almost 4 years ago - Brisc_Rubal - Direct link

I’ll check on it.

almost 4 years ago - Brisc_Rubal - Direct link

No, I reached out to Convict and he was checking on it for me. Haven’t heard back yet.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Fleebix - Direct link

Sorry, the like was supposed to be a quick “thanks for pointing this out to us”-gesture but yeah it really doesn’t work that way. Use your words Fleebix.
We’re following up on this and you can expect results shortly.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Fleebix - Direct link

It’s an understandable interpretation. A like doesn’t really imply anything but “ah here’s a thing and I don’t hate it” and when I look at it from OP’s point of view it really just asks more questions than it answers.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

Hi everyone, thanks for hanging in there. I’m responsible for the redemption of these masks.

As @DeMichael_Crimson noticed earlier in the thread the PLEX for GOOD reward masks have recently had the appropriate name and descriptions authored and been exposed in the game:

image941×509 47.5 KB
Women’s SOE Enhanced Biosecurity Mask & Men’s SOE Enhanced Biosecurity Mask

We are now reviewing the contracts from last year so that we can add the appropriate quantity of masks to the donors redeem queues. I hope to have them finally in your hands in the coming weeks!

My apologies for the big delay with this, I had thought things were all systems go for these to make their way into your hands last August, but I did not follow up diligently and the process stalled with me being the point of failure at a particular decision point without me noticing. It wasn’t until this discussion emerged that I became aware of the issue and have been trying to catch up ever since.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

Hey everyone,

The masks should be in your redeeming queue now. Please let me know if you don’t appear to have yours or the quantity is incorrect. You should have one pair of masks for each 100 PLEX you donated to the last PLEX for GOOD campaign.

I apologise again for the delay in getting you these rewards and hope it won’t affect your willingness to participate in future fundraising initiatives.