arriving I see at least one wave of |
2945s | Heavies hit there |
2946s | no one else is coming I'm a bit of bad |
2949s | players here I think from the Orca right |
2951s | now he's chosen just hit cutting in a |
2953s | straight line backwards didn't do any |
2955s | evasive maneuvers didn't go for the MGD |
2957s | play didn't do anything at all to just |
2959s | try and mitigate as much damage on top |
2960s | of him and he just goes down this is |
2962s | going to leave a bad apart in a really |
2963s | bad position to just you know start |
2965s | being picked off and grinded at the |
2966s | shack of Paladin exactly and also now PL |
2969s | knows don't have to push they don't have |
2971s | to charge they can play the slow game |
2973s | now because now ABA has a time limit |
2975s | they're going to run out of tank at some |
2977s | point they have to make a move as soon |
2978s | as as they can the longer they take very |
2981s | more that's gonna look bad for them it's |
2983s | kind of ironic here you normally see all |
2985s | the shack being featured in armor |
2986s | control but uh pandemic Legion actually |
2988s | not bringing a lot of e-war here maybe |
2990s | just one guidance disruptor we see that |
2991s | on the Navy getting right now |
2993s | um but actually pandemic Legion is the |
2995s | one suffering uh being the target of a |
2996s | lot of damps some easy drones newts all |
2999s | the e-war but they're the ones |
3000s | thoroughly in control of this match |
3002s | right now yeah yeah definitely got a |
3005s | good chunk of the war that is not |
3006s | currently using it as at the moment as |
3007s | you see a slow but surely a band apart's |
3009s | been pulled apart they've got to do |
3009s | something they can't just stand it they |
3010s | got to start shooting I think there |
3012s | actually is some damage coming towards |
3013s | the the Paladin now I'm just checking |
3016s | yep definitely see these getting there |
3018s | diving in now they're going to try and |
3020s | make use of their newts maybe they're |
3021s | going to be hoping to shut down this |
3023s | little Shack right now |
3024s | um but yes finally trying to like that |
3027s | apart finally trying to do some actual |
3029s | damage here it seems and realizing like |
3031s | hey these gettings are actually good |
3032s | because they have new bonuses as well |
3035s | yeah but I think unfortunately this is |
3037s | kind of the worry they would have had |
3038s | which is can we break this thing with |
3040s | our rapid Heavies and the answer at the |
3041s | moment is looking like a very distinct |
3043s | no there is a massive wave of rep drones |
3045s | on them the paladins are very tanky ship |
3046s | on its own without Bastion of course |
3048s | that um they've they've gone for it |
3051s | they've gone we have to do this and |
3052s | realize damn it we couldn't do this we |
3054s | this is not the ship to go for it's too |
3055s | late pandemic Legions actually doing a |
3057s | wonderful slow Retreat here so just got |
3060s | right up to that edge poked away snipe |
3062s | the all grew forced a Banton Park to |
3064s | have to commit and as you see as a |
3065s | banner part is forcing that commitment |
3067s | right now pandemic Legion just backing |
3069s | away as a core |
3070s | um leaving some screen ships up there |
3072s | like the shimu and even like sure you |
3074s | got the shack tackle but we're just |
3075s | going to make sure there's no follow-up |
3077s | for you you're going to shoot now what |
3078s | we're going to leave you to shoot and |
3079s | just making sure that they're also not |
3081s | overextending like even though they |
3082s | secured those comfortable kills they're |
3084s | making sure that they're just not |
3085s | getting um too excited here right now |
3087s | I'm just keeping cool heads |
3090s | look at the I just love the wave of the |
3092s | e-war being thrown on both sides now you |
3094s | see both control bars are getting |
3096s | incredibly forward so you actually power |
3098s | malediction being destroyed but yeah |
3100s | honestly PL is playing this very very |
3103s | well almost Shadows of their uh their |
3104s | old days where they were just amazing uh |
3106s | amazing comps and amazing flying they're |
3108s | just sitting in perfect control of this |
3109s | match and not letting Amanda part have |
3111s | any real leg to stand on |
3114s | absolutely just haven't lost a single |
3117s | ship yet this uh I don't feel this |
3118s | lodgy's even been tested and added in |
3120s | any sense far the ND can just comfy be |
3122s | rapping even though there's been some |
3124s | split damage happening with the mega |
3125s | Saturn there and the Paladin of |
3127s | Destroyer it's just |
3129s | um |
3130s | comfortable that's all I can say PL |
3132s | interesting as well the type and Fleet |
3134s | did burn in to try and smart bum off the |
3136s | rep trains on the Paladin but |
3137s | unfortunately that pretty much just did |
3138s | nothing but get him killed but he did |
3140s | try and remove a few I think he got at |
3141s | least like maybe three or four rep |
3142s | drones but the power to managed to pull |
3144s | away save the rep drones as well and |
3146s | kill the uh typhoon Fleet so again well |
3148s | done |
3149s | it was a good attempt from Rick stravix |
3150s | there but unfortunately think PL was |
3152s | ready for that |
3154s | now PR just obviously just showing a bit |
3155s | of pedigree here just experience I I |
3158s | have been excited to see these |
3159s | armageddon's but um I'm not too sure if |
3161s | they've been really delivering right now |
3162s | a lot of teams have been batting them |
3164s | and then from the few games that I've |
3166s | been seeing when they've actually shown |
3167s | on grad gist a bit of an underwhelming |
3169s | performance |
3170s | um I'm not sure how you've been feeling |
3172s | about this update that the Armageddon |
3173s | Navy issue has received I'm gonna use |
3175s | all my favorite quotes from a movie |
3176s | mediocre |
3179s | okay I have no idea what movie that is |
3181s | oh my God you absolute heretic all right |
3184s | uh I'm just gonna move on from that but |
3186s | yeah Armageddon Navy is now being uh |
3188s | destroyed as well Paladin is now sitting |
3190s | very comfortably |
3191s | so at this point |
3193s | it is gonna just be having the time of |
3195s | its life having those resistance having |
3197s | a local rep having the freak lodgy on |
3199s | grid |
3201s | um stab or Fleet issues probably also |
3202s | just having that man it must be pretty |
3204s | fun being on the cruiser side here at |
3206s | pandemic Legion right now ashimu execure |
3209s | Navy issue vexer Navy issue stab or |
3211s | Fleet issue man these guys are just |
3213s | probably having a bowl Cruisers are one |
3215s | of the most fun ships to actually fly I |
3216s | feel actually one of my favorite one of |
3218s | my favorite episodes which isn't of |
3218s | indicator is actually on that grid there |
3220s | Step of Fleet it is it has been a ship |
3222s | that has a lot of DPS and people |
3223s | underestimate it but when you leave it |
3225s | alone for the at the right times that |
3227s | thing can be disgusting it is fast it |
3228s | has high damage it doesn't tank too |
3230s | badly and it gets a tracking bonus to |
3232s | make sure you can focus on Survival more |
3234s | than more than accuracy which is |
3235s | honestly just a beautiful thing to have |
3237s | in that kind of ship |
3238s | oh no we saw nialis there in the matter |
3241s | it looks like he was going for B light |
3242s | for mjd Beacon for boundary |
3245s | um with a shimu of |
3247s | um of Chris in Hot Pursuit but looks |
3249s | like he's changed course and I don't |
3252s | know just gonna try and fly out and not |
3253s | do the mjd play very unsure there I |
3255s | thought he was going for Glory |
3258s | [Laughter] |
3259s | I'm sorry you guys can't see the the |
3261s | talks going on the local but these guys |
3262s | are just having good fun saying stuff |
3264s | like Edge of Glory please not the |
3266s | boundary don't do it you have so much to |
3267s | live for |
3272s | looks like they're gonna try and be on |
3274s | suicide watch here to make sure that the |
3276s | mallard does not end his life of his own |
3278s | volition |
3279s | oh oh hold on I'm just watching how fast |
3281s | that Magus is coming and I hope he slows |
3283s | down at times he might just battery |
3284s | himself |
3286s | the classical technology |
3292s | does have history of uh boundarying |
3294s | themselves while chasing an opponent |
3296s | down so this is not a crazy tragedy but |
3298s | yeah the more slow boating out there |
3300s | again well done the pl a clean sweep 100 |
3302s | to zero if this molar dies which he will |
3304s | not actually |
3305s | so yeah congratulations to PL there and |
3308s | with that we'll head back to the studio |
3309s | to see what they think |
3314s | [Music] |
3344s | foreign |
3366s | switched |
3367s | well it would have been a easy fight |
3369s | right but guess what dude I'm not if |
3370s | seeing it people can't get together |
3377s | foreign |
3388s | [Music] |
3403s | Legion there taking that win 96 to zero |
3406s | over uh Stay Frosty and abandon part |
3409s | mystical Knight what could the band |
3410s | apart I've done differently there I |
3412s | think it it just comes down to the way |
3414s | that they decided to construct their |
3415s | comp so I mentioned at the beginning of |
3417s | the day that we maybe the Navy Garden |
3419s | isn't actually as good as we think it is |
3421s | just based on the the stats but then |
3424s | also the number of times that it's been |
3425s | brought and then it's lost we saw here |
3427s | two Navy gaddens brought for the abandon |
3429s | part team the issue I think for the |
3431s | abanderpart team was that they relied |
3433s | heavily on drone damage |
3435s | and that meant that they weren't really |
3436s | able to support their augura when it |
3438s | began to take damage from the Paladin of |
3440s | the Panama Legion team |
3442s | um I checked on the screen and I saw |
3444s | that there was a single set of heavy |
3446s | armor wrap bots on the augura which |
3448s | means that effectively it was just left |
3450s | alone to die in the backline and when |
3453s | the augura dies the rest of the team |
3454s | falls apart so I think really they |
3456s | needed to commit to the fight a bit more |
3458s | because they were being out projected |
3460s | and they needed to defend the ogre a bit |
3462s | more by perhaps fitting their |
3463s | navigations a bit differently so that |
3465s | they could actually have rep Bots |
3467s | to ensure that they could actually |
3468s | continue to survive in that match |
3471s | but Misty mentions rep Bots |
3473s | um we sometimes see teams bringing a lot |
3474s | of those red Bots uh like what's the |
3476s | kind of pros and cons like why would you |
3477s | choose to not bring red Bots and why |
3478s | would you choose to bring red Bots well |
3480s | in all honesty in an armor setup unless |
3482s | you're specifically flying like a drone |
3484s | damage so you know you're doing like an |
3486s | actual like ishtars that uses as a drone |
3488s | DPS setup you should pretty much always |
3490s | bring rep drones |
3492s | um they are it's one of those weird |
3494s | things that you almost never see them on |
3495s | TQ but they are so like ridiculously |
3499s | strong compared to what you would think |
3501s | they are because we're kind of used to |
3503s | things like oh yes there's like Target |
3504s | painting drones and uh webbing drones |
3507s | and stuff and they all kind of suck but |
3508s | the rep drones are actually very very |
3510s | powerful I heard that you're sitting |
3513s | there like well actually yes yeah |
3515s | most of the time yes yes soon spoiler |
3519s | alert at ships um yes rep drones are uh |
3521s | very very very powerful uh because you |
3524s | can just kind of put them on a ship and |
3525s | especially the heavy rep drones actually |
3527s | rep like I think it's about maybe 10 to |
3531s | 15 as much as a logistics cruiser with a |
3533s | single flight of heavy rep drones they |
3535s | had three battleships that's like almost |
3537s | three full sets |
3539s | so they could have probably saved them |
3541s | but I think what Misty said about people |
3542s | are kind of falling into this trap like |
3544s | a similar trap of maybe the Navy |
3545s | Dominics where they look at the get and |
3547s | they're like the Navy getting like oh it |
3549s | can nute and shoot missiles and do |
3551s | drones |
3552s | it's like it does everything so well and |
3555s | maybe it doesn't actually do everything |
3557s | so well so we'll see as this tournament |
3560s | goes on in that case but uh that time it |
3561s | did not do that great do you think that |
3563s | match could have gone differently if |
3564s | they had brought rep drones in those |
3567s | battleships there uh I I think it would |
3569s | have um I don't think that auger dies |
3571s | with three sets of Heavies on it uh I do |
3573s | have to say pandemic Legion not |
3576s | committing and basically flying around |
3578s | and taking out I I'm guessing every rep |
3580s | round that got popped out the Paladin |
3582s | just sniped immediately uh made it very |
3584s | difficult like again like Misty said |
3585s | they needed to commit in a band apart |
3587s | needed to commit in Fast and they kind |
3589s | of tried to have like this sniping war |
3591s | with rapid heavy ships versus laser boat |
3593s | and your rapid heavy ships like you |
3596s | shoot a couple missiles and then you |
3597s | have to reload well what if they decide |
3598s | to push in on your reload yeah and to |
3601s | add to that we had navigation which have |
3603s | a newt bonus and we saw that they stayed |
3606s | outside of their new Range the entirety |
3608s | of the of the match which means that you |
3610s | are just effectively ignoring one of the |
3612s | bonuses of your ship so I think |
3613s | committing there would have definitely |
3614s | benefited them |
3615s | okay first one of those things where |
3617s | like just the experience of the the pl |
3619s | team being able to you know be mature be |
3622s | responsible move around and wait for the |
3623s | uh the time to be right to strike |
3626s | basically rather than just rush in it |
3627s | can be very easy to Spaghetti when you |
3629s | warp into these Alliance tournament |
3630s | matches and you see something you just I |
3632s | don't know what to do a bunch of Pilots |
3634s | there from PR we were talking about |
3635s | during the match uh like uh been there |
3637s | for a very long time so clearly cam |
3639s | collected and experienced Pilots uh |
3641s | about the part we do say goodbye to as |
3643s | that was an elimination match uh Rickson |
3645s | crew of course uh great on TQ uh Rex |
3648s | likes to do a lot of pirate stuff uh |
3649s | some uh some frigate free-for-alls uh |
3651s | potentially maybe if uh if the |
3653s | structures stop dying and you know great |
3656s | great group of guys and I hope to see |
3657s | them again next year in the next |
3658s | tournament now let's look forward to our |
3660s | next match which is Exodus versus cast |
3662s | about and see what the bands are for |
3663s | this |
3665s | Exodus Banning out Armageddon curse and |
3668s | bar gas cats cast about it's Banning out |
3670s | balgorn Gila and jackdaw mystical mate I |
3674s | see you uh smiling over in the corner I |
3677s | just wonder if the jackdaw band's like a |
3678s | oh we had a poor experience with this at |
3681s | some point in the last match it's like I |
3683s | don't want to see this ship ever again |
3685s | um yeah that may be a slightly emotional |
3688s | ban I think Jack doors are fairly easy |
3690s | to counter especially if they're armor |
3692s | fit which is where you'll see them in |
3694s | some of the setups having lots of ewall |
3696s | in their mids they are not known for |
3698s | their tank I don't believe the defensive |
3699s | role on the jackdaw gives them any armor |
3702s | tank bonuses at all so they just do they |
3705s | do just die |
3707s | um the trick is shooting them which I |
3709s | don't think uh some teams have done when |
3712s | they've been going up against armored |
3713s | actors here uh I mean the rest of the |
3716s | bands are all pretty standard I don't |
3717s | think there's anything too out of the |
3719s | ordinary the jackdaw is the only ban |
3721s | that's coming in that is the the odd one |
3723s | out here but yeah just |
3725s | want to enter me some of that control I |
3727s | wanted to remove some of that kite yeah |
3730s | pretty standard |
3732s | bar yeah I do have one uh very important |
3735s | thing to note is that Exodus has always |
3738s | brought kiting setups for years and |
3740s | years and years and is known for doing |
3742s | it um and even if they don't do it they |
3744s | always have that in the back pocket and |
3746s | cast abouts didn't ban anything that can |
3748s | be a kiting setup so predictions |
3751s | they've been okay yeah the Gila is a |
3754s | kiting shot okay tequila fits into some |
3757s | cutting setups that we've seen yeah |
3759s | it kind of does yeah oh well if you |
3762s | think about it yeah maybe they're just |
3763s | bigger brain than us that's not |
3765s | difficult that's easy yeah desk full of |
3768s | small brains smooth brainers especially |
3771s | when it comes to points investment |
3773s | speaking of this I'm going to check the |
3775s | points investment because this is a very |
3776s | interesting match I want to see uh what |
3778s | you guys out there in twitchland are |
3779s | saying oh my goodness you overwhelmingly |
3783s | overwhelmingly I believe in Exodus here |
3786s | uh just eight percent of you voting for |
3787s | cast about 92 percent of you putting 1.6 |
3791s | million Channel points that's a lot of |
3793s | galnet skins uh on Exodus uh so R 339 |
3798s | and 304 oh God they're all voting for |
3800s | cast about now stop |
3802s | um are all of you going to win lots of |
3804s | points well we'll find out as we go to |
3805s | the arena for a cast of ours versus |
3807s | Exodus |
3813s | and welcome back to the arena and we |
3815s | have again Nighthawks and Drake navies |
3816s | versus uh another Vindicator so I'm very |
3819s | excited but I'm this is going to be very |
3821s | interesting because I think this is |
3823s | going to cut but again that is that hams |
3824s | or Heavies I haven't had a chance to |
3826s | Quick Check |
3827s | Well Wing that I'm a bit uh excited here |
3829s | for you because that is actually a |
3831s | flagship Vindicator we're seeing feature |
3833s | from cast of outside so they're also |
3835s | bringing the Jesus we haven't seen too |
3837s | much of the cheeses or Rising side so |
3838s | with them being strong this year I'm |
3840s | going to be interested to see how they |
3841s | play out but the hurricane also on |
3842s | casterbell's side is artillery so we've |
3844s | been seeing that battle Cruise account |
3846s | being like more along range I'm gonna be |
3848s | interesting how that comes in with the |
3849s | Daredevil another ship we normally don't |
3851s | see featuring that much having the |
3853s | ridiculous bonuses like The Vindicator |
3855s | does as well if there's 90 webs |
3857s | I okay random artillery hurricane I am |
3861s | all for I don't think it's a good idea |
3863s | but again I am all for it this is gonna |
3865s | be a very interesting match because yeah |
3867s | again flag Vinnie can perfect check a |
3868s | lot of damage and tank very well which |
3870s | might maybe uh survive longer than the |
3872s | last Vindicator we saw |
3874s | I don't know I'm hopeful |
3877s | absolutely hopeful I just want to |
3878s | confirm what weapons we are seeing on |
3881s | that uh Vindicator right now because I'm |
3883s | wondering if he's rails no he is not |
3886s | those are blasters that hasn't been seen |
3889s | since the 5v5s and it never will be seen |
3890s | again |
3891s | you never know what teams are going to |
3893s | bring on these flagships though if |
3894s | they've seen the Armature Bargas dying |
3896s | earlier this year although that is more |
3897s | reasonable but we do have to match |
3899s | underway gonna be interested I kind of |
3901s | um seen how um Exodus gonna handle this |
3904s | one |
3905s | um but T1 battle Cruisers unfortunately |
3907s | those are not the Navy battle cruises |
3909s | normally the Navy battle Cruisers have |
3910s | those awesome tracking bonuses on them |
3912s | but the normal T1 battle Cruisers less |
3914s | HP less fitting uh not really the best |
3917s | bonuses so kind of ready weak targets uh |
3921s | week ships to bring in this case yep |
3923s | Onyx has gone in and long scrammed of |
3924s | indicator don't obviously I've got the |
3926s | getting longer Hicks do can I mean you |
3927s | can sit outside of the vindicator's web |
3929s | and even Blaster range as the rest of |
3931s | the team actually is coming in now just |
3932s | put the damage in so looks like they're |
3933s | going to go all in on the windy again |
3935s | so this algories have to be generally on |
3937s | the spot and keep this windy alive if |
3938s | the Vinnie survives this will go um cast |
3940s | the bouts away if it doesn't well this |
3942s | is going to be a very quick match from |
3944s | Exodus who for once are not doing Exodus |
3946s | things and they are actually brawling |
3948s | well yeah brawling is successfully it's |
3950s | Vindicator skin is shredded even with |
3952s | the all the web bonuses they have from |
3954s | the Daredevil and The Vindicator not |
3956s | much is getting slapped on the X to the |
3957s | side here right now only a bit of tickle |
3959s | damage coming through on the Fly Catcher |
3960s | And the site Fleet issue on exercise |
3962s | bike actually looking a bit of a risky |
3963s | business there of half Shield right now |
3966s | um but uh comfortably smashing into the |
3968s | windy the amount of rap drones and rep |
3971s | from the org Navy is just keeping this |
3972s | windy alive he's scratched a little bit |
3974s | of Hull but so far they are getting him |
3975s | just uh just keep him alive but there's |
3977s | another bit of Hull it's incredibly |
3979s | close |
3980s | Incredibly Close Incredibly Close that's |
3982s | unfortunately a downside of going these |
3984s | uh ham rushes uh with as we see actually |
3986s | the bursts go down on the exit side Nice |
3988s | Shot there from I'm gonna assume if just |
3990s | all those webs and The Vindicator |
3991s | there's some good spot shots fly catcher |
3993s | killed as well some good trades |
3995s | happening there I think taking advantage |
3997s | of those web bonuses with the Daredevil |
3999s | and The Vindicator but I was gonna say |
4000s | something's battle cruises you don't |
4002s | always have those smart bombs that you |
4003s | normally see on battleships declare |
4004s | something like a rep cloud like this |
4007s | vindi will go down I think uh the August |
4009s | probably heating as long as he can but |
4011s | he's been losing her hand over fist and |
4013s | he's about to pop and that plants a lot |
4015s | of damage removed but they still have a |
4016s | good chunk of battle cruises here this |
4017s | could still go their way but now they |
4019s | need to keep away from the Loki that's |
4021s | going to give the web so that they need |
4022s | to get key away from these Black Hawks |
4024s | all girl of unifan absolutely did a |
4027s | fantastic job just keeping that |
4028s | Vindicator in the game Daredevil and the |
4030s | Vinnie did their best to just combo off |
4031s | a bit of a light support and exercise |
4032s | The Exodus is still sitting quite strong |
4034s | they have unfortunately lost all their |
4036s | logic corner but still uh two Nighthawks |
4038s | and a low-key enjoys |
4041s | there that they got and I finally get |
4044s | this auger and they'll be getting rid of |
4045s | the lodgy on the cast about sides as |
4048s | well soon it's just great I saw the Orca |
4050s | running for his life and like a trail of |
4051s | missiles following it he doesn't need to |
4054s | buy as much time as he can he will go |
4055s | down but maybe they can get rid of this |
4056s | character Navy and start working on |
4058s | maybe the cycle or even the Loki they |
4060s | can pull this back around for their team |
4061s | all goes down character Navy is in low |
4063s | Shields can they maybe push them through |
4066s | so what we're seeing Happening Here in |
4068s | the cost of outside is a bit of not |
4069s | fully star burstings but some kiting |
4071s | coming to play the hurricane splitting |
4073s | up the cheese is splitting up riding |
4074s | splitting up so they're trying to make |
4076s | sure that they're just not all going to |
4077s | be in the same place where there is |
4079s | death right now but um trying to just |
4081s | use that bunch of the range taking care |
4083s | of the caracal Navy issue there seeing |
4084s | what kind of pickups they can do so |
4086s | these with lodgy off the field here |
4087s | right now cost abouts can at least still |
4089s | do quite a bit of damage just uh taking |
4091s | advantage of these long-range weapon |
4093s | systems that they decide to fit on the |
4094s | battle cruiser Corps Now The Hobbit for |
4096s | them is going to be avoiding the Loki in |
4097s | the Onyx gets that long scram which is |
4099s | very potent now the look of course |
4100s | getting the long web which is also very |
4101s | potent they're going to lose their |
4103s | supporting I think the pontifex and the |
4104s | original fleet were both tackled but it |
4106s | looks like you see they might just |
4106s | broken away |
4110s | he's just uh living to win right now |
4112s | sitting on an mjd Beacon by himself so |
4115s | he's probably just going to be there to |
4116s | uh be in a bit of a you know Pirate |
4118s | Battle not a pirate Battleship but |
4120s | pirate frigate um wherever decent chunk |
4122s | of points oh he's actually MJ into the |
4125s | Frayer right now it looks like he's |
4126s | going for the cruiser core there with |
4128s | the Onyx and the Loki |
4131s | I think he's trying to maybe tackle |
4132s | something off for a bit longer to buy |
4133s | his battle cruiser some more time |
4135s | yeah he said that there for The |
4137s | Intercept he might be able to start the |
4138s | Drake Navy issue getting onto uh into |
4140s | the phrase that's exactly what he's |
4141s | going for nice mjd play there by Aben |
4145s | I think he actually just went straight |
4146s | past them well |
4149s | we'll see what happens |
4150s | I'm very confused I thought he's going |
4152s | for troop and ships he went past both of |
4154s | them meanwhile looks like the hurricane |
4155s | I believe just got tackled down yep |
4158s | Hurricane's been fully tackled down so |
4160s | he got caught by both the Onyx and the |
4162s | Loki by the way so he got tackled by |
4164s | both their tackle ship so he's gone uh |
4166s | vigil Thief just gone down for cast |
4167s | spots as well that's the only thing they |
4169s | already had for any longer terms of |
4170s | long-term screening uh long range |
4172s | screening the Daredevil going down soon |
4174s | that's more screening being removed the |
4175s | modest unfortunately doesn't have the |
4177s | scram bonus that it carries with its T2 |
4178s | Brethren would have at the hurricane |
4180s | does go down the brutics get into low |
4182s | armor it will have these have some bit |
4184s | more uh structure but not looking too |
4186s | good we're just gonna probably see a |
4187s | Harbinger on the Jesus being left here |
4189s | on the cost of outside I think that |
4190s | unfortunately is it the Brooks is |
4192s | already hard tackled the hurricane went |
4194s | down they're losing DPS and not really |
4195s | getting anything before even if they |
4196s | kill the Loki the Onyx can still provide |
4198s | the hard tackle they need at this point |
4200s | castabouts are going to start falling |
4202s | apart and they Honestly made it a good |
4203s | fight the whole way through flag good |
4205s | news |
4207s | how what do you feel about the laches |
4209s | here or when not because I kind of feel |
4211s | like maybe you would have been better |
4212s | off just going with a celestes if you |
4214s | really wanted that Cruiser your platform |
4216s | and maybe spending a bit more points |
4217s | that you saved on not taking a Recon and |
4219s | just upgrading those battle cruises to |
4221s | maybe faction about cruises instead |
4223s | I pretty much agree with you there to be |
4225s | honest I think Lucas was a very big |
4226s | points investment it does provide some |
4228s | benefits but I feel like at that point |
4230s | you've kind of gone really deep into |
4231s | this and then you brought a flag of |
4233s | indicator trying to do all the work with |
4234s | that |
4235s | oh that's right another Flagship going |
4237s | down here and the losers brackets I mean |
4239s | like considers to cost about just you |
4241s | know putting all their cards on the |
4242s | table in the elimination mad share but |
4244s | that's a double loss on the isk and |
4246s | their position here in the tournament |
4247s | unfortunately another MGD play coming up |
4250s | in there and Daredevil so he's having |
4251s | fun maneuvering around the arena here |
4253s | just uh flying around pretty much |
4257s | laughs |
4259s | hey hold on a minute what did you just |
4260s | burn to |
4261s | I just pray until outside Arena No |
4263s | Boundaries here just yeah he was he laid |
4265s | next to a wreck so I thought he was |
4266s | going to try and like blow up like The |
4267s | Vindicator or something but no he's not |
4269s | doing that he's he's not Pure Evil |
4271s | but the teams have pretty much said GF |
4273s | just some wrap-ups to happen here we're |
4274s | gonna see if people are going to be |
4275s | going out uh with honor uh on the |
4278s | boundaries I think we're going to be |
4279s | seeing the Jesus of K he looks like he's |
4281s | burning for the edge there oh and he |
4282s | does boundary I think that was about 190 |
4285s | something kilometers |
4287s | nowhere near the reckon unfortunately |
4288s | actually I'm just watching the side |
4289s | Fleet going after The Vindicator wreck |
4291s | I'm not even bothering watching these |
4292s | two ships die I'm watching to make sure |
4293s | they get that shiny loot from a |
4295s | Vindicator |
4296s | and we've seen the models of early Stan |
4298s | also going for a boundary here we're |
4299s | gonna see how far he gets right now when |
4301s | he gets that MGD spool off now we're |
4303s | just gonna have the Daredevil left on |
4304s | the cost of outside |
4307s | and let's see where he ends up |
4310s | 212. |
4312s | I think the record 's like 220 isn't it |
4314s | so I don't think he's there yet |
4316s | and cast about just seeing no kill mail |
4318s | for their Vindicator pop up on my kill |
4320s | feed thank you Ezekiel uh and the costs |
4323s | about to see where your Daredevil can |
4325s | end it's like he's also lighting up for |
4326s | a fantastic mjd run here let's see if he |
4328s | can beat any record that we have here on |
4330s | TQ for boundary violations |
4332s | we can all hope and dream but I don't I |
4335s | think he's just burning straight to the |
4336s | boundary on his own I know he's pushing |
4338s | you can do it well it's gonna be a close |
4341s | one |
4346s | looks like he turned off his mjd and he |
4349s | boundary 216 kilometers well fantastic |
4351s | show here by cost about |
4353s | um having some stylish finishes here to |
4355s | the end of the match unfortunately I |
4356s | don't think any records broken just on |
4358s | skulls broken with that ham Rush from |
4360s | Exodus here the button for Exodus on |
4362s | taking the win here and with that we'll |
4364s | be sending it back to the studio |
4369s | [Music] |
4386s | thank you |
4390s | Yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
4392s | collectively so that's why that Alliance |
4395s | logo is in the game of course you could |
4397s | change your alliance by leaving but that |
4398s | would be kind of a jerk move that kind |
4400s | of oh you don't like it though this logo |
4402s | sucks I'm gonna go join |
4410s | [Music] |
4414s | thank you |
4420s | welcome to Eve Pandora |
4446s | [Music] |
4450s | foreign |
4451s | welcome back Exodus taking that victory |
4454s | over at cast about to unfortunately exit |
4456s | Alliance tournament 18 and the exit |
4458s | without the survival of their Flagship |
4460s | Vindicator uh a 12.8 billion is loss for |
4464s | them uh in a somewhat interesting comp |
4467s | I'm joined on the desk by some new faces |
4469s | uh CCP Swift and Jin tan CP Swift uh |
4473s | lachesis uh what's your thoughts on |
4475s | another cheese is here yes pandemic |
4477s | leaves an r and a fantastic no um |
4479s | Villages is an interesting choice |
4481s | um we're talking about it it's a lot of |
4483s | points |
4484s | uh has very strong dams it's got scrams |
4487s | that can kind of screen off |
4489s | uh incoming DPS |
4490s | I feel like this wasn't their main |
4493s | choice something that must have gotten |
4495s | banned in their comp where they just |
4496s | took a lucchesis as a replacement |
4498s | because it didn't really seem to |
4500s | synergize too much with the rest of |
4501s | their team but props to uh Casper's for |
4504s | taking their Flagship right you your |
4506s | backs up against the wall you're up |
4507s | against an incredibly good team probably |
4509s | the best individually skilled pilot in |
4511s | the tournament in Wasa QC on The Exodus |
4513s | side |
4514s | um just just take your best ship and and |
4516s | hope for the best |
4518s | awesome and they went up against uh this |
4520s | uh Nate Hawk ham uh rush gentan you had |
4523s | some thoughts on that yeah so this is |
4526s | the ham Rush is the second most common |
4528s | comp that we've seen come out so far and |
4530s | it's now sitting at five wins and three |
4531s | losses uh it's only beaten in terms of |
4534s | winningness by the two Battleship |
4536s | control comps that we've seen a ton of |
4538s | teams bring their own little flavor of |
4540s | uh over the course of this tournament |
4542s | and I think what this is really taking |
4543s | advantage of more than anything is the |
4545s | buff to the Navy caracal and the Navy |
4547s | Osprey which makes them way more |
4549s | survivable as a ham Cruiser it means for |
4552s | a seven points you can get you know |
4553s | nearly kind of low end Battleship levels |
4556s | of DPS you're looking at 700 800 DPS off |
4559s | those vessels if you don't fit a damage |
4561s | control and that just allows you to blow |
4563s | through your opponents so quickly |
4565s | do you think in this case uh Casper |
4567s | boats could have done anything uh |
4569s | different to prevent themselves from |
4570s | being caught blown through so quickly |
4572s | end quote uh yeah they could have picked |
4575s | better ships and you know ships that |
4577s | would actually synergize with each other |
4579s | rather than bringing a ship that is |
4580s | designed to stop your opponents from |
4582s | being able to project onto you with a |
4584s | ship that needs to be within docking |
4585s | range to do DPS in The Vindicator |
4587s | yeah we did see a daredevil as well CCP |
4589s | Swift uh not the most common Alliance |
4591s | tournament ship uh to be fair uh what's |
4593s | your what's your thoughts on the |
4594s | Daredevil here uh so the Daredevil is |
4596s | fairly expensive for a frigate for what |
4598s | it does it does have a very very strong |
4601s | web which is probably what they were |
4603s | thinking about doing I can imagine a |
4605s | scenario where the Daredevil goes up |
4607s | grabs the opponent Logie and just pins |
4609s | it down for a short period of time |
4610s | enough for the rest of the support team |
4612s | to |
4613s | um Crush in on it but it is at Four |
4616s | Points quite expensive for what you get |
4618s | it's a very very thin platform a |
4621s | moderate amount of DPS you're just |
4623s | really just picking it for that 90 web |
4626s | yeah I mean it's a cool Chef I like the |
4627s | Daredevil uh I've fed a few of them in |
4629s | my time honestly it looks really zoomy |
4631s | as well which is really fun and it does |
4632s | have less pointy bits and that's that's |
4634s | more important Aesthetics is super |
4635s | important uh I mean this is a this very |
4638s | aesthetic game it's a wallpaper |
4639s | generator I've been told by some people |
4640s | especially with the new uh the new |
4642s | hangers now let's look forward to our |
4644s | next match and I've been told by the |
4645s | production team that we have some |
4646s | hard-hitting statistical analysis of |
4648s | this upcoming match between hidden Leaf |
4650s | ninja Villages assassin esport Squad and |
4652s | Fancy Pants Alliance so we can see here |
4654s | the uh Alliance logo coolness meter |
4658s | um I'm not sure what the scale is but I |
4660s | can see the fancy pants are uh are |
4663s | taking up there there's lots of girth |
4664s | lots of vertical girth here in these |
4667s | pants uh compared to Hidden Leaf ninja |
4669s | Village assassin esport Squad |
4672s | um csb Swift you you agree with this uh |
4674s | analysis uh so hidden Leaf uh their |
4677s | their logo is like normal pants |
4680s | but the the fancy pants they're like the |
4683s | fancy pants they're way up there |
4685s | they are quite fancy they also seem to |
4687s | be quite tall |
4689s | um for this individual here uh jintan |
4691s | you are I've got some interesting |
4693s | fashion choices yourself here uh your |
4695s | pants are quite fancy uh what do you |
4697s | think of this logo I think it represents |
4699s | what Fancy Pants is which is a three |
4700s | small people stacked on top of one |
4703s | another to give the impression of being |
4704s | a real adult |
4706s | well let's take a quick look at the |
4708s | bands here is what they're already on |
4709s | the screen so uh hidden Leaf ninja |
4711s | Village assassin uh Squad Esports team |
4715s | and the team is silent Banning out the |
4716s | locate curse Armageddon Navy issue uh |
4719s | Fancy Pants Scimitar hyena and typhoon |
4721s | flea tissue so they're seeing all those |
4723s | Minotaur ships in the Minotaur sponsored |
4725s | uh tournament and they're saying No |
4726s | thank you see Swift what does this say |
4728s | to you here I think they're making their |
4730s | bands because these ships currently |
4732s | don't have emblems on them yet or at |
4734s | least they're not unlockable so they're |
4735s | like hey we want to show our emblem in |
4737s | space uh so let's just make sure we can |
4740s | uh but no for fancy paints like you |
4742s | mentioned uh the Minotaur ships are much |
4745s | cheaper uh they want to make sure that |
4747s | those |
4747s | um those particular vessels are out of |
4749s | contention or at least |
4752s | um not nearly uh as versatile as the |
4755s | rest and you know Banning Navy getting |
4757s | curse I think it's a very smart to ban |
4759s | the Navy getting but you see a lot of |
4761s | teams uh practicing with it these guys |
4763s | uh these Theory Crafters have only had |
4765s | really a week to play with it so you're |
4767s | not really exactly sure what the |
4769s | capabilities are so just get it out of |
4770s | the place just get it out you don't want |
4772s | to see it and it kind of Screams to me |
4774s | that you want to do some sort of ham |
4775s | rush or a battle cruiser kind of rush |
4778s | and you don't really want that control |
4779s | against you |
4780s | and what about yourself gen 10 you've |
4782s | been looking through some of the stats |
4784s | so far for uh teams what they've been |
4786s | fielding and so on what do you think |
4787s | about this yeah I'm actually quite |
4789s | curious about this about these bands |
4791s | from Fancy Pants Scimitar is normally |
4792s | something that is aimed at the shield |
4795s | missile kite comp that has not really |
4798s | seen a great deal of success or even |
4800s | presence in this tournament obviously |
4802s | the Nerfs to the Cerberus and a few of |
4804s | the other hacks really taking it out of |
4806s | contention uh the only thing you can do |
4808s | is maybe bring immunity instead and |
4810s | that's not really going to do the job |
4811s | even close to as well the hyena and the |
4815s | typhoon Fleet issue band are very very |
4816s | aimed towards kingslayer which is |
4818s | something that we have seen uh brought |
4820s | by a few relatively good teams |
4821s | especially in this lower bar that got |
4823s | knocked down early into this lower |
4824s | bracket I think they just don't want to |
4826s | see that and we're probably going to see |
4827s | them bring some sort of TT Logistics uh |
4830s | backing up something control orientated |
4831s | you know both teams here they're |
4833s | fighting for their tournament survival |
4834s | and they're both teams that we think |
4836s | were relatively good coming into this |
4837s | yeah I think importantly as well the |
4839s | head and leaf team have lost their |
4841s | Flagship they lost the Bargas yesterday |
4843s | uh basilisk was uh very very broken up |
4846s | about this immedially after the |
4848s | broadcast just cursing the loss of all |
4851s | of his virtual space money uh cp5 do you |
4854s | think it's going to be a really big deal |
4855s | not having that Flagship here uh no I |
4857s | think the Bargas Flagship was a little |
4859s | bit of a bait anyways uh so now they've |
4861s | got it out of the way can't even bring |
4863s | it if you wanted to so uh it has it also |
4865s | has like a horrible win rate right so |
4868s | the history yeah you can't lose with it |
4871s | so you have to win without it I think |
4872s | that's how logic works |
4875s | right oh okay yeah is that it works I'm |
4878s | learning something new every day here at |
4880s | with CCB Swift on the desk |
4882s | uh let's take a look at the team history |
4884s | actually for a hidden Leaf uh oh God I |
4887s | can't remember their name is so long |
4889s | um so okay we'll look at the bands as |
4892s | well and then yeah there we go so uh we |
4894s | can see that uh they've played five |
4895s | matches |
4896s | um in the alliance tournament uh one win |
4898s | four losses uh they did pretty well in |
4900s | the feeders though coming through the |
4902s | feeders uh to get into the tournament in |
4903s | the first place and that was an absolute |
4905s | Gauntlet uh those matches aren't |
4907s | included uh because they don't count |
4909s | because they're feeders they're on |
4910s | Thunderdome they are not real matches |
4911s | the last time they had a win against |
4914s | laser Hawks and losing matches against |
4916s | big yikes yesterday when they lost their |
4917s | Flagship locals primary forsaken Empire |
4919s | and in Tropic Thunder so some pretty |
4922s | reasonable uh teams in there and of |
4924s | course boltram uh very experienced pilot |
4926s | uh on on TQ and in Alliance tournaments |
4929s | meanwhile let's look over at Fancy Pants |
4930s | have a look at them |
4933s | So Fancy Pants uh two for two uh they've |
4935s | played Four matches one two lost two uh |
4938s | two two is usually a pretty good uh |
4939s | pretty good showing for a lot of teams |
4941s | many teams should be proud of that fact |
4942s | they're hoping to see if they can make |
4944s | it uh three and two uh in this upcoming |
4946s | match the last times they uh picked a |
4948s | couple of wins it was against the |
4949s | network and what could possibly go wrong |
4952s | uh which in that case was they lost |
4955s | um last time they lost was against Brave |
4956s | yesterday Brave uh sneaky good perhaps |
4958s | this year and Boundary experts again two |
4961s | very solid teams |
4963s | um |
4964s | both teams are now in the arena and uh |
4967s | we're just about ready to go over to |
4968s | them CC Swift who do you think is going |
4970s | to take this will the pants be fancy |
4971s | enough or will the ninjas hide |
4974s | I usually don't like going with weebs |
4977s | but |
4978s | I will go with uh hidden Leaf crew uh |
4980s | they've been hanging around amawaki |
4982s | quite a bit and the factual Warfare zone |
4984s | so I think they're you know primed and |
4985s | ready to go |
4986s | and jintan uh fancy pants were kind |
4989s | enough to let me scream with them a |
4990s | couple of times over the run-up to this |
4992s | tournament so I've I've got to tell them |
4993s | that they're definitely going to win and |
4995s | if they don't I'll be disappointed in |
4996s | them there you are so uh will gentam |
4999s | disappointed or will CCP Swift's faith |
5001s | in the weebs Prevail Let's cross the |
5003s | arena and find out as we go to Hidden |
5005s | Leaf Village Ninja Assassin esport Squad |
5007s | versus Fancy Pants lights |
5013s | now welcome back to the ring with Fancy |
5015s | Pants versus hidden Leaf bloody bloody |
5017s | scooty Squad whatever I don't know but I |
5019s | must have done something good in the |
5020s | previous life because we have another |
5021s | Vindicator on grid versus a slipping |
5023s | hurricane Nighthawk comp |
5025s | I've had people absolutely loving this |
5027s | vending less check combo right now |
5029s | um but we've seen hidden Leaf taking a |
5030s | lovely Griff in there so the Griffin |
5032s | obviously going to be sporting the ECM |
5034s | and just flying around but being a |
5035s | little annoying little uh hassle there |
5037s | for the opposition here are fancy pants |
5039s | but combination of the Jack though we're |
5041s | gonna obviously be seeing some e-ore |
5042s | mints being used on that jackdaw I |
5043s | predict here uh most likely sensor dams |
5046s | being a lovely combination just beat |
5047s | together with ECM and sensor damps so |
5050s | even if they are able to lock you |
5052s | um well you know they're not jammed they |
5054s | might not be in range so lucky that time |
5057s | indeed it's gonna be a very interesting |
5058s | match for sure you've got Auto cannons |
5060s | slip during Hurricane Fleet and I can't |
5062s | tell they're the hams are heavies please |
5063s | double check for me |
5065s | either way look here but I'm talking to |
5067s | those that we have on the night right |
5070s | now again that's him everything by the |
5072s | way it's him authoris ham caracal Navy I |
5074s | mean next you're gonna be bringing your |
5075s | ham sandwich in it this is ridiculous I |
5078s | can't confirm that we have a full Hammer |
5079s | set up here |
5081s | um with well except the step now |
5082s | obviously right now with uh just having |
5084s | the lovely ACS there at the Basilisk I |
5086s | think that's the one a few times we've |
5087s | seen a bass spleen field here people |
5089s | normally opting for a semi or even uh |
5091s | with the rush they're coming normally |
5093s | coming with the frig lodgy as well or |
5095s | just cheap out on like an osprey right |
5096s | now so a very interesting choice that |
5098s | they've decided to sum to these sync |
5099s | these points into a T2 Logistics Cruiser |
5101s | and it's the best disc at that but the |
5103s | match is now underway I feel like we're |
5104s | gonna see a repeat the last few times of |
5106s | indicator has been shown where it gets |
5107s | rushed down by a ham rush and removed in |
5110s | seconds this time the team only has a |
5111s | Thalia and a uh Beacon to rep it I get |
5115s | the feeling it's not gonna be long for |
5116s | this world as you can see the team |
5117s | already burning in what are they going |
5119s | for |
5121s | is also getting a lot of pressure here |
5124s | on the hidden Leaf side wondering what's |
5126s | really reaching out and touching it |
5127s | there I think it's these ogres right now |
5128s | that probably beam ogres that are |
5130s | harassing it right now so he just needs |
5131s | to watch these transfers so it doesn't |
5133s | uh Congress to really you know uh tunnel |
5135s | vision awful news reps needs to pay |
5136s | attention to where he is flying to just |
5138s | minimize his potential getting hit by |
5140s | these turrets at long range interesting |
5141s | I think a slip near and I think maybe |
5143s | one of those who actually got kept off |
5144s | of The Vindicator but the vincare is |
5146s | still dying remarkably fast there's like |
5147s | a lot of DPS even without the slipper at |
5149s | zero I think he's probably still |
5150s | arranged to fire um his regular ammo so |
5153s | he's still gonna be doing damage to the |
5154s | Vindicator going down quick as always |
5156s | now my favorite ship is just getting |
5158s | removed from Eve at this point this is |
5160s | this is no longer Vindicator it's dead |
5162s | Decatur because it's just it just keeps |
5163s | dying now the video goes down it is the |
5166s | punching bag of this Alliance tournament |
5168s | folks we just season getting beaten Time |
5170s | After Time the carrier is getting a bit |
5172s | of a harassment there I'm assuming the |
5173s | jackdaws appliance and missiles there |
5174s | coming from hidden Leaf onto that uh |
5176s | carries of fancy fans right now augers |
5179s | like you said we're doing a good job |
5180s | actually uh being screening ships on the |
5182s | same time getting that stepner but the |
5183s | stuff there being ACS as well and just |
5185s | minitar having a nice bonus to this fall |
5187s | off being able to reload into a varying |
5189s | array of ammo here and we just see them |
5191s | just even there while it's being |
5192s | screened just pumping into like the |
5193s | shack and just shredding it into off |
5194s | armor right now yeah it's like the |
5197s | second like well it's a good ship it |
5198s | needs a match to go longer and it's just |
5200s | not happening for these things they just |
5201s | keep getting ripped apart by ham rushes |
5203s | I thought we were expecting hand rushes |
5205s | die off they're getting stronger they're |
5206s | multiplying |
5207s | I'm a bitco wondering what the tsushimu |
5210s | of Katrina here on Fancy Pants doing he |
5212s | looks like he's commenting his mind up |
5213s | if he wants to go for the Basilisk or if |
5215s | he wants to help with the sapner because |
5217s | it seems like he was trying to scare off |
5218s | that bastards for a while and then just |
5220s | kind of gave up and started coming back |
5221s | and now he's changed his mind again and |
5223s | suddenly decided that the Basilisk is |
5225s | maybe a good idea so he'll be going for |
5226s | that now |
5228s | uh I think he's as confused with the |
5230s | rest of this team like their pants are |
5231s | great and all but it's just not winning |
5232s | the match and it feels if it was a |
5235s | fashion match I think jinton would |
5237s | probably win first but I think Fancy |
5238s | Pants would have been second |
5240s | while we see that shimo and the org Navy |
5241s | here are going in the second org AV also |
5243s | coming in they're going full fully in on |
5245s | that bass list now um so finally |
5246s | deciding to go shut down this T2 logic |
5248s | Cruiser bassless having a ridiculous |
5250s | amount of high slots just for all those |
5252s | reps to just pump out of it but he has |
5254s | all the damage on him right now having a |
5256s | few xlsb charges but there is not a lot |
5258s | in the terms of rapture to keep this |
5260s | bass here alive |
5261s | yeah the best is on a timeline he will |
5263s | die raise me soon but he has done an |
5265s | incredible job for his team he's kept |
5266s | all the DPS core alive while they've |
5268s | been destroying fancy pants as cool so |
5270s | at this point like he can die knowing |
5272s | he'd done his job |
5274s | fantastic job here so I mean if this |
5275s | basket goes down do you think Fancy |
5277s | Pants is going to be in position to call |
5278s | this back they do still have a |
5279s | nightholder to contend with |
5282s | no no |
5284s | they get this I slept near or a |
5287s | hurricane or even like two of them could |
5288s | be dead and they'd still be able to win |
5289s | this match Unfortunately they just don't |
5291s | have the DPS that required to break |
5292s | through this team |
5294s | I mean the spouse is doing a fantastic |
5296s | job of staying alive right now it will |
5297s | be uh going down soon unfortunately |
5300s | um that will mean hidden Leaf |
5301s | unfortunately will be losing a ship uh |
5302s | not having a clean sweep but just uh |
5304s | once again it's just absolutely killer |
5306s | performance by this Old Ham Rush on |
5308s | ships you wouldn't normally expect them |
5310s | to be normally we see things like the |
5311s | author's Osprey characters even in their |
5313s | faction variants is going more for the |
5315s | rapid lights as the bass he finally does |
5316s | give it down but nice refreshing Rush uh |
5319s | well refresh to see this Rush of the |
5321s | hams just all then |
5323s | it's making me hungry now I want a ham |
5325s | sandwich but um looks like the best list |
5327s | did go down but the auger has paid the |
5329s | price for that one and yeah the assuming |
5331s | another org will die soon and yeah it's |
5334s | just not going well for this team |
5336s | unfortunately not fancy pants uh looks |
5338s | like they are on their way out the door |
5341s | um no one likes to wear pants when |
5342s | you're playing games at home it seems so |
5344s | say no to the pants um but others also |
5346s | just love seeing |
5348s | um things like the Jaguar uh there's |
5349s | normally something we don't see that |
5351s | much teams opting for uh more of the the |
5355s | interdictors or the uh t3ds uh the |
5359s | Tactical destroyers on that kind of like |
5361s | light tackle screening side of things we |
5363s | see but seeing assault frigates we |
5364s | rarely see them these days what are you |
5366s | feeling do assault figures actually |
5367s | still have a place here right now |
5369s | Wingnut you can never beat a ram Jag Ram |
5372s | Jags are disgustingly strong and if you |
5374s | fit them for full tank and utility they |
5376s | can just be near impossible to kill |
5378s | unless you fully focus them down |
5380s | so the Jag's doing a great job here it |
5382s | actually works very well with the team |
5383s | as well he is Fast Very tanky tackle |
5385s | with the Basilisk is actually quite |
5387s | strong |
5388s | so I actually quite like that pick to be |
5389s | honest it's very good they've got a very |
5391s | good Compass a lot of damage some |
5392s | support mixed in they've got really |
5394s | great tank with the Bassey and even the |
5396s | ewall with the Griffin and potentially |
5397s | the mint of the Jack door it is a very |
5399s | strong comp |
5401s | I must say it probably was a bit |
5402s | annoying going up against that Griffin |
5403s | you never know what happens with RNG |
5405s | unfortunately |
5406s | um we can just watch the control bars |
5407s | and try and think what's happening but |
5409s | I'm going to assume some people were |
5410s | probably smashing a bit of keyboards |
5412s | here unfortunately uh we do see the |
5414s | pontifex of uh is time to go for the |
5416s | boundary right now the jet ramjag is |
5418s | coming on him looks like he'll be |
5420s | tackling him denying him the honor |
5421s | boundary oh no he does actually get the |
5423s | boundary maybe the Jag follows maybe the |
5425s | authors does we'll see but that will |
5427s | actually be the end of this match of |
5428s | hidden leave taking a comfortable win |
5430s | here right now over Fancy Pants Alliance |
5432s | only losing the bass in the mix here and |
5434s | with that we'll be sending it back to |
5436s | the studio |
5441s | [Music] |
5449s | thank you |
5462s | guys stop being casual they're really |
5464s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
5467s | warp off take the Sleep warp everybody |
5469s | warp off this is a really really bad |
5471s | execution I'm very disappointed |
5479s | [Music] |
5486s | thank you |
5489s | Crush our enemies your temps are |
5492s | completely damned out Crush I'm dumped |
5494s | out I'm dumped out you don't like Travis |
5496s | boys again |
5504s | I'm jammed |
5514s | foreign |
5523s | taking that Victory there over Fancy |
5526s | Pants Alliance who uh sadly crash out of |
5529s | Alliance tournament 18 uh they are no |
5532s | more in the tournament uh that's a bit |
5536s | unfortunate for them uh CP Swift how was |
5538s | that match for you uh it was it was |
5540s | pretty pretty much what we expected when |
5542s | we saw the ships land on grid |
5545s | um that really strong battle cruiser |
5547s | Rush comp going up against the fancy |
5549s | fans team |
5550s | um I think it's one of those matches |
5552s | where |
5553s | um henleaf were just very very confident |
5555s | in um in their comp and their execution |
5558s | just looked really really smooth they |
5560s | played everything perfectly everyone was |
5562s | always in the right positions made the |
5564s | right target calls melted that first |
5565s | ship really fast and then it was just |
5567s | smooth sailing |
5569s | and jintan Robert you any Reflections on |
5571s | that last match there yeah just um it's |
5574s | another thing we're actually seeing |
5575s | quite a lot of which is of indicators |
5576s | coming in you know you expect a |
5578s | Vindicator to do really well in a close |
5579s | range fight where your opponents aren't |
5581s | going to be running away from you and |
5583s | then uh it just completely eating it |
5585s | within the first 30 to 60 seconds of a |
5587s | match I absolutely got you know taken to |
5590s | taken to Pound Town by that ham sandwich |
5592s | comp from uh hidden Leaf village |
5594s | hiddenly Village Ninja Assassin Squad |
5597s | Esports team team the team is silent |
5600s | technically uh CP Swift during that |
5602s | match you actually started talking to me |
5603s | about wind conditions uh what is a win |
5607s | condition what do we mean we talk about |
5608s | that uh so win condition is essentially |
5610s | like when you have two comps on field |
5613s | um the one thing you can do to get |
5614s | yourself back in the game uh and Fancy |
5616s | Pants they identified hey if we've got a |
5618s | chance in this we've got to kill that |
5620s | basilis we've got to kill the hidden |
5622s | Leaf Logistics and then we can start |
5624s | working down the bottom end uh and maybe |
5626s | that's our our way to keep it alive and |
5629s | that's exactly what they did |
5630s | unfortunately uh hidden Leaf were just |
5632s | way too composed uh and they were |
5635s | actually very good at keeping their |
5636s | Bassey alive uh the positioning of the |
5638s | pilot himself just the comp being able |
5640s | to support the Basilisk all worked in |
5642s | their favor |
5643s | how easy is it to determine these wind |
5646s | conditions when you you warp in and you |
5647s | see what's on grid like is that |
5649s | discussion has to happen really quickly |
5651s | like sometimes is it like not obvious |
5652s | like how does It Go um it's against a |
5655s | good comp it's not obvious that's when |
5656s | you're designing a team you don't want |
5658s | your like linchpin weak point to be very |
5661s | obvious uh so this all comes down to |
5663s | practice I'm sure these teams have |
5664s | practiced and scrimmed against these |
5666s | types of setups so they knew instantly |
5668s | which one to go for they didn't have to |
5670s | debate it they didn't have to hold like |
5672s | a small Council and like you know do a |
5675s | straw poll or something like that uh no |
5677s | they knew like oh we got to kill this |
5678s | thing let's go and that's why the |
5680s | practice that's why these teams practice |
5682s | for like hundreds of hours |
5684s | I'd love to see uh like twitch does |
5686s | Alliance tournament uh like pick comp by |
5688s | twitch voting I'm sure it would be |
5690s | absolute garbage |
5692s | um and uh probably would lose but it'd |
5693s | be fun uh jintan you were speaking |
5695s | during that match about uh The Damp War |
5697s | uh between the carries and the jackdaw |
5699s | uh that we saw explain that to me please |
5702s | so the downpour is something that's |
5704s | going to be very important especially as |
5706s | we get into later matches where we're |
5708s | going to see teams go up against one |
5709s | another that are both using uh comps |
5711s | which have a heavy amount of damp ships |
5713s | and what we mean by The Damp war is |
5717s | um as damps are something that uh unlike |
5721s | ECM where if you jam someone you can |
5723s | counter Jam them back and then you're |
5724s | just locked into you know both running |
5726s | all your RNG on one another |
5728s | um damps can lock out your opponent from |
5730s | being able to damp you back so if you're |
5732s | able to get lock first and or you have |
5735s | some form of resistance against stamps |
5737s | you can stop your opponents from being |
5739s | able to apply them back to you and force |
5740s | them onto a bad Target and that's |
5742s | something we saw really have a massive |
5744s | impact in that game |
5745s | the Jack door from hidden Leaf Village |
5748s | was able to damp out their opponents it |
5751s | was either carriers or more or less I |
5752s | can't quite remember thank you and |
5756s | because of its equal resistance it |
5758s | wasn't able to damp it back and as such |
5759s | it was forced to damp the slept near |
5761s | which was in the middle of the comp and |
5763s | therefore those damps did absolutely |
5765s | nothing to impact what the slept near |
5766s | was doing |
5768s | um effectively making those five points |
5769s | of the carry is completely useless in |
5771s | the match yeah ccps we saw a lot of |
5773s | different effects on on the UI all on |
5776s | top of that slept near |
5778s | um when when the team were upset and |
5780s | does everyone just go for the primary or |
5781s | like how does that kind of all work they |
5783s | shouldn't but sometimes you do need to |
5787s | have a lot of effects on your primary |
5789s | like the worst worst worst thing you can |
5791s | do is like that cool guy doesn't look at |
5793s | explosions type thing we're like oh this |
5795s | guy's dead I'm gonna swap over the other |
5796s | guy and then he lives and so all that |
5799s | work was for nothing so sometimes over |
5801s | committing is is much better than under |
5803s | committing yeah getting that level |
5805s | equipment just right can be very very |
5807s | difficult yeah and it could be the thing |
5808s | that separates like the good teams and |
5810s | and the less good teams I know a lot of |
5812s | teams that I've experienced over the |
5814s | years uh they will have someone whose |
5815s | job is to call out like assigning damps |
5817s | and that can take quite a long time for |
5819s | some teams to sit there and assign the |
5821s | damps on every single match for every |
5822s | single team that they're flying against |
5823s | other teams are much snappier getting |
5825s | things done but that person saying that |
5828s | might not be the the primary target |
5829s | caller or shock collar because they're |
5830s | trying to work on the actual strategy |
5832s | for the match itself uh they have you |
5834s | know they've offloaded that that |
5835s | particular part to someone on their team |
5837s | so it's a whole you know team effort |
5839s | um what's really cool now is uh you can |
5841s | have a sound spotter now because now |
5843s | each turret has its own audio effect so |
5845s | instead of everyone like looking at the |
5847s | ships trying to figure out what guns |
5848s | they have fit you could have a guy who's |
5850s | getting shot at usually say oh I'm |
5852s | getting shot at by an artillery let's |
5854s | move the dams over there to force them |
5855s | to come in closer there you are that's |
5858s | uh some Next Level wrinkly brain tactics |
5860s | right there if you have CCP Swift I |
5862s | didn't even know that to be fair that's |
5863s | pretty cool I came in with Uprising |
5865s | there you go Uprising another great |
5867s | thing sounds have changed uh let's look |
5870s | at our next match because that was our |
5871s | last uh elimination match uh for now we |
5874s | will come back to elimination bracket |
5875s | later on in the day but our next series |
5877s | of matches are all going to be uh in the |
5879s | the winners bracket so these are teams |
5880s | that haven't dropped a match at all yet |
5882s | they are undefeated and the first of |
5884s | those matches is going to be truth honor |
5886s | light versus arrival so let's see what |
5889s | they've chosen to ban |
5893s | uh so arrival Banning out the Ishtar the |
5896s | arthrus and the executive Navy mean |
5898s | truth honor light Banning out the Deacon |
5900s | the Nighthawk and the hurricane Fleet |
5903s | issue CCP Swift uh what do you what do |
5905s | you make of these bands here |
5907s | well |
5908s | it's a truth honor light probably you |
5910s | don't want to see a bunch of battle |
5911s | cruiser spam thrown at them |
5913s | um they also probably just want to play |
5916s | a few mind games uh when you're one of |
5918s | the top teams in the tournament you do |
5920s | have a massive advantage and a massive |
5922s | disadvantage right you always see your |
5924s | opponent's best comp because you have |
5926s | this massive Target on your back at the |
5928s | same time a lot of teams will kind of |
5931s | look to your lead and try and follow it |
5932s | you're the the trendsetter of the |
5934s | tournament in terms of meta so they will |
5936s | try and emulate what you're doing so you |
5938s | can really set the tone week after week |
5940s | and that gives you a big Advantage but |
5942s | you know getting rid of this Nighthawk |
5944s | getting rid of this uh hurricane uh it |
5947s | makes a few comps especially maybe they |
5949s | know a rival really like this hurricane |
5950s | Fleet issue but it reduces some incoming |
5953s | damage and maybe forces the arrival team |
5956s | a little bit out of their comfort zone I |
5958s | also really like the Deacon band because |
5960s | as we mentioned a lot taking two thalias |
5963s | would be uh 12 points which makes |
5965s | absolutely no sense so you're really |
5968s | basically saying you can't take armor |
5970s | fragrant Logistics so bring me something |
5971s | Shield which can't really take too much |
5974s | much because now the Nighthawk and |
5975s | hurricane Fleet as you are out or bring |
5978s | uh like a guardian or an owneros so CC |
5981s | Swift if you're if you're a team like |
5983s | truth on the light um it's you know Fair |
5985s | assumption that you're going to make a |
5986s | deep run into the tournament uh you're |
5988s | aiming for a win really |
5990s | um what's the thought process for like |
5992s | not bringing your best comp because you |
5994s | know as you've just said that teams are |
5996s | going to be bringing what they think is |
5997s | their best comp against you but you |
5999s | probably want to get further into the |
6000s | tournament before you start to reveal |
6002s | things how does that kind of like |
6003s | balance work uh so generally what you do |
6006s | is you take a team you skirm against it |
6009s | and you try and set it as your Baseline |
6011s | team so you throw at any team uh as your |
6015s | main archetype if it loses to anything |
6017s | that generally people will be flying on |
6019s | the first weekend and then once you have |
6022s | that like perfect team you just run that |
6024s | first weekend time after time and don't |
6026s | show anything new uh then in the second |
6029s | weekend uh when you show like you're |
6031s | really really strong teams people have |
6033s | at most a day to react to you uh so |
6036s | that's generally the the strategy when |
6037s | you're talking about these top Elite |
6038s | teams uh Hydra who knows what they're |
6041s | gonna do or at least truth honor light |
6042s | uh who knows what they're gonna do you |
6044s | know they're very unpredictable uh very |
6047s | very strong not only in individual |
6048s | piloting but also in theory crafting |
6050s | yeah we've seen over the last couple of |
6052s | years uh getting into the last weekend |
6054s | and then Hydra last year vidra the two |
6056s | years before they'd been flying |
6058s | something all tournament and then |
6059s | suddenly last day this whole complete |
6061s | new setup that no one had seen and then |
6063s | everyone started trying to copy it but |
6064s | with no time to really prep it no time |
6066s | to really test it and really understand |
6068s | uh like how that individual comp |
6070s | executes so I'm always super excited to |
6072s | see um like what happens especially with |
6074s | teams like truth on the light |
6076s | um they're going up against a rival |
6077s | arrival or not a bad team at all like |
6078s | they have upset some strong teams in the |
6081s | past including uh Hydra I believe have |
6084s | been upset by arrival under the weekend |
6086s | warrior guys I think or perhaps |
6087s | something of templates but I'm sure a |
6089s | rival have upset one of the the what we |
6091s | consider the top tier teams in the past |
6092s | so I think Hydro will have to be or |
6094s | sorry truth on a light uh are gonna have |
6097s | to be you know somewhat careful that you |
6099s | can't just underestimate a team jintan |
6101s | uh we've seen before teams that think |
6103s | they're like super good they |
6104s | underestimate someone and then they get |
6105s | upset like do you think that might |
6108s | happen here or do you think truth or |
6109s | like are going to be cool composed yeah |
6111s | that's something we've seen happen in |
6112s | previous tournaments obviously Tempest |
6114s | cow stuff very famously upsetting them |
6116s | in their first match um in what an |
6118s | Octodad mirror of the first game uh |
6120s | which was incredible we never saw that |
6122s | comp again until the uh the final |
6124s | weekend of that tournament |
6126s | um I I'm really interested to see what a |
6128s | rival bring here though their bands are |
6130s | really unorthodox Banning out the Ishtar |
6131s | Banning out the authorist uh you know |
6133s | the Ishtar as a ship we have seen |
6135s | effectively nothing of so far in this |
6137s | tournament the authoris is something |
6139s | that's a little replaceable the um Navy |
6142s | Osprey and the Navy caracal can be used |
6144s | instead of it quite easily |
6146s | um and they should have shown in the |
6148s | anger games for example that they can |
6149s | bring really unorthodox setups modify |
6152s | them to what they expect their opponents |
6153s | to bring and execute really well with it |
6156s | um basically piloting a two Varga comp |
6158s | all the way to uh relatively High |
6160s | placing in that tournament so before we |
6163s | see them bring out something a little |
6164s | spicy here or at least that's my hope |
6167s | for space CSV Swift do you hope for |
6169s | space as well uh space is good I like it |
6173s | yeah |
6176s | there we are I'm gonna check what you |
6178s | guys are in twitch land think as well so |
6179s | 11 of you voting for arrival 89 going |
6183s | for truth on the light so that's such a |
6185s | good value bit it is a good value bet CP |
6187s | Swift you're going to put your Twitch |
6188s | points on arrival I didn't bring my |
6189s | phone because I thought that would be |
6191s | very rude uh and also potentially give |
6193s | me an advantage so no |
6195s | I can't but in in spirit I will bet my |
6198s | now 78 000 points thank you PL and |
6202s | exodus |
6203s | um I would put a portion of that on |
6205s | arrival makes a lot of sense I'm not |
6207s | going to be like Misty and say put all |
6209s | your points on this uh 100 to 100 dog |
6212s | you'll be a gajillionaire no no just put |
6214s | like like 500 points on there what could |
6217s | go wrong there you are so let's go to |
6219s | the arena now and find out if those |
6220s | points are going to be completely wasted |
6222s | or if they're going to be uh multiplied |
6223s | in value as we go for truth on a light |
6225s | versus arrival |
6231s | and welcome back to the arena and we are |
6233s | seeing what the missiles I always expect |
6234s | to see this is a fly killer comp from |
6237s | the um |
6238s | well the team with the bug is honestly |
6239s | they brought pancakes with fly killer |
6242s | maybe I'm again from arrival now showing |
6245s | up yeah that's the truth on your life |
6246s | coming back with the fly killer comp |
6248s | with the jackdaws and we've seen the |
6250s | Osprey Navy's actually not being halves |
6252s | this time but yeah it's you know a |
6253s | single Armageddon Navy issue on the grid |
6255s | uh let's hope they can play it |
6257s | effectively and they're actually putting |
6258s | lasers onto this Armageddon Navy issues |
6260s | most team have been opting to do rapid |
6261s | Heavies on them trying to just you know |
6264s | mix all the bonuses in there so let's |
6265s | see if they just don't spread themselves |
6267s | too thin on this Armageddon Navy issue |
6270s | um but we might be seeing another issue |
6271s | that they're running to here for a rival |
6273s | side uh that the team earlier did as |
6275s | well with the Army and Navy issues we've |
6276s | seen a drone comp here I'm getting a |
6278s | Navy issue EOS mermaidon but they're |
6280s | fine on aniros not a lot of logistics |
6282s | Bots that will be able to assist that |
6284s | are near us if they're going for DPS |
6285s | spots |
6286s | indeed and also diversing a com which is |
6288s | also known to be quite fast which will |
6290s | be out running their drones a lot of the |
6291s | time so it's going to be a very hard |
6292s | time applying damage with drones they're |
6294s | going to have to rely on the tackle to |
6295s | hold something down long enough to get |
6297s | drones on top and start destroying |
6298s | something |
6300s | and we do have the match underway drones |
6301s | are being launched we've seen a century |
6303s | uh drones come out here from Armageddon |
6304s | Navy issue he's kind of just sitting |
6306s | there right now some more sentries also |
6307s | coming out |
6308s | yes there we go so centuries oh going |
6310s | for uh centuries out but the first |
6312s | damage is really coming onto the nearest |
6313s | of howling wind no so both teams are |
6316s | going to the logic trade sure if the bat |
6317s | on Euros is going getting hurt really |
6319s | quickly the odd spray is being hurt but |
6320s | a lot slower pace for sure only assume |
6323s | far as xlasb yet |
6324s | some guidance disruptors coming out onto |
6326s | the bar guest onto enemy side of uh |
6328s | truth on the light there gonna see |
6330s | what's coming from the murmurdon and the |
6331s | eels here using those mid slots that you |
6333s | were hoping that our nearest can run in |
6334s | a way to just mitigate some of the |
6336s | damage that these bar guests are doing |
6337s | but there will be some rapid like Clips |
6339s | to uh pumping into the end there right |
6341s | now Daenerys has kept running he's |
6343s | trying to play it safe but in doing so |
6345s | the Confessor has died and the heck of |
6346s | he's about to follow him he's run so far |
6348s | away he cannot support his team for the |
6350s | next like minute and you can just see |
6351s | two ships dead I bet just have a fleet |
6353s | all the sky breaker will be next and |
6355s | just get deleted in seconds that is the |
6357s | worry when you run too far |
6359s | that's unfortunate actually a |
6360s | combination of the nearest going one way |
6362s | and the Hecate and excuse me the |
6364s | Confessor going the other way and just |
6366s | good catch there actually by Chief |
6367s | Arnold light just to spot that arranged |
6369s | script and see there and just not |
6370s | emptying their entire clip of Engineers |
6371s | that's running away but just to quickly |
6372s | finish up some clips into some lighter |
6374s | stuff as they're doing right now for |
6375s | this diver Fleet issue as well as the |
6377s | sonarus comes creeping back |
6379s | you see the Osprey is about to |
6380s | potentially go down but in return they |
6382s | have now lost pretty much the majority |
6383s | of their soccer Wing they've got a sky |
6385s | breaker and that's about it and then |
6387s | they got like the Old Navy's are pretty |
6389s | good but they are not as fast as the |
6390s | ships they've lost and that's going to |
6391s | potentially hurt them here |
6393s | was was seeing truth on the light |
6394s | actually uh getting onto the scenarios |
6396s | right now this staying in range looks |
6398s | like they've just come with reloads and |
6399s | they're going to be pumping back into |
6400s | the scenarios right now so you look |
6402s | quite comfortable for a moment but it |
6403s | was actually just the re though giving |
6404s | him a bit of a breather as he's going to |
6406s | structure and we'll be going down soon |
6407s | and they're probably going to then |
6408s | finish off the rest of the clips into |
6410s | cyber Fleet issue right now Osprey Navy |
6412s | issue of ferox on the truth on the light |
6413s | side uh looks like some xlsv charges |
6416s | keeping him up as the nearest goes down |
6417s | for |
6419s | arrivals either way and the uh Santa Fe |
6422s | has survived and unfortunately the |
6423s | nearest did go down so all the effort |
6426s | that's howling we did did try and stay |
6427s | alive unfortunately has well not really |
6430s | gone away but has definitely not been as |
6432s | good as we would have hooked for it so |
6434s | the fleet goes down Oscar Navy's now in |
6435s | Hull he's about to pop |
6438s | for arrival have been done much so just |
6441s | kind of sitting there in the center |
6442s | being an easy kind of Anchor Point you |
6444s | just kite around that our nearest would |
6446s | have done a lot better if a RedBot Cloud |
6447s | was keeping him up especially |
6449s | considering the reloads uh that happened |
6451s | there for a long time that our nearest |
6452s | was just setting off no damage onto him |
6454s | and that all of that time could have |
6455s | been used to just uh you know even just |
6457s | two waves of Redbox just get them back |
6459s | up to full HP buy him as much time as he |
6461s | needs but again people making the |
6463s | sacrifice here going for these he's |
6464s | again he's buying as much time as he can |
6466s | by running as fast as he can oh no |
6470s | oh no thanks to have some difficulties |
6473s | but yeah we're just going to keep going |
6475s | here as the um game is still underway uh |
6477s | caracal like you say getting picked on |
6478s | the still taking advantage to run away |
6480s | caracal can run into an issue of |
6482s | capacitor right now while he's being |
6483s | shot or navy issue does go down both a |
6485s | capacitor just being a T1 little Cruiser |
6487s | right now running an involved shield |
6489s | invo and the mwd constantly you can run |
6491s | into some good capacity issues here so |
6492s | you'd normally have to juggle them as a |
6494s | pilot that's going to be constantly |
6495s | cutting but he does eventually go down |
6497s | just getting pumped up there he bought |
6500s | more than enough time there the opposing |
6502s | team chased them all around the arena |
6503s | and they've killed him look where the |
6505s | opposing team is they're pretty much the |
6507s | opposite side of the Arena from where he |
6508s | died |
6509s | they're all below actually the uh comp |
6511s | at the moment and they're kind of just |
6512s | chilling going for the second older Navy |
6513s | very interesting uh actually if I'm |
6516s | looking at this Armageddon Navy issue |
6518s | sure he does have Tara uh but I it looks |
6521s | like he actually has some rapid lights |
6523s | on him as well |
6526s | who |
6527s | the Armageddon Navy issue if I'm looking |
6530s | at these things correctly oh he has some |
6532s | weird mix of turds happening here right |
6534s | now he does have a weird mix of turrets |
6535s | what in the world okay people doing some |
6539s | really funny choices for they get in |
6540s | Navy issues here right now is the last |
6541s | organization goes down leaving the tanky |
6543s | boys of them done and the EOS alive for |
6545s | a rival side |
6546s | um truth I don't like doing a fantastic |
6548s | job or just cutting here showing that |
6549s | even if it's not hams if it's just the |
6551s | Classic rapid lights cutting fly keto |
6554s | setup still a lot of potential just do a |
6556s | lot of damage here right now |
6558s | I'm I'm just kind of trying to figure |
6560s | what in the bloody hell those weapons |
6561s | are |
6563s | looks like order cans the other one |
6565s | that's |
6567s | very confused by that good Navy that |
6568s | particularly matters his team is being |
6570s | pulled apart but uh looks like they've |
6572s | got a character Navy being a pressure |
6574s | but he's so far away he's just not gonna |
6575s | die |
6578s | um do you want to confirm here the |
6580s | flagship is being thrown by truth on |
6581s | your light of Dexter day in the bar gas |
6583s | right now so we will be seeing a bar gas |
6585s | Flagship actually taking a victory here |
6586s | quite comfortably but it seems like I'm |
6588s | not dying yeah yeah you shouldn't take |
6590s | one bargast you should take two |
6593s | oh yeah twin buggies provides a lot of |
6595s | speed and application as well they're |
6597s | very useful ships and the damage we |
6598s | provide is beautiful |
6600s | problem is we try and bring bug with |
6601s | something else everything else is pretty |
6603s | much slower than the park |
6605s | well it's pretty good choice not to go |
6607s | for the armor torque bar I suppose with |
6609s | zero uh application bonuses |
6611s | um but we're going to see two final I'd |
6613s | maybe lose another character Navy issue |
6614s | here the Armageddon Navy issue still |
6616s | able to do some application here right |
6618s | now although it seems like he sunk his |
6620s | teeth into the bar guest of Dexter there |
6621s | maybe he's hoping he could get a |
6623s | flagship Kill by himself here with the |
6625s | Osprey elf grid that would be quite |
6626s | hilarious with a true honor securing |
6629s | this win right now but still losing the |
6630s | flagship actually |
6632s | I I don't see it happening but in my |
6635s | heart of hearts I would love to see it |
6637s | happen because that would just be the |
6638s | funniest if you as they leave just you |
6641s | may have got maybe a person the leaders |
6643s | loses bracket but will take your |
6644s | Flagship with us |
6646s | yeah so we have the Armageddon Navy |
6648s | issue apps to these studies uh sunky's |
6650s | teeth here into the flagship bar gas |
6652s | that's going to be newts that's going to |
6653s | be drones that's gonna be |
6655s | um weapon systems over lasers and |
6657s | whatever that other turretives I still |
6659s | cannot figure out for Life me what that |
6661s | thing is |
6662s | um cannons and lasers I swear I'm sorry |
6665s | I can't be 100 correct for you guys but |
6667s | that looks like Auto cannons and lasers |
6669s | and I don't know why |
6672s | but I still think the flagship Our Guest |
6674s | will be living to win here right now |
6677s | um but I'm just fantastic to see two |
6680s | Pancakes on grid you know it's always |
6682s | better when you can share with your |
6683s | friends uh just all the fun that you |
6684s | have in those High slots |
6686s | um but arrival uh do you think I even |
6688s | had a chance against this cardiacom |
6691s | uh honestly no |
6694s | almost like while the Sentry drones seem |
6696s | not not the best option they are the one |
6698s | that doesn't have to chase enemies down |
6699s | they can just shoot whereas if they |
6701s | brought Heavies or mediums they'd be |
6703s | chasing these Ospreys and uh authorizers |
6705s | all the way around the arena now it |
6707s | looks apparently those are actually just |
6708s | 800s and maybe 650s on the Armageddon |
6711s | Navy so no lasers it's it's all auto |
6713s | cannons so fair enough |
6715s | I am utterly confused by these words |
6719s | changed again that's actually lasers |
6721s | unfortunately I don't know large layers |
6723s | I'm sorry guys okay there are definitely |
6725s | nasals there I saw laser squeaker |
6727s | there's a commit to the lasers here but |
6729s | I am just thinking um you know people |
6731s | just keep making this mistake with these |
6732s | drone comps where you know I feel like |
6734s | if you're not going to have the logistic |
6735s | spots to support your solo Logie you |
6738s | should be looking more at a freak lodgy |
6739s | standpoint because free logic can always |
6740s | cover each other's backs but when you're |
6742s | just taking a teacher Lodge you're not |
6744s | bringing a lot in the terms of ewar I |
6745s | think they only had one or two guidance |
6747s | disruptors going out until then we |
6748s | borrow gas you kind of just you know |
6751s | abandoning your logic to whatever |
6753s | happens you're not screening for them |
6754s | you're not doing e-word for them you're |
6756s | not giving them any form of support in |
6758s | rap Bots |
6759s | um you're just leaving them out there to |
6760s | die on their own and it's not just them |
6762s | dying their own that's a lot of points |
6763s | you're losing and then you're losing all |
6764s | of your support |
6766s | honestly don't think there's any amount |
6767s | of support they could have brought to |
6768s | keep that nearest alive against this |
6770s | comp but again now he's about to die |
6772s | unfortunately arrival will be in the um |
6774s | in the loser bracket after this but this |
6777s | will be their first loss today and with |
6779s | that we'll get back to the studio and |
6780s | see what they think |
6785s | [Music] |
6802s | foreign |
6831s | foreign |
6836s | switched |
6838s | well it would have been a fun easy fight |
6840s | right but guess what dude I'm not seeing |
6842s | it people can't get together |
6848s | [Music] |
6866s | truth honor light going to an o in |
6869s | Alliance tournament 18 as they knock |
6870s | arrival down to one and one and into the |
6874s | elimination bracket we will see arrival |
6876s | again later and we will of course see |
6878s | truth on the light again later as they |
6879s | continue through the the upper bracket |
6882s | on their way to hopefully for them a |
6884s | finals appearance they wanted to go two |
6887s | in a row uh obviously winning under a |
6888s | Hydra reloaded last year seeing if they |
6890s | can go get that second Victory this time |
6892s | as truth honor light jintan uh during |
6895s | that match you were talking a bit about |
6896s | the piloting of uh uh like Captain |
6899s | Dexter in that Flagship bar guest and |
6902s | you were you were praising it talk to me |
6903s | about that yeah so Dexter actually um he |
6905s | had to deal with quite a lot of pressure |
6907s | in that match in terms of what a rival |
6909s | was throwing at him they put two three |
6910s | Cruisers just burning straight at him |
6912s | trying to look down that Flagship uh so |
6914s | they could take it off the grid and then |
6916s | even you know arrival will probably |
6917s | hoping hey even if we lose we can take |
6919s | out the Hydra Flagship considering get |
6921s | matched with them every single bracket |
6922s | we might as well do that and take some |
6925s | Glory if nothing else home but Dexter |
6928s | was able to evade two of them he managed |
6930s | and knew of the final one um get that |
6932s | scram dropped and then reactivate his |
6934s | mwd quickly enough to not get properly |
6936s | caught at the end of the match he just |
6938s | sat around let the Armageddon Navy issue |
6940s | well on him knowing full well that he |
6942s | had enough tank to survive from that |
6943s | point but yeah it was a really good |
6945s | positional awareness really good |
6947s | piloting and uh that's probably the |
6949s | reason why he's one of the first bug s |
6951s | Flagship Pilots to actually win his |
6952s | match as opposed to all the other teams |
6954s | that have brought them exactly well done |
6956s | to him and um arrival did pretty well |
6959s | actually I mean this is potentially one |
6961s | of the one of the best teams in the |
6963s | tournament uh truth on the light an |
6965s | arrival going up against them a tough |
6966s | match they they won the lottery trade at |
6968s | the start they did really really well |
6970s | and it just didn't quote it wasn't quite |
6972s | enough basically to put a w here we talk |
6975s | about logic trades a couple of times |
6976s | he's to be Swift uh like what do we mean |
6977s | and why can that be important uh so |
6980s | Elijah trade is exactly exactly what it |
6981s | sounds like it's one of these great |
6982s | things that I get a nice little softball |
6984s | as you love to me it's where you trade |
6987s | your logistic ships ah get it you guys |
6990s | get it |
6991s | um like collectible cards no no not like |
6993s | not like uh Pocket Monsters or Digital |
6996s | Monsters uh just trade in terms of kills |
6998s | uh right so um a lot of these teams they |
7001s | recognize as the match goes on if I |
7004s | don't have overwhelming damage if the |
7006s | other team has a lodgy and I lose like |
7008s | one or two of my DPS ships I've got no |
7011s | chance of killing anything so when I've |
7013s | got Max damage I want to go for that |
7015s | logic and that's what both teams did a |
7017s | rival did this through centuries trying |
7019s | to go after Lucas Quan |
7021s | uh Lucas Quan probably the most seasoned |
7025s | Logistics pilot in the game in terms of |
7026s | Alliance tournament right now uh a pilot |
7029s | has uh five gold medals for the alliance |
7031s | tournament used to be on the pl team uh |
7034s | used to fly lodgy and skirmishes all the |
7036s | time so he survived just long enough uh |
7040s | well his team probably was going to win |
7042s | anyways but survived just long enough |
7044s | and just like was able to get away from |
7047s | the incoming damage enough |
7049s | but even though he died in his tech one |
7051s | Osprey uh the tech 2 o'neros died very |
7055s | shortly thereafter on arrival so uh |
7057s | really good piloting on by Lucas there |
7059s | uh you know he can always come back to |
7061s | the pl team that would that would always |
7063s | be very welcomed uh you can come home |
7067s | anytime you want Lucas uh |
7069s | yeah |
7071s | I'm not trying to actively recruit good |
7073s | Pilots but if you you just come it'll be |
7077s | great there you are in the hearts of CC |
7079s | Swift just come yeah okay let's not |
7082s | let's not clip that |
7084s | gentan |
7086s | um do you what do you think we're gonna |
7087s | see next time from truth on the light so |
7089s | they've used two separate comps now uh |
7091s | we you were saying uh that perhaps we |
7093s | wouldn't uh see two separate comps in |
7095s | CSP Swift |
7096s | um was saying that's what a good team |
7097s | should do just keep one con for the |
7099s | whole first weekend do you think uh the |
7101s | next match for 2008 we will see one of |
7102s | the two comps or something new entirely |
7104s | well I think the next match they'll play |
7106s | is actually next weekend uh going to |
7109s | going to O up means that they don't have |
7111s | to play again today uh they don't have |
7113s | any threat of elimination against them |
7115s | um but that said I expect we'll probably |
7117s | see another variant of their Max uh Max |
7120s | threat projection comp that we saw on |
7122s | that first match that they played |
7124s | um taking advantage of the recently buff |
7125s | Navy executors and a bunch of other uh |
7128s | long range uh project turret platforms |
7131s | to just control the space on the grid |
7134s | use their individual piloting to make |
7136s | sure that they have really good they're |
7138s | Landing really good hits and just |
7139s | crushing your opponent's support Wing |
7141s | awesome so let's uh take a moment and |
7143s | just check in with CCP racks on heraldry |
7147s | and the cool new stuff on ships |
7156s | players identity in new Eden is |
7159s | important to them what they want to do |
7160s | is they want to showcase off who they |
7162s | belong to a corporation or Alliance and |
7165s | being able to kind of go proudly into a |
7167s | fight with other players the first thing |
7169s | that we are releasing are emblems |
7172s | emblems allow them to put their |
7175s | cooperation on allowance logos on ship |
7176s | and kind of flying Fleet information |
7178s | into these battles |
7180s | down the line kind of what we are hoping |
7182s | to achieve with Herald tree is that we |
7184s | want to enable players to do more uh to |
7188s | kind of sculpt their identity within new |
7190s | Eden in a better way at release players |
7193s | will be able to acquire emblems for |
7196s | around 100 ships and then over time we |
7198s | will gradually be seeding more shape |
7200s | holes into the game |
7209s | CSP racks there with heraldry and |
7211s | emblems uh they look super cool I'm |
7213s | looking forward to getting some of these |
7215s | on my ships I've not had that chance to |
7217s | get out yet and redeem the do the |
7219s | missions and get the points since you |
7220s | sort of shaking your head that made but |
7222s | we've been busy setting up the giant |
7224s | video wall and things |
7225s | sure look I'm hosting the alliance |
7228s | tournament I can't do stuff that's |
7230s | exactly right exactly right so I'm |
7232s | hoping and I'm hoping to get some really |
7234s | cool skins and really cool heraldry and |
7236s | emblems very very shortly but in the |
7238s | meantime uh we have to go back to work |
7240s | and we have to talk about our next match |
7242s | which is the tuskers call versus Polaris |
7244s | mercenary Alliance so let's take a look |
7246s | at the bands for that match coming up |
7251s | uh here we go |
7253s | so the tuskers got Banning out the |
7255s | Deacon Natalia and the jackdaw so they |
7258s | really don't want to see uh the |
7259s | logistics fragrance here for armor and |
7261s | Polaris mercenary Alliance batting out |
7263s | the Bargas the curse and the Scimitar |
7265s | jintan uh we've seen teams Banner one of |
7268s | Deacon and Talia to kind of almost |
7270s | Banner both because of the points |
7272s | inflation rule task was bringing they're |
7274s | buying out both here what do you think |
7275s | about that I think that's a really |
7276s | targeted band towards the uh two |
7279s | Battleship control comp |
7280s | um you know that's something where the |
7282s | top end you can vary it you can use the |
7284s | shack so you can use navy armageddon's |
7285s | you can use all sorts of different |
7287s | things to replace the very uh upper end |
7289s | Echelon of it but the Deacon and Thalia |
7292s | are so important because without those |
7293s | ships you don't have either enough reps |
7295s | or enough points to make the composition |
7298s | work it doesn't really work within a |
7299s | neuros or anything similar that said |
7301s | Iris do have the option of going for a |
7303s | T1 Logistics in that style of comp and |
7305s | maybe trying to make that work |
7307s | yeah that would be super interesting uh |
7309s | CCP Swift looking at what players have |
7311s | banned here do you think we might see |
7313s | something like that uh it's possible I |
7315s | do like the Polaris mercenary uh bands |
7317s | to just like get rid of the good stuff |
7319s | like I don't want to see a Bargas don't |
7321s | want to see a curse don't want to see us |
7323s | say we just get out of here good stuff |
7324s | they're not really uh giving away too |
7326s | much about what they want to take but |
7328s | they are definitely saying I don't want |
7330s | to see these top tier ships |
7332s | yeah the bar guys I'm a very powerful |
7334s | Chef it was even more powerful last year |
7335s | of course it was underpointed this year |
7337s | a lot of that power has kind of crept |
7339s | forward |
7340s | um it's still super super good and we |
7341s | see that the fact the number of teams |
7343s | bringing it as their Flagship uh even |
7345s | though it's not discounted last year I |
7346s | remember people complained last year |
7348s | because they were like oh the bar guys |
7349s | we can't bring our Flagship |
7350s | Battlegrounds anymore Flagship the |
7352s | Shacks oh no we can't bring those |
7355s | um and they're with uh with the bar guys |
7356s | now I think we've looked inside it's the |
7358s | lowest ehp flagships basically that we |
7361s | we'd ever seen |
7362s | um and a number of teams have discovered |
7364s | just how low that ehp can go |
7367s | um this tournament uh feeding a bunch of |
7368s | them which is rather unfortunate for |
7370s | them but it's time to go Serena and find |
7373s | out who's going to win between the test |
7375s | scores and Polaris mercenary Alliance as |
7377s | we go check in with the boys in the |
7378s | booth |
7379s | ah |
7384s | hello this is Alexia card here with |
7386s | moderator |
7387s | and we have the tuskers with a very cool |
7391s | double Navy squirt comp with a fleet |
7394s | typhoon going for a triple Battleship |
7396s | with a vulture command ship for links a |
7399s | very bold setup kind of forced into |
7401s | these tech one frigates here by the |
7403s | Bands |
7404s | moderator what do we have for Polaris |
7405s | mercenary lines |
7407s | yeah um we've seen not this comp before |
7410s | in the theater certainly |
7412s | um Armageddon Navy Duo Tempest and then |
7416s | an oracle executive Navy an auger |
7419s | pontifex and a Mauler and then the |
7421s | Navitas and The Inquisitor interestingly |
7423s | enough both teams choosing to use those |
7425s | tech one Logistics frigates wanting to |
7428s | get more points in uh to their high end |
7430s | really and I mean we've seen you know |
7435s | time and time again let's forget to do |
7436s | not last long compared to their tutu |
7439s | counterparts |
7440s | nope they are quite squishy but they can |
7443s | put out the Reps if they're entirely |
7445s | ignored they could be a Difference Maker |
7447s | here that said as soon as either side |
7450s | looks at them they're probably going to |
7451s | get shredded uh I think in terms of |
7455s | Advantage here probably tusker is a |
7458s | little bit more application onto small |
7460s | targets maybe that'll come into play |
7462s | they plan to see tech one logistic |
7463s | frigates and so they brought a bit of a |
7467s | thicker low end and some application |
7469s | with the fleet typhoon |
7471s | yeah of note that Fleet typhoon and |
7473s | Scorpion Navy issue are fit with cruises |
7475s | not rapid Heavies so they will be very |
7478s | happy to kite away with the rest of |
7481s | their composition and just keep slamming |
7483s | into uh that high end I mean those |
7485s | missiles will apply nearly perfectly to |
7487s | you know the executive Navy and anything |
7489s | greater |
7491s | and we're off you damage spread |
7494s | throughout the Polaris team uh what are |
7497s | they trying to accomplish there it |
7499s | doesn't seem like they've picked any |
7500s | Targets |
7502s | um that might be some |
7504s | um damage from the stormbringer but it |
7506s | looks like the Oracle is going to be |
7507s | their primary it makes a lot of sense |
7509s | you would want to paint that it does you |
7511s | know the highest combination of |
7512s | projection while also having really no |
7515s | meaningful tank relative to the you know |
7519s | Battleship counterparts |
7521s | it does go down meanwhile it seems like |
7524s | Polaris is targeting Ville baromi's |
7527s | typhoon Fleet issue uh the Exeter Navy |
7530s | issue now now Under Fire from the |
7532s | tuskers it's going down quite rapidly |
7534s | and it seems like the Stormbreaker |
7536s | damage has slowed down considerably |
7538s | they're definitely trying to focus in on |
7540s | the damage dealing potential of Polaris |
7542s | by going for their thinnest tank ships |
7545s | yeah interesting that vulture is not at |
7549s | all tackled you would think he might be |
7550s | given that the executive Navy and the |
7552s | auger Navy are right on top of him uh |
7555s | we've seen uh Shield auger navies be fit |
7558s | rather paper tank this one is fit more |
7561s | bricky with you know an armor |
7564s | um instead and it's going to go down |
7566s | before they really get too much damage |
7568s | on that vulture now that JJ yakin is |
7570s | finally tackled |
7574s | yeah we're seeing the uh Logistics |
7576s | frigates here quite far from the |
7578s | fighting |
7579s | uh the the tusker's low end is Now |
7583s | parking on them but they are out of |
7585s | range to rep the top end so they've been |
7587s | completely isolated and taken out of |
7589s | this match and soon they'll be taken out |
7591s | of this match more formally as their hit |
7593s | points drop to zero first beginning of |
7595s | this Navitas the inquisitor's sure to |
7597s | follow that's a huge impact moderator |
7599s | meanwhile the Bantam and first still |
7601s | alive |
7603s | yeah we see that the Fly Catcher And the |
7606s | Jaguar from Costco's decided to just you |
7608s | know get away from the rest of the |
7611s | um Polaris team and they just Dove for |
7613s | the back line decided to pick off those |
7615s | frigates and I mean it makes sense the |
7618s | jaguar and the flag catcher all do a |
7620s | significant amount of damage and you |
7622s | know they're probably more useful get |
7624s | getting rid of those frigology instead |
7625s | of going after the main targets speaking |
7628s | of JJ yakin continuing to dip a little |
7630s | bit lower into Shield |
7632s | yeah they must be listening to the |
7633s | broadcast mod because they have |
7635s | reoriented themselves into killing that |
7637s | vulture now one of the tech one |
7639s | Logistics frigates on tuskers goes down |
7640s | immediately evaporated |
7642s | uh they've lost a pawn effects in trade |
7644s | that's a great trade for tuskers as they |
7646s | just want to hang on to this Advantage |
7648s | here but if they lose that vulture |
7649s | that's a significant chunk of their |
7652s | damage it's also links gone we could see |
7655s | some impact from that |
7657s | so tough scars isn't a pretty |
7659s | comfortable spot that said even with the |
7662s | vulture getting rather low the Bantam by |
7665s | himself won't be able to keep that up |
7666s | but I'm pretty happy having a typhoon |
7668s | Fleet and a scorp Navy with Cruisers |
7670s | even against three battleships you're |
7672s | going to be able to just run away from |
7674s | them being Shield versus Armor and |
7676s | project across the arena with cruises |
7679s | yeah a tusker said it was a very |
7681s | comfortable position here but it's worth |
7683s | saying that all of polaris's top end is |
7686s | still alive they've got a Mauler auger |
7688s | Navy issue for tackle and some damage |
7690s | and three battleships their Tempest |
7692s | Fleet issue is taking a severe beating |
7695s | right now getting to about half armor uh |
7698s | he is currently bearing the brunt of the |
7700s | aggression from the tuskers team however |
7702s | he's hanging in there he's starting to |
7704s | wrap it up a little bit they're having |
7706s | trouble applying meaningful damage back |
7709s | which is a troubling sign but these |
7711s | Armageddon Navy issues they've got |
7713s | damage they've got newts they're still a |
7715s | threat |
7716s | yeah they're still threatening we see |
7718s | that the augur Navy issue of isk raider |
7720s | is on top of a toaster M2 scorpion Navy |
7722s | and the armageddons are trying to close |
7726s | um so I think light heaven will fall |
7729s | pretty soon but |
7730s | um toaster MZ is going to be in an |
7732s | uncomfortable uncomfortable position now |
7734s | that the links are pretty meaningfully |
7736s | gone Stu Miner's going in for a screen |
7738s | but it's probably going to be too late |
7741s | yeah these scorpion Navy issues |
