9 months ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s Warriors of Legend
14s hallowed and venerated Among the Stars
18s themselves
23s [Music]
26s for those bold enough to join this
29s Gladiator of Pantheon
32s this gallery of Champions
35s that is only
38s [Music]
41s winner stays on
56s welcome ladies and gentlemen boys and
59s girls to the opening Salvo of Alliance
62s tournament 19 19. can you believe it uh
66s this one is sponsored by the galenti
68s Federation so in Alliance tournament 19
70s we will see teams competing for Pride
72s for Glory and of course for prizes from
76s seeing their Alliance logo emblazoned
78s upon the Victor's monument in the system
80s of Monarch so you're getting 10 of the
83s incredible new galante victory skins for
86s every win they get in both the feeders
88s and the main tournament to taking home a
90s stash of unique prize ships the shipash
93s and disability now today we start to
96s start the wheat from the chaff as we
98s enter the feeder rounds and a change
101s from tournaments past there is no silent
104s option for tournament spots this year no
106s more can you Flex the Plex and buy your
108s way into the main event now you have to
111s prove yourself in this Gauntlet of
113s Champions fight your way through for the
115s opportunity for Eve immortality today 46
120s teams enter and by next weekend 28 will
123s have secured those spots in the main
125s event if you win today that first
127s critical match you're straight into the
130s tournament that's right 24 of those 28
132s spots will be filled with that
135s all-important first win if you stumble
137s right now and you're into an absolutely
139s brutal bracket you'll have to fight
141s through three or four more rounds
143s potentially culminating in the galenti
146s gamble but more on that another time of
149s course the four teams that don't have to
151s suffer this today are the teams that
153s came top for it last year in Alliance
155s tournament 18. they are truth honor
157s light Odin's call we form Volta and the
160s tuskers they get to sit back and see
162s what happens in this exciting opening
165s event I am CCP overload and I am joined
168s on the desk by some wonderful people by
171s Yen tan and mystical might Misty how are
173s you today
175s yeah not too bad I'm actually pretty
177s excited to see some of these teams come
179s into the fetus tournament and see
181s whether they can progress into the main
182s tournament either in the first round or
184s whether they have to battle through the
186s entire thing to try and get their place
187s in their bracket so it should be pretty
189s good I've been looking forward to this
191s for quite a while it's uh yeah should be
193s good
194s yeah we're certainly going to see some
195s historic teams that have always had
198s their ability to Plex to just buy it
200s straight into the main tournament and
201s Skip these feeder rounds for the last
203s couple of years uh stories historical
205s teams like pandemic region the most
207s winning team in Alliance tournament
209s history stumbled in the last couple of
210s years and of course they were able to
212s buy their way through with their vast
214s reserves but now they are here in the
216s trenches with all the other teams who
218s are in the exact same position as them
219s Yin tan that's pretty exciting we're
222s seeing some pretty old-school teams
223s going up against some new blood
226s yeah and obviously we're seeing some
227s teams in fact the first two teams that
230s we're going to see today which is uh
231s goon swarm Federation and snuffed out a
233s pair of teams with a long long history
236s on Tranquility having fought each other
238s in the North during the low SEC of
241s Ultron era all the way back in 2016 that
244s led into World War B uh up to eventually
246s joining the Imperium during the height
248s of the raw core age where they shacked
251s up together and owned their own little
252s pocket space there so they could build
253s up the super cap Fleet but they now
255s terrorize low-sec with so it's two of
258s the kind of apex predators as it were of
260s their own respective regions coming up
262s here to find out what they can do when
263s they don't have silos on hand
266s yeah that'd be exciting I wonder if
268s we'll see four dimoses again from
270s snuffder or weather they're still
272s scarred from that uh questionable
274s decision last year but this is a heck of
276s an opening match mystical my as as
278s gentan says goons from Federation number
281s one marble team in the alliance
283s tournament uh coming in first in the
285s seeding marble run going up against uh
288s snuffed out what do you think about this
289s match
291s uh I think it's going to be interesting
293s for a different reason actually
295s um for those of you that may have missed
296s it we did a kind of team pick thing last
300s weekend I think where we were deciding
302s which teams we were going to back and
303s who are fantasy team was and jintan
305s actually picked goonsworm and Wingnut
307s pick snuff so not only are you know
310s goons and snuff Computing for a place in
311s the tournament but Jin and Wingnut are
313s now competing for some points because uh
316s yeah well I'll let John explain it later
318s perhaps but yeah it should be fairly
320s interesting I think snuff will probably
321s take it if they don't bring four-day
323s mosses again they did not do well last
324s time so here's the hoping they've
326s learned that lesson
327s yeah gentai normally we do a bit of a
329s tier list before the uh before the main
332s event and before the theater has been
333s this year you decided to change things
335s up a little bit essentially bringing
337s fantasy football into the alliance
339s tournament World fantasy Alliance
341s tournament feeder runs uh explain what
344s was the what was the motivation here
347s uh basically just for me being addicted
349s to playing in fantasy football and other
351s various fantasy sports leagues over the
353s over the years I decided why not try and
355s bring it to you on why we've always kind
356s of thought about how would you possibly
358s do it you can't possibly like track
360s individual players performances like you
361s can in a a regular Team game so let's
365s just draft all the teams let's see who
367s has the best eye for talent the people
368s who can figure out who's who those
371s underrated teams are and all that sort
372s of thing and at the end of it we'll
374s figure out which analysts do know their
375s and which ones don't
377s yeah I'm excited to see maybe we can
379s talk about that at some point maybe
380s today or tomorrow and have a look and
382s maybe just a temperature check and see
384s who's off base who's uh who's looking
386s good I know
388s um one of our one of our casters Mark
390s resurrect is Wormhole Daddy he has been
392s just drafting everywhere multi we
394s possibly can uh one of which uh already
396s pulled out unfortunately for him uh
399s Singularity Syndicate unfortunately
400s could not make the tournament today and
402s have pulled out they've also
405s um Prismatic Legion with the other team
406s that have dropped out so that 48 that
409s was supposed to be for the video it has
410s turned into 46 giving a couple of first
413s round buys uh to a couple of key teamers
416s and that's great for them because
417s they're able to just like straight
419s through they don't have to worry about
420s trying to win that first match but I
422s mean mystical might this is essentially
424s win and in right now like this match
427s every match that we're going to see for
429s the next while is when and in and if you
432s fail it is pain how do you think that's
434s gonna make the teams feel
436s I'm hoping that teams decide to bring
438s some of their better setups to the first
440s match because it's
441s I guess not it's almost guaranteed entry
444s right if you bring your one one of your
446s better setups not necessarily your best
448s you want to keep some things back so
449s that when you get into the main
450s tournament you've not already shown your
452s best hand and people are already working
454s to counter you because there's still
456s time between the feeders and the actual
458s tournament so anything you show now will
459s be Theory crafted or reverse engineered
461s and then practiced against
464s um but I'm hoping people bring their
465s better setups and that they think will
467s actually be able to win matches against
468s some of the good teams in the tournament
471s um instead of pretending that perhaps
472s they can scrape by by bringing something
473s trash from a few years back
477s Jen you've been in a position of uh
478s leading teams in the in the past as well
481s um what's what's the thought process
482s from a captain's point of view you know
483s Misty's saying bring that good comp
485s right now and and get in
488s if you think that you're a solid team
490s and you're up against a wicked team like
492s how confident do you think you can be in
493s these positions
510s I think
517s okay please remind me
531s yeah so I've been told uh gentana and
534s the stream couldn't hear anything that
535s you said there
537s um I could tell you it was insightful
539s insightful analysis
541s um and honestly spoilers for the for the
543s script of this particular tournament
545s um but unfortunately we don't have
546s really have the time to repeat it uh so
549s you're gonna have to uh just try and you
552s know insinuate what gentan might have
554s talked about there but honestly
555s beautiful words gentan uh but we are
558s ready to go to the arena for our very
560s first match of Alliance tournament 19.
563s it is good and small Refrigeration it is
565s snuffed out and your casters are going
567s to be the Basilisk and Chad Flame
573s hello everybody Welcome to as the guys
575s were saying this very first match of the
577s alliance tournament 19 feet is the
578s nerves have got to be high for these two
579s teams they are the first ones up to the
581s class to give their presentation
582s um countdown is starting 30 seconds to
584s go a little bit has schedule there so
586s um or a little bit behind schedule for
587s us for all this let's look at these
588s comps here Chad
594s not sure if China's having technical
596s issues I can't hear him maybe muted on
598s New Mexico in any case uh this match is
601s getting underway here um in just five
603s seconds now so these comps English
604s Confederation seem to have a gun comp
605s yep you're on here
607s um goons form bringing a bunch of gun
608s gun battle Cruisers here vulture Navy
610s Fair Oaks murmidon snuffed out bringing
612s a sort of kind of King Slayer but also
615s kind of control the comp with these two
616s rapid heavy battleships the guardian and
617s the two blackbirds so those blackbirds
618s are going to be an issue if they can't
619s get dealt with
624s and we are now seeing um the goons from
627s Federation push in here a little bit
628s this caracal maybe the Phantasm Etc
630s they're all pushing forward a little bit
631s trying to get into range of these guns
633s here I think they realize that the
634s um snuff content up against isn't
636s particularly lost about range you know
638s it wants to stay fairly tight and balled
639s up and and compact so they're free to
641s sort of push in and uh get into Optical
643s range of their guns
649s but we are seeing docslayer take some
652s chunks in the black red hair so it's
653s going to be on infinitas uh very
655s competent pilot flew with him in the
656s captain's cup um on the Jitsu team this
658s year he's obviously going to be on the
659s ball he's gonna be keeping Ducks they're
660s alive they're switching on to Minton
662s perhaps but
663s um again infinitas probably very capable
665s of I mean he's already going to be
666s cycling reps and putting them on him
667s again so
669s gonna be difficult to make some progress
671s though
676s just checking Chad are you are you still
678s encountering technical difficulties I
680s assume so
682s um so I'll just keep going so Michael in
684s the bar guest
685s um is starting to be primary here now I
687s think perhaps goons have realized this
689s comp only has these two battleships for
691s damage it's got the bargains of Newt
692s Michael it's got the Armageddon Navy of
694s Jose and the rest is control
697s yep I heard you there trying to keep
699s going come in
701s knocked out come in
703s they are actually making progress on
705s Nuka
707s yeah
713s this is Alexa of card here jumping in
716s for Chad as we see this exciting match
718s playing up between good and swarm and
720s snuffed out right now snuff's definitely
723s on the back foot despite on paper having
725s a pretty strong comp
728s yeah I feel like this this company I've
730s got here wants to try and um you know
732s land the jams and then try and pick up a
734s primary target that we saw it's a sort
735s of modified version of a comp that we
736s saw Hydra using multiple times last year
738s and they haven't got the massive damage
740s um they're probably not gonna win on
743s like 100 Point Victory it's going to be
744s on points if they do win
746s um but obviously these command
747s destroyers mankara in the Magus um going
750s into sort of middling armor here so it's
752s on the guardian to keep in mind if they
753s lose links it's going to be quite very
755s very dangerous for this Con with the
756s e-board that they've got
758s absolutely fortunately their Guardian
760s does seem to be doing a pretty good job
762s unfortunately the ECM doesn't seem to be
765s able to consistently stop the Osprey
767s reps of Podrick Equus who is continuing
770s to keep the goonestorm Federation team
772s topped off despite what I assume is
774s pretty Relentless rapid heavy missile
776s fire from that bar guest and get a Navy
779s to get a Navy crucially has not seemed
782s to been able to land any neutralizers on
784s anything is it possible he doesn't have
786s them
788s I think maybe snuff haven't actually
790s been uh they've been waiting for the
792s jams here they've been holding out for
793s all these blackbirds to get a jab but
795s they may have said you know it's not
795s happening we need to do something so I
797s see them pushing forward here and they
798s are actually pumping into Podrick uh in
800s the Oz Pro he is burning away to try and
801s get out of the Missile Range Armageddon
803s maybe doesn't have the best Miss orange
804s but he is going into shield into armor
805s now he's going into Holland this is a
806s shield Osprey obviously he is going to
808s go down here and this is going to then
809s put the onus on goons to make some
811s progress
812s um that they haven't been able to do so
813s far the guardian of infinitas has been
815s able to just keep everyone alive Podrick
816s is still living in half Hull
818s hanging in there
821s every second that Podrick buys his team
824s is absolutely crucial because once he
826s goes down this is a war of attrition and
829s I'd say we're goon swarm will probably
831s not win so podrick's staying up this
834s long is huge he's now oh yeah he dropped
838s he's finally dropped and of course in
840s this situation it just means when you're
842s against this double ECM comp with the
843s two blackbirds that ECM obviously as
845s match goes on it gets more and more
846s concentrated until it comes to a point
847s where you literally just can't play the
848s game there's just so many jams
849s overlapping it's only one ship for the
851s time being but they are still splitting
853s damage between these two blackbirds
854s giving infinitas a little bit of trouble
855s and keeping them both up
858s yeah the the ships that are jammed are
860s still going to be able to attack the
862s ship that is jamming them that's why
864s you're seeing some of the damage split
865s between these blackbirds they're still
867s trying to go after that Magus who is
869s hanging in there pretty strong in about
871s two-thirds armor meanwhile duck Slayers
873s Blackbird back to full infinitas doing
876s some work here although he himself is
878s now finding himself in danger as he's
880s starting to take some pretty serious
881s damage
883s I feel like the play for goons is in
885s fact to kill these command destroys if
886s they can get the pawn to fix and the
887s Magus off the field here people think
888s you know Canal destroy is Tech Two
890s resist but they're actually pretty
891s squishy if you can get them tackled down
892s these battle cruises will be able to
894s absolutely pump through them and they
895s haven't got the raw buffer that the
896s blackboard's got for the guardian to
897s catch them so if you can quickly switch
899s you know tackle a Magus quickly switch
900s onto it pump it from range it will die
902s pretty quickly and it's difficult for
904s the guardian to keep it up when he's got
905s to decycle his reps and then cycle them
907s on the magazine wait till the end of
909s that cycle to get the Reps in
911s unfortunately goonestorm is going to
912s have a hard time getting the critical
914s mass needed to punch through even those
916s Destroyer tanks with the Blackbirds
918s doing their jobs here that said they
920s seem to be trying to now concentrate on
922s Duck's Slayer I think this is going to
923s be a more successful strategy for them
925s if they can keep enough damage on one of
927s the black words to push through it
930s yeah I think that's right here it's just
932s tremendously easier I think they just
935s want to sort of pressure infinitas's cap
937s here the guardian only two mid slots so
938s it's not going to be the strongest thing
940s on cap
941s um and it's not really going to have any
942s sort of cap coming from elsewhere in the
944s comp maybe a remote cap transfer on the
945s bogus if he's close by but obviously
946s they're very short range that would
947s require him to sit right next to him
948s they kill off the carries as well that
950s was probably being quite annoying but
951s infinitas in this Guardian is going into
953s Hawaii he doesn't have enough cap to
954s wrap himself and the Blackbirds
957s um they are going to trade for the
958s harbinger Navy of Lord Jackson but the
960s guardian going down is massive the rest
961s of this comp is just going to fall apart
962s now Minton goes down and rep in quick
964s succession there in the other blackbird
966s and the harp Navy is still not dead this
969s is a terrible trade
971s unstorm is now somehow managed to take
973s this back they are now in the driver's
975s seat here with a lion share of damage
977s and tank
979s is quite an intelligent Choice from from
981s goonestorm here to just say if you can
983s shoot the guardian shoot the guardian
984s and we'll Whittle through it if you're
985s getting jammed by the Blackbird just
986s shoot that and it's all adding up into
988s his cat pressure and now this snuff bump
989s is just absolutely falling apart the
990s sentinel's gonna die the pontifex is
992s going to die the professor is going to
993s die with no reps it is just going to be
995s these two battleships left of the geta
996s Navy in the Bargas and they they could
998s prove to be quite a bulky Target but
999s with only three minutes left in the
1000s match here just over three minutes it's
1002s I don't know if they're going to be able
1004s to break enough stuff obviously there's
1005s no lodgy on the other side they can
1006s maybe look at the character or maybe
1007s it's the Osprey maybe you're getting
1008s into a point situation when you've lost
1010s eight of the ships in your comp it's
1011s it's pretty difficult to come out ahead
1013s on that Metro
1014s yep and unfortunately this goonestorm
1016s team the lower end where you'd think
1018s they would try to make up a lot of those
1020s points very tidy
1022s Osprey Navy jacked off Phantasm these
1025s are very elusive ships especially for
1026s Battleship grade damage they're gonna
1028s have a hard time getting through those
1030s hit points even though there's not a lot
1031s of them on paper if they go the other
1033s direction against the command ship and
1035s the Navy battle Cruisers they might not
1037s make it in time
1038s yeah I think the Armageddon maybe has
1040s like from memory like 70 kilometer range
1043s with faction Heavies it really doesn't
1044s have the best range it doesn't have a
1045s range bonus like the Bargas which makes
1046s it very very easy to stay away from for
1048s The Jackal The caracal maybe so the
1050s vulture the ferrox the momentum maybe
1051s they're all untouched make them feel
1052s free to just push in and keep putting
1054s damage on this bogus new Michael who the
1056s guardian obviously sent a piece to this
1058s com because the logic goes down
1059s everything just falls apart so he's not
1061s really going to have much backing him up
1063s here he is going down into low armor
1065s um and this is in fact gonna be some
1067s might say a surprise win for goonestorm
1069s I think many people this was going to be
1070s one of the most interesting matches in
1072s the first round I think many people
1073s would have favored snuffed out slightly
1075s um but goon's coming out strong here
1078s honestly if you looked at their comps on
1079s paper I think snuff dad had the better
1081s game plan like goonestorm just executed
1084s they hung tough after losing their logic
1086s they stayed composed and they managed to
1088s turn this match around as this August of
1090s nuke Michael is desperately clinging to
1092s life
1094s yeah
1096s still alive living to win yeah
1102s I think that goonsville at this point is
1104s saying the only way we lose this this
1106s match is if you know the bogus lives and
1108s they're able to break through our battle
1109s cruises um so they're just securing the
1111s win there the Magus at this point in the
1112s match is just not really doing anything
1113s between you can kill him if you want but
1116s um you know killing him doesn't secure
1117s the win in the same way that killing the
1118s bogus does they may take down the middle
1120s maybe but it's going to be futile as
1122s this match draws towards the close here
1124s just over one minute left
1126s the Phantasm has made it its mission to
1128s ensure that Magus does not survive the
1130s night he has put drones and lasers on
1133s him and now finally Switched Off back
1135s onto the gedden Navy that magus
1138s has managed to dodge a bullet not that
1140s it's going to help his team but she is
1141s putting out links to absolutely no one
1143s with just the get a Navy left to his
1146s tackled surrounded by a cloud of hostile
1149s drones desperately trying to do what it
1151s can against this murm Navy which it has
1153s caught
1154s but I don't know if it has the DPS to
1156s close the deal here and even if it does
1158s with 49 seconds remaining in this match
1160s it is not going to turn the tie this is
1163s purely for Pride if you can bring down
1165s this murm Navy now sitting at half
1167s structure and dropping fairly rapidly
1169s yeah it's just going to come down to
1170s whether he has enough missiles in his
1172s clip to deal with the mum maybe I think
1173s he will yeah the mum maybe does go down
1175s um so let me tell you a story I like
1177s last week
1178s um moderator was on the draft show and
1180s he wanted to mend the bridges between
1182s snuff and Jutsu and then this week on
1184s Thursday we were screaming and we had to
1185s pause for 20 minutes because someone
1187s ping there was a Titan tackle long story
1189s short it turned out to be a snuff bait
1191s and they uh laid us for 20 minutes they
1193s killed my Panther on my amulet so screw
1195s the bridge I'm glad that goon's one
1197s let's go Goons
1198s the karmic Justice here in the opening
1201s round of the theater surrounds
1203s so going forward snowfall gonna have to
1205s play later on today and I think it may
1206s be well advised to sort of bring out on
1208s perhaps easier to execute comp maybe
1210s they could go back to the four dmoses
1211s see how that one goes uh with that we're
1213s going to send it back to the desk for
1214s some more analysis
1222s sign us up
1225s [Music]
1234s [Music]
1237s why your team is stopping and today I'm
1240s so pumping look here at the crowd is
1242s jumping pump it up a little more get the
1245s party going on the Dance Floor
1248s thank you
1250s [Music]
1271s foreign
1276s [Music]
1281s Federation taking the first victory of
1285s Alliance tournament 19 feeders and
1287s securing themselves a spot in the main
1289s tournament they are done we will not see
1291s more of them until the main event later
1293s this year they can rest on their Laurels
1295s happy in the fact that they have secured
1298s that that critical spot and of course 10
1301s skins uh snuffed out of course choking
1303s their uh their ticker is of course BBC
1305s and they're maybe have a strategy just
1308s to try and get more skins by going
1310s through the the Glen to gamble who knows
1312s um but we will certainly see them again
1314s later today uh let's see if they can
1316s they can pull out a dub later on now it
1318s looked like mystical might that snuff
1321s were in a good position early on in that
1323s match they seem to have it they seem to
1326s uh you know the contests were saying it
1328s looks like hey you know good try goons
1330s from Federation get back in your box but
1332s then it all seemed to just turn around
1334s what happened
1335s I think there are a number of things
1337s that happened
1339s um goons seem to be losing to Snuff
1341s originally mainly because I don't think
1342s they were flying their compo that well
1344s they had a high damage comp with a fair
1346s bit of projection but I think because
1348s they were being jammed a lot they were
1350s scrambling a bit to try and put damage
1352s out but not really coordinating much so
1354s we saw damage coming across five
1356s different ships at once most of them
1358s getting to about half armor but then all
1360s of them getting wrapped back up slowly
1362s instead of focusing fire onto one
1364s particular Target I think also that uh
1368s there was a boundary I think on the
1369s snuff side right yeah at some point
1372s which is which is fantastic
1376s in the first match
1379s yep very strong performance from snuff
1382s um I would say that snuff's comp was
1384s also harder to execute so with the ECM
1386s setups you want to be able to screen the
1388s damage ships away from your ECM ships to
1390s prevent them from getting the maximum
1391s damage on because they're not that tanky
1393s but they're very good about splitting
1395s how much damage is coming into a
1396s singular ship at one time we don't
1399s really see that coming out from the
1400s magazine the Confessor and I think maybe
1403s the pontiflex set stuff had I can't
1405s quite remember they weren't really
1406s screening and in fact we saw the
1408s guardian and some of the Blackbirds be
1409s surrounded by the DPS ships from goons
1412s towards the middle of the match which is
1413s where it began to swing
1415s and one of the things that's probably
1417s worth talking about at this stage of uh
1420s of the tournament okay just after the
1422s first match is some of the key rule
1424s changes uh that exist from last year to
1426s this year now in town one of the
1428s critical ones is the changes to e-war uh
1432s how was it last year and what's
1433s different this year
1435s so in the previous Alliance tournament
1437s like tournament 18 there was a change to
1439s the rules where you were allowed to fit
1442s scripts to your email modules again and
1445s this turned out to be incredibly
1447s incredibly powerful and we saw people
1449s flying some absolutely ridiculously
1452s amazing ships we saw Cyclone fleets
1454s running a single plate as their only
1457s tank module and then filling their mid
1459s slots with dance and guidance disruptors
1461s and tracking disruptors and just slowing
1464s the game down forcing their opponents to
1466s fly through molasses as they gently
1468s plinked away at them from range and as
1470s amazing as that was in a truer you know
1472s display of skill he's also a bit of a
1475s display of degeneracy and it doesn't
1477s bring the explosions and the brawls and
1479s the big matches that we'd love to see
1480s here on uh Alliance tournament day so
1484s this year uh you are only allowed to fit
1486s scripts to your EO modules if you are
1489s flying a ship which is bonus to them so
1491s that means your celestises your carries
1493s your or more or less is all of those
