almost 5 years ago - CCP_Rise - Direct link

This September we are planning two large changes for Cynosural Fields:

  • Cynosural Field Generator I can only be fit by Force Recon Ships and Black Ops Battleships (note: these classes can still fit covert cynos)
  • Jump Freighters can jump to Covert Cynosural Fields

During this era of chaos we are eager to introduce new challenges for veteran pilots while working towards a deeper and more balanced capital meta. Historically, cynos have been extremely flexible. They can be used on flocks of alts at nearly no risk or used by the largest and strongest ships in the game. With few options for cyno disruption, capital response time and power has grown to the point that it’s oppressing activity. This change will make it more complex and demanding to get capitals to the field quickly and give more strategic options for those wishing to disrupt capital response.

While most of the impact from this change is on combat, we are sensitive to the effect on Jump Freighters and logistics overall. Jump Freighters will be allowed to use Covert Cynos which can be activated by cheaper hulls like Covert Ops Frigates. This may need further attention and we will be watching this area very closely.

Fly safe o/

Please do not use the flagging system to show you disagreement with these changes. Post a reply instead.

CCL team.

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Rise - Direct link

“Just to be sure : force recon is the one that is cloaky, not the one dscan immun ?
black ops is the one that alreay has a cyno generator ?”

Yes and yes.

almost 5 years ago - Olmeca_Gold - Direct link


Some predictions:

  • Whaling will get many of the desired buffs but this change is stronger what I ever advocated for. It not at all affects only whaling.
  • Capital vs. Capital escalations will get interesting but not necessarily positively. You’ll need a recon for each escalation, and have something like 5-10 seconds windpw to jump your fleet. FCs as a result might be even more averse from jumping capitals and starting fights. It might also generate more kills.
  • Moving capitals unsupported just became a lot more costlier.
  • JF people will need to switch to moving covert alts, or pay something like 50b per trade route to grow cyno alts.
  • Lowsec people will get covops frigate kills here and there, instead of corvette kills, which is an improvement.