11 months ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s to shape Destiny is within all of
11s us with upwell you can shape the
15s [Music]
20s universe unlocking the potential of the
23s stars and planets you call home has been
26s the unwavering focus of our finest Minds
31s and now we stand on the cusp of a new
40s era introducing
44s Equinox an unrival Suite of solutions
48s for a new age of
53s colonization revolutionary structures
56s that offer unprecedented systemwide
59s control
61s all operated and maintained by an
64s efficient and skilled
71s Workforce embrace the freedom to shape
73s space in your image and sees the dream
77s of a star system entirely under your
83s command aquinox from upwell
91s [Music]