over 5 years ago - CCP_Falcon - Direct link

We’re happy to announce that we’ve resolved most of the known issues with the 64-bit Mac client for EVE Online, however, there is one remaining client freeze defect specific to the 64-bit client that we’re still investigating and trying to pin down a root cause for.

This issue only occurs on the 64-bit version of the Mac client, which means that it will potentially affect all EVE clients that run on Apple’s newest OS (10.15 Catalina) when it releases, as this OS will be 64-bit only.

All previous versions of Mac OS still support the 32-bit version of the Mac client, so the current workaround is for pilots playing on Mac who are experiencing the problem to switch back to the 32-bit version of EVE Online for now.

All pilots should be aware that if they upgrade to Catalina (10.15), they will only be able to run the 64-bit version of the EVE Online client, which will prevent them from reverting to the 32-bit version if they experience this issue.

We’re working as swiftly as we can to resolve this issue with the client, but with the impending release of Catalina, we wanted to ensure that our Mac community is aware of this issue, especially pilots who have experienced this issue and have had to revert to the 32-bit client while we fix it.

If you experience this issue while playing on Mac, please report it via the EVE Online Bug Reporting Website and switch back to the 32-bit client via the EVE Launcher.

We’re working closely with our partners at Codeweavers to resolve the issue and we’ll be sure to release more information as soon as it’s available.

Apologies for any disruption this issue is causing our Mac community.

over 5 years ago - CCP_Falcon - Direct link

As pointed out in the original post, Catalina is 64-bit only. You can’t run a 32-bit client on it.