1496s sorts of things can fit uh
1499s damps with the log range and scan res
1502s scripts to them and similarly for the
1505s arbitrator for tracking disruptors and
1508s all of the other scripted eboard that
1509s you can think of
1511s yeah Mr how do you think this is going
1513s to affect the overall 3D crafting I mean
1515s last year we saw things like the the
1517s Glorious armor jackdot just slap as many
1520s uh you are mids in that thing as
1522s possible and of course some teams some
1525s captains call from your achieve cough
1527s just love to find any way to put as many
1529s Ur modules on to the compass possible
1532s you can't get away with that as much
1534s this year our team is going to skew
1535s towards picking those bonus to holes
1537s even though they might be more expensive
1538s or are we just going to forego you are a
1540s bit more this year
1542s I think it go it could go one of two
1544s ways ewall is super strong and when you
1547s put it on a bonus toll that your wall is
1549s even stronger so we saw quite a bit of
1551s that on things like Jack doors where you
1553s don't actually get a bonus to dance for
1554s example but if you bring a more or less
1556s or a celestis then you'll get that bonus
1558s to dance
1559s but you'll also lose a bit of the damage
1561s and the utility that the drag door
1563s provides so we may see some teams opt to
1566s drop a DPS ship and bring a fully
1568s fledged eworship to really put that that
1572s eward to use it could be extremely
1573s effective against the logistics making
1576s sure that your enemy can't actually
1577s stray too far away from their scimitars
1579s and Guardians for example or else they
1581s lose lock but you can also try and
1583s switch targets quite rapidly if you pair
1585s it with an ECM ship and if you scan res
1588s damp a guardian or a scimitar then it
1589s takes a long time for it to actually
1591s lock up the ship you're shooting which
1592s means that killing those smaller ships
1594s is useful
1595s on the flip side we may just see more
1597s remote assistance coming out from some
1599s of these things like that doors with
1600s remote tracking remote eccm coming out
1602s to counter some of the evil that we may
1605s be seeing
1606s um really it can go one of two ways it
1608s depends if people favor the damage or
1609s the utility that they get from the ewall
1613s yeah now it will be interesting to see
1614s how the meta develops um I'm going to go
1616s out on a limb and say we've not seen
1618s Peak meta in our first match there uh
1621s goons form and snuff there not two of
1623s the the most well-known story tournament
1625s teams uh famed for their 3D crafting uh
1628s of course you know guns are in I I
1630s salute them it's not not a not a common
1632s occurrence in the alliance tournament
1633s usually they they stumble and fail but
1636s you know this time first in marbles
1637s first spot secured so congratulations to
1640s the Gooden swarm Federation there now
1642s let's look forward to our next match
1643s which is banana versus platinum
1646s sensitivity uh Yin tan tell me a little
1649s bit about these teams here
1651s uh so Platinum sensitivity are the
1655s Japanese team uh we moved to an apple
1659s RJ we're playing the intro
1667s I'm not sure
1684s that's intro
1693s anyway uh so the teams so uh banada are
1697s a Polish Wormhole team at least that's
1698s my understanding of them I've not had
1700s the uh pleasure of running into them and
1702s Tranquility but I've heard that they are
1704s at least relatively competent uh most
1706s Wormhole teams do have experience flying
1709s in small gang which is more that you can
1710s say for some of the Null Sec contenders
1713s uh but then again you know wormhoilers
1715s do also have kind of a historical
1717s uh shall we say previous position for
1721s not finishing particularly well when it
1722s comes to the actual tournament
1725s I can see it hey see us again hey guys I
1727s love that intro it's a great intro
1730s here we go so we can see bands uh okay
1734s okay I probably this was the button that
1735s was meant to be pressed uh but the it
1737s seems like the intro button is
1739s unpushable so we must watch the intro so
1742s here's the Vans banana Banning out uh
1745s the Widow and the bar against Platinum
1747s sensitivity choosing to ban it that a
1749s badon and the Redeemer and then there's
1751s some trickle bands in there but I'm not
1752s convinced that they are a real uh
1754s physical fact what do you think about
1755s these bands
1757s uh I'm just gonna assume that the first
1760s bands are the correct ones
1763s um yeah it's fairly interesting to see
1764s the Redeemer band come out there was
1766s that buff to the Redeemer which made the
1768s Newt stronger it doesn't give it extra
1769s range but it does make it a little bit
1771s more powerful by half I think now which
1773s is pretty cool yeah badden is an
1775s interesting one but we have seen
1776s versions of the more high damage kind of
1779s Rush comp where they've brought a
1780s patterns and oracles before which is
1782s extremely effective at just kind of
1784s out damage onto a ship and
1786s making it die I mean it's fairly hard to
1789s avoid that damage as well since they
1791s project quite well
1793s um I think it's interesting to see a
1794s widow ban
1795s um I don't know how many teams are going
1797s to emphasize bringing widows especially
1799s in the feeders bracket it's something
1801s that I think a team might try and hail
1802s Mary later on in the tournament when
1805s it's least expected depending on how the
1806s meta develops but it's not exactly a
1809s strong ship when it comes to tanking or
1811s damage but it does have a lot of jams
1813s but with the change to jams it can still
1815s be shot when it's jamming things so it
1818s depends a lot on the support ships that
1821s someone decides to bring with the Widow
1824s so just quickly uh some people asking
1826s about trickle bands now trickle bands
1827s don't exist I believe in the feeder uh
1829s this year but jintanki together is like
1831s a 20 second overview of what trigger
1833s bands actually are
1834s so when if two if two people Ban two
1838s teams ban the same ships the trickle
1839s bands ensure that a reasonable selection
1842s of ships are actually banned from the
1844s total pool uh by giving both teams the
1846s opportunity to ban in accordance with
1848s how many bands they agreed on the same
1851s pick with
1853s okay perfect now uh let's go to this
1857s match uh between the banana and platinum
1859s sensitivity with Alexa and Wingnut
1866s hello this is Alexa card with what is
1868s shaping up to be an exciting match but
1870s not in here with a ECM Blaster Rush comp
1874s I am so hyped for this wing nut what do
1876s we have in the Platinum sensitivity side
1878s as this match gets underway yeah they go
1880s DPS projection here so we're going to
1881s have like a lot of ECM with a lot of
1883s damage but then against what's going to
1885s just absolutely rip apart as you can see
1887s two heck of these already did I don't
1888s know why they brought two but this is
1891s very not the match I was expecting to
1893s see and it's honestly going so damn
1895s quickly We're not gonna get much of it
1896s oh no this is this is terrible for
1899s banana they lost three of their Blaster
1901s ships already the Scorpions have not
1903s actually been successful with their jams
1906s three scorpions I I want whatever
1909s they're smoking because apparently it's
1910s some good
1912s rapid heavy scorpion it's a serious
1914s sound right
1916s what Banana's trying to do is is jam out
1918s the enemy DPS so that the blasters can
1920s get on top and fight unencumbered but
1922s they did not land the initial round of
1925s jams they've lost all of their damage in
1927s seconds
1928s terrible oh my heart
1933s it's like watching fireworks or popcorn
1936s in the machine it's just this is never
1937s ending already their support Wing is
1939s gone the last logic's about to get
1940s deleted now you've got three entirely
1943s anemic scorpions who are like but but we
1946s jammed but we jammed things
1950s I was literally bouncing in my chair
1952s seeing this comp work in and I have
1954s never been so disappointed in my entire
1957s life
1959s I was hoping to see like you know DPS
1960s Rush versus like hiding rush but it just
1962s it died so damn fast these scorpions did
1965s exactly zero
1967s brutal I'm not sure what happened there
1969s maybe just bad luck on the rolls but the
1972s Scorpions did not draw aggro like they
1975s were supposed to and their team fell
1976s apart so fast hey part of the problem I
1979s have with it at least is that you
1980s brought two lodgy frigates with ships
1982s like hecates that are particularly tanky
1984s they don't last long enough to even get
1986s reps on to begin with with your short
1987s range rappers so it was just I don't
1990s think it was really this comp it's just
1991s I don't know it's so stacked with
1993s scorpions you're missing so much in it I
1995s think
1997s just yeah I think they might have been
1998s better off going with the two and scorps
2000s instead of three they probably still
2002s would have had enough ECM to do what
2003s they were hoping to do but a few more
2005s points to play with to get some beefier
2007s lodgy maybe some kind of links to help
2010s them out not sure what they could have
2012s done differently here that's a great
2014s idea on paper
2016s like there's a lot of ways you do you
2017s could do like scorpions and blackbirds
2019s you do scorpions and a uh kitsuna if you
2022s really wanted to like you could really
2023s spread out the options but know what no
2024s no no no no we want three scorpions
2026s because we got stinging Tails yo we just
2029s want to start stabbing people it it no
2031s loud and sensitivity here looking great
2034s uh they're well on their way to a
2037s Flawless victory
2039s yeah I I I know this is going to sound
2041s mean but they deserve this one is this
2043s more this bananas face planting so hard
2045s they went through the floor
2047s I think they deserve it a little bit
2050s they had a lot of poise in the face of
2052s an absurd amount of jams they had
2054s excellent Target calling and they're
2057s moving on to the next round
2060s indeed well thank you very much that was
2062s a very quick match and we'll go very
2063s quickly back to the desk as well
2068s guys stop being casual they're really
2070s bad we should not lose anybody to this
2073s warp off take the fleet warp everybody
2075s warp off this is a really really bad
2077s execution I'm very disappointed
2083s another great hall back from Omar damn
2085s I'm thirsty
2087s [Music]
2089s ah
2091s that hits the spot
2092s [Music]
2104s Yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP
2107s collectively so that's why that Alliance
2109s logo is in the game of course you could
2111s change your alliance by leaving but that
2113s would be kind of a jerk move oh you
2115s don't like it now this Lego sucks I'm
2117s gonna go join
2125s thank you
2133s [Music]
2135s well there we are Platinum sensitivity
2137s uh cleaning up in the fruit aisle there
2140s a pretty solid win over banana
2144s um I guess I didn't go to plan for a
2147s team banana bringing a triple scorpion
2150s that seems like a bold choice I mean
2152s it's triple scorpion can it work or they
2155s just not execute well here
2157s uh so I've annoyed Hydra with the idea
2161s of like a banana split comp which is
2162s funny because banana brought this comp
2164s um and the idea was that you have
2166s multiple scorpions that act as like ECM
2169s towers and they all split apart so that
2171s you have to chase each one down
2172s individually and you just keep jamming
2173s people off of the other scorpions
2176s um this was not in a very effective use
2178s of the Scorpion because they decided to
2180s Ram their entire team in before the
2183s Scorpions had actually established luck
2184s on anything and managed to lose both of
2186s their hecates and basically half an exec
2189s before Jam started to come out really
2191s um I think you want a tankier team that
2194s can kind of sit back and limit the
2196s amount of damage that a team can project
2197s against you because you're not going to
2199s be moving quickly with three Scorpions
2201s on your side and they kind of melded
2203s blaster Rush with scorpions which
2205s obviously didn't work too well for them
2207s and it's important to note that their
2209s logistic ships were too lodgy frigates
2211s the Thalia and I believe the Deacon and
2214s they looked like they were moving
2216s extremely slowly for a for a rush comp
2218s being left completely behind by the
2220s exact Navy step burden
2223s yeah do you think there's something else
2225s that banana could have done there to
2228s yeah
2229s find some sort of Route towards Victory
2231s we know Planet sensitivity are a very
2233s strong team uh with some really good
2235s players they did pretty well last year I
2237s can't remember exactly where they got to
2237s I want to say top eight
2239s um but they are by no means a bad team
2242s uh that being said could be not done
2244s anything different with what they
2245s brought not with what they brought what
2247s they brought like they were going up
2249s against you know maybe if Platinum
2250s sensitivity had brought a composition
2252s which was a bit more reliant on like
2254s interdependent you know interlocking
2256s mechanisms for example if they brought
2259s whatever their own version of the
2261s Blackbird control comp that we saw
2262s snuffed out Bring uh previously they
2265s brought something like that you know
2266s maybe somehow through the you know the
2269s pure gods of RNG they could have uh
2272s enabled themselves to have a victory but
2274s when you are going up against medium gun
2276s spam which is what Platinum sensitivity
2278s brought there's nowhere on grid you can
2280s hide there's no way you can separate
2282s damage because even if you're you know
2284s even if you're scorpion to get 100
2285s kilometers away from one another they
2286s bounce around at all these mjds you're
2289s still going to be able to shoot the
2290s Scorpion that's 100 kilometers away from
2292s you yourself with long-range medium guns
2294s the whole strategy is completely
2296s ineffective against what Platinum set
2298s the city brought they needed to have
2300s kind of researched what cobs like that
2303s existed and take them out in the band
2305s phase if they wanted any hope of
2306s something like this being able to be
2307s pulled off
2308s let's go mate you're very polite there
2310s you raised your hand I I give you the
2312s floor yeah I just wanted to thank you
2314s thank you very much I just wanted to
2315s raise that uh I think this is the second
2318s match in which Wingnut and jintan have
2320s now faced off against each other with
2321s their picks this time
2324s uh I believe taking the win and gentan
2327s losing so yeah it seems like a very
2329s intense little battle between the two
2331s for now
2332s nice nice I haven't been getting update
2334s on that after after the day maybe jintan
2336s you can work out the points and we can
2337s see where the standings are uh but yeah
2339s so that was banana uh that that comp was
2342s uh about as good as their current
2344s Alliance logo
2346s um now we did see what looked like uh
2348s you mentioned medium gun spam this gives
2350s me Shades and memories of the old
2353s Octodad as it was known uh which was a a
2356s pretty popular archetype from uh
2359s Alliance tournament 16 I believe where
2361s it was just battle cruises with medium
2362s guns uh mystical might tell me about
2365s that comp why was it so popular and do
2367s you think
2367s we could see more medium gun span this
2369s tournament
2371s I mean I think it's fair to say we've
2373s seen two matches so far and we've seen
2375s two versions of the Octodad in the new
2378s 80 environment we've seen an armor comp
2380s version with Platinum sensitivity and
2382s we've seen a shield version with uh
2386s goons in the previous match
2388s um the armor one it seemed was much more
2390s effective I think that's down to the
2392s fact that you can fit tracking computers
2393s to the armor variants which means that
2395s you can extend how far you can shoot
2397s using the optimal range script or you
2399s can use the tracking speed script to hit
2401s those smaller targets when they're
2402s burning in towards you it's a very
2404s effective setup because it's making use
2406s of medium sized holes with the battle
2409s Cruisers and the normal Cruisers to put
2412s out a lot of medium turret damage which
2414s is harder for people to avoid with you
2416s know good piloting just because they
2418s have better tracking so Bart was typing
2422s in some of the bat channels that you've
2423s got like thousands of DPS worth of
2426s medium turret damage coming in on your
2428s ships
2428s that you can't really mitigate so you
2430s just need to be able to stand there and
2432s tank and especially in an environment
2434s where we have a lot of 80 80 logic
2437s frigates they just don't have that rep
2439s power to allow them to withstand that
2441s much damage coming in and they can't
2442s really mitigate damage from these medium
2445s tourists if the side that has the medium
2448s turrets has things like Target painters
2449s to bloom their signature
2452s yeah those lodgy frigates it's always an
2454s interesting decision to go between Tech
2457s to logistic Cruiser and take one
2458s logistic Cruiser and then do you drop
2460s down to the the pair of logistic
2461s frigates sometimes we even see uh tech
2464s one Logistics fragrance there's only two
2465s points but I don't believe it has a very
2468s good track record of being successful
2470s bringing tech one logistic frigates uh
2472s jintan do you I mean what did we see a
2475s lot of last year and do you think it
2476s would be the same or do you think we'll
2477s see more of a switch in the in the
2478s logistics meta this year
2480s eventually saw a fairly good mix of
2483s logistic ships last year it was I
2485s believe very slightly weighted towards
2487s the TT Logistics Cruisers because those
2490s offer you the most power uh when they're
2492s flown successfully but a lot of teams
2494s will probably especially at this point
2496s in the tournament uh focus in on uh T2
2500s Logistics frigates because they require
2502s more work from your opponents to kill
2505s them one frigate getting a tackle you
2507s know a web or a scram on a logistics
2509s frigate is not normally enough to kill
2511s it you need to back that up with either
2513s a lot of medium guns which can track
2514s them really effectively or dedicated
2517s paints and multiple webs to be able to
2519s allow your larger DPS uh ships normally
2522s battleships to actually apply to them
2524s properly
2525s um
2526s and in this kind of lower lower period
2529s of basically competition you know we've
2531s still got two months more of practice to
2532s go into the real tournament uh a lot of
2535s teams aren't going to be able to be to
2537s handle that and you'll expect to see a
2538s lot of Veteran teams take advantage of
2540s that run comps which rely on TT
2542s Logistics TT Logistics frigates and just
2544s expect their opponents to not be able to
2545s properly deal with them
2548s awesome no this is the first tournament
2551s sponsored by the galante Federation
2553s since Alliance tournament eight so uh
2556s this year we have reduction on uh
2559s galante halls and that means things like
2561s a nine point Vigilant I mean the going
2564s to rush has been a long-term favorite
2566s not necessarily successful uh archetype
2569s uh anymore but it is still a popular one
2572s what do you think of the reduction of
2574s points for these uh galante ships
2579s I think the reduction of points has been
2582s an interesting concept across all of the
2584s tournaments I think it is
2586s most widely applied in this tournament
2588s compared to some of the previous ones
2590s we've seen Point reductions I've
2592s actually wait the minute one might have
2594s been fairly
2595s uh widespread as well but
2598s um ultimately I think it's going to be
2600s fairly interesting to see how people
2603s play
2604s um with the number of flight Point
2606s reductions across galante ships because
2608s Valentine ships are fairly versatile in
2611s the ways that you can play them you can
2614s have the rail kite setups we've seen how
2616s effective they are in the previous match
2618s where you're able to project your damage
2620s and kill off some of those modern ships
2621s really quickly but you can also have
2623s those
2624s um really high damage Rush setups where
2628s they just walk to zero and decide to
2629s burn out whatever's closest and pray
2631s that they can break through it before
2632s they die
2634s um I expect that people are going to
2637s lean more towards projection because
2639s it's safer for them and it means that
2641s you're less likely to just gamble on
2643s losing at the very start of your match
2644s when you warp in because warping to zero
2646s is generally
2648s understood to be a very poor decision
2651s in most matchups right it doesn't give
2653s you much flexibility in terms of
2655s responding to the comp that your your
2656s enemy brings so you're kind of stuck
2659s with one play when you're at zero
2660s whereas if you're coming at 20
2662s you have a bit more maneuverability you
2664s can ban away if you need to you're not
2666s stuck in that in that position so yeah
2669s I'm expecting more projection and a
2671s solid mix of ships because there's also
2673s that point additional rule for each
2674s additional Whole of the same type that
2676s you bring
2677s and I've been a couple of times where
2679s we've had two teams both working and
2680s zero and each other and it's uh it's
2682s pretty catastrophic forever involved but
2684s it is good fun uh now speaking of
2686s galente uh one of the the cool things
2688s that you can get from winning matches in
2691s the is term and not just the main term
2693s but also the feeders this is pretty cool
2694s we've extended this year is the new
2697s victory skins for the galente and I
2699s believe we can uh we can pop them up on
2701s the screen check this out look at this
2703s gold glorious I love this so I just
2706s think it looks so cool I think the color
2707s choices are incredible they are so gold
2709s they are so shiny uh and they've got
2712s that pretty cool pattern kind of run
2714s across into the turquoisey color uh
2717s gentan are these not pretty hashtag
2719s poggers
2720s these are in effect extremely populous
2725s I would in fact call them nodders
2726s nodders exactly I will also call you
2729s that I mean this such a good range of
2731s ships there as well so uh every team
2733s that wins at least one match in the
2735s alliance tournament 19 gets themselves
2737s 10 of these which is pretty pretty
2739s awesome I'm actually super pleased that
2741s we were able to extend it into the
2743s feeders this year so you know a team
2745s that maybe loses this match in this
2746s round and goes out in maybe the third
2748s round winning at least one match in the
2750s feeders they haven't lost anything on TQ
2752s but they've gained themselves uh some
2754s pretty nice skins uh so to to clarify
2757s this is happening on Thunderdome the
2759s feeders right now are on the Thunderdome
2761s server not on Tranquility that means all
2763s of our Pilots have perfect skills
2765s everything is free and it is purely down
2768s to the individual piloting skill and 3D
2771s crafting from each team to to secure the
2773s W Misty you know that you've got
2775s something to say I'm being I'm being
2777s very
2778s nice and and school
2781s um oriented I suppose I was going to say
2783s I think that the point reduction just
2785s for clarity for the stream is applied to
2787s galante Navy ships so when I'm thinking
2791s about the projection thinking more like
2792s brutix Navy or XX Navy that we might be
2795s seeing and which were also fairly
2797s popular last year as well so honestly
2798s should be fairly interesting to see how
2800s they use this year they'll probably be
2801s banned a lot the Vigilant I think is
2804s always nine points so that well that may
2806s be like a tweak from previous years in
2808s terms of the point waiting that CCP has
2810s given
2811s um but I don't think it benefits from
2813s the
2815s galante Navy reduction yeah I believe
2817s you're right I think my that part of my
2818s brain just got hit by meteorator as well
2820s uh he's been just striking out left
2822s right and center today uh so it's been
2824s it's been pretty tough we don't know
2826s exactly where he is but he's always
2827s lurking uh now let's look forward to our
2829s next match up which is brave collector
2831s versus kitchen sinkhole now I know one
2834s person who's going to be all in in
2835s kitchen sinkhole and that is fear Viner
2837s a member of the Brave team famously
2839s refused to draft them in uh jintan's
2843s Fantasy games because uh he just assumes
2845s that they're going to lose uh so let's
2847s look at the band's Brave Collective
2848s Banning out the carries and the molars
2850s so they're like hey see them damps gtf4
2853s we do not want to see them meanwhile
2854s kitchen sinkhole Banning the Blackbird
2856s and The Vindicator so ECM and big boy
2860s webs and DPS uh mystical might what do
2863s you make of these bands interesting ones
2865s here
2866s I mean again it kind of cools back to
2869s the discussion we were just having about
2870s how teams are going to adapt to the evil
2873s changes this year
2874s um because we've changed evil rules so
2876s that you can only fit them on bonus
2877s holes it makes it easier for teams to
2879s ban out the type of e-wall that they
2881s don't want to see
2882s um it suggests that they've practiced
2884s against
2885s um heavy damp comps that have used for
2886s it gets to burn around at the edge of
2888s their their ranges and prevent you know
2890s projection projected damage onto them to
2893s the brave fleets and kitchen
2895s sinkholes bound of the Blackbird and
2897s Vindicator suggest that they've gone up
2898s against some of the Blackbird comps that
2901s we may have seen last year that utilized
2903s I think the Vindicator in balgorn
2906s um screening for the Blackbirds and
2909s they've decided that they just don't
2910s like that and they can't deal with it so
2912s I think it shows a bit about what they
2914s think they're weakest against and not
2916s necessarily what's strong in the matter
2918s at this moment because there isn't much
2919s of a meta to go off
2921s um so teams should be noting down all of
2922s these bands to get a better idea about
2924s what teams have been testing against
2927s really
2928s yeah sometimes you see uh teams that
2931s maybe practice against each other a
2932s couple of times or they have a practice
2934s partner where they get themselves into
2937s this like brain Hall of this comp is
2939s very good and then their bands to hit
2941s the main tournament and they start
2942s Banning what everyone else thinks is
2943s just bizarre stuff and it's you know
2946s they've been mentally scarred from some
2948s horrible experience in a practice match
2950s with with some other people uh and it
2952s can be super interesting because this
2953s goes both ways sometimes teams develop a
2956s super interesting meta which doesn't
2957s come out till later in the tournament so
2960s will this pay off for brave who knows
2961s well there's payoff for
2964s um kitchen sinkhole we will certainly
2966s find out as we can head over to the
2968s arena I'm checking I don't see mutator
2971s anywhere near so we should have Chad
2973s flame this time as well as the Basilisk
2975s for this match between Brave Collective
2977s and kitchen sinkhole
2982s Hello everybody welcome back to the
2983s arena so we can see uh kitchen sinkhole
2985s here um 30 seconds until the match
2987s starts kitchen sinkhole have brought
2988s this double the shack pretty heavy
2989s control comp
2991s um they're all quite bunched up
2993s um 50 away though they've all walked in
2994s at 50 which is a bit of an unusual
2995s choice because this com obviously quite
2997s short range it's only got all the Shacks
2998s for damage you can only project out to
3000s like sort of 55 kilometers
