over 2 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
4s | alexa guard here and what could possibly |
7s | go wrong getting forced to be at zero on |
9s | a slefner rush comp |
12s | uh |
13s | we have what could possibly go wrong |
14s | with the navy scorp their flagship two |
16s | schlephner's basilisks belkos cassini |
18s | two jackdaws two caracals brett what has |
21s | fancy prince brought to shred them |
24s | very quickly what possibly go wrong |
25s | we're in a slept near kite comp with |
27s | arty slaps that have been brought to |
29s | zero fancy pants have brought the |
31s | opposite with a slept near rush double |
33s | loki triple jackdaw double bantum |
37s | yeah this one's gonna be over pretty |
39s | fast uh obviously what could possibly go |
41s | wrong wanted to start this match as far |
43s | away as possible immediately they start |
45s | kiting back |
47s | but unfortunately they're going to be |
48s | within range of loki webs very shortly |
50s | and those autocannon slapners have a |
52s | distinct dps and tracking advantage at |
55s | close range |
56s | yeah and the bellicose can't even save |
58s | them here and keep things webbed away |
60s | because there's double loki there that |
62s | can just keep everything locked down |
64s | what they want to shoot we're finally |
66s | seeing the |
67s | uh scorpion navy start to burn away and |
69s | apply damage but a bantum has gone down |
71s | and that's been traded for a jackdaw but |
74s | as i say that the basilisk of israel |
76s | lawrence is now being shot do you think |
78s | he'll go down |
79s | i do he is webbed he is taking some |
82s | severe damage uh they're pulling a |
84s | little bit of his shields back but it's |
86s | just not going to be enough the damage |
88s | coming off of these slappers is |
89s | absolutely insane and being mimicked our |
92s | ships they're going to be able to select |
94s | em damage to cut through some of these |
96s | shield chips not as effective on the |
99s | opposing slapners but very effective on |
100s | the bazzy and the scorp navy we're also |
102s | seeing these jackdaws take some serious |
104s | fire as johnny agnos is about to drop |
107s | yeah there he goes |
109s | you're seeing the loki's do the really |
111s | smart thing of the moment the slept |
112s | knees are getting close to stuff start |
115s | webbing what their next target is not |
117s | webbing what they're shooting now |
118s | webbing what they want to shoot next so |
120s | by the time because the celebrities are |
122s | right on top and are vomiting dps and |
124s | destroying everything so the loki's job |
126s | is to shoot it while webbing the next |
128s | target which is why we're seeing the |
130s | caracal already web down and we're |
132s | seeing the loki's move to the next |
133s | target |
134s | yeah and to the the what could possibly |
136s | go wrong team's credit their slapners |
138s | have successfully started a kite now so |
141s | their two slapners have pulled away from |
143s | the kind of the mix in the middle there |
145s | they seem to have organized themselves |
147s | and they are moving around trying to |
149s | maintain distance from the fancy pants |
151s | team it's really just a question of if |
154s | they've lost so much do they have the |
155s | dps to put this other team away they're |
158s | trying to focus down on the jackdaw of |
159s | anthony parker so far |
162s | so good i think it's a distinct |
163s | disadvantage for fancy pants to only |
166s | have one tattoo lodging freak left it's |
168s | just not enough to keep up with the |
170s | damage here |
172s | yeah i think they've done a huge i think |
175s | he's doing really well though it's only |
177s | tech one so it's not as tanky as usual |
180s | but it's staying moving constantly so |
182s | none of these arty slept nearers can |
184s | actually hit it if they are taking pot |
186s | shots at it and taking pot shots at the |
188s | jackdaws um but they're not actually |
190s | managing to hit it but it's trying as |
192s | hard as it can to keep stuff alive and |
194s | it's really struggling now which way why |
195s | we're seeing jackdaws start to go down |
198s | oh and now it seems like the kitsune of |
200s | tree commander is taking some severe |
202s | fire if he goes down that's a lot of |
204s | their mitigation they're not going to be |
205s | able to control these loki's you can see |
207s | the uh jam attempts on casey jurett |
209s | there uh once the kitsune goes down |
211s | those low keys are going to be |
213s | unfettered the web loki has a low sensor |
216s | strength it's one of its weak points one |
217s | of its few weak points with this kitsune |
220s | out of play that's going to be a big |
222s | problem but he is keeping himself alive |
225s | so what they are doing is they are |
227s | having the three slept nears and one |
