over 1 year ago - CCP_Bee - Direct link

Hello spacefriends,

We’re deploying an update of today’s patch, which means we’ll have an unscheduled downtime.
This should address some of the issues outlined in the Known Issues post.

Patch Notes have been updated.

This should be a fairly quick reboot.
We’ll keep you updated if we run into any issues.

Update @ 14:55 - Tranquility will go down at 15:00 (in five minutes) and we’ll hopefully see a quick reboot.
Update @ 15:07 - Deployment is complete and Tranquility is back online.

over 1 year ago - CCP_Bee - Direct link

You’re right, we’ll make sure to push for 20 min minimum in the future.
Thanks for the feedback Cursedlion.