7743s | extremely thickly tanked they get a tank |
7746s | bonus lots of mid slots uh clearly |
7749s | tuskers has decided to put those mid |
7751s | slots toward make them as beefy as |
7753s | possible uh probably not active tanked |
7756s | from the look of it they're just or or |
7758s | if they are it's slight uh they're just |
7762s | gigantic bullet sponges and right now |
7765s | they are soaking up and absorbing all of |
7767s | the laser damage from these getting |
7769s | navies from the Old Navy the Maller and |
7771s | they're not thinking much of it he's |
7772s | sitting comfortably at half Shield |
7774s | taking up ever so slightly from the Reps |
7777s | on the Bantam meanwhile they get a Navy |
7778s | issue of Casimir is dropping steadily |
7783s | yeah I mean Casimir is going to be |
7786s | getting full application from those |
7788s | cruises if you look at the attack bars |
7789s | right now tufters has been outperforming |
7791s | uh Polaris for some time so |
7794s | unfortunately for Polaris their defense |
7797s | bar is about to drop even further as |
7799s | Casimir drops into Hull |
7802s | and that is a significant chunk of their |
7804s | damage it's a significant knock of their |
7806s | control and as you mentioned a |
7808s | significant chunk of the remaining team |
7810s | hit points |
7811s | uh where will tuskers go next what's |
7815s | their next logical Target here |
7817s | so now the toaster is down into Hull I |
7820s | could see one of two things happening |
7823s | either you continue to apply damage to |
7825s | the next Battleship or you try to kill |
7828s | the auger Navy in the mall of their |
7830s | screening uh tufters clearly has chosen |
7832s | to go for the Armageddon Navy issue |
7834s | which I personally think is the right |
7836s | call that typhoon Fleet issue should be |
7838s | able to outrun all but the OG Navy and |
7841s | even if the OG Navy does eventually |
7843s | catch up we still have the jaguar and |
7846s | the Fly Catcher the stormbringers to |
7847s | really screen for the TFI |
7850s | right now it appears like the Mueller |
7852s | and the OG Navy have paired up and |
7854s | they're attempting to chase down the |
7856s | typhoon Fleet issue that is a tall order |
7858s | they're quite far away from it and it |
7860s | seems to be quite fast |
7863s | yeah I mean typhoon Fleet issues uh you |
7866s | know still a battleship but he's moving |
7867s | along uh Under full mwd at you know |
7870s | maybe 1.2 1.3 and the Fly Catcher of |
7874s | Cosmo is starting to get in close to |
7877s | that Armageddon Navy issue just goes for |
7879s | uh what looks like maybe a bit of a |
7881s | drive-by but not anymore |
7884s | cycling Fleet issue has turned now |
7887s | allowing the OG Navy to get within |
7889s | strike range will it scram |
7892s | yeah I think it probably Will's cram we |
7894s | see that small pay is running a bit of |
7897s | an active tank possibly from um an |
7899s | ancillary Shield Ripper or armor wrapper |
7902s | rather but um I mean look how far the |
7904s | Armageddon and the |
7906s | EFI are away he's probably not going to |
7909s | catch up before he goes down |
7910s | no it's not even close the getting Navy |
7913s | is dropping steadily he is attempting to |
7915s | rep if he's likely and silly wrapped as |
7918s | you mentioned those charges are if |
7919s | they're not gone now they will be |
7921s | shortly so it's just a matter of time |
7924s | his rep power is greatly diminished his |
7926s | hit points close to zero he'll start |
7928s | bleeding structure even if he wraps |
7931s | pretty much zero percent armor any |
7934s | second now meanwhile it seems they're |
7935s | putting a little Advanced damage into |
7937s | the OG Navy that could be just ships |
7939s | that can't hit the gedden from their |
7940s | current position |
7942s | yeah the OG Navy is currently getting |
7944s | shot at |
7945s | um by the stormbringer and |
7948s | um |
7949s | what appears to be yeah it's actually |
7952s | getting on top of the typhoon Fleet |
7953s | issue the Mueller is getting |
7955s | um pretty close as well but |
7958s | I mean Netflix moving at 2.1 2.2 that's |
7962s | probably overheated just you know being |
7964s | able to pull range and uh continuing to |
7967s | pull out what looks like another Victory |
7968s | a small pay goes in |
7970s | just showing off at this point |
7973s | now the Mueller and OG Navy two of the |
7975s | tankier Cruisers in the game it will |
7977s | take a relatively long time to kill them |
7979s | but they don't really have the stopping |
7981s | power to kill any of these battleships |
7984s | if they catch one of the smaller ships |
7986s | one of the frigates the Destroyers maybe |
7988s | even the stormbringer it's conceivable |
7990s | they could punch through it |
7991s | but at this stage of the match they're |
7993s | just going to get controlled and |
7994s | corralled with all this tackle that's |
7996s | still alive on the tuskers team and just |
7998s | hold them down and make them easy |
8000s | pickings for the typhoon Fleet and the |
8001s | scorp Navy you can see them trying to |
8003s | fight back a little bit with this Jaguar |
8005s | currently going down to about half |
8007s | Shields but Stu Miner is in a very |
8009s | comfortable position as the molar goes |
8011s | down |
8012s | yeah I mean even if Polaris did manage |
8015s | to catch something they're down |
8017s | um all of 52 points with a minute left |
8019s | uh is greater |
8021s | um |
8022s | going to be going down uh all of the |
8024s | drones all of the missiles even on top |
8027s | of him |
8028s | just pushing him through |
8030s | um you know I want to give a shout out |
8032s | to Jason Orson you know everyone |
8035s | spamming squids in chat keep doing that |
8038s | we like to see you know teams picking |
8040s | favorites |
8042s | um but |
8043s | let's see who the death's favorite was |
8045s | in that match |
8049s | [Music] |
8078s | foreign |
8099s | connected Channel switched |
8102s | easy fight right but guess what dude I'm |
8105s | not seeing it people can't get they're |
8107s | fit together |
8118s | thank you |
8122s | [Music] |
8129s | the tuskers court they're taking the |
8131s | victory over Polaris mercenary Alliance |
8134s | in a pretty convincing win um some |
8136s | interesting play from both sides there |
8137s | but the tusker is coming away uh with |
8140s | the all-important dub uh in the in the |
8143s | tournament of note |
8145s | um the tuskers lost a vulture during |
8148s | that fight a command ship |
8149s | um of course it cannot be |
8152s | um very expensive because of the rules |
8153s | being uh you have to fly Tech too you |
8156s | cannot fly faction and things like that |
8158s | which is nice it means you can't lose |
8159s | super expensive ships apart from |
8161s | flagships however |
8163s | if you happen to be carrying around sex |
8165s | Skirmish command mine links and six |
8167s | caldari Navy command main links in your |
8169s | vulture you could lose as much as 2.4 |
8172s | billion isk CP Swift |
8175s | advice perhaps so I think I know what |
8178s | happened here right uh of course you |
8180s | could say oh I forgot to check my cargo |
8182s | didn't do this uh but this is something |
8184s | that faffy waffy uh invented in Alliance |
8187s | tournament nine where he realized that |
8189s | uh |
8190s | by letter of the law of the alliance |
8192s | Hornet rules you can actually swap those |
8194s | mind links mid-match so depending on the |
8197s | circumstance you could have a certain uh |
8199s | mind link boosted at any given time so |
8202s | obviously he wanted to just do it like |
8203s | 12 times |
8205s | it's a lot of times yeah yeah which I |
8208s | think you probably can't do I think |
8209s | there's a well no no he could probably |
8210s | do it 12 times oh there you are uh we |
8213s | also wanted to talk about the tech one |
8214s | Logistics frigates we saw in that match |
8216s | both sides Fielding uh those ships uh CP |
8219s | Swift you're not a fan but it looks of |
8221s | things I am not a fan so I'm an eve |
8222s | Boomer uh an alliance tournament Boomer |
8225s | as well it's Tech Two logistic ships is |
8227s | what you take all these other frigates |
8229s | and nonsense uh they are very Point |
8232s | efficient right uh so they're one point |
8234s | each uh when it comes to the rep amount |
8236s | you get compared to uh quite a few more |
8239s | for the tech 2 Logistics however as Jin |
8243s | tan was pointing out they are not pilot |
8244s | efficient and they're not slot efficient |
8246s | and they're not ehp efficient so what |
8249s | happens is you think you're having a |
8251s | certain amount of rep power but in in |
8253s | reality it just doesn't really pay off |
8255s | for you it's it's almost two wasted |
8258s | points that you could have done |
8259s | upgrading something else |
8261s | well we will see Polaris National |
8263s | Alliance again as they're knocked down |
8265s | right now into the uh elimination |
8267s | bracket but not out of the tournament |
8268s | and of course the tuskers continue on as |
8270s | well uh with that second whim now before |
8273s | we go into our next match which is going |
8275s | to be Odin's call versus nanofiber |
8276s | tokens let's go to our boy jintan uh for |
8279s | an interview with the captain of |
8280s | nanofiber tokens |
8282s | first of all can you introduce yourself |
8284s | to the audience my name is ovix tillerin |
8287s | I'm the captain of nanofiber tokens Nano |
8290s | currency's at team and what do you do on |
8292s | Tranquility outside of the tournament |
8294s | yeah we usually just fly small gang Nano |
8297s | um we currently live in a C3 and also |
8299s | ecstatic just roll that nightly for |
8301s | Content we used to live in Tama for a |
8303s | little bit content kind of died so we |
8305s | moved to a normal and if someone was to |
8307s | run into you what sized Fleet could they |
8309s | expect to fight |
8311s | that kind of depends so say roughly |
8313s | between three and seven maybe nine on a |
8316s | good night quite small which is good |
8318s | though because uh he's got a tight core |
8320s | friendly tight core to talk together |
8322s | nightly good group of guys |
8324s | what's your team's competitive history |
8326s | yeah so personally this is the fifth |
8329s | tournament I've participated in I've |
8331s | kept in four so I started out flying and |
8334s | the alliance open under HTP then moved |
8337s | on and restarted the networks team for |
8338s | AGR at 17. |
8342s | and then I moved on and started |
8343s | endcoin's team for ag5 and at-18 I took |
8346s | a few players in the networks team the |
8348s | majority of the team has at least two or |
8350s | three tournaments under the belt we have |
8352s | one or two new guys we haven't really |
8354s | stolen anybody mostly just kind of grew |
8357s | organically from the inside are there |
8359s | any teams in particular that you're |
8361s | looking forward to playing against |
8362s | during the tournament yeah I'm really |
8364s | looking forward to fighting paper |
8365s | numbers again they whooped our butt in |
8368s | the AG with like three perfectly timed |
8371s | bowel mjds onto our Kai Gila comp |
8373s | so if we can face them again in the at |
8377s | um I'd be really excited for that |
8379s | I think most of the team is also excited |
8381s | to get a little bit of a playback |
8382s | against them |
8383s | do you think that the balance changes as |
8385s | of the uprising patch are going to have |
8387s | an impact on the tournament yeah I |
8389s | actually do think it's going to have |
8391s | um a pretty big impact uh for one like |
8394s | the really good teams who are able to be |
8396s | a little bit more malleable I think are |
8398s | going to be able to leverage those |
8399s | changes to pull out a couple wins |
8402s | and I think it's kind of unfortunate |
8404s | actually to have those changes come out |
8406s | the day before because a lot of teams |
8407s | have been practicing you know two months |
8409s | with those same ships and then all of a |
8411s | sudden it's going to turn maybe one or |
8412s | two comps in their head that wouldn't |
8414s | have been able to be useful you know |
8418s | um so I think it is going to be a pretty |
8419s | big change |
8420s | all right thank you for your time and |
8422s | good luck in your matches |
8424s | thanks for the interview I'll see you |
8425s | later |
8428s | they are gentan talking with the captain |
8430s | then if Ira tokens uh jintan you've been |
8433s | producing some of these interviews for |
8434s | uh for this tournament how's it been for |
8436s | you making all of them oh it's been |
8438s | absolutely fantastic unfortunately I |
8439s | haven't had the chance to edit them all |
8441s | up for a presentation today uh but a |
8444s | grand total of 22 teams actually took me |
8446s | up on the invitation and uh were able to |
8448s | record an interview with them and it |
8449s | gave me a great insight into where these |
8451s | teams come from where they play and it's |
8453s | all over New Eden I think that's one of |
8455s | the most beautiful things about the |
8456s | alliance tournament is that you see |
8458s | teams of you know groups of players that |
8460s | would almost never run into each other |
8462s | during regular gameplay fighting it out |
8464s | just to you know not only for the rights |
8466s | to say that they're the better PVP |
8468s | Alliance but almost championing their |
8470s | own little area of space you know we've |
8472s | seen teams from everywhere from pochvard |
8473s | and lossec to teams that represent the |
8476s | larger norsec blocks and uh historically |
8479s | we even had some high SEC teams although |
8480s | I don't believe there are any this year |
8482s | it's always great to hear from these |
8483s | teams as well when maybe we don't know |
8485s | as much about them because they don't |
8486s | have a very you know a history in the |
8488s | answer those particular names so |
8490s | sometimes hard to recognize individual |
8491s | Pilots but there's just so many that fly |
8493s | in the alliance tournament so being able |
8495s | to just see a little bit uh behind the |
8497s | the veil of these teams has been awesome |
8499s | so thank you for making those and I'm |
8500s | looking forward to hearing some more of |
8501s | them as we go on through the tournament |
8503s | so our next match is actually going to |
8505s | be as mentioned the Odin's call versus |
8506s | nanofiber tokens so let's take a look |
8508s | the bands for this upcoming match |
8513s | audience call Banning out the Nighthawk |
8515s | and the Scimitar and the EOS whereas |
8518s | nanofiber tokens Banning out Bargas Loki |
8520s | and balgorn nothing super outrageous |
8522s | here at CSV Swift |
8525s | um I I see from the nanofiber tokens |
8527s | team they're they're banning like the |
8528s | the medium to long range webs uh so that |
8532s | kind of tells the signals to me that |
8533s | they want to do a little bit more uh |
8535s | kiting a little bit maybe more |
8536s | maneuvering from the interview with uh |
8538s | Jin hen like these guys have a very |
8540s | tight core |
8541s | so uh you know they've got a lot of |
8544s | practice flying uh nanoe ships together |
8546s | so perhaps they want to use that |
8548s | experience in the alliance tournament uh |
8550s | and and use that as an archetype more of |
8552s | a kiting type of comp so getting rid of |
8554s | those webs which are would be really |
8556s | annoying to them awesome well let's find |
8558s | out if that is exactly what they will do |
8560s | as we go to the arena for 905 tokens |
8562s | versus Odin's call |
8568s | hello I am moderator joined by my |
8571s | colleague Alexander for what will be a |
8573s | very explosive match both teams warping |
8575s | in |
8576s | um at 50 so they're 100 kilometers away |
8578s | from each other we see nanofiber tokens |
8581s | going for a triple Fleet typhoon with |
8584s | cruises and Odin's called doing what |
8586s | exactly |
8588s | uh Odin's call doing a double Shack |
8590s | curse pot effects celestis Thalia Deacon |
8594s | combo with Confessor vexer Mahler for |
8596s | the low end tackle a very high DPS setup |
8599s | but with some control with this curse |
8602s | yeah it'll be very interesting to see if |
8604s | that curse decided to go with guidance |
8606s | disruption because his feet did that's |
8608s | going to be very very impactful in |
8610s | keeping uh those Le Shacks alive uh we |
8613s | haven't really seen King Slayer as much |
8616s | this event but uh nanofiber tokens |
8618s | appears to be very comfortable bringing |
8620s | it into the match |
8622s | yeah well and everyone who has invested |
8624s | in nfts knows they like to multiply |
8625s | their value that's why they have three |
8627s | typhoons double links two Logistics |
8630s | rickets |
8632s | they're they're definitely sensing a |
8634s | theme here whether or not it'll work out |
8636s | for them who knows I do say with all the |
8639s | DPS from Odin's called concentrated in |
8641s | these two Le Shacks if that curse does |
8643s | not put the work in they could be in |
8645s | some serious trouble because the DPS and |
8648s | application coming out of these rapid |
8650s | typhoons is going to be absolutely |
8652s | insane |
8654s | it'll be interesting to see what impact |
8656s | the Latios jackdaw has when we see that |
8660s | jackdaw come into an armor composition |
8662s | you can be fairly certain that it's |
8664s | gotta have at least three or four mid |
8666s | slots dedicated to |
8668s | um e-war it won't be as strong as maybe |
8670s | what we would see out of the curse but |
8672s | still effective nonetheless |
8677s | yeah the the weak spot if anything could |
8680s | be ovix's typhoon is the only unskinned |
8682s | typhoon in their Fleet |
8688s | as both teams start off with nft |
8691s | absolutely screaming down into their |
8694s | opponents looks like the tackle is kind |
8696s | of taking the long way around perhaps |
8698s | going for the backline law |
8700s | yeah um it looks like right now the |
8703s | pontifex is just getting space he |
8705s | applied links to his team and then he's |
8708s | playing it's safe not wanting to get in |
8709s | range of uh those rapid Heavies possibly |
8712s | you know one-shotting him as king Slayer |
8714s | comps were wanting to give |
8718s | it and then we see Odin's call deciding |
8719s | to get a little aggressive as those Le |
8721s | Shacks are now pushing in to the uh |
8724s | nanofiber tokens team they're getting a |
8726s | little ahead of the rest of their team |
8727s | actually which is a pretty bold move |
8729s | considering that uh they're the targets |
8732s | the nanofiber tokens wants |
8734s | so right now the fleet typhoons are |
8737s | having trouble actually applying damage |
8738s | because uh we're seeing what have to be |
8741s | guidance disruptors out of the curse and |
8743s | then we're seeing dams being put onto |
8745s | the one Fleet typhoon that doesn't have |
8747s | any |
8748s | disruption on it very well played from |
8750s | the curse so far but we do see tackle |
8752s | from the hyena on to the Le Shack of |
8754s | Colonel carts |
8756s | I don't think it's as much as much as |
8757s | they're having trouble applying is I |
8758s | don't think they've begun shooting at |
8760s | all they may be waiting till all three |
8762s | are in range so they can maximize their |
8764s | Clips here right now both fleet's kind |
8766s | of jockeying for position here with |
8769s | nanofiber tokens using their speed |
8771s | advantage to reposition kind of kiting |
8774s | around the bulk of the Odin's call team |
8777s | and I do actually like the what you were |
8781s | saying that nanofiber tokens isn't |
8783s | really using any of their Clips until |
8785s | they're within range and can really uh |
8787s | you know apply damage together |
8789s | um one of the issues you run into if you |
8791s | dump half your clip and you know you |
8794s | haven't killed anything you go on reload |
8796s | now you're back at square one meanwhile |
8798s | the Pod defects of Cesar Barbarian is |
8800s | going to be primaried |
8802s | and he is taking a pretty significant |
8805s | fire but he's close to the Embrace of |
8807s | the deacon Thalia combo they are not |
8809s | tech one Logistics frigates these are |
8811s | Tech 2 frigates they're tankier they put |
8813s | out a little bit more on the rep side |
8815s | and as long as they're not under any |
8817s | pressure from neutralizers I think |
8819s | they're going to be okay keeping this |
8821s | Pawn effects up that said Le Shacks have |
8824s | excellent tracking and they should be |
8825s | able to track a destroyer and as they |
8827s | spool up on him it could get |
8829s | increasingly dicey if he stays within |
8831s | range |
8832s | so right now we see that it looks like |
8835s | the Odin's call team is trying to get |
8837s | um on top of the nanofiber tokens team |
8840s | kind of on the z-axis and try to pick |
8842s | off a Target that gets a little bit out |
8844s | of position we see a grapple onto the |
8846s | fleet typhoon of Chadwick that will be |
8848s | from of course the Le Shacks meanwhile |
8851s | um curse is playing very safe at the |
8854s | moment |
8854s | both teams just trying to get on top of |
8856s | each other with Villa Shacks now going |
8858s | uh ahead of the rest of their teams |
8860s | trying to get that grapple you know |
8863s | applied a little bit more firmly it |
8866s | looks like the curse tackle is what |
8867s | they're waiting for you're seeing their |
8868s | whole team start to Surge and collapse |
8870s | onto the target |
8872s | uh they're they're trying to peel away |
8874s | some of the protection from the curves |
8876s | while keeping it locked down |
8879s | yeah |
8880s | okay the fleet typhoons are shooting the |
8882s | fleet typhoons are now shooting we're |
8884s | gonna see what they can do here as the |
8886s | pawn effects and hyena start to take a |
8888s | heck of amount of fire here they've |
8889s | already lost their Sky breaker if they |
8891s | can take the curse out for it it'll be a |
8893s | great trade even if they lose the pawn |
8895s | effects as well |
8896s | yeah they've gotten one of the fleet |
8899s | typhoons pretty well on top of the |
8900s | Carson is newting him out uh the curse |
8902s | you know of course trying to counter |
8904s | Newt and ply pressure but if that curse |
8906s | gets uh you know any more Fleet typhoons |
8908s | close to him at zero and it looks like |
8910s | the Muller of the fellow is trying to |
8911s | screen off Chadwick uh the typhoons are |
8914s | a little bit strung out right now and |
8915s | might have damage of trouble applying to |
8917s | that curse |
8918s | yeah this is potentially disastrous for |
8920s | nanofiber tokens they're trying to all |
8922s | in on this curse but they're not even |
8924s | scratching the paint |
8927s | uh he's taking a tremendous amount of |
8929s | fire but his lodgy drone ball is keeping |
8931s | him right up |
8933s | um the Odin's called deacons on top of |
8935s | him he's got an enormous cloud of medium |
8937s | and heavy rep drones |
8939s | not really under any pressure like you |
8941s | would hope to see it looks like they're |
8943s | switching Target now to a vexer of elite |
8945s | pixels taking advantage of all that |
8947s | repping power being out of position |
8948s | they're bringing it down to half and |
8950s | they may take it down before they can |
8951s | switch over |
8953s | yeah we see that the Drone ball is |
8955s | attempting to get on top of that vexer |
8957s | but it might be a little bit too late |
8958s | the vexator got out in front trying to |
8960s | get you know some tackle onto one of |
8962s | these to Fleet typhoons to hold the down |
8964s | for his little Shack Bros but it didn't |
8966s | happen and the vects are now clawing |
8968s | back armor yes excellent piloting from |
8971s | the vexer he knew he was in trouble he |
8973s | knew where the rep drone Cloud was he |
8975s | flew right toward it to cut down the |
8977s | travel time may have just saved his life |
8979s | with that piloting decision |
8982s | and the fleet typhoons are trying to |
8984s | collapse in that curse but it looks like |
8985s | they're going to get intercepted by the |
8987s | Le Shack of Colonel carton possibly the |
8989s | Paradigm as well |
8992s | nanofiber tokens might be on a Reload |
8994s | here their damage has slowed to a crawl |
8998s | they're really having some trouble now |
9000s | because you would think that curse the |
9002s | curse it's a fabulously powerful ship |
9004s | not the most tanky ship in fact |
9006s | considering how valuable it is to a |
9008s | fleet it is terribly undertanked and |
9011s | they could not Dent it meanwhile ovix's |
9013s | typhoon Fleet issue starting to take |
9015s | some significant damage as those little |
9017s | Shacks start to go to work |
9019s | yeah the lechecks have gotten pretty |
9022s | close to zero on that Fleet typhoon so |
9024s | they'll have no trouble just you know |
9026s | spooling up and when they do eventually |
9028s | get to that 2K damage even if they do |
9030s | lose a smaller the FL I mean losing a |
9033s | Muller for getting tackle on typhoons uh |
9035s | and you know spooling up to that 4K |
9037s | damage between the two of them will |
9039s | eventually bring ovix down |
9042s | that said that is potentially a sign of |
9044s | Life the Mauler you would have to |
9045s | presume is much tankier than the vexer |
9047s | and the curse maybe they have sorted out |
9050s | uh perhaps they were on the wrong |
9052s | missile types whatever issue was causing |
9055s | them trouble killing these Cruisers they |
9057s | may have sorted it out will they try to |
9059s | go for the vexer or the curse again or |
9061s | will they try to change tactics and kill |
9064s | perhaps uh the logistics try to cut that |
9067s | down a little bit whatever they have to |
9068s | do they better do it fast because ovix's |
9070s | hit points are dropping at an increasing |
9072s | Pace as these little Shacks continue to |
9074s | spool |
9075s | yeah we see that the typhoon Fleet |
9078s | issues of Highway and Chadwick are you |
9080s | know going around these Le Shacks |
9082s | because the Le Shacks are hard committed |
9083s | onto |
9084s | um ovix they're trying to get into the |
9086s | back line really get on this curse and |
9088s | we see the Confessor and the vexer uh |
9091s | now readjusting trying to compensate but |
9093s | we're losing the Latios Jack jaw |
9096s | crucially that's going to be tracking |
9098s | disruption now off of the Le Shacks |
9101s | it didn't seem I was checking the the |
9104s | broadcast didn't seem like he was |
9106s | applying that much tracking actually so |
9108s | I don't know if he was tackle just a |
9110s | little bit of anti-fricket damage but |
9112s | he's off the field I think more |
9114s | significantly ovix is hanging onto dear |
9116s | life and he goes down oh that's |
9119s | devastating that's essentially one-third |
9122s | of the entire DPS of nanofiber tokens |
9124s | and they've already had so much trouble |
9126s | cracking relatively soft Targets on the |
9129s | Odin's call team they might not have the |
9131s | Firepower to push through what did they |
9134s | do at this point ma what what's their |
9136s | what can they do to try to turn this |
9138s | match around |
9140s | uh and I hate to say it but they're uh |
9143s | they're kind of screwed at this point |
9144s | frankly they're trying to kill um one of |
9146s | these factors they're getting |
9148s | um you know on back onto the reload the |
9150s | damage |
9152s | um bar we see from nft is zero right now |
9154s | they're trying to uh you know get rid of |
9156s | a ship that's holding down one of these |
9158s | typhoon Fleet issues we see the Le |
9159s | Shacks now closing onto uh Huey kante's |
9163s | TFI |
9166s | oh no absolutely devastating |
9169s | it will go down slow at first those |
9172s | little Shacks will continue to spool up |
9174s | using their trigolavian guns depending |
9176s | on how they're fit they could be topping |
9178s | out at nearly 2 000 damage a piece that |
9181s | is absolutely incredible amount of |
9183s | damage especially with such high |
9184s | tracking and high projection they've got |
9186s | utility highs the Shacks are absolutely |
9189s | terrifying and we've already seen that |
9192s | they can cut through one of these Nano |
9194s | fiber token typhoon fleets as soon as |
9195s | they skip school up which means this is |
9198s | just a matter of time and we're gonna |
9199s | see hibikanti's hit points disappearing |
9202s | extremely rapidly and as he's already |
9205s | starting to lose get to the point where |
9207s | he cannot keep up with the DPS his reps |
9210s | are now losing the war |
9212s | yes so uh kernel carts finally hit |
9214s | control space and is now not out |
9217s | tracking himself and it will be applying |
9219s | full damage uh we see lit pixels of X |
9221s | will continue to take damage but I I |
9223s | mean you're gonna essentially trade a |
9224s | vexer for a TFI very much not worth it |
9227s | especially being down |
9229s | um you know 25 points that said though |
9231s | there is only a minute left on the clock |
9233s | so |
9234s | um |
9235s | unfortunately for nft they're not really |
9238s | going to be able to make up that ground |
9239s | with only 40 seconds left I wouldn't be |
9242s | surprised if the TFI and the Vex were |
9244s | the last chips to die in this match |
9246s | and shocking that they're dying at all |
9248s | the rep ball as far as I can tell still |
9251s | intact this Vex room is so heavily |
9253s | tackled down that he's lost a lot of his |
9255s | damage mitigation and even then they're |
9257s | still having trouble cracking him it's |
9258s | entirely possible they will not get this |
9260s | vexer as he we can't he's typhoon Fleet |
9263s | As She Goes Down cutting their damage to |
9265s | a third of what it was at the start of |
9267s | this match and now you can see that the |
9269s | cloud of rep drones has pulled Elite |
9271s | pixels back as we approach the time |
9273s | limit |
9275s | and that should be it congratulations |
9277s | Odin's call we're handing it back to the |
9279s | desk |
9285s | [Music] |
9301s | thank you |
9305s | Yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
9308s | collectively so that's why that Alliance |
9310s | logo is in the game of course you could |
9312s | change your alliance by leaving but that |
9313s | would be kind of a jerk move that kind |
9315s | of oh you don't like it now this Lego |
9317s | sucks I'm gonna go join |
9326s | [Music] |
9329s | thank you |
9335s | welcome to leave Pandora |
9362s | [Music] |
9367s | Odin's call there with the win over |
9370s | nanofiber tokens uh propelling them |
9372s | further into the Winner's bracket |
9373s | whereas uh nft dropping down into the uh |
9377s | the losers bracket right there mystical |
9379s | might |
9380s | um interesting comp from Odin's called |
9383s | twin Le Shacks 52 points and two ships |
9385s | what do you think about that I mean I |
9388s | think it's a very Odin's thing to do I |
9390s | think Odin definitely favors the Jeweler |
9392s | Shack comp |
9393s | um |
9394s | I don't know how I feel about it in a |
9396s | world where we have bonus tracking |
9398s | disruptors again where we have you know |
9400s | scripts making a return to the |
9401s | tournament Le Shacks were always very |
9403s | weak to the fact that there are various |
9406s | ways that you can break their spools on |
9408s | targets and that resets the damage that |
9410s | they're doing back to the base level |
9411s | which is still fairly High because it's |
9413s | a battleship but it's not quite the 2000 |
9415s | that was being quoted before |
9417s | um by the commentators so uh I think |
9420s | it's a risky play especially when |
9421s | they've left curse open as well so that |
9423s | they could bring it but obviously pays |
9425s | off because it's still a lot of damage |
9428s | a lot of tank and a lot of utility |
9431s | yeah speaking of a lot of damage if I |
9433s | come from one person whose team owns a |
9435s | flagship bar guest to a a man whose team |
9438s | does no longer own a flagship Vargas the |
9441s | Basilisk joins us here on the desk Baza |
9442s | we saw the three battleships there from |
9444s | nft what did you think about that comp |
9446s | again super heavy Point investment so |
9448s | that's a sort of kingslayer comp I think |
9450s | that we saw quite a lot in the feeders |
9451s | indeed my team filled it twice in the |
9453s | feeders will ever used a sort of bogus |
9454s | variant with a bogus and two typhoon |
9456s | fleets and I think with the point |
9457s | inflation I would question maybe |
9458s | bringing three of those typhoon fleets |
9461s | um especially when the new buffed |
9462s | Navigator was available |
9464s | um and obviously then you would save |
9465s | points on the point inflation I think |
9467s | maybe again obviously as we've seen |
9468s | quite a highly prioritized ship in terms |
9471s | of bands |
9472s | um but I feel like they didn't really |
9474s | have the killing power to break through |
9476s | anything and obviously once those two Le |
9478s | Shacks got on top of that first typhoon |
9479s | Fleet it was a very slow match up until |
9481s | that point we saw both teams sort of |
9483s | jockeying for position just kiting |
9484s | around trying to find an opening both to |
9486s | fairly slow comps but those little |
9487s | Shanks once they got on top of something |
9489s | they were able to just break through it |
9490s | fairly easily I'd say |
9492s | uh mystical might in a match like that |
9495s | we're positioning and the right moment |
9497s | is is super important especially with |
9499s | those clips if they fire off all those |
9501s | uh those rapid heavy missiles and they |
9503s | don't kill something or they fire at |
9504s | different times not onto something that |
9505s | everyone's in range then you can get all |
9507s | out of sync how hard is it to like know |
9510s | when to to to shoot basically I think |
9514s | it's |
9514s | fairly difficult to be honest I mean |
9517s | I think some people might expect that |
9519s | it's just one person's core it's like |
9521s | okay now we're gonna begin shooting at |
9523s | something but before you get to that |
9525s | point you need to communicate okay who's |
9527s | tracking disrupted and who's not how |
9528s | many tracking disruptors or guidance |
9530s | disruptors rather in this case are on |
9532s | you and what is your optimal range |
9534s | because you don't want one person to be |
9536s | in range and then two people to be out |
9538s | of range because their missiles won't do |
9540s | any damage and that is worse than just |
9542s | being out of sync it's a waste of your |
9544s | missiles then you have to go into the |
9545s | long reload cycle so they were very very |
9550s | um good about holding onto those |
9551s | missiles until they were in range of the |
9553s | curse Unfortunately they didn't have |
9554s | enough damage or application to actually |
9557s | kill the curse in that time and that's |
9558s | where we began to see Things Fall Apart |
9560s | but it is extremely important and |
9562s | extremely difficult to effectively |
9564s | communicate in a high stress situation |
9566s | like this because you know even if |
9568s | you're used to Eve you get teleported |
9570s | into job space and then your hands start |
9572s | shaking so it is very stressful but they |
9576s | were doing a good job of it at the |
9577s | beginning yeah I'm looking forward to |
9578s | seeing uh nft again later on in the |
9580s | tournament um I mean like you say they |
9582s | flew super well there even didn't come |
9584s | away with the win uh they're not out and |
9586s | I think we'll see them do some some good |
9588s | things |
9589s | um we had some questions from twitch |
9590s | chat Misty I wanted to ask you |
9592s | explicitly about these ones some people |
9595s | asking how many of a single ship can you |
9596s | bring |
9597s | good question so you can bring four of |
9600s | each ship class so you can bring four |
9604s | Cruisers this doesn't include Logistics |
9606s | Cruisers or frigates those are exempt |
9608s | from the rules you can only bring one |
9610s | Logistics Cruiser or two Logistics |
9612s | frigates T2 or T1 but in general you can |
9615s | only bring four Cruisers or four |
9617s | battleships or four battle Cruisers four |
9619s | frigates depends on you know what your |
9621s | comp is and what you actually want to |
9622s | achieve with it but you can only bring |
9624s | four as a maximum uh |
9628s | yeah I don't think we've seen anyone um |
9630s | with the cajones to bring four |
9631s | battleships yet but if someone's going |
9633s | to do that we saw it in feeders give it |
9635s | feeders don't count okay fine yeah it |
9637s | has to be in the real Alliance |
9638s | tournament for battleships do it I will |
9640s | I will be uh very respectful I came up |
9642s | with a full Battleship comp that we well |
9644s | I really wanted to try in our scrims and |
9646s | we never really got around to it and I |
9647s | therefore have no idea how good or bad |
9649s | it would be but maybe someone will pull |
9651s | it out maybe it's maybe that's a final |
9652s | weekend sort of strategy that I |
9654s | secretly unlocked is it Mr Gomez a final |
9657s | weekend strategy I mean are we just |
9659s | counting out the hlv here aren't they |
9662s | gonna we'll be there so we'll find out |
9663s | yeah okay interesting it's a bold uh |
9667s | bold claim uh another question from |
9669s | twitch chat um I'll ask you about that |
9671s | was |
9671s | we have uh command destroyers which can |
9674s | just bush people all over the place why |
9676s | can't we bring one of them and because |
9677s | they're banned the micro jump field unit |
9680s | that allows you to boost people 100 |
9682s | kilometers along with yourself is just |
9683s | outlawed because it would be |
9686s | well it would be devastating to any |
9687s | fleets if you could just suicide charge |
9689s | a command Destroyer into whatever you |
9691s | want to charge it at and then just jump |
9692s | them halfway acrossable significantly |
9693s | across the Grid or of course indeed out |
9695s | of the boundary taking you know a |
9697s | six-point ship and just ramming the |
9698s | enemy three Battleship straight out of |
9700s | the Arena boundary would probably be |
9702s | pretty effective strategy what about |
9704s | human ad what if we are loaded but it |
9706s | was 50 points mystical Knight |
9709s | see that's probably not worth it you'd |
9714s | end up mjding your 50 points out of the |
9716s | arena and you'd take 22 points with you |
9718s | and then you're still down 50 points and |
9720s | you don't have a team on grid okay so |
9723s | what we need to do is narrow it from 50 |
9725s | to six there's a happy middle ground |
9726s | yeah it's what I'm hearing I'm sure we |
9729s | can figure something out okay right |
9730s | that's a that's a later CPS let's take |
9733s | some notes uh we want to find out maybe |
9734s | if we allow you to bring any Flagship |
9736s | ship and your Flagship can have a mobile |
9739s | mjd on it so you can have a flagship by |
9741s | Frost |
9743s | you can only use it once but against the |
9745s | right team |
9747s | on a sort of related topic I actually |
9749s | thought recently about the increasing |
9751s | the points in General on command |
9752s | destroyers just because for the most |
9753s | part they're pretty boring to fly I |
9756s | think a lot of people you know if you've |
9757s | if you've got all the skills to fly a |
9759s | command destroyer and you're like yeah |
9761s | I'm the guy that's got you know 200 |
9762s | million points I've got Skirmish links |
9763s | maxed out and the team's like well |
9765s | you're flying this Three Links by Frost |
9766s | you know it's got two buttons have fun |
9768s | uh you know it's not great buttons are |
9771s | overrated so when when you scrimmed with |
9773s | your team what ship were you flying I |
9775s | was flying the Osprey Navy actually okay |
9777s | but of course I have my missiles group |
9778s | so that's only one button but I had a |
9780s | prop mod as well so that's another one |
9781s | so you weren't the command ship no no |
9783s | okay all right okay I'm going to have to |
9785s | shut down this uh incredibly interesting |
9787s | conversation as it's time to go to the |
9788s | arena for our next match which is 10 |
9790s | plus Castle versus Rusty hyenas Clan |
9798s | hello I am moderator joined by my |
9801s | colleague Alexa of card but for Rusty |
9804s | hyenas versus templas Temple's going |
9807s | with a two-one balgorn Tempest Fleet and |
9810s | a baton bringing three not quite four |
9812s | battleships |
9814s | meanwhile Rusty hyena is the Le Shack |
9816s | Vindicator combo with a guardian for |
9818s | lodgy Navy Exeter for a little extra |
9821s | damage punch so arbitrator Sentinel for |
9823s | control with their tracking disruptors |
9825s | and they've got double links with some |
9827s | tackle on the low end |
9830s | yeah I mean this will once again be a |
9833s | match where we see that two arbitrators |
9835s | are at play will they have brought you |
9837s | know tracking disruption or will they |
9839s | have broad missile guidance disruption |
9841s | in the match where there are no missiles |
9844s | um |
9845s | also adding to that disruption board |
9846s | will be the Sentinel of wailing six |
9850s | names |
9852s | yeah both sides with the arbitrator |
9853s | Sentinel combo you're right it's a bit |
9855s | of a coin flip turrets versus missiles |
9857s | you really have to hope your team picked |
9859s | the right one if they try to split it I |
9862s | think they're going to be a little |
9863s | dissatisfied with the amount of control |
9865s | they can apply here |
9867s | uh it's really interesting combo from |
9869s | these teams uh the temples calcif team |
9872s | going for that that extra damage punch |
9874s | and using the double Logistics frigates |
9877s | to compensate for points meanwhile Ohio |
9880s | State hyena is going for that Guardian |
9881s | as a much stronger logistic option but |
9885s | also much easier for that Battleground |
9886s | to shut down |
9888s | yeah and um if the Milton Steely isn't |
9891s | careful that might be the story of the |
9893s | match I mean Killa |
9894s | um he has a two gun balgorn should have |
9896s | five heavy newts right now we see that |
9899s | templates is burning away having warped |
9903s | in at around 20 to 30 kilometers happy |
9905s | to let the Vindicator and the rest of |
9907s | Rusty highness chase after |
9911s | I think that's a smart play the |
9913s | presumably the abatta and the fleet |
9915s | Tempest they have you know the the |
9917s | standard fits for those have excellent |
9919s | projection uh there's really no reason |
9921s | to get into range of that Vindicator |
9923s | that said The Vindicator isn't going to |
9925s | really add much to the balcorn fleet |
9927s | Tempest a baton combo as far as |
9929s | application the Le Shack will be able to |
9931s | hit all of those targets just fine if he |
9933s | can get and stay in range |
9936s | so if they can isolate that Vindicator |
9938s | keep it away from the rest of their |
9940s | Fleet I think they'll be in a pretty |
9942s | good position here and they have been |
9944s | isolating that Vindicator we see that |
9946s | the balgorn of Kila is doing a very good |
9949s | job at swapping webs between uh |
9950s | different targets uh templates that |
9952s | looked like they initially wanted to go |
9954s | in but is readjusting now that Chrome is |
9958s | catching up with the rest of his core uh |
9961s | and the Le Shack buddy is able to close |
9964s | range Help The Vindicator out |
9967s | um right now just using those grapples |
9969s | using those long range battleborn webs |
9971s | to really control the pace of the match |
9974s | yep and that pace is slowing to a crawl |
9977s | just like The Vindicator itself he is |
9979s | trying with his micro rip drive he |
9981s | actually is closing range relatively |
9984s | respectfully |
9986s | he's doing a pretty good job is what I'm |
9989s | trying to say uh considering he is |
9991s | heavily webbed his microwave Drive is |
9993s | doing some work there uh that said he is |
9996s | trying to Surge out for the rest of his |
9998s | team and find a tackle on something but |
10000s | temples calcif will do everything they |
10002s | can not to offer that option yeah it's |
10005s | hard to Surge in a Vindicator when you |
10007s | are webbed and grappled to a pace of |
10009s | anywhere between 500 to 200 meters a |
10011s | second |
10013s | um although that said he's grabbed the |
10014s | tip of sweet issue The Vindicator has |
10016s | grabbed the temple slate issue a major |
10018s | misplay |
10021s | um yeah yes he has so the Tempest Fleet |
10023s | issue and Vindicator are going to about |
10024s | be about equally as fast uh meanwhile we |
10026s | see a drone ball from uh templates |
10028s | trying to get on top of the Sentinel and |
10031s | either force a split rep situation or |
10033s | just you know Force The Sentinel away |
10035s | and possibly get out of some of the |
10038s | optimal of that tracking disruption uh |
10040s | meanwhile Vindicator is taking a |
10042s | significant amount of damage definitely |
10044s | not within void range and the Baton and |
10046s | battleborn are closing on The Vindicator |
10048s | and the rusty hyena Sentinel does go |
10051s | down the damaged drone Cloud doing a lot |
10053s | of work here meanwhile The Tempest Fleet |
10056s | issue maybe this was a bait he has a |
10058s | smart bomb and there is a big cloud of |
10060s | rep drones around this Vindicator and |
10062s | they're practically on top of one |
10063s | another that is not a great combination |
10065s | for Rusty hyenas Clan this early in the |
10068s | match those rep drones are going to take |
10069s | a big pounding |
10071s | yeah um and most of those are lighter |
10073s | medium armor Bots where I mean that |
10075s | smart bomb is going to be within range |
10077s | now another cycle or two and those |
10079s | drones are all going to be saying good |
10081s | night speaking of good night that |
10083s | skybreaker of elito uh is being chased |
10086s | down by a rep or by a damage drone ball |
10089s | of his own |
10091s | and sure enough the Templar sleet issue |
10093s | is going into the Vindicator now trying |
10095s | to oh and there goes the cloud of rep |
10097s | drones there is a huge chunk of them |
10100s | just went bye-bye this Vindicator has |
10102s | lost a huge portion of its survivability |
10105s | its hit points are now dropping very |
10107s | rapidly half armor he's trying to wrap |
10109s | it up but it's not going to be enough |
10110s | and they're also splitting fire on this |
10113s | Magus of Terry Koval he is dropping |
10115s | rapidly from the Drone blob |
10117s | so this executive Navy issue tried to |
10120s | Ram The Tempest Fleet issue of Orion |
10122s | away from the Drone Ball but that |
10126s | Tempest Fleet issue is continuing to |
10127s | apply smart bombs and it the exact Navy |
10130s | uh gets swapped onto and gets picked off |
10133s | pretty quickly I mean that's the gonna |
10135s | be Cruiser versus Battleship tank the |
10137s | Magus is you know barely being kept |
10139s | Alive by this Guardian who's being |
10140s | forced to split reps between The |
10142s | Vindicator and the magus |
10144s | he's doing a relatively good job keeping |
10147s | the Vindicator alive and he's managed to |
10149s | pull back the Magus who is taking a big |
10152s | Panic from these drones keep dipping in |
10153s | and out of low armor they hyena |
10155s | meanwhile from temples calcif taking the |
10158s | bulk of the return damage from |
10160s | everything that isn't The Vindicator but |
10162s | now that Vindicator he's lost the war |
10164s | they've focused too much on trying to |
10166s | keep that Magus alive and now the |
10167s | Vindicator is dropping he's down at a |
10169s | like 10 armor he's going to be bleeding |
10171s | structure oh they're trying to claw him |
10173s | back it might be too late he's bleeding |
10175s | structure now even if they keep him at |
10177s | the same level he's going to die oh a |
10180s | huge chunk of structure down |
10182s | yeah I mean that's going to be the |
10184s | effect of the Tempest flute issue doing |
10185s | his job getting on top of the Little |
10187s | Shack getting on top of the Vindicator |
10188s | and you know smart bombing not just to |
10190s | the uh reptrones but the damage drones |
10192s | these you know these ogres these heavy |
10194s | drones will eventually go down to these |
10196s | heavy smart bomb Cycles as krom's armor |
10199s | and teres continues to drop even lower |
10202s | oh if that was an intentional call to |
10205s | let the Tempest Fleet issue get caught |
10206s | that is one of the best of mind game |
10208s | plays in Alliance tournament history |
10211s | oh both The Vindicator goes down and the |
10215s | Vegas goes down this is an absolute |
10218s | Turning Point Temple's Castle |
10220s | essentially has this in the bag they can |
10222s | isolate and turn all their guns onto |
10225s | this little Shack it's not going to have |
10226s | the DPS to punch through the Reps |
10228s | because they can put all of their |
10229s | control on top of it all the newts all |
10232s | the tracking disruption they're putting |
10233s | all the tackle on it they have |
10235s | everything on the shack now and it's |
10237s | dipping into deep armor at this point |
10239s | and they're still splitting some damage |
10241s | onto the pawn effects the damage output |
10243s | from the Temple's calcif team is out of |
10245s | this world |
10246s | yeah I mean I mean look at the attack |
10248s | bar for Temple's house if it's pretty |
10250s | massive I mean Rusty's um is still you |
10252s | know decent for what it is that's the |
10254s | potential of the Le Shack if it can |
10256s | spool up but I mean that LE Shack has |
10258s | been harassed um in this entire game by |
10260s | the battleborn doing capacitor Warfare |
10262s | by this arbitrator just absolutely |
10264s | denying any sort of projection or |
10266s | tracking the bonus disruption it gets |
10271s | and now we're starting to see the Le |
10272s | Shack dip ever deeper |
10275s | and oh they've really planned this |
10277s | engagement out they've got the Mueller |
10278s | following their Guardian around to |
10279s | screen for it so it's not under any |
10281s | threat |
10283s | but |
10284s | they probably would have been better off |
10286s | putting that Mueller in for some damage |
10288s | they're about to lose the pontifex |
10289s | endless Shack at the same time and there |
10291s | they go |
10294s | yeah yeah that Mauler looks like it may |
10296s | be a cap transfer buddy onto the |
10299s | guardian actually it looks like we're |
10301s | seeing a transfer effect |
10302s | um you know possibly giving the guardian |
10304s | a little bit of a boost both teams good |
10307s | fighting and local and uh you know Rusty |
10309s | Heinz really doesn't have anything left |
10311s | uh templates uh once again surgically |
10313s | picking apart Rusty Hyena's Clan uh |
10316s | looking a little bit more like the |
10318s | templas that won uh you know the |
10320s | alliance open and left the team that |
10323s | went out in eighth place last year |
10326s | yeah very unfortunate the guardian's |
10329s | about to drop I imagine getting the |
10331s | transfer from that uh that Mueller he |
10334s | has a pretty decent local tank but it's |
10335s | just not gonna matter the Battleground |
10337s | is going to sap even all that extra cap |
10339s | as he dips rather rapidly into structure |
10342s | and there he goes they're also putting |
10344s | some damage on this arbitrator and the |
10346s | Muller will be right there for them to |
10347s | tackle they will easily clean this match |
10350s | up resulting in a 100 to zero for |
10353s | temples calcif and impressive |
10355s | performance both in the numbers and in |
10358s | actually doing it they they knew exactly |
10361s | what they needed to do to pick apart |
10362s | this Rusty hyenas Clan and they made |
10365s | Rusty hyenas play their match |
10369s | yeah I mean Campbell's calcif is no |
10372s | stranger to having to run a little bit |
10374s | of control running you know just armored |
10377s | battleships |
10378s | um they've really become a tournament |
10381s | mainstay I mean kind of like I was |
10382s | alluding to they've been a little bit |
10384s | streaky but |
10386s | um I mean it would be remaining to see |
10388s | how well they do in their next match |
10391s | against Odin's |
10393s | um you know a little bit's different |
10394s | competition than what we saw in this one |
10396s | against Rusty hyenas |
10398s | definitely but it will be a thrilling |
10400s | match we'll throw it back to the desk to |
10402s | analyze what happened here |
10408s | [Music] |
10428s | guys stop being casual they're really |
10431s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
10433s | warp off warp off take the fleet warp |
10435s | everybody warp off this is a really |
10437s | really bad execution I'm very |
10438s | disappointed |
10446s | [Music] |
10456s | crash our enemies your temps are |
10458s | completely damned out Crush I'm dumped |
10460s | out I'm downtown get on that Champions |
10462s | boys |
10470s | I'm jammed |
10489s | templates calcium there with the victory |
10492s | over Rusty Hyena's clan in a pretty |
10495s | solid Victory uh it's a winners match |
10497s | this is the uh the winners bracket we |
10501s | were just discussing during the the |
10502s | match there |
10504s | these teams basically secure themselves |
10506s | price ships with the extended range uh |
10509s | for the price ships being given out it |
10510s | used to be just the top four now it's |
10512s | down to top 16 |
10513s | um by going to nil they have got |
10515s | themselves into that position so they |
10517s | are now price ship enjoyers mystical |
10519s | might that must be a good feeling for |
10521s | these teams I mean if anything it just |
10523s | shows how worthwhile the investment is |
10525s | for buying your way into the tournament |
10528s | and putting in some of the effort needed |
10530s | to actually carry us off two matches you |
10532s | know if you manage to buy in and you get |
10534s | fairly lucky with placement in the |
10536s | bracket then you can be fairly assured |
10538s | that you'll go away with you know a |
10540s | trillionesque essentially kind of lined |
10541s | up for your team which makes that time |
10544s | and energy kind of worth it alongside |
10546s | the experience of actually being in the |
10548s | alliance tournament and getting to fly |
10549s | in these matches on stream in front of |
10551s | thousands of people which is also kind |
10554s | of cooling and love itself |
10555s | um so yeah I mean I'm sure a lot of them |
10557s | are relieved that they are now able to |
10560s | cover some of the initial costs that |
10561s | went into some of their potentially |
10563s | you know soon to be dead flagships |
10568s | um in some cases some teams may want to |
10570s | make it to the prize brackets to recoup |
10572s | some of the costs that they have put |
10574s | into their now dead flagships I don't |
10576s | know what you're talking about |
10576s | understood yeah I don't believe you're a |
10578s | price ship enjoyer just yet |
10580s | You've Won how many matches now just the |
10583s | one just the one that's a shame |
10585s | um so speaking of uh winning let's look |
10589s | at the history of the vindicatory great |
10591s | ship uh in the alliance tournament |
10595s | so this is uh how often The Vindicator |
10597s | has been used over the years and look at |
10599s | that it goes right back to Alliance |
10601s | tournament eight uh used a just a |
10603s | handful of times some people are like |
10604s | hey The Vindicator is kind of cool look |
10606s | here look how girthy it's attack bar is |
10607s | and then someone in Alliance tournament |
10609s | 10 was like oh hang on this is pretty |
10611s | poggers and then uh everyone was using |
10613s | it uh then it dropped off a bit and then |
10616s | slowly cracked back up but then the |
10617s | alliance opened no one liked it |
10618s | whatsoever and then the last couple |
10620s | years we've seen a few Giga Chads |
10622s | bringing it and not a huge amount uh Mr |
10624s | come out what do you think about The |
10625s | Vindicator in the tournament like |
10626s | clearly in line stream it's 16 it was |
10629s | awesome but what about now I think |
10631s | The Vindicator is strong in the sense |
10633s | that it does a lot of damage and most |
10636s | importantly it has that 90 web uh the 90 |
10639s | web is actually really important in some |
10641s | matches especially against things like |
10643s | Logistics frigates where they need to be |
10646s | in so close to the ship that they are |
10647s | wrapping that The Vindicator would be |
10649s | able to also web them down and then |
10651s | apply almost full damage to them so |
10654s | they're really dangerous against like |
10655s | Logistics frigates |
10657s | I don't know why we haven't necessarily |
10658s | seen them too much I think it's because |
10659s | people are favoring these Rush setups |
10661s | where The Vindicator as a Frontline ship |
10664s | just doesn't hold up against things like |
10665s | the double Nighthawk the double caracal |
10667s | Navy the double Navy Osprey or the |
10669s | author says that we were also seeing |
10671s | kind of just dies so while it is strong |
10674s | I think it needs to be played into armor |
10677s | setups more often than Shield setups I |
10679s | think that's really where its strength |
10680s | comes through and it's also kind of |
10682s | susceptible to track and disruptors now |
10685s | where because it's Blaster fit it |
10687s | doesn't really have that much range it's |
10689s | very much about like that typical |
10691s | Blaster brawl where you have to be sat |
10693s | on top of the Target that you're |
10694s | shooting |
10695s | you know a curse |
10697s | it makes that painful as well to be |
10700s | honest you can be sat on top of a Target |
10701s | and still be getting grazing hits |
10704s | and basilisk when you're coming up with |
10706s | your uh your team's Flagship and we see |
10709s | we see some Flagship vindicators we see |
10710s | lots of bar guests like what's the |
10712s | thought process there |
10714s | um I think teams like The Vindicator |
10717s | because it has a lot of paper numbers |
10718s | obviously as we saw |
10720s | um |
10722s | with some of the fits you know you can |
10724s | you can fit officer guns like I think |
10726s | it's more of a sort of DPS focused |
10728s | Flagship meta now that stuff like the |
10729s | Widow and stuff is outright banned from |
10731s | being the flagship |
10732s | um so if you look at putting like |
10733s | officer guns on of indicator you can get |
10734s | really high numbers but I would say in |
10736s | principle just going back to the sort of |
10737s | usage chart of The Vindicator I don't |
10740s | really like it in the current meta I |
10741s | think the reason it peaked so much in at |
10744s | 15 and 8016 |
10745s | yeah those two years was |
10748s | um it's so as I said yesterday in the |
10750s | mattress paper numbers it's so reliant |
10751s | on having Target access and whether |
10752s | that's through having a flagship |
10753s | Vindicator itself with a really |
10755s | expensive web or Fielding with a |
10756s | flagship battlegorn which are now |
10758s | illegal but in combination with that now |
10760s | we're seeing a meta where you've got |
10761s | tracking disruptors and you've got newts |
10763s | everywhere on cheap Tempest fleets and |
10764s | it makes it a very very difficult |
10765s | environment for the for a regular |
10766s | Vindicator to actually Thrive and get on |
10768s | and do its job awesome thank you now |
10770s | let's look forward to our next match |
10771s | which is coming up in a few moments this |
10773s | is going to be our last |
10775s | um winners bracket match uh before we go |
10777s | for a short break so make sure you hang |
10778s | on to those Channel points there's going |
10780s | to be a bunch of cool things you can |
10781s | spend them on including uh more vouchers |
10784s | uh for a 50 or Euros or fifty dollars |
10787s | and a Eve ship model from integral |
10790s | reality labs for a hundred thousand |
10792s | points and of course there'll be another |
10794s | quiz where you can win 500 Plex uh this |
10796s | next match coming up is going to be we |
10797s | form Volta versus pandemic horde so |
10799s | let's check out the Bands |
10803s | so Volta batting at the Battleground the |
10805s | abaddin and the hyena pandemic horde |
10807s | batting out the jackdot lokian |
10809s | Armageddon Navy issue mystical might |
10811s | your thoughts uh it's funny to see |
10813s | another jackdawban uh these teams really |
10816s | not liking the jackdaw and the fact that |
10818s | you know it's pretty good as an e-war |
10821s | platform while also applying a |
10823s | significant amount of pressure to things |
10825s | like Logistics frigates since they do a |
10827s | respectable amount of damage at range uh |
10829s | I also like the fact that we're seeing a |
10831s | hyena band coming out from Volta uh I |
10834s | think Volta and hyenas are pretty |
10836s | synonymous in the alliance tournament in |
10838s | a lot of comps that ultraflies they'll |
10840s | have the hyena as a means of both |
10842s | tackling down the Target that they wanna |
10844s | apply damage to with the target painter |
10846s | as well but also for screening the enemy |
10849s | away from their core ships uh it's |
10851s | interesting to see Volta Banning it |
10853s | instead of bringing it themselves I'm |
10854s | kind of curious to know what they're |
10855s | going to be flying it seems like it |
10857s | might be |
10858s | something a little kite looking to |
10860s | remove some of the control on the enemy |
10862s | team |
10863s | awesome basilisk any thoughts there on |
10865s | this one I would actually go the other |
10866s | way I think volta's bands lean more |
10868s | towards a shield Rush here because in |
10870s | those Rush comps you don't want to get |
10871s | screened off by those ranged webs you |
10873s | don't want to have a bowel gone out your |
10874s | hardness with its 40 kilometer webs on |
10875s | the high end of the same thing can be |
10877s | very difficult to you know get on top of |
10878s | and make it difficult to get on top of |
10880s | the rest of the stuff in its comp |
10881s | um so I think that's where that's going |
10883s | I like the jackdaw man I'm surprised we |
10885s | haven't seen more of them I know we've |
10886s | seen them a couple of times but |
10889s | um I mean I think it's a question of |
10890s | there's so many sort of common bands |
10891s | that we're seeing every match I'm |
10893s | surprised we haven't seen that many |
10894s | trickle bands because every team seems |
10895s | to be banning the same sort of pool of |
10897s | you know Loki balgo and I'm gonna get a |
10899s | Navy Nighthawk as the same sort of eight |
10901s | or nine ships and they never seem to get |
10902s | duplicated somehow but yeah that is |
10904s | actually kind of interesting uh no you |
10905s | point that out there hasn't been that |
10907s | many trickle bands especially compared |
10908s | to previous tournaments I know last year |
10910s | during Alliance tournament 17 there was |
10912s | loads of trekko bands Alliance open |
10913s | where we introduced them had a bunch of |
10915s | them as well |
10916s | um but this year there definitely has |
10917s | been some but really doesn't feel like |
10919s | that many that is interesting maybe we |
10921s | can look into that a bit more for next |
10922s | weekend |
10923s | good observation there basil ask you |
10926s | um now I've just had a quick check at |
10927s | the in twitch chat and I'm just looking |
10929s | at the the predictions there for your |
10930s | channel points remember we're going to |
10932s | go to the break after this match this is |
10934s | where you're gonna be able to get all |
10935s | those cool prizes and a whole bunch of |
10937s | you are choosing right now to bet all of |
10939s | your channel points because 2.8 million |
10941s | Channel points have been bet on to Volta |
10944s | um which is 88 of them and uh pandemic |
10946s | were just 12 and 370 000 Channel points |
10950s | so you know who's going to win here is |
10952s | it going to be the underdog pandemic |
10953s | horde will it be the second place from |
10955s | last year uh Mr lamad what do you think |
10957s | I was going to say uh bbp if you're |
10959s | listening uh could you please bet half |
10961s | of my points on pandemic hold that would |
10963s | be great thank you uh character and cool |
10966s | and then yourself the Basilisk I think |
10967s | volta's gonna win but if I had if I was |
10969s | at my computer I would bet my points on |
10971s | hold because the returns are too good |
10972s | maybe you only know 500 or a thousand |
10974s | but well I bet my points on Volta uh so |
10977s | let's go to the arena and find out if |
10978s | those points are going to go as it is |
10980s | Volta versus pandemic chord |
10987s | hello and welcome to your mid show main |
10989s | event as we have we form Volta versus |
10991s | pandemic horror we form Volta going with |
10994s | a uh very missile heavy setup we've got |
10998s | double Nighthawk Drake Navy issue double |
11001s | Osprey Navy issue double caldari Navy |
11003s | issue with setup we've seen several |
11005s | times today backed up by some Osprey |
11007s | flying from Planet Six what are they |
11010s | running up against |
11011s | they're running up against three |
11013s | battleships that will be autocannon |
11015s | Tempest Fleet issues as they almost |
11016s | always are fit and a paladin and you |
11020s | know double command |
11021s | um destroyers we have a Kitsune |
11023s | interestingly enough and you know we see |
11026s | a crew are being brought for that little |
11028s | bit of a web bonus not a super common |
11030s | ship at Four Points compared to maybe |
11032s | say a Vengeance that does something |
11035s | similar-ish |
11037s | um and a crucifier for some disruption |
11039s | I can't help but feel like this is a lot |
11042s | a lot of damage on both sides we see the |
11045s | attack bars are maxed out for Volta and |
11047s | pretty solid for horde |
11049s | yeah the crew is a bit of an odd choice |
11051s | but definitely the theme Here is damage |
11053s | damage damage these are ham ships on the |
11055s | pandemic or excuse me on the Wii form |
11057s | volts aside both teams are going to be |
11059s | looking to smash into each other |
11061s | uh normally I would have said the |
11063s | Paladin is a worse nightmare scenario |
11065s | for uh any kind of Shield based comp but |
11068s | given the amount of damage they're |
11070s | putting out that pallet it might not |
11071s | actually be on the field for very long |
11074s | yeah I don't think these Nighthawks and |
11076s | yeah other missile caldari ships |
11079s | um are really worried about that at all |
11081s | I would not be surprised if uh |
11082s | immediately they get on top of uh you |
11085s | know pick one of these battleships and |
11086s | then just nuke it within a minute or so |
11089s | well both teams have started off we'll |
11091s | see shortly if they decide to use their |
11093s | missile application to shred the low end |
11095s | or if they decide to take out the top |
11096s | end and assassinate the Paladin it looks |
11100s | like they're kind of splitting the |
11101s | difference right now meanwhile we've got |
11103s | the planet six Osprey down now into two |
11106s | thirds shield and dropping quickly |
11109s | pandemic horde have definitely picked |
11111s | their target and now it seems like |
11112s | reform Volta has settled on theirs the |
11114s | Paladin is indeed getting shredded |
11117s | yeah so that's gonna be some drone |
11118s | damage we see on top of the Osprey right |
11120s | now uh we also see the Kitsune taking |
11122s | drone damage that will help |
11124s | um Volta not have to deal with any jams |
11127s | um man Planet Six going down and trading |
11130s | it for a paladin is not good for horde |
11133s | no that's uh that's a very favorable |
11135s | trade here |
11137s | uh Volta happy if they can actually do |
11140s | it the Paladin is he's hanging on and |
11142s | now it seems like they've changed Tack |
11143s | and they're going after the Drake Navy |
11145s | issue of control freak probably what |
11146s | they should have done at the start they |
11148s | really need to cut down the incoming |
11149s | damage here if they want to have any |
11150s | hope of keeping their battleships alive |
11152s | but somehow it seems like they're able |
11154s | to do both now as Planet Six and the |
11156s | Drake Navy of control freak will go down |
11158s | at the same time but they might trade |
11160s | some Logic for it |
11162s | oh this is a racer thin trade here the |
11164s | Paladin actually seems to have |
11166s | stabilized possibly missile reloads |
11169s | uh lithalia goes down so possibly a bit |
11172s | of a change of Target actually |
11175s | um realizing that maybe they can't break |
11177s | through the Paladin if the Thalia and |
11179s | Deacon are up at Planet Six somehow |
11181s | still alive and not anymore actually is |
11184s | the Paladin does cycle and kill him but |
11186s | the Deacon does go down at the same time |
11188s | it's a very circuitous route for a |
11190s | lottery trade but that is where we're at |
11192s | and they've also lost their fly catcher |
11194s | now and that seems like the missile |
11196s | damage is now returning to the Paladin |
11197s | he's getting battered and blown right |
11199s | through the loss of the deacon Thalia |
11202s | made the difference there that Paladin |
11204s | is absolutely off the field and now |
11206s | they're switching over to dinar's |
11207s | Tempest any guard that continues to dip |
11209s | lower into Shields |
11211s | um Volta is gonna have to really you |
11213s | know continue to chew through and try to |
11216s | trade out their Nighthawk for the same |
11217s | time this is TFI |
11220s | oh it seems like some of the split fire |
11222s | from Volta might be costing them here |
11224s | that one Nighthawk goes down remains to |
11226s | be seen if the Tempest can stabilize |
11228s | through it its repping power it's |
11230s | relying on local reps only not tons of |
11233s | rep power behind it it's now dipping |
11235s | into structure they might be able to get |
11237s | another ship for it before it goes down |
11239s | down but even that is far from certain |
11241s | as he's dropping really fast oh he's |
11244s | trying to claw his armor back but it's |
11246s | just not enough |
11248s | yeah I mean there's still five hand |
11250s | boats on the grid and I would like uh |
11252s | you know a change of target maybe to |
11253s | supreme leader Mao pick off some of |
11255s | these off-brain navies pick off a |
11257s | chiricle Navy uh because it's gonna you |
11259s | know clear off a lot more damage killing |
11260s | two of those and just trading for one |
11262s | night Hawk meanwhile |
11264s | um the Magus just happy to stay out of |
11267s | the Harm's Way and continue to apply |
11269s | links to the rest of his team |
11272s | they are indeed going for Supreme Leader |
11274s | Mal's Osprey Navy but he is not dying |
11277s | very rapidly Oscar Navy is a fairly |
11279s | Speedy ship he might have a hard time |
11281s | applying all of his damage to it |
11284s | uh that said it's about to run out of |
11286s | Shields and will very rapidly run out of |
11288s | armor if this Tempest continues to apply |
11290s | to it the Tempest unlike its typhoon |
11292s | Brethren does not have application |
11294s | bonuses it is a pure damage dealing |
11297s | nightmare if this target is tackled down |
11300s | it's going to put out an insane amount |
11302s | of projectile damage into it |
11304s | yeah I think Volta doesn't have to worry |
11306s | too much I mean they still have four |
11308s | hand boats Nighthawk Osprey Navy caracal |
11310s | Navy they're going to be pushing well |
11312s | over 2 000 damage and uh I mean Atticus |
11315s | capernus is not going to be able to |
11318s | sustain against that we see him trying |
11319s | to you know actively rep and try to use |
11322s | his smart bombs maybe even attempting to |
11324s | firewall off some of these missiles but |
11326s | it's not going to be doing enough |
11329s | it's definitely worth a try though |
11330s | firewalling not a mechanic we usually |
11332s | see in the alliance tournament but it is |
11334s | possible to destroy missiles in Flight |
11336s | using smart bombs and it can cut down |
11339s | the DPS appreciably if he times it |
11341s | properly but that said for one ship to |
11343s | do it is extremely extremely difficult |
11348s | yeah I mean horde is now going after the |
11350s | caracal Navy issue of Melinda it makes a |
11352s | lot of sense it's relatively low tank |
11354s | but I mean Atticus capernus clawing back |
11356s | a little bit of armor but you know uh |
11358s | going two steps lower for every little |
11360s | bit he reps up |
11362s | yeah the caracal Navy issue is actually |
11364s | a great choice they're putting out even |
11365s | more damage than the Osprey Navy issues |
11367s | they also represent a pretty significant |
11370s | threat to the remaining low end of the |
11372s | team so if you |
11373s | you can get it off it'll be helpful but |
11375s | at the end of the day we're talking |
11376s | about four damage ships to just one the |
11380s | Magus Pawn effects yes they have bonus |
11382s | drones but they're not going to be have |
11384s | the the stopping power the threat power |
11386s | to really pressure any of these Shield |
11388s | ships is now there are one remaining |
11390s | Tempest Fleet issue dips into deep |
11393s | structure the caracal Dave you might get |
11395s | traded for it but this Tempest Navy is |
11398s | no longer on the on field Tempest Navy |
11401s | down the character Navy issue of Melinda |
11403s | just managing to sleep by with about |
11407s | half structure dying just shy and now |
11411s | they're shredding the low end |
11414s | yeah I mean this uh crucifier and crore |
11416s | and those command destroyers uh will not |
11419s | survive much longer they're you know |
11421s | doing their very best to burn away |
11424s | um and skybreaker of outlawed no Pro is |
11426s | chasing after but both teams are |
11427s | dropping good fights in local realizing |
11429s | that this matches uh well and truly over |
11432s | at this point |
11434s | yeah it was a heck of an exciting match |
11436s | a lot of back and forth there were |
11437s | moments for both teams where they could |
11440s | have uh very easily turned things around |
11442s | or had the potential to have Victory |
11444s | slip through their fingers |
11446s | at the end of the day we form voltas |
11448s | more distributed damage strategy came |
11450s | out on top |
11452s | as we see this one remaining Magus of |
11454s | pioneer about to drop moderator why do |
11457s | teams want to keep going with these |
11459s | triple Battleship setups versus the more |
11461s | distributed Cruiser battle cruiser teams |
11463s | is there a clear Advantage here |
11466s | um it appears that in this match so far |
11468s | that this ham team being more |
11471s | distributed like you said is able to |
11474s | apply more damage and just generally out |
11476s | race out trade against these triple |
11478s | Battleship comps |
11480s | um |
11481s | one of the things you might want to do |
11483s | is use guidance disruption or some other |
11486s | control to mitigate against missiles but |
11489s | it's very difficult when you have all |
11492s | these ships that will get on top of you |
11493s | at zero and I mean even if you screen |
11497s | off one or two of them that's still what |
11499s | I'm essentially seven heavy assault |
11502s | missile boats that's going to be putting |
11504s | out so so much damage |
11507s | and the more ships they have to you know |
11509s | control over the more difficult it is to |
11511s | screen them what difficult it is to |
11513s | properly distribute you were it |
11515s | increases the difficulty level of your |
11517s | match tremendously so you see this |
11519s | pontifex now beginning to dip into armor |
11521s | here uh fairly helpless against the |
11524s | remaining we form Volta ships this will |
11526s | not be pandemic hordes last honk though |
11529s | they will go into the losers bracket I |
11530s | believe |
11532s | yeah it'll be interesting to see if uh |
11535s | either today or pandemic Legion uh get |
11538s | further into the lower bracket |
11541s | um my money's actually in pandemic Court |
11543s | who do you think is going to go further |
11545s | I I think it could be pandemic hordes |
11547s | here |
11548s | um they're just so hard to root against |
11551s | they're Scrappy I love them uh Pawn |
11553s | effects of flip about to go down |
11556s | uh we're gonna be sending this back to |
11558s | the desk very shortly to discuss and |
11560s | analyze this fascinating match as we go |
11563s | into a fairly big break but don't go |
11566s | anywhere folks because we are going to |
11567s | be back with more matches in a bit |
11575s | [Music] |
11592s | thank you |
11606s | foreign |
11626s | switched |
11628s | easy fight right but guess what dude I'm |
11631s | not seeing it people can't get they're |
11633s | fit together |
11644s | thank you |
11649s | [Music] |
11655s | we form Volta joining the ranks of price |
11658s | ship enjoyers going 2-0 now in Alliance |
11660s | tournament 18 as they take that victory |
11662s | over pandemic horde basilisk you were |
11665s | talking a little bit about their target |
11666s | selection during that match talk me |
11668s | through what you're thinking yeah so |
11669s | when those two teams landed on grid I |
11670s | actually thought it would be a pretty |
11671s | easy win for Volta because we've seen |
11673s | these Shield Rush comps just melt |
11674s | through battleships but it actually |
11676s | turned out pretty close and I thought |
11677s | pandemic horde might have been able to |
11678s | turn it there |
11679s | um if they had instead chosen to shoot |
11681s | those Navy Cruisers because obviously |
11682s | with way less ehp and sort of higher |
11684s | ratio of DPS I feel like they |
11686s | potentially could have cleared them in |
11687s | time and then had a sort of match up |
11689s | where they had two Tempest fleets alive |
11690s | against the two Nighthawks and have the |
11692s | neuting power and actually be able to |
11694s | sort of win from that scenario but as it |
11696s | turned out that they chose the Nighthawk |
11698s | first and cruisers were left |
11700s | well there you are well I mean uh we'll |
11702s | see pandemic chord again uh because that |
11704s | is their first loss of the tournament uh |
11706s | so they drop down into the elimination |
11707s | bracket but they are not out of the |
11708s | tournament yet |
11710s | um speaking of the tournament we have a |
11711s | break now before we go to uh some more |
11714s | matches after that uh in about half an |
11716s | hour so stick around do the quiz and uh |
11719s | buy some cool things with your points |
11720s | see you in a bit |
11727s | welcome back to Alliance tournament 18 |
11729s | I'm Ithaca Hawk joined once again by |
11731s | gentan and mystical might as we have a |
11733s | bunch more excellent matches for you |
11735s | today with plenty of spaceships |
11737s | scheduled for immediate explosion gentan |
11740s | how have you been drawing the match |
11741s | yesterday oh I've been really enjoying |
11743s | them there's been some extremely |
11745s | dominant displays from a few teams as |
11747s | well |
11747s | um you know we've seen a lot more |
11748s | hundred zero victories over the course |
11750s | of uh this Set uh this segment of the |
11753s | tournament and I think that just really |
11754s | goes to show uh that the wheat is |
11757s | getting separated from the chaff here uh |
11759s | we're seeing some you know we're seeing |
11760s | the teams that got perhaps a little |
11762s | unlucky with their uh first draw just |
11765s | crushed their way through the losers |
11766s | bracket and take out teams that quite |
11767s | frankly don't belong here yet |
11769s | great agricultural reference from you |
11771s | there gin uh let's take a look at the |
11773s | bands for our next upcoming match which |
11774s | is going to be between Platinum |
11776s | sensitivity and bright side of death |
11779s | um actually we don't have the band ready |
11781s | apparently so let's just discuss these |
11783s | teams |
11784s | um you are a big a big Mark Bridges fan |
11786s | I believe mystical might tell me about |
11788s | this team I am yeah so I believe |
11790s | Platinum sensitivity is a predominantly |
11793s | Japanese gym team |
11796s | um I know them best because Mark Bridges |
11798s | is on the team I believe he's captain or |
11800s | co-captain of platinum sensitivity |
11804s | um he's an extremely experienced and uh |
11807s | skilled pilot I would say I was trying |
11810s | to find the best word he tends to feed a |
11812s | little bit but all the best people will |
11814s | do so yeah and I I'm definitely rooting |
11817s | for them because I want them to go far |
11818s | in the tournament I know that they're |
11820s | waking up early to do these matches |
11822s | so it's definitely a lot of time |
11824s | investment for them I think it's like |
11826s | 3am 4am that they're waking up to |
11827s | actually attend these matches so not |
11829s | only are they sleeping uh flying fairly |
11832s | sleep deprived perhaps but also you know |
11835s | if they lose that match then they have |
11836s | to fly again at I think six seven a.m oh |
11838s | that's absolutely brittle which then |
11840s | yeah it starts to get brutal so I'm just |
11842s | hoping that they can win this one they |
11844s | can take the rest of the day off they |
11845s | can relax they can recuperate and they |
11846s | can come back strong on Saturday next |
11848s | week |
11848s | yeah I've flown in an alliance |
11850s | tournament myself uh well living out in |
11852s | Australia uh in fact at the time I was |
11855s | in a hotel and the Wi-Fi in the room |
11857s | wasn't very good so the only place I |
11859s | could get decent internet was the lobby |
11860s | so I was sitting in the lobby at two in |
11862s | the morning uh doing my matches and then |
11864s | there was a wedding on in the venue and |
11866s | at 2 am the doors opened and they all |
11868s | came out into the lobby just as our |
11869s | match was about to start there's all |
11871s | these drunk Australians looking over my |
11872s | shoulder wondering what on Earth is |
11873s | going on I'm just like it's spaceships |
11876s | leave me alone I'm trying to not feed I |
11878s | think we might have fed |
11880s | um but uh yeah interesting experience so |
11882s | you know competing all the way from uh |
11884s | from Japan the time zone pressure is |
11886s | definitely uh definitely gonna be |
11887s | difficult |
11888s | okay so we are ready to go to the arena |
11890s | now I'm told between for this match |
11892s | between Platinum sensitivity and a |
11893s | bright side of death so let's head over |
11895s | there and see what happens |
11902s | hello I am moderator joined by my |
11904s | colleague lgf card for this hype match |
11908s | between Platinum sensitivity and bright |
11910s | side of death bring back the energy |
11912s | coming right after break Mark bridges in |
11915s | his Flagship Vindicator |
11920s | absolutely awesome to see bright side of |
11922s | death meanwhile coming in with all the |
11924s | damage heavy on the triglavians with |
11926s | leshack drakovic bed Mac and a Dominic's |
11929s | Navy issue recently buffed it's |
11931s | basically an upgraded Hyperion it's got |
11935s | tank it's got damage they've got some |
11937s | tackle and control in the low end this |
11939s | is going to be an insane match I I feel |
11942s | really bad for Mark because he's about |
11944s | to lose his Mindy |
11946s | uh you know what I'm not so sure that |
11949s | he'll lose his Mindy I I believe in uh |
11953s | Mark I I think I could have some Faith |
11955s | though that Sentinel is going to be very |
11957s | um very impactful if it does in fact |
11960s | have |
11960s | um traction disruption it's really going |
11962s | to hurt the |
11964s | um Vindicator and the Armageddon uh but |
11966s | likewise nosuko's arbitrator will be |
11968s | there to counter uh the effects of the |
11970s | Little Shack |
11972s | both sides with a bit of weapon |
11974s | disruption it'll really come down to who |
11976s | can win that war can Brightside apply |
11979s | all their damage to the top end or will |
11982s | the king Slayer comp slay the king |
11986s | and right now we see the tractors have |
11988s | been going out onto the Le Shack Navy |
11989s | Dominick's drekovic the Ved Mack not |
11992s | receiving the love yet |
11995s | yeah so that will be pretty effective uh |
11997s | tracking disruption from again both the |
11999s | Sentinel and the arbitrator the |
12001s | arbitrator is you know of course going |
12003s | to be a little bit more survivable than |
12005s | the Sentinel which we've seen you know |
12007s | die to drones in other matches but |
12010s | Sentinels much more fast much more |
12012s | mobile uh both teams really actually uh |
12015s | just burning back if anything uh be |
12018s | thought going towards |
12020s | um you know vaguely one of the micro |
12022s | jump drives and |
12025s | currently we're not seeing Platinum |
12027s | sensitivity go too much of anywhere at |
12029s | the moment |
12030s | and base that seems to have hedged their |
12032s | bets they have a missile guidance |
12033s | disruptor on the fleet typhoon so that |
12036s | Sentinel is packing some turret |
12038s | disruption and missile disruption a very |
12041s | smart choice in this match although very |
12043s | risky |
12045s | yes certainly |
12047s | um right now we see that the typhoon |
12049s | Fleet issue Vindicator and Armageddon |
12051s | are all kind of balled up in front |
12053s | leading the pack right now they're going |
12055s | to want to |
12057s | you know get those new pressures onto |
12060s | something get the Vindicator with what |
12062s | will almost certainly be you know |
12064s | gigafaction webs onto you know a Target |
12067s | and then use |
12069s | um those webs to really control the |
12071s | match and lock things down with a 90 web |
12075s | we start to see Platinum sensitivities |
12077s | battleships crawling forward here |
12078s | moderator what is bright side of death |
12080s | looking for is there an opening that |
12082s | they're waiting for or trying to create |
12084s | well judging by The Shack of Amina |
12086s | getting on top of the mjd unit |
12089s | they may be looking to try to use that |
12092s | to possibly jump into the backline or |
12095s | possibly have their team you know go |
12097s | somewhere else if they really don't like |
12099s | the position of |
12101s | um what they see from Platinum |
12103s | sensitivity getting a little close |
12106s | and they are getting a little close I |
12108s | feel like they micro jump they'd have to |
12110s | be very careful what direction |
12113s | they are sort of aiming toward the |
12117s | Platinum sensitivity team which would |
12119s | support the backline option but they're |
12121s | just kind of Milling about I don't sense |
12123s | a lot of coordination at the moment |
12124s | meanwhile Platinum sensitivities |
12126s | battleships are edging ever closer |
12129s | yeah and in counter uh we see that the |
12132s | Mueller and the FED Mac are being placed |
12134s | in front in beside I mean if you're |
12136s | going to sacrifice a Muller to hold down |
12138s | you know a Vindicator or one of these |
12140s | other battleships from Platinum |
12142s | sensitivity it makes a lot of sense |
12145s | um I'm almost very tanky |
12147s | um very good tackle ship for Four Points |
12150s | absolutely Brightside right now focusing |
12152s | their Firepower on the Thalia of |
12154s | platinum sensitivity |
12156s | they tried testing its tank I don't |
12158s | think they liked what they saw because |
12159s | they're swapping off that it's beginning |
12161s | to regen Shields now and they're going |
12163s | more for the typhoon Fleet issue yeah |
12166s | tank of the pontifex as well yeah |
12168s | critically the smaller is pushing |
12170s | forward ahead of the rest of his team |
12171s | trying to get on top of that Armageddon |
12173s | Navy issue possibly trying to get uh you |
12176s | know web scram but we see uh the Mauler |
12178s | you know counterweb down by uh The |
12181s | Vindicator of Mark Bridges you know uh |
12183s | preventing from getting any closer and |
12185s | the Dominic's Navy issue now uh edging |
12188s | in a little bit with the Le Shack of I |
12190s | mean a miss not too far behind we may |
12192s | see uh the battle be joined rather |
12194s | shortly |
12195s | that seems a little hesitant to fully |
12197s | engage with each other I think they |
12199s | realize that this match could decide |
12201s | itself rather quickly with all the |
12203s | damage that these teams have brought to |
12204s | bear but we are starting to see |
12206s | battleships get tackled down now and |
12208s | they're starting to exchange fire as we |
12210s | see the sky Breakers start to open up on |
12212s | the drones |
12213s | yeah I mean The Vindicator is now within |
12216s | you know web range of the Navy Dominics |
12219s | um is now the primary taking a good |
12221s | amount of damage and that Vindicator is |
12223s | going to want to close to zero you'd be |
12225s | really within uh that void range be able |
12228s | to pound through The Dominics is |
12230s | likewise Blaster fit uh but I mean The |
12233s | Vindicator will happily out trade and |
12235s | meanwhile they're primary the Armageddon |
12238s | Navy issue of heinkel not going for The |
12240s | Vindicator which we'll have those |
12242s | faction wrappers on it what do you think |
12245s | of that call do you like them going for |
12247s | the getting instead of the webs |
12250s | it's a tough call I mean Vindicator is |
12254s | doing an excellent job of really |
12255s | controlling the Mahler and the Dominic's |
12257s | Navy issue and you really don't want to |
12259s | shoot into the faction tank if you don't |
12261s | have to uh but getting rid of the |
12264s | pressure that the Armageddon Navy issue |
12266s | brings new wise makes a lot of sense to |
12268s | me |
12269s | and we're starting to say the triglavian |
12271s | damage from Bright Side of death |
12272s | starting to spool up the Dominic's Navy |
12274s | issue was initially losing its armor a |
12277s | lot faster than the geddon that is |
12279s | beginning to change as The Dominics |
12281s | Navy's still losing big chunks but he |
12283s | can start to see that get a Navy rapidly |
12285s | reducing its armor here the Reps from |
12288s | the Thalia Deacon combo |
12290s | struggling to catch up to the damage |
12292s | here that said the logistic ships on |
12295s | both sides starting to take some |
12297s | Firepower they may have gone in a little |
12299s | too close and are now starting to get |
12300s | some negative attention from the enemy |
12302s | team Fox pure's Deacon dipping into low |
12305s | armor now oh he's really struggling |
12308s | yeah I mean that's going to be the |
12310s | pressure that we see of these drones |
12312s | that are all on top of him uh forcing a |
12315s | little bit of split reps from his buddy |
12317s | Stanley Ray and the falia who will have |
12319s | to focus on Fox and pull a little bit |
12321s | off of lonto but a wonto and heinkel are |
12324s | relatively even we see a bit of a switch |
12326s | to Krill Coast DirecTV realizing that |
12329s | maybe The Dominics might not be the call |
12330s | anymore |
12332s | The Dominics has a very strong local |
12334s | tank of the ships to lose repping power |
12336s | on it's probably the one you would want |
12338s | to have that said Fox pure is about to |
12340s | lose his repping power permanently as he |
12342s | drops that is a huge huge turn here |
12345s | bright side of death is going to |
12346s | struggle with only one Thalia who itself |
12348s | might drop very shortly yeah and the |
12351s | follow we can see is under significant |
12352s | new pressure that will be you know the |
12354s | Navy getting and The Dominics |
12356s | um |
12357s | sorry the typhoon Fleet issue in the |
12359s | Navy again and rather that are putting |
12360s | pressure onto the Thalia and the direct |
12362s | facts continuing to take damage |
12364s | um we do see that these drones that were |
12366s | killing the |
12368s | um Deacon buddy have finally been |
12370s | cleared by the sky breaker but uh it |
12372s | might be a little bit late as the direct |
12374s | fact is now going down low into armor at |
12377s | the same time that heinkel is at half |
12378s | armor |
12379s | that's gonna be a terrible trade for |
12381s | Brightside they're losing critical |
12383s | damage here and they absolutely need to |
12385s | put this Armageddon Navy away they're |
12388s | not able to effectively pressure |
12389s | Platinum sensitivities Logistics |
12391s | frigates in the same way that Platinum |
12393s | sensitivity was able to pressure theirs |
12394s | there's just not enough new pressure on |
12396s | bright side of death to make that happen |
12398s | at the moment or if there is they're |
12400s | struggling to apply it to the right |
12401s | targets |
12403s | yeah and that will be the Thalia down |
12405s | that's going to be all the logic down |
12407s | nothing to keep krilco up anymore and he |
12409s | will drop and meanwhile heinkel really |
12411s | haven't gotten any lower feggy continues |
12413s | to take some damage in his own Thalia |
12416s | but uh he'll be just fine |
12418s | yeah we're starting to see heinkel |
12420s | stabilize now he's not exactly clawing |
12423s | armor back but it's not dropping anymore |
12425s | meanwhile The Dominics |
12427s | is basically in the same position kind |
12429s | of a holding pattern the difference is |
12431s | platinum sensitivity is gradually |
12433s | grinding away the low end of bright side |
12435s | of death taking away their Logistics |
12437s | taking away their support they're about |
12439s | to take away this Sentinel and all the |
12440s | tracking disruption and missile guidance |
12442s | disruption it's been able to bring |
12444s | yeah I mean that's going to be what |
12446s | happens when you do those lose |
12448s | um those |
12450s | uh you know Logie frigates I would say |
12453s | that the Drone war that Platinum |
12454s | sensitivity has been you know pretty 200 |
12457s | IQ in this match and definitely ahead of |
12459s | bsod you know chewing through that low |
12460s | and now chewing through the Sentinel and |
12462s | now that the tracking disruption is off |
12465s | the Davey gettin The Vindicator are |
12467s | going to apply all that much better |
12470s | oh another refocusing back on The |
12472s | Dominics of one two one he is dropping |
12475s | very very low bleeding structure now is |
12477s | armor wrappers are still cooking but |
12479s | they're not able to keep up with the |
12481s | incoming damage and he will continue to |
12483s | bleed structure even as they try to keep |
12485s | him in low armor he's now at half it's a |
12487s | galenti ship so that structure bar is |
12489s | rather large but it is getting burned |
12492s | away here by the Glaziers and missiles |
12494s | from this get in Vindicator at typhoon |
12496s | Fleet issue |
12497s | yeah and honest to God at this point it |
12499s | looks like Platinum sensitivity with a |
12501s | minute 10 seconds left in the match is |
12503s | going to walk away with it very cleanly |
12505s | I don't think they'll kill the Le Shack |
12508s | but they're picking apart this pontifex |
12510s | of uh field condo and they might even |
12512s | kill the bed Mech of Matthias in the |
12514s | next minute or so |
12516s | yeah the pawn effects looks likely to |
12518s | die here it's dropping very rapidly the |
12520s | damage output from Platinum sensitivity |
12522s | is is extremely high especially now that |
12524s | that Sentinel is off the field they will |
12527s | probably be able to put away those two |
12529s | ships uh that said the damage on the |
12532s | Ponte seems to have slowed considerably |
12535s | yeah there it goes must have been a |
12537s | Reload or something or the drones were |
12539s | having a hard time catching up to him |
12540s | but he's taking damage again at a pretty |
12542s | rapid flip and that Ved Max structure |
12544s | just might as well not even exist the |
12546s | bed Mac totally vaporized |
12549s | yeah the pontifex has been doing a |
12551s | pretty good job at Burning away from |
12552s | danger but the drones do finally catch |
12554s | up with him and bring him down uh we see |
12556s | that the lashac now putting some damage |
12558s | onto what looks like the typhoon Fleet |
12560s | of kentarkis but there's only 10 seconds |
12563s | left in this match and nothing else |
12564s | really should die in that time frame uh |
12566s | but um Platinum sensitivity playing very |
12569s | very nice winning |
12570s | 69-0 and with that we'll send it back to |
12573s | the desk |
12579s | [Music] |
12595s | thank you |
12599s | Yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
12602s | collectively so that's why that Alliance |
12604s | logo is in the game of course you could |
12606s | change your alliance by leaving but that |
12607s | would be kind of a jerk move oh you |
12610s | don't like it now just leave this logo |
12612s | sucks I'm gonna go join |
12620s | [Music] |
12623s | thank you |
12629s | welcome to leave Pandora |
12647s | [Music] |
12656s | [Music] |
12661s | Platinum sensitivity they're taking that |
12663s | solid victory over a bright side of |
12665s | death uh Mark Bridges will be very |
12667s | pleased with that and his Flagship |
12669s | Vindicator we don't see very many of |
12671s | those and uh he flew it to you know |
12673s | great effect and speaking of flying to |
12675s | great effect |
12676s | um mystical might you were pointing out |
12678s | during that match the positioning of uh |
12680s | those battleships talk to me about that |
12682s | yeah I think one of the things that we |
12684s | see a lot in tournaments and a lot what |
12687s | we talk about is screening and |
12689s | separating the enemy team a lot one of |
12692s | the things that Platinum sensitivity did |
12694s | really well in this match is that their |
12696s | three battleships decided to approach |
12697s | the enemy team together |
12700s | with maybe like a couple kilometers |
12702s | difference between them which means that |
12704s | bright side of death aren't able to |
12706s | actually separate the uh battleships of |
12710s | the Platinum sensitivity team anything |
12711s | that comes into range of one clubs into |
12713s | range of all allowing them to |
12715s | effectively apply their damage and we |
12717s | saw that uh begin to happen when they uh |
12720s | went onto the Navy Dominics which put |
12722s | itself forward as a block right it was |
12725s | just there to tackle down one of the |
12726s | battleships Force the rest of them to |
12727s | stop because they wanted to stick |
12729s | together and because of the changes |
12731s | recently it is extremely tanky so it's a |
12733s | good move by the bsod team but it forces |
12736s | the Thalia and the Deacon in closer and |
12737s | when you have a flagship Vindicator it |
12740s | means that they can't escape that web |
12741s | range and they do eventually just begin |
12743s | to die to it because you can apply your |
12745s | damage pretty well to the frigates even |
12748s | though they are fairly small so yeah I |
12751s | just want to shout out positioning on |
12752s | both sides obviously uh being a platinum |
12755s | sensitivity simp I fully endorse the the |
12759s | pilot thing that I've seen here and I am |
12761s | glad and never doubted that they were |
12762s | going to win this match and I am glad |
12764s | that they're going to carry on until the |
12766s | next weekend you never had your hands |
12767s | classed together in prayer during that |
12769s | match I I did not tell them to stop |
12771s | dying that is that is true well they |
12773s | never died in the first place exactly it |
12774s | worked yeah problem solved it worked all |
12776s | the way through now what we saw a bunch |
12778s | in that match was uh tracking disruptors |
12780s | being applied to things tracking is a |
12782s | super important mechanic in Eve online |
12783s | uh Jin tan can you just explain kind of |
12786s | what tracking is and how it impacts the |
12788s | the game yeah so um uh Misty talked a |
12791s | little bit earlier about things being |
12793s | small and that's because tracking is |
12795s | related to both the angular velocity of |
12798s | a shape relative to your own which is |
12800s | represented by transversal velocity and |
12802s | the signature radius of the ship so if |
12805s | you are close in or um your target is |
12808s | relatively big your guns will be able to |
12810s | track and hit them properly doing more |
12812s | damage and uh |
12815s | uh yeah being able to actually apply to |
12817s | them properly this is something you can |
12818s | affect with a number of things you know |
12820s | we often see webs so for example with a |
12821s | 90 webs of a Vindicator being used |
12823s | really effectively to make guns that |
12825s | wouldn't normally hit something hit them |
12827s | really effectively yeah and then one way |
12829s | to disrupt that uh tracking disrupt |
12832s | would be to use tracking disruptors uh |
12835s | Mr might talk us through tracking |
12837s | disruption yeah absolutely so in a |
12839s | situation where you would normally be |
12840s | hit perhaps it's because you're at a |
12842s | long distance and the ship that you're |
12844s | going up against has long range Weaponry |
12845s | there are things called tracking |
12847s | disruptors in the game there are two |
12849s | different types of scripts that you can |
12851s | use with them optimal range disruption |
12853s | and tracking speed disruption tracking |
12855s | speed disruption is useful in the cases |
12857s | that gentam was mentioning where perhaps |
12859s | you're in close uh you may be a fairly |
12862s | medium-sized ship so they're able to hit |
12864s | you fairly effectively using this |
12866s | tracking speed disruption it means that |
12868s | the weapons aren't able to actually |
12870s | track you properly if you're in close |
12872s | and moving quickly so it allows you to |
12874s | mitigate some of the damage reduce the |
12876s | damage coming into you whereas if you |
12879s | are further away and you are finding |
12882s | something that's projection perhaps so |
12885s | thinking to TQ it might be something |
12887s | like a ferrox that you may be going up |
12889s | against where they have railguns optimal |
12891s | range ensures that they have to switch |
12892s | to longer range but lower damage ammo to |
12896s | effectively be able to hit you so it I |
12899s | guess broadens the area that you can |
12901s | play around in and it reduces the area |
12902s | to which they can apply their damage |
12904s | awesome and in order to apply that kind |
12906s | of damage then you're gonna have to be |
12907s | able to lock them uh and to be someone |
12910s | who's locking them you probably enjoy uh |
12912s | locking them at those ranges speaking of |
12913s | which our next match is going to be lock |
12915s | range enjoyers versus no Forks given so |
12918s | let's take a look at the bands for this |
12919s | upcoming match |
12921s | so lock range enjoyers Banning out the |
12923s | bar guest the abandon and the guardian |