230s | loki of casey all shoot the slept near |
232s | of day in grey wolf while the loki of re |
235s | roy jenkins is pushing towards that |
238s | kitsune managing to get close enough to |
241s | apply drones to it and while still be |
243s | able to shoot missiles they're only |
244s | having |
245s | one |
246s | they're only having one ship |
248s | actually bother with that kitsune while |
250s | everything else is shooting the primary |
252s | it's actually quite smart because the |
254s | kitsune even if it jams the ship coming |
256s | after it that ship will still be able to |
258s | shoot it whereas if you put multiple |
260s | ships on it you're just taking away a |
261s | lot of dps away kitsune is not famed for |
264s | their tank although i agree with one of |
266s | the analysts earlier they are the best |
268s | ecm ship you can bring they're faster |
270s | quick lock |
272s | strong sensor strength relatively strong |
274s | jams and for their points value i think |
276s | they're a great bang for buck it was a |
278s | big value add for what could possibly go |
280s | wrong |
280s | but unfortunately it's not invulnerable |
282s | and it just got run down |
285s | yeah it looks like |
288s | fancy pants are doing the smart thing |
289s | here and staying balled up moving up |
291s | together they don't want to push one |
293s | thing forward and have that be shot when |
295s | it gets closer in range so they're just |
296s | staying together having their loki's in |
299s | front for those high webs so the moment |
301s | the loki's get close enough they can web |
302s | something down and then pile on top of |
304s | it oh it seems like the the teams are |
306s | kind of coming into each other now the |
308s | fancy pants has boxed in what could |
311s | possibly go wrong they're starting to |
312s | land some scrams and it looks like |
314s | they're bringing in the close range pain |
317s | onto the bellicose |
319s | yeah it looks like they've got a scrum |
321s | on the slept near while the bellicose is |
323s | running as fast as it possibly can away |
325s | they're swapping now from the bellicose |
328s | to the slipkneer of rad chaser while the |
331s | loki of reward is finally dropping into |
333s | low shields a single bandhan is just not |
335s | doing enough combine with its own cell |
337s | to keep it alive from these rapid heavy |
340s | and the arty of the scorpion navy and |
342s | the slept near respectively |
344s | yeah the scorp navy it's uh known for |
346s | its hit points but it can really put out |
348s | a ton of damage and |
350s | you know these are larger ships like |
352s | their sig radius is going to be large |
354s | they have to slow down once they're in |
355s | range to apply damage so it does have |
357s | the opportunity to land some kills but |
359s | they just lost their last leftner and |
362s | that is a significant significant |
364s | drawback i mean at some point time might |
366s | even play a factor |
368s | uh if the scorp navy is able to kill one |
370s | to two of these slaughters it's not |
372s | going to be able to have enough time to |
374s | go through the rest of the fleet and as |
375s | it loses its bellicose it really looks |
377s | like a long shot here |
379s | yeah the three slept knees are just |
381s | gonna get right on top and use all of |
383s | their close range damage to just destroy |
386s | the scorpion navy it's on its own and |
388s | even a flagship can't 3v1 as a |
391s | battleship there's three tack two battle |
394s | cruises |
395s | it's it's heavily tackled it's not |
397s | heavily neutered those newts i mean it |
399s | does have newts applying onto it they're |
401s | not gonna be very strong |
403s | it presumably has an ancillary shield |
405s | booster |
407s | but that ancillary shield booster is |
408s | finite |
410s | once it hits reload |
412s | it the hit points are just not going to |
414s | be enough you can see how quickly |
415s | they're chunking it down here the amount |
417s | of damage that comes off of three |
419s | softeners is incredible and like i said |
421s | earlier in this match they can select |
423s | for em damage which you'll be weak to |
426s | yeah and they are nuding it down trying |
429s | to stop if it has one the extra shield |
431s | booster fitted to stop it like capping |
434s | itself alive and staying alive in this |
436s | situation as we're seeing tiny little |
438s | bits of shields pop up but it's just not |
440s | not enough as it drops into hole now |
444s | depressing you can see the shield boost |
446s | coming up and just gets shredded right |
448s | down |
449s | there's the the flagship scorpion it is |
451s | down who knows how expensive that would |
454s | be |
454s | uh perhaps the analysts will be able to |
456s | give us some insight as we throw back to |
458s | the studio |