almost 3 years
ago -
EVE Online Team
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Productive Capsuleers,
Your time is running out to take advantage of the Heavy Industry Packs in the EVE store! It’s your last chance to get the Industrial Commander Pack or the Dress to Compress Pack.
These deals expire on 31 March so act now or miss out. The Industrial Commander Pack contains 14 days of Omega, 100,000 Skill Points, 110 PLEX, an Expert Cerebral Accelerator, and the vivid Porpoise Radioactives Reclamation SKIN for just $29.99 !
For the more cosmetically-minded miner, the Dress to Compress Pack contains Men’s and Women’s AIR Claim Surveyor Suits and the Orca Nocx Rush SKIN. Get it today and don’t miss out!
Get them now!