12925s | there's no thoughts given or Banning the |
12927s | EOS the Battleground and the gedden Navy |
12929s | issue jintan uh what jumps out are you |
12932s | here uh what really jumps out to me here |
12934s | is the locker engine joyous band uh they |
12936s | are Banning out two of the highest DPS |
12938s | uh battleships that we've seen other |
12940s | than the Vindicator which typically |
12942s | brought as a flagship anyway and then |
12944s | the guardian the guardian's really |
12946s | curious that has the most potential reps |
12948s | of any logistic ship that you can field |
12950s | uh but it's not quite commonly seen |
12953s | especially from teams like no Forks |
12955s | given perhaps they are running some sort |
12957s | of new comp and they want to reduce the |
12959s | possibility of their opponents bringing |
12960s | some energy transfers on those Guardians |
12963s | and mystical might uh the EOS uh what do |
12966s | you what do you think about this band |
12966s | here I mean it suggests that they don't |
12969s | want to be seeing a fairly strong |
12971s | Command Ship I think these days with the |
12974s | changes uh to the EOS I think it must |
12976s | have been at least half a year ago if |
12978s | not longer |
12979s | um into a Sentry boat |
12982s | um made it really decent in the alliance |
12983s | tournament setting Where and also just |
12986s | on TQ you know you'll see a lot of |
12988s | fleets that now run eos's because they |
12989s | are really strong for what they are |
12991s | um the EOS is a good mix of links so |
12994s | buffing your Fleet to make sure that you |
12996s | can tank more you can lock further you |
12997s | can move faster depending on the type of |
12999s | links being used but also they do enough |
13001s | damage in their own right to be worth |
13002s | bringing and I think they are one of the |
13005s | length pinch ships for drone comps where |
13007s | if you are bringing a drunk comp you're |
13008s | probably going to be Fielding an EOS and |
13010s | it's not really replaceable you don't |
13012s | want to bring a damnation to your drone |
13013s | comp in place of the EOS whereas other |
13016s | ships are replaceable you'll have a |
13017s | wealth of different drone Cruisers that |
13020s | you could bring in place of something |
13021s | like the Vex Navy issue or the stratios |
13023s | that we have seen run |
13025s | um earlier in the day so |
13027s | yeah I I think it's an interesting ban |
13030s | it seems like they may have practiced |
13031s | Against drones and don't want to have to |
13032s | deal with that I mean that's fair enough |
13034s | and that's why you should ban something |
13035s | if you don't like it just just span it |
13037s | so let's have some quick predictions and |
13039s | then we'll send it Mr commode what do |
13041s | you think I'm gonna have to say lock |
13043s | range enjoy us here but I think that's |
13045s | pretty |
13046s | that's pretty solid pretty solid solid |
13048s | solid prediction yes it's very hard to |
13051s | predict against lock range enjoy Us in |
13053s | this match I gotta say there's always a |
13054s | chance for no [ __ ] given but uh I think |
13057s | look Rangers always have this I think I |
13059s | have to complete the uh the casters |
13061s | curse and also go for uh lock range |
13063s | enjoyers but let's time to find out so |
13065s | let's head over to the arena and uh and |
13066s | see |
13072s | Alexa card here with moderator for our |
13074s | final commentary pair and we are against |
13077s | a very interesting matchup we've got |
13080s | lock range enjoyers not enjoying their |
13082s | lock range as they've gone for a pretty |
13084s | traditional Minotaur Rush setup the |
13087s | fleet Tempest double slap Nair double |
13089s | fleets life double scabble stabber Fleet |
13091s | and a spiffle |
13093s | really going all in on the mimitar |
13095s | theming here moderator what are no Fork |
13098s | spraying |
13099s | yeah they've brought an Armageddon the |
13101s | Tempest Fleet issue and a Dominic's Navy |
13103s | issue |
13104s | um so you know earlier we were talking |
13106s | about what if someone brings four |
13108s | battleships well I guess now we know |
13110s | what happens |
13111s | um |
13112s | you know if you're a Minotaur Rush team |
13114s | it wouldn't be surprising to see them |
13117s | immediately just have their low end you |
13120s | know disciples and the stabber Fleet |
13122s | issue go after some of these you know |
13125s | essential Navitas Inquisitor get rid of |
13127s | that and then have your larger ships try |
13129s | to chew through these battleships on the |
13131s | upper side of things |
13134s | uh four battleships set up amazing and |
13137s | you know what I'm they can look at their |
13139s | low end honestly aside from the tech one |
13141s | logistic frigates it doesn't look that |
13144s | bad we might see a pretty surprising |
13146s | outcome to this match no Forks |
13148s | definitely The Underdogs going by the |
13150s | twitch points |
13151s | one of the concerns that you do run into |
13154s | running four battleships though is that |
13156s | you have really just a pontifex and a |
13158s | skybreaker to screen which means that |
13162s | the lock range enjoyers and their |
13164s | Massive Attack bar will have exactly |
13166s | zero difficulty really controlling |
13169s | um the range and picking apart ships |
13172s | spreading things |
13174s | um you know on their terms and |
13175s | navigating around you already off the |
13177s | Jump we're seeing the fight Fleet issues |
13179s | close uh straight into this uh |
13181s | battleship |
13183s | yeah they're doing what they do the |
13185s | question is will they stop at the |
13186s | battleships or will they surge into that |
13188s | back line it looks like they're stopping |
13190s | at their ships at the battleships and |
13191s | letting their drones do the talking as |
13193s | we see their drone Cloud streak past the |
13196s | battleships and go in on some of these |
13198s | Logistics frigates |
13200s | yeah I mean that makes a lot of sense |
13201s | it's similar to what Platinum |
13202s | sensitivity did right and we already see |
13204s | that the Tempest is in half farmer so is |
13206s | The Inquisitor so is the navitos logic |
13209s | frigs are going to break within the |
13210s | first minute of the match and trading a |
13212s | tempest for a scythe Fleet is not good |
13215s | if you're in the possession of lock |
13217s | range |
13217s | yeah trading the logistics frigates is |
13219s | one thing if they lose that Tempest |
13221s | that's a fish of another color he is |
13224s | dipping deep down is done with armor |
13227s | into structure they'll die at |
13228s | approximately the same time oh no as I |
13231s | say that the site Fleet is actually |
13232s | hanging on a little bit he's pulling his |
13234s | shield back yeah I don't think that will |
13236s | last too much longer we see him kind of |
13238s | run out of at any sort of Shield charges |
13241s | there |
13242s | um I do have to say though I'm not a fan |
13244s | of the Armageddon |
13246s | um at this point in the tournament it |
13248s | really doesn't do a whole lot of damage |
13250s | especially not really being any sort of |
13253s | a gun gunboat we see it's got all newts |
13255s | and Minotaur Rush does not care if it |
13258s | gets neuted out |
13260s | yeah this is probably the worst team to |
13262s | be looking at when you're a gated pilot |
13264s | there's not a ton you can do here they |
13266s | don't even necessarily need active |
13268s | hardeners it helps but they base resists |
13271s | of the sleffeners are just so good uh |
13274s | you see the Scythe Fleet issue now from |
13276s | Striker Eric or about half Shields |
13279s | pulling some of his hit points back with |
13281s | what we presume to be an ancillary |
13282s | Shield booster but conkle is dying much |
13286s | much faster they're about to lose |
13287s | another Battleship that is half their |
13290s | battleships half the core of their team |
13292s | down and they're not even going to trade |
13294s | the Scythe lead issue for it as he |
13296s | begins to well I was going to say being |
13299s | stabilized he's definitely going to die |
13301s | but taking way too much time they've |
13304s | lost the tempo of this match it's really |
13305s | running away from them here as lock |
13307s | range enjoyers continues to pick apart |
13309s | their Fleet they're not even bothering |
13311s | to focus fire now it feels like every |
13312s | ship is picking a different Target the |
13314s | sky breaker The Sentinel the pond |
13316s | effects and the gettin and the Domi Navy |
13318s | all taking significant damage |
13320s | yeah and I mean look at lock range |
13323s | enjoyers and how large their attack bar |
13325s | is is completely filled off the screen |
13326s | and they still have two you know Tech |
13328s | Two laundry frigates that have kept uh |
13330s | Striker Erica up this entire time |
13332s | Sentinel does drop but I mean if Striker |
13335s | does finally go down it'll be for |
13337s | another battleship in the form of uh the |
13341s | fleet Tempest The Tempest and now the |
13344s | Dominic's into low armor as well |
13346s | yeah the gendon's trying to do what it |
13348s | can with its newts which is apply them |
13349s | to the scalpels to try to slow down the |
13352s | rep but the issue with the guard The |
13354s | geddon's Noose if it's fit as most |
13356s | get-ins traditionally are those newts |
13358s | are going to be heavy nudes their cycle |
13360s | time is very slow against a frigate it's |
13363s | a lot of wasted newting power they're |
13365s | going to be able to pull that back with |
13366s | their capacitor regen and potentially |
13368s | some extra cap mods that they might have |
13371s | fitted to their ships they'll be able to |
13372s | handle that no problem still getting |
13374s | reps in despite the gettin's best |
13376s | efforts as now this Sky breaker goes |
13378s | down for no Forks given |
13380s | yeah |
13382s | um it feels like this match was very |
13384s | much one kind of in the draft phase of |
13386s | things |
13387s | um lock range enjoyers I could see why |
13389s | you would not want to deal with |
13391s | um and a patent or a bargift that could |
13393s | maybe cut you in the setup |
13395s | um whereas no Forks given |
13398s | um |
13398s | I mean they really just got outplayed |
13400s | here very decisively |
13403s | yeah I really like this lock range |
13404s | injurious comp I was a little skeptical |
13406s | of all the points inflation points that |
13409s | they were losing here going with double |
13410s | double Fleet safe double scaffold double |
13412s | Sipple you could say that they're |
13414s | they're kind of wasting some points here |
13416s | but on the other hand it's got a very |
13418s | clear concept very easy for them to |
13421s | execute and as you mentioned that attack |
13423s | bar literally off the charts and it's |
13426s | just carving through these battleships |
13428s | as the getting goes down and this |
13429s | arbitrator will not be long for this |
13431s | world |
13433s | yeah I mean that will put |
13435s | um you know lock range enjoyers into the |
13437s | winner of our next match which will be |
13440s | uh big yikes and brave Collective and |
13443s | no Forks given will be sent down to play |
13445s | against Deepwater Hooligans in the lower |
13447s | bracket |
13450s | those are going to be some very |
13451s | interesting matchups indeed lock range |
13454s | enjoy this is now tackled the arbitrator |
13456s | the Drone cloud is on him not even |
13458s | restaurants these are just pure damage |
13460s | drones I think the scalp the scalpels |
13463s | may have actually wrapped him |
13464s | accidentally uh trying to extend this |
13467s | match a little bit as the structure goes |
13469s | down and we turn it back over to the |
13471s | desk what a thrilling match |
13474s | [Music] |
13499s | guys stop being casual they're really |
13501s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
13504s | warp off warp off take the fleet warp |
13506s | everybody warp off this is a really |
13507s | really bad execution I'm very |
13509s | disappointed |
13517s | [Music] |
13526s | crash our enemies your temps are |
13529s | completely damped out Crush I'm dumped |
13531s | out I'm dumped out you don't like |
13532s | Chambers Boys Pizza hips yeah everything |
13536s | down I've not been able to look at some |
13538s | of the things again |
13541s | I'm jammed |
13560s | stick a fork in them they are done as a |
13563s | locker engine jars takes that Victory uh |
13566s | mystical might how did you enjoy that |
13568s | match it was great loved it yeah it's |
13570s | nice to be right on the desk there you |
13573s | are nice to be right speaking of being |
13576s | right we noticed that the lock range |
13578s | enjoyers team All mimitar Ships and this |
13580s | is a Minotaur Republic sponsored |
13582s | tournament and as far as I understand |
13583s | they're the first team to bring entirely |
13586s | Minotaur ships uh why would why would we |
13590s | do that so one of the things that we've |
13592s | spoken about in the tournament is ECM |
13594s | we've seen a few Blackbird bands |
13597s | um coming out from different teams I |
13598s | think we saw a scorpion ban as well |
13599s | yesterday |
13601s | um ECM becomes a little less effective |
13603s | when you're running One Singular faction |
13605s | comp so in this case it was mimitar |
13608s | which means that any team that they were |
13610s | going up against if they did bring ECM |
13613s | the majority of their gems would be less |
13614s | effective because you need to plan for |
13616s | all circumstances when running in ECM |
13619s | setup typically your black birds will |
13621s | have a mar Jammers kadari Jammers maybe |
13624s | a gallante Jammer a couple memetall |
13625s | jammers |
13627s | the Minotaur Jammers will still be |
13628s | effective but the galante the Amar the |
13632s | killari ones are going to be less |
13633s | effective against Minotaur ships not to |
13635s | say that they can't Jam still but the |
13637s | chance to jam is incredibly low compared |
13639s | to if you were bringing the Avatar jams |
13641s | so I think that's really the benefit of |
13644s | bringing One Singular faction to the |
13646s | Grid it's just about making sure that if |
13648s | you do run into an ECM comp you're not |
13650s | screwed completely by having you know a |
13652s | scalpole and then a Kirin and then you |
13654s | can easily Jam both of them out of |
13656s | course because this tournament is |
13657s | sponsored by the mentor Republic all |
13658s | those ships were lower pointed so it's a |
13661s | very Point efficient comp in that way do |
13663s | you think that is part of it as well I |
13665s | think points play A Part um to a degree |
13667s | because if you're bringing some of the |
13669s | you know the the fleet ships it's easier |
13672s | to fit more ships into your comp of the |
13675s | larger variety I suppose |
13679s | but I think it's also a mix of just you |
13681s | know knowing that |
13683s | now that you have a full Fleet of the |
13685s | same faction you're not going to be |
13687s | running into any ECM setups you don't |
13688s | have to necessarily ban for it because |
13689s | you can deal with it in other ways |
13691s | and gentan in that last match as well uh |
13694s | we saw something that I've been looking |
13695s | forward to uh for most of the tournament |
13697s | unfortunately died but four battleships |
13700s | explain explain this to me so for about |
13703s | four battleships is a style of |
13704s | composition which as the name might |
13706s | imply we uses four battleships the main |
13708s | problem with running for battleships |
13710s | though is that it takes up a huge amount |
13711s | of your points as you saw in that match |
13713s | almost |
13714s | um 80 so four fifths of the points that |
13717s | no Forks given have available to them |
13719s | were used entirely in their top end of |
13722s | those battleships and because of that |
13724s | they had a very very fragile support |
13726s | Wing which meant that they didn't really |
13728s | have the mid slots and general survival |
13731s | survival enough tackle to be able to |
13734s | lock down their opponents and allow |
13736s | those weapons to apply obviously whilst |
13739s | the battleships have big numbers in |
13740s | terms of their deps and ehp where they |
13743s | fall down is the fact that they can't |
13744s | often apply it to Cruisers and frigates |
13747s | which look range enjoyers brought a lot |
13749s | of and that meant that whilst they might |
13751s | have looked great on paper they weren't |
13752s | really able to apply any of it and they |
13755s | just got slowly picked apart by that |
13756s | Rush comp yeah one of the ships that was |
13758s | picked apart was a 9 0.2 billion-esque |
13762s | Armageddon Flagship uh no farts given uh |
13766s | so pretty pretty heavy loss for them |
13768s | um they are still in the tournament that |
13770s | was just the um this wasn't elimination |
13773s | match so we will see them again later |
13775s | now Jin tan |
13777s | you've been talking to some captains and |
13779s | we have another interview that we can go |
13780s | to between yourself and KitKat from Big |
13782s | X |
13785s | first of all can you introduce yourself |
13787s | to the audience please I am KitKat uh |
13790s | I've been playing this game for uh nine |
13793s | years now |
13794s | um but like recently for the last |
13798s | I don't know five to seven years I've |
13801s | been mostly playing in tournaments and |
13804s | like not being around on TQ anymore |
13806s | this year we are playing the alien |
13809s | filament representing the the alliance |
13811s | big yikes well we found the we made the |
13814s | team before we found the alliance and |
13816s | actually uh requested a bunch of guys |
13818s | like from |
13819s | actually outside of the Aryan so big ice |
13821s | is actually just hosting this and what's |
13824s | your team's competitive history yeah for |
13827s | for our teams actually were records that |
13829s | have been playing together for like |
13830s | since we started playing 2013 |
13834s | um |
13835s | try it that we've won we've done forth |
13838s | in the alliance tournament last year and |
13840s | we've won the anger game and so right |
13843s | now we are just playing with uh with a |
13846s | different Alliance and |
13848s | uh we've got a bunch of new players that |
13851s | actually have some experience I think |
13853s | there's some guys from snuff that's been |
13856s | playing before and um all the other |
13859s | teams that in general it's the first |
13862s | time they play you know in an actually |
13864s | competitive team |
13866s | so what are your aims or expectations |
13868s | for this tournament run |
13870s | so yeah we're here basically for for I |
13873s | guess uh we we are really hoping to get |
13877s | back on the the money we've invested and |
13879s | like to really get on top of that like a |
13881s | few 80 shifts for each of our players |
13885s | actually |
13886s | what are your thoughts going into your |
13888s | first match against hiddenly Village |
13889s | Ninja Assassin Squad Esports |
13892s | prior to defeated tournament actually |
13894s | we've practiced with them quite a bit so |
13897s | like the things that now I guess we know |
13901s | them a little bit and they know us a |
13903s | little bit and it's like just making the |
13905s | the game in itself a bit interesting |
13908s | because like there's quite a bit a bunch |
13910s | of data that they can analyze on us and |
13913s | we can analyze on them circling back to |
13915s | something you said earlier it sounds |
13917s | like you had to integrate some new |
13918s | players into the team can you tell me a |
13920s | little bit about what it was like |
13921s | teaching them |
13922s | so after each practice we analyze the |
13925s | each everything very carefully and we |
13929s | made we made tools to to make it work |
13932s | and so um |
13935s | each mistake is corrected each default |
13938s | in the strategy is corrected we usually |
13941s | have basically we ended up having like |
13943s | really a lot lots and lots of stats lots |
13947s | and lots of data to analyze that's |
13950s | helping us to really understand after |
13952s | each match what happened what can go |
13954s | better |
13955s | uh and so it really allowed us to make |
13959s | the each player grow and like it was the |
13962s | the benefits of that was really visible |
13964s | really enjoyable all right thank you for |
13966s | your time is there anything else you |
13967s | want to mention before we sign off |
13970s | um yeah we're really looking forward to |
13971s | playing this tournament I mean |
13974s | earlier this year we we won with grand |
13976s | Caddo in the teams so like it shouldn't |
13980s | be really that hard |
13983s | uh jintan they're interviewing KitKat |
13986s | from Big yikes Jen just want to take a |
13988s | moment say thank you for putting these |
13989s | interviews together you've done a whole |
13990s | bunch of them |
13991s | um we've had a couple of them so far |
13992s | I've wanted to hear some some more of |
13994s | them and they've been super interesting |
13995s | uh just like I know it's a lot of effort |
13997s | to sit down with everyone do the |
13999s | interview and then edit and cut each one |
14002s | up into like little bite-sized chunks |
14003s | like this so you know great great work |
14005s | really really look forward to seeing |
14007s | more of these in in the future |
14008s | yeah thank you they were like as I said |
14010s | before they were a great uh chance to do |
14012s | you talk to people all over the world |
14013s | obviously KitKat there uh a member of |
14015s | the French contingent I believe they |
14017s | actually run their matches in French as |
14019s | opposed to English uh having the split |
14021s | off from uh the localist primary team of |
14024s | last year uh where they placed fourth uh |
14026s | forming two teams in this tournament |
14028s | with damasius Kadesh running the |
14029s | English-speaking contingent in lock |
14031s | range enjoyers and uh big yikes being |
14033s | the french-speaking contingent in fact |
14035s | if big yikes are able to win this match |
14037s | we will they will be facing each other |
14039s | in the next game of the winners bracket |
14041s | which I think would be fantastic yeah |
14043s | that's correct so this match coming up |
14045s | big yikes versus Brave Collective it is |
14047s | our last of the uh the winners bracket |
14050s | matches today uh we will drop down into |
14053s | the elimination bracket for um for the |
14056s | the rest of the day let's take a look at |
14058s | the bands for big yikes versus Brave |
14060s | Collective so big yikes Banning out |
14062s | Guardian stormbringer question mark |
14065s | Muller Brave Collective Banning a curse |
14067s | Scimitar and caracal Navy issue mystical |
14070s | might Stormbreaker ban |
14073s | question mark |
14075s | question mark indeed I think it's it's |
14077s | an interesting ban it's |
14079s | depending on the setup so if you're |
14081s | flying an armor setup for example and |
14083s | you bring a stormbringer it gives you a |
14084s | decent amount of mids to utilize for |
14087s | evil |
14088s | which is what we've seen earlier in the |
14090s | day some people have brought armor |
14092s | stormbringers and they're effective at |
14094s | clearing drones as well so not only are |
14097s | you limiting the amount of damage that |
14098s | perhaps some of the turret and missile |
14100s | based ships can do on the enemy team but |
14103s | you're also limiting the number of |
14105s | drones that they can effectively use by |
14107s | slowly destroying them it's not like the |
14109s | fastest thing to do with the |
14110s | stormbringer because the application is |
14112s | kind of weird sometimes |
14114s | skybreaker I think is a little bit |
14115s | better when it comes to clearing drones |
14116s | because it's using the small voton |
14118s | projectors which means that it's |
14121s | applying effectively to all types of |
14123s | drones whereas the stump bringer really |
14125s | benefits from the fact that it can shoot |
14126s | like 100 kilometers so not only can you |
14129s | be on my foot but you can sit really far |
14130s | back |
14131s | make use of your e-war clear some of |
14133s | those rep Bots or those damaged drones |
14135s | and really it's it's a really cool ship |
14138s | to use and in a shield setup so to |
14141s | quickly clarify it's also super tanky uh |
14143s | Wing that I believe mentioned that it's |
14145s | one of the few ships that gets that six |
14146s | percent Shield resistance bonus which |
14148s | means that if it burns in and tackles |
14149s | you down |
14150s | you're gonna have to try and go through |
14152s | it and it's not the fastest thing to do |
14154s | when you're in a time sensitive |
14156s | situation |
14157s | yeah we also see them Banning out the |
14158s | molar uh jintan obviously it's usually |
14160s | considered quite a a hard to remove |
14163s | tackle ship we see them a lot in the |
14164s | last tournament just uh slap them full |
14166s | of newts in the high slots send them in |
14168s | to tackle something and it's just once |
14169s | it's on you can't get it off |
14172s | um they're banning that here like what |
14174s | does that say to you |
14175s | um I think normally that would say that |
14177s | they're going to be using something that |
14178s | needs to be able to go in and keep going |
14180s | in for the entirety of the match like |
14182s | say perhaps uh an arm again Navy issue |
14185s | or a typhoon Fleet issue however |
14188s | um in combination with that Stormbreaker |
14190s | ban I suspect that they might be |
14192s | actually looking at Banning out the |
14194s | smart bomb version of that that we do we |
14196s | do occasionally see uh potentially |
14198s | running some sort of drone setup and one |
14199s | thing to clear the way for that |
14201s | um without giving their opponents the |
14203s | opportunity to run something with a |
14204s | large amount of smart bombs awesome now |
14206s | let's take a look at um a player graph |
14208s | for one of the pilots from Brave |
14209s | Collective this year uh palette who goes |
14211s | by the name cable utter so he's a very |
14214s | experienced pilot over the years uh |
14215s | flying uh for the Volta team for for |
14218s | many many years it could be that last |
14219s | year on the right my touchline this year |
14221s | he is essentially heading up the brave |
14223s | Collective team as a mercenary and |
14225s | bringing a lot of experience out of 3D |
14227s | crafting knowledge and piloting |
14229s | execution uh into this team as you can |
14231s | see tends to fly recently uh the bigger |
14233s | ships are flying the bargest last year |
14235s | and this year uh whereas before we |
14237s | tended to fly more of the the smaller |
14239s | support High skill ships romantic |
14241s | Horrors your kitsunis and your hounds |
14243s | and he wins a lot 15 wins to eight |
14245s | losses and look at that amount of |
14247s | Alliance he's flown in like for many |
14249s | years flying in six matches uh in |
14251s | Alliance tournament 12. a bunch more in |
14253s | Alliance tournament 14. pretty cool |
14255s | pretty experienced pilot so let's go |
14257s | over to the arena and see how cable does |
14259s | with the brave team as they go up |
14261s | against |
14262s | the Geeks |
14269s | welcome back to the arena my name is |
14271s | firvana joined by the lovely basilisk |
14274s | and we have our first match that we're |
14277s | commentating today the last of the |
14278s | winter Breakers matches it is on the |
14281s | blue side the brave Collective bringing |
14283s | a very similar uh comp to what they |
14285s | brought yesterday triple Battleship uh |
14287s | with that LE Shack as a huge part of it |
14289s | but they don't have the Mahler which is |
14291s | a huge part of why they won yesterday |
14293s | meanwhile what did Big yikes bring the |
14296s | big yikes have actually brought a fairly |
14297s | similar armor control comp here but |
14298s | instead they've gone for two battleships |
14300s | instead of three but I feel like this |
14301s | match could fairly quickly devolve into |
14304s | an all-out brawl between these two armor |
14305s | control comps here obviously both comps |
14307s | are going to be set up so the other team |
14308s | is sort of forced to come into their |
14310s | range and that's going to result in both |
14311s | teams just |
14312s | I assume just bumping straight into each |
14314s | other and it's going to be a big blast |
14316s | off in the middle here |
14317s | yeah much like yesterday Brave has |
14319s | brought a laser and we get a Navy issue |
14321s | to make sure that they're not mixing |
14322s | their gun systems uh but this is the |
14324s | first time I think we've seen Armageddon |
14326s | Navy issue versus balgorn the old Newton |
14329s | King of the alliance tournament up |
14330s | against the new kid on the Block uh ship |
14333s | that some people haven't been super |
14334s | impressed with with the rapid heavy |
14336s | setup we'll say this is a gun valgorn so |
14338s | both of these ships will have two to |
14341s | three newts uh on them and similar |
14343s | amounts of labors are we got an AV doing |
14345s | more damage more new power coming out of |
14347s | the Bal Gore and that said we're about |
14348s | to get underway with the match I'm |
14350s | excited what about you oh I'm very |
14352s | excited I think the key point in this |
14354s | match is going to be uh aryayatulillah |
14356s | and the balgo and obviously the balcon |
14357s | we've seen so many times in the alliance |
14358s | tournament very very strong ship but I |
14360s | think in this scenario where you come up |
14361s | against lodgy frigates in this sort of |
14362s | very similar match up the power of those |
14364s | newts to just instantly cap out lodgy |
14366s | frigates and the ranged webs that makes |
14367s | it very very difficult for them to even |
14369s | exist anywhere remotely near their Fleet |
14371s | I will make it very very difficult for a |
14372s | brave Collective to actually get some |
14373s | sort of effective reps going so I feel |
14375s | like Brave may actually of these two |
14376s | teams want to try and keep more rain |
14377s | Ninja |
14378s | now both teams starting out just keeping |
14381s | range at the moment uh both teams |
14383s | burning back some damage going on to |
14384s | Arya on the start as ergonal and the |
14387s | pawn effects is taking some long range |
14388s | damage uh at present although but the |
14391s | ships being armor tanked it's just kind |
14393s | of plinking away as uh we're in for |
14396s | another long one uh the matches today |
14398s | are any indication of what happens in |
14400s | these armor control mirror matches yeah |
14402s | I think in this situation it's good to |
14403s | just try and try and sort of plink at |
14405s | something you know make sure the lodge |
14406s | is on the ball make sure the Fally r d |
14407s | can actually awake one of them hasn't |
14408s | deseed or all tabbed or something to |
14410s | play some gacha game |
14412s | um but they seem to be on the ball the |
14413s | punt effects of egg and all is holding |
14415s | just fine but these things are the kind |
14416s | of things that you can maybe you know |
14417s | get Lucky Strike from a militia Lucky |
14418s | Strike from a tempest Fleet and maybe |
14420s | you can take him down into half armor |
14421s | and you know if the stars align you |
14424s | could actually yeah Frank there and of |
14425s | course that then would snowball with the |
14426s | removal of links or you know |
14429s | yep big yikes taking the move kiting uh |
14433s | in a circular pattern towards Brave you |
14436s | start to burn a little bit more and you |
14438s | got to be careful about the range |
14439s | control as you mentioned Brave want to |
14441s | play a little bit further back they have |
14442s | a little bit better projection in this |
14444s | little Shack over the Tempest lead issue |
14446s | in the battle Gorn they're getting some |
14447s | more plank damage onto Arya at the |
14449s | moment but a lot of grazes uh a lot of |
14451s | glances at the moment not a whole lot of |
14453s | damage being put up for either of these |
14455s | teams we're almost two minutes to |
14456s | another match |
14457s | yeah at this point obviously there's not |
14459s | much hope of really killing anything for |
14460s | either of these teams unless they get a |
14461s | lucky shot on one of those small ships |
14463s | they're definitely not killing the |
14463s | Battleground in this soft scenario but |
14465s | they may just be aiming to sort of try |
14466s | and hopefully burn through some of those |
14468s | cat boosts on the Deacon of value but |
14470s | again I'm not even sure the DPS would be |
14471s | enough to even Force the Deacon and |
14473s | thala to actually use those cap charges |
14474s | at all to be honest |
14477s | uh Braves playing against some damage on |
14479s | the flying a bit in the Tempest leader |
14480s | she was Laden Redden also taking a bit |
14482s | of damage but once again oh nice volley |
14485s | onto the Deacon Lulu taken down into |
14487s | about 75 armor does get a shot but he's |
14492s | ripped back up and we're gonna get more |
14494s | just long range trades cover wrecking |
14497s | shots see what happens prayer and Jesus |
14499s | that are Val and the Magus gonna be |
14501s | taking some damage from uh big gecks in |
14504s | the meantime |
14505s | yes both teams still just trying to take |
14507s | it slow trying to break through anything |
14509s | they can you know get a lucky shot on |
14510s | but again both these comps are very |
14513s | similar in terms of control they're both |
14514s | neither of them is particularly they're |
14516s | effective at short range but they don't |
14518s | really want to be rushing in it's a it's |
14520s | a weird sort of scenario they're looking |
14521s | for the opening there as dynast does get |
14523s | caught down in slow armor there but Lilo |
14524s | and Les in the in the logif3 gets quick |
14526s | to wrap them back up again |
14528s | yeah and they're gonna keep on plugging |
14530s | away hoping to get a wrecking shot at |
14532s | the moment they're not gonna burn in in |
14533s | fact you can see uh 68 meters a second |
14537s | currently on Campbell Utah in The Lex |
14538s | Shack they're waiting for big X to make |
14540s | the moves first although they have to be |
14542s | careful about the acceleration they're |
14543s | cutting in now a little bit closer maybe |
14546s | trying to bite something out of the |
14547s | Brave team who is still playing very |
14549s | back and very close together |
14551s | yeah so while these two teams are just |
14553s | sort of slowly posturing I just wanted |
14555s | to ask you quickly uh what do you think |
14557s | about the the Heritage demand is he |
14559s | gonna hold |
14560s | here |
14565s | for a second he is barely holding me |
14567s | I've managed to he's burning away he's |
14569s | burning away but he is still taking |
14570s | chunks he's going down to low five |
14571s | percent armor and again he's down hey |
14573s | wow links off the table and importantly |
14575s | that's the long range webs out from the |
14577s | balgorner they solve Long Range Rovers |
14579s | so they won't have the web link for uh |
14582s | probably two minutes if he has Max link |
14583s | skills depending on when the link cycle |
14585s | went off uh that's actually pretty good |
14588s | also keeps some of the uh ability for |
14590s | these armor skips ships to be slippery |
14593s | off the table with the evasive maneuvers |
14595s | link off the table as well yeah I think |
14597s | what happened there from looking at his |
14598s | movement was he was trying to get out of |
14600s | range as opposed to trying to get up his |
14602s | transversal so I think he was burning |
14603s | sort of more away from these three |
14604s | battleships than sort of perpendicular |
14606s | to them and I think their tracking was |
14607s | fine and they got a couple of good shots |
14609s | on him obviously but now sleep gonna |
14610s | have Halo loaded but now yeah the exact |
14612s | Navy |
14612s | yeah big yikes has to be the one to |
14614s | commit now Brave have won the initial |
14616s | trade and they're just playing so slowly |
14618s | this retribution and this football's |
14620s | starting to burn in at the moment cable |
14622s | utta staying forward for the rest of the |
14624s | team is the tankiest one on his team can |
14626s | be under trouble from the Battleground |
14627s | remember this balcorn's got four guns on |
14629s | it so not the full nuding power |
14631s | meanwhile The Shack Army got Navy and |
14633s | Tempest Fleet are going to have a |
14634s | combination of probably around five |
14635s | maybe six newts between them uh to deal |
14639s | with what big yikes brings if they come |
14641s | into range yeah and of course the shack |
14643s | as well might have a cat battery might |
14644s | have a bunch of noses on it and of |
14646s | course all that stuff can be useful for |
14647s | keeping hardness going keeping the gun |
14648s | going |
14650s | um so it can be difficult to mute these |
14651s | ships out if you've only got just the |
14653s | battle going on the Tempest Fleet which |
14654s | neither of which actually have a new |
14655s | Range bonus |
14657s | yeah and they should have some big yikes |
14658s | they keep moving in and then moving out |
14660s | as this fitbull was taken down low has |
14662s | to run away the retribution had to do |
14664s | the same thing uh and now this Tempest |
14666s | Fleet issue this balgorn they're |
14668s | starting to move in alongside this OG |
14669s | Navy this might be the all-out brawl |
14671s | we're looking for cable UTSA finally |
14673s | taking some damage he's into his armor |
14675s | but the battle Gordon of Arya will be |
14677s | the primary now for brave Collective if |
14679s | they can take him off the field this |
14681s | might just be the snowball they need |
14682s | yeah this is it this is the committing |
14684s | to the fight |
14685s | um big yikes have seen they've lost the |
14687s | Magus they need to go in now and they |
14688s | did get the balcony webs on that little |
14689s | Shack there so we see cable to speed |
14691s | rapidly dropping the three battleships |
14693s | uh are burning in on top of him sorry |
14695s | the two battleships are burning on top |
14696s | of them and they're gonna stop pumping |
14697s | DPS but Aria is himself also taking |
14699s | chunks here from these other three |
14700s | battleships on the brave side |
14702s | yeah and if you can get them out before |
14703s | those bonus newts can stop the little |
14706s | shotgun it can be impossible to come |
14709s | back from uh losing such a powerful ship |
14712s | as the Battleground that said both these |
14713s | ships into armor 30 out from cable UTA |
14717s | Arya about half armor remaining uh |
14720s | damage is ramping up from cable though |
14722s | and this balgorn is not holding right |
14724s | now some damage going on to the logic |
14726s | frigates as well uh from the low end of |
14728s | Brave yeah this is really really bad for |
14730s | big yikes if this Battleground goes down |
14732s | here and I questioned whether that Magus |
14734s | kill early on might have actually |
14736s | changed the complexion of this match |
14737s | because if that Magus it depends where |
14739s | they had their links if they've got the |
14740s | armor links on the damnation it might |
14741s | not matter too much but if they had |
14742s | their armor links on the Magus then that |
14744s | may be the reason this Battleground is |
14746s | dropping so quickly and cable router is |
14748s | still kind of holding here and Aria is |
14750s | definitely not |
14751s | yeah Arya all the way in the hall this |
14753s | might be exactly what brave are looking |
14755s | for you know a team that comes out of a |
14758s | new Pro Alliance you might not expect it |
14760s | but the CMS tournament history and |
14762s | they're showing it right now up against |
14763s | this big guy Squad who really wants to |
14765s | face their English-speaking counterpart |
14767s | but that balcor instead and how braver |
14769s | and firm control the match yeah now |
14771s | three battleships against one they're |
14772s | looking at the Tempest Fleet and they're |
14773s | saying we can kill you pretty easily |
14775s | here the Shack's got to start his spool |
14776s | up again but the Tempest fleet's already |
14777s | in position they charged in he's not |
14779s | going to get out of range here again |
14781s | um and this Tempest is now sorry this Le |
14783s | Shack is now going to be free to start |
14784s | spooling up on him and pumping in the |
14785s | damage |
14787s | though |
14788s | yeah yeah you've always been traded from |
14790s | both teams yeah it's pretty much over at |
14794s | this point I mean you'd have to imagine |
14795s | the only DPS left on the field is uh |
14798s | damn Nation who does like what 600 700 |
14800s | DPS with hands and a tempest Fleet issue |
14802s | exact Navy I mean does quite a bit |
14804s | thousand if it's got blasters but you're |
14806s | still gotta chew through the shack they |
14808s | do take down this deacon at the very end |
14810s | so they are killing the brave low end |
14811s | but this Tempest Fleet issue of uh uh |
14814s | flan to bet if I'm pronouncing that |
14816s | correctly is already into one quarter |
14818s | armor yeah and I do believe this exact |
14820s | Navy is actually real fit he sat sort of |
14822s | 30 kilometers off the fight here |
14824s | um so he's not going to be pumping that |
14826s | a thousand DPS and this tempestly is now |
14828s | going to go down and of course once that |
14830s | goes down the DPS that's left for big |
14832s | yikes is going to be rather anemic here |
14833s | the damnation the exact Navy the Old |
14835s | Navy obviously they're not going to have |
14837s | the damage to break through the raw HP |
14839s | of these three battleships they may end |
14840s | up losing Cable in the process but it's |
14842s | not going to be enough |
14844s | no I don't think it would be enough and |
14846s | uh you were saying as this match started |
14849s | or as this commitment started how |
14851s | important was that made just kill and I |
14853s | kind of want to get your opinion how |
14854s | important do you think that Mages kill |
14855s | was uh for deciding this match I think |
14858s | it was I I think it was not I I would |
14862s | expect it to be unlikely that they had |
14863s | the armor links on the Mages but I think |
14864s | the more impactful point is that it put |
14866s | the onus on big yikes to go in and put |
14868s | themselves in a position that they maybe |
14869s | didn't want to be in they think I think |
14871s | they might have preferred for brave to |
14873s | need to come into them and sort of face |
14875s | the Battleground webs face the Cruisers |
14877s | screening them off face the retribution |
14878s | tackling something down but instead they |
14880s | were forced to go on the offensive and |
14881s | maybe a scenario they would have liked |
14883s | to be on the defensive and fight them |
14885s | coming into them |
14886s | and you mentioned on the start of the |
14888s | match Brave had to keep the range |
14889s | control had to uh play further back and |
14892s | they were able to do that to great |
14894s | effect waiting for big X as he said to |
14896s | commit on to them because of that Mages |
14898s | kill cable uto will finally go down uh |
14901s | perhaps he's probably screaming on comms |
14903s | there he is but I mean damnation simple |
14906s | retribution versus two battleships and a |
14908s | bunch of low end it is all over for big |
14910s | yikes they will go down to lower bracket |
14912s | but Brave they're now price ship |
14914s | enjoyers top 12. uh pretty well done for |
14917s | them |
14917s | yeah price ships in exchange for Le |
14920s | Shack and two lodgy frigates that sounds |
14921s | like a pretty good trade deal to me |
14924s | indeed maybe it's the best trade deal in |
14925s | the history of deals maybe ever uh |
14929s | sorry that reference probably doesn't |
14931s | land particularly well so they're not |
14933s | Americans and the crowd uh but either |
14936s | way we can talk a little bit about |
14937s | what's going on uh big yikes being |
14939s | knocked to the lower bracket I'm not |
14941s | exactly sure who they're up against I |
14943s | think it would be deep water hole |
14946s | against but I'm not sure |
14947s | I get the bracket up just now I think |
14950s | they would be up against |
14953s | uh yeah deep water Hooligans is correct |
14955s | so that would be a pretty interesting |
14957s | match for sure |
14959s | yeah and unfortunately we won't be able |
14961s | to see the local his primary English |
14963s | versus French match uh that would have |
14966s | been the narrative Perfection but |
14968s | instead uh Brave Collective moving on to |
14971s | face the AG winning Squad uh of lock |
14976s | range enjoyers in the upper bracket |
14978s | round three |
14985s | the damnation's gonna die oh never mind |
14987s | we it time's out send it back to the |
14989s | desk |
14994s | [Music] |
15028s | all right |
15029s | here |
15044s | connected Channel switched well it would |
15047s | have been a easy fight right but guess |
15049s | what dude I'm not if seeing it people |
15050s | can't get fit together |
15064s | thank you |
15067s | [Music] |
15074s | Brave Collective uh there with their |
15076s | second win of the tournament putting |
15078s | them to 2-0 and continuing their run |
15080s | through the winners bracket and also |
15083s | makes them price ship enjoyers which is |
15085s | good for them meanwhile big yikes drops |
15087s | down to the elimination bracket we will |
15089s | see them again at some point uh well |
15091s | they will be fighting to remain in the |
15093s | tournament uh Brave Fielding not the |
15095s | shack there a few of you asking in |
15097s | twitch chat about flagships and if you |
15100s | can make Flagship Le Shacks in fact you |
15102s | cannot you're not allowed to bring the |
15103s | shack the balgorn the rattlesnake and |
15106s | the Widow as flagships in Alliance |
15108s | tournament 18. Bart tell me a little bit |
15110s | about that |
15111s | uh I think that it was a rule that was |
15113s | created several years ago after we |
15116s | happened to have a like two-year streak |
15119s | of it just being balgorns and nothing |
15122s | else and uh the creators of the rules |
15126s | decided that hey maybe it's boring to |
15128s | just see balgorns like lots and lots and |
15130s | lots of belgorns and we got rid of the |
15132s | ability for balgorns to be fielded and |
15134s | for uh officer Webbs so for those who |
15137s | don't know a flagship is able to ignore |
15139s | certain fitting restrictions uh you |
15141s | can't put like an estimables and |
15143s | vulnerability on because that would be |
15144s | absolutely disgustingly overpowered but |
15146s | you can't put on like damage mods a lot |
15148s | of high slots some mid slots Etc |
15151s | nowadays you can put webs back on |
15153s | because it turns out that it was the |
15155s | balgorn plus the web that was the |
15157s | problem not necessarily the web uh you |
15159s | still can't do balgorns some people kind |
15161s | of are like yeah well maybe we should be |
15163s | able to do that again but it's a it's |
15165s | been a pretty good change in my opinion |
15167s | like I like seeing not balgorns |
15169s | I like vindicators we've been seeing a |
15171s | lot of indicators since Vargas I think |
15172s | we saw again earlier today and in |
15175s | general I don't know it's a pretty good |
15176s | change to me like seeing just I think uh |
15179s | there was one year that it was uh like |
15180s | 60 balgorns out of 64 teams for the |
15183s | flagships and you're just like okay |
15185s | this is cool I guess |
15187s | it wasn't cool thank you now I I see bbp |
15191s | I also see ccpb |
15194s | um who joins us back on the desk hello |
15195s | how are you I'm very good how are you |
15197s | very well thank you no one ever asks me |
15199s | yeah like I ask everybody else and they |
15201s | always start talking about themselves no |
15203s | one ever turns around and asks me how I |
15204s | am so thank you it's nice to be seen for |
15206s | a change uh how are you enjoying the |
15208s | matches today I'm loving it I'm having a |
15210s | blast watching them any favors any |
15211s | highlights |
15213s | um honestly yesterday's match with the |
15215s | uh the battle Badger I was really hyped |
15217s | about |
15218s | um but today I mean they've been they've |
15220s | been very good ones they've been back |
15221s | and forth that you know we've been in |
15223s | there watching all kinds of matches you |
15225s | have a very good sense for uh for which |
15228s | ones are gonna happen and how they're |
15229s | gonna happen you're completely called |
15231s | the Odin's one you're like exactly |
15233s | called like which ships if it's this |
15235s | comp they're gonna win and you call it |
15236s | perfectly it's been it's been fun |
15238s | hanging out and watching with you |
15240s | awesome awesome now |
15242s | um a little interesting fact that I've |
15244s | just been told |
15245s | um is that that match their uh brief |
15247s | Collective one they were blue on the |
15249s | screen uh first match of the day except |
15251s | pandemic Legion where the blue side has |
15253s | one every other match today the red side |
15256s | has won now cpb when you were writing |
15259s | the script for Alliance tournament did |
15260s | you consider perhaps making it more |
15261s | random no we we're we like that color |
15265s | there you are script confirmed |
15269s | um now let's look at our next match |
15270s | actually uh because we are going into |
15272s | the elimination matches now so these |
15274s | matches coming up are going to be ones |
15276s | where if these teams lose they are gone |
15277s | they go home uh I'm pretty sure these |
15279s | guys have not uh got themselves price |
15282s | ships yet but by winning they're getting |
15284s | one little bit closer and they might get |
15286s | them early next week so the band's |
15288s | coming up right now for arrival versus |
15290s | hidden Leaf Village let's take a look at |
15292s | those |
15294s | so arrival Banning our Ishtar Arthur's |
15296s | Osprey Navy issue and hidden Leaf |
15299s | Village uh Ninja Banning out the Loki |
15301s | the curse and the Armageddon Navy issue |
15303s | Bart take me through the arrival bands |
15305s | here what's going on you know the |
15307s | arrival bands are something that if you |
15308s | had asked if you'd showed me this on |
15310s | Friday before the tournament started I |
15311s | would have said oh they clearly don't |
15313s | want to be fighting anything kaidi but |
15316s | what we've actually been seeing |
15317s | throughout the last two days is sort of |
15318s | this emergence of the caldari hamrush |
15321s | where people are actually flying things |
15322s | like orthos's Osprey navies caracal |
15325s | navies as heavy assault missile ships |
15327s | and you know traditionally for the last |
15330s | several years you would think that it's |
15331s | a rapid light kiting ship which is |
15333s | generally what you would see them as on |
15334s | TQ but I think that you know now that |
15338s | looking at what this new lens that we |
15339s | have I think that it really and truly is |
15341s | that they don't want to be rushed and |
15343s | the Ishtar is in there because drones I |
15346s | guess I'm not really sure about the |
15347s | Ishtar but the other two like I'm trying |
15348s | to like interpret it as caldari Rush is |
15351s | scary and they don't want to fight it |
15353s | and tcvb um in your experience like |
15356s | roaming around and TQ and stuff the |
