over 5 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

Check out the dev blog linked in OP. The blog + 30 submissions = a pretty massive wall of text for a forum post.

over 5 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

Yep. The stories in the dev blog were copy/pasted from the submissions and some will include original errors. As mentioned in the blog we’ll be giving all the entries a pass before they go on to the final artwork for spelling, grammar and length.

over 5 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

Thanks! It’s nice and quiet in the office on the weekends. I can watch some EVE streams (TiS on right now) and tap out blogs without too many distractions. Plus: infinite coffee. :smiley:

over 5 years ago - CCP_BlueScreen - Direct link

30!! new meeting rooms to find…it’s going to take years…YEARS!! :weary: :expressionless: :pleading_face: :confounded: