8 months ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

7s how are
8s we hey hey you're talking to us right
12s yeah yeah everyone anyone all of you uh
16s do you guys uh do you guys like my
17s background by the
19s way I think it's amazing yeah love it
23s such an epic
26s moment oh Katrina don't start let's see
29s which questions won't be answered today
31s don't start come on it's a Friday we're
35s going to get through as many questions
36s as we can we we we've done a very good
38s job of uh getting through a lot of them
41s this time I think um there is some that
44s we have uh well for some reasons we
48s can't answer but I think for the
49s majority I think a lot of you will be
51s happy um but yeah today we are going to
52s be doing another Q&A uh Dev Q&A I am
56s joined by the wonderful CCP emerald and
59s CCP J
61s yes hey uh so uh I don't know uh if we
67s want to just get straight into it or
70s whether you guys want to introduce
71s yourselves or should we just entirely up
74s to
76s you sure I I can say what I do yeah go
80s for it
80s useful um cool yeah hey I'm I'm I'm a a
84s uh a producer on the features team um so
89s I'm responsible for sort of delivery of
91s everything from sort of the front end UI
94s to to the in-game um activities and um
98s you know all the kind of gameplay
100s basically basically everything that
101s isn't the map is kind of kind of is
105s happens on on the team that that I work
107s with um uh so yeah I've been at CCP for
110s a year yes as of yesterday so yeah
112s that's me amazing congrats on the year
115s as well yeah than yeah anniversary yeah
119s that's yeah yeah it's gone quick cool
122s yeah nice um yeah hi everyone um I'm CCP
126s Emerald uh a senior brand manager so
129s working on the product marketing side
131s but uh work really closely with the team
134s uh here on uh the updates and everything
136s that they're working on um so yeah but
140s if you've seen any trailers or anything
142s like that I'm usually involved in that
144s in somehow uh in some way yeah I we we
149s we're always working together think
150s especially when it comes to like
151s Community stuff um yeah great um yeah so
154s we do have a list of questions um what
156s we've done is we've organized the
157s questions into like the most up votes um
159s so if there was like questions that came
160s through that didn't have a lot of up
161s votes that's probably one of the reasons
163s as to why we didn't answer it um just
165s because maybe the community wanted to
167s have something else answered so we're
168s going to start today uh with the most up
170s voted which was the uh the one in
172s regards to like training and uh practice
174s grounds this one was asked by Macintosh
177s um and the question is is CCP planning
179s on implementing a test range where
181s players can test out simulated fits like
183s how E online players have the ship
184s fitting simulator system to see what
186s theoretical outputs they can achieve
188s without risking Assets in the field to
190s find out an idea I have to enable a free
193s roaming simulated firing range for
195s players to test out theortical fits
197s against not only NPCs of varying types
199s but also against themselves to see how
201s effective a mock fit can be the AI level
204s can be escalated as high up as the
206s player wants it until they are confident
208s uh in their skills and fittings
211s um so I believe ccjs wants to take this
214s one sure yeah so uh this is a really
217s popular question um both internally and
219s externally like everybody on the team
221s wants this as well um so it's it the
225s short answer is that it's not in any of
227s the short-term plans um but we do want
230s it and we agree that it would be really
231s useful to have a way of testing
233s loadouts um in the front end and we will
236s be trying to do it uh as soon as
238s possible but there's nothing there's
239s nothing current in in the short time
241s plans so next next for sure we won't be
244s I think it would be really cool um
246s because obviously like with other games
247s like uh like Valance and stuff you have
249s like the um the range and especially
251s with like the Adaptive weapony and stuff
252s it would be really cool to test those
253s those kind of things out yes I guess uh
256s it is always a vision um excellent so
259s the next question we have uh is in
261s regards to weather variants so will we
264s see any extreme weather on planets like
267s plasma storms or acid rain this question
270s question comes from
274s gell uh so yes yes so um yeah so we're
279s actually working on weather variation at
281s the moment um but we want it to be you
284s know more than just kind of weather
285s right we want it to want it but more
287s than just a skin I should say so we want
288s it to sort of haveit you know affect
290s gameplay and sort of change the way the
292s the maps work so that that requires
294s obviously that's obviously much more a
296s bigger commitment of sort of time and
298s effort so the answer is yes we we we are
300s going to do that but it's probably going
301s to it'll probably happen fairly slowly
303s because of the how we want to do it you
305s know want to do it in the correct way
306s which means you know have it not just be
308s some skin have it have it really have
311s changed the way that the game's played
313s on that level yeah of course great um
318s okay so the next question then uh this
320s one is asked by Ricky um and it's in
323s regards to the NPC station missions so
325s is there any plans to make Vanguard
327s missions on NPC stations and if yes are
330s there any plans to show us more law
332s through a much more grounded FPS
336s perspective I can I can take that one
338s yeah
339s sure um yeah so currently we don't have
343s any specific plans to have missions on
346s MPC stations um but you know never say
349s never um all good ideas are you know put
353s in the put in the Q and can always be
355s Revisited down the line um in regards to
358s lore I mean one of the really cool
360s things about Eve Vanguard is um you know
364s pulling from the eve universe and the
366s wealth of stories um there um either
370s created by players like yourselves or um
372s just within within the storyline in
374s general so I mean absolutely 100% we're
378s aiming to inject a lot of lore um told
381s from the grounded FPS perspective um
383s into the game so 100% that will we'll
386s start to see that you know come to life
388s more um as we go through
391s development awesome um okay great yeah
394s so I think the um the next question uh
396s probably best for yourself as well um
398s Emerald is uh after looking over all the
401s feedback from the last play test what
403s are some conclusions SL things that you
405s can share about what you would like to
407s do with Vanguard this was asked by Levy
410s Thunder who I think a lot of us
413s know yeah so um
416s we we we take the feedback from every
419s play test
420s uh really seriously whether that's um
423s you know people posting their feedback
427s um either on Discord or or forums or um
430s you're responding to uh the surveys that
431s we've been putting out so there's
433s honestly there's so much feedback that
435s you know we have compiled from from
437s Solstice and even from the first strike
439s play tests um that it's you know hard to
442s tackle everything right um but one of
445s the key uh themes that came out um is um
450s mainly just you know providing you guys
452s more stuff to do um and also expanding
455s how you can attain and reattain weapon
458s ship sets as well as you know a bunch of
460s other quality of life um improvements um
464s so there's there's a lot more and you
466s know we're taking that all in uh we're
468s we're working on it um and just you know
470s keep giving us the feedback uh we will
473s obviously do what we can to address um
476s as much as we can um but yeah so abut
479s just tons of feedback but you know more
481s stuff to do is a key key Trend and we're
484s the team is definitely tackling that
486s with the the next release yeah and I
488s think um from the start like we've
490s always said the game is a very much
491s Community Driven game so the feedback is
493s very um valuable to us and it's
495s surprising because um I've seen some
497s people putting so much feedback in and I
499s think somebody did an actual word doc
500s that was like 14 pages long like it's
503s incredible to see the amount of
504s determination that's going into it um
506s and even people are opening up like in
508s the forums now they're opening up
509s feedback uh threads uh even though the
512s game's not even open right now to play
515s so yeah it's really cool it's really
516s good to see yeah and just to add on
519s there I mean that's precisely why we're
520s starting the founders program we're
522s going to be building on that over time
524s because we we we want to work with you
526s guys on this we want your feedback um so
529s looking forward to more in the future
531s yeah I'm very excited to talk a little
532s bit more about the founders program very
535s shortly um but the next uh question then
538s so this one comes in from again uh so
541s will there be any randomization uh of
544s map elements similar to the building
546s socket system in Dust
548s 514 I don't know if you want to take
550s this one CCB
553s B yeah yeah so um yeah so we're actually
556s looking at bringing like a bunch more uh
560s variety into the game at the moment so
563s and a big part of that is about people
565s choosing players choosing where they
567s deploy to based on a number of different
570s uh factors and you know part of that
572s might be I need to go here because I
573s need to get these resources or I need to
574s go to that place because I like that
575s kind of gameplay um but yeah so so that
578s will mean uh you know but but Maps would
582s would also be be part of that especially
584s as we move more into the future but uh
587s yes is the I guess is the short answer
589s we will be doing that in
592s future yeah that sounds uh really cool I
594s see Katrina say randomly generated Maps
596s would be absolutely great and the inner
599s FPS comptitive person in me knows that
601s map knowledge is so important so if
603s they're randomly generated that just
604s adds a whole new skill level uh or skill
607s Gap to to the game so that's really cool
610s um okay so the the next question then is
613s Vanguard going to be limited to a
615s squad-based gameplay are we going to see
618s modes such as 16 V6 and this question
621s came from
623s posum um sure yeah yeah so um yeah so
629s all the all all the game modes that we
630s have right now and all the game modes
632s that we're currently working on are
634s squad-based but um but there's nothing
635s to stop us doing something like this in
637s the future and there's nothing currently
639s in anything that says that we shouldn't
641s do this or wouldn't ever do this uh the
643s one thing that we are doing with some of
644s the new game modes though is starting to
648s um you know some of the game modes
650s encourage a higher level of organization
652s so that you might have multiple squads
654s trying to do the same thing for example
656s so while it's not a strict like 16
658s people fighting 16 people in a big kind
660s of death match it is like two big groups
662s of people with different or conflicting
664s goals um so yeah that's something that's
666s going to be coming hopefully for the for
668s the next release so yeah watch the space
669s with that yeah I think um Ariana
672s actually brought this up previously in
673s the last Q&A about like different game
675s modes and stuff and I think the the
676s beauty of what the game is right now
678s because of the type of style of play it
680s is okay people say it's an extraction
681s shooter but the reason it's that game
683s mode is because you can tie in all these
685s different modes into that one singular
687s mode um and I think that's what makes it
689s very unique um
692s great so uh the next one then uh this
697s one's in regards to uh support tools uh
700s so running logy logy logy in dust was
703s fun a healing beam doesn't suit Vanguard
706s right now but are more support tools on
709s the
711s horizon cool so I've just botted Juno
714s Tristan and Juno Tristan killed me many
717s the lastest I just seen that name
721s trauma you want me to ban them is
725s that um
728s s
730s yeah um sorry what was it about again it
733s was
734s sure yeah tools yeah healing beam
737s doesn't suit Vanguard right now but are
738s there more support tools on the horizon
740s support tools yeah uh so yes is the
744s short answer um yeah we've got a couple
746s of really cool prototypes in in um in
749s development currently um and yeah we
752s want to introduce more and more of these
754s this like personally this is the stuff I
755s love and I love the idea that people
757s feel like they're actually kind of doing
758s science on the surface you know so it's
761s it's they so that these these um kinds
764s of like mini activities or pieces of
767s equipment will have more depth added to
769s them as time goes on so it's not just
770s like you know I click a thing and then
772s it you know reveals something to me or
773s you know like kind of like the scan we
775s have now right it's very kind of like
776s you place it and then it kind of just
777s reveals information you know you can
779s imagine a situation where things like
782s pieces of equipment like that need to be
783s tuned to be optimized and are a lot more
786s kind of difficult to use or acquire
788s experience or prior knowledge to use
790s them well and you might have someone on
791s your team who's really good at using
793s those pieces of equipment who you want
794s to bring along with you um so yeah we
796s want to as time goes on really add more
799s depth to those pieces of equipment you
802s know and and the activities as well so
804s yes definitely yeah more support tools
806s please yeah that'd be really cool I
808s really want some nades just just one
810s grenade I'll be happy with that that' be
812s really cool
815s um okay great so uh yeah okay so this
819s this question does come up a lot
820s actually um so it might be a good one
822s for uh Emerald to go into but it's in
825s regards to walking stations so with a
827s consideration of e Vanguard can CCP
829s bring back the idea of station roaming
831s and Captain's Quarters in the stations
833s and lobbies in Eve and using the Eve
836s character creation process to design our
837s Vanguard clones could we create a
840s possibility to either use corpses in Eve
843s as bio cells or as clone data to re use
846s as a as your own
848s clone um first of all I want to say I
851s like how the EV on line one just got
853s snuck in here oh is it okay my bad yeah
857s no no no it's fine um it's h it's just
860s funny because because walking in
861s stations in EV on line has come up you
863s know um off and on uh yeah I the short
868s answer is no idea what the plan is um in
871s regards to walking in stations on EVE
873s Online um on the Eve Vanguard side um
878s it's interesting idea with the character
879s creation process in you Vanguard I think
881s there will be more opportunities for
883s customization you know in the future so
885s absolutely and definitely open to
887s feedback uh on
889s that yeah I think yeah I think in M I
892s think in Des wasn't they like did they
894s have quarters or something um I think uh
898s I I I'm not too sure maybe someone in
899s the community a dust fa can actually
901s tell me but I think they had like wats
902s or something and I think they've shown
904s me like screenshots and stuff of it and
905s I think it looks really really cool oh
906s it was a Lobby ah okay like your room ah
911s okay ah okay okay now I think I
914s understand I mean nothing's off the
916s table right sure so yeah no no
919s interesting good question um okay so the
922s next one here then oh this is a nice one
924s cuz this is probably like for all of us
926s um but what are you guys most excited
927s about in the coming releases
933s you want to start JS or or do do sure I
936s can go first um yeah so the the thing
939s I'm really excited about at the minute
941s we just saw it yesterday was a a new um
944s a new prototype for mining of how mining
947s could work in the future and it's uh
950s it's super exciting because yeah like I
952s said it's kind of tied to what I just
953s said before about making things a bit
956s more a bit more kind of deepen to
959s require like experience and prior
961s knowledge and you know um that you have
963s to kind of develop a skill in and you
965s know mining in the real world is kind of
967s hard right you don't just walk up
968s something and shoot it with a laser and
970s then get every you know it's like you
971s have to you can be good at mining
973s through experience and yeah the pro we
975s have um for um for the new for new for
979s the new mining system is really exciting
981s and I can't wait for people to see that
983s if if you know it's it's looking great
985s I'm very excited about that
989s I'm excited about yeah I mean yeah
991s absolutely like I was going to answer or
993s something yes similar I'm just excited
995s to see some of the early stuff that the
998s team you know put out in you know March
1000s and uh in June with Solstice and just
1002s like seeing seeing all
1005s these uh you know either prototypes or
1008s you know gameplay just kind of expand
1010s like there's there's so much that is you
1012s know on the horizon there um and just
1015s and new prototypes you know on the
1017s horizon as well that will be intr
1019s and yeah just excited to get that into
1022s you know players hands um you know
1025s before the the um any you know any
1028s future update or or play
1030s test yeah no that's that's really good I
1032s think a lot of the things that I think
1034s of that I'm most excited about is things
1035s that I hope to happen but like um I know
1038s that like Esports is quite big in Eve
1040s online like they have like the alliance
1041s tournament that's currently ongoing um I
1044s think it'd be really cool to see like
1045s how orts can be can be implemented into
1047s Vanguard and that's something that I'm
1048s really excited see if it happens but it
1052s it would still be really cool to see if
1054s uh cuz I mean we have leaderboards and
1055s stuff now so maybe there's like the
1057s competitiveness can be AED in some way
1060s that'd be really
1062s cool um okay so um the next question
1066s then is in regards to uh okay so this
1069s one comes in from Denny Fleetwood um
1071s it's in regards to like corporations but
1072s as there are quite a few uh questions
1074s about corporations and my experience of
1076s running a MK Corp using both the even
1079s dust 511 514 client when are we likely
1082s to get more firm details about the needs