15357s | Osprey and AV issue it's a super good uh |
15359s | like nanogang ship yeah |
15361s | um like why do why do people like flying |
15364s | them so much on DQ |
15366s | um I think it's the fact that you can |
15367s | fit an xlhp and a large extender uh it |
15369s | just makes you crazy buffer tanky at the |
15371s | same time as being an active tank uh |
15374s | rapid lights deal with anything I try |
15375s | and rush you |
15376s | um just an all-around super good chip to |
15378s | learn how to cut because you don't have |
15380s | to think about |
15380s | tracking you just you know [ __ ] missions |
15383s | of people and they die that's always |
15385s | good when you shoot that's what people |
15386s | and they die we've seen plenty of teams |
15388s | uh today shooting missiles of people and |
15390s | having them not die which is uh pretty |
15393s | sub-optimal as team strategies go uh |
15396s | Blackberry pirate who do you think's |
15397s | gonna win here no arrival of uh faced |
15399s | some pretty strong teams like knocked |
15400s | down to the lower bracket by truth on |
15402s | the light |
15403s | um and hidden Leaf Village ninja |
15405s | Etc have lost their Flagship battle |
15408s | earth like I said bar guest uh what's |
15410s | your thoughts on this matchup yeah I I |
15412s | do like arrival um I think they got kind |
15415s | of a they got a rough like a rough thing |
15417s | and we've talked about it before like |
15418s | you can get kind of screwed over by the |
15420s | bracket sometimes and getting truth |
15424s | honor light right off the bat is not a |
15427s | good thing I think arrival didn't really |
15428s | have an opportunity to show their |
15430s | strengths and I actually think they're |
15432s | the better team here mostly because the |
15435s | Naruto role players kind of sucked the |
15437s | last time we saw them um specifically we |
15439s | uh saw some interesting flagship |
15440s | piloting where a ship that goes twice as |
15442s | fast as another ship was caught by the |
15444s | ship that does not go twice as fast as |
15446s | the other ship so |
15448s | I don't know it's a little little weird |
15450s | maybe uh maybe I'm betting on a rival |
15453s | here and I also don't like Naruto role |
15454s | players and csvb if you have to pick one |
15457s | of these teams is it going to be uh I'm |
15459s | gonna have to put my uh my vote on the |
15461s | opposite I'm gonna go with uh with ball |
15464s | trim and his gamer energy just going I |
15467s | can game it I believe in you yes all |
15471s | right well it's time to go to the arena |
15473s | to see arrival versus hidden Leaf |
15475s | Village Ninja Assassin Squad Esports |
15478s | team uh so yeah let's go see |
15481s | foreign |
15486s | welcome back everybody to the arena my |
15488s | name is fear I'm with the Basilisk and |
15489s | on the blue side we have hiddenly |
15491s | Village Ninja Assassin Squad Esports |
15493s | bringing a balgorn but not any more |
15497s | battleships some armor control perhaps |
15500s | maybe some armor brawling they have a |
15502s | sack they have an Absolution they have |
15504s | in a star day this is a bit different |
15506s | than what we expect I think from a lot |
15508s | of teams when we see a BAL Gordon uh |
15511s | meanwhile what have a rival dot brought |
15514s | this looks to me like a shield kite comp |
15516s | I believe those are heavy missiles on |
15518s | the Nighthawk uh of course they've got |
15519s | gilas as well commonly kiting jackdaw |
15521s | commonly kiting in the high enough for |
15522s | range controls so I expect |
15524s | um arrival to try and keep as much range |
15526s | here as possible but I don't know how |
15527s | easy that's going to be against uh |
15529s | obviously the long range balcon webs but |
15531s | they may also have ewall Supremacy here |
15533s | with the two jackdolls um as we've |
15534s | discussed earlier jacked or generally |
15536s | tends to win the damn war against the |
15538s | carries |
15539s | yeah Jack tall is incredibly strong uh |
15542s | at the moment I think uh maybe the |
15545s | strongest chip in the tournament that |
15547s | isn't worth Banning out uh you can feel |
15549s | an armor comps you can feel it on Old |
15551s | comps always brings a lot of e-war mids |
15554s | and utility and as you mentioned wins |
15556s | The Damp War versus the carries that |
15557s | said armor brawl in a non-battleship |
15560s | form something that I have yet to see |
15562s | this Alliance tournament Harkens back to |
15564s | some older tournaments and also at the |
15567s | time Brave got knocked out by b-sod in |
15569s | the feeders last year yes so I'll be |
15571s | totally honest here uh hidden Lee |
15573s | Village we're planning on bringing |
15574s | something else and I |
15576s | bigger than bitched and poked at boltram |
15579s | to make them bring this I thought this |
15580s | was the optimal comp to bring given the |
15581s | bands given the setup given the meta so |
15583s | if we lose it's entirely on me and if we |
15585s | win it's also entirely on me so please |
15587s | win |
15588s | uh as we can see definitely not biased |
15592s | casters whatsoever in the last match and |
15594s | definitely not basilisk uh this match |
15596s | that said uh some moves being made this |
15599s | balgorn playing the furthest forward of |
15601s | Henley Village I think they have to get |
15603s | the Bell Gardens before they actually |
15604s | commit on top of the shield kite comp |
15606s | from a rival dot that said uh Shield |
15609s | kite they've got hmls they should be |
15611s | able to apply it to some of these |
15612s | Cruisers but they are armor Cruisers a |
15615s | little bit harder to apply to with hmls |
15617s | than something like Shield Cruisers yeah |
15619s | I'm not sure I would count this armor |
15620s | comp that we're building as a as a brawl |
15622s | comp here I think there is Range Guns |
15624s | there's beams on the Absolution there's |
15625s | rails and they're starting there's |
15626s | obviously heavy lasers on the balcon so |
15628s | I think it wants to operate in a sort of |
15629s | range of like 30 40 kilometers if |
15631s | possible but as you say the bowel gone |
15633s | needs to be leading the charge they need |
15635s | to get webs on something from that |
15636s | Battleground and then they can start to |
15637s | break through it and make progress in |
15638s | the match here but obviously the shield |
15640s | kite comp may be a bit tricky to get |
15641s | hold of |
15642s | see this is why I should have had you |
15644s | introduce their cop and be like Oh yeah |
15646s | this this is like rails and beams |
15648s | because I've seen the start ad I'm just |
15650s | like oh yeah that's blasters every |
15651s | single time uh either way though I mean |
15654s | both teams playing with their range at |
15656s | the moment this belgor and once again |
15657s | staying forward but we see this hyena |
15659s | cutting around the outside he wants to |
15661s | find his way on maybe this purifier |
15662s | maybe this carries uh playing on the |
15665s | back lines of the hiddenly village Ninja |
15667s | Assassin Squad Esports teams that's a |
15669s | mouthful uh |
15672s | team we we do see the astarter taking |
15674s | some damage here but I think he's got an |
15676s | active repo so he seems to be okay for |
15677s | now and I think he needs to just wait |
15678s | until the logic 3 gets get in range of |
15680s | course the Deacon Valley don't have the |
15681s | best range uh on the other side of the |
15682s | Grid at the moment Asuka and Neo but |
15684s | should be closing in shortly and be able |
15686s | to keep him up but this jacked on out of |
15688s | rosmaus has taken some chunks through |
15689s | Shield here |
15691s | yeah and she'll jacked off not as tanky |
15694s | as perhaps in previous tournaments as |
15696s | there are tracking disruptors on it so |
15699s | at least one probably two of the med |
15700s | slots are being used for that but he's |
15702s | still able to go into defensive mode and |
15704s | kind of get his sake down and starts |
15707s | healing back up to full yeah this may |
15709s | require an mjd player here from the |
15711s | balcony many to line something up to get |
15713s | him range here and get a web on |
15714s | something because at the moment they |
15714s | just seem to be getting kited around |
15717s | um pretty ineffective so far the |
15718s | sacrilege of Zara has taken a bunch of |
15720s | chunks here but I don't know if he still |
15721s | has his ADC of course the logic frigates |
15723s | may not be on top of him as well |
15724s | obviously sacrilege very very tanky hack |
15726s | but they're still just trying to break |
15727s | the purify just gets instantly valid |
15729s | here off the field Dune one goes down |
15731s | yeah that's exactly uh what they were |
15734s | looking for but at the same time the |
15735s | rosmers profit now into armor in the |
15738s | jackdaw that's a good destruction if you |
15740s | want to get the e-war Off the Grid but |
15742s | that's still a huge chunk of damage uh |
15744s | from hiddenly Village that has been |
15746s | taken off I think apparently on his webs |
15750s | he's going down this jackdaw's going to |
15751s | go down here they've caught him can they |
15752s | catch anything in the aftermath of this |
15754s | this is |
15756s | up to 75 Shield he lives |
15759s | structure remaining he's back up to full |
15762s | shield and now this Deacon being taken |
15765s | off the grid now from arrival dot on to |
15768s | hiddenly Village oh my God that Jack |
15770s | does survive just barely and now he's |
15772s | completely caught raps he has but I |
15775s | don't know how long he can catch here |
15776s | obviously the shield kite team can't |
15777s | come back for him and the rest of hidden |
15779s | Leaf ninja Village is closing in on him |
15781s | here the Estates arrived on the scene |
15782s | the sacrilees just showed up they're all |
15784s | showing up to blob on this Jack door |
15785s | here but the carries in the meantime of |
15787s | dreaded vengeance is going down |
15789s | yeah this could actually be uh just |
15792s | jacked off staying so low but it'll also |
15794s | this Deacon being chunked down to half |
15796s | armor the carius goes down now the |
15798s | Deacon almost in the structure and the |
15800s | rossmer's profit still stays alive |
15803s | now it's getting punished |
15806s | this is unbelievable they've got the |
15808s | jackdaw right in the middle of them and |
15809s | they just can't they can't kill it and |
15811s | it's ejector it's ejector |
15813s | you have Nathalia is good and go down as |
15815s | well finally he falls but he bought so |
15817s | much time trading himself for a purifier |
15819s | a carries and two lodgy frigates that is |
15822s | that's disastrous that's really |
15824s | disastrous hiddenly village now facing |
15828s | and they exit from the alliance |
15830s | tournament and on on my head beer |
15833s | an unbelievable perhaps the professor |
15836s | goes down as well I just don't |
15837s | understand how that jackdaw lived so |
15839s | long as you saw a five percent structure |
15841s | and then he got wrapped up to 100 the |
15843s | rest of his team was on the other side |
15844s | of the grid and still he held and still |
15846s | he held |
15848s | and it's exactly what you needed the |
15850s | semi just coming and completely clutch |
15852s | staggering the Reps exactly as needed to |
15855s | keep that jacket this Nighthawk is now |
15858s | caught on hiddenly fillers do still have |
15859s | to be fair their top end here they do |
15861s | still have the bowel gone the two |
15862s | command ships and the sacrilege they are |
15864s | on top of this Nighthawk they've got for |
15865s | the full damage raining down on him they |
15866s | got the newts they got the webs on him |
15867s | if they can catch something else they |
15869s | may actually be able to win on points |
15870s | here these Shield kite comps we see the |
15872s | dealers the jackdels it's not huge DPS |
15874s | it's good at taking out small stuff in |
15876s | this sort of fly killer setup but it |
15877s | doesn't have the massive DPS to deal |
15879s | with bigger ship health bars although of |
15881s | course without lodgy on the hidden Leaf |
15883s | side anymore this is starting is now |
15884s | going down into half armor they are |
15885s | going to try and break through him first |
15887s | yeah going for the Nighthawk though it's |
15888s | the tankiest ship from the arrival dot |
15891s | side and he's into half Shield he's got |
15893s | a local Shield rep it looks like no |
15895s | actually he's just got a semi on him |
15896s | they started I mean you mentioned he has |
15898s | the local rep to maybe keep him alive |
15900s | for a little bit longer but eventually |
15901s | he's gonna run out of Ansel charges and |
15903s | this Nighthawk is holding around the |
15905s | natural Shield reach end point |
15907s | he is the I'll still say he's burning |
15909s | away he's gonna get away from those hams |
15910s | on the Nighthawk but as you say he's |
15912s | only got so many charges he's got red |
15913s | bots on him but I don't know if he's |
15914s | gonna be able to pick back up fully |
15915s | enough he's still cycling through them I |
15917s | don't know how many he's got left maybe |
15918s | three or four Cycles left he's still |
15920s | just about hanging in there but this |
15921s | Nighthawk is going to go down of handsy |
15922s | babes eventually the newt's been on him |
15924s | for a while he's gonna run out of cap |
15925s | he's going to lose those hard on us but |
15926s | after that happens there's four minutes |
15928s | left in the match obviously the whole |
15929s | team is bunched up on this Nighthawk and |
15931s | they're still going to be behind in |
15932s | points they need to catch something else |
15933s | but I don't know what they can catch |
15936s | howling wind and the semi though |
15938s | complete MVP of the tournament are not |
15940s | the tournament of this match thus far |
15941s | he's kept that jackdaw alive for so long |
15943s | and he's keeping hansy Barbers a line uh |
15946s | alive for a lot longer than you would |
15948s | expect under the pressure of this |
15949s | balgorn uh |
15952s | neutralizers sorry the words aren't uh |
15955s | getting to me right now but this match |
15957s | is already on a knife's edge although it |
15960s | does look like one more slip up from |
15962s | hiddenly Village will spell their Doom |
15964s | they're about to signal is going down |
15966s | the red Bots were assigned to the |
15968s | astarte but now they're having to burn |
15969s | back the sacrage but he's going down he |
15970s | can't I think I assume he's already ADC |
15972s | maybe he's just hit the button he |
15973s | stopped dropping on I know he's going |
15974s | down through hull he's going to go down |
15975s | here it's just gonna be three left and |
15976s | the Nighthawk is still holding oh my |
15978s | goodness |
15979s | MVP Scimitar I want to know how much he |
15983s | was on these reps from howling wins but |
15987s | now it's a bell Gordon into star day and |
15988s | an Absolution as you mentioned these are |
15990s | rails these are uh beams these are not |
15993s | super Dai DPS battle Cruisers and |
15996s | Comanche chips that we are so used to |
15998s | seeing in this tournament now Hydro zero |
15999s | and the balgorn he is the primary from a |
16002s | rival hiddenly Village I don't think |
16004s | they can make this one I think it's |
16006s | already over and they're gonna get |
16008s | knocked out of the tournament 0-2 yeah |
16010s | well one two come on man one two sorry |
16012s | my hook is the Nighthawk is indeed |
16014s | catching Shields though I think the DPS |
16015s | isn't enough to break through anymore |
16017s | and yeah this is unfortunately for me |
16018s | gonna be the end of hiddenly villages |
16020s | tournament run |
16022s | uh I mean still big yikes very scary |
16025s | team to lose to uh had a respectable win |
16028s | earlier on but arrival as the |
16030s | commentators on the desk were mentioning |
16032s | they got the short end of the stick |
16033s | going right up against truth on her |
16035s | light in the first round not showing |
16036s | what they can do and this is another |
16038s | thing this is a team where as Weekend |
16040s | Warriors they were known for taking out |
16041s | teams that people thought were better |
16043s | than them uh and so now that we've seen |
16047s | them in the tournaments doing well maybe |
16049s | it's time to stop underestimating this |
16051s | team |
16052s | yeah this is a strong showing as you say |
16054s | against against truth on a light any |
16056s | team would would struggle to beat them |
16057s | obviously them probably the most |
16058s | competent team in the tournament if not |
16060s | assuredly the most competent team and I |
16062s | feel like this is a tricky matchup here |
16063s | I I was given the bands I thought you |
16066s | know arrival have totally outplayed me |
16068s | here to be honest I mean given the |
16070s | band's authorous Osprey Navy it's a set |
16072s | of bands that you think okay Shield kite |
16073s | is well I mean that sort of hampers it |
16076s | quite a lot but they've brought out the |
16076s | gilas the Navy Drake this combo |
16079s | um they've worked around the bands |
16080s | expertly here and brought out a very |
16081s | competent Shield kite setup and executed |
16083s | to perfection |
16084s | yeah just really high execution really |
16087s | could uh read on the meta and uh good |
16090s | read of bands we'll say goodbye to |
16092s | Hidden Leaf Village Ninja Assassin Squad |
16094s | Esports the team is silent uh |
16097s | unfortunately gonna end their run one |
16098s | and two uh tiers will be shed by my |
16102s | co-commentator I am sure of it the |
16105s | starting last one to go down about a |
16106s | minute left in the match any final words |
16108s | before we send it back to the desk |
16110s | yeah I'm sorry boys this one's on me |
16112s | [Music] |
16113s | uh you heard it here first blame Baza |
16117s | for everything that has ever gone wrong |
16118s | ever in the history of Eve not just this |
16121s | match uh no but yeah congratulations to |
16124s | arrival it was a well-deserved win of |
16126s | course that jacked all tanking for so |
16127s | long I think that may have been a |
16128s | critical point of the match there if I |
16129s | could break that Jack door and quickly |
16131s | move on to something else |
16133s | um you know that they may have been able |
16135s | to catch something else that was nearby |
16136s | keep snowballing the advantage but the |
16137s | jackdaw of roswell's profit living so |
16139s | long as you say howlinguin doing |
16140s | absolute God's work there in the Simi |
16142s | keeping him alive for so long in this |
16144s | match |
16145s | yeah and this is the strength of good |
16146s | lodgy Pilots as well uh something that a |
16149s | lot of people don't necessarily think |
16151s | about until the at is how good are your |
16153s | laundry Pilots because a good lodgy |
16155s | pilot can make a team that said that's |
16157s | all time we have for this match we're |
16158s | gonna send back to the desk and then |
16159s | when we return we will bring back |
16161s | nanofiber tokens versus pandemic Legion |
16167s | [Music] |
16175s | foreign |
16187s | Yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
16190s | collectively so that's why that Alliance |
16192s | logo is in the game of course you could |
16194s | change your alliance by leaving but that |
16196s | would be kind of a jerk move that kind |
16198s | of oh you don't like it now sucks I'm |
16201s | gonna go join |
16209s | foreign |
16244s | [Music] |
16249s | arrival there taking the W as they eject |
16253s | baltrum and his gamer energy from |
16255s | Alliance tournament 18 uh in a bit of an |
16258s | upset match uh we saw some excellent |
16261s | kiting there in that match uh to stay |
16262s | away and of course we'll come back to |
16264s | that Jack though Bart talk to me about |
16266s | what happened there in that match |
16267s | yeah it was a really really good example |
16269s | of a kiting setup I mean we're seeing a |
16272s | lot of these same ships during uh these |
16274s | caldari rushes with heavy assault |
16276s | missiles uh this specific time we saw it |
16278s | as a kiting setup we saw the healers |
16280s | which I think we talked a little bit |
16281s | about where it's not quite as effective |
16284s | as some people would think but I mean |
16286s | honestly just the range control |
16287s | especially against something as |
16288s | dangerous as like a balgor and |
16290s | especially as something as long range as |
16292s | it started it was just really incredible |
16294s | piloting on the arrival side and they |
16296s | just did a fantastic job yeah and uh |
16299s | share it to howling wind in that |
16301s | Scimitar which is doing absolute Heroes |
16303s | work in fact that jackdaw um that's just |
16306s | hung on to dear life we have a graph we |
16309s | can show you about some of that uh that |
16311s | excellent surviving that he did let's |
16313s | see if we can throw that one up on |
16314s | stream right now |
16318s | so we can see here um his Hull he had 30 |
16323s | hit points remaining uh when he was |
16325s | caught by howling wind which is exactly |
16327s | 29 more than he needed so pretty much |
16330s | perfectly and he managed to tank 32 000 |
16333s | damage in that fight uh so fantastic |
16336s | work just prolonging the life of that |
16338s | jackdaw howling wind there and basically |
16340s | almost |
16341s | securing the victory that was two |
16343s | minutes that he kept that jackdaw alive |
16344s | when by all right it should have been |
16346s | dead I mean that's like one small |
16348s | drone's worth of damage right there that |
16350s | just wasn't applied at the last minute |
16352s | CCP how how big a deal do you think that |
16354s | was there that was absolutely huge I |
16356s | mean the fact that he didn't just |
16358s | immediately had deleted and and they |
16360s | tried and tried for like you said |
16362s | another two minutes on top that was the |
16363s | game changer that is the reason they |
16365s | lost they kept on it and he just tagged |
16367s | like a champ he tanked like eight champ |
16369s | indeed now um one of the things that |
16371s | happens a lot in their last tournament |
16373s | is people shoot missiles at each other |
16375s | um so let's take a little bit of a look |
16377s | at some of the mechanics behind the |
16379s | missiles so range is obviously a very |
16381s | important thing in the alliance |
16383s | tournament so the Missile Range is |
16384s | pretty much flight time by velocity so |
16386s | if you have a faster missile it will go |
16388s | further if it has a longer flight time |
16389s | it also goes further what you can do of |
16391s | course though is outrun missiles so |
16393s | they'll only go as far |
16395s | um as uh well what you see here on the |
16396s | screen if you're able to get outside |
16398s | that range you can actually kite to the |
16400s | missile this also works inside circles |
16402s | like this so for example if you go right |
16404s | in the circle you can just run out of |
16405s | the range of that missile |
16407s | um and you know that's a good thing and |
16409s | then you're not getting hit by the |
16410s | missile um and then you will survive |
16412s | from the shot of those missiles |
16420s | of course what else can happen is the |
16422s | application of said missiles so let's |
16424s | have a look at that one and Bart walk us |
16425s | through this |
16427s | yeah absolutely so the missile damage |
16430s | it's 100 based off of both the ship's |
16432s | signature radius and how fast the ship's |
16434s | going and there is a two separate uh |
16437s | things for this we have explosion |
16438s | velocity and explosion radius depending |
16440s | on like a lot of different things |
16443s | specifically like if there's an mwd on |
16446s | or not if there's Shield extenders or |
16447s | not there's all sorts of little tiny |
16448s | nuanced things that can make missiles do |
16451s | a significant more or less damage which |
16453s | uh incidentally is why we're seeing |
16455s | guidance disruptors so good in this |
16457s | tournament because they affect both the |
16460s | flight time and the application of the |
16462s | missiles at the same time and as you saw |
16464s | with that sort of range thing when you |
16467s | affect the flight time on the missiles |
16468s | it does this like very interesting |
16470s | calculation and just completely destroys |
16472s | their range it's really cool awesome so |
16475s | that was like I said unfortunately we |
16477s | say goodbye to the hidden Leaf Village |
16478s | Ninja Assassin uh Squad Esports team |
16481s | team as they are not going to be price |
16484s | ship enjoyers they are going home |
16486s | um and arrival move forward in their run |
16489s | through the elimination bracket now |
16491s | let's look at our next match which is |
16492s | going to be Polaris mercenary Alliance |
16494s | versus Exodus Polaris mercenary Alliance |
16497s | here Banning out the Bargas the curse |
16499s | the Scimitar X does Banning Armageddon |
16501s | bar guest and curse because both teams |
16504s | chose to ban the barges and the curse we |
16506s | have some trickle bands so Polaris |
16508s | mercenary Alliance Banning out the |
16509s | jackdaw and the Scorpion Navy issue CC |
16511s | Swift will be very upset about that and |
16513s | X is banning at the Nighthawk and the |
16515s | hyena |
16516s | ccpb what do you what do you think about |
16519s | these bands |
16521s | I mean we're seeing the Bargas being |
16523s | banned it's been a very very positive |
16525s | popular ship same with the curse |
16528s | um I'm not really sure what kind of |
16530s | comps you're going to be going for |
16531s | what do you think Bart |
16533s | uh it's it is kind of hard to tell I |
16535s | think that a lot of this is sort of a |
16536s | like a historical ban thing more of a uh |
16540s | more than than picking stuff that they |
16542s | think is strong or weak uh specifically |
16545s | Exodus is like very well known for doing |
16549s | missile based stuff um I did say last |
16550s | time I was like oh Exodus is very well |
16552s | known for missile kite and then they |
16553s | rushed but you know the ships are kind |
16555s | of similar when you think about it and |
16556s | one of the biggest shutdowns for that |
16558s | are other cutting comps and curses |
16561s | um so you know we've seen the Chris band |
16563s | a ton of time we saw it used to |
16564s | absolutely insane effect by Odin's call |
16567s | earlier today which I think is one of |
16568s | the first times we saw it through and |
16570s | like that match alone showcased just how |
16572s | powerful this ship is so |
16575s | yeah it's it makes sense I mean we are |
16578s | seeing a lot of repeat bands we're |
16579s | seeing a meta develop we're going to |
16580s | probably see a much bigger one uh later |
16582s | uh in this uh tournament so we're |
16584s | looking right now at the team history of |
16586s | the Polaris management Alliance this is |
16587s | actually uh their first Alliance |
16589s | tournament uh we can see here that |
16590s | they've won against boundary experts and |
16592s | lost against the tuskers code so pretty |
16594s | reasonable to lose against the tuskers |
16596s | to be fair uh giving them a 50 uh win |
16599s | rate uh not much to look at here because |
16601s | they're a new team so let's have a look |
16602s | at Exodus |
16606s | extra 61 Pilots have flown for them over |
16609s | the years uh some are flying in over 50 |
16611s | different rounds of the alliance |
16613s | tournament uh they win a bunch certainly |
16615s | more than they lose I believe they are a |
16617s | Alliance Tournament winning team at some |
16618s | point uh recently they've won against |
16620s | cast about Odin's call forsaken Empire |
16623s | Wormhole society and no handlebars and |
16625s | to match the teams they lose against are |
16627s | pretty strong teams lock range enjoyers |
16629s | l-trig Platinum sensitivity also in mind |
16632s | and the tuskers in quick one word |
16634s | predictions bar who's going to win here |
16636s | is it going to be uh Exodus or is it |
16638s | going to be Polaris measurement Alliance |
16639s | Exodus on CCP I have to say the same |
16642s | Exodus and let's do I so let's go to the |
16644s | arena and find out who it will win |
16651s | welcome back to the arena my name is |
16653s | fear weiner I'm joined by the Basilisk |
16655s | and on the blue side we have Exodus dot |
16658s | bringing armor control with some high |
16660s | projection with an apoc Navy and an |
16662s | abedin or a badon or however you want to |
16664s | pronounce it what have Polaris scenario |
16667s | Alliance brought |
16668s | they have brought while on the surface |
16670s | seems to be a rather strange composition |
16672s | and I still need to inspect the guns as |
16674s | the team's only recently landed on the |
16675s | grid to actually ascertain what this |
16677s | comp does although I imagine with The |
16678s | Vindicator it's not going to be a kite |
16680s | comp that's almost for sure so I imagine |
16681s | therefore it must uh by process |
16684s | elimination be effectively a shield Rush |
16685s | comp here but it's sort of a kitchen |
16687s | sinky kind of Shield Rush with The |
16689s | Vindicator with of course two Battleship |
16691s | core |
16692s | Shield brush sort of combo |
16695s | yeah the shield Vindicator not something |
16697s | we see all that often outside of certain |
16698s | incursion groups uh one of the things |
16701s | about The Vindicator is that you can put |
16703s | multiple uh webs bonus webs onto it in |
16706s | those Med slots and take advantage of |
16708s | the large amount of low slots to put |
16710s | armor and damage but uh as seen in some |
16713s | incursion communities you can forsake |
16715s | all the armor hit points and some of the |
16717s | webbing power to just put boat loads of |
16720s | damage mods in the lows so I'm |
16722s | interested to see how paper this |
16723s | Vindicator actually is uh especially |
16726s | when up against the neuting pressure of |
16727s | this balgorn yeah to be fair it's fair |
16730s | enough I mean given the vindicator's web |
16731s | strength 90 on a Tech 2 web you only |
16734s | needed one of them really on your |
16735s | primary |
16736s | um so if if they can use that and get |
16738s | hooped heaps of damage out of it heaps |
16740s | more damage from all the damage mods |
16741s | from tracking enhancers maybe a nano |
16743s | fiber this sort of stuff that might help |
16745s | it get onto the Target that might |
16746s | actually be a valid strategy here for |
16747s | the shield indicator in this trash comp |
16749s | you know that's balgorn of uh zarzal uh |
16753s | has four guns on it |
16755s | though he will have that available to |
16757s | him |
16758s | at the very least but he has warped in |
16761s | at 30. |
16763s | and uh the vindicators add zero |
16766s | yes the match is about to get underway |
16767s | but I'm concerned some of the Polaris |
16769s | mercenary Alliance about the presence of |
16771s | this bowel gone because the Battleground |
16772s | is ideal for webbing off the windy the |
16774s | windy needs of course to get in |
16776s | um but yeah the bowel gone obviously |
16777s | long range webs is sort of almost the |
16779s | perfect camp for that and immediately we |
16780s | see webs come out onto the Vindicator of |
16782s | light Heaven immediately stopping his |
16783s | speed and those blasters are going to be |
16785s | doing basically nothing from that range |
16787s | no they will not some damage going on |
16789s | with zarzal Nightblade though uh from |
16791s | this bar guest at the very least we can |
16793s | take a look at the attack bar Polaris |
16794s | mercenary Alliance has the girthiest of |
16796s | them but they need to get in range in |
16798s | order to make that happen but this is |
16799s | devolving into an all-out brawl at the |
16801s | moment the battleborn right on top of |
16803s | the bar I guess who is uh also uh |
16806s | currently saying |
16808s | any other battleships there no it's just |
16810s | about going the bar I guess at the |
16811s | moment the bar guest pulling range he's |
16813s | trying to just get away from the rest of |
16815s | these battleships I think at the moment |
16817s | this is exactly the right call from |
16819s | Polaris Missionary Alliance they need to |
16820s | get rid of this bow go and they need to |
16822s | get rid of those range webs and allow |
16823s | this Vindicator to actually take part in |
16825s | the matches so although The Vindicator |
16826s | may not be on top of them at the moment |
16828s | they are still breaking with the rest of |
16829s | their DPS they do of course have ample |
16831s | other DPS ships the bar guest the slept |
16833s | near all the Cruisers and they are all |
16834s | on top of the bowel gone and pumping |
16836s | through him but I don't know how long |
16838s | it's going to take to get him how much |
16839s | they're going to lose in the process an |
16840s | exercise Fleet issue is going to go down |
16842s | having already lost the Navy caracal |
16844s | yeah mechanical Navy huge CPS for points |
16846s | we talked about the Buffs that came to |
16848s | it slightly issue was already good |
16849s | before the Buffs and they take down |
16851s | that's life leader she would now this |
16853s | burst as well T1 frigate logic not very |
16855s | effective in terms of the repping power |
16857s | not very uh tanky either this burst |
16861s | nearly falling he's in very low |
16863s | structure as a continuing work onto the |
16865s | Scythe Fleet issue and now zarzal the |
16867s | DPS has run out for Polaris mercenary |
16871s | Alliance Vindicator not on top of him |
16872s | and he has wrapped back up almost all to |
16874s | fall yeah and of course the old girl in |
16876s | this sort of situation is under zero |
16878s | pressure at all he's not being rushed |
16879s | obviously it's not a control setup from |
16881s | the scenery so they haven't got any |
16882s | control to actually put on him either no |
16883s | like ewall to damp him out or or even |
16886s | switch targets onto him so he's just |
16888s | putting his full rep power onto this bow |
16889s | gun and in the meanwhile Polaris are |
16892s | just bleeding ships so that burst almost |
16893s | went down I think they've switched onto |
16895s | the Bantam now but they're probably |
16896s | going to lose both and decisively issue |
16897s | of Thunder isn't going to be long to |
16898s | follow |
16899s | now the Bantam also in a low structure |
16902s | the burst and the low structure as well |
16903s | but the Scythe lead issue of thunder |
16905s | as you mentioned in armor |
16908s | down goes one logic frigate this might |
16910s | be a hundred to zero match this Punisher |
16911s | in low armor but he's holding due to uh |
16914s | the use of an auger which is more |
16916s | powerful than the tech one logic |
16918s | frigates uh the sauce by Navy year of |
16920s | Thunder bleach also now into armor as |
16923s | well it's just disastrous for Polaris |
16924s | mercenary Alliance Osprey Navy is down |
16926s | and this match is pretty much over |
16928s | yeah and I would issue this as a warning |
16931s | I suppose to the teams that want to run |
16932s | Shield rush because you need to be very |
16934s | very careful we've seen Shield Rush be |
16935s | very effective in a lot of matches here |
16937s | but when you come up against a bow gone |
16939s | he can effectively just pick one or two |
16940s | ships and say nope you are staying over |
16942s | there away from where you need to be in |
16944s | any Shield Rush comps that want to pump |
16945s | all of their DPS very very quickly into |
16947s | one target having your two you know |
16949s | command ships of indicator whatever you |
16951s | know sort of in the middle of nowhere |
16952s | unable to really fulfill that role |
16954s | you're effectively playing two men down |
16955s | from the start of the match |
16958s | yeah and it's a flag Bargas as well from |
16960s | Casimir The Vindicator finally gets on |
16962s | top of zarzal as he goes into structure |
16964s | but it's too little too late this bar |
16966s | gets of Casimir will go down to the apoc |
16969s | Navy in the Baton because he only has a |
16970s | burst line to help rep him up I'm not |
16973s | sure if it is too little too late |
16974s | actually this Belgium goes down as you |
16976s | say the vindicates on top of stuff they |
16977s | may be able to kill some other stuff |
16978s | they've only really lost their support |
16979s | link they are only 29 Points down I'm |
16982s | not sure how long how much longer this |
16983s | bar guest is going to tank though as you |
16984s | said it is a flagship August but he is |
16986s | going into armor here |
16987s | um |
16988s | may die but yeah I think it may if if |
16992s | they manage to make this trade maybe a |
16994s | minute earlier I think they may have |
16995s | still had a chance in this match but |
16996s | having already lost all the DPS from |
16997s | those four Navy Cruisers just two is too |
17000s | much for Polaris to take here yeah and |
17002s | Casimir and The Spar guests now into |
17004s | structure czar's all finally getting |
17005s | some reps back in uh does he have rough |
17008s | drones on top of him I would imagine so |
17011s | yeah there's some uh rep drones right on |
17013s | actually no rap Jones is just DPS drones |
17015s | out right now smart bombs going off uh |
17018s | from Casmir in the bar guest but it |
17021s | should be too little too late he's about |
17023s | 41 structure at the moment he's got some |
17025s | Shield reps coming in from this burst |
17027s | but these battleships holding a lot |
17029s | longer than I thought they would but |
17030s | this foul Garden should be able to |
17032s | survive longer yeah and of course in |
17035s | flagships they are going to kill the bat |
17037s | they get they do trade exactly in the |
17039s | same time actually there but yeah with |
17040s | the flagship set up you can put |
17043s | um like dead space Shield wrappers on it |
17045s | so you would expect to have maybe like |
17047s | an X-Type Shield rapper on that Bargas |
17049s | and of course that's going to get |
17050s | completely shut down by the presence of |
17052s | that now extant battle gone by zaraxel |
17054s | but at this point obviously it's it's |
17055s | going to be over here |
17058s | yeah the trade just coming a little bit |
17060s | too little too late Alcorn doing exactly |
17061s | what they needed to do and this is not |
17063s | the first time we've seen a rush setup |
17065s | get screened of course yesterday we saw |
17067s | the same thing happen Fancy Pants versus |
17069s | Brave Collective uh so I guess now it's |
17072s | time to talk what is it about screening |
17075s | that some teams have trouble with up |
17078s | against these Shield Rush setups and is |
17080s | that something that separates good teams |
17081s | from Bad teams or competent teams from |
17083s | uh bad teams |
17085s | I feel like in a lot of these setups you |
17087s | need to have like a sort of contingency |
17089s | plan I suppose it's it's hard to find |
17090s | the right balance you want to have a |
17092s | comp that's sort of specifically good at |
17094s | doing one thing and flying to its win |
17095s | con but you need to say okay what if |
17097s | obviously you don't know what you're |
17098s | coming up against until you land on |
17099s | grids and you say okay what if we come |
17100s | up against this is this just gonna |
17102s | absolutely Ram us and screw us over so |
17104s | as we saw yesterday there was a team as |
17106s | you said the in the brave fancy pants |
17108s | match they use the malator screen of the |
17109s | slept near here this team has brought |
17111s | the bowel gone |
17112s | um to Screen Off The Vindicator and stop |
17113s | stuff coming in so I think teams need to |
17115s | sort of consider not only the wincon of |
17118s | their comp and what it will take to |
17120s | secure that win but what they can do if |
17123s | the enemy brings something that's maybe |
17124s | you know like an unfavorable matchup for |
17127s | them and what what they can sort of do |
17129s | to mitigate the things that will make |
17130s | them useless |
17133s | yeah mitigation thinking about your outs |
17136s | what else do you have what else does the |
17138s | enemy team have and what are bad beats |
17140s | for you it's very important reading The |
17142s | Meta something that's going to be more |
17144s | important next weekend as we progress |
17146s | into the third round of uh the winners |
17148s | bracket in the fourth round of the lower |
17150s | bracket as teams start showing a little |
17154s | bit more of their hand I mean some teams |
17156s | have only brought one comp thus far |
17157s | still in the winners bracket uh some |
17159s | teams have brought two comps but haven't |
17161s | shown something uh perhaps a bit more |
17164s | exciting quite yet this Vindicator of |
17165s | light Heaven finally in a structure |
17167s | should end up falling it's not going to |
17169s | be a clean Victory from Exodus they did |
17170s | lose the balgorn but it still is a very |
17173s | convincing one yeah and deathwind as |
17175s | he's saying in local there rip bog wreck |
17177s | so there's the possibility of course |
17178s | that what was left on Polaris actually |
17181s | managed to shoot the ballgas wreck and |
17183s | make sure the Exodus couldn't get their |
17184s | hands on any of that uh Flagship loot of |
17186s | course I'm sure we'll hear more on that |
17187s | later on when the kill mail comes |
17189s | through and maybe from Exodus they can |
17190s | confirm I'll deny whether they manage to |
17192s | get their hands on any of that but yeah |
17193s | this is going to to be the end of the |
17195s | run here Forest Machinery Alliance and |
17197s | exodus will continue on in the lower |
17198s | bracket after they deal with this |
17200s | Vindicator |
17202s | indicator in the stork as well who is |
17205s | not going for the Edge of Glory at the |
17206s | moment though he's got a couple Republic |
17207s | Fleet warriors on top of him |
17209s | uh I do I do want to see perhaps uh we |
17213s | got a new battery record in the trials |
17215s | uh Azure and Argent of goons were able |
17218s | to make that happen so uh and I think |
17221s | you did in command SC2 so maybe the |
17222s | circuit Felicia can make a new Edge of |
17224s | Glory record perhaps we'll see it's not |
17226s | going for any of the uh jump beacons at |
17228s | the moment though |
17229s | I would actually like to see the stats |
17232s | on how many combined uh like the |
17235s | combined win rate of The Vindicator and |
17237s | the Dominic's Navy issue because I feel |
17238s | like at the moment these large hybrid |
17240s | battleships are just doing really really |
17241s | badly |
17243s | yeah with the exception of the two flag |
17246s | vendies that were properly fit and |
17248s | actually one with the extra range on the |
17249s | webs |
17250s | um we saw paper numbers one with it |
17253s | yesterday and there was another thing |
17254s | that of like we need to get today that |
17256s | one with it I forgot who it was |
17260s | but the match is over we're gonna take |
17261s | it to the desk and when we return uh |
17264s | this time it really will be nanofiber |
17266s | tokens versus pandemic Legion |
17271s | [Music] |
17280s | thank you |
17291s | guys stop being casual they're really |
17294s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
17296s | warp off take the fleet warp everybody |
17298s | warp off this is really really bad |
17300s | execution I'm very disappointed |
17309s | [Music] |
17315s | thank you |
17319s | Crush our enemies your temps are |
17321s | completely damped out Crush I'm dumped |
17324s | out I'm dumped out you don't like Travis |
17325s | boys |
17328s | I've not been able to look at something |
17330s | again |
17333s | I'm jammed |
17344s | foreign |
17352s | with a solid Victory 100 to 23 over a |
17356s | Polaris mercenary uh corporate |
17358s | Corporation and unfortunately for them |
17360s | they also lost their Flagship bar guest |
17362s | which I believe is the most expensive |
17364s | one thus far in the tournament at 39.3 |
17367s | billion isk just gone down the drain and |
17370s | even more so they shot the wreck but |
17373s | they denied loot |
17374s | um |
17375s | yeah you hate to see it I hate to see it |
17377s | I hate to see it you know those officer |
17379s | mods they're not all that common anymore |
17381s | and they are just a few left or a few a |
17384s | few more gone like Dust in the Wind |
17387s | so a question that we we see a lot um is |
17390s | how can they bring that bar guest if it |
17393s | is banned because it was banned in that |
17394s | last match and one of the roses with the |
17396s | flagship you're Allard one you declared |
17397s | it before the tournament you can you can |
17399s | fit it pretty much however you want you |
17400s | don't have to worry about tech two |
17401s | module restrictions uh but you it can't |
17404s | be banned as long as you've still got |
17405s | that ship you can bring it to any match |
17407s | so the Bargas is banned you have a |
17408s | flagship bar guest combined you can |
17411s | bring it until it dies in which case it |
17413s | is going for good one of the things you |
17415s | can do as well is if someone else's |
17417s | Flagship dies and the match is still |
17418s | running you can look the wreck you can |
17420s | take all the stuff that you've got and |
17421s | you can take it home and maybe increase |
17423s | the power of your own Flagship so if |
17425s | they have a better damage control for |
17427s | example then yours that one that just |
17429s | died was 13.5 billion is probably quite |
17431s | good and you maybe only have a poverty |
17433s | fit two billion is damage control and |
17435s | you skip that that looked you can put it |
17437s | on your ship and make it better and of |
17440s | course if you're salty that you've just |
17441s | lost it you can kill your own wreck and |
17443s | then deny that loot to anybody else ccbb |
17446s | how is that match for you |
17447s | I enjoyed it yeah |
17449s | excellent thank you very much |
17454s | um cool so yeah it's quite yes yes |
17459s | quite X is great great job there they |
17462s | moved forward that was on elimination |
17464s | match so Polaris mercenary Alliance |
17466s | going home Exodus getting one step |
17468s | closer to getting some prize ships |
17470s | um and yeah I'm sure they'll be very |
17472s | happy with that |
17473s | our next match is one I've been looking |
17475s | forward to for a while it is nanofiber |
17477s | tokens versus pandemic Legion uh this is |
17479s | an elimination match |
17481s | um so pandemic Legion here wanting to |
17482s | take this as a w and keep themselves in |
17485s | the tournament nanofiber tokens uh |
17487s | Banning out bargast Loki balgorn and |
17490s | then pandemically Banning out EOS |
17491s | balgorn curse uh the trickle bands for |
17494s | PL uh is hyena and nanofiber Tokens The |
17498s | Tempest Fleet issue Bart uh what do you |
17501s | think about these bands here |
17502s | I I think this is the first time we've |
17504s | seen a tempest Fleet issue get banned |
17506s | which is pretty cool it does have a |
17508s | reduced Point cost as this tournament is |
17510s | sponsored by the Minotaur and I've seen |
17512s | we've seen it do like a really really |
17514s | good job recently it's a very very high |
17516s | damage uh very like relatively tanky for |
17519s | an armor ship a couple utility slots but |
17522s | it's kind of interesting that nanofiber |
17523s | token was like this ship is the one |
17526s | that's a problem so a little bit |
17528s | surprising um I don't know if pandemic |
17530s | legion's really been using them all that |
17532s | much it seems like that a lot of their |
17534s | setups have been sort of somewhat copied |
17536s | from pandemic horde uh who has not been |
17539s | using that many Tempest Fleet issues but |
17540s | it's kind of cool I mean other than that |
17542s | you know the Battleground is being |
17543s | banned in an extremely large amount uh I |
17545s | think Baza said in the last match that |
17547s | he doesn't understand it because |
17549s | balgorns aren't doing that well and well |
17552s | it did plenty well against his team in |
17554s | one of the matches so I don't know what |
17556s | he meant about that but here we are and |
17559s | the balgar a very popular ship uh |
17561s | historically in the alliance tournament |
17562s | uh I think it was mentioned earlier on |
17563s | one of the most popular flagships and |
17566s | that was because it just scaled so well |
17568s | with certain modules so when we talk |
17570s | about scaling basically what we mean is |
17571s | for example the Battleground gets a |
17573s | bonus to web uh range and strength or |
17575s | sorry just range and which means that if |
17577s | you have an officer fit uh web on your |
17580s | balgorn you can reach out and touch |
17582s | anything up to about 55 kilometers with |
17584s | links and Heat |
17585s | that's insane because the enemy has to |
17588s | warp in between 0 and 50 kilometers from |
17590s | the beacon so if you were up in zero and |
17592s | the enemy Logistics Cruiser warps in at |
17594s | 50 it's in web range you can just reach |
17596s | out you can web them down and that |
17597s | allows the rest of your guys to get on |
17599s | top of them that's one of the reasons |
17600s | why uh the Bell Gardens no longer an |
17602s | eligible Flagship it just scaled so so |
17604s | well |
17605s | Bart why do we still see teams using |
17607s | them like it was mentioned in the in the |
17608s | uh in the uh the game but |
17612s | are they still that good with tech2 |
17614s | it's it's hard to say I think that they |
17617s | have a place um I don't necessarily know |
17619s | though if they're anywhere near as |
17621s | strong as they used to be because you |
17622s | know sort of like you mentioned with uh |
17625s | officer mods with um Abyssal mods which |
17628s | I don't think we ever had to deal with |
17629s | balgorns with Abyssal mods which you |
17631s | know |
17632s | thankfully that would have been horrible |
17633s | uh but with uh with those crazy long |
17636s | Newt ranges because they would always |
17637s | put you know X-Type newts which go |
17639s | farther crazy long web ranges they put |
17641s | Tobias webs which would go like you said |
17642s | 55 kilometers |
17644s | um insane ship nowadays it's about |
17646s | you're probably gonna see it about 28 to |
17648s | 30 kilometer web range with it uh with |
17650s | Heats and links and everybody has links |
17652s | um the newts are standard heavy Newt uh |
17655s | it's still a very strong ship it's just |
17657s | its sphere of influence has been shrunk |
17659s | down so much and I think that a lot of |
17661s | teams look at it and say oh this will |
17663s | give us so much control in this little |
17665s | area and |
17667s | maybe aren't thinking about the things |
17669s | that made it strong that it doesn't have |
17672s | anymore so it's good I just don't know |
17675s | if it's 25 points good yeah it's an |
17677s | awful lot of points |
17679s | um let's take a moment and just check in |
17681s | with CSP Aurora and learn a little bit |
17682s | more about some of the stuff coming or |
17684s | has just arrived in uprising |
17693s | coming in Uprising we have a number of |
17694s | updates to faction Warfare including new |
17697s | complexes for people to take part in new |
17699s | systems that impact the war zone and new |
17701s | ways to play around those systems as |
17703s | well |
17704s | by adding additional objectives Beyond |
17706s | just irregular complexes we're seeing a |
17709s | shake up to the complexes that we're |