3002s um so you generally want to be sort of
3003s up close and personal with this kind of
3005s come up against the brave comp with
3006s about going to Armageddon Navy so I'm
3008s pretty scared right now if I'm kidding
3009s sinkhole I think this may be a pretty
3011s tricky matchup what do you think Chad
3014s I 100 agree with you I'm more interested
3016s to see how that curse is going to play
3018s out and if it shows the correct forms of
3020s disruption to do on that brave team
3022s because that might make a match
3024s difference because the point is fine on
3025s that occurs
3027s yeah I'm not generally speaking sort of
3029s a fan of the curse I think it's quite
3031s expensive but if they have this is this
3033s is a situation where it could be um you
3035s know quite useful having that advantage
3037s of the cycle time of the smaller and
3039s medium newts on the curse when you're
3040s trying to fight this mute war that is
3042s inevitably going to take place between
3043s the battleships
3045s yeah um it does seem that the curse is
3047s putting weapon disrupters on the Getty
3049s navies hopefully shutting down that gun
3051s range or tracking a little bit I agree
3053s with you with that uh points cost for
3054s the curses high but if you are a good
3056s pilot you can definitely make that ship
3058s do some work as the Griffin seem to be
3061s the primary Brave collector
3063s yeah they're trying to get the CCM off
3064s the field it's just so annoying to deal
3065s with and Griffin's a pretty difficult to
3067s keep up even against Battleship Tara
3068s it's one good hit is all it's going to
3069s take and they are going to go down here
3071s and I actually quite like the choice of
3072s Brave here to fit done Armageddon Navy's
3074s because if you mix guns in this comp if
3076s you fit missile disruptors on the
3077s Armageddon navys and guns on the bowel
3079s gone if that curse has got two of each
3081s then all of your battleships have been
3082s disrupted but does it looks like it
3083s seems like he's only got two two
3085s tracking disruptors to spread between
3087s those three battleships because they're
3088s all using the same weapon system so it
3090s is going to be a two armaged and maybe
3091s so he's trying to track him disrupt
3093s um they are chunking this Griffin but
3094s Alexis suddenly catches a huge bundle of
3097s reps there and it's straight back up to
3098s full health and I think these
3099s battleships might be even a little bit
3100s difficulty actually tracking as they are
3101s still burning in
3104s I was just checking to make sure but
3106s that uh balgren is a gun battleborn so
3109s they do not have enough tracking
3110s disruptors or choosing to use them
3112s heavier on those getting navies instead
3114s of trying to disrupt the balgorn at this
3116s point
3118s yeah but that said I'm actually still
3119s kind of surprised that they are able to
3121s hit this Griffin of Alexis Starbucks so
3122s reliably he isn't dying just yet but I
3124s mean he's teetering in low armor he
3126s keeps catching reps but I can see what
3128s the way he goes down here he's going
3129s into Harley's catching reps again but I
3131s mean there he goes but again
3139s you're banking on one lucky shot
3141s sometimes you know that's all you can do
3143s and sometimes that's what you have to do
3144s so we will see one Griffin down it looks
3147s like they're off the other Griffin and
3148s going hard in on the DPS swing of uh
3151s kitchen sinkhole now yeah so brave has
3153s managed to push in here with the bow
3155s going with two getting so this is
3156s devolved into a little bit of a brawl
3157s here with all these battleships locked
3158s up pretty close to each other
3160s um so we're gonna see how the new or is
3161s going to turn out amongst this top end
3162s here the three top ships in points cost
3164s of each of these pumps is going to be
3166s pretty heavily indexed into newts we do
3167s see that second Griffin go down but I
3169s think at this point when it devolves
3171s into a brawl like this that Griffin
3172s probably wasn't going to last that long
3173s anyway and he may not even be the
3174s priority Target maybe it was drones that
3176s finished him off or something
3178s doing
3181s other just got chunked instant chunk
3185s yeah he's just been absolutely
3186s evaporated so I think the new pressure
3187s here is gonna be end up being in favor
3189s Brave they got about three Battleship
3190s pools obviously battleships heavy cat
3192s boosters maybe 3200s it's going to be
3193s very very difficult to actually win the
3194s new war here even for the Tula Shacks
3196s which are going to have a bunch of nukes
3197s themselves the bowel gone obviously
3198s exceptionally powerful but curse gets
3201s absolutely volleyed off the field and
3202s this is going from bad to worse for
3204s kitchen sinkhole they have not got long
3205s left in this match the Federation Navy
3206s Comet goes down now without that augura
3208s everything is just dropping
3210s everything does not have the GPS to uh
3213s handle the triple Battleship Alpha that
3215s is just destroying these ships in a
3217s matter of seconds he and I about to go
3219s down as well it does not look like
3221s kitchen sinkhole is going to be able to
3222s do much those checks looks like they're
3223s potentially neuted out they might get a
3225s Navy with them but the new pressure is
3226s going to make them fold by the time they
3228s uh get done killing that
3230s yeah they're clearly spooled up on this
3232s get and they all managed to break
3233s through him and it's going to be in a
3235s two Battleship versus two Battleship
3236s situation of course two on one side all
3238s the Shacks but I'm not sure if it's
3239s going to be enough as you say the new
3240s pressure is going to be overwhelming
3241s from this point from the get a navy and
3243s the Bal gun the Battleground are
3244s obviously simply just cannot mute out
3246s um you know if it's got not as fitted it
3248s will not you if it's full cap it'll
3250s still not you so noses on Bal guns
3252s pretty good newts on Battlegrounds also
3254s pretty damn good so you know little
3255s Shacks here without lodgy
3258s um are just not going to win this DPS
3259s race against the two battleships and all
3260s the support that's left the spiffle
3262s obviously still pumping out damage the
3263s Mala for news
3264s um yeah it's gonna be yeah it's just
3267s picking apart the rest of kitchen
3268s sinkhole here and they're just gonna
3270s then flock under these little Shucks and
3272s they're gonna go down even quicker I do
3275s not see kitchen signal being able to
3276s kill a single ship left on grid at this
3278s point I think they're both just about
3280s neuted out they're still shooting but
3282s longer this match goes on the less
3284s capacitor they're gonna have
3286s yeah and of course like I said at the
3288s start with the medium use on the curse
3289s Brave also bringing a mallow which I'm
3291s going to presume is full new fit as well
3292s and those things can be absolutely
3294s really really devastating especially to
3296s lodgy frigates but also to battleships
3298s that have you know they've got maybe
3299s cathode 3200 so I think you know we need
3301s to keep cap up over the course of match
3303s get as much cap into your cargo hold as
3304s possible you can just pump it out
3305s quickly but it's not nearly quick enough
3307s to deal with the new thing of a mallow
3308s in your low on cap when you're empty it
3310s just you can't do anything you can't
3312s play the game really
3314s exactly it seems like they're if they
3316s could manage to trade to get this get in
3319s Navy now it's going to be a lot of new
3321s pressure left on that last Little Shack
3323s but they they're going to be in a you
3325s know Battleship 1v1 that's still not
3327s looking in their favor but it's the only
3328s change they have is if they can hope
3329s that this one lashac survives long
3331s enough to get this Navy Armageddon down
3334s a very tanky ship it does not look like
3336s that is going to happen though
3338s yeah I think maybe at the end here it
3340s looks like it could have gone a little
3341s bit closer if sinkhole had maybe
3343s or 30 more seconds with their Griffins
3345s before they were able to switch
3347s um damaging a little you know 30 seconds
3349s longer pumping into that first get a
3350s Navy with little Shanks getting spalled
3351s up before the new pressure starts
3353s affecting them they might have been able
3354s to turn this but it is now just going to
3355s be brought slowly dying instantly I'm
3357s not going to die just on his own from
3359s the damage from one little shot coming
3360s in with his lodgy frigates that are live
3361s and I just want to talk about the bands
3363s for a second because Brave Collective as
3365s they said on the desk choosing to ban
3366s more or less carries it's quite an
3367s interesting
3368s um choice because if you're flying kite
3371s you want to damp people right because
3372s you're saying we want to fight you at
3374s range
3375s um you know so you you need to burn into
3376s us but if you're flying brawl you also
3378s want to damp people dance also very
3379s useful in that scenario as well so it
3381s kind of it's a very powerful utility
3383s band because it's it doesn't really give
3385s anything away about how you want to fly
3386s the match because these these ships are
3388s useful in so many different comps so it
3390s doesn't tell the opponent you know we're
3391s going to fly kite
3393s yeah I was going to say it does seem
3395s like those bands are basic in the sense
3397s that it doesn't allow teams to play very
3399s good Mind Games it doesn't give any
3401s tells and it just you know is something
3403s that people don't necessarily want to
3405s see in any circumstance but with that
3407s being said our final shot goes down
3409s which wraps up the match and we will be
3410s sending it back to the desk
3419s side was up
3422s [Music]
3432s [Music]
3436s here and today I'm so pumping look here
3439s at the crowd is jumping pump it up a
3442s little more get the party going on the
3444s Dance Floor
3448s [Music]
3470s foreign
3473s [Music]
3477s there you have it ladies and gentlemen
3478s Brave Collective taking out kitchen
3480s sinkhole uh in a pretty comfortable
3483s Victory there for the brave Collective
3487s um mystical might I believe you had in
3490s the fantasy match uh brief Collective
3493s and for your final of brick collective
3495s in fact chose kitchen sinkhole uh you
3497s must be feeling pretty pretty happy
3499s right now
3500s yep I mean you know easy Point secured
3503s I'm sure jintan just tried to throw at
3504s me that I'm minus 400 points somehow but
3506s I he's gonna have to explain the maths
3508s on that one to me because as as it goes
3510s I'm feeling like a winner right now
3512s well right now teams can only be
3515s guaranteed either out of the feeders or
3518s in the tournament and if you're in the
3520s tournament you can have it you know the
3521s lowest result you could get is minus 10
3523s points and if you're still in the fetus
3525s the lowest you could get is minus 100
3526s points if you fail to qualify for the
3529s real tournament
3530s so all of your other picks have yet to
3532s qualify mystery I see I see okay don't
3534s worry they're all going to get through
3536s I've picked up the very best
3540s of boys
3543s now one of the things guys I wanted to
3545s talk about uh was the the use of the
3548s double the shack we don't see them very
3550s often uh there was a period in I believe
3553s Alliance tournament 16 which was
3554s sponsored by the true believing
3556s Collective when the Shacks had uh a
3558s significantly reduced point where they
3561s were super popular not only that they
3562s were also pretty popular as flagships
3564s um in this term we have no flagships
3566s there are 25 points I think that's
3568s that's a lot of points that's 52 points
3571s because of Point inflation uh or 50
3573s points if they're 24 I cannot math
3576s um jintan tell me why would you choose
3578s to bring two of the Shacks uh it's a
3580s huge number of points however many they
3581s may be
3583s now I don't know exactly what you choose
3585s to bring to the Shacks but I can tell
3587s you why you'd bring one and you bring
3588s one because
3590s Ayla Shack on its own it fulfills one of
3592s the three corners of the triangle that
3594s you want to have when you're talking
3595s about a Eve online Alliance tournament
3598s team and the first triangle is you have
3600s 3000 DPS and all the shack can do that
3603s on its own
3604s from that point basically the rest of
3606s your comp doesn't need to do any damage
3609s so you can focus really really hard on
3611s having support control something to stop
3613s your opponent's game plan for being put
3615s into effect and you can sync all the
3617s remaining 75 points that you have to
3618s your disposal on that in this case
3621s however you bring two of them and that
3623s means that you do an incredible amount
3625s of damage but you don't really have the
3627s support that you need to get those
3628s attracted position and to keep them
3631s firing until that damage is actually you
3634s know will take effect because it takes
3636s around two three minutes for our track
3638s to spool up to that level of DPS and
3641s you're not going to be able to do that
3642s on your own as you saw those Griffins
3644s you know they played a role they stopped
3647s they were trying to get them there but
3649s it wasn't enough if those have been
3651s kitsunes or some form of you know Heavy
3654s Cruiser that could go in there and maybe
3656s smash aside the wolf pack of Braves
3658s tackle uh kitchen sinkhole would have
3660s been able to win this match but they
3662s just weren't able to do it
3664s yeah Misty we also saw
3666s um what some might consider questionable
3668s tactics uh spilling the Shacks on uh
3672s Logistics frigates why might that not be
3675s the the smartest of ideas here
3677s well that that's making an assumption
3679s all right maybe you should be asking why
3682s is that the optimal strategy to be using
3684s a little tracking
3685s um okay so it's not optimal because
3687s you're not going to be doing your damage
3688s right it's incredibly hard to track
3690s Logistics frigates Gentile mentioned
3692s this
3693s um I believe in the recap of the
3694s previous match
3696s um unless you have the proper support
3697s which is Target painters and webs they
3701s are extremely hard to hit with large
3702s turrets now there isn't an interesting
3705s mechanic in Eve online called The
3707s Wrecking mechanic right where you can
3710s get wrecking shots with your guns and I
3712s believe that means that it will apply
3714s regardless of whether it should apply if
3716s you roll the dice and you get that
3717s Wrecking shot so if you spool with the
3719s shack and you miss 100 out of 101 shots
3723s that 101th shot that you have will be
3726s fully spooled regardless of whether it
3728s hit or not and it will do wrecking
3730s damage on top so you can volley things
3732s that you can't hit
3733s but I don't know if that's worth
3735s gambling your 10 minutes of ate feeder
3737s time trying to do I think there were
3739s better ways for them to fly which is
3741s pulling their entire comp backwards
3743s protecting their Griffins from the
3745s drones that were put on them they were
3747s holding the Griffins for a while but the
3749s drones eventually broke through the Reps
3751s that the auger was able to provide and
3753s the Navy exec was called out of position
3755s by the newting Mauler that brave brought
3757s meaning that it was capped out and also
3760s unable to contribute damage wise to any
3762s of the ships on the kitchen Hole uh
3765s sorry on the brave side
3767s of their pulled back and instead
3769s skirmished with the wolf pack that brave
3773s had and they may have been able to clear
3774s some of the uh the speed pool
3778s um and The Punisher that brave we're
3781s using to pin down ships and then use
3783s their ships to screen some of the Brave
3785s Collective battleships and that may have
3786s helped them draw out the match a bit
3789s ultimately I think it was down to poor
3791s position and also poor Target calling
3793s because really lashak should have just
3795s been shooting
3795s something bigger like the battleships
3797s from the beginning
3799s yeah we saw some of that chatter going
3801s on in our sort of production channels uh
3803s people were saying you know why don't
3805s you just control space your ships and
3807s and do more damage because you're just
3808s kind of like orbiting with your Market
3810s Drive on and out tracking yourself uh
3812s just gentan you've played in a bunch of
3814s matches uh how easy is it to kind of
3816s spaghetti in these matches like you go
3818s in thinking hey I know exactly what I'm
3820s going to do and then the timer has zero
3822s and then suddenly you're like well
3824s gaming am I playing is this Minecraft is
3825s it can just be super stressful tell me
3827s about that
3829s oh it is yeah it is a really stressful
3831s thing to do playing in an actual at
3833s match uh because
3835s there's two parts to it first of all
3838s playing Eve online at like a perfect
3840s level or as close as you can humanly do
3842s it is really really difficult because
3844s you're not relying on your approach your
3846s right click approaches you're not
3847s relying on your right click orbits you
3850s are manually clicking in Space the whole
3851s time and then whilst you're doing that
3853s you've got to activate your modules
3855s you've got to manage your heat you've
3856s got to put your drones out you've got to
3857s look up your look up both your opponents
3860s and your allies you've got to be keeping
3861s an eye on positioning if you're a tackle
3863s ship you've got to watch your primary
3865s tackle Target and also keep an eye out
3866s to see if there's any lanes free you'd
3868s go on to Logistics if you're in a
3870s battleship you're probably taking some
3872s sort of a higher higher level command
3874s role because you're the ship that most
3876s desperately needs to be in the right
3878s position so you're trying to keep an eye
3880s on what all of your allies are doing and
3881s how that's interacting with what your
3883s opponents are doing and from all of that
3885s your mechanics you know the things that
3887s you've spent years and years training up
3889s playing Eve they go all out the window
3891s and it's just a bunch of people throwing
3892s spaghetti each other in the middle of
3894s the Arena after about five minutes and
3896s then whoever realizes that they aren't
3897s tackled and they can get to the
3899s logistics usually wins
3901s that's it's pretty much sums up the
3903s experience especially for teams who
3905s maybe have less experience uh overall
3907s which is one of the reasons why I think
3908s the feeders are being on Thunderdome is
3910s such a good idea because we've got teams
3913s who maybe have never competed before you
3915s just have to register you just have to
3916s sign up to be part of this like it's
3919s basically free uh I think it's 500 Plex
3922s just to just to buy in and that's kind
3925s of it you just turn up you get to play
3926s and you get to have a chance to win some
3928s cool ships and if you bring some cheese
3929s thing and you know don't let your memes
3932s be dreams as the as they say maybe you
3934s you walk away uh with your head held
3936s high uh at the end of the day you're not
3937s gonna lose anything of of True Value
3940s um now you mentioned briefly
3942s um this concept of you know if you lose
3945s the target like you you get a bit stuck
3948s on what you're doing and it's very easy
3949s to do a Target fixation I think we saw a
3951s little about that in that last match uh
3953s with those Shacks just spilling and
3954s spilling and spilling Misty as you said
3956s trying to get that Wrecking shot and
3958s it's just at some point you have to
3960s switch off early because you have to
3963s realize hey the strategy is not working
3964s we can't just keep doing the same thing
3965s we have to try uh change it that call of
3969s what we're doing is not working let's
3971s change uh like how hard is that to make
3973s in a match
3976s I would say it's incredibly difficult
3979s depending on team Dynamic one of the
3982s important things that I think good teams
3984s have is communication and it's not all
3986s one person making decisions for the
3988s teammates it's a number of different
3990s people in different roles streaming
3992s information in collect so you'll have
3995s the logistics pilot explaining how
3997s difficult it is keeping a Target up and
3999s you'll have your damage ships talking
4001s about whether they're screened or
4002s whether they're applying a damage you'll
4004s have your tackle ship saying whether
4005s they have their tackles or not or who
4007s they're burning for and based on all of
4009s that information it makes it easier to
4011s make your decisions because you know
4012s what's happening if you're leaving it to
4015s one person to decide whether to swap off
4016s of a Target then you're never going to
4019s really know okay how is the rest of the
4021s match progressing around me and do we
4023s need to make a different decision at
4024s this point to keep ourselves in the game
4027s and also another thing is the cycle cost
4029s fallacy which is what keeps most of us
4030s playing Eve online I'm sure which is
4033s you've put enough damage into a Target
4034s already so you don't want to swap off of
4037s that Target especially if you have
4038s leshacks which spoil up over time
4040s because then you're resetting that
4042s damage back to its base level and you
4044s have to begin again so there's a number
4046s of different factors to consider
4047s especially depending on the comp that
4049s you're using Le Shack's probably suffer
4051s from this a bit more than any other ship
4053s but um yeah it's it's extremely
4055s difficult it's a team game for sure and
4058s it shouldn't be left up to one person
4060s exactly right now speaking of uh a team
4064s game well you guys out there in
4065s twitchland you could be part of this too
4066s you can use your Twitch Channel points
4068s and you can uh predict who you think is
4071s going to win
4073s um and you can exchange those for some
4074s pretty cool prizes uh you know random
4077s gal net uh skins uh you can if you want
4080s to you can highlight your message I
4082s would keep it for the Skins personally
4083s um and then maybe even save them up
4085s until the main event because we have
4087s seen plenty of cool prizes uh in the
4089s alliance tournament the past ranging
4091s from Eve online watches to uh so some
4094s other rare and interesting things now
4096s looking at the the current predictions
4097s the Ancients seem to be the crowd
4100s favorite right now nearly 600 000
4102s Channel points to just 160 000 for worm
4106s again Wormhole is not doing so hot thus
4109s far in the alliance tournament we have
4111s only got to match four and already we've
4113s got more than that number of Wormhole
4115s teams eliminated because some of them
4117s didn't even turn up uh so it's it's
4119s pretty pretty rough for wormholes right
4121s now Mark resurrectus in absolute
4124s shambles
4125s let's take a quick look at the bands
4127s here so the Ancients Banning out Burgess
4129s and curse and worm again Banning out
4132s the I can't see it
4136s the carries and the series
4138s there we are
4140s um so uh mystical my quick 20 second uh
4143s thoughts on these bands
4145s okay I assume with the carries in the
4146s summer top band that again they don't
4148s want to deal with fast ships that are
4149s able to project their damps and prevent
4152s their team from I guess establishing
4154s lock or you know whether that's due to
4157s distance stamps like targeting range or
4159s scanners damps for the logistics
4161s interestingly the Scimitar suggests that
4163s they don't want to go up against fast
4164s kiting comps that are hard to pin down
4166s because the Scimitar is infamously quick
4169s and able to provide fairly decent wraps
4172s it's not as strong as the Basilisk but
4173s it's still fairly good and the class is
4176s just I guess an old time classic of
4178s ships people don't want to see it on an
4180s 80 grid because of the new projection
4182s but also the e-war that you can get in
4185s the midst
4186s exactly now it is time to head over to
4188s the arena for the Ancients versus worm
4190s again uh with Alexi and
4198s g'day there mates and I'm bloody excited
4200s because we've got a lot of Mega Thrones
4202s here and we've got my favorite ship in
4203s the world part by part I actually know a
4206s Vindicator is on grid kiat so you better
4208s do this well and I like I'm I'm so
4210s excited this will be so good
4213s yeah this is going to be a banger of a
4214s match we have a lot of blaster damage on
4216s the field some new pressure as well some
4219s interesting choices here the double
4221s Battleship comp in favor of taking a
4224s logistic ship versus three battleships
4226s and the double Logistics frigate
4228s now what's the one ship of Vindicator
4230s hates to see it's the ball going it's
4232s this it's basically a the perfect thing
4234s to control of indicator so I suspect
4236s that Vinny's gonna have a lot of trouble
4237s with the ball if everything is Flowing
4238s quickly as the match is underway and
4240s we're gonna watch ships just screaming
4241s in no wait they're pulling away
4244s what well this is going to be an
4247s interesting one if those logistic
4248s frigates get in too close and The
4250s Vindicator lands webs on them it is
4252s going to spell absolute Doom for
4253s warmageddon but if they can kite away
4256s and resist the temptation to come in and
4259s save their battleships from what I'm
4261s sure is withering amount of fire from
4263s the brutix Navy Mega navian Vindicator
4265s and they might be able to win this match
4268s yeah well the mega Navy got hot tackled
4269s immediately over hisului and is now
4272s being tackled by megathron Navy second
4274s megathon Navy the balgones there there's
4276s smart bombs going off from Mega Navy of
4277s blue collory trying to remove drones
4279s smart bumps on the molar as well this is
4281s just chaos this is a brawl
4284s oh it's a brawl and a bit of a race
4286s which Mega Navy is going to drop first
4288s that is going to absolutely turn this
4290s match if the uh if the Ancients Mega
4293s Navy drops that battle is going to be
4295s able to spread his nudes throughout the
4296s entire rest of the team fairly safely
4298s whereas if the mega Navy from uh
4301s wormageddon drops that's a significant
4303s chunk of their DPS they don't really
4305s have much aside from those three
4306s battleships
4307s at all I want blue color to die first
4310s because he has not won the skin game
4312s here sweetie Louie's got a sexy skin I'm
4313s loving it but actually speaking of he is
4315s starting to go down a bit quicker this
4316s smart bumps going everywhere these
4317s drones will not last long this is just
4320s chaos
4321s yeah you might be getting your wish here
4323s uh the nurgle on worm again and one of
4326s their other very distinct choices is
4328s flying around not doing a hot anything
4331s at the minute he's finally starting to
4333s apply some damage but he's zooming
4335s around so much I guarantee you he is not
4337s using his high yield ammo questionable
4339s Choice by this nergo pilot who is
4342s basically the DPS of a very well-fit
4345s hack being effectively wasted here
4348s he ended up options to chase things out
4350s I think he was trying to go for
4351s potentially the moles of the opposing
4352s side but I think you decide I couldn't
4353s catch him let's get back but DPS on this
4355s and finish this race as you can see they
4357s are starting to win now that Louis in
4359s the uh Mega Navy he's going into Hull
4361s and black uh blue color sorry is still
4363s in armor so this is looking bad and it's
4366s gonna start looking worse if that Mega
4367s Navy goes down it's going to be a
4369s landslide real quick
4372s here
4376s and the smop them's going it's a race
4380s oh and there he goes off
4385s from the ancients
4388s that's gonna get so much worse now
4389s because now the mega Navy might even
4391s survive for a lot longer than he should
4393s he is I think he's about to die yeah
4394s thankfully he goes down he's like maybe
4396s he's now and you just see the cloud of
4398s drones
4400s massive cloud
4403s they have Smart bumped off so many
4405s drones and yet more still showing up I
4408s love galente fights
4410s yeah entrance electing to bring multiple
4412s waves of light drones in their expanded
4415s galante drone bays and it's paying off
4416s for them here as they're able to refresh
4418s their drone count
4421s yeah but unfortunately
4422s from the ancients
4425s big chunk of damage that is about a
4427s thousand DPS off the field
4430s I think as well as this bargain is going
4432s to be putting new pressure on these
4433s ships the entire fight so The Vindicator
4435s of chiatsi and maybe even other ships
4437s are just slowly being hurt by this this
4439s is actually hold on a minute
4442s yeah it's about it's a gun
4446s I I for a split second I saw a remote
4448s repair effect like wait wait what but no
4450s that that's a ship definitely passed
4454s it's not nearly as much
4457s as much like right now he's focusing on
4459s the ineros so he's not reducing any
4462s incoming DPS he's focusing on taking out
4465s the logistics
4467s about to go down too yeah I bet you that
4470s moles is going down to yep the
4473s um
4474s where is it I think that was the uh
4476s nurgle no it wasn't
4478s pontifex
4479s doesn't make us that did that oh wow
4481s respect
4485s and the lone logistic ship from the
4488s field here for worm again he is starting
4491s to take some negative attention here as
4493s he's surrounded by a massive cloud of
4495s light drones dipping into about
4496s one-third armor here they may trade him
4499s for this brutix Navy issue but that is
4501s honestly not a great trade
4503s and meanwhile the nearest is hot tackled
4505s by Magus and a skybreaker so if they
4507s want to go kill him they easily can
4508s Riggs maybe going down there and there's
4510s I'm not seeing much sub the Deacon going
4511s down what's this Vindicator doing
4521s is focusing on just newting out zero
4525s cool my co-host for the Declarations of
4527s War podcast keeping him absolutely
4529s powerless as he is tackled by the sky
4531s breaker and neuted down by the balgorn
4533s taking him out of the fight essentially
4535s but unfortunately it means the rest of
4538s the Ancients DPS is able to run freely
4541s and now we see this brutix Navy pulling
4544s back some armor obviously the uh a Nero
4547s stopping a cap charger too able to get
4549s some reps in
4551s yeah I was watching The Vindicator of
4552s keatsu and for a while he wasn't
4553s shooting me now he's putting his damage
4555s back into the mega names I'm willing to
4556s bet he might have just loaded void so
4558s he's trying to kill him as quickly as he
4559s can see now the gun barrel starting also
4561s to shoot The Vindicator so they're
4563s trying to remove some of the last bits
4564s of DPS as honestly that bricks Navy is
4566s tanking very well
4568s I am not seeing any neutralizing effects
4571s coming off of the background right now
4572s it may have run out of cap
4575s yeah or maybe like yeah
4578s doing oh there you go oh no he's now
4580s he's reapplied it now he's reapplied
4583s yeah there we go
4585s back over half of its hit points they're
4588s trying yeah
4592s he's gonna start ripping Cassie now
4593s there you go some see some reps onto the
4594s Vindicator beautiful good timing there
4596s at this point this is now ancient's game
4598s but they've got the DPS they've got
4601s enough control left they've got their
4602s lodgy is holding strong
4604s there's nothing this balgorn can do the
4606s Balkan can nuke one of these ships out
4607s maybe even with you know guns on it but
4609s at this point he's kind of screwed as
4612s this ship this team is now pulling back
4613s into the match I love this this was this
4616s was so well flown it was chaos but it
4618s was organized chaos
4620s yeah loving seeing all the the Noir
4623s mercenaries and former nor alums here on
4626s the Ancients team absolutely carrying
4628s the day here with Superior piloting
4630s as you would expect
4635s some MPS here as well from uh from uh
4638s ebwf funnink so it's good to see one
4642s last burst of armor but he's about to
4643s drop and there he goes
4645s and that's awesome the hope of worm
4648s again for carrying this match
4651s that was chaos that was beautiful and of
4655s course I'm always happy to see a
4657s Vindicator win let's be honest
4662s standing strong
4665s I think so far today 100 win rate for
4668s Vindicator right right
4670s [Laughter]
4672s hopefully it stays there now with that
4673s balancer and out he is able to pull back
4675s even more armor uh the British Navy
4677s issue is still taking some fire likely
4680s from the nurgle which like I said packs
4682s an incredible punch but he just got
4683s absolutely nuked he is gone
4686s the Magus is zipping around attempting
4689s to stay alive but is now drawing the
4691s attention of a big flight of drones as
4693s the sky breaker and Magus live to win or
4696s attempt to we've got two minutes left
4698s and a lot of ground to cover in this
4700s match they are probably gonna die as
4702s this Magus is now catching a lot of
4704s damage from the drones
4706s is not exactly known for their speed
4709s wing nut
4710s yeah I mean you can make him make as
4712s fast but it's not normally the smart
4713s thing to do but yeah um there was so
4716s many drones there was I saw at least
4718s three ships with smart bombs removing
4719s joints everyone kind of knew what was
4720s coming
4721s like they even brought a Belgium which
4723s is like I said pretty much the perfect
4724s Vindicator counter and it was just a
4727s brawling chaos
4729s and yet yeah the vindicate comes up on
4731s top because the Vindicator is the best
4732s ship
4737s it's one of my favorites it's it's been
4740s a long time favorite one of the ships I
4742s dreamed to be able to get in when I was
4744s a young new growing up in syndicate
4746s uh now the sky breaker's trying to take
4748s some damage it's going to be dropping
4750s relatively quickly here although it is a
4752s fairly low Sig ship so it may last a
4755s little bit unfortunately it does not fit
4758s for maximum speed and the Drone cloud is
4760s caught up to it and it drops as we throw
4762s this back to the desk
4768s [Music]
4778s [Music]
4790s thank you
4798s [Music]
4808s [Music]
4826s why
4828s are you thinking
4831s [Music]
4832s [Applause]
4843s a well-timed advert there are four fun
4846s Inc uh of course led up by kiate who was
4849s in that match there with the Ancients
4851s they secure themselves a place in
4853s Alliance tournament 19 at the expense of
4856s worm again wormholers still struggling
4859s to to get on the board here today uh it
4861s has not been a good good couple of
4863s matches for the Wormhole Collective uh
4867s in in new Eden so maybe they can turn
4869s around we have a couple of more matches
4871s later on which feature wormholes uh we
4873s will see no vacancies coming along so
4875s perhaps they can carry that torch for
4877s all of Wormhole kind uh and and secure
4880s the the first of the W's for for the
4883s wormholes Wormhole guys that would be
4885s super cool
4887s um now let's go back and look at that
4888s last match first of all we saw the the
4890s choice to go three battleships versus
4892s two battleships one team had the
4896s opportunity to bring Cruiser Lodge to
4897s the other side they didn't have enough
4898s points by choosing that third Battleship
4900s they had to go with uh Logistics
4902s frigates instead said mystical might
4905s what do you think about this this
4906s decision here do you favor the extra
4908s power of that third Battleship or do you
4910s do you favor the stronger Logistics
4912s Cruiser
4913s uh in this case I favor the stronger
4916s Logistics Cruiser over the two frigates
4920s um there are a number of things that we
4921s typed in the production Channel based on
4923s that match uh the first thing that I
4924s typed was actually
4926s um aniros plus two battleships versus
4928s double Deacon through battleships who
4930s dies first right
4932s um theoretically
4933s three battleships does more damage than
4935s two battleships
4937s um theoretically but with the two
4939s battleships you also get the Britax Navy
4942s issue you get the exact Navy issue you
4943s get the thorax and you get stronger reps
4946s which means that essentially you're
4948s adding up to a third Battleship between
4950s those other three ships and if you're
4952s focusing damage onto the same Target you
4954s should win the uh rep race between the
4958s Narrows and the double deacons now I
4960s think the Ancients could have made their
4962s match a lot simpler by switching to the
4965s deacons at the beginning with The
4966s Vindicator webs I was flaming them a
4969s little bit in the back channels for not
4970s doing so earlier and right after I did
4972s they decided to swap and actually delete
4974s two deacons which made trading a lot
4976s easier later on
4978s um so that there are there are a number
4980s of ways that the Ancients could have
4981s made it easier for themselves but I
4982s think ultimately they were in a better
4983s position to win just because they had
4985s the Narrows to begin with
4988s yeah also when you see the two deacons
4990s and then one of them just got uh skunked
4993s at one point and disappeared
4995s um that last remaining Deacon is
4997s essentially kind of useless it doesn't
4999s rev that much uh he has very limited
5001s range and figures and about uh his
5003s buddies to rep them then he's also
5005s probably going to get killed uh and
5007s obviously that's that's just a pilot
5008s that's now no longer you know really
5010s being able to to contribute much to to
5012s the match uh jintan obviously the the
5015s rep range for Logistics frigates um is
5018s is a lot less they're a lot less tanky
5019s they do have a good signature radius
5022s are there good scenarios where actually
5024s picking two Logistics frigates is better
5026s than picking that uh Logistics Cruiser
5030s yeah absolutely I think we saw that in
5033s the previous match not the one that we
5034s just watched but the game that was I
5037s believe Brave Collective versus kitchen
5039s sinkhole you know if you if you are
5042s facing an opponent where you've either
5043s banned out or you just don't expect them
5045s to be bringing a good support core due
5048s to what you've seen from them in the
5049s past or their bands or something similar
5051s to that bringing a logistics frigate can
5053s allow you to put more power into your
5055s setup and also prevent your Logistics
5058s from being destroyed uh through some
5061s conventional matters for example if you
5062s expect your opponents to be bringing
5063s kingslayer you know throwing out three
5066s rapid heavy missile ships with the pure
5068s intent of killing off your Logistics
5070s Cruiser and using that to snowball an
5072s advantage of momentum uh then bringing
5074s Logistics frigates and preventing that
5076s from having the same impact on your team
5078s even if you're not going to enable your
5080s Logistics frigates to survive you can
5082s put you in such a good position moving
5084s forwards against an opposing team
5086s the other thing Gentile I wanted to ask
5088s you about is uh we heard the casters
5090s talking about it in that last match the
5092s gun bow uh talk to me about the gun
5095s battle
5096s so the gumbo well whether or not to put
5099s guns on your bowel gone is a
5100s long-standing kind of theory crafting
5103s debate between various teams I think
5105s it's generally like the the top the
5108s higher a team is the more likely you are
5110s to see a bow with no guns fit on it used
5113s and you know lower down in the right so
5116s you're probably going to see more teams
5117s where the captain wants to be able to
5118s have an immediate impact and leverage it
5121s for example if it's a um a flagship bout
5124s those wonderful wonderful office guns
5126s which make you feel incredibly special
5127s or powerful when you're putting out a
5129s thousand DPS and a thousand gigajoules
5132s of a second of new power oh it's a
5134s powerful feeling but it's not quite as
5136s powerful as putting out 2 000 Giga tools
5138s a second of new pressure unfortunately
5140s which can turn off basically everything
5142s in a 50 kilometer radius of you if
5145s you're flying about them properly
5147s sure there's a joke to be made about
5149s turning off everything with a 50
5150s kilometer radius of you but I shall
5153s refrain
5154s [Laughter]
5156s all right let's look forward to our next
5158s match which I am actually quite excited
5160s for the initiative versus paper numbers
5161s mystical might April numbers tell me a
5164s little bit about them
5167s yeah their numbers paper pretty good now
5171s um I I think they are favored over the
5174s initiative by some of the rankings that
5175s we did
5177s um in the last stream
5179s um I'm trying to remember exactly who is
5181s in paper numbers I'm trying to remember
5182s if this was uh uh who the corpse are
5188s oh this is riferson's team right this is
5190s why
5191s um Wingnut loves them so much yeah okay
5194s yeah do not pick them so I I yeah
5197s they're out it's fine initiative's gonna
5199s win this one I'm sure
5202s some hard to take analysis there I
5203s promise to call my old fraternity uh
5206s let's look at the the bands for the
5208s initiative versus paper numbers uh I see
5211s here at the initiative Banning out the
5213s uh balgorn and the Nighthawk I'm
5215s questioning the the look of this
5216s Battleground Hull but you know the word
5218s does say balgarh and then the paper
5221s number scene Banning out the curse and
5223s the slept near uh jintan what do you
5226s think of uh of these bands here we just
5227s talked about the balgorn but you know
5228s the initiative can bring it actually
5230s says I think that actually says Bal gong
5232s there's no R in an N there as far as I
5234s can tell so it's an interesting new ship
5237s you know the initiative they're not
5238s content with just Banning ships that
5240s their opponents might use they're
5242s telling them to not use ships they might
5243s not have heard of you know they're
5244s bringing up CCP employees being like
5246s yeah we're gonna need to ban this ship
5248s they were going to release in uh two
5249s months just in case yeah they might be
5251s ahead of it
5252s is
5254s they're using ships that no one has
5257s access to yeah they're trying to say
5259s yeah that's foul a spalgon will be
5261s balgorn but they uh they kind of they
5263s messed it up and uh I'm going to assume
5265s it's a it's still a valid band uh I
5267s think we get the in the uh the intent
5269s that they're trying to ban uh a bulgar
5272s and I assume the initiative uh will
5274s eventually you know to spell the ship
5276s names but luckily we can we can sense
5279s intent and we'll allow them to have this
5280s bad mystical might uh what do you think
5282s uh this match is going to look like with
5283s based on these bands
5286s it looks like okay um if they banned the
5289s bow gone on the initiative side plus the
5291s Nighthawk then it seems like they want
5293s to prevent themselves being pinned down
5295s by something that's extremely difficult
5297s difficult to kill with the battle on
5298s because it has projected webs but they
5300s also don't want to deal with a high
5302s Shield Rush damage comp like you would
5304s see with The Nighthawks or the sleptness
5307s um
5308s I think it's gonna be fairly interesting
5310s to see what they bring
5312s I expect it's going to be a
5316s Rush comp
5317s like a galante rush comp I think is
5319s probably what they'll they'll aim for
5321s um something that would have a difficult
5322s time killing a Nighthawk because of the
5324s Native thermalinkinetic resists
5327s um so they would be out damaged by the
5328s Nighthawk and something that would be
5330s difficult to get past about going
5331s because it's tanky in news and it webs
5334s so I'm going to lean towards galante
5337s rush for the initiative here
5339s go into Russia will certainly be an
5341s interesting one we don't see Glenn too
5343s much very often uh we spoke about this
5345s early on a little bit uh back in
5346s yielding days of the alliance tournament
5348s it was actually kind of common to see uh
5350s galante Rush which is basically just get
5352s as much Blaster DPS as possible approach
5355s F1 uh and then just you know hope for
5358s the best a solid tactic that many many
5361s of you null suckers are very familiar
5363s with just approach F1 and hope uh but it
5366s doesn't tend to work these days in the
5367s the more advanced Alliance meta that we
5369s that we see but it is time to head over
5372s to the arena and find out who shall win
5374s between the initiative and paper numbers
5376s with our casters Baza and Chad Flame
5383s Hello everybody welcome back to the
5384s arena so looking at these two comps here
5387s um the thing that stands out to me is
5389s Rife Eisen so if you're watching the
5390s draft show last week you would have seen
5392s that Wingnut uh he picked paper numbers
5394s because Rife Eisen loves to mjd
5395s battleships basically and I've from my
5397s experience with paper numbers they're
5398s very good at one of two things either
5399s they're really good at Shield kite or
5401s they're really really really good at
5403s getting getting on ref eisen's back and
5405s he just mjd strains Melody he finds the
5407s angle and this is something that's so
5408s difficult to actually practice against
5410s how are you gonna you turn up with your
5412s screen Point you're like so can you guys
5414s like fill the comp with a battleship
5416s with an mjd and can you like have him
5419s perfectly line up 100 kilometer mjd
5421s every time like it's not something that
5422s you can actually practice against they
5424s need to organically detect
5426s um and figure out you know try and
5428s steer away from Rife ice and in this mjd
5430s on the next Navy
5432s as it seems that Army Navy is currently
5435s actually just pulling away from the
5436s fight uh and probably backing up to a
5439s line to get an MGD that would be I love
5441s seeing mjd players start the match but
5443s we see a blackbird instantly going down
5446s in the low armor and Natalia gone on the
5448s side of the initiative instantly low
5450s ends getting chunked by both teams
5453s yeah I think this is definitely the
5455s right way for paper numbers to play this
5456s they have the range on these um medium
5459s medium gun holes here the brutics maybe
5460s the harbing Geneva the prophecy Navy
5462s they've got decent range they've got
5463s decent projection and application they
5465s were able to just wipe out the failure
5466s the Blackbird is kind of holding and
5467s they don't really see the need to be
5469s engaged in raw with these two Le Shacks
5471s um for in it it's gonna need to they
5473s need to tackle something down and I
5475s think it needs to be on the exact navies
5476s to be pushing in here and try and Tackle
5478s something if they have tackle but I can
5479s see midi folgan sitting way back um I
5482s don't see the other exec Navy pushing in
5483s either so paper numbers are just going
5485s to kite away from these two Le Shacks
5486s obviously very very slow
5488s and with that being said a Celeste is
5490s currently in the low armor about to get
5492s chunked if that goes down that is
5493s definitely going to help paper numbers
5495s be able to lock a lot farther and
5497s continue to cut out this game as like
5499s you said they're doing really good that
5501s Blackbird just seems to be being tunnel
5503s visioned they really want to get rid of
5504s those gyms maybe the Enis can only shoot
5506s that but it does seem like they need to
5508s start doing something like getting in on
5510s top of these battleships as soon as
5511s possible
5513s yeah but the big issue now is this hyena
5515s is just totally controlling these the
5516s Shacks obviously they've ranged web so
5518s so powerful little Shacks are just
5519s trying to get into brawl but obviously
5521s when they're both webbed by a hyena
5522s there's just no chance of that they're
5523s being absolutely left in the dirt here
5525s by this paper numbers come even the
5526s Dominic's Navy's just burning away from
5527s them rifleison is gonna probably not
5529s even need to use his mjd strategy as uh
5532s you know he's getting coming up pretty
5533s close in these exactly maybe now I
5534s expect to see him stop pumping some
5536s nukes into the sex Navy of Paxton
5537s turning off the guns turning off the
5539s hardeners and he may be dying fairly
5541s soon I imagine the prop is going to go
5542s off as well the Mallory's on him of
5543s Arwen and they are going to start
5544s pumping through caxon here as he's
5546s tackled
5548s yeah I noticed uh the arbitrator does
5550s not seem to be using any weapon
5552s disruption probably expected missiles
5554s brought on missiles and went all in
5555s hoping that they could win some sort of
5557s rock paper scissors here as the hyena
5559s Blackbird just seemed to be the target
5561s back and forth and then nothing is
5563s actually seeming to break uh while the
5566s initiative is losing yet another one of
5568s their ships in this exact Navy
5570s yeah my advice to any team who's
5572s thinking of stacking all your TDS or GDs
5574s on an arbitrator and sort of gambling
5576s especially in a two-band scenario like
5578s you've seen the bands right you see
5579s balgo Nighthawk sleptner curse is that
5582s really enough to say they're gonna bring
5583s missiles everything that brings missiles
5584s because if they had you know one or two
5586s TDS in this com in this matchup you know
5588s they can stick the TVs on the Harvard
5589s Navy
5591s they do have some titties
5597s the Blackbird was probably just
5599s passively jamming the arbitrator on and
5600s off yeah yeah I think there's less so
5602s black would probably have the arbitrary
5603s to control and that was why he wasn't
5604s doing it because I mean yeah I would
5606s have been very surprised to see that
5606s based on the information available that
5608s would have been a very bold move from
5609s initiative there would have been a
5610s really questionable call yes yeah but we
5614s are still just seeing the control of of
5617s this paper numbers comp they did lose
5618s the Blackbird there but the hyena is
5619s just keeping everything at Bay here um
5622s paper number's doing a really great job
5623s of sort of burning away
5625s um they stop their ships they Park up
5627s they get good tracking on something they
5628s get something tackled they black it and
5629s then they keep moving again and these
5631s the Shacks are just constantly chasing
5632s and it's so fruitless and I think this
5634s is one of the main weaknesses of these
5635s double the shack bumps is that if you
5637s come up against something that you
5639s haven't caught at the start and doesn't
5640s want to be in range of you and is happy
5642s to just play away it's very very
5643s difficult to spend those points on
5644s something that can you know help you get
5646s in range while also not just getting
5647s killed itself
5649s I 100 agree with that the Deacon goes
5651s down it looked like paper numbers was
5653s having a little bit of application
5654s problems not that arbitrator was opened
5656s up and everything was taking but with
5657s that Deacon going down and the
5658s arbitrator soon default it looks like
5660s it's just going to be cleaning up for
5661s paper numbers uh but the height it did
5663s go down so maybe those little Shucks can
5665s actually get on top for a last second
5667s hope to do their massive amount of spool
5669s damage and turn this match around but
5671s it's going to take some really good
5672s piloting and tackling by that exact
5674s Magus and Ponte
5676s yeah I'm not sure that these Cruisers
5677s are going to be fast enough compared to
5679s the facts to actually get out of their
5680s gun range they are pumping through CEO
5682s CEO he has got some bots on them
5685s um as well those are actually enemy
5686s damage Bots acolytes more acolytes
5688s coming in here he is taking chunks from
5689s these two lashacks and he can't really
5690s get away now behind has gone down I
5692s think Captain shinken's saying well you
5694s know you're you're dead buddy I need to
5695s get out of here um he's gonna try and
5697s burn away before little Shacks look at
5698s him the wrong way as well
5700s CEOs is going to go down here yeah he
5703s does
5704s yeah he does go though it's interesting
5706s that uh hopefully Park Bank in the uh
5708s exec starts doing some Park big things
5710s and being lodgy MVPs a lot of people
5712s know him but at under Tula Shacks you
5715s can't really do a ton in that eni other
5716s than try to buy as much time as possible
5718s to burn through one of these
5719s instructions and survive that's about
5721s all you can do
5723s yeah the thing with the exec is in this
5725s in this matchup you know the Shacks are
5727s going to be pumping something they want
5728s to spool on it right so you put all your
5729s reps on whatever they're spooling on and
5731s that's kind of it you know you can't
5732s really do much more you can obviously
5733s manage your heat you can heat some
5734s Cycles try and keep them alive the best
5736s the ability they're not going to be
5737s swapping targets they're not going to be
5738s switching to try and volley something
5739s exactly I'm just going to be spawning
5740s and pumping through it and Captain shink
5742s and he is not really holding here he's a
5745s reasonable range from the Lush hacks but
5746s I don't think he's fast enough to
5747s actually get out of the gun range in
5748s time here I think he might go down it's
5750s kind of hard to tell
5751s um they are just burning a straight line
5753s towards each other away from each other
5754s so he's not going to have transversal
5755s but the shanks are going to be able to
5757s track him fine and we are seeing him
5758s take chunks but oh he needs to turn at
5760s some point he's getting kind of close to
5761s the arena
5763s yeah getting cornered by those little
5766s strikes honestly a massive tournament
5768s event in piloting by the top end over
5770s here an initiative and it just seems
5773s like they're cornering the uh paper
5774s numbers team against the edge and just
5776s allowing these little Shucks to do work
5778s which is what they wanted to do earlier
5779s in the match that e-ore from paper
5781s numbers took a while to die and that is
5783s what has got them to this point but now
5785s that those checks are free to do what
5786s they want it seems like they are
5788s dominating the paper numbers team
5790s whenever they get close enough to do
5791s that
5793s yeah I think it was it's it's difficult
5794s I mean sorry it's easy it's easy late in
5797s the match part bank but early on the
5798s match for sure he deserves props for
5799s keeping his e-rolling so here's ewall
5801s Wing alive so long excuse me
5804s um and now we see uh Captain Shinken is
5806s actually holding here because there's a
5807s shack of dark shines one of the two Le
5809s Shacks who was obviously in Hot Pursuit
5810s of Captain Shinken has just been tackled
5812s down by the Magus I think it was the
5813s pontifex actually new cotton first and
5815s the Dominator of rifles
5824s looks like
5827s yeah I think they're they're so split
5829s apart
5833s yeah I mean they shouldn't really have
5835s let their Shanks get split up so hard
5836s perhaps maybe they should have said you
5837s know one of them's tackled
5839s um the other one needs to stop so that
5840s we can get over communion yeah
5845s instead you know and that was shut down
5847s I don't know if they have the GPS to
5848s break through the uh reactor support
5850s plus Park bank's logic skills I I do not
5853s think they're going to be able to break
5855s through any of these ships it did look
5856s like they were about to claw back from
5858s the Ducks of just getting destroyed by
5861s kite but it does not look like they were
5864s able to fully pull back because of that
5866s splitting up little Shucks good part on
5868s paper numbers to split those little
5870s Shucks up to stop the uh double spool
5872s damage