1084s of CEO and officers within the Corp and
1086s how we might contribute to improving and
1088s streamlining the UI and in-game tools
1090s required to run a large corporation
1093s perhaps some form of working group uh
1095s with players with a more invested
1097s interest into the side of corporate
1098s management within Vanguard yeah so I
1101s know with EV on line um I I can take
1103s this one um I know with like e on line
1106s we have the CSM um and I think what we
1108s want to do with like Vanguard is we want
1110s to kind of introduce this as well in a
1112s way um and have um a very small but uh
1116s small team of dedicated players um like
1119s for example like Denny said the um CEOs
1121s and officers that can give us this kind
1123s of feedback and help us um shape the way
1126s that uh well not just corpse but a lot
1129s of the game mechanics work as well um
1131s and we will be working very closely with
1132s those and they will be sort of like
1134s invited by us um and their their
1137s feedback will be very crucial um and we
1139s do plan on having a lot of communication
1141s between us and that group
1144s so but more information on how to like
1147s join and and get involved in that will
1149s be revealed
1151s soon okay um next one then yeah so this
1155s one's in regards to the launcher this
1156s one comes in from posum um if EV
1159s Vanguard is coming to steam as a
1161s separate title uh at least that's what
1163s it looks like now how will that work
1167s with the eve launcher is eang guard
1168s getting his own lach to at some
1171s point yeah I can I can take that one um
1174s so so the the idea around this as of now
1180s um is uh that essentially we're going to
1184s have not just it's not an Eve online
1186s launcher it's an eve launcher shared
1189s across um Eve online and Eve Vanguard um
1193s however the goal is to create a unique
1195s experience depending on you know what
1198s game you're coming in on so if you're if
1200s you're coming in through Steam you know
1202s in the future to play uh Vanguard um the
1205s launcher will have you know a look and
1207s feel uh like Vanguard not Eve online so
1210s you won't you know feel like you have a
1211s bait and
1212s switch and then you know Eve online
1215s it'll come in and look like Eve online
1218s um so technically the answer is no uh
1222s it'll still you know have the same
1223s launcher uh um but you should have a a
1227s unique experience um as a as an e
1229s Vanguard player at least that's that's
1231s the intention now and you know we'll see
1233s as time goes on if it uh makes sense to
1236s adapt but um yeah cool great uh okay so
1243s uh next question then this one comes in
1244s from Blue uh bosov bosanova um I hope we
1248s can eventually explore the culture and
1250s atmosphere of the eve Universe now that
1253s we'll be experiencing it on foot while
1255s the core game is the priority can we
1257s look forward to a closer look at life in
1259s new Eden perhaps with more details on
1262s various factions or new locations um I
1265s think this is your region Emerald maybe
1268s yeah yeah so I mean like I said before
1270s um the the beautiful thing about EV
1272s Vanguard is that you know through E
1275s online we have a a wealth of stories um
1279s lore player creative stories um it's a
1282s huge Universe um of great stuff to pull
1286s from uh and absolutely you know you
1288s Vanguard is the intention to show that
1290s from the boots on on the ground
1292s perspective um and the the possibilities
1295s are endless here so um absolutely I I
1298s think I think that's that's all on the
1300s table and we'll kind of see how that you
1302s know um H how that uh comes to reality
1306s over over time but um 100% the intention
1308s with the EV Vanguard um is to make this
1311s truly the boots on the ground experience
1313s um with set within the eveonline
1316s Universe um and uh expanding new Eden uh
1320s to to planets um so th% and um we're of
1325s course open to you know all of you lore
1328s fans out there on likeke how we could
1330s possibly you know uh do this in the
1332s future so um yeah
1335s amazing yeah there's there's a lot of
1338s stuff that goes on in the law channel
1339s it's it's great to watch confuses me at
1342s times but it's a really good it's like a
1343s Wiki for
1344s me yeah and what's amazing is you know
1347s with other FPS games so you know uh you
1350s have to design that from scratch right
1352s so with with with e Vander we have so
1354s much to pull from so it's it's it's
1357s really fun um and yeah lot of lot of
1360s great stuff there
1362s so great um so the next one then uh from
1366s posum again uh so will we see social
1368s spaces in Vanguard something like MK
1371s quarters in D 514 but with the ability
1374s to meet others I guess we kind of
1375s touched on this maybe but um I don't
1378s know if uh wants to add to it yeah um
1383s yeah so we actually have a prototype uh
1385s in progress at the moment for in session
1387s squading which uh effectively turns the
1390s whole map into a social space um what
1392s we're looking at is like how do you let
1396s someone know you're friendly you know
1398s how how do you communicate with people
1399s without your gun you know without just
1401s sort of immediately shooting them which
1403s is kind of what happens everyone's doing
1404s now um so yeah so we're sort of looking
1406s at looking at that but um
1409s that's that's that's the the extent of
1411s our plans relation to this just just now
1413s but um in squading we we had a play test
1416s with it last week and it's it's um it's
1418s been really fun so
1420s far sounds good cool yeah it definitely
1423s changes things up a lot yeah that's
1425s really interesting uh I didn't even know
1428s that so I'm I'm excited to see what that
1430s looks like okay it's it's brand new yeah
1433s oh nice um okay great so the the next
1436s question then uh probably for yourself
1437s as well uh Js um dust's map had a simple
1442s and semi- random design that let it play
1444s with the illusion of A Single Shard
1446s Universe any Lobby you're in could
1449s potentially be set on different
1450s planetary districts across new Eden all
1452s happening at once while I love the extra
1456s environmental detail in Vanguard that
1458s means that each map is clearly designed
1460s to be one specific planet in specific
1462s place at a time that somewhat ruins the
1464s illusion of A Single Shard world going
1466s forward how do you plan to play
1469s with map designed to recapture that
1471s feeling just had of being one Shard
1473s Universe where we all fighting at
1477s once yeah yeah so um I guess uh I'm
1482s definitely not the the map guy but uh
1485s but yeah but but the but the the team um
1488s are investigating at the moment um how
1490s we're going to do variation going
1492s forward uh so it is a that is a that is
1495s a a a problem that we know we need to
1498s solve or a thing we that we know we need
1499s to solve um but uh in in the short term
1503s you know we're looking at just like kind
1504s of like I said before with one of the
1506s previous questions uh how we can kind of
1508s offer a variety with the things that we
1511s do have um so you know that might be for
1513s now just things like resources you know
1515s switching out some pois or you know uh
1518s you know it could be it's just in in the
1521s short term it'll be smaller things but
1523s like longer term there are sort of plans
1524s and experiments happening with how we
1526s can how we can kind of achieve that
1529s mhm yeah that's really cool I see Dan
1532s put a snowy version of Kion that would
1534s be that would be really cool that'd be
1536s really interesting to see instead of Ash
1538s you just change it all to like snow like
1540s snowflakes that'd be cool um
1543s yeah interesting okay great so uh the
1546s next one then this one is from uh Sir
1548s Humphrey uh will there ever be suit
1551s building system in Vanguard where we can
1554s customize components of our drop shoot
1557s uh of our drop suits like in dtin
1561s Eve um yeah so we're actually um looking
1565s at the moment at uh kind of expanding
1568s the adapted Weaponry system into um in
1571s into suits uh so I'm not sure exactly
1573s when this this is this is going to come
1575s in we haven't scoped up we haven't
1576s finished scoping up yet for November but
1578s but that that is the plan like we really
1581s like the adapted Weaponry system seems
1582s like players have really enjoyed it and
1585s you know the idea that you could kind of
1587s switch between two different sup mod you
1589s know you can imagine a situation where
1590s you're you know you want to be super
1592s tanky for some kind of situation or you
1595s know you're being attacked by a bunch of
1597s people and then in like another
1599s situation you want to be like you're
1600s super stealthy or fast and so you know
1601s you would switch between those different
1603s suit modes for example um you know so
1605s we're thinking about it in the same way
1606s that we've been thinking about adaptive
1608s weaponry and you know that that could
1609s also extend to things like the mining
1611s laser um or you know it could extend to
1613s to a number of things over o over time
1614s but we like that sort of um giving
1617s players you know bunch of control in the
1619s front end with what they can do with
1621s this with the tools they have but then
1622s also having some realtime controling