17710s | adding to faction Warfare with new |
17713s | restrictions a large new number of |
17715s | complexes and a whole lot more variety |
17717s | for you to play with the faction Warfare |
17719s | system that you've become accustomed to |
17721s | is still there it's forming the |
17723s | foundation of the uprising expansion but |
17725s | we're adding new layers on top of it to |
17727s | round out the gameplay in addition to |
17729s | the complexes that you're used to in |
17731s | faction Warfare while there are more of |
17732s | them there are also additional |
17734s | objectives that you'll see in space such |
17736s | as Supply Depots there that are owned by |
17739s | the owners of the system or Supply |
17741s | caches by the attackers Rendezvous |
17745s | points where you can assault enemy |
17746s | fleets and more all of these things will |
17748s | factor into what is called the Advantage |
17750s | system the Advantage system simulates |
17753s | exactly which faction that is fighting |
17755s | over a system has an advantage how well |
17758s | are they doing in the war effort is |
17760s | there propaganda up to par in terms of |
17762s | turning the citizens of that system over |
17764s | to their side or are their fleets well |
17767s | supplied or are they being attacked at |
17770s | mid-transport all of these things are |
17772s | factored into the advantage score the |
17774s | better your faction does the higher |
17775s | their score the more victory points |
17777s | you'll earn when completing complex |
17779s | which means the faster you can capture |
17781s | systems with Uprising we're creating a |
17783s | healthy foundation for the faction |
17784s | Warfare ecosystem which will continue to |
17786s | build on going into the future in the |
17788s | future there will be more objectives as |
17790s | well as additional ways for people who |
17792s | are not actively in a militia today to |
17795s | join without having to leave their |
17797s | corporation or Alliance the faction |
17798s | Warframe system has long been beloved by |
17800s | many players and it's a very important |
17802s | part of the Eve online ecosystem and |
17805s | it's about time that we return to it |
17806s | give it a new facelift and begin to |
17809s | expand on the foundation that is already |
17811s | there |
17820s | CCP Aurora there were some of the cool |
17822s | things that just arrived in Uprising I'm |
17824s | told the teams are on grid already for |
17825s | this upcoming match so let's do some |
17827s | quick predictions but none of hybrid |
17829s | tokens are a pandemic Legion here |
17831s | I'm gonna have to go for pandemic Legion |
17834s | but only because I don't want to have to |
17836s | face Swift with him knowing that I |
17838s | betrayed him and ccpb you work with uh |
17841s | I'll have to leave face him uh I I would |
17845s | like to see nft do it on the Fiverr |
17847s | tokens go for it boys awesome I mean I |
17850s | think you could take them |
17851s | oh you can take these pieces maybe get |
17854s | some shoulder content |
17856s | I put 10 twitch Channel points on uh |
17858s | pandemic Legion so uh you have to win |
17860s | now so let's go to the arena and see who |
17862s | will win between uh nanofiber tokens and |
17865s | pandemic Legion |
17871s | welcome back to the arena my name is |
17872s | fear Varner joined by the Basilisk and |
17874s | we have nanofiber tokens on the red side |
17878s | bringing everybody's favorite Armageddon |
17881s | Navy issues and a damn Nation to round |
17884s | out their high end yeah and those |
17886s | Armageddon Navy issues I checked to |
17888s | Rapid heavy launcher fit |
17890s | um so they're going to be trying to clip |
17891s | something with that with that rapid |
17892s | heavy reload and then move on to the |
17894s | next Target so it depends whether or not |
17896s | there's any valid Targets on the field |
17897s | for them to actually do that with and it |
17898s | looks like there's a couple Cruisers |
17900s | here the stamina Fleet the vexo Navy the |
17901s | X8 may be on the other side so they're a |
17903s | prime sort of targets that are being |
17904s | looked at I'm sure by Nana fiber tokens |
17906s | will say okay we can probably clip |
17907s | through at least one of those Cruisers |
17909s | and start to make some progress in the |
17910s | match |
17911s | and on the blue side pandemic Legion I'm |
17913s | bringing a very similar comp to |
17915s | something we've seen from horde hmm I |
17917s | wonder about that one uh Paladin plus Le |
17920s | Shack instead of Paladin plus uh that |
17923s | was uh an ABBA or was it a Chronos I |
17925s | think it was a Chronos it was a Chronos |
17928s | it's paladin on the shack instead of |
17929s | Paladin Kronos but still a very similar |
17932s | type of uh deal I do not believe any of |
17934s | these ships are flagships at the moment |
17936s | so uh yeah some reminders in local were |
17939s | made to not warp the sun like what |
17941s | happened it was a couple yesterday uh |
17945s | but uh either way match is about to get |
17948s | underway I'm excited rapid Heavies have |
17950s | not had a great showing this tournament |
17952s | we'll see if nanofiber tokens Can |
17954s | perhaps turn that around or if this |
17956s | Paladin Le Shack projection setup from |
17958s | pandemic Legion will net them the |
17960s | victory |
17961s | yeah I'm not really sure to expect going |
17963s | from this this match here I mean both |
17965s | these comps are |
17966s | well they're not they're not sort of the |
17968s | most common archetypes that we've seen |
17969s | so far I mean the Armageddon Navy comp |
17971s | is sort of we see like three of these |
17973s | rapid heavy boats and like a kingslayer |
17975s | setup but just two of them I think |
17976s | doesn't have the clip damage to actually |
17977s | break through larger targets and on the |
17979s | other side the Little Shack Paladin |
17981s | combo is something that we haven't |
17982s | really seen from other teams using |
17984s | Marauders either as well as a bunch of |
17985s | Navy Cruisers so yeah going from the |
17987s | outset these are both two pretty |
17988s | interesting comps |
17990s | yeah but it's two words I these are the |
17992s | types of matches where uh teams start |
17995s | bringing out their comps that they think |
17997s | are better than what has been shown on |
17998s | The Meta or the ones that they think uh |
18000s | they can out read their opponents with |
18002s | this time around the higher projection |
18004s | setup from pandemic Legion does go off |
18006s | to a stronger start because I don't have |
18007s | to worry about the clip damage but at |
18009s | the same time they have a Phantasm now |
18011s | being shot by these Armageddon navies |
18015s | yeah they are trying to break through |
18017s | the vexil Navy on the other side but |
18019s | it's not too much damage sticking so far |
18021s | I feel like this may be sort of a slow |
18023s | match sort of similar to the one we saw |
18024s | earlier with neither of these teams are |
18026s | sort of Shield Rush setups they're both |
18027s | going to try and posture around try and |
18029s | search for a weakness maybe clap at the |
18030s | smaller stuff as we see tour and the |
18031s | magus taking a couple hits through his |
18033s | shield here and just try and look for an |
18035s | opening that they can then progress and |
18036s | and push into the space filled by you |
18039s | know losing that ship the weakness |
18040s | exhibits by the other team at that point |
18041s | in time |
18043s | yeah and we saw how important it is if |
18045s | you lose just one small ship you are now |
18048s | the team that has to commit although |
18049s | this Magus uh will be holding something |
18051s | that we're seeing this match we also saw |
18053s | in the earlier armor control match of uh |
18056s | Brave versus big yikes is this heretic |
18058s | pickup uh why have teams started to |
18062s | bring in uh specifically the heretic but |
18064s | also things like the fly catcher in a |
18067s | lot of these setups uh I think only four |
18070s | points with the mini interdict rework |
18072s | they got earlier uh in the year or |
18074s | whenever it was a while back uh the |
18076s | heretic and the flycatcher in particular |
18077s | became very very tanky uh they get that |
18080s | flat armor HP bonus and also I think the |
18082s | wobbles they may be sort of a |
18084s | double-edged sword but if they're used |
18085s | well they can be very very effective |
18087s | um of course the wobble providing us |
18089s | basically an AOE web but on the other |
18090s | side I don't think any of the |
18092s | interdictors are actually fast enough to |
18093s | get out of the web |
18095s | before the activation time ends so you |
18097s | are basically guaranteed to web yourself |
18098s | as soon as you hit that webble button so |
18100s | you need to make sure it's worth it but |
18101s | as we do see our pontifex of Cesar is |
18103s | taking chunks here yeah and we've now |
18105s | devolved into a brawl the Army got a |
18107s | Navy right on top of this exact Navy and |
18109s | the center of the Arena uh exact Navy of |
18112s | Minton taking a bit of damage but first |
18114s | of all is the Magus from Tehran gorp |
18117s | they've lost the First Command Ship they |
18119s | have a pawn effects at the very least |
18120s | versus uh just the pawn effects on the |
18122s | other side and a damnation uh still |
18125s | Skirmish links off the table for the |
18126s | shack of the Paladin yeah I think we've |
18128s | discovered a little trick there as soon |
18129s | as we go and have like a sort of side |
18130s | conversation about |
18132s | um the the flycatcher or the heretic |
18134s | um as soon as that happens the flight |
18136s | breaks out so any any future matches |
18138s | where there's a slow start we can just |
18139s | talk about that and we'll get the get |
18140s | we'll get the action kicked straight |
18141s | into gear for you guys |
18142s | oh yeah definitely how the casters do it |
18145s | here on the casting desk either way |
18146s | Nathalia being taken down pretty low but |
18148s | he will be traded for the Sentinel and |
18150s | Sentinel very very powerful ship against |
18152s | these high projection setups of the |
18154s | Paladin Le Shack with those tracking |
18156s | disruptors uh being so potent he is down |
18159s | into structure but he is repping back up |
18161s | through the armor because he's still got |
18162s | both of his logic's meanwhile pandemic |
18165s | Legion they only have one logic figure |
18168s | remaining yeah of course the sentinel's |
18170s | tank is his speed so he's burning around |
18171s | just trying to keep it transversal there |
18173s | is an absolute swarm of pandemic Legion |
18175s | bolts on him I think they're mainly |
18176s | Warriors so they're actually able to |
18177s | keep up with him and of course the |
18179s | Deacon and tally with short Rangers the |
18180s | central is going so fast he's not going |
18182s | to be in their range for long but he has |
18183s | actually managed to catch there I assume |
18185s | he sort of did a drive by on his lodgy |
18186s | frigates they got a couple of good |
18187s | cycles and they wrapped him up to 100 |
18189s | and then he kept burning in the in the |
18190s | same direction kept up that transversal |
18192s | missed gets the damage but the vexal |
18193s | Navy on that same team now of 10 is |
18195s | going to go down in exchange so they |
18196s | kept the sentence live but they lose the |
18198s | vexil Navy |
18200s | you know spool from November was able to |
18203s | do enough |
18204s | through the double laundry for example |
18205s | we've seen some damage going on a con |
18207s | pass or con peso I should say in the |
18210s | Thalia from nanofiber tokens he is |
18212s | currently not webbed but he is being |
18215s | neutered out right now uh by these Le |
18217s | Shack notes |
18219s | yeah and I wonder now if none of herbal |
18222s | tokens may actually switch the Deacon of |
18223s | tank blessed of course once Logie |
18224s | forgets once one logif3 goes down the |
18227s | next one becomes very very vulnerable |
18228s | without his buddy to rip him up and we |
18229s | do actually see some damage going on to |
18230s | him here it's only going to be red Bots |
18232s | that are able to keep him up from this |
18233s | point onwards um but damage is still |
18235s | sort of being split here the pontifex of |
18236s | Seasons taken it hits their armor again |
18238s | the other vexil may be on the other side |
18240s | of cause is taking chunks as well so |
18241s | this is still over you know this is |
18243s | still anybody's game |
18245s | don't let anybody's game we take a look |
18246s | at the attack bar pandemic Legions is |
18248s | larger just due to the fact that they |
18249s | have a little Shack versus double rapid |
18251s | Heavies uh but at the same time no one's |
18254s | really breaking at the moment this exact |
18255s | Navy we can see an Enterprise tokens |
18257s | have not unleashed the clip onto him |
18259s | quite yet or or the full power of those |
18262s | at the moment just take a lot of |
18264s | potential but not a whole lot of damage |
18265s | he is being taken down to half armor |
18267s | though and uh now they should be able to |
18270s | uh deal with him |
18272s | I think actually this is good piloting |
18274s | in particular from Azura in the Sentinel |
18275s | here because I think he has his newts on |
18278s | that Deacon there and of course small |
18279s | new cycle very very quickly they're |
18280s | going to be able to keep their Deacon |
18281s | capped out without needing to utilize |
18283s | the heavy Notes From The Little Shack |
18284s | and the paladin on you know sort of |
18286s | effectively over over killing his Kappa |
18288s | you know cycling a heavy nuke obviously |
18290s | he's gonna weigh just obliterate the the |
18292s | cap of a deacon so they're sort of |
18294s | saving that for the battleships here but |
18296s | I'm not sure if they're actually going |
18297s | to win the neutral anyway there's two |
18298s | Navy geddens are also on the field here |
18300s | you'd expect the shack Paladin to sort |
18302s | of get stronger as the match goes on |
18303s | they want to spool up they want to apply |
18304s | this new pressure but The Navigators are |
18305s | applying new pressure back the other way |
18306s | and I still don't really know who's |
18307s | winning this 18-7 in favor of nanofiber |
18309s | tokens but they are losing their |
18311s | navigation |
18312s | they are slowly losing them under these |
18315s | little Shack uh spools but they will |
18317s | trade back on the tank blessed uh in the |
18319s | Deacon would also like to point out yes |
18322s | there were rapid Heavies being used I |
18323s | think the attack bar just wasn't uh |
18325s | updating as much as it should have been |
18327s | so we already got Navy issues were able |
18329s | to clip out on to that exact Navy and |
18332s | that looks like they're doing what rapid |
18333s | Heavies do best kill Cruisers they're |
18335s | under the vexer native cause |
18337s | yeah I feel like at this point it's |
18340s | still anybody's game I mean they lose |
18341s | the sorry the nanofiber lose the Thalia |
18343s | here but the thing is as I said at the |
18345s | start the Navy gettings are the majority |
18347s | of their DPS there and there's a rapid |
18348s | heavy fit they excel at killing cruises |
18350s | they excel at killing small stuff making |
18351s | quick frags as they've caught on every |
18353s | exact and the Magus but as this match |
18356s | goes on I don't know if they have the |
18357s | damage left to deal with the lashac and |
18358s | the power dinner they definitely won't |
18359s | once this first maybe get enough away |
18361s | kante goes down |
18363s | yeah I mean still they've got a |
18365s | damnation doesn't Okay DPS if it's got |
18367s | hams hmls less probably around 300 400 |
18370s | if I had to uh remember because it's got |
18373s | range bonus but not a whole lot of |
18374s | damage bonus we surviving quite a bit he |
18378s | still got only one Deacon onto him as he |
18380s | did lose the Thalia but they are going |
18382s | through the Cruisers once again they've |
18383s | taken out the vexer Navy and the exact |
18385s | Navy they will lose Andy in the Deacon |
18387s | but they take off the final Lynx boat |
18388s | from pandemic Legion in response yeah |
18392s | and I see I think I saw cap transfers |
18394s | there going from the Paladin to the |
18396s | shack to try and keep his gun spooling |
18397s | but I don't think his gun is active at |
18398s | the moment he's not shooting November |
18400s | must be fully capped out they seem to |
18402s | have lost the new or at this point in |
18403s | time they are going to take out the punt |
18404s | effects that could be really really |
18405s | impactful if they can get some of those |
18407s | links off the field of course they've |
18408s | still got the damnation this Armageddon |
18409s | Navy is still slowly going down of |
18412s | course no links left on the other side |
18413s | either but there's only two and a half |
18414s | minutes left in the match this is still |
18416s | anybody's game |
18417s | don't want anybody's game with the |
18419s | Paladin now down to half armor I mean |
18421s | he's got the local rep bonus to help him |
18423s | stay alive they've taken out the pawn |
18424s | effects on the other side so the only |
18426s | links left on the table is this |
18427s | damnation from nanofiber tokens but |
18429s | without those links the Paladin reps |
18431s | going to be a lot less effective uh |
18434s | without the active uh armor links or the |
18436s | armor resist links they will try to go |
18438s | for the Sentinel though of Asura as he |
18440s | did live with very low structures 64 |
18442s | earlier in the match but now he's |
18444s | chewing through the armor once again a |
18446s | little Shaq still isn't shooting he must |
18448s | be under so much new pressure it's |
18450s | really really awful for him he can they |
18453s | need this damage to get rid of this |
18454s | Armageddon so they can keep the Paladin |
18455s | alive start shooting and get some cap up |
18457s | but they just can't quite break him |
18459s | there's no reps on either side they've |
18460s | got all the red Bots they've got on the |
18461s | shack trying to keep him up as long as |
18463s | sorry I'm a paladin as long as possible |
18464s | the Navy getting still just about three |
18467s | teetering on the edge of their 10 armor |
18469s | for kante |
18470s | yeah and who he can't I only needs to |
18473s | live for another minute and a half |
18474s | almost and they've won this match they |
18476s | lose another ship though this one being |
18479s | the Sentinel so this low end trade |
18481s | coming out from both of these teams it's |
18483s | all high-end all the time now this |
18485s | Paladin barely wrapping back up he's in |
18487s | 28 armor and once again this getting has |
18490s | been holding at 10 now 9 armor he's just |
18493s | slowly slowly getting whittled away but |
18495s | this little Shack is absolutely useless |
18498s | and now it's five percent armor |
18500s | remaining for destroy on the palate and |
18501s | they kill this it doesn't matter if the |
18503s | Armageddon Navy goes down yeah I think |
18505s | they all gonna win this race here just |
18507s | about this was so close all the way to |
18509s | the Whitehead but it is going to be |
18510s | Destroyer dying first can't tell you in |
18513s | the Armageddon Navy living so long there |
18515s | he spent so long must have been a minute |
18517s | or two under 15 armor there just the |
18519s | damage as soon as Little Shack got |
18520s | capped out they were trying their best |
18521s | they were doing the cap transfer from |
18523s | the paladins to the distract just try |
18524s | and keep that gun going but they |
18525s | couldn't quite do it the new pressure |
18526s | was too much maybe the shark doesn't |
18529s | have a cat battery which would have |
18530s | helped him in his fight and they could |
18531s | have actually won with that minor |
18532s | fitting change but unfortunately it is |
18534s | going to be nanofiber tokens after a |
18537s | grueling battle taking the win here |
18540s | yeah 60 to 50 right now they're gonna |
18541s | try to take out the stabber Fleet some |
18543s | uh part shots from The Little Shack |
18545s | going on to this heretic at the moment |
18547s | uh as well just trying to clean up the |
18549s | low end but nanofiber tokens have done |
18551s | exactly what they needed to do Aerotek |
18553s | and arbitrator going down will be uh 10 |
18556s | points it would actually bring us into |
18558s | reverse tie-dye but the Cyber Fleet |
18560s | should end up falling before then 10 |
18561s | seconds left in the match I don't think |
18563s | it's time gf's already been called in |
18565s | local and uh pandemic Legion are gonna |
18568s | be out of the tournament one and two 66 |
18571s | points to 50 off the end of that |
18573s | yeah that's a very fascinating match and |
18575s | I'd love to see elise's reaction because |
18577s | that was that was a real nail bite the |
18578s | whole way through but we're going to |
18579s | send that back to the desk and get some |
18580s | more analysis on that absolute Banger of |
18582s | a match |
18586s | [Music] |
18614s | foreign |
18636s | together |
18655s | thank you |
18659s | [Music] |
18667s | [Laughter] |
18675s | Elise Randolph AKA CCP Swift there |
18678s | looking some up for Lauren in the g1044 |
18681s | station as pandemic Legion sadly exits |
18683s | Alliance to him in 18 uh but wow what an |
18686s | incredible match that was one of the |
18689s | best matches if not the best match we've |
18690s | seen thus far in the tournament they |
18691s | really just fought to that the last man |
18693s | there uh only 10 points behind at the |
18696s | end if that match had maybe a couple |
18697s | more minutes they could have pulled that |
18699s | back like they really did not go down |
18701s | easy like they they flew super well |
18703s | unfortunately it just wasn't well enough |
18704s | in this case and they leave the |
18706s | tournament I'm joined on the desk by a |
18708s | new face disk read error desk we're in |
18711s | the confetti Institute in Nottingham uh |
18713s | tell me about that what is that so we |
18715s | are a campus of Nottingham Trent |
18717s | University we are specialists in a |
18719s | particular Esports production but also |
18721s | in media and music uh from Fe level all |
18725s | the way to University level uh b-tech |
18728s | qualifications up to degrees |
18730s | awesome and what exactly do you do here |
18731s | so I teach on the college level Esports |
18735s | courses I also am responsible for the |
18737s | running of all of confetti's Esports |
18738s | teams excellent and I believe you also |
18740s | built this desk right and I did uh |
18742s | sanded it repainted it attached the TV |
18744s | to it |
18745s | um any nice quality comments about the |
18748s | desk uh please fill the chat I'll put it |
18751s | in my appraisal yeah exactly uh this |
18753s | technically makes uh him look better for |
18755s | his work so make sure you fill that |
18756s | twitch chat with a nice nice Bridge it's |
18759s | a great venue here and no it's a |
18761s | fantastic event it's a fantastic venue |
18763s | yeah that's better than Grid it's really |
18764s | it's honestly absolutely incredible and |
18767s | uh there's a whole bunch of students |
18768s | helping us here like talk to me about |
18770s | some of that yeah so roughly 50 of our |
18773s | crew for this project is students we've |
18776s | had students build the video walls we've |
18778s | had students set up all of the lights |
18779s | and the cameras we have six students |
18781s | currently on site with us Rose is |
18784s | handling audio Raph is doing all of the |
18786s | graphics John's doing the cameras Tom is |
18789s | Vision mixing hen Henry has got all the |
18791s | text you'll be seeing on screen and |
18792s | Lewis handling the replays so a lot of |
18795s | new stuff |
18796s | um very much the the next generation of |
18798s | broadcast production Talent uh proof of |
18801s | concept yeah I mean I don't remember |
18802s | anything like this in any uh educational |
18804s | I ever went to we had just basically |
18807s | crap and this is just incredible it's |
18809s | just and the team does amazing backwards |
18811s | uphill to get there in the snow both |
18813s | ways like it was just awful and we've |
18815s | got this incredible Team all those |
18816s | students doing an absolutely fantastic |
18818s | job uh we couldn't put this production |
18820s | on without them really it's just been |
18822s | incredibly easy to work as well like |
18824s | we've had uh you've been involved with |
18825s | even t as well for a very long time |
18827s | since the very start exactly I'll note |
18829s | that Nash could have did not mention me |
18831s | in his speech of people who'd been there |
18833s | from the beginning so |
18835s | get that Corrections yes exactly |
18838s | um but you've been involved you've seen |
18840s | us go through like you know doing it |
18841s | from bedrooms and things like that and I |
18844s | I've been there for a lot of it as well |
18846s | and you know doing a lot of things |
18847s | myself now I just get to turn up stand |
18850s | here talk and all these other people |
18851s | make everything happen it's just it's |
18852s | been awesome and you've been a really |
18854s | important part of that throughout the |
18855s | years so yeah thank you for your service |
18857s | oh you're very welcome excellent and uh |
18859s | CCB you're still here as well |
18861s | um you are obviously talking about the |
18864s | uprising expansion uh tell us a little |
18866s | bit about some stuff you're excited |
18867s | about from there yes as we start with |
18868s | the segment from Aurora before |
18870s | um so joining the community team at the |
18873s | time that I did |
18874s | let's be honest a sentiment this summer |
18876s | wasn't the greatest but right now it's |
18878s | been incredibly fun to watch and just to |
18880s | talk to people the people around me I |
18882s | speak to people from all kinds of groups |
18884s | and just seeing how happy they are with |
18886s | the direction the game is going with the |
18888s | new ships and new toys the new |
18889s | fashionable Warfare system just the |
18892s | whole host of different things is the |
18893s | little changes that we're doing just I'm |
18895s | so happy as a player and even happier as |
18898s | a as a part of the team now they get to |
18900s | be a part of this awesome and um you've |
18903s | obviously we talked about the other day |
18904s | about uh some of the rooms we've been |
18905s | doing uh what's your favorite ship right |
18907s | now to take out especially all these new |
18909s | buff chips and chain chips oh that's a |
18911s | difficult question that is a difficult |
18913s | question that's something that people |
18914s | used to ask me when I was streaming |
18915s | constantly they'd be like what is your |
18917s | favorite ship it honestly depends on how |
18918s | I feel on that day recently I've been |
18921s | going to factional Warfare I just joined |
18923s | the galante militia |
18925s | um I wrote their interest in Tristan's |
18926s | T1 frigates believe it or not but I've |
18929s | had most success in an omen actually the |
18931s | women's are pretty cool yeah um so yeah |
18934s | so let's uh the teams in our own system |
18935s | actually for our next match which is |
18936s | Rusty Hayden's Clan versus Rook Capel so |
18938s | let's take a look at the bands here for |
18940s | this match |
18942s | so Rusty Hayden's Clan batting out the |
18944s | guardian the Nighthawk and the |
18946s | Armageddon wrote Capell batting at the |
18948s | center of the Blackbird and the Loki so |
18950s | we've talked a little bit before about |
18951s | some of these ships uh we've seen the |
18953s | Loki of the Scimitar uh being banned |
18955s | relatively often the Nighthawk of course |
18957s | a pretty key thing from the Nighthawk |
18958s | ham rush and that Armageddon with those |
18960s | bonus range newts uh has been pretty |
18963s | popular uh for throughout this |
18965s | tournament uh ccpb is there anything to |
18968s | sort of jump out at you here I mean |
18969s | there's a Blackboard black Bart black |
18972s | bird band there |
18974s | wish I had Blackboard here to bounce the |
18976s | question too no but uh I banned them I |
18978s | banned them you did yeah |
18981s | um besides that I mean we're seeing |
18983s | Knight hog and Armageddon Guardian band |
18984s | is is something different but the |
18986s | nighthawking norm we get and we've seen |
18987s | a lot banned the Loki we've seen a lot |
18989s | banned |
18990s | um I'm not sure honestly where they're |
18992s | going with with comps it's kind of |
18993s | difficult to see that just from three |
18994s | bands but yeah |
18997s | yeah I mean I'm interested to see if um |
18999s | uh Russia's Clan can take this Victory |
19002s | here over Rook Capell because as we've |
19004s | mentioned these are elimination matches |
19006s | so one of these teams is going to go |
19007s | home |
19008s | um I'm as mentioned a very prolific |
19011s | Mademoiselle spammer to support Rook |
19013s | Capell uh Kyle what's your predictions |
19015s | here between these two these two teams |
19017s | well again I am a firm enjoyer of the |
19020s | Mademoiselle spam uh anytime in any of |
19022s | our broadcasts you catch the ticker |
19024s | display spam this mad Mozelle it's me |
19027s | running that I'm enforcing that as a |
19029s | rule |
19030s | it would be hypocrisy at this point not |
19032s | to say all in on |
19034s | the Mademoiselle oh |
19036s | ccvp I'll have to check on it too every |
19038s | time I see it I just smile out of |
19040s | nowhere uh so yeah all right so it's |
19042s | three mad mozelles uh right there so |
19044s | let's go to the arena and find out who's |
19046s | gonna win between Rusty Hagen's Clan and |
19048s | root Capel |
19054s | welcome back to the arena my name is |
19056s | fear joined by the Basilisk and we have |
19058s | on the blue side it is wrote capelle |
19061s | bringing Navy Dominics and a couple of |
19063s | slot nears a couple of Fleet sites have |
19065s | not taken a look at their weapon systems |
19067s | yet don't know if they are rushing with |
19069s | the Navy Dominics I would imagine they |
19070s | are |
19071s | yeah I want to see if wrote Capell have |
19073s | got what it takes to finally secure a |
19075s | win for the Navy Dominics I was saying |
19077s | earlier I really just don't like large |
19079s | hybrid boats in general at the moment I |
19080s | feel like they need a very specific |
19081s | setup to make them work will Rogue Capel |
19083s | be able to find that secret hidden |
19085s | ingredient that makes this one work on |
19087s | the other side rusty iron is bringing a |
19089s | triple Battleship called rattlesnake and |
19090s | two new rattlesnake and two Navy |
19092s | scorpions |
19094s | yeah rattlesnake uh typically seen as a |
19097s | rapid heavy boat but I haven't actually |
19098s | taken a look at the weapon systems on |
19099s | that either this could be cruises and in |
19101s | fact it is a cruise setup uh with these |
19104s | Navy Scorpions on the rattlesnake so |
19106s | they'll be able to apply pretty well to |
19107s | the Dominic's avian issue but these [ __ ] |
19109s | Narrows and safe lead issues are going |
19111s | to be a bit of a problem for them we'll |
19113s | see how well they're able to do it as we |
19114s | get the match underway but uh something |
19116s | else to point out this is a shield |
19118s | Dominic's Navy so full damage in the |
19121s | lows most likely and then uh I mean you |
19124s | know occasionally you'll see a shieldami |
19126s | and TQ but those typically have |
19128s | something like a fax behind them you |
19130s | know maybe |
19131s | yeah this is interesting to happen here |
19133s | I feel I feel like this may actually be |
19135s | sort of a tinker setup from Rusty hyenas |
19137s | here um bringing the vulture I imagine |
19139s | that's gonna be Max tank and just park |
19140s | up on top of these three battleships and |
19141s | they're all gonna cluster together but I |
19143s | don't know how they'll be able to deal |
19145s | with this Rush it's going to depend on |
19146s | what they can kill before the rush gets |
19147s | into them up when this Rush gets on top |
19149s | of them |
19150s | um it will be able to break through I |
19151s | imagine through just with pure DPS break |
19153s | through something if they can take out |
19154s | the stabber Fleet you know the Scythe |
19156s | Fleet on the way in they may then be |
19158s | able to tank off this point so I think |
19159s | target calling for Rusty hyenas is going |
19161s | to be critical application is going to |
19163s | be critical but they haven't really got |
19164s | much to buff those cruise missiles they |
19166s | haven't got a hyena or any range webs |
19168s | anything like that so Target calling |
19170s | maybe maybe tricky here I think all eyes |
19172s | are going to be on Carl C agathon in the |
19174s | Moa has to run screen alongside his |
19177s | Raptor Brethren uh to try to keep one of |
19180s | these [ __ ] nears off the end dive for |
19182s | the back line coming in from this Raptor |
19183s | though of scorch as he's getting webbed |
19185s | down but he really wants to find his way |
19187s | onto this Osprey as the Merlin avaldic |
19190s | just gets deleted from the face of the |
19192s | Earth yeah I think that was their plan |
19193s | here was to use those frigates to just |
19195s | rush in immediately and try and Tackle |
19196s | something down but they need to get |
19198s | something done while that happens |
19200s | if you can if you use as we saw |
19202s | yesterday a mall of the screen stuff if |
19203s | they have to stop and kill it then |
19204s | that's great if it's a frigate that goes |
19206s | in and just immediately pops without the |
19207s | slept there's even stopping and giving |
19208s | it a second thought then you haven't |
19210s | really accomplished much at all but this |
19211s | old spray of rimmer is going to start |
19212s | taking chunks through Shield here |
19215s | yeah chunks through Shield doesn't have |
19217s | nearly the same amount of local tank |
19218s | that you can get out of something like a |
19219s | scimitar uh and not nearly as fast so |
19222s | the cruise missiles have a better time |
19223s | applying to him we see him already into |
19225s | structure right now that's good but now |
19227s | these slept nears and this Dominic's AV |
19229s | they have found their target and they're |
19231s | going to start going on to Zed's |
19232s | motorcycle in the Scorpion Navy to start |
19234s | off the match yeah so the Raptor |
19236s | actually rushed out there to deal with |
19237s | the Osprey they tackled him down so that |
19239s | was how they got those cruises to apply |
19240s | it but now he needs to burn back but |
19242s | there's not too much really he can do |
19244s | now in this situation assuming it's just |
19245s | a tank tackle Raptor everything is |
19247s | already on his Battleship so it's now up |
19249s | to the battleships to sort of try and |
19250s | see how much the EPS they can clear now |
19251s | they can stop trying to break these size |
19252s | Fleet issues stability you should get |
19253s | some DPS off the field but they are in |
19255s | fact going to try and shoot through lady |
19256s | labia in the shield maybe Dominics |
19259s | yeah I mean Shield maybe Dominic's gonna |
19262s | be not as tanky as an armor Navy |
19263s | Dominics but still uh no utility in the |
19266s | mid slots perhaps all uh all tank no |
19269s | real utility to speak of uh can't really |
19272s | see if there are any grapples I just see |
19273s | two webs currently uh on the fancy UI at |
19277s | the moment as they are pounding through |
19278s | Zed's motorcycle right now just |
19280s | overwhelming damage and the Dual laundry |
19281s | frigs are down not that that would |
19283s | really do much the local tank of this |
19285s | Tinker setup not enough to deal with two |
19287s | Scythe leader she's two slept nears a |
19289s | stabber Fleet and a Navy Domi and none |
19291s | of these DPS ships have gone down none |
19293s | of them were screened and with the |
19295s | Scorpion Navy going down I'm already |
19296s | calling the match in favor of Road |
19298s | Capell yeah that's really unfortunate |
19299s | for Rusty hyenas if they had maybe 10-15 |
19301s | seconds more there or maybe if they'd |
19303s | gone for the Navy Cruisers they could |
19305s | have killed them they are I think gonna |
19306s | kill lady here in this Navy dummy but it |
19307s | might be too little too late but I mean |
19309s | on the other side once they lose this |
19310s | Navy Domi obviously that thing's gonna |
19311s | be packing like 1100 DPS I haven't run |
19313s | the numbers on the updated maybe don't |
19314s | be in Piper but oh now Nissan Razer and |
19316s | the Scorpion Navy's taking huge chunks |
19318s | as well he's not gonna last long as well |
19319s | I expected him to be way tankier but |
19321s | he's now brinkering on the edge as well |
19324s | in shield and this lady labia Dominics |
19326s | is still just going through hull |
19328s | yeah barely saying surviving and should |
19331s | end up falling but it's a matter of what |
19333s | tick does each of these ships go down if |
19335s | Lady Libya can continue to pound into |
19337s | nassat it could be all over for him lady |
19340s | Libya does go down maybe he can start |
19342s | regening through uh this dual slot in |
19344s | here but they've got so much damage |
19346s | between these Navy Cruisers and these |
19348s | slept nears and finally they take him |
19350s | down it's just a rattlesnake versus the |
19351s | world now and cruise missiles do not |
19353s | apply that well to Cruisers yeah that's |
19356s | unfortunate for Rusty hyenas I feel like |
19358s | it's tough to come up against a rush com |
19361s | like this that just has so much |
19362s | overwhelming DPS when you're in |
19364s | um like one of these Tinker setups you |
19366s | want to be against something that can |
19367s | that can't really do that doesn't have |
19368s | Max DPS right because then you can just |
19370s | sort of keep cat transferring you can |
19372s | sustain each other you can play a nice |
19373s | slow match you can Whittle things down |
19375s | you don't have the best application with |
19376s | the Cruisers but you can still just sort |
19377s | of slowly attrition your way through the |
19379s | match but when you come up against Rush |
19380s | comp it just Parks up on your DPS from |
19383s | like 10 seconds into the match and just |
19384s | absolutely blast through you your Tinker |
19387s | quickly falls apart and that's what |
19388s | we're seeing here |
19389s | that said I mean match isn't over quite |
19391s | yet cyclo in the Cyber Fleet issue is |
19393s | going down that's another what 600 700 |
19396s | DPS off the table uh perhaps depending |
19398s | on how he's fit and maybe he has dual |
19400s | 180s maybe it's actually not nearly that |
19401s | much but either way uh stabber Fleet |
19403s | issue does go down as tarvi or Atari |
19406s | finally goes into armor he's going to |
19408s | get some Shield back but remember uh |
19410s | that's still some DPS off the grid and |
19412s | it took a little longer to kill that |
19414s | scorpion Navy issue after they took the |
19416s | Navy dominating out gonna take a little |
19418s | bit longer now to take him out with |
19420s | these slap nears but it should still be |
19422s | enough DPS to go through the shield rep |
19424s | yeah I think the key aspect here of this |
19426s | sort of comp is that when you've got |
19427s | these battleships bundled up on top of |
19428s | each other they can all cap transfer to |
19430s | the primary they can keep those boosters |
19431s | running but when it's just one of them |
19433s | with the vulture the vultures capacitor |
19435s | is obviously not strong enough to |
19436s | sustain that booster on the on the scope |
19437s | maybe all the rattlesnake so on his own |
19439s | he's just free pickings really and this |
19442s | is now going to be the total collapse of |
19443s | this Rusty Hyannis comp |
19445s | yeah no more DPS on the table for them |
19448s | moa's there the oil remaining DPS of any |
19451s | value is the vulture but they will go on |
19453s | a Milton Sealy uh I believe she will be |
19456s | going down if I remember correctly rain |
19458s | was going over genders of Pilots earlier |
19460s | in the day uh and uh with that Rusty |
19464s | hyena is going to be knocked out of the |
19465s | tournament one two not the worst showing |
19467s | ever and uh with that Ro Capel will be |
19471s | getting some prior ships going into that |
19472s | top 16. so I'll be happy with that but |
19474s | they got to continue this lower bracket |
19476s | run we're gonna send it back to the desk |
19479s | okay hold up |
19486s | wait okay now now we're going this is a |
19488s | weird transition all right yeah go back |
19491s | to the desk yes |
19497s | [Music] |
19517s | uh yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
19520s | collectively uh so that's why that |
19522s | Alliance logo is in the game of course |
19524s | you can change your alliance by leaving |
19525s | but that would be kind of a jerk move |
19527s | that kind of oh you don't like it though |
19529s | it's Lego sucks I'm gonna go try and |
19538s | [Music] |
19547s | welcome to leave Pandora |
19552s | Pandora Pandora |
19574s | [Music] |
19580s | lasting a little bit longer to keep |
19582s | spamming that Mademoiselle for a few |
19584s | more days at least in the alliance |
19586s | tournament as they take out Rusty |
19588s | Hyena's clan in a very hard-fought match |
19591s | it was hard to tell which way that was |
19592s | going to go for a while uh jintan for |
19595s | people who might be nearer to the |
19596s | alliance tournament in the metas uh what |
19599s | we saw there is what we normally call it |
19601s | sudo Tinker what is it tinker and what |
19603s | makes this one a pseudo thinker uh so |
19605s | back in the earlier days of the alliance |
19607s | tournament just after the introduction |
19608s | of tech threes we typically see Tech 3 |
19611s | Logistics being fielded and these were |
19614s | incredibly cap-hungry ships so what you |
19615s | do is you'd Park a bunch of battleships |
19617s | and other ships around them that would |
19618s | feed them capacitor so they could run an |
19620s | extra large ancillary Shield booster |
19623s | without needing to put charges in it and |
19626s | that gave it an incredibly potent local |
19628s | tank enough that it could tank almost |
19629s | the entirety of an opposing team's DPS |
19633s | um in it which led to some amazing |
19635s | moments with a shadow talking about the |
19637s | Tengu nearly breaking and in fact that |
19640s | was so imbalancing that that's now been |
19642s | banned from the tournament so instead |
19644s | what you see is battleships feeding each |
19646s | other cap so they can run those sorts of |
19648s | reps locally and that's why we call it a |
19651s | pseudo Tinker because it operates in the |
19652s | same way making sure it generates as |
19654s | much cap as possible as using capacitor |
19656s | transfers generates a small amount of |
19658s | capacitor per ship and also allows you |
19660s | to put the cap regen of other ships |
19662s | effectively into another ship that's |
19664s | getting targeted and this gives you an |
19667s | incredible amount of sustain tank |
19668s | however if it faces something like say a |
19671s | shield Navy dummy it's not going to be |
19673s | able to repair enough to survive the |
19676s | onslaught of DPS |
19677s | yeah one of the things that makes this |
19679s | sootanker work in the first place is the |
19681s | fact that Eve online just ignores the |
19682s | laws of physics they're sort of optional |
19685s | and when you run your remote capacitor |
19687s | transfer it consumes less capacitor on |
19690s | your own capacitor than it gives to the |
19692s | person that you're you're repping that's |
19694s | why logic chains exist it's wrapping |
19695s | sorry remote capping each other and |
19697s | everyone gets more capped than can |
19698s | possibly exist |
19700s | one of the issues of course Bart is the |
19702s | fact that the range on these battles it |
19704s | was only about six seven kilometers and |
19706s | we saw Rook Capel there doing something |
19708s | to kind of break up that thinker talk me |
19709s | through that yeah uh wrote Capel |
19711s | basically rammed their entire fleet in |
19713s | and uh I'm not sure if it was like the |
19715s | Giant's face potato hurtling through the |
19717s | sky or if it was one of the sleptner's |
19719s | that did it but they were actually able |
19720s | to get a pretty solid bump off um I |
19722s | think that they kind of got back in |
19724s | range at the end to get their cap |
19725s | transfers going but they definitely did |
19727s | kind of bowling ball it apart enough and |
19729s | uh you know like you said the ships that |
19732s | usually have remote cap transfers which |
19734s | are Guardians basilisks and their T1 |
19736s | variants actually have a huge range from |
19738s | a capacitor transfers so that they're |
19739s | actually usable uh battleships doing it |
19742s | have about a seven kilometer range so I |
19745s | think that uh we saw it like the bump |
19746s | didn't look that big but I think it was |
19748s | just enough to help break it at least |
19750s | get the ball rolling on it so it was |
19752s | kind of the counter to that entire setup |
19754s | in fact yeah that's pretty much it it's |
19755s | one of the ways you can you know Bull |
19757s | and break it up and then once you've |
19759s | pinned one down by itself it can just be |
19761s | broken alone and scared in the Dark Void |
19764s | of space let's go to another interview |
19766s | with one of our captains jintan's been |
19769s | speaking to the captain of pandemic |
19770s | Court |
19772s | so who are you and what team do you |
19774s | represent all right so I am dinar and I |
19777s | represent pandemic horror and this is my |
19780s | first year as their team captain |
19782s | and what does your alliance do on |
19783s | Tranquility outside of the tournament |
19785s | well the alliance of course is I think |
19787s | now the biggest Alliance in um the game |
19790s | I can't say that I follow no politics |
19793s | super closely anymore because tournament |
19795s | takes too much time |
19797s | um but their pandemic War does a lot of |
19799s | things they have cigs that do hunting |
19802s | making ants they have cigs that |
19805s | um even do small gang which is what my |
19807s | court was around |
19809s | so does the team play together regularly |
19811s | or has it been pulled from all parts of |
19813s | the alliance |
19814s | uh I would say about half the team plays |
19817s | pretty consistently together on TQ |
19820s | um in in The Horde small gang seg |
19824s | and what kind of shenanigans do you get |
19826s | up to that really depends on our footing |
19829s | so when it's p like more you know more |
19831s | or less peacetime and horizontal on |
19833s | major operations |
19835s | um it's more pretty casual Realms and |
19837s | you know trying to stir up you know |
19840s | defensively |
19842s | um reactions and trying to engage those |
19843s | defensive leads even though the it's not |
19846s | favorable engagements for us |
19848s | um when it's actual |
19850s | major combat side they there we uh tend |
19854s | to uh do |
19856s | um actions that are |
19858s | that are designed to help us take |
19860s | objectives with you know with using |
19862s | basically a force multiplication tactics |
19864s | we tend to light and Force Major Fleet |
19867s | reactions to our 10 12 guys what level |
19869s | of experience does the team have in |
19871s | tournament play all right so the team |
19874s | history is kind of complex obviously |
19876s | Ford has had at teams in the past |
19878s | however this team is a significant |
19881s | Divergent from that initial team as |
19885s | their the entire leadership is been |
19888s | is different now |
19890s | um this team has now pulled a lot of |
19892s | talent from a lot of |
19894s | different areas |
19895s | um mostly all in from Middlesex but now |
19899s | we have definitely put together a pretty |
19902s | formidable uh roster that has had |
19905s | results in past tournaments that have |
19907s | been pretty promising unfortunately it's |
19909s | really hard to quantify since there's so |
19912s | many different teams that people are |
19913s | coming from it's it's really hard to to |
19915s | give like an actual pedigree what kind |
19918s | of position are you hoping to achieve |
19919s | with the team top 8 top 16 |
19922s | this is uh this is kind of a challenging |
19925s | one we have the potential to do well but |
19927s | I I hate to give and you know an |
19930s | official response on that um I think top |
19933s | 16 would be it would be an achievable |
19935s | goal |
19937s | are there any plans that you think the |
19938s | audience or maybe your opponent should |
19940s | watch closely |
19942s | um I could say that you never know there |
19943s | might be a billy Alton grid |
19948s | gym time they're talking to the captain |
19950s | of the pandemic horrored team uh they've |
19952s | been doing pretty well so far uh we are |
19954s | in the elimination bracket right now |
19955s | though so they need to pull out a w in |
19958s | this match coming up or they will be |
19960s | going home and they won't make top 16 at |
19963s | this point if they go out if they get |
19965s | through I think they become top 24 or |
19967s | top 20 I'm not 100 sure off top of my |
19969s | head but um they're definitely getting |
19970s | closer to getting that top 16. let's |
19973s | take a look at the bands for this |
19974s | upcoming match between horde and |
19975s | Darkseid |
19978s | so pandemic chord Banning of the EOS the |
19980s | Ishtar and the jackdaw Darkseid Banning |
19982s | out the Nighthawk the Loki and the Gila |
19984s | uh black pirate what do you see here |
19987s | I see that with the EOS the Ishtar and |
19990s | the Gila being banned out that there is |
19992s | a pretty low chance of drones uh being |
19994s | fielded at all that being said Darkseid |
19997s | did use a stratio setup uh yesterday |
19999s | which is why they are fighting pandemic |
20002s | horde in the losers bracket so |
20004s | putting that out there it's about pretty |
20006s | unlikely we'll see drones Panama core |
20007s | definitely does not want to see drones |
20009s | the jackdaw ban is kind of one we've |
20010s | been seeing uh sort of starting to |
20012s | appear more and more it is a very very |
20014s | powerful ship and is like kind of like a |
20016s | jack of all trades uh you can fit into |
20018s | any situation and I think that it may |
20020s | become like one of the best ships of the |
20022s | tournament |
20023s | interesting one of the best ships of the |
20024s | tournament uh jintan you have the same |
20027s | thought there uh yeah we've talked quite |
20029s | a lot about how it's useful in terms of |
20031s | A disruption ship being able to use its |
20034s | incredibly wide amount of mids to fit |
20037s | tracking disruptors guidance disrupters |
20038s | damps and even remote sensor boosters |
20040s | and other things that can help teams as |
20042s | uh help your team to weather the war of |
20045s | ewar that this kind of meta has become |
20048s | Dark Side bands though are also really |
20049s | interesting it looks like they're going |
20050s | after a lot of those uh heavy DPS Rush |
20054s | ships uh the Healer obviously we've seen |
20056s | it in a few Rush comps as well and the |
20058s | Loki and Nighthawk are crucial to that |
20060s | ham Rush setup that we've seen so |
20061s | frequently over this first weekend uh |
