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Hello spacefriends, and welcome to another Community Beat!

Stay Frosty’s 8th Annual Frigate Free-for-All

You might have noticed the fetching ads promoting Stay Frosty’s Frigate Free-for-All on in-game billboards for the last couple of weeks.

This annual event is now in its eighth year and once again all capsuleers are invited to participate in the biggest killmail generating event in lowsec!


Head to the system of Ouelletta on Saturday March 19 from 16:00 UTC to take part in the action.

Dock up at one of the freeported Stay Frosty citadels and call out in local to be traded a fitted frigate for free! The only catch is that you’re then expected to undock and start brawling it out around the various celestials in system with whoever you come upon. It’s a no-holds-barred frigate frenzy! Once you go pop you can just dock up, request another ship and keep exploding to your heart’s content. Stay Frosty have 20,000 frigates to give out and several CCPers will also be in attendance.

More details can be found on Rixx Javix’s Eveoganda blog. See you there!

PLEX for Good Battleship Brawl

Initiative. FC Dark Shines and friends are organising a huge battleship brawl in support of the ongoing PLEX for Good campaign.

Fleets from Initiative., Goonswarm and Pandemic Horde will be converging on 0SHT-A in Curse from 19:00 UTC on Saturday 19 March for an epic brawl and alliances from all over New Eden are invited to assemble their own battleship fleets and join the action:

“The Initiative. will be flying a historic “Remote Rep” Battleship fleet and I would like to invite everyone across New Eden to join us in 0SHT-A for a massive brawl. Given the battleship changes, it would be great to see other Alliances, big or small, bring their own Remote Rep Battleship fleets for fun, but really whatever you want to bring (not Hacs) is fine ... 0SHT-A marks the divide between Imperium and PAPI space. It is also close to a low sec entrance (Sendaya), and a high sec entrance (Keberz).”

More information can be found in this forum thread.


Hot on the heels of the Bolstered Bulkheads update which released earlier this week, this promises to be an epic debut for the newly buffed battleships.

So come and enjoy an old school battleship slugfest with your spacefriends and maybe donate some spare PLEX to a good cause, too!

If you can’t make it in person all the action will be livestreamed on Dark Shines' Twitch channel!

Super Cool Synthwave for Soaring through Space

This awesome EVE-inspired synthwave track popped up in the community just recently. Created by a player named funnytnt minsenis who composes under the name Sn0w Cr3am, EveWave has ended up on high rotation in several developers’ playlists. vibingcat.gif

Partner Spotlight – DOTLAN

DOTLAN, a website developed by EVE partner Wollari, is one of the most enduring and ubiquitous third party EVE tools of all time.


On the surface DOTLAN is a map of New Eden which you can navigate in your web browser, but look closer and it’s much more than that. In addition to offering a comprehensive and easy to navigate map, it boasts a wide variety of filters and tools which can provide invaluable intelligence to capsuleers in a variety of situations.

Use DOTLAN to show sec status, sovereignty and myriad other statistics. Use the jump planner to calculate the most efficient route for your capital logistics including isotope consumption. Get information on planet types to help you plan your Planetary Production. Obtain data on player activity in systems including things such as recent pod and NPC kills to help you avoid (or find) trouble spots. It’s even a great resource to look up data on various corps and alliances, including what space they control and how many members they have.

A part of New Eden since 2008, DOTLAN is one of the very first websites that many new players are directed to by their more experienced peers and is a crucial tool in every capsuleers toolbox.