almost 3 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s just a month after their main research
6s vessel the esperance was hijacked by
8s angel cartel commandos outer ring
11s excavations have recovered from the
13s incident and rolled out a new line of
14s material compressors outer ring
17s excavations released the following
18s statement earlier today
20s it is with pride and gratitude that we
23s announce a technological breakthrough
25s for the mining industry
27s we are introducing to market new
30s material compressors designed to be used
33s with our line of industrial command
35s ships the porpoise orca and rorqual
38s classes
39s installed deep in the beating heart of
41s the ships these new compressors are
44s equipped with powerful computer arrays
46s and logistics firmware that can
48s interface with other ships in mining
50s fleets
52s these features allow for high efficiency
55s fleet logistics coordination permitting
57s rapid transfer
59s cargo handling and compression of
61s materials across a mining fleet
65s from now on each ship in a mining
67s operation will be able to compress
69s materials in their own cargo hold
73s utilizing active shipboard compression
75s technology modules fitted to industrial
78s command ships in their fleet
81s ice gas moon and asteroid ore can be
84s compressed providing a significant
87s increase in mining efficiency due to the
90s reduced cargo space required by minerals
94s compressed ice moon and asteroid ore may
97s be refined in the usual manner but
100s compressed gas must be decompressed to
102s be used as a resource and here some
105s losses are possible
107s this loss of gas can be minimized by
110s skilled operators and by using equipment
113s found in the tatara refineries
116s we also are pleased to announce that
118s improvements have been made to the
120s tatara refinery structure pipeline
122s applying to all materials
125s we here at outer ring excavations would
128s also like to use this opportunity to
131s express our gratitude to those who
133s assisted in returning to their families
135s over 40 of our kidnapped staff
139s to mark this we will be awarding medals
142s recognizing the efforts of those
144s capsuleers who have returned any of our
146s researchers
148s it is in large part thanks to capsuleer
151s efforts in returning our staff and
153s retrieving our stolen data that we have
156s been able to complete the development of
158s this new technology
160s unfortunately not all of our people have
163s been brought back to their families and
166s once again we urge capsuleers to assist
169s in making their safe return a reality
172s thank you
173s this is alton hovery reporting for the
176s scope
196s you