5874s yeah for sure I think some some credit
5876s is deserved by Initiative for choosing
5877s to get rid of that high you know when
5878s they could they saw an opportunity to
5879s maybe stick some DPS drones on it maybe
5881s black it with the Navy executors killing
5883s off that hyena was sort of what allowed
5884s them to get back into this match to get
5886s those Lush acts in a hot pursuit of
5887s those battle cruises and stop putting
5889s the damage into them if they've been
5889s maybe been able to do that a little bit
5891s sooner
5892s um you know maybe they could have got
5893s through shink and started on madoks
5895s um but just good control from paper
5897s numbers you see this double shot comp
5899s and they sort of they read it perfectly
5901s they know exactly what it needs to do it
5902s needs to charge into and as long as you
5903s can keep them up there you probably have
5905s the upper hand here
5907s yeah they wasted so much time in the
5909s beginning of that match thanks to that
5910s hyena and low E war end that they were
5912s able to get that advantage on the low
5914s end which definitely made a difference
5915s in this late game you know paper numbers
5917s still having all of that you know low
5919s end surviving way longer made a massive
5921s difference now that match almost did
5923s turn once paper numbers low end uh and
5926s control Wing basically vanished it just
5928s was slightly too late I would say maybe
5931s if you piloting mistakes and or Giga
5934s Chad piloting by the paper numbers team
5936s that really helped them win but that low
5939s end was the key to that match for both
5941s teams if it was going to live or die
5943s yeah I think the control start of that
5945s match was just debilitating for them
5947s um you know you've only got four DPS
5948s ships in that comp
5950s um when you come up against that kind of
5952s control it's very easy to just spread
5954s the e-ore and make it very very
5955s difficult to actually have any
5957s meaningful impact as Rocky in this last
5959s Le Shack is going to go down I think
5961s before time he is slowly bleeding
5962s through a hole here and this is quite an
5964s interesting look from paper numbers
5965s we've seen plenty of medium guns bam
5967s comps we haven't really seen like a
5968s maybe dummy plus three battle cruiser
5970s and then control it's kind of a slightly
5972s different take on things as he gets in
5973s that massive bump at the end not an mjd
5975s but an mwd play from Rife Eisen at the
5978s end there that is going to be paper
5979s numbers stomping to a win 136 we're
5982s going to send it back to the desk
5988s [Music]
5991s um
5998s [Music]
6018s [Music]
6028s foreign
6030s [Music]
6047s [Music]
6052s [Applause]
6060s [Music]
6063s calculated Victory there by paper
6066s numbers uh takes them into alliance
6068s tournament 19 proper we will see no more
6071s of them as they go on meanwhile
6073s initiative now on the back foot as they
6076s will have to go through the gauntlet
6078s trying to find one of those remaining
6080s places they had their chance but
6083s unfortunately they could not pull it off
6085s in this case
6086s um let's come out we're seeing like it's
6088s early days yet but we're seeing double
6091s the Shacks
6092s um I feel like this happens every year
6094s though there's a subset of teams who
6096s just continue to think hey double the
6099s shacks and I don't have the stats to
6101s hand but I'm sure if we looked at the
6102s stats from last year's double the shack
6104s comps
6105s um it was pretty poor in terms of win
6108s loss
6109s um can you can you talk about this a
6111s little bit
6112s yeah I think a lot of teams look at the
6114s Le chat
6116s um it has decent range and it does a lot
6118s of damage especially over time so people
6121s see the shack they see big number and
6123s they think big number good
6125s um sometimes it is
6127s um I would say that to be fair to teams
6129s this year the dirt the double shot comp
6131s suffers less than it would have last
6133s year because e-war is now limited to
6136s ships that have the bonuses for them so
6138s previously where you would have seen
6139s jackdaws with like tracking disruptors
6142s or damps or something like that which
6144s really hurts the shack because it
6146s doesn't have a fall off bonus once it's
6148s out of its optimal range it stops
6150s spooling so one of the key ways that you
6152s can deal with the shack is to break its
6153s lock or to break its Ball by limiting
6156s how far it can shoot and then keeping
6158s range and that can happen less this year
6160s because you can actually ban the ships
6162s that are designed to stop you from
6164s spalling a little bit more effectively
6166s than you could last year
6168s however playing the Le Shack still
6170s requires you to use your brain the
6172s initiative lacked initiative when it
6174s came to dealing with the comp that they
6177s were going up against because they
6179s allowed dollar Shacks to get split
6180s towards the end of the match with one
6182s The Shack chasing off after a Burdick's
6184s Navy issue that ended up mjding away
6186s from it and dark shrines another track
6189s being stuck under the Dominic's Navy if
6191s they're stuck together
6192s and use their brains a little bit and
6195s just spooled on the Dominic's Navy to
6197s try and break the Dominic's name you're
6199s at least force it away they may have had
6201s a better chance of pulling their match
6202s back a little bit but I think they were
6205s really just hampered by the fact they
6206s had no tackle ships so they had no way
6208s of pinning down the exec
6210s um or the executor sorry that was the
6212s logistic ship
6213s um so they had to constantly fight
6215s through the Reps that were coming in
6216s which they can cause other Shacks but
6218s it's still not ideal or optimal
6221s yeah that was something I was actually
6223s going to uh bring up as well uh jintan I
6225s think you mentioned it in uh the the
6227s back channels and this is a great
6230s example of you know why you need tackle
6233s ships and support ships the initiative
6235s brought uh what I believe CP Zales
6237s called a galenti jog it wasn't as much I
6239s go into Rush
6242s and we saw a bunch of e-war ships um but
6245s really nothing in that tackle and
6247s support Wing why do you think that was a
6250s mistake and what do you think they could
6251s have maybe swapped around a bit
6253s uh it was clearly a mistake I wouldn't
6255s want to sit here and try and rebuild
6257s their comp from the ground up uh but you
6260s know we saw it especially later on in
6261s the match there just was no one able to
6264s screen for those the Shacks they were
6266s walking out there and just getting
6267s grabbed by anyone you know any any ship
6270s could tackle down on the shack there was
6271s no little frigate to sit there and hold
6273s on to the Dominic's Navy issue and stop
6275s it from glomping onto whoever their lead
6278s to Shaq pilot was I can't remember the
6279s name right now
6281s um which was what forced that weird
6283s point in the end game where they were
6284s both spooling on different things and
6286s the executor was able to very happily
6288s just sit there and keep the both of them
6289s alive
6291s really what I would have liked to well I
6293s want to actually talk about though is
6294s the paper numbers comp because I think
6296s that's a bit more indicative of the meta
6298s that we're going to see going forwards
6299s they weren't quite a medium gun span
6302s style team but you still saw I think six
6305s seven threats on that composition there
6308s were six or seven threats they could go
6309s out there and kill an opposing Cruiser
6311s you know or do significant damage to an
6313s opposing battle cruiser and that feels
6315s to me like what the meta is edging
6318s towards teams bringing a lot of big
6320s hitters and you know a small amount of
6323s tackle which can help them get into the
6325s right position because the low end of
6327s points have been increa have been kind
6329s of sorry the points of the low end ships
6331s have gone down and the cost of the
6332s high-end ships have gone up so you can
6334s get so much more value if you get those
6336s nine seven point ships somewhere into
6338s your composition
6340s yeah I especially in this opening round
6344s um it is super interesting to see how
6345s much of an accurate meta read we will
6347s start to get uh because some of these
6349s teams are going to go pretty much all in
6350s to try and secure that uh that that
6353s first most important wind so to to
6356s reiterate the way that this uh this feed
6358s around works is if you win your first
6360s match you're into alliance tournament 19
6363s you need to know more until the main
6365s tournament itself that is it it is 10
6368s minutes to you know prove your metal and
6370s you're straight through
6371s 28 spots exist in the alliance
6374s tournament 24 of them will be decided in
6377s this first round that means if you lose
6379s you're going into this brutal brutal
6382s Gauntlet for those remaining four slots
6385s that's terrible like you're from
6388s basically a 50 chance to suddenly maybe
6390s like a three or four percent chance now
6392s let's not say it never happens Odin's
6394s call last year had a fantastic run
6396s through the feeders uh dropping into the
6399s final sort of they equivalent of the
6401s galantic amp last year taking somewhere
6403s like seven or nine matches to get
6406s through into the main tournament and
6407s then cruised all the way up to second
6409s place in the main event it was a it was
6411s a spectacular run and I think still
6414s should probably hold the record for the
6415s most number of matches played in the
6417s single Alliance tournament it was it was
6418s pretty phenomenal unfortunately for them
6420s they only got skins for the main
6421s tournament not the feeders otherwise
6423s they'd have been very happy uh but yeah
6426s going all in at this stage in round one
6428s there has to be something to that
6431s mystical might like how like how about
6433s how big do your balls have to be to say
6435s let's not go all in because we think we
6437s could win with something a little bit
6439s sneaky
6441s I think it's just a good balance of
6443s knowing how good your team is versus who
6445s how good the team are going up against
6447s us
6448s um not to throw shade on any teams but
6450s if you're going up against a team like
6453s I don't know snuffed out I guess in this
6456s particular example based on what they
6457s brought today
6459s maybe you don't need to be bringing like
6460s the one comp that you're reserving for
6462s the finals right because it's not a
6464s finals match it's just one of the
6465s matches that you would have to win
6466s anyway in the run-up to the finals so
6469s depending on the confidence you have in
6471s your team and how many comps you've
6473s practiced you will have a good set of
6475s core comps that you will be able to
6477s bring out against almost any team and
6479s feel fairly comfortable in your chance
6481s of winning right in the odds going in
6484s your favor
6485s um you'll tweak that a bit based on how
6487s well you know their matter So based on
6489s the ships that they're bringing to their
6490s matches
6492s um but I would say most teams should be
6494s reserving some of their better comps for
6497s the actual main tournament especially in
6499s this first match I want them to bring
6501s good comps because it makes their life
6503s so much easier to just get in now
6505s but later on in the feeders bracket
6508s where they are at risk of being
6509s eliminated that's when I expect to see
6511s some of the the Doomsday comps coming
6512s out because
6513s you know if they lose then what really
6516s have they lost in showing a good comp
6519s yeah awesome it's going to be
6521s interesting now I'm just looking at
6523s twitch and it seems that there's mixed
6526s matchup between sugar and Deepwater
6527s Hooligans it has a clear favorite uh
6530s Deepwater Hooligans over a million
6531s Channel points on them where there's
6533s only 110 000 on sugar lots of uh posting
6537s a boat to help deep water float so we
6539s will certainly see if they can float or
6541s if they sink now let's take a look at
6542s what they are Banning uh D water
6544s Hooligans Banning out the Nighthawk and
6546s the typhoon flu tissue uh meanwhile uh
6549s from sugar we're seeing scorpion Navy
6551s issue and a bar guest interesting bands
6554s here we don't have a huge amount of time
6556s to talk about it because I see the teams
6557s have landed in the arena so let us head
6560s over to the arena for hooligan do what
6562s Hooligans versus sugar
6569s g'day mates welcome back to the arena
6572s and I feel like people aren't really
6574s hearing the message of double The Shack
6575s isn't really worth it but I also feel
6577s like someone's copying someone else's
6578s homework and just changing just a little
6579s bit so don't get caught because there's
6582s a lot of similarities going on here what
6583s are you thinking Alex
6587s oops
6590s select
6595s yeah I killed him all right this is all
6597s me then uh
6599s no it was me all along
6604s The Shack left me speechless for there
6606s for a second
6608s deep water electing to bring in a neros
6611s versus sugar elected to counter it with
6613s a curse interesting exactly that like I
6615s said it's trade it's like they had the
6617s same idea and one copied the other one
6619s they just changed just a little bit it's
6621s a very it'll be very interesting match
6622s that curse is going to pull his weight
6624s and so is the owneros
6626s yeah I feel like the curse will give
6628s longer term value if it can survive but
6631s against double the Shacks that is a far
6633s from certain uh outcome here as we see
6636s the match beginning to go underway
6637s Deepwater Hooligans beginning to kite
6639s away very slowly
6644s it's just hanging around
6647s both the sex just charging in from uh
6650s sugar just sending it and I love it
6652s now team's a bit behind but that's fine
6654s just just go in there
6659s uh maybe after burning the Shacks versus
6662s microwork should I have the Shacks is
6663s that what's Happening Here
6665s I
6666s I mean I can't say you shouldn't fit
6668s that off the middle but I really think
6669s you should not fit an afterburn into
6670s Battleship smack you might as well get
6671s out and paddle you'll be going about as
6673s fast but yeah damage is coming
6680s look at the drones all popping up e-war
6682s drones lodgy drones absolute chaos going
6685s on here the ECM drone is going to be
6687s particularly annoying for the Shacks
6689s they break that spool even once that
6691s could end this match immediately
6694s yeah I think uh tellingly Deepwater
6696s Hooligans has a bigger cloud of
6698s Maintenance spots around their Le Shack
6699s and then we're starting to see the
6701s benefits of that as Veer as The Shack on
6703s sugar is beginning to dip below half
6705s armor pulling it back rather slowly
6710s well they've only got a deacon and
6712s Italian for logic mean while the other
6713s side has no miros giving him the real
6715s rep power they need so this is not
6717s looking good at the moment
6720s under withering fire with a with no rep
6723s Bots to show for it he's now just got a
6727s one set of Heavies on him uh not looking
6730s great compared to the massive massive
6733s cloud of Maintenance Bots surrounding
6734s ear canal right now you can see the
6737s difference as The Little Shack or just
6739s that as well
6743s they've really invested on lodgy here
6746s a much more potent combination of
6748s logistics than the double now single
6751s Logistics freaking outside of sugar as
6753s their Thalia Bites the Dust
6755s maybe Dimensions well the Navy call me
6758s Comet and Confessor are going to be a
6759s very brutal uh combo against small ships
6761s except actually the deacon now being
6762s shot down you see the comet and the
6764s Confessor going straight in for it yeah
6766s that that that's the support Wing is
6768s very aggressive I love it
6770s yeah a bit of a bash Brothers
6772s combination there the comet especially
6774s taking advantage of the points reduction
6776s here for this tournament brings a ton of
6779s Firepower for a relatively affordable
6781s amount of points meanwhile the other
6784s Confessor from the opposing side just
6785s took out the carries of uh I'll be so
6788s [Music]
6790s not great
6792s yeah like yeah you got something
6793s congratulations it's a shame that your
6795s comp is dead
6797s yeah with a singular Shack here unless
6800s this curse starts to put in some work
6802s uh they're they're really gonna have
6804s some trouble here but the curse is
6806s well he's doing what he's supposed to be
6808s doing he has parked himself on top of
6811s the aniros for Deepwater Hooligans and
6813s he's putting as many newts in as
6815s possible but it's not counting for much
6818s as uh ear canal has been hanging tough
6821s with that cloud of Maintenance spots
6822s which do not rely on capacitor and
6825s there's nothing cleaning them off right
6826s now he still has quite a few
6828s one thing I'm surprised by you've got
6830s twin Le chakra you've got a massive DPS
6831s and you've obviously got utility hires
6833s neither team thought for a millisecond
6835s to put a smart bomber
6837s now like maybe it's they maybe think
6838s they'd like their drones but like look
6840s what's going on here if you have one
6841s smart bomb that's how many ECM and rep
6843s drones gone in an instant
6844s it's I feel like yeah it has the shifts
6847s to put it on the shack is an excellent
6848s choice it has it even has a bonus for it
6850s making them run more efficiently but
6852s we're just not seeing them here it looks
6853s like they've elected to go with
6855s neutralizer fits
6857s all the way all the way
6860s okay good they're good against other
6862s ships but like the shack versus Le Shack
6865s neutralizer versus neutralizer you're
6867s just beating each other with the same
6868s stick
6869s unfortunately Deepwater hole again stick
6871s is quite a bit bigger as the remaining
6874s sugarless Shack drops
6877s stop making me cough
6879s your nurses being uh the most always a
6881s celestist but they're just leaving these
6883s little Shacks alone now they realize
6884s they just can't kill them go for
6885s something else
6893s he needs some Logistics over there
6897s I've had some Wrecking shots myself
6898s unfortunately sugar they're they're
6900s trying here they're putting some damage
6901s into the celestes Unfortunately they
6903s just don't have a lot of damage left got
6906s the Confessor which has just dropped
6907s they're only remaining damage dealers
6909s are the vexer and the curse and I
6911s guarantee you that curse is now
6913s has been fit for as much tank as
6915s possible so it's not putting out a lot
6917s of damage despite having a drone bonus
6920s es
6923s not gonna matter
6925s like at all things yeah
6927s I'm sure I agree with
6930s yeah maybe they didn't go for the common
6931s with the vixo or the Confessor or even
6933s the Ponte O'Malley and try and get rid
6934s of the um get rid of the links but going
6936s for the celestes which at this point is
6938s doing basically nothing to you because
6940s you like honestly getting up close isn't
6942s gonna help you leave us getting caughty
6944s their their target pickings are a bit
6946s slim here I mean the play to try to win
6948s the match would be to go after the
6950s ineros but even with the curses
6951s neutralizers I'm skeptical that the
6953s remaining amount of damage could punch
6954s through its tank every time it has a cap
6957s booster up it's going to be able to get
6958s a cycle or two of its repper in and that
6960s itself might be enough to Outlast the
6962s end of this match but Sugar's not even
6964s going for it they're trying to take out
6967s the Magus now and it is easily getting
6970s wrapped up
6971s yeah whatever you can I guess but I got
6973s a question for you at the start right
6974s you've got two uh Le shacks and a curse
6977s versus Tula shacks and lodgy do you
6980s Newton one of the Shacks with your
6982s cursor try and remove DPS or you need
6984s the logic to try and win the race
6986s you've got to go for the larger and try
6988s to win the race I think it's your only
6990s play there that I don't know what the
6992s issue was uh I think honestly the
6994s difference of the maintenance spots
6996s probably did it
6997s that curse was just not able to
6999s effectively neutralize the ineros fast
7001s enough and the uh the maintenance spots
7004s that deep water put out we're enabling
7006s it to get that DPS Race Edge and that's
7008s all they needed was just a little Edge
7010s to make sure that their Le Shack stayed
7013s up just slightly longer than sugars
7015s which enabled them to snowball this
7017s match into a not quite but nearly
7019s Flawless Victory as the universe has
7022s finally become the remaining Target here
7026s yeah and that's why I asked that as well
7028s is because if you knew that one last
7029s Shack for a split second then break that
7031s cycle that can also win your DPS race
7033s but you got to make the decision and
7034s kind of commit to it I don't know I
7035s didn't see the curse do particularly
7036s much so we'll have to see what the
7038s analyst does thinks once uh this curse
7040s finally uh gets what he deserves and
7042s absolutely explodes
7045s and he's been tackled by the Magus we're
7046s now seeing uh damage drones so the
7050s Deepwater Hooligans teams realize they
7051s don't need to wrap anything they've
7052s swapped out for damage to close this
7054s match out 100 to 5 sending this back to
7057s the desk
7063s [Music]
7067s thank you
7070s [Music]
7078s rain are you in the armor Vagabond or
7080s something no um I've got Axel ISP
7086s polarized guns
7087s [Laughter]
7093s casing you you are one of two people
7096s that couldn't listen and couldn't check
7099s bookmarks and find your own way out the
7101s route the entire route was literally
7103s bookmarked out to low sick I bookmarked
7106s the 10 minutes in advance
7108s guys stop being casual they're really
7110s bad we should not lose anybody to this
7113s warp off warp off take the fleet warp
7115s everybody warp off this is a really
7116s really bad execution I'm very
7118s disappointed
7124s there you have it sugar caramelized in
7128s the deep water kitchen uh 100 to five uh
7132s pretty much uh dismantling it it seemed
7134s to be a bit of a stalemate back and
7136s forth for a while at the start of that
7137s match it was something like three
7139s minutes before for the first ship starts
7141s to go down but once it did the snowball
7143s was in full effect uh as it was just a
7146s case of just bang bang bang one after
7149s the other they all disappeared uh the
7151s Wormhole Curse still very much uh in
7154s effect in this instance that was another
7157s Wormhole group another big fat L uh
7161s mystical might what what is there to say
7163s about this this match
7166s I mean it's just standard wormholer in
7169s an 80 environment I guess you know the
7171s outside of wormholes what can they do we
7173s even put a wormhole on grid for them to
7174s make them feel more at home and it's
7176s just it's just not working so I don't
7178s know really how we can help them
7180s um through this bracket these tough
7181s times
7183s um Mark does need your vote still
7184s Wormhole so try your hardest thank you
7186s um in this match I think that
7189s but there was a bit of discussion in the
7191s the background between myself and a few
7193s of the other analysts
7195s um on what we thought would win the
7196s Triple damp that was brought by
7198s Deepwater Hooligans or the
7201s um damp and the curse that was brought
7203s by Sugar
7205s um that was the belief that the curse
7208s would be able to prevent one of the
7211s Shacks from shooting Beyond 12
7212s kilometers which is pretty reasonable to
7214s assume but I believed that the triple
7217s damp that the deportulligan team brought
7219s would prevent the curse from locking at
7221s all and would also Force the sugar team
7223s to brawl in in the end we saw them
7226s decide to brawl anyway
7228s and with the power of the ineros behind
7230s the double the shack they were they were
7232s able to Outlast the double Logie frig of
7236s all the shack so again just another
7238s matchup of theology Cruiser versus the
7240s logistics frigates I think
7243s and one of the other interesting choices
7245s in that last match uh was the because
7247s the the concept was quite similar
7249s actually like when you look at them from
7250s from a high level they're quite quite
7252s the same but we saw clearly a decision
7254s uh one team bringing a crush one team
7256s bring it in an Eros jintan why do you
7259s think the decision to bring a curse
7260s maybe was made
7262s I mean the curse is just one of the most
7265s historically powerful ships in the
7267s alliance tournament for what it does so
7270s first of all you've got those bonus
7271s tracking disruptors and guidance
7272s disruptors those allow you to neutralize
7275s one or two of your opponent's ships as
7277s long as they are you know ships that
7278s rely on projecting from range and just
7281s turn them off or in this case with a
7283s couple of other Shacks they were able to
7284s take one of them and just completely
7286s remove them from the picture until the
7289s curse itself started coming under
7290s trouble what makes the cursor so
7292s powerful is not just those tracking
7294s Interrupters if it was just that it
7295s would basically be a Sentinels bigger
7297s bad a daddy but it's even worse than
7299s that because of the noobs that it has
7301s access to those things are incredibly
7303s potent and they can not only turn off a
7306s logistics frigate very easily they can
7308s also make very good work at Logistics
7311s Cruisers and pretty much any Cruiser
7313s really uh and between that it allows it
7317s to basically Shield itself you know it
7319s can if it sees a destroyer coming in to
7321s try and tackle it it can just reach chat
7323s with a new and tell it to go away and it
7325s will leave it dead in space for its
7326s friends to come and swarm all over at
7329s least that was a game plan unfortunately
7331s in this case it didn't really turn out
7332s that well those newts weren't very
7334s effective they weren't able to utilize
7336s them to you know disrupt the tackle that
7338s was ending up kind of sticking around
7341s their little shacks and stopping them
7342s from getting into position and really I
7345s just don't think we saw the full
7347s potential of the cuts come out in that
7348s match maybe if they've used it a little
7350s better
7351s they could have won
7354s maybe we will never know well we might
7357s know because we will see sugar again as
7360s they're still in of course the the
7361s galenti gamble they have to try and make
7363s their way through a brittle series now
7365s maybe when they get into the tournament
7366s maybe they they redeem their space
7369s Bushido
7370s um in terms of wormholers we have the
7372s match coming up after the break is no
7374s vacancies versus dark side this I think
7376s is going to be a extremely interesting
7378s match Dark Side legendary team with some
7380s incredible Pilots no vacancies uh have
7382s done some had some pretty good success
7384s occasionally in advance tournament so I
7386s think this is a team that dartside
7388s cannot count on just an easy win uh so
7391s I'm certainly looking forward to that
7393s but that will be in about 20-30 minutes
7395s we are going to go to a short break so
7398s stick around enjoy the music and we'll
7400s see you then
7401s welcome back ladies and gentlemen
7403s uh I don't know if you guys can hear
7405s that music but that was a phenomenal uh
7407s return to Forum right here on Alliance
7409s tournament 19 feet of rounds day one
7412s uh we've already seen a bunch of teams
7414s secure their way straight into alliance
7416s tournament 19. we've seen some people
7418s stumble at that first step and move into
7420s the galenti gamble the teams that have
7423s progressed thus far are goons run
7425s Federation Platinum sensitivity Rave
7427s Collective the ancient paper numbers and
7430s Deepwater Hooligans so those teams have
7433s secured that spot in line instrument 19.
