over 1 year
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
4s | details surrounding the heist and |
6s | sabotage operation in the heart of |
8s | imperium's capital system of 1 dq1 Tac a |
11s | have been emerging as it becomes evident |
14s | that trillions have been lost to this |
16s | audacious Act of theft and sabotage |
19s | beyond the theft the Imperium leadership |
21s | were shocked to discover that the |
22s | perpetrator had made use of his |
24s | administrative rights within the first |
26s | Imperial Palace keepstar to disable all |
29s | support systems for the V cloning Center |
31s | housed within dedicated to storing tens |
34s | of thousands of capsulier jump clones |
36s | the facility stocks suffered immense |
39s | damage while many could be salvaged |
41s | rumors are circulating that many were |
43s | irretrievably lost in the process |
46s | Imperium leader Asher Elias identified a |
49s | long-term Imperium member known by the |
51s | nickname j amazingness as the |
54s | perpetrator while unclear on his motives |
57s | former comrades singled him out on |
59s | Public Communication for in connection |
61s | to this highly destructive act after |
64s | carrying out the heist Jay amazingness |
66s | left the Imperium and joined the |
68s | pandemic Legion Alliance it is unclear |
71s | if pandemic Legion were involved in any |
73s | way with a theft or if they simply |
75s | welcomed Jay into their organization |
77s | along with his new found wealth perhaps |
80s | to further torment his former friends |
82s | and partners Jay has uploaded recordings |
84s | of the system logs generated during the |
86s | heist thereby exposing the full extent |
89s | of the damage he had inflicted upon the |
91s | Imperium his motive Still Remains |
95s | unknown after delivering their |
97s | ultimatums over citadels anchored close |
99s | to Jovian Stargates the angel cartel and |
102s | gista Pirates have made good on their |
103s | threats a series of attacks were |
105s | launched over several days ultimately |
108s | destroying the osto owned by the decoy |
110s | Alliance in gtac n q86 and the forzar |
113s | operated by the initiative Alliance in |
116s | alaan despite warnings that their |
118s | citadels were too close to Jovian |
120s | Stargates leading to zarak both owners |
123s | refused to comply with the removal |
125s | demands triggering the Pirates assaults |
128s | in a show of collaboration with the |
130s | angel cartel Volta Alliance initiated a |
133s | strike on the ustus later teaming up |
135s | with an angel cartel assault Fleet to |
137s | completely destroy the Citadel and gtac |
139s | n q86 on the other front the initiative |
143s | attempted to mislead gista scouting |
145s | parties into believing that their |
146s | demands were being met and the forzar |
149s | was about to be removed |
151s | however following the failure to fool |
153s | the gista the initiative faced a first |
156s | wave of gista attacks a few hours after |
158s | the 24-hour deadline passed the |
161s | initiative successfully repelled the |
163s | First gista Fleet mainly composed of |
165s | rattlesnake battleships and hila |
167s | Cruisers however 2 Days Later the |
169s | guristas launched a more formidable |
171s | assault deploying a larger Fleet |
173s | including numerous Cayman class |
176s | dreadnots catching the initiative by |
178s | surprise The gista Dread knots conducted |
181s | heavy bombardments which reduced the for |
183s | aar's Shields to zero a third attack was |
186s | conducted the following day and despite |
189s | putting up considerable resistance the |
191s | initiative did not manage to hold back |
193s | the gista onslaught taking multiple hits |
196s | during the engagement the forzar armor |
198s | was wiped out just before the defense |
200s | Fleet could destroy enough gisa's |
202s | dreadnots triggering whole reinforcement |
205s | for several days the fourth attack was |
207s | conducted 3 days later with the |
209s | initiative making no significant attempt |
211s | to defend the structure effectively |
213s | abandoning the remaining residents to |
215s | their fate again the guristas deployed a |
218s | large dreadn in Battleship Fleet the |
220s | guristas were assisted by pirate |
222s | capsuleers and quickly tore through the |
225s | forzar hole causing the Citadel to |
227s | detonate in a Titanic flash of |
230s | energy this is Alton hovery reporting |
233s | for the |
239s | scope |