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Its slowly becoming everything my buddies and I think about. I may die of sleep deprivation in the next few days because I'm gonna pull a few all-nighters to grind 0-0

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almost 6 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Most games companies love to hear that people are getting addicted to their games - we'd prefer that you keep a healthy balance and that you make sure you're taking care of yourself <3

EVE is always gonna be here when you want to log in and play - always remember that.

True that it's persistent and a bit of a rat race, but if there's anything I've learned in 17 years of being part of the community - don't lose sleep over it.

Make sure that you take care of yourself and get an adequate amount of rest. Make sure you're staying well fed and are tending to those around you too.

Don't stress, so long as you've got a skill training, you're not losing out.

EVE is about the long game, not rushing to get things done.

Enjoy your time in New Eden - sounds like you're having a blast already, but remember to take it in moderation, and take good care of yourself <3