7436s we'll see them in August for the rest of
7438s the teams it is still anyone's game
7440s we're still very much in the uh win it
7443s and you're in set for today for this
7445s next match between dark side and no
7448s vacancies but you may have noticed I am
7450s joined by two Fresh Faces uh to Welcome
7454s to the stage the Basilisk and moderator
7456s as a how are you today
7458s I'm good I'm very hot coming to you very
7460s hot from middle of England so I've got
7462s the fan on thankfully it's not been
7463s picked up by the stream
7465s um but yeah I'm good I've enjoyed it so
7466s far it's been good
7467s awesome hot and modest and of course we
7470s have a moderator uh well he's not busy
7472s running around muting people's streams
7474s he is here to to enter tennis and tell
7477s us wise words about these matches what
7480s how are you today
7481s excellent it's a great day for
7483s spaceships to explode
7484s it's always a great day for spaceships
7486s to explode every single day is a good
7488s day for spaceships to explode is there
7490s any matches so far that you've seen in
7493s the theaters today that have had your
7495s favorite explosions moderator
7498s um nuke Michael's Rapid heavy missile
7501s launchers were probably my favorite
7502s explosion when those burnt out
7505s um but not seriousness I liked a lot of
7507s the um kind of the very heavy commit for
7509s all matches that we've seen so far
7511s they've been entertaining to watch maybe
7514s not the you know most uh
7517s on point of compositions but they've
7519s been enjoyable so far
7521s and one of you any any highlights we've
7524s seen a couple of matches you know it's
7526s still early days but any any good ones
7528s so far
7529s yeah I've quite like the goons one the
7531s goons one versus snuffed out of the
7532s start apart from Michael's um
7535s guns burning out I think from snuffed it
7537s was quite a sort of
7539s ambitious entrance into the alliance
7541s tournament and feed arounds to feel the
7542s conflicts so difficult to execute to its
7545s Highest Potential
7547s um
7547s yeah so I like to see them try it but
7549s I'm also kind of happy to see them sorry
7551s more but uh fall on my face a little bit
7554s awesome now let's look forward to our
7556s next match Dark Side versus no vacancies
7557s uh I'm excited for this one I think we
7560s have the bands let's see if we can take
7561s a quick look at those so uh Dark Side
7563s choosing to ban the Scimitar and the bow
7566s Garden uh well no vacancies banning at
7569s the Scimitar and the Blackbird and we
7571s have our first trickle bands so both
7572s teams Banning the Scimitar as one of
7575s their first two bands these bands are
7576s done blind to each other because there's
7578s a duplicate each team gets an additional
7580s free ban uh Dark Side Banning out the
7582s Varga recently buffed in the Viridian
7584s expansion and uh the Italia moderator
7587s what do you think of these bands
7590s yeah usually when we see scimitars
7592s getting banned out it's to get rid of
7593s kind of long range
7596s um Shield kaidi setups though or
7598s traditional kind of long-range artillery
7599s fly killer with rapid Heavies rapid
7601s lights
7602s getting those out of the way and we see
7605s um Elle Gorn band as well from Darkseid
7608s not wanting to get controlled but that
7611s looks like a tempest so uh we'll have to
7613s maybe talk to production about that what
7614s do you think of Asa
7616s yeah I think that's another fat finger
7618s on the Bal gong key rather than the
7620s balgorn key
7621s um but yeah I sort of agree with your
7623s tanks generally on the bands the Simi in
7624s this format where you've only got two
7626s bands it's quite hard to sort of
7628s specifically ban out an entire comp and
7630s say we don't want to face this you've
7631s got very limited
7633s um like there's so much replaceability
7634s in the composite your opponents might
7636s feel that it's very difficult to narrow
7637s it down that much so going for the Sim
7639s is
7640s probably the single most effective way
7641s to try and deal with Shield kite if
7643s that's what you don't want to see
7645s yeah I'm looking at what's landed on
7646s grid here and it looks like it should be
7648s a Spacey match uh so let's hand over to
7651s the arena for Dark Side versus no
7653s vacancies with your casters uh BlackMart
7655s pirate and Chad Flynn
7662s welcome to the Rita I am Chad flame here
7664s with BlackMart pirate to cast you the
7666s dark side versus no vacancies Dark Side
7668s uh bringing a Nighthawk Loki leak
7672s Cyclone Onyx Cerberus Navy caracal by
7675s frost double logic and a jackdaw uh
7678s Blackberry would you like to go through
7679s the no vacancies too
7681s I will go through the No Vacancy side
7682s they're being actually a very similar
7684s setup with a Nighthawk slapner Fleet
7686s Cyclone Navy Drake Osprey Navy caracled
7688s Navy executive Jack dots people and a
7690s fly catcher interesting to note all of
7692s these ships are fit with hams in close
7693s range weapons with the exception of the
7695s no vacancies Navy executor I guess they
7697s weren't Chad enough to run the blasters
7700s uh seeing an awesome shot with that
7702s wormhole in the background right there
7703s props to our cameraman I believe that
7705s these are at least one of these teams is
7707s considered to be one of the last
7709s Wormhole hopes or Mark resurrect is here
7714s yeah as we saw earlier today a lot of
7716s those Wormhole teams taking a l and
7718s we'll be seeing them play against each
7720s other later today hoping that one of
7722s them can redeem themselves but one of
7723s them will also be eliminated as that
7726s said the match counting down and Link's
7728s about to go up any second now what's
7729s your predictions for the start of this
7730s match black part
7732s uh honestly my predictions is there's
7734s going to be a lot of people going down
7736s very fast it should be quite a quick
7738s match with we're seeing massive amounts
7739s of heavy missile damage or heavy assault
7741s missile damage and both teams are
7742s ramming it straight into each other uh
7744s very very very strong powerful tactic
7747s right here a lot of damage going under
7748s the Navy character no vacancies first
7750s which is a very good Target probably one
7752s of the easiest ships to kill there that
7753s being said and seen a lot of webs and
7755s stuff going on to Sky killer Russian
7757s it's the Loki from Darkseid
7759s yeah it looks like they're just trying
7761s to get rid of that control not really
7762s like it's going to make a massive
7763s difference other than for application
7764s purposes as that Navy caracal goes down
7766s instantly the Osprey not able to keep it
7768s up Drake looks Drake maybe looks to be
7770s like the duck's primary for dark side
7772s uh the Drake Navy is taking damage the
7775s jackdaw's also taking a little bit of
7776s damage it's getting a sort of solo PVP
7778s to bit in the back there by uh the
7780s bifrost which is something you don't
7781s usually hear every day but uh you have
7783s that drink Navy is dropping way faster
7784s Sky killer Russian may go down here but
7787s if that Drake Navy goes down for Sky
7789s killer Russian like that's already two
7790s major DPS ships that are about to be off
7792s the field the No Vacancy side and they
7793s really don't have anything to show for
7795s it as the Navy Drake goes down Sky
7796s killer Russian is still holding in very
7798s low Shield maybe coming back a little
7800s bit
7801s I I don't think he's going to be able to
7803s come back but you're at this point
7805s trading away two top end DPS ships now
7808s we're going to be three because this
7809s exact Navy's already out of shield for a
7811s Loki what an amazing trade done by this
7814s uh Dark Side team
7816s yeah it's uh this is the first time
7818s we've seen Shield Rush uh for this
7820s tournament also the first time we've
7821s seen Childress versus shielders for this
7823s tournament and it seems that Darkseid is
7824s taking kind of an older meta and just
7826s absolutely crushing through no vacancies
7828s who brought a similar setup but is now
7830s four ships down with that jackpot
7831s dropping uh no vacancies trying to take
7833s a fleet Cyclone down doing a pretty
7835s decent job there's still quite a bit of
7837s damage out on the No Vacancy side but uh
7839s Dark Side just seems to have a lot more
7840s control they're now wiping out that
7842s lower end taking out that stipple taking
7844s out that jackpot probably gonna go for
7845s the fly catcher next all very very high
7847s DPS ships here uh Fleet cycle in the
7849s dark side is actually barely holding
7851s here still that those scalpels and
7853s Kieran on dark side are just doing an
7855s incredible job of just slowing down the
7857s amount of damage they take and uh Fern
7859s might actually live longer than rain
7861s here
7863s it noted like you said that small and
7865s just dying they just don't have the ehp
7866s for the Osprey to catch reps on them it
7868s seems versus these top end ships are
7870s catching asprey reps which is doing
7871s slightly more than that logic but
7873s they're doing a good job as well as we
7874s actually see the no vacancies type
7876s complete go down or it's like one Fleet
7878s go down first
7880s it does appear that Fern may actually
7883s survive this so we're seeing very very
7885s slow structure bleed here as the fly
7887s catcher drops uh there's now only a
7889s slept in a Nighthawk which may be fair
7891s quite a lot of damage but somehow the
7893s Cyclone Fleet is holding on as dark side
7896s swaps over and begins wrecking this
7898s sleptner slept nerds do have an
7900s incredibly high amount of Shield self
7903s tank but you know we've said it before
7904s once those ASB charges go out it'll drop
7906s at this point it's pretty obvious that
7908s dark side is one it's more is Darkseid
7910s going to win with only losing a single
7912s ship and it looks like that might be a
7914s possibility here
7917s does because the uh
7918s Elite Cyclone of Darkseid has pulled out
7921s of that fight and is now out of the
7922s range of that slept near and Nighthawk
7924s that are currently being held down
7926s webbed and scrammed and it's not like
7928s they're going to be able to finish the
7929s job and have to switch targets and lose
7931s all their progress that they put into
7933s that lead cycle
7936s and it does seem that no vacancies has
7938s decided to maybe try and take the
7939s scalpel down but I mean that's way too
7941s little too late I think that Fern got a
7943s ancillary Shield booster reload off or
7945s something and was able to kind of bring
7948s themselves back from the brink of
7949s Destruction Zacks on the other hand
7951s appears to be out of ASB charges his
7953s bleeding armor right now is about to go
7955s into structure and will blow up I say
7957s that as a single little Shield rep gets
7959s off of there they go Fern is still alive
7962s sitting in 37 structure uh dark side is
7965s going after the Osprey right now good
7967s fights in local are starting to go out
7969s and I I really think that the target
7972s calling right off the rip there was so
7974s huge uh we saw Darkseid just completely
7977s do completely different strategy the no
7979s vacancies did uh Chad was there anything
7981s that no vacancies maybe could have done
7983s to pull this off
7986s I think there's two ways you could look
7987s at it they either need to go dark side
7989s having a lot of T2 and T3 resists
7992s helping them tank a lot longer maybe
7994s getting damage Off the Grid in some of
7996s those T1 holes such as the uh Fleet
7998s Cyclone or the caracal the other option
8000s is using some of those small end ships
8002s like spitball fly catcher to maybe do
8006s some work on their laundry frigates they
8007s have to be right in the fight as well
8008s you might be able to get one of those
8010s down and stop them from rapping I think
8012s those two resists really one dark side
8014s of the match because they were able to
8015s tank so well being primaried
8020s absolutely uh going after the Loki which
8022s is probably one of the more difficult
8024s ships to kill may not have been the best
8026s idea uh the Osprey goes down and dark
8029s side is finishing off the Nighthawk last
8031s generally considered to be one of the
8032s most difficult ships in the game to take
8034s down but it actually blew up almost
8036s instantly so maybe it was paper tanked
8037s uh we will leave all of that analysis
8039s back to the squad on the desk
8052s [Music]
8058s [Music]
8062s could be anywhere
8065s [Music]
8091s [Music]
8096s did it
8099s [Music]
8106s well it looks like there are no
8108s vacancies in the main tournament at this
8110s point for Novak as they will have to
8112s face the the glancy gamble to see if
8114s they can secure one of the remaining
8115s fourth place is having just dropped that
8118s match outside of course lighting up the
8120s arena with explosions there in a in a
8123s pretty comfortable match Dark Side an
8126s incredibly experienced team I believe
8128s they're captained by fafi wafi who's a
8130s long time tournament pilot uh super good
8133s at what he does and we have some pilots
8134s in there like Pandy who've come from
8136s vidrivi lauded a two-time 80 winning
8140s team incredible amounts of talent in
8143s that dark side team this year so I'm
8144s very excited to see how they go
8146s moderator
8148s um what do you think of no vacancy's
8150s decision to primary the Loki of Darkseid
8153s uh at the start of that match
8156s yeah it felt like a lot of that match
8158s pivoted like you're saying off of the
8160s choice of primaries no vacancies
8162s choosing to go for the Loki yes it's a
8164s lot of points some of the control in
8166s terms of webs but uh Dark Side made the
8170s better call to go after those very
8172s low tank but very high damage glass
8175s Cannon Navy caracal Navy executor and
8178s ultimately that's one of the match for
8180s them pretty hard early on
8183s yeah and business what do you think in
8185s general about bringing a low key it's
8187s not a ship we see very common uh in
8189s general taxi Cruisers not seen very
8191s often in the alliance tournament uh not
8193s since the demise of course of the Tinker
8196s comps when you used to be able to fit
8197s Logistics to your uh your Tech 3 Cruiser
8200s and just you know ball up feed remote
8202s cap to that thing and just rep the heck
8205s out of everybody uh since that ended tax
8208s records have remained relatively
8209s expensive Point wise they are very
8211s flexible of course but we don't see them
8214s super often uh why why is that
8217s I think from the tech 3 Crews of the
8220s Loki is definitely the most valuable the
8222s most viable in a tournament setup
8224s um I think the ranged webs is just makes
8226s the game generally so much easier to
8227s play and that's for sure one of the
8229s reasons the team will bring it in a
8230s shield Rush is it just gives you that
8231s extra
8232s um sort of redundancy like if they have
8234s screening you still have a really long
8236s 40 kilometer web to get on something and
8237s it sort of works really well I
8238s personally don't
8240s I'm not a fan of Loki's I think in that
8242s com that cost too many points but um I
8245s think they're totally viable I think
8246s some teams may prefer them maybe it's
8248s you know they've got run different
8249s numbers and come up with a different
8251s conclusion
8252s um I yeah I don't really I don't use
8254s them myself
8256s um but I think they're totally viable
8257s and I think in that that setup in
8258s particular where you come up against
8259s Shield Rush versus Shield Rush
8261s in terms of execution it's quite an easy
8263s con because you're basically both doing
8265s the same thing right you're just ramming
8266s on to whatever you want to kill and
8267s firing all your missiles and killing it
8269s as quickly as possible but it's also
8270s kind of unforgiving because if you
8272s choose the wrong target as
8274s um no vacancies did and dark side didn't
8276s um it snowballs against you very very
8278s quickly
8280s do you think moderator the Novak could
8283s have done something different in that
8284s match when they warped in and they saw
8286s what Dark Side had brought the rages
8288s that they'd brought in
8289s um obviously they made a bunch of
8290s decisions including primering that lucky
8292s early on
8294s um you know let's say moderate as the
8296s captain of the Novak team European you
8298s see this you know what are you going to
8299s do
8301s if I'm the captain of the Novak team I
8303s basically have two different things I'm
8305s going to assign I'm going to tell my
8308s swipel and my Fly Catcher And The
8310s jackdaw you know you've got three of
8312s those you know very high damage
8315s um p3ds and then an interdictor you're
8318s gonna get on top of the scalpel and the
8319s Kirin and you're just gonna kill that
8321s and then once that's done either you're
8323s going to contribute to the fight or
8325s you're going to kill the bifrost and
8328s you're going to get rid of the lengths
8329s for the team or you're going to you know
8331s have some of your some of your guns on
8334s maybe even lodgy drones maybe not so
8337s much in a shield thrush but
8339s um
8340s just killing the using your low end uh
8344s to kill their low end provide so much
8345s value in utility and we saw how much
8347s Rico Russ and Mr caps the scalpel and
8349s Kieran respectively on Dark Side were
8351s able to do uh to keep that Fleet cycle
8354s and up towards the end of the match
8356s uh more just started talking there about
8359s things like the low end and stuff like
8362s that uh kind of break down the concept
8364s of you know low end top end uh and and
8367s how you would kind of put a comp
8368s together
8369s well I mean obviously you've got 100
8371s points to spend right and you can't
8372s you've got certain limitations on what
8374s ships you can fly you've got to fit
8375s within 100 points you can't have more
8378s than four of a ship holes you can't have
8379s five battleships that would be illegal
8381s um so you need to sort of mix out the
8382s ship the sizes of your ships that you're
8383s choosing to fill and match at the same
8385s time
8386s um so you're gonna generally speaking
8388s obviously battleships and bigger classes
8390s are going to be more DPS focused because
8392s they've got the big guns they do more
8393s paper damage than expecting you know
8396s your Tristan is going to be your damage
8397s and that's not gonna work
8400s um so obviously you need to have a sort
8401s of mixed
8402s sort of setup of ships that work
8404s together in a comp so you may have you
8405s know heavy DPS these are all Nighthawks
8407s and Cyclone fleets and stuff that's just
8408s gonna get on the primary and go straight
8410s through it and then you've got you know
8411s you have you can't have a whole comp of
8413s that so you say or can deal with smaller
8415s stuff you know if we can bring a
8416s spitball we can bring a fly catcher we
8417s can get all these smaller missiles and
8419s that more effectively deals with the
8420s Enemy more ships
8422s and then taking that mod
8425s um let's say you want to start you know
8427s a team how do you develop a comp from an
8430s idea you know do you just kind of pick a
8432s couple of ships that sound cool and make
8433s it up to 100 points or is there a bit
8435s more uh you know wrinkly brains behind
8438s it
8439s yeah so I'm sure that battles will you
8443s know tell me plenty about why bringing
8445s you know four very cool owneros to a
8447s match is not a good idea
8449s um however there are a couple ways to go
8452s about this a lot of teams go off of
8456s um you know previous years archetypes
8457s and they see okay what worked in this
8460s year and how have things changed from
8462s then till now and continuing to use
8465s things that worked in the past and if
8467s the rules haven't changed too
8468s significantly
8470s um then doing it again unfortunately
8472s we've seen a lot of teams pretty early
8474s on in the feeders take comps for maybe
8477s three or four years ago and continuing
8479s to fly them and maybe not understanding
8481s why they worked then and the massive
8484s changes that have occurred to the game
8486s uh between them and now
8489s yeah and then we talk something you hear
8491s us talking a lot about things like
8492s archetypes and uh occasionally throwing
8495s out names like fly killer or kingslayer
8498s uh of course the infamous Octodad uh uh
8501s Plaza what are some of the the key
8503s archetypes that tend to get thrown
8504s around especially when you know at this
8506s stage of the tournament and as mod says
8508s a lot of teams will look at what was
8509s popular last year and and how they can
8511s adjust it to this year
8513s well I mean we've seen a fair few of
8516s them already we've seen as you said the
8517s Octodad in the first couple matches with
8519s all those battle cruises and cruisers
8520s with medium guns we just saw two Shield
8522s brushes I'm actually quite surprised it
8524s took until seven matches into the feed
8525s rounds for the first shield rush to
8527s appear we've obviously seen lots of
8528s double the Shacks
8530s um and if I was a sort of newer team
8532s coming into the tournament and trying to
8534s you know get a grasp of like I said at
8536s the top of the day
8537s um you know these teams are the first
8538s ones out this year you know they've got
8540s to come up and show their presentations
8542s to class before anyone else and uh get
8544s laughed at for what will turn out in
8547s hindsight to be you know maybe a Bad
8548s Company a bad meta read or something
8551s um so I if I was them I would try and
8553s choose something safe that they think is
8555s sort of versatile you can fly into a
8556s bunch of different matchups
8558s um and just be really confident and
8560s competent at that comp rather than
8562s trying to reinvent the wheel on your
8563s first time out like we saw it kind of go
8565s horribly wrong for banana when they
8567s brought this three scorpion to an exact
8570s two Hecate component yeah it's not
8574s yeah I've I've experienced that
8575s firsthand back in the day um I think it
8577s was Alliance tournament 12 or 13 I was
8579s in the uh the bastards I was one of the
8582s the leaders of that team with Nash
8583s cadaver and a couple of others and we
8586s then the day before one of our first
8587s matches we scrimmed Shadow cartel and
8589s they brought this thing we'd never seen
8590s before a bomber tinker and they just
8593s dominated us with it and we were like oh
8594s heck we didn't see that one coming so we
8597s just immediately copied and pasted it
8598s and then the next day flew it and
8600s managed to win with it so it's a case of
8602s look at what other people are doing see
8603s what people are having success with and
8605s try and figure out how best to use that
8607s some of the the top end teams will start
8609s to then develop that or try and you know
8610s go crazy but it's super easy to get
8612s yourself into this little Piper 3d
8615s crafting Hall of Doom where you come up
8617s with this thing that you think can be
8619s super good and then in practice against
8621s your practice Partners perhaps it works
8623s but against the rest of the wider world
8624s you end up getting again dunked on
8626s always into entertaining but it can be
8629s pretty pretty easy to get stuck in that
8631s hole now let's look forward to our next
8632s matches so the first matches that we've
8634s seen thus far have all been round one
8637s when and in if you won those matches you
8640s are in the main tournament now we're
8642s looking at some matches from round two
8643s there are still around one matches to go
8645s we'll see them tomorrow but for now
8647s we're moving on to round two so these
8648s are all teams that have lost a match now
8651s we're in an elimination
8653s so if you lose now you're going home if
8656s you win you do not go home you get to
8658s continue but you do not get straight
8660s entry into the tournament anymore so you
8662s have to win a couple of matches at this
8663s point forward to get into the tournament
8665s but as I said lose and you are done so
8668s our first match in that this bracket is
8671s going to be snuffed out versus banana so
8674s snuffed out uh dropped that match to
8676s gunstorm Federation uh earlier on today
8679s banana losing to platinum sensitivity
8681s and now they come up against each other
8683s I'm looking at twitch and you guys
8686s clearly favor snuffed out
8688s um over a million Channel points to uh
8691s just a hundred thousand for a banana so
8693s people uh death putting their money on
8696s snufftown moderator uh you you have
8699s stuffed out in the in the fantasy league
8701s that we're running uh what's your
8703s opinions on this match here
8705s I definitely did not draft uh draft
8709s snuff I drafted basilis's team leaving
8712s uh in him however I'm going to go with
8715s snuffed simply because banana brought
8717s probably one of the wonkiest
8720s um possibly one of the worst setups
8722s we've seen today with that triple
8723s scorpion I'm not sure what that was uh
8726s hopefully
8727s um
8728s you know they do that again so that
8731s stuff gets too advanced to the next
8733s round of feeders
8735s and basiliska do you do you Echo that
8738s opinion oh I see we have the bands
8739s actually let's have a take a quick look
8740s at them so snuffed out Banning execular
8742s Navy issue and the balgarh uh meanwhile
8746s from
8748s uh banana we see the bar guest and the
8751s Blackbird uh Baza thoughts on these
8753s bands here
8754s I really like this from banana I think
8756s banana have said snuff maybe you didn't
8759s work in that first game but you've got
8760s to bring something else now
8762s um so they've they're forcing snuff to
8764s show something different which maybe
8765s maybe Bernard themselves looked at that
8767s and thought we don't know how we would
8768s deal with this
8770s um so they've just elected to ban it and
8772s say it's enough you got to do something
8773s else it's enough spans are pretty
8775s generic executive I think that's pretty
8777s broadly applicable pretty decent set of
8779s bands
8780s yeah the executive Navy a super powerful
8782s ship these days uh it was kind of buffed
8785s just before Alliance tournament last
8787s year and it found its way very quickly
8789s into the meta powerful tanky fast uh
8792s there's a lot of DPS I expect we'll see
8795s that band a lot obviously in the
8797s theaters here teams are limited to just
8799s two bands uh which is much less than the
8802s main Alliance tournament and there's
8803s only two trickle bands a total of four
8805s it's definitely a lot lighter for 3D
8807s crafting it's harder to get yourself
8809s completely banned out of any comp that
8811s you're looking for especially if you
8813s look uh towards the the grand finals
8815s when you're talking about Conquest band
8816s systems with potentially you know 20 to
8819s 30 ships being banned out it can be
8821s pretty phenomenal uh we will at the end
8824s of the feeders in the galante gamble the
8826s final matches will be a complete and
8829s utter
8830s pile of nonsense is going to be
8831s incredible uh galenti ships only all
8834s normal points are still in effect
8837s um but there's no bands no restrictions
8840s just galantis yeah I have no idea what's
8842s going to happen there I've absolutely
8844s it's going to be absolutely crazy but we
8847s can talk about that a little bit later
8848s because it is time to head over to the
8851s arena with our casters I like working
8853s out for a snuff Dart versus banana
8861s welcome welcome snuffed out with a rare
8864s command and control comp double curse
8867s triple command ship with a small
8868s Logistics frigate core wing nut what do
8871s we have on the banana side
8875s [Music]
8878s snake and I believe they're both
8879s cruising just double triple checking and
8881s Yep they're both Cruise fits we've got
8883s long range projection plus an oracle try
8884s and do more damage so
8886s I'm interested to see what happens with
8887s this one if that curse is brought those
8889s coasters brought uh missile guy
8890s instructors these might have some