1624s sessions as well it seems to it went
1626s down really well with with the Adaptive
1628s ref system yeah uh yeah definitely that
1632s that was really cool um so yeah it's
1634s like different personalities on the gun
1635s but then that's going to be like
1636s incorporated into the suits as well um
1638s or at least that's the idea that's
1639s that's really
1640s interesting nice so uh the next one then
1644s this is in regards to uh skill
1646s progression um this one comes in from
1649s quv uh looking back at Dust 514 as well
1652s as e on line there was skill progression
1655s that in mind will this concept be
1656s returning for Vanguard I do not think it
1658s would need to in uh incompass real time
1661s training like Eve
1664s has I can I can answer that um yeah so I
1669s mean of course having some form of
1671s progression and and growing in your
1673s journey is is super important um not
1676s sure if that will strictly be skill
1678s agression but there are definitely some
1680s uh Concepts that the team is you know in
1682s Exploration on uh for what this could
1685s mean you know for Vanguard um it
1687s definitely we want it to feel you know
1690s very Eve um but also true to to Vanguard
1694s um as well so um just kind of figuring
1697s out that that niche of what um H how
1700s that how that comes to life in in
1701s Vanguard but absolutely you know there's
1703s going to be some form of progression
1705s growth that you know you will be um
1708s experiencing and and
1710s Vanguard yeah that's cool um yeah cuz I
1713s know like e on line everything is like
1714s skill points right there's like millions
1716s of skill points that you can gather like
1717s that's it's crazy to me exactly yeah and
1720s obviously the time exactly yeah so some
1723s some form of that concept uh but it
1726s might not it might not be skill points
1728s specifically cool um okay so uh last
1732s Canan Prince uh have you considered
1734s adding proxy SLV of course it would need
1737s to be in and have a hotkey to mute
1739s instantly or an emote SL voic line to
1742s show friendly
1746s intentions want to take this one I can
1748s take this one um yeah yeah so um yeah I
1751s think it's kind of connected back to
1752s what I was talking about before about
1754s kind of um you know squading in session
1757s so I think you know having proximity
1760s voice would be a really good way to
1763s achieve that it's not something that we
1764s have planned at the moment but um it's
1767s something that something that we
1768s definitely spoken about but
1770s um uh but yeah so I guess the short
1773s answer is no no plans for it right now
1774s but I think if we are going to have
1775s something like ins squading then
1778s proximity voice chat would be a cool way
1780s of like I said communicating your
1782s intentions to other players potentially
1784s if you're especially if you're a good
1785s person yeah as it opens the doors to a
1788s lot of funny content moments as well if
1790s you have like and stuff yeah that's
1793s great um
1796s okay uh right perfect so this next one
1799s then uh so this is quite a long one and
1802s there was actually a video posted with
1803s this one uh this one comes from dra on
1805s um CCP I've recently uh said privately
1808s to our CCP employee about the fact that
1810s I love new Eden um more than I love E
1813s online and that I am excited for
1815s Vanguard to open up new ways to interact
1816s with the setting with this in mind I
1818s have recently watched a video about
1820s settings in FPS games become stagnated
1822s and stale um the video they posted is
1825s actually from Cod 4 which is a game that
1826s I grew up on and played competitively
1829s for many years I absolutely loved it but
1831s uh they go on to say even though there
1832s is a huge effort towards ensuring a
1835s player created content for other players
1837s what steps will you take SL what plans
1839s do you have to ensure new Eden remains
1841s an alluring rich and satisfying Universe
1844s for both new and old
1847s players Emerald yeah can take that uh
1851s yeah I mean like I said before uh you
1854s know one of the most really unique and
1856s exciting things about EV guard is the
1859s rich history from E online both the game
1863s lore and the 21 years of player creative
1866s history which we you know we we can't
1868s deny um absolutely that is that is a
1871s focus to see this come to life in in
1874s vard um and you know not everybody's
1877s ready to jump into the spaceship game
1880s you know Eon line is a very intimidating
1882s game and Eve Vanguard offers A New Path
1886s to to join this um amazing Universe um
1891s and uh interact with it um and I see the
1896s connection you know really growing
1897s stronger between the two games as as
1900s time goes on um and as we develop you
1902s know with with the community which is a
1904s huge Focus for us to ensure uh you know
1908s this this will ensure that um the
1910s experience that we're creating uh you
1912s know is exciting to our veteran players
1914s as well as you know brings an
1916s opportunity for for new players who
1917s aren't quite ready to join the you know
1919s the spaceship game um another path in um
1925s so yeah um and this this will you know
1930s uh this also is while we're maintaining
1933s the Canon that that made Eve the you
1935s know ultimate sci-fi MMO um and you know
1938s we want to we want to deliver that with
1941s with what we're doing with uh Vanguard
1943s so yeah definitely uh great
1946s um but so the next one then uh this one
1949s comes in from uh forbidden art um and
1953s it's in relation
1954s to okay yes so the connection between
1957s Eve online and Vanguard um so how does
1959s the efficiency of playing a Vanguard
1961s compared to playing Eve online will
1962s these two communities coexist
1964s Haron harmoniously or might there be
1968s conflicts additionally how could this
1970s interaction influence the economy of
1972s Vanguard is there a risk that players
1974s might perceive elements of the game as
1976s Pay to Win It would be concerning if
1978s players felt disadvantaged or as if they
1981s were missing out on exclusive Awards by
1983s not participating in Eve online
1985s furthermore many potential players were
1987s discussed uh sorry were dissuaded by the
1990s lobby shooter format of D 514 will
1994s vangard offer more engaging environments
1996s such as Central hubs or expansive open
1998s world Landscapes to enhance player
2000s interaction and uh exploration so it
2003s looks like that's kind of like a
2004s two-part question
2005s there um but want to take this yeah yeah
2009s I can take one sure yeah so um so I
2012s guess the the the the key part in the
2015s first half was about you know it should
2017s never be punishing we should never be
2018s punishing players for not playing Eve in
2021s in Vanguard so that's something we
2022s definitely don't want to do uh what we
2024s do want to do though is sort of
2026s encourage or and what it seems like what
2028s it sounds like players really want is
2030s connections between the two games um uh
2033s because you know most uh fpss don't have
2037s a aren't connected to a massive awesome
2040s MMO uh and so you know we do want to
2042s kind of connect with that but yeah it
2044s shouldn't be punishing um to not to not
2046s play both games um so we're going to be
2048s looking to create ways for vanguards and
2050s capers to interact with each other in
2052s kind of cool and uh meaningful ways um
2055s and you know like Eve
2057s Vanguard we want it to be sort of many
2059s things to many people you know so it's
2061s like if you want to go and just mine
2064s with your head with with a podcast on
2066s then you know eventually that's
2068s something you that that we think you'll
2069s be able to do or if you want to go in
2070s and jump into just an all out you know
2073s kind of melee with a bunch of with a
2075s bunch of people I think that'll be
2077s something that you'll be able to do too
2078s so you want to kind of you know allow
2081s people to kind of play the way that the
2083s way that they want to you know over over
2084s a long enough timeline
2086s um and then the second part about sort
2089s of central hubs or sort of open world
2090s Landscapes and um uh yeah so there's
2094s there's nothing um in in the plans in
2096s the current plans for anything like that
2097s any of expansive um open world
2100s Landscapes but you know the maps are
2101s pretty big and you know we are sort of
2103s looking at creating more variation um uh
2106s so um yeah I think that's probably about
2108s all there is to say on on that really
2111s there there's nothing in the in the
2112s current plans but we will be adding lots
2115s of variation yeah
2117s no yeah no that's cool um Dan actually
2120s said as long as you don't need to play
2122s the other game to do well in Vanguard
2123s I'll be happy which I think is exactly
2125s what you just said it's not like we want
2126s to punish people for not in both games
2129s um I mean we can reward them if if
2131s that's the case but it's not going to be
2133s a punishment um by all means uh yeah
2136s exactly it's there oh go ahead sorry no
2140s no yeah I was just gonna like agree yeah
2143s there should be no there should be no
2145s punishment for people should completely
2146s be able to only play Vanguard and you
2148s know uh and there should be no
2150s punishment for that whatsoever yeah so
2153s the people