20064s | makes me think that they might be |
20065s | wanting to bring out the Vindicator or |
20066s | something similar that we've seen uh |
20068s | lose quite precipitously to that comp |
20071s | precipitously great word there |
20074s | um now Bart you talked a little bit |
20075s | about how this looks like teams don't |
20077s | want to see drones here |
20079s | um what's what's the kind of you know |
20081s | pros and cons of bringing a drone comp |
20083s | well a drone cop is really interesting |
20085s | because like it's uh it has the ability |
20089s | to completely change the way that you're |
20091s | positioning your Fleet so generally you |
20093s | kind of we've seen a couple times uh |
20095s | today where these teams will sort of set |
20097s | themselves up and then go in and fight |
20098s | well with drones you never really need |
20100s | to go and you can kind of just send this |
20101s | big old blob of drones at something and |
20105s | with the ship's bonus uh with the if the |
20107s | ships are using bonus drones they're |
20108s | very difficult to get away from I think |
20109s | we saw an osprey get run down by like |
20112s | two sets of drones well it was going 3.5 |
20115s | 000 meters a second so drone application |
20117s | is very strong obviously |
20119s | that doesn't make it this end-all be all |
20121s | amazing comp because the problem with |
20123s | them is they do have a travel time you |
20124s | know every other weapon in Eve has some |
20127s | kind of either incident effect or |
20129s | relatively fast cruise missile is |
20130s | notwithstanding but the drones you |
20132s | actually visually see this massive cloud |
20134s | of death coming towards you and you can |
20136s | do all sorts of like weird little things |
20138s | like hiding them bombing them smart |
20139s | bombing them to escape it yeah sometimes |
20142s | you see drone comps as well the uh |
20144s | people who have fielded the drones will |
20146s | spread out to mjd beacons and then they |
20148s | will just jump away and then just try |
20150s | and escape and just Starburst around |
20152s | which is a good opportunity to talk |
20153s | about those mjt beacons um gentan we see |
20156s | in the arena that there is eight in a |
20157s | square and one in the center what what |
20159s | are they for so these allow you to |
20161s | rapidly reposition and they also give a |
20164s | team a really huge Advantage for |
20166s | controlling the center of the Grid it's |
20167s | something that helps to make kite comps |
20169s | less effective in the tournament as if |
20171s | you're able to push away to the center |
20172s | you can send a bowel gone or something |
20175s | similar that has a lot of long-range |
20177s | webs right into the uh middle of your |
20179s | opponent's team however you do have to |
20181s | be very careful when you're using them |
20183s | especially the ones on the edge because |
20184s | all it takes is one bump or one miss |
20186s | click and you'll be eating yourself out |
20188s | the arena competing for others to see |
20191s | how far you can get out of the Edge of |
20192s | Glory yeah the arena itself is 125 |
20195s | kilometers radius from the center it's a |
20198s | Bagel Sphere and if you cross one meter |
20201s | View on the edge of glory you're just |
20203s | exploded instantly doesn't matter how |
20204s | much tank you have how strong you are |
20206s | how much you wish you you just hadn't |
20208s | gone at the arena you get exploded |
20210s | immediately some people have done |
20211s | accidentally we've seen a few instances |
20213s | of teams anchoring up in the alliance |
20215s | tournament uh the anchor flying out to |
20216s | the arena taking everyone with them |
20219s | um much to the mirth of the the casters |
20220s | at the time so a bit different from TQ |
20223s | of course where there is no such thing |
20225s | and in the abyss there's a kind of Arena |
20227s | boundary but it's like soft damage |
20229s | rather than an instant Giga death now we |
20231s | can pretty much get ready to go to the |
20233s | arena and I'm told that there's two |
20234s | flagships on the field here so we could |
20236s | see some very expensive lost mails in |
20238s | the upcoming minutes so let's close the |
20239s | arena and find out |
20243s | foreign |
20247s | welcome back to the arena everybody my |
20248s | name is fear Vana I'm joined with the |
20250s | Basilisk and yes indeed we have two |
20252s | flagships on the field for pandemic |
20254s | horde they're bringing their flag |
20256s | Paladin comp with the Battleground |
20258s | support going to be very very blingy |
20261s | very tanky ship to deal with but on the |
20264s | converse side what do we have from Dark |
20266s | Side Dark Side have brought their flag |
20268s | on magetto now of course the Armageddon |
20270s | doesn't get the strength bonus on its |
20272s | use like the balgon does but it does get |
20274s | the range bonus and combined with X-Type |
20276s | mutes on that get him he can have very |
20278s | very long range they've also backed up |
20279s | in a sort of controlling setup with two |
20281s | blackbirds which I don't think we've |
20282s | seen much ECM so far this tournament but |
20284s | if you don't expect it that's the most |
20285s | dangerous time to get hit by ECM |
20288s | especially uh in ships that don't have a |
20292s | whole lot in the way of sensor strength |
20295s | uh things like this stratios things like |
20297s | the sashimu maybe and the guardian uh |
20300s | does have quite a bit but the jams uh |
20302s | lots of yellow ships and not a whole lot |
20305s | of yellow jams I would have to expel |
20306s | between the two blackbirds might point |
20308s | out blackbirds don't really get a |
20309s | strength bonus they just really get a |
20311s | range bonus uh for their jams so even |
20314s | though they're not in not even though |
20316s | they're not as effective as something |
20317s | like a rook or something like a a falcon |
20319s | or a uh a kitsun soul can be very |
20323s | disruptive towards uh this guardian and |
20326s | also towards this balgorn it's worth |
20327s | pointing out or towards this uh yeah Val |
20330s | Gord the Armageddon is a full new |
20332s | getting meanwhile the balgorn from horde |
20335s | is a uh four gun uh balgorn so a little |
20340s | bit of a difference in the neuting ships |
20342s | here we're about to get underway I'm |
20343s | excited for this match basil what about |
20345s | you yeah I think this might be another |
20347s | slow burner here we see both these comps |
20349s | not massive in DPS and with the new |
20350s | pressure that's going to be coming out |
20351s | from each side the bowel gone on the |
20353s | Armageddon of course the DPS then is |
20355s | going to be even lower from Guns getting |
20357s | used out Little Shack the power didn't |
20359s | look looking to be the primary targets |
20360s | for those newts and as you said no guns |
20362s | on the Armageddon so that's a full Newt |
20364s | getting so their damage is really almost |
20365s | exclusively coming from that LE Shack |
20369s | and we'll see if they're going to be |
20370s | able to pay it off those officer newts |
20372s | if they've got them are very expensive |
20374s | but better than even the Dead Space |
20375s | notes it's one of uh the modules on the |
20378s | game where the officer version at the |
20380s | top end is better than the X-Type uh |
20383s | that's not common or that's not true |
20384s | with every single module it depends on |
20387s | uh what exactly go is going on so we'll |
20390s | see how it's fit if it ends up falling |
20392s | uh either way this Paladin chosen one |
20394s | will be the primary from this little |
20395s | Shack at the moment as a Confessor of |
20397s | tic tac77 is getting some pot shots |
20400s | thrown at it from pandemic horde the |
20403s | arch I feel like both these teams are |
20404s | pretty low DPS here and I think it's |
20406s | going to be both teams focusing on this |
20407s | top in Battleship the paladin on one |
20409s | side the Le Shack on the other because |
20411s | if they can clear that DPS that what's |
20412s | left on the grid basically won't have |
20414s | the potential to kill very much of |
20415s | anything obviously under Guardian reps |
20417s | on both sides the Blackbirds being just |
20420s | a general pain in the ass jamming stuff |
20422s | um skybreaker potentially killing off |
20424s | rep drones but it's it I don't think the |
20426s | DPS on either side is massive here this |
20427s | is going to be a real slow burner |
20429s | yeah some tracking disruptors go in the |
20431s | way of the chosen one uh on the Paladin |
20434s | but no newts have come out from this |
20436s | flag get in quite yet the Paladin trying |
20439s | to stay out of range as there are more |
20441s | shots going in onto helwitz in the |
20443s | Blackbird I assume he's been taunted or |
20445s | he has taunted someone at the moment |
20447s | doesn't have a whole lot in the way of |
20448s | armor attack I think only three low |
20450s | slots if I remember correctly uh but |
20452s | still uh he's got the backup of Guardian |
20455s | to help him out yeah I see tracking |
20457s | disruptors applied to the shack here and |
20458s | I'm looking at pandey's lashac and he |
20460s | actually just seems to be clearing these |
20462s | Republic Valkyries from the Confessor of |
20463s | tic tac here so they I wouldn't say |
20466s | that's a massive priority for them so |
20468s | I'd imagine therefore his his targeting |
20470s | range at the moment is his gun range is |
20471s | just not particularly great and that's |
20473s | maybe all he can shoot at this moment in |
20474s | time |
20476s | yeah just playing it slow playing it |
20479s | strong and uh you know to maybe get the |
20482s | action going we could talk about |
20483s | something else and then the action will |
20485s | eventually pick up uh so uh we could |
20488s | talk I guess a little bit about the |
20490s | Blackboard and ECM in this tournament |
20491s | not something that we've seen a lot and |
20493s | definitely not something we've seen as |
20495s | much as we saw in Anger games or even |
20496s | the previous uh Alliance tournament or |
20498s | Alliance open why is that |
20501s | I feel like with scripted damps it's |
20503s | just sort of a much more reliable form |
20504s | of because the with ECM you've got to |
20506s | pick the right color you've got four |
20507s | colors to choose from maybe you choose |
20509s | the wrong one and all your blue jams are |
20510s | totally useless against a totally red |
20512s | comp obviously referring colors to the |
20513s | ship races and their sense of strengths |
20516s | um and a in a situation where you've got |
20517s | jams against damps |
20520s | um you can jam out the damping ship but |
20522s | the damping chip then can still lock you |
20524s | and he just damps you back and now your |
20525s | ECM ship is totally useless so I feel |
20527s | like damps have been sort of a little |
20529s | bit superseded in this tournament but I |
20531s | mean it's totally unexpected as I said |
20533s | at the start to see Dark Side bringing |
20534s | these two blackbirds in this compare |
20537s | and ECM is best one you least expect it |
20540s | uh of course meta eware modules as well |
20543s | so you're not getting T2 jams uh which |
20546s | is a little bit annoying uh from a |
20548s | Blackboard because the extra sensor |
20549s | strength is really really important to |
20551s | actually land these jams unfortunately |
20552s | fancy UI just tells them us who uh they |
20556s | are trying to jam not if they have |
20557s | actually landed any jams will really |
20559s | only be able to tell if some DPS starts |
20561s | falling off the field that said neither |
20563s | team is really fully committed yet just |
20565s | a couple of drones actually drones |
20566s | fighting drones in the middle of the |
20568s | Arena right now uh it's very |
20570s | non-committal from all these teams |
20572s | yeah I mean we've tried to get the |
20573s | action started here but unfortunately |
20575s | there's no interdictors on the grid and |
20576s | they seem to be the magic button to talk |
20578s | about to get the action going so I don't |
20579s | know what we're going to do we're just |
20580s | going to have to wait here and wait for |
20581s | one of these teams to make a mistake |
20582s | wait for one of these teams to decide to |
20584s | push into the other I think we see well |
20585s | Pandy was slowly moving in in the Little |
20587s | Shack but now he's changed Direction |
20588s | he's heading back again very controlled |
20590s | approach from both of these teams so far |
20591s | four minutes in the match and basically |
20594s | untouched |
20595s | and we see like we saw some getting |
20596s | newts being used earlier on but now uh |
20600s | pandemic card has gotten out of the |
20602s | range of them and they still aren't |
20604s | commanding this Paladin because the long |
20606s | range newts of the getting will get on |
20608s | top of it faster than the Paladin can |
20610s | get into range of this Le Shack or its |
20613s | gun range of the shack even though the |
20614s | shack is track and disrupt that Paladin |
20616s | is also tracking disrupted at the moment |
20619s | I actually hope oh I mean there's I |
20623s | think there's potential here more than |
20624s | any other match we've seen so far for |
20626s | this to go to overtime and the fabled |
20628s | reverse tie-dye because both comps are |
20630s | so heavy on control and so low on damage |
20633s | that I'm really not sure that much will |
20636s | die before time here I mean barring some |
20639s | sort of critical mistake we're now |
20640s | nearly five minutes into this match and |
20643s | you know basically nothing has been |
20644s | touched this black butt of how it's now |
20646s | starting to be gently caressed by an |
20648s | Australia style then but |
20650s | an air in the stratio she's starting to |
20652s | move forward alongside this Belgian of |
20654s | Atticus they're gonna try to get |
20655s | something as the Vengeance tries to |
20657s | scream from Ava he will be able to get a |
20659s | web onto this battleborn but the battle |
20660s | guard looking for the long range web |
20662s | hasn't yet will grab it on anything no |
20664s | uh just the Vengeance at the moment so |
20667s | uh long range clubs have not landed |
20669s | finally uh more webs onto the spellcorn |
20671s | there's a grapple on top of the stratios |
20673s | now and pandemic horde in their |
20675s | eagerness to commit might just be |
20677s | punished for this they don't have anyone |
20679s | backing up either of these ships at the |
20681s | moment I guess that's the other secret |
20682s | method as soon as I whisper those words |
20684s | reverse tie-dye both teams suddenly just |
20686s | decide oh [ __ ] we gotta do something and |
20688s | of course the fight starts and that's |
20689s | exactly what we were looking for |
20692s | not a whole lot of damage as you |
20693s | mentioned from either of these teams |
20695s | with a little Shack once fully spooled |
20696s | up does do quite a bit on its own and |
20699s | they will try to burn through tener in |
20702s | this stratios and that forces horde to |
20704s | continue to commit uh committing the |
20707s | stratus getting grappled underneath that |
20709s | LE Shack has to be a bit of a mistake |
20711s | you need to lead with your Bal Gordon |
20714s | you can't load one of your squishy ships |
20716s | get caught out like that and Panama |
20718s | Corridor learning that the hard way this |
20719s | Cruise fire also on the side being taken |
20721s | down by these drones uh as he I believe |
20724s | is webbed as well uh yeah I don't know |
20728s | what's going on here the shack of Pandy |
20729s | is right on top of that Stratus he was |
20731s | absolutely chewing through him but his |
20733s | gun has just stopped he's still right on |
20734s | top of him but this Le Shack is not |
20735s | shooting I don't think he has an ECM |
20737s | drones on him I don't really know why |
20738s | this slushak isn't shooting he doesn't |
20740s | have any new effects on him he is now |
20741s | switching back onto the stratus I |
20744s | believe but I don't know why he stopped |
20745s | maybe on the crucifier he's got drones |
20749s | upon drones on top of him and that |
20751s | tracking disrupter that's currently |
20752s | being used on the shack that bonus |
20754s | tracking or something on the cruise of |
20755s | fire if it goes down the Shack's gonna |
20757s | be very thankful for it now the cruise |
20759s | fire has gone down the stratios is in |
20761s | the hall and Pandy now is free to shoot |
20764s | whoever he wants yeah he's still gonna |
20766s | try and break through the stratus he's |
20767s | just not I don't know him I mean he |
20769s | stopped his ship he's doing 10 meters |
20770s | per second he is now just starting to |
20771s | connect with the stratels again taking |
20773s | down to low hole and there he goes that |
20774s | Stratus does go down we are safe ruined |
20777s | no reverse tie-dye Paladin and balgorn |
20780s | though now fully committed on top of the |
20782s | slushak they're gonna try to take him |
20783s | out before he can take any other targets |
20785s | off the table Grant you this full new |
20787s | get in other places on the map right now |
20790s | completely and totally playing back at |
20791s | the max range of his newts trying to get |
20794s | the pressure on to this uh balgorn at |
20797s | the moment it looks like not even the |
20798s | Paladin because the balgorn can stop the |
20800s | lashac's guns but meanwhile the low end |
20802s | of pandemic horde being taken down one |
20805s | by one |
20806s | yeah I still think this could go either |
20808s | way this is similar to the pandemic |
20809s | Legion match earlier if they can kill |
20811s | this The Shack there's really not that |
20812s | much damage left on the dark side team |
20813s | but they're just losing significant |
20815s | chunks of their ships here their comp is |
20817s | going down stratios a shim is going to |
20818s | go down in a second as well and the |
20820s | shack is still holding they need |
20821s | something to stop this Guardian |
20822s | repairing but he is out in Narnia right |
20824s | now and they've no way of dealing with |
20825s | him |
20827s | yeah he's just so scared of the range |
20829s | control that this uh nuding ship of the |
20833s | flag Armageddon can bring to the table |
20835s | he is so far back compared to the rest |
20838s | of his team and he's not able to keep |
20839s | any of these Cruisers alive at the |
20841s | moment this Paladin in this battleborn |
20842s | getting some split damage on top of them |
20844s | at the moment uh maybe the shack has |
20846s | decided to move completely onto the |
20847s | balgor newts and NASA's now on top of uh |
20850s | the balgorn as Pandy tries to stay alive |
20853s | he's being neuted once again not a full |
20856s | new battleborn has guns on it so they |
20859s | should be able to uh deal with the newts |
20862s | a little bit more effectively and maybe |
20863s | he's got a cat batter even because he's |
20864s | now chewing through Atticus |
20867s | yeah I feel like at this point in the |
20868s | match Darkseid must have won the new war |
20871s | obviously the flagship Armageddon so |
20873s | extremely powerful in that scenario full |
20874s | new fit fully utilizing the flagship |
20877s | restrictions on newts and just you know |
20879s | obliterating the cap of the bow gun on |
20881s | the Paladin and that just completely |
20882s | neuters any power that the pandemic or |
20884s | pandemic hoardcom pad |
20887s | a little under a minute and a half left |
20889s | in the match and I mean Darkseid doesn't |
20892s | need to kill anything horde needs to |
20894s | kill a battleship but when they |
20895s | committed onto Pandy they weren't able |
20897s | to kill him now there's some damage |
20899s | going on maybe how it's in the Blackbird |
20900s | but it's just too little too late for |
20902s | horror this match is gonna go the |
20904s | distance but unfortunately for pandemic |
20906s | horde they might not get a single ship |
20909s | yeah it's a bit of a sad way to go I |
20911s | mean they're going to spend the last |
20911s | couple minutes of this match just |
20913s | completely out of capacitor unable to |
20914s | activate basically any modules at all |
20915s | and they're just going to have to sit |
20917s | there for the next minute and slowly |
20918s | watch these armor and hole bars deplete |
20920s | it's going to be Atticus going down it's |
20921s | probably going to be down or going down |
20923s | as well I don't think they'll have any |
20924s | time to kill anything else but it is |
20925s | going to be dark side continuing in the |
20927s | lower bracket yeah you got caught by the |
20929s | Confessor and uh now you know local tank |
20932s | on Guardian maybe not as good as perhaps |
20934s | we see from the ineros guardian really |
20936s | uh known for just having absurd amounts |
20938s | of remote uh tankiness to it uh the |
20942s | spellgorn vaticus should end up |
20943s | following he's getting some refs from |
20944s | dinar but dinar not long for the world |
20947s | at the moment 25 seconds left in the |
20949s | match |
20951s | yeah it's it's I'm it was a slow burn to |
20954s | start with we predicted it would be a |
20955s | sort of you know a couple minutes until |
20957s | someone got out of position and it did |
20958s | seem to be that Stratus of tyranny who |
20960s | got caught by pandian or shackle maybe |
20962s | he tried to catch Pandy and then sort of |
20964s | realized that was a position he didn't |
20965s | want to be in and that was what really |
20966s | kick-started the match off but that is |
20968s | going to be the end of pandemic hold in |
20970s | Alliance tournament 18 Dark Side |
20971s | considered by many to be a very very |
20973s | strong team |
20974s | um knocked down to the lower bracket I |
20976s | think they had a bad um sort of a |
20977s | difficult draw in the bracket but now in |
20979s | the lower bracket obviously a very |
20980s | dangerous opponent to come up against |
20981s | and they're going to continue on to next |
20983s | week |
20984s | and notably uh this is the first match |
20986s | today where or of the tournament where |
20989s | team of the flagship lost but they did |
20991s | not lose their Flagship so at least |
20993s | moral victory for horde we're gonna send |
20994s | it back to the desk for bringing us into |
20996s | the last match of the day bsod versus |
20998s | paper numbers |
21002s | [Music] |
21022s | guys stop being casual they're really |
21025s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
21027s | warp off warp off take the fleet warp |
21029s | everybody warp off this is a really |
21031s | really bad execution I'm very |
21032s | disappointed |
21040s | [Music] |
21046s | [Music] |
21050s | crash our enemies your attempts are |
21052s | completely damped out Crush I'm dumped |
21054s | out I'm dumped out you don't like Travis |
21056s | boys |
21058s | everything down I've not been able to |
21061s | look at something again |
21064s | I'm jammed |
21083s | dark side there turning the light off on |
21085s | pandemic horde as they are done they are |
21087s | exiting the alliance tournament we will |
21089s | not see them anymore however they did |
21091s | retain their Flagship in a very exciting |
21093s | match that's one of those matches that |
21095s | is just all about control control they |
21098s | can be a little bit like less exciting |
21100s | to watch because it's hard to see |
21101s | sometimes what's going on but very very |
21103s | intense to fly with lots of |
21105s | communication back and forward all sorts |
21107s | of stuff I'm sure both sides there uh |
21109s | lots of shouting I imagine one of the |
21112s | pilots in dark side there Pandy we can |
21114s | have a look at his profile he's a very |
21116s | experienced pilot in the alliance |
21118s | tournament going back here with us at |
21120s | least until Alliance tournament 10 when |
21121s | he flew with dark side he then moved |
21123s | into the Gorgon Empire and the afterlife |
21125s | before joining video reloaded where they |
21128s | won the alliance tournament itself twice |
21130s | and now he is back in Dark Side he's |
21132s | played a whole bunch of matches 45 wins |
21135s | to 19 losses so he's very experienced |
21137s | pilot winning a lot of matches and tends |
21140s | to fly the large ships you can see the |
21142s | shack type definitely test shoot |
21144s | Dominic's Bargas all battleships then |
21147s | that Harvey Navy that will be coming |
21148s | from the Octodad which uh it was the |
21151s | comp that was used it's a great effect |
21153s | to win I believe Alliance tournament 15 |
21156s | or 16 uh one of those uh so uh jintan |
21159s | tell me a little bit more about Pandy |
21161s | yeah so Pandy is one of the leading as |
21164s | you said one of the leading members of |
21166s | vydra and one of their greatest greater |
21168s | Theory crafters and you saw a comp there |
21171s | that was so you know stereotypically |
21174s | vydra utilizing lots of ECM um they |
21177s | wrote uh in I think it was 8014 they |
21180s | rode the chameleon comp to great effect |
21183s | which we used uh 80 ships back when |
21185s | those were allowed to cross-jam all |
21187s | their opponents basically lock them out |
21189s | of playing the game almost entirely and |
21191s | just use their drones to slowly pick |
21193s | away at their opponent's compositions |
21195s | and here we saw all of that kind of |
21198s | expertise used to great effect Pandy |
21201s | loves flying those battleships because |
21203s | because that gives him the best position |
21204s | to understand what kind of damage his |
21206s | team is is dealing and what position his |
21208s | main damage dealer normally himself is |
21211s | going to be in to apply to his opponents |
21213s | you know it makes it so much easier to |
21214s | notice when your opponent's out of |
21216s | position when that's what you need to |
21217s | look for anyway |
21219s | um to do your job in the team and then |
21222s | from that point he normally is |
21223s | coordinating those jams getting sent |
21225s | back and forth obviously with two |
21226s | blackbirds there's a lot of modules that |
21228s | need to be activated and a lot of |
21229s | communication that needs to go into |
21230s | activating all those modules yeah and a |
21232s | lot of planning to decide which ECM |
21234s | modules to bring ECM usually refer to as |
21237s | jamming we can actually take a look at |
21238s | some of the mechanics behind that but if |
21240s | you could take us through the mechanics |
21242s | of ECM yeah absolutely so |
21247s | basically the way that it works nowadays |
21249s | is that when you jam a Target it can |
21252s | only lock the Target that jammed it back |
21255s | so it used to be you know several years |
21256s | ago you could jam it and you can lock |
21258s | anything now it can only lock the thing |
21259s | that locked it back uh it is a actually |
21261s | flat percentage Chase which is probably |
21263s | the easiest thing to calculate in all of |
21265s | Eve online because you take your sensor |
21266s | strength and your jam strength you |
21268s | divide your damn strength by your sensor |
21269s | strength or the other way around and |
21270s | that's how you get it it does have an |
21273s | optimal and falloff range so a lot of |
21275s | the positioning still matters and it is |
21278s | still very people say it's RNG based |
21281s | um that's kind of to a degree but |
21283s | there's like ways to counter it I think |
21285s | that when you know that you're going up |
21288s | against a team like vydra you know as |
21290s | Jin said this is like this is their |
21292s | bread and butter I have lost to |
21293s | something similar to this uh four times |
21296s | in three different Alliance tournaments |
21298s | which prevented us from getting second |
21299s | place |
21301s | um this is what they do they're |
21302s | extremely good at it I'm not surprised |
21304s | to see them pull it out when it you know |
21305s | when things got serious and you know |
21307s | they did a fantastic job with it it's |
21309s | kind of confusing to watch because our |
21311s | fancy UI doesn't show jams particularly |
21313s | well you can see if they're being |
21314s | attempted but you don't know if it |
21316s | landed or not but if you saw that |
21317s | control bar when it was maxed out that |
21319s | was all the jams working so you can kind |
21321s | of look at it and be like oh yes they |
21323s | are not doing anything right now it's |
21324s | very sad yeah we saw uh both those |
21327s | blackboards just stacked for the jams |
21329s | two very girthy control bars on both |
21330s | sides there but anyway that was uh the |
21333s | end of pandemic horde uh so let's move |
21335s | on to our next match which is bright |
21337s | side of death versus paper numbers this |
21339s | is gonna be our last match of the day in |
21340s | fact so let's see if we can look at the |
21341s | bands here |
21343s | um for this upcoming match |
21348s | okay so Bryce said that batting out the |
21350s | EOS The Shack and the arthurus oh I |
21352s | guess it myself hello |
21354s | I'm favorite I'm finding out the The |
21356s | Gila the slept near and the oniros uh |
21359s | Bart take me through what you see here |
21361s | I uh I kind of want to focus uh |
21363s | specifically I think this is one of the |
21364s | first Nero spans we've seen we've been |
21366s | seeing a lot of Guardian bands which is |
21368s | a little strange because generally |
21370s | people say that in oneros is better than |
21371s | a guardian but uh my paper number is |
21373s | Banning the oneros out like the very one |
21376s | of the very heavy armor rep ships is |
21378s | gone |
21379s | um interestingly enough this is also a |
21381s | uh Le Shack band which is one of the |
21383s | first ones we've seen here and we've |
21384s | been seeing throughout the day these The |
21386s | Shack teams doing incredibly well so I'm |
21389s | wondering if this might be sort of a |
21390s | response to just how today's games have |
21392s | been whether it's looking at it and like |
21394s | oh this ship still is very viable and |
21397s | very powerful even though it is so many |
21398s | points |
21399s | yeah the shack uh pretty much the most |
21402s | expensive ship in the Arsenal that the |
21404s | teams can choose to field |
21406s | um if very very we see more than one |
21408s | because of the points of inflation we |
21409s | did see one team Miller and Fielding two |
21411s | for 52 points which is a huge investment |
21413s | Gentile anything else jumping out at you |
21415s | here yeah what's jumping out to me is |
21417s | that both teams have left uh a lot of |
21419s | the kite and a lot of the ham Rush ships |
21421s | open obviously we've got the caracal |
21422s | navies and the Navy Ospreys still open |
21424s | and along with that we've got the |
21426s | Nighthawk which has been one of the most |
21427s | popular bands across today uh completely |
21430s | open so I I think we might actually end |
21432s | up with a shield kite mirror here I |
21434s | would be kind of surprised if we didn't |
21435s | to be honest given the preferences of |
21437s | both these teams you said the mirror |
21439s | there what is a mirror in this context |
21440s | so a mirror is |
21441s | um it depends on how strict you're being |
21444s | but it's either when two teams are |
21445s | trying to do roughly the same thing with |
21446s | their comp or when they bring entirely |
21449s | the same ships that ladder is very very |
21451s | rare it normally happens if you end up |
21453s | seeing two practice Partners go up |
21455s | against each other they've you know |
21457s | played matches at tons of times they've |
21458s | kind of stolen comps off of each other |
21460s | and then they end up going into a match |
21462s | and just thinking you know what I think |
21463s | we can do this better than you and they |
21465s | just end up being the exact same thing |
21467s | uh I don't believe that bright side of |
21469s | death and paper numbers have scrimmed |
21471s | each other regularly though so we will |
21473s | see each side's kind of different take |
21474s | on this uh on a kite setup if that's |
21477s | what they do bring but you think we're |
21479s | going to see some cat setups as well |
21480s | then |
21481s | um I think we I think somebody's gonna |
21482s | bring a kite set up uh I do have to say |
21484s | that it seeing two kite setups play |
21487s | against each other is probably one of |
21488s | the best things in the alliance |
21489s | tournament just because of how much |
21491s | skill gets involved but you know I think |
21493s | we will find out uh I would love to see |
21495s | it it'd be cool to see that as the final |
21497s | match well let's go to the end find out |
21499s | if it is going to be kaiting versus |
21501s | kaising or if it's gonna be something |
21502s | else entirely uh yeah let's go |
21510s | Pokemon welcome all in welcome back to |
21512s | the alliance tournament arena for our |
21513s | final match of the day bright side of |
21515s | death versus paper numbers my name is |
21516s | pirvana I'm joined by the Basilisk and |
21518s | one of the teams did in fact bring what |
21521s | appears to be Shield kite that team |
21522s | being paper numbers uh with Claymore |
21525s | double Drake Navy and Scimitar on their |
21527s | high end |
21528s | yeah and it's a little bit of an unusual |
21530s | look from paper numbers I've always |
21531s | Associated paper numbers with sort of I |
21533s | remember as literally triggered they |
21534s | were really like those heavy armor comps |
21536s | Park Bank obviously really renowned for |
21539s | his Guardian play but he's now jumped |
21540s | into a scimitar a slightly different |
21541s | flavor of logistics here so we're gonna |
21543s | see how well he can slot into a kiting |
21544s | comp of course I'm sure his positioning |
21546s | will as ever be exceptional on the other |
21548s | side bright side of death bringing this |
21550s | three-armed Battleship control comp they |
21552s | are going to try and get on top of this |
21553s | kitecon with this battle gone webs but |
21554s | obviously as we saw earlier in well |
21557s | hidden Leaf villagers disastrous |
21558s | performance |
21560s | um you may find some difficulty in |
21561s | getting on top of a kite comp when a |
21562s | battle gun is your only way of catching |
21564s | them |
21564s | and on top of that this is a flag |
21566s | getting from Bright Side of death |
21568s | bringing in for this match versus paper |
21570s | numbers I'm going to try to use that as |
21572s | a force multiplier perhaps with those |
21574s | officer newts up against Shield kite |
21576s | that can get on top of them uh it will |
21579s | be very difficult to actually deal with |
21580s | but we do see uh much to uh everyone's |
21584s | expectations here paper numbers are |
21585s | starting to kite back but this vigil is |
21587s | playing a bit further forward to the |
21589s | rest of this team uh just trying to stay |
21591s | uh just out of range of the bright side |
21595s | death team that is burning in yeah and |
21597s | again we see Links of the Magus being |
21599s | focused here they're trying to volley |
21600s | them off the grid obviously the light |
21601s | lightness cells on illustrate maybe the |
21603s | heaviness cells in the Drake Navy and |
21604s | the Claymore they actually apply pretty |
21605s | well to him but he does end up getting |
21607s | caught by the Heritage the Deacon just |
21608s | in time I will just say I noticed there |
21610s | at the start of the match the vigil of |
21611s | atrikness |
21612s | um didn't start moving for a while I |
21614s | don't know if he was lagging or what but |
21615s | if when you land on grid you basically |
21617s | should be double clicking in space you |
21619s | are locked in position until the match |
21621s | starts you cannot move too early you |
21623s | will not be penalized to double clicking |
21624s | in space so you just Spam click in space |
21626s | as soon as the match starts you will be |
21628s | moving so if you double click once and |
21629s | then the match starts afterwards you're |
21631s | going to sit there and look like a fool |
21632s | something not about notable about paper |
21635s | numbers this is something that they did |
21637s | uh earlier today with the same Shield |
21639s | type setup is that they have brought |
21641s | e-war mids on these Shield ships we see |
21644s | damps going out towards the bright side |
21646s | of death ships right now especially that |
21648s | Bal guard in the Armageddon and that's |
21650s | not something we typically associate |
21651s | with these Shield chips but uh paper |
21653s | numbers haven't decided to sacrifice the |
21655s | tank for the utility as they are burning |
21657s | and uh trying to delete this Tempest |
21659s | Fleet issue right now yeah and I think |
21661s | in this sort of matchup it's actually a |
21663s | very very good option I think if you can |
21664s | bring damps on the bowel gone it just |
21666s | makes it so much more difficult for him |
21667s | to get into that range that he needs to |
21669s | do and he is the win come for bright |
21671s | side of death his webs are critical to |
21673s | get on top of something so if he's stuck |
21674s | with like 15 20 kilometer lot range it |
21677s | becomes extremely difficult for him to |
21678s | do that and we are now seeing Nikita in |
21680s | the Tempest being focused here taking |
21682s | some chunks I think the frigates are on |
21684s | top of him they're managing to hold him |
21685s | here he's got a drone swarm on him DPS |
21687s | drones coming from paper numbers but |
21689s | doesn't seem to be breaking them |
21691s | now this balgorn though trying to burn |
21693s | in maybe find this caracal maybe find |
21695s | the Stormbreaker on the backside uh as |
21697s | the attention went towards this Deacon |
21699s | uh on bright side of the death side |
21701s | outside this Bal Gordon trying to catch |
21703s | somebody he might find the CEO CEO in |
21706s | this caracal right now but so far no |
21708s | webs have landed |
21709s | yeah I can like you said there's so much |
21711s | evil probably in the mid Slots of paper |
21714s | numbers I had a look at some of their |
21715s | kill males on Z kill yesterday they had |
21717s | like two tracking disruptors and a damp |
21719s | on the Claymore they had like a one of |
21721s | each on the Drake navies they liked them |
21723s | on the old spray Navy's as well and I |
21724s | kind of like the school of thought |
21725s | because if you're flying a kite comp |
21726s | like this you aren't relying on being |
21728s | tanky anyway you are relying on your |
21730s | speed your Mobility staying away from |
21732s | the opponent and sort of you know |
21734s | keeping safe in that manner so you don't |
21735s | really care too much about raw exp if |
21737s | you have to lose an extender to fit |
21739s | those kind of modules if you can use |
21741s | them correctly that can actually work |
21742s | out much more effectively for you |
21744s | Now they're checking out one large |
21745s | frigate in The Inquisitor now moving on |
21748s | to this Deacon using those rapid lights |
21749s | to their advantage uh even though they |
21751s | are tedema logic freaks they still can't |
21753s | outrun light missiles uh unfortunately |
21755s | so Stanley Wright will eventually go |
21757s | down it's just gonna take a little bit |
21758s | longer uh than it would if the low end |
21761s | was right on top of them either way this |
21763s | stormbringer playing up right now uh |
21765s | compared to the rest of his team |
21767s | alongside that caracal still uh trying |
21769s | to run away now from this Tempest Fleet |
21771s | issue who appears to be the front line |
21773s | for bright side of death this Deacon |
21775s | Stanley right though is instructor and |
21777s | he should go down yeah he is and I think |
21779s | with six minutes left it is time for |
21781s | bright side of death to try something |
21782s | else they can't catch anything and we |
21783s | see one two one in the bowel gone |
21785s | approaching that micro jump Beacon so |
21787s | he's going to try and line up a boost |
21788s | here see if he can jump himself into |
21790s | range with the damps he can't pre-lock |
21792s | anything so even if he lands in range he |
21794s | may not actually be able to uh to get |
21797s | the webs in time before they can burn |
21798s | away but it's their only hope really at |
21799s | this point I think they can't catch |
21801s | anything by chasing after them they need |
21802s | to try something unorthodox and an mjd |
21804s | jump Beacon could just be it |
21806s | but this is exactly the type of thing |
21808s | that reiferson made uh his name known |
21811s | for in the anger games jumping on top of |
21814s | people with balgorns specifically uh so |
21817s | bright side of death trying to pull one |
21818s | out of riferson's book and uh right back |
21820s | into his face uh they are taking down |
21822s | this Magnus as well as this vedmack at |
21824s | the moment Fox pure goes down there he |
21826s | goes off the table very good here comes |
21828s | the balgorn jump |
21830s | looks like he's lined up pretty well I |
21832s | don't know how far the distance is going |
21833s | to be I don't know how close he's going |
21834s | to land he got bummed by the beacon |
21836s | though oh no nowhere near |
21840s | me it's just not far enough |
21842s | unfortunately it was a good angle but |
21844s | it's hard to judge distances as |
21846s | spectator in the middle of the Arena of |
21847s | course our distances are all measured |
21848s | from the center of the Arena so it's |
21849s | difficult to to sort of assess how far |
21851s | the distance are between the ships but |
21853s | it seems like he jumped 100 kilometers |
21855s | from the beacon but all the all the |
21857s | paper numbers Squad was like 150 |
21858s | kilometers they were just that extra bit |
21860s | further so he's still not in range and |
21861s | effectively actually in the same |
21862s | position as they were before but that's |
21863s | good from paper numbers to notice that |
21865s | was happening and just sort of |
21867s | burn range from the beacon that he was |
21869s | going to saying well you know he can |
21870s | only go 100 kilometers in any direction |
21871s | as long as we're outside of that range |
21873s | there's no way he can touch us |
21875s | they've taken out the heretic as well |
21876s | now the only links remaining are the oh |
21878s | check out the Mages Heretics while the |
21880s | iron Destroyer remaining against his |
21881s | Pawn effects as they are chewing into |
21883s | him and maybe this fed back as well |
21884s | vigil of uh a tringus finally some |
21888s | damage being put on the paper number |
21889s | side he goes down into structure |
21891s | Scimitar reps should be able to keep him |
21893s | alive for the time being uh is he |
21895s | tackled though no this is just pot shots |
21897s | at the moment |
21898s | yeah this is going to be a slow bleed |
21900s | out here bright side of death I think |
21901s | they that was their one ace card |
21903s | potentially of Landing that bulgar on |
21905s | something and then just sort of |
21906s | collapsing in and making some key picks |
21907s | with the battle maybe it's got two webs |
21909s | maybe it can hold down two things at the |
21910s | same time and then you can break through |
21911s | the Navy Drakes break through the |
21912s | Claymore whatever you can get your hands |
21914s | on but as it is they've just been kited |
21916s | around here and paper numbers just |
21917s | playing this com perfectly just as they |
21920s | should have it's a SL it's I would say |
21922s | slow comp and I mean slow in terms of |
21924s | how you play the match out it's very |
21926s | attritional it doesn't have huge damage |
21927s | it doesn't rush in it it burns around |
21929s | the arena and whittles away as we see |
21930s | the low end has been taken down |
21932s | um and yeah they've played it very |
21933s | controlled and uh yeah methodical |
21936s | yeah Pawn effects of Midas tried bushing |
21938s | uh to get away but it was not uh nearly |
21942s | enough now they're on his Tempest Fleet |
21943s | issue it doesn't have any lodgy on top |
21945s | of them triple Battleship a flag |
21947s | Armageddon absolutely useless they |
21950s | finally have some new pressure on top of |
21951s | this Claymore of riferson maybe they'll |
21953s | get one for the road but I think it's |
21954s | too little too late this attrition from |
21957s | paper numbers paying off dividends at |
21959s | the moment yeah I feel like maybe paper |
21961s | numbers might have missed the |
21962s | announcement in local here because at |
21964s | this point in the match they surely feel |
21965s | there isn't that much throttling but |
21967s | they're still choosing to kill that |
21968s | Fleet Tempest when that Armageddon May |
21970s | well be full of Juicy loot |
21973s | ah they don't need it they want to get |
21975s | the win they don't care as much uh about |
21978s | the loot perhaps because looting would |
21980s | require them to go into the wearing of a |
21983s | battle Gordon and a tempest Fleet issue |
21984s | probably not what they want to do |
21985s | there's some damage going the way of |
21986s | curlico in this Armageddon at the moment |
21988s | but still three minutes left in the |
21990s | match paper numbers still have only lost |
21993s | nothing at the moment yeah they've well |
21996s | they've lost the armor on that video |
21997s | that'll cost a couple thousand this to |
21999s | repair I'm sure but you know that's |
22000s | that's fine by him I'm sure |
22003s | yes yeah you know when you when this |
22006s | match gets you Pride ships I'm sure a |
22008s | little bit of this to repair your your |
22010s | vigil isn't that bad uh Nikita shrineau |
22013s | or uh Shiro excuse me and the Tempest |
22016s | Fleet issue finally into Hull he will be |
22018s | whittled down he will be taken out and |
22021s | uh just like that paper numbers will |
22023s | pull out a much more significant points |
22025s | lead |
22026s | yeah it's very as I've said it's a very |
22028s | methodical performance from paper |
22029s | numbers and I was uh sort of surprised |
22032s | they got knocked down so early into the |
22033s | lower bracket by Odin's call of course |
22035s | that's a very difficult matchup to come |
22036s | into as well I thought that was one of |
22037s | the strongest matchups on day one |
22039s | um obviously Odin's call a top six team |
22041s | last year very very strong always came |
22043s | through the feeders played 10 matches in |
22044s | on those two weekends and made it |
22047s | through into the bracket paper numbers |
22048s | on the other hand played in Anger games |
22050s | I think they got to the final very very |
22051s | strong Squad of guys that have stuck |
22053s | together for a while bunch of you know |
22055s | these guys have played a bunch of |
22056s | tournaments together Park Bank we've ice |
22057s | and we know all these names |
22059s | um and yeah I mean they're a real threat |
22062s | to be reckoned with now in the lower |
22062s | bracket going forward |
22064s | yeah especially against the bsod team |
22065s | that plays top eight last year in the |
22067s | alliance tournament this time going out |
22069s | has won two kings it's unfortunate but |
22072s | that's just the way the draw uh some of |
22074s | the most stacked teams in the tournament |
22076s | just end up going up against each other |
22078s | a little bit earlier than perhaps we |
22080s | would like to uh Spectators uh some |
22083s | damage finally going on to riflesome but |
22084s | he's able to wrap it back up he's got |
22085s | parked back at the semitar to help him |
22087s | out critical and the Armageddon is |
22089s | turning the primary for paper numbers if |
22090s | they can kill both battleships they can |
22092s | maybe go ahead and find some Loot and |
22093s | maybe some officer newts uh from this |
22095s | Armageddon because bsod are pretty |
22097s | loaded yeah I think they all gonna kill |
22099s | the zombie get it in the end and they |
22100s | all gonna be able to go in and claim the |
22101s | loot um but while they do that let's |
22103s | just run through the bracket of next |
22104s | week because they said this is |
22106s | um the last match of the day so there |
22108s | are still actually two teams left to |
22110s | play at this stage of the tournament so |
22111s | there are sorry two matches so we are |
22113s | going to have next week uh no folks |
22115s | given and Boundary experts will be |
22117s | playing each other as will big yikes |
22119s | against Deepwater Hooligans those two |
22120s | matches will be for top 16 placing but |
22122s | after that we start getting into the big |
22125s | Stakes you know we start getting into |
22126s | top 12 in the lower bracket top eight |
22128s | after that of course and then the upper |
22129s | bracket we've got truth on light coming |
22131s | up against tuskers that's going to be |
22132s | one to watch Odin's call versus Templars |
22135s | that's going to be one to watch we form |
22136s | voltar against Platinum sensitivity that |
22138s | is again obviously going to be one to |
22139s | watch and lock range enjoys against |
22141s | Brave Collective I think for you fear |
22143s | that will be uh one to watch |
22144s | I definitely want to watch and maybe |
22146s | I'll be commentating Brave again we have |
22148s | an alaster cat we have not lost a game |
22150s | that I have commentated uh fun fact uh |
22152s | either way 18 seconds left in the match |
22154s | they're gonna try to get some of this |
22155s | loot perhaps uh I can't really see the |
22158s | wreck right now on my overview are they |
22160s | on the loot are they on the wreck right |
22162s | now |
22163s | uh maybe I don't actually know to be |
22166s | honest I have turned Rex off of my |
22168s | overview so I find it very very |
22169s | difficult to actually locate where the |
22171s | wreck is in the mass but I mean there |
22173s | seems to be a fair few of them in the |
22175s | same place so I imagine they're all just |
22176s | ramming into try and grow but time's up |
22178s | they got to do it quick or else they're |
22179s | going to get teleported |
22181s | well title parts are incoming and that |
22183s | means it's over for the day tune in next |
22186s | week we're gonna get more Alliance |
22188s | tournament action me and basil will |
22189s | become sitting alongside uh Wingnut and |
22192s | zoo and of course uh moderator and uh |
22195s | Alexa and with that we're going to send |
22197s | it to the desk for the final time today |
22199s | take it away boys |
22212s | [Music] |
22239s | foreign |
22268s | together |
22278s | foreign |
22289s | [Music] |
22295s | there we are pay for numbers taking that |
22298s | Victory and that is the last match of |
22300s | the day so they move forward they |
22301s | survive another match and we will see |
22303s | them again next weekend we started today |
22305s | I started yesterday with 32 teams uh 14 |
22308s | of them have been sent home as losers 18 |
22312s | remain all competing for the uh the |
22315s | grand prize of winning the alliance |
22317s | tournament uh how have you guys enjoyed |
22320s | the the show today |
22322s | I've enjoyed it a ton it's been really |
22324s | girthy |
22325s | [Laughter] |
22327s | yes it has been quite good I have |
22330s | enjoyed uh every single moment of it |
22331s | actually |
22332s | fantastic right well it is a time for us |
22335s | to say goodbye and we will see you next |
22337s | week for uh weekend two of the alliance |
22340s | tournament here all the way from the |
22342s | event studios in uh Sunny Nottingham UK |
22345s | uh stuck around we're going to raid some |
22347s | Channel and uh yeah look forward to more |
22349s | explosions next week |