8891s trouble applying to literally anything
8898s um the curses are in an armor comp so I
8900s think it is quite likely that they're
8901s gonna have that missile guidance
8903s disruptor tracking disruptor Med slots
8906s question is did they go all in on one or
8910s the other or have they split the
8912s difference
8912s I suspect they probably split it but
8915s still it's I still have a potential for
8916s a lot of e-war as much as I started now
8919s we have to see where damage goes firstly
8920s getting shots of character which makes
8921s sense that's probably what would be my
8924s media first Target because they are so
8925s low tank in comparison to everything
8927s around them the Sig is massive that they
8929s resist the crap they are very easy to
8931s kill and they're about 400 plus DPS of
8933s ship that you can kill like that but it
8936s did not work yet
8939s unfortunately the curses are going to be
8941s a little bit tougher you can see jazza's
8943s curse drawing the initial fire but
8946s they've already pulled drones back
8948s banana uh I guess changing their mind on
8951s this maybe they've
8952s decided to do some kind of micro jump
8955s play but they have withdrawn all of
8957s their drones oh they're getting shot the
8959s drones are being shot that is the issue
8963s yeah I think um back in we're kind of
8966s reset here
8967s they're not exactly um
8969s I was actually willing to make the move
8971s just yet but uh yeah with the Confessor
8973s Vengeance on the uh snuff side if they
8976s put out drones they could be very easily
8977s killed the Confessor is actually quite
8979s Adept it's just obliterating drones and
8981s sharps
8984s being quite tentative here uh now the
8987s longer this match goes theoretically
8989s snuffed out has the advantage however
8991s the newts have not come into play the
8994s banana team is outside of range of the
8996s curses who are just very slowly inching
8999s their way forward here the snuffed out
9001s team staying composed staying tight into
9003s a ball whereas the banana team it spread
9007s itself out here uh they're making faints
9010s here and there but nothing is truly
9012s committing to this fight and there's not
9014s much damage getting slung out in either
9016s direction
9017s yeah so normally these are two Cruise
9020s battleships could slowly constantly
9021s project damage upon their enemies and
9023s just slowly nibble and Nick and things
9025s and start hurt them but with the twin
9028s curses it is kind of hard for them to
9029s actually make that work when they're
9030s being damped or like a dead missile
9032s guidance to hell
9033s look at damage going into the Oracle now
9035s they might start be going for the weaker
9037s ships around that's not gonna die yep
9038s and here we go the snuffs out team is
9040s charging forward they are committing to
9043s the Oracle who is pulling range however
9045s these scorpion Navy issue is
9048s tantalizingly close they may decide to
9050s go with it just because it's at hand
9052s the oracle's right at the back of there
9053s also snuff guys are going around at the
9055s moment trying to get underneath trying
9056s to get past these two battleships so
9057s keeping an eye on them see if they're
9058s going to try and keep themselves in
9060s front yep the scope Navy of uh Marcel
9063s marcelini can't say that
9066s um they're trying to currently intersect
9068s the uh at least enough Fleet and stay in
9070s front of them because if these
9071s battleships can stay in front they snuff
9073s team can't really get past or hit the
9074s weak stuff in the back
9076s now speaking of they're me attempting to
9079s make a play for the carries of James and
9081s nabler but he is piloting well and
9083s avoiding most of the damage only taking
9085s some light shots and shield as he had to
9087s turn around but once his speed gets up
9090s it doesn't look like it will have the
9092s application to touch him unless the
9094s newts get on to turn that prop mod off
9097s so yeah basically at the moment I think
9099s the uh support wing of bananas need to
9101s get around and get behind their
9102s battleships again I'm pretty much forced
9103s enough to keep burning around chasing
9105s you see the uh the Articles actually was
9107s in kind of a weird spot there he's kind
9109s of he was a little separated out but
9111s he's burning back and actually get lodgy
9112s and saved again but at the moment
9114s bananas can't really make a hole and
9116s snuff is kind of slowly but surely
9117s pressuring him a little bit more and
9119s more and all it takes is one mistake and
9120s snuff can kill a single ship and just
9122s leave this match and win
9124s as Force feeding that scorpion Navy
9126s issue into the snuff team he's making
9128s himself very available but they're just
9131s not going for it uh you just got down
9134s now mhm
9136s but they're not really committed that's
9138s very hard to remove then just one of the
9140s most annoying Taco ships around you
9142s can't even nude it it gets a cat bonus a
9143s cap regen bonus so it just sits there
9144s and keeps us happy this is huge this is
9146s huge the hyena is caught adana's hyena
9149s is heavily got is surrounded by a cloud
9152s of drones he's just now managed to shake
9155s free and speed up
9156s oh that was a very scary situation for
9159s that hyena he's I don't know what he's
9161s earnings
9165s I think he just got attacked by drawings
9166s for a second he slowed down for a little
9167s bit and just whap
9169s and uh because there's nothing around
9170s him to tackle him but meanwhile the
9172s caracal again being hurt so at the
9174s moment snuff is really pressure they're
9175s pressuring everyone meanwhile at the
9177s moment bananas have they've hurt a curse
9179s a little bit but it's not moving they've
9180s heard of Vengeance it's not moving EOS
9182s not moving they just can't really do
9184s anything this cruise ship seem to be
9186s entirely uh neutered by the double
9188s double curse comp
9191s yeah we're about to hit the five minute
9192s Mark the halfway point of this match and
9194s finally the characters
9198s there's a bunch of drones out there pop
9200s caracal's gone and that honestly is the
9202s way this is going that's gonna be it but
9204s not as neat to make a move now they're
9206s gonna find something they can grab grab
9207s it and kill as fast as humanly possible
9209s but snuff just not gonna let that happen
9212s definitely not they're going for the
9214s Confessor here of Athena but that is a
9216s tanky tanky ship once it switches back
9218s into defense mode meanwhile the Oracle
9221s has taken chunks now
9223s it has got some news on it it's not
9225s gonna be able to tank very effectively
9227s and there it goes surely here it comes
9230s the Confessor is currently in Sharp
9231s Shooting mode and he's still tanking
9232s quite comfortably so that fisher is not
9234s even bring pressure at all cruises not
9236s doing well especially being potentially
9238s double guns disrupted from both ships
9245s starting to apply damage to these
9247s smaller targets more reliably is the
9248s Kirin of dionox is taken down to uh one
9251s third shield and at this point banana is
9254s not really able to answer effectively
9257s once the hyena is gone for uh there is
9260s no coming back that's the only real
9261s application to help them with these
9263s Cruise setups they're hyena pops they
9265s might as well just self-destruct the
9266s ships and uh go do something else for
9268s lunch because they've gotten no chance
9270s at that point but also like at this
9271s point they're already kind of going that
9272s way they can't really break anything
9273s they're going for an Absolution those
9275s are absurdly tanky
9278s that's the best option it just gets
9279s worse for a banana here as the curses
9281s finally have their hooks into the
9283s logistics Logistics frigates
9285s neutralizing their tanks and their
9287s ability to keep the other ships alive
9288s the longer this match goes on I set it
9291s at the top of this I assuming at the
9292s start of this match the longer it goes
9294s on the more it is in favor of snuffed
9296s outs capacitor control setup and they
9299s are sitting very comfortably now they
9301s have fewer targets to have to worry
9303s about and they don't obviously they're
9305s not able to put out enough damage to
9307s seriously threaten them especially that
9308s Confessor outside of sharp outside of
9311s defense mode probably one of their
9313s softer targets if it's not being forced
9315s to switch back they are absolutely in
9317s the driver's seat right now
9318s exactly and this the matches like this
9321s is maybe the post perfect poster child
9323s for it but this is what curses are so
9324s feared one curse can control a match two
9328s curses it if flown right with good parts
9330s and good calling can basically pull an
9332s entire team apart these two battleships
9334s are worthless like they could leave them
9337s alone they don't care these battleships
9338s can't do anything because these curses
9340s have gotten disrupted them to Absolute
9341s hell and back
9342s they haven't killed a hyena yet they've
9345s still got the target payments from the
9346s hyena to try and apply it to something
9348s and they're still failing curses are not
9351s even worried about that hyena the damage
9353s there's not sweating stuff snuffed out
9355s right now as the command ships left her
9357s right down that's the links and a
9359s significant source of anti-cruiser
9361s damage gone from the banana team
9364s and they're just dropping left and right
9365s the hyena has finally dropped the
9367s Kiernan scalpel are not able to
9369s effectively influence this match if they
9372s get anywhere close to the fighting
9374s they're neutered out immediately and now
9375s we can see the Kirin starting to take a
9377s little bit of Chip damage as the bulk of
9379s damage seems to be focused on this raven
9381s Navy
9383s you might also pick whatever you want at
9384s this point but yeah you can see like the
9386s close school of Navy and Raven Navy have
9388s been shooting the entire time by the way
9389s like it may look like it but they've
9391s been firing the entire match there's
9393s just nothing they can do like they they
9395s can barely graze anything you might also
9397s just start shooting a big ship and pray
9399s and even then it's not really going to
9400s work with two curses ruining you day
9403s yeah we're now about a minute and a half
9405s left there is a very realistic chance
9407s this match goes to time as the uh
9410s stuffed out team still has a pretty big
9412s pile of hit points to go through with
9413s the Raven Navy and especially that
9415s scorpion Navy one of the more tankier
9417s battleships in the game with a strong
9419s resist bonus but unfortunately not an
9422s application bonus so there's really not
9424s much they can do to answer back as now
9426s there's scalpel Paco Hemingway takes
9428s absolute chunks out and he just gets
9430s shredded
9431s oh that was brutal
9434s yep let's watch the bar for us go the
9435s exact same way then again here's a far
9438s distance away he kind of knows what's
9439s coming
9441s like son likes Father Like Father Like
9443s Son Paco Jr now going down
9448s I assume he's dual boxing otherwise
9450s that's just a
9452s a very humorous coincidence but Paco Jr
9455s about to drop that's the last of the
9457s links here not that it's gonna help them
9459s much they will probably still have links
9461s for the remainder of this match as we're
9462s ticking down close to 30 seconds
9464s remaining
9466s is it possible they'll get one of these
9467s battleships they're sure gonna try as
9469s they go after this raven Navy issue
9471s digging it down to about uh 75 Shields
9475s here it is going down rather quickly but
9478s they may have some local tank on it to
9480s keep it up as we're now ticking down
9482s very close to the end of the match
9483s nearly 15 seconds left
9486s you'll definitely survive they don't
9487s have the DPS this comp is not about
9488s damage it's about full control and they
9490s have managed that very very well that
9493s Raven Navy should buy All rights unless
9494s it's some really weird fit survive to
9496s the end and there we go five seconds
9497s left he's gonna make it Bravo to Snuff
9499s you're finally not been trashing a
9502s tournament
9503s whoa
9505s a pick
9508s it's sending this one back to the desk
9510s for analysis
9514s [Music]
9528s right
9532s [Applause]
9545s connected Channel switched well it would
9548s have been a easy fight right but guess
9550s what dude I'm not seeing it people can't
9552s get they're fit together
9559s your temps are completely damned out
9561s Crush I'm dumped out I'm dumped out you
9563s don't like Chambers boys
9572s I'm jammed
9574s well there you have it snuff Dart taking
9577s their first W
9579s um in the tournament and moving on from
9582s round to into round three so they're one
9584s step closer to getting one of those
9586s remaining four places uh that do exist
9589s in in the tournament they didn't get in
9592s first time round they lost to the guns
9594s from Federation but that was a
9595s commanding victory over at the banana
9598s team it looked like perhaps even some
9599s Jewel boxing there from the banana team
9601s which honestly love to see it it's
9603s usually not a good idea in the last
9605s tournament but I love the effort uh and
9608s you know throwback to Newton open back
9610s in the day team Cube one guy took eight
9613s ships uh multivox all of them got
9615s absolutely Giga dunked upon uh and
9618s immediately but you know big respect to
9621s the guy cautionary tale of whoa
9624s exactly
9625s um is you know phenomenal effort even if
9627s it resulted in absolutely nothing uh now
9630s I have a question on that comp there
9632s moderator uh from uh the banana side I
9635s mean both sides at the start actually
9637s this is probably the same question but
9639s what even is damage
9643s you know damage is a state of being a
9647s state of being that you are absolutely
9649s not in if you have two battleships that
9653s are being guidance disrupted down to
9654s under 30 kilometers and an Oracle Shield
9657s Oracle we'll get to that later but
9660s essentially those two snuff
9662s um
9663s uh it was curses excuse me that's what
9666s I'm looking for completely
9669s shut down 60 points worth of utility at
9673s work the top end from that banana team
9676s and then put pressure onto the logic
9679s um who despite being you know out of rep
9682s range from pretty much everything the
9683s entire time uh couldn't have the
9685s capacitor to do anything anyway
9688s yeah we saw
9690s um at the start both teams uh just kind
9693s of positioning around the arena uh both
9695s sides declining the opportunity to to
9698s head in and start trying to do damage
9700s and the attack bar is just right at zero
9703s neither team able to apply anything both
9705s sides being controlled Darren I was
9708s looking at that match watching those two
9710s teams sort of like you know move around
9712s each other each trying to get into the
9713s octal position before they they commit
9715s and I the guy said I was like I could
9716s see this match ending when someone
9718s accidentally boundaries and that's it uh
9721s it was it was a cautionary tale of you
9723s know you need to be positioning sure but
9725s if you wait too long especially against
9727s a team that has dual curses then as the
9731s Caster said during that match the
9732s advantage for that team is just going to
9734s slowly creep up the longer and longer it
9736s goes Baza is there anything that banana
9739s kids have perhaps done differently based
9740s on what they had there
9742s oh that match was so disappointing for
9744s so many ways I wanted to see banana one
9746s zero and knock snuff out that would have
9747s been so funny that would have been the
9749s most hilarious possible circumstance
9752s um so looking at the banana com
9753s unfortunately I mean both teams fielded
9755s a very low DPS comp I felt like snuff
9757s snuff will get to their comp later but
9759s they spend 30 30 points on two curses
9762s which together sure they bring a lot of
9763s Newton a lot of disruption but between
9765s them it's like 500 DPS maximum it's
9768s really not a huge amount sure it sort of
9769s amplifies what you've already got from
9770s turning off hardeners and Reps and such
9772s but
9773s um not a huge fan of that personally but
9774s looking at the banana con going back to
9775s that is
9777s yeah they just didn't they didn't have
9778s the damage to really break through
9780s anything it felt sort of a mismatch of
9782s it well like you know you've got 10
9784s Shield ships but there's no particular
9786s cohesive
9787s design behind all these 10 Shield ships
9789s together and that's one of the difficult
9791s things I don't want to um Reign on their
9793s parade obviously they're now out of the
9795s tournament it's a sad day for them
9797s um but it's one it is a high skill
9799s ceiling to sort of identify and learn
9800s how to build these comps how to put
9801s things together organically and that's
9803s why as we were saying before the match
9805s um sometimes it may just be better to
9806s look at what's inreliable what's been
9808s easy to fly and what's worked in
9809s previous years and and try and build off
9811s that for a newer tournament rather than
9814s trying to come up with something new and
9816s fresh that nobody else is doing
9818s yeah I mean I agree banana Unfortunately
9821s they are the first team uh to drop out
9823s of the feeders uh that this year
9826s um you know I think the answer is more
9829s approachable and more beginner friendly
9831s for teams than it has ever been
9832s especially if these videos taking place
9833s on Thunderdome and I love to see teams
9835s have maybe never competed before uh take
9837s that first step and compete and I mean
9840s let's let's be fair to Banana they had a
9842s pretty rough uh rough ride they came up
9844s against Platinum sensitivity in their
9846s first round a really solid team with
9848s experienced uh pilots and then the cup
9851s came up against snuffed out who are a
9854s team and unfortunately it just wasn't
9856s enough for them to be able to to get
9857s through in this stage but banana I
9860s salute you uh it was uh it was great to
9862s have you and I hope we see you again
9864s next year plus Alliance logo that would
9866s be super super cool now let's look
9869s forward to our next match up it is
9871s wormholer versus wormholer and that is
9874s Kitchen sinkhole versus worm again and
9876s Mark resurrectus is is uh absolutely
9879s besides himself with Glee finally the
9882s wormholers will get a w now I say this
9885s is a wormhole apologist like I'm a big
9888s fan of most of these Wormhole groups I
9889s don't understand how it's just been so
9892s bad for wormholes this far so one way or
9895s another a wormhole team will win this
9897s match and I'm ready for I'm here for it
9900s of course uh you know throwback to last
9902s year Odin's called Wormhole group second
9904s place in the alliance tournament
9905s essentially kind of just stormed onto
9907s the scene they've been making moves for
9909s a while I don't think anyone expected
9911s them to to get second place off so there
9914s is some solid talent in wormholes so
9916s never never count them out of course uh
9919s basilisk what do you think about these
9920s bands here on the screen kitchen
9922s sinkhole Banning an Armageddon Navy
9923s issue and aniros whereas worm again
9926s Banning out the Scimitar and the
9928s Blackbird
9930s yeah I think these are all four good
9932s bands I think at this stage in the
9933s feeders like I said earlier when you've
9934s only got two bands it can be very
9935s difficult to um you know specifically
9937s ban out a specific comp or a specific
9939s archetype that you don't want to see and
9940s I think in general applying these sort
9943s of generalist bands that you know maybe
9945s you don't want to see tattoo logic
9947s Cruiser so you're gonna you don't want
9948s to see like an armor control kit set up
9950s so you try and do one band or two bands
9952s that deals with that or near us armaged
9953s a Navy it doesn't rule out completely
9955s but they're sort of broadly applicable
9956s in those types of cons same on the other
9958s side Scimitar and Blackbird they're just
9960s so versatile ships they have a lot of
9962s ground
9964s well do you agree with that I mean the
9966s Blackbird
9967s um is what do you think about that band
9969s ecm's a bit of a dice roll is it is it
9970s that strong you want to ban it out with
9972s one of your two bands
9974s yeah I mean I think it's a generically
9977s good band for the most part it gets um A
9980s Little Bit Stronger when you have three
9981s bins like best list was saying and
9983s you're like okay I can ban like
9985s Blackbird Kitsune you know and then
9989s Force someone to bring tech one lodgy or
9991s Force commit to like a rook
9994s um I'm sure we'll see plenty of that
9995s later in the at but for right now a
9998s blackbird is just you get a lot of
10000s utility in terms of how many jams you
10002s get how much power those jams have or
10004s the amount of points they cost so it's a
10006s it's a fair band
10009s awesome and then of course basilisk by
10011s Banning out that in Euros you still
10013s leave the guardian
10014s um is that a choice perhaps we might see
10016s here
10017s I think the guardian is is a totally
10019s legitimate choice but obviously it has
10020s different strengths and weaknesses to
10021s the nearest it's got more repping power
10023s but it might require you to sort of load
10025s up some receivers allocate a couple
10027s minutes elsewhere in the comp
10028s um excuse me for like receivos
10031s um to try and buff up that Guardian
10032s maybe cat transfers so you can try and
10034s chain up like with the vexer or
10035s something
10036s um so I think yeah the nearest the
10038s nearest is a good band because it forces
10040s teams to sort of if they want to run a
10042s comp within an Eros they may need to
10043s switch it up slightly if they want to
10045s run a guardian in the same sort of
10046s fashion
10047s awesome well let's head over to the
10051s arena right now for kitchen sinkhole
10053s versus wormageddon with uh Blackboard
10056s part Bart pirate and Chad Flame
10063s hello this is Blackbird pirate joined by
10066s Chad flame and we are seeing kitchen
10068s sinkhole versus worm again worm again
10070s doing an incredibly ballsy move and
10073s warping their entire fleet Sands their
10075s Logie to zero uh they are bringing a
10078s variation of that heavy assault missile
10080s Shield Rush that we saw a little bit ago
10081s with Darkseid uh Chad what is Kitchen
10084s sinkhole got
10086s looks too I brought a kingslayer set up
10089s with their three rapid heavy battleships
10091s being two typhoons and a bar gust with
10093s some T2 frigate laundry curious for
10096s damps and heretic comment or attack uh
10099s this is going to be an interesting match
10100s see who gets the lead first and how
10103s quickly worm again can get in on kitchen
10104s sinkhole
10107s oh well it looks like it's actually
10108s going to be very quickly uh the tackle
10110s from worm again is actually already on
10112s top of kitchen sinkhole uh they used a
10114s crow which is when something we don't
10115s really see but the crow Sky breaker and
10118s flycatcher have already gone in and uh
10120s looks like they might have overshot
10122s their targets a little bit so a little
10123s bit of a piloting fail there but they
10125s are now grabbing some tackle lots of
10127s heavy assault or rapid heavy missile
10129s launcher damage coming out on that Fleet
10131s Cyclone of ulric but the typhoon is
10134s actually getting melted quite hard here
10135s too
10138s yeah uh bubbles were dropped on the
10140s kitchen cycle team a little bit closer
10142s to Sutter Arena so worm again is burning
10143s through their own bubbles right now but
10145s you're also looking through the Shield
10146s versus Armor and The Shield is dying way
10149s quicker as we already see the typhoon
10151s Fleet in the Cyclone Fleet about to go
10154s down while the uh typhoon plates only in
10156s half armor currently
10159s yes they also did lose a crow there and
10161s I I think that gourmageddon might have
10163s actually out uh sped in their ships away
10166s from the Osprey uh the Osprey did
10169s actually come ramming and now the Nelly
10170s Osprey is getting shot quite quickly
10172s it's uh it got damped in flew in too
10174s close and the Osprey of room again is
10176s about to drop as well so kingslayer
10178s doing what it was good at which is
10179s alfing logistics and uh berolt's typhoon
10182s Fleet issue is holding in about half
10184s armor uh these are rapid heavy missile
10187s launcher battleships so they should be
10188s hitting a Reload here shortly which will
10190s mean that worm again will have a chance
10192s to kind of claw their way back into this
10194s possibly
10196s these are gonna have a chance to play
10198s catch-up here with those reloads taking
10200s a good portion of time so damage will
10203s probably fall off your momentarily we
10205s might see this fly catcher go down due
10206s to drones but you know it's all going to
10209s be a form again can get this typhoon uh
10212s down quicker it seems like they're
10213s struggling to get it down so they might
10215s get it down but by the time it's down
10217s your single is going to be shooting
10219s their rapid Heavies again and just
10220s taking down ships at the speed of light
10223s that they were doing to start this match
10227s indeed and it does look like that reload
10228s has already happened it's actually not
10230s as long as it feels like uh the fleet
10233s typhoon did go down in the end but
10235s they're taking out that Cyclone Fleet
10237s issue right now uh looks like worm again
10238s has lost a significant portion of their
10240s DPS and now kitchen sinkhole is being
10243s very smart and they're wiping out that
10244s low end with those rapid Heavies they
10246s get them web scrammed painted uh all of
10250s those fun and exciting things that Navy
10251s Osprey is almost dead here too and I
10253s think worm again is kind of just out of
10256s luck at this point
10258s um surprising interesting ways we're
10261s seeing some big throwback comps I think
10262s moderator talked about it a little bit
10263s ago where people are flying things from
10265s you know years past but uh it seems to
10268s be working for kitchen sinkhole we don't
10270s haven't really seen this specific setup
10272s be that successful in the past couple
10274s eight but it's doing great against the
10276s Shield setup
10278s yeah um definitely noting as well that
10282s the worm again team does not look like
10284s they got a like their tackle Wing got in
10287s immediately but all their small tackle
10288s ships died off fairly quick due to those
10291s rapid Heavies they're only holding a
10292s Bargas so now after this Vargas dies
10295s they're gonna have to go play tackle on
10297s a typhoon just a very fast ship so it's
10300s going to come down to piloting if they
10302s want to heat have a chance but you're
10304s down to by the time this Marcus die is
10306s probably just a Nighthawk and a miracle
10309s Navy which you're not going to be doing
10310s fairly well against uh uh Fleet
10313s battleships
10315s you know that being said if they do take
10318s this Vargus out before the Claymore
10320s drops uh this could possibly still go in
10323s wormageddon's favor because once that
10325s Vargas goes down there really is only
10327s two DPS ships left on the kitchen
10328s sinkhole side which would be that Navy
10330s executor in the other Fleet typhoon I
10332s don't think that the claimer is going to
10333s survive but it's entirely possible uh
10336s you know now that I said that it looks
10337s like the Bargas remembered that it does
10339s in fact probably have an ancillary
10340s wrapper and has rep itself up full uh
10342s with Tyrion heckey dropping quite
10344s quickly here and soon to be gone
10349s yeah that reactive definitely spooling
10351s up being an armor ship definitely a
10353s benefit over Shield there uh but two
10355s damage ships on grid really that reactor
