almost 2 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | foreign |
7s | expansion we're focusing on enabling |
10s | Corporation to better Express their |
12s | visual identity in new Eden and for this |
15s | we'll be introducing a new tool the |
17s | super Cur induced Nano coding expressive |
20s | Rigo sequencer we just call it Skinner |
22s | and for this we're introducing a new |
24s | Corporation role called brand manager |
27s | and the brand managers will be the |
29s | individuals holding the key to the |
32s | visual identity of a corporation in new |
35s | Eden corporations are the very core of |
37s | the social contract of Eve and we wanted |
40s | to take the first step in enabling them |
42s | to better Express their visual identity |
45s | both for themselves and for all others |
48s | to see this is a journey we started with |
50s | a Uprising expansion last year when we |
53s | introduced the new currency evermarks |
55s | giving players the ability to place |
57s | emblems on the ships |
59s | and in the version expansion we're going |
62s | to open up to corporations in in Skinner |
65s | brand managers will begin their |
68s | customization journey by uh selecting |
71s | which of the 11 standards output |
73s | structures they want to base their |
74s | design on and then they will proceed to |
77s | selecting combination of Nano codes they |
81s | will apply to various areas of the |
83s | structure there will be a quite large |
85s | library of Nano codes |
88s | to choose from so all corporations |
90s | should be able to find a scheme that |
93s | that fits their identity and when |
95s | creating a nano coding design brand |
98s | managers will always be able to check |
100s | out how it looks on any of the different |
102s | structure types because these designs |
104s | will be applicable to any or all of them |
106s | once they're happy with the design |
109s | they've made all they have to do is |
111s | proceed to the application which is |
113s | pretty straightforward they will just be |
116s | able to select which of their |
118s | corporation owned structures they want |
119s | to apply this nanocode InDesign to and |
123s | pick a duration if they want to have it |
124s | for 30 90 days and then just press a |
127s | button and this will be paid for with |
129s | Corporation never marks and as soon as |
131s | the purchase is complete the designs |
134s | will start being applied to the |
135s | structures in space for everybody to |
137s | enjoy |
139s | once a nano coding design is applied to |
141s | a structure it can be edited or removed |
144s | on a whim because this is something |
146s | that's represents your corporation this |
149s | is your branding it is something you |
151s | have to commit to |
152s | Corporation CEOs directors and any |
156s | member with the brand manager role will |
158s | be able to access the Skinner through |
160s | the neocom and this will also grant them |
163s | like the ability to spend Corporation |
166s | never marks |
167s | structures are among the most valuable |
170s | assets a corporation can have and some |
173s | of them are a place people go home or a |
177s | safe haven to just relax and socialize |
180s | or buzzing industrial Hub or you know |
183s | like a beachhead in a you know gruesome |
186s | War that's used as a staging point and |
189s | no matter what these structures are used |
191s | for they should definitely display their |
193s | corporation colors and we want to really |
196s | Foster this strong sensation of |
199s | belonging and the pride when you see |
202s | your home with your colors and also this |
205s | the other side of the coin where you |
208s | know you blow up their structures with |
210s | their colors and I think that's amazing |
213s | one of our main challenges was figuring |
215s | out uh what was the best fit for the |
217s | first leg of the journey for |
218s | corporations and there were so many |
221s | interesting discussions uh about what to |
225s | select and how many shades of pink we |
227s | should have and in the end we're very |
230s | happy with the result and what we've got |
232s | going out with version expansion and I'm |
234s | just so excited for the future |