10357s is going to spool in One Direction it's
10359s going to be way easier for that Vargas
10361s to catch reps as it did it doesn't look
10363s like they have the damage to take
10364s anything out on this grid anymore
10366s through these two powerful frigate
10368s loggers
10371s yeah it does seem that the frigate
10372s lodgies uh survived you know very very
10375s uh well without having any thing really
10378s messing with them there's been EC drones
10380s on the Deacon for the entire time but EC
10382s drones sometimes they work great
10384s sometimes they didn't they didn't seem
10385s to work that great this time the
10387s Nighthawk is dropping quite quickly here
10389s as well uh we've seen Nighthawks just
10391s kind of popping usually they're super
10392s tanky ships but it does look like
10394s kitchen sinkhole is going to completely
10396s clean this up only losing a single Fleet
10398s typhoon and the lone skybreaker Mr
10400s Frosty is flying around uh maybe
10404s prolonging the match a little bit trying
10405s to get a little bit more screen time who
10407s knows
10409s yep
10411s you know that was definitely a
10414s uh for how much of a rush that was I'm
10417s shocked that the match did not go
10418s quicker in a sense that we are currently
10421s just past the halfway mark
10423s seems like Shield uh Rush comps are not
10426s getting stuff down as quick as they
10427s thought they would
10430s no not really and it does look like Mr
10432s Frosty is actually going to attempt to
10434s do the boundary but I think they
10437s actually overshot the mjd beacon and
10439s were not able to activate in time so uh
10441s it's likely that all these little drones
10442s are going to catch up and blow them up
10444s before they were able to actually get
10446s their mjd off uh too bad obviously
10448s people always try and go for the
10449s boundary record uh they are actually
10451s mjding back into the blob of people so
10454s you know trying to get their uh trying
10457s to get their moment in the Sun as much
10459s as possible here also a huge shout out
10461s to the new missile effects they're not
10463s all that new but we're getting really
10465s really good footage of them and they
10467s look super amazing so good job CCP art
10469s team you're always knocking it out of
10470s the box for
10472s gosh almost two decades now
10475s also shout out to that camera crew uh
10478s getting some nice shots of that as well
10482s and uh with that yeah send it back to
10484s the desk
10489s [Music]
10494s foreign
10499s [Music]
10520s [Music]
10527s thank you
10528s [Music]
10547s [Music]
10553s [Applause]
10563s kitchen sinkhole there taking the W
10566s representing w space
10569s um as they knock worm again out of
10572s Alliance tournament 19 contention uh
10575s they're our second team to that we say
10576s goodbye uh actually that's not true two
10579s teams did indeed pull out so uh these
10581s are our third and fourth teams that have
10583s gone out so no you weren't the first to
10585s grow banana I apologize you're in fact
10587s the third
10588s um but yeah kitchen sinkhole with a
10590s pretty solid Victory there it looked
10593s like it was a bit back and forth at the
10594s start we saw a nice dive in from a crow
10598s which would like we say we don't see
10600s very often and a sky breaker also a very
10603s uncommon ship uh the Basilisk why might
10605s you bring a sky breaker to uh to the
10607s line summer match
10609s so the sky Breakers I think it actually
10612s should be more common than it is I think
10613s it's a very very good shift the two
10615s points you can zap rep Bots
10617s um you can have it as a shield heavy
10618s tackler you can load up the mids you can
10620s put it armor and load up the mids with
10621s like Target painters receivables it's
10623s really really cheap value it gets and I
10625s think in this match they may have just
10627s wanted to use it as a heavy attack along
10628s the crow just ran in uh scramweb
10630s extender and just hold something down
10632s and wait for everything else to get
10634s there any Redbox it can zap in the
10635s meantime is like an added bonus but I
10637s think they might use it as like a
10638s two-point tackler
10640s and mode we saw them burning in to get
10643s that tackle and it looked like at least
10645s according to the casters that they'd
10646s overshot uh and that was called out as
10649s some some poor piloting
10651s um you know explain to me what's
10652s happening here when these team these
10654s guys are burning in and they're trying
10655s to get tackle
10658s yeah so uh sometimes the uh teams that
10661s are a little bit less experienced a
10662s little less practice will uh they'll you
10665s know overheat their micro warp drive
10667s they'll hit approach and
10669s um they'll just zoom right on past uh as
10673s their microwork Drive taking them at you
10676s know many thousand meters a second if
10679s you're in a crow you'll just zoom past
10681s and you won't stay on top of the Target
10683s that you wanted
10685s um so we did see that happen
10688s um
10689s kind of commentary that we heard from
10690s the match being that the crow is an
10693s uncommon pick it seems like more
10695s recently in the three-point slot we've
10697s seen a lot more of um kind of these tech
10699s one eboard forgets like a crucifier
10703s um what do you think of that Baza
10705s yeah I really like the crucifier but
10706s obviously not in a field comp I think in
10708s a shield comp you can't keep it alive
10710s and it doesn't do enough to justify the
10711s points but the carries for example uh
10712s molos sorry I think that's totally
10714s viable
10716s um or like immaculous Navy even
10718s something like that where you can also
10719s just get cheap mid slots and can be very
10721s valuable and depending on the comp
10724s awesome then one of the other things
10726s that we saw deployed in that match
10727s something that
10729s um it's it's still relatively new in the
10731s grand scheme of Obi-Wan line compared
10733s you know obviously it's been around for
10735s 20 years now
10736s um but especially uncommon in the
10738s tournaments is the use of the web
10740s bubbles or the wobbles
10743s um Baza talk to me about them like why
10745s would you maybe use them what are they
10747s in the first place
10748s okay so the web bubbles are like a
10751s module that you can fit to the
10752s inspectors so the inspectors for a long
10754s time
10755s um were only able to use regular warp
10758s disruption bubbles that you see spammed
10759s everywhere in nullsack
10761s um but then recently a couple years ago
10762s CCP added these web bubbles so you
10764s launch a web bubble from your
10765s interdictor and it pops out a little
10768s um charge and it webs everything around
10769s you within I think it's like 10 or 15
10771s kilometers for 30 seconds sounds pretty
10773s cool to be honest and I think the full
10775s release people were like yeah this could
10777s be interesting this could have some uses
10778s you know you can suicide in an insects
10780s or just slide in and uh you know hope to
10782s get some webs on multiple targets at
10783s once and it lets everything else come in
10785s but I think sort of in practice it's
10787s proved a little bit less than successful
10789s because the holes it fits on aren't
10791s actually that tanky like the heretic and
10792s the flycatcher get HP bonuses but they
10794s don't hold that well under reps they're
10796s not that small and when they launch
10797s their web bubble they web themselves so
10799s they very frequently just die
10803s awesome and then um one other just
10805s interesting little tip there that I've
10807s noticed uh when I was looking through
10808s the matches for today is that um between
10811s team red and team blue it is seven to
10815s two to
10816s um to team red I believe uh so that's
10819s pretty strong uh it turns out it pays to
10822s be right
10824s um and that's uh somewhat I mean
10826s obviously this means literally nothing
10828s is just the the order they have been put
10830s in based on some marbles but I choose to
10832s believe it means something and I'm going
10834s to read heavily into that uh so
10836s referring to that looking at our next
10838s match up is the initiative versus sugar
10840s now the statistics of the colors say the
10843s initiative being in red in this upcoming
10846s match have a higher chance of winning uh
10849s moderator is this where statistics work
10855s um I would say that a couple years of
10857s stats class in college would say no that
10860s is not how they work but uh you know I'm
10863s not going to argue with the current
10864s results in all seriousness
10866s um uh initiative and sugar should be and
10870s definitely an interesting matchup
10872s initiative having lost their first match
10874s up to paper numbers earlier today
10878s um and they brought I believe a pair
10881s ofless Shacks
10883s yeah that was uh The Shack Double The
10885s Shack versus double the shack uh uh not
10888s the most common ship at that point we
10890s had been thinking and then suddenly uh
10892s we've seen a couple of double-ish
10893s outcomes
10895s um bazard you think maybe initiative are
10897s they going to bring those double the
10898s Shacks again if you're sugar are you
10900s going to try and ban to try and stop
10902s that or are you going to allow them to
10904s bring it and try and bring something to
10905s counter it
10907s I hope initiative don't bring the double
10909s or Shack I think it's
10911s it's like one and four today and the one
10913s when it did have was also against double
10915s the shack
10916s um so I hope initiative have more in the
10917s bank and that's not their only com I
10919s think just what we've seen the last
10921s couple matches has been more reliable
10922s comps I think in The Knockout phases
10923s when themes are backs against the wall
10925s they win or they're out
10927s um they're sort of feeling the pressure
10928s and they're opting to go for these easy
10930s to execute comps like the shield Rush
10931s that we've seen a couple times now
10934s yeah let's take a look at the bands for
10935s this upcoming match between the
10937s initiative and sugar so the initiative
10939s banninger the balgarh and the Blackbird
10942s uh meanwhile sugar Banning out the bar
10945s guest and the balgorn lots of based
10948s bands right now uh of course both sides
10950s Banning out the balgorns meaning that we
10952s have some trickle bands which give us
10954s the oniros and the celestis uh moderator
10958s any thoughts on the Banning here
10959s obviously Blackbird as you said last
10961s time a solid standard ban I feel like
10963s the balgorn is is kind of up there with
10966s one of those as well but what's your
10967s thoughts
10969s yeah I think you're right I think these
10970s bands are pretty based both teams
10973s realizing that they absolutely do not
10975s want to get range controlled or jammed
10977s or damped
10979s um and you know neros
10981s being kind of you know the more
10983s consistent uh I don't want to see armor
10986s uh you know not wanting to see you know
10989s balgorn obviously armor kind of only uh
10992s Bargas can be either armor or Shield so
10995s you know kind of forcing the other team
10997s out of certain different archetypes
11001s it wasn't buzzer do you have anything to
11003s to add to those thoughts there on the
11004s Bands
11006s yeah so I really like the balgorn band I
11008s think like I was saying before when it
11009s comes down to the situation where teams
11011s are sort of
11012s up against the wall and they need to do
11014s something that's perhaps easier to
11015s execute than what they've tried before I
11017s think having a battle going or coming up
11019s against a balgorn makes it a lot more
11021s difficult because I think the ranged
11022s webs that the balcon gives you that you
11024s can't quickly take off the field like
11025s you can for say a hyena can make the
11027s game just a lot easier to play for the
11029s team that's Fielding it because you've
11030s just got this or air of control you've
11032s got this zone of control of like 40 50
11034s kilometers around that balagorn and when
11037s something gets in that range
11038s you feel like you're ahead you feel like
11040s you're pushing forward and making
11041s progress
11043s um so it's good if you don't want to see
11045s that to make their life more difficult
11047s for your opponents by getting rid of
11048s them
11049s and mod I want to I want to take you on
11052s a trip down memory lane to one of uh the
11054s old Alliance tournaments I believe one
11056s of the ones that you might have been
11057s casting and the celestis
11060s um was super popular because you could
11062s just bring anything and you could slap
11064s as many damps and everything as possible
11066s and every single match was just how many
11068s celestances can we bring since then uh
11071s they were pretty heavily nerfed in terms
11073s of tournament rules we don't see them
11074s very often yet a Celeste is Ban here
11077s thoughts on that
11080s yeah so at the time when they were used
11083s a lot more heavily
11085s um I
11086s believe that basically a lot of that was
11090s a function of the format being what it
11092s was a lot of it there used to be 12
11094s players on an alliance tournament team
11097s which opened up uh the points to be a
11099s little bit different which is why they
11100s were good you know maybe five ten plus
11103s years back but nowadays it can be more
11106s economical to bring say a malice for
11110s Less points and some number of mids but
11113s celestis is very much like a I'm
11116s committing to an armor uh comp whereas
11119s some of the other
11121s um options can be Shield or armor
11126s cool uh so this this should sound like
11128s an interesting one and this will be our
11129s last match of the day uh so let's take a
11132s quick moment to just look back at the
11133s matches that we've seen thus far so in
11136s the the first round we saw a gunstorm
11138s federation go up against snuffed out and
11140s take that when securing themselves a
11141s spot in the main tournament also
11143s securing spots in the main tournament
11145s where Platinum sensitivity defeating
11147s banana Brave Collective defeating
11149s kitchen sinkhole the Ancients defeating
11151s warmageddon paper numbers defeating the
11153s initiative and Deepwater Hooligans uh
11156s defeating Sugar took a break we came
11158s back and then we saw Darkseid also get
11161s themselves the final spot from today in
11163s the main tournament when they beat Novak
11166s uh then we went on to the the round two
11168s matches where elimination matches if you
11171s lose these you are out you are done and
11173s we saw snuffed out Knock banana out of
11175s the tournament we saw kitchen sinkhole
11178s snatch the win off of warm again and now
11181s we're about to go into the initiative
11182s versus sugar so again this is an
11185s elimination match if the initiative can
11188s win here they can survive another day
11190s they can bring more double the chat
11193s comes after they choose
11194s if they lose they are going home and
11197s considering they've just knocked over
11198s the drunk alter trading Tower and
11200s they've left the Imperium I don't know
11201s what else they have to do so they should
11203s probably try and focus on at least
11205s getting into the tournament otherwise
11206s they're going to get a little bit bored
11208s now we can go to the arena for our final
11211s match of the day uh with Alec and
11214s Wingnut as we go for the initiative
11216s versus sugar
11224s g'day there mates welcome back to the
11225s arena and we have well a very aggressive
11227s comp versus what I look looks more like
11229s a running Adventure but I think it's a
11231s drone comp what are you thinking Alex
11234s yeah that is a Tech 2 drone comp I
11237s haven't seen this today uh we've got a
11240s triple Ishtar core with double EOS a lot
11243s of wasted points there but a lot of
11245s Firepower as well and a lot of toughness
11247s up against what looks to be a missile
11250s Rush
11253s yeah very very Rush thing
11257s but uh yeah triple ishta are we going
11259s riding today is that what's going on the
11261s people who come to the wrong place this
11263s is not a Haven guys
11266s initiative might have been confused they
11269s just thought that they were uh
11271s seeing a routing Fleet out there they're
11273s charging forward questionable decision
11275s perhaps as they're charging right into a
11278s big pile of Sentry drones with very low
11280s transversal let's see if sugar can take
11282s advantage oh they lose one of their
11284s reasons straight away but are they going
11286s to trade it for a Kieran and they do
11288s immediately go on a bunch of evil drones
11290s as well but uh
11292s yeah this is a very weird one
11295s big old ball of uh
11297s centuries at the moment
11300s and here's for the Sentry drone call is
11303s gonna
11304s really take things into a different
11305s direction right now the initiative is on
11308s top of the Centro Jones centroids do not
11310s track very well they are stationary
11312s drones they have great outfit and good
11315s range but not great tracking
11318s they're having trouble applying to
11320s anything but the Nighthawk here that
11321s said that Nighthawk is taking a
11323s tremendous amount of fire they're going
11324s to trade it for one of the thalias but
11326s if they can get that Nighthawk down
11328s that's not a bad trade
11330s interesting as well I'm looking at The
11331s Fleets moment there's an EOS of Syed
11334s karova he's running to an mjd because
11335s are they going to try the whole mjd and
11337s bounce around while your sentries engage
11339s things it looks like at the moment that
11340s is not really I absolutely should set it
11343s up oh yeah we've seen that back and I
11345s think it was like Angry games can be
11348s worse
11349s the more time they're gonna be able to
11351s buy themselves for those drones to apply
11355s uh he's burned past that and he's now
11358s hold on syad turn so I had curve over
11362s turn
11364s oh no
11365s oh no he said sorry
11369s sad sad
11375s can't stop it
11377s correct in slow motion
11380s terrible
11384s oh man he stayed okay
11387s oh wow
11391s tempting Faith there as the rest of
11393s their team falls apart while we've been
11395s watching that uh the Russian Terminator
11398s is exactly dead
11401s I'm sorry I'm just dying from trying out
11403s the coffee but it's the guy was just
11405s going in a straight line meanwhile his
11406s entire fleet is dying but man he almost
11408s made it worse
11413s they're looking to transfer his
11414s etherians orthrus here which is going to
11417s take a big pile of damage off of the
11419s field for initiative but it's not going
11421s to be enough they're going to lose
11422s lancifers Ishtar for this and they're
11425s just not able to take down these
11427s initiative ships quickly enough I think
11429s they may have lost a critical mass of
11430s damage here
11432s foreign
11436s hit points back
11439s yeah they could be so much further away
11441s with these ships but they're just a
11442s little bit too close together like
11443s you're in a drone comp you could just
11445s scatter to the four wins and just make
11447s it really hard for them to engage you at
11448s all this entries can engage at
11450s ridiculous distances
11452s fish
11454s I think however the heretic does have
11457s that Osprey Navy well tackled and he's
11459s paying for it now deep into Shields here
11461s they'll probably kill him even after
11464s this heretic goes down as the Armor gets
11466s torn away from that Osprey Navy doesn't
11468s have much of it to speak of and even
11470s less Hull it's now bleeding into that
11472s Hull nearly down in the perfect range
11475s and there he goes
11477s he was a perfect range of Sentry joint
11479s application he was being held down as
11481s well that is honestly Perfection this is
11484s a shame it happened a little late sort
11486s of really uh changed this matchup a lot
11487s earlier
11489s well now we're starting to get into
11490s pretty deep water here and you have to
11492s consider that these eoses are extremely
11494s extremely tanky there are command ships
11497s that are fully capable of applying their
11499s own damage and repairing quite a bit of
11501s an enemy Fleet it's possible it is
11504s possible they get initiative below the
11506s point where they cannot actually break
11509s the tank on these eoses if that happens
11511s sugar might be able to grind themselves
11514s out of Victory here
11516s I also like the way you described there
11517s you know very tanky able to do damage
11519s themselves that also explains the
11521s slippery on the opposing side but very
11523s similar ship in terms of ability to
11525s fight on its own basically with no
11526s support it looks like uh it is
11529s that's leftner tank has a time limit on
11532s it that ancillary Shield booster has
11534s already been running it's now quite a
11536s few uh app charges deep
11540s but it looks like they're switching off
11541s of him in favor of going for that Loki
11544s I don't give him time to reload
11546s questionable Target call here from sugar
11548s they must be unable to apply their
11550s damage in a way that they're happy with
11553s the fun thing here as well though you've
11554s got three simples you could use them to
11555s engage with yoursis you could also
11557s theoretically go to the ball of drones
11559s and just start obliterating bounce uh uh
11561s Sentry Jones it's probably not worth it
11562s but
11563s the option is actually there for this
11565s comp at this point
11566s and just I shoot the drones when the
11568s home ship is dropping that quickly the
11570s EOS not very true very very true
11577s EOS they are not able to last here maybe
11580s single rapper
11583s I was gonna question the choice of using
11585s nothing but ECM drones in all of their
11586s ships like all I can see is the ECM
11588s drones from internship but hey I can't
11590s argue with it if it worked you know
11595s and not argue with success and they're
11597s definitely having it here this EOS is
11599s taking a pounding not able to claw back
11601s the armor it does have bonus repairs but
11604s not really coming into play and looking
11606s at that local rep bar that you can see
11607s on your screen there the small sliver of
11609s purple
11610s that should be bigger for an EOS it's
11613s possible it's got a one wrapper set up
11615s it's possible that it uh and still
11616s traded a lot of low slots for damage and
11619s now it can't keep itself up
11621s my bet if that is an unseal rapper that
11623s has run out of charges but pop there he
11626s goes well done to initiative
11627s congratulations
11632s all right I'll go back to seriously what
11634s they think bye-bye
11637s [Music]
11652s rain are you in the armor Vagabond or
11655s something God
11662s [Laughter]
11665s huh
11667s okay sick you you are one of two people
11671s that couldn't listen and couldn't check
11673s bookmarks and find your own way out the
11676s route the entire route was literally
11678s bookmarked out to locsec I bookmarked it
11680s 10 minutes in advance
11682s guys stop being casual they're really
11684s bad we should not lose anybody to this
11687s warp off take the fleet work everybody
11689s work off this is a really really bad
11691s execution I'm very disappointed
11698s initiative there with uh with that when
11702s over sugar to move on into the next
11704s round of the tournament so we say
11706s goodbye to Sugar uh I guess I guess you
11708s could consider this in every like a diet
11710s 80 is it sugar-free but
11713s um that is it for them uh interesting
11716s comps obviously they went for nine men
11718s so I I assumed they maybe had a bit of
11721s an issue Fielding uh 10th maybe they
11723s didn't have a person
11724s um and props to them if that's the case
11726s we're still you know making a a match
11728s turning up with nine rather than just
11730s throwing in the flag
11732s um if it was designed to be nine then I
11735s have questions uh but one of the other
11737s things I wanted to talk about just for
11739s like educational purposes is one of the
11742s rules that we have in the United last
11744s couple of years which is uh the point
11746s inflation so that is if you bring
11749s multiple ships
11750s and then every time you bring a copy of
11752s that ship point for both of them goes up
11754s by one
11756s um so we saw their sugar brought three
11758s ishtars so I believe they go from I
11761s think it's 11 up to 14 Points each which
11764s would then be 42 points and then two
11767s eos's which would go up from 18 to 19
11768s points each and that's 38 points and if
11772s my maths are correct I believe that's
11774s eight points lost to point inflation uh
11777s which is it could be pretty brutal Baza
11779s what do you uh what do you think about
11780s this
11781s yeah so firstly just on the nine man
11784s Fleet thing uh I mean yeah I think it's
11786s quite likely they have an issue I think
11788s generally as you said it's pretty
11789s ill-advised to build a comp with nine
11791s people so I mean yeah props them for
11793s showing up and having a go regarding
11795s Point inflation
11797s um yeah so the rule is
11799s every
11801s um copy that you fly increases the cost
11804s by one for both of them but the way I
11806s think about it this is like a PSA for
11807s everyone who's watching all the way to
11809s the end is think about it as if it's
11811s increasing the one that you're adding by
11812s two so one Ishtar is 12 points and two
11816s ishtars is 13 points right but the way I
11818s think about it is one H tar is 12 points
11820s and then that second Ishtar is 14 points
11822s and then if you add a third one that
11824s third Ishtar is effectively 16 points
11826s now do you really want to spend 16
11828s points on Ishtar I think that's probably
11830s an ill-advised decision because a base
11832s level the game comes down to the point
11834s values right you've got 100 points to
11836s spend if you're spending them all on
11837s ships that aren't worth it
11839s um you know your comp's just not going
11840s to be as good I think there are some
11843s scenarios where it's worth to do it I
11844s think if the ship is exceptionally good
11846s value for the points that's that's a
11849s great idea for example the exec Navy six
11851s points this year seven points normally
11852s six points with the glante point
11854s reduction two of them for 14 points that
11856s sounds great they pump loads of damage
11857s they're pretty tanky they're really fast
11858s they're a really good but three of
11861s them
11861s it's a big questionable I'd generally
11863s advise against going three of anything I
11865s think
11867s thank you I feel enlightened uh thanks
11870s to uh Professor basilisk there there's
11872s an is math lecturer now that was our
11874s last match of the day the initiative
11876s taking that W and moving forward
11878s um we will be back tomorrow at 1700 for
11882s our uh our first match of tomorrow which
11885s is still going to be in uh the the first
11887s bracket I believe is winner of match
11889s nine versus winner of match 10 which if
11891s I quickly look at the schedule means
11893s that we are going to see kitchen
11894s sinkhole go up against the initiative
11895s tomorrow at 1700 make sure you join then
11898s uh so many more exciting matches we're
11901s going to see some interesting teams
11903s we're going to see test Alliance please
11904s ignore that's right they still exist and
11906s they're going to go up against barcode
11907s we're going to see Rusty hyenas a team
11909s that's come through some of the lore
11910s tournaments and always been quite
11912s interesting to watch templas calsuff
11914s looking forward to see them they've been
11916s a a bit of a dark horse for a couple of
11918s years is this their year finally in the
11919s alliance tournament uh we're going to
11921s see Exodus
11922s a story team with a great history I'm
11925s looking forward to seeing them as well
11926s so plenty of great matches tomorrow we
11929s start around 1700 make sure you tune in
11931s then thank you for watching we'll see
11933s you next time
11934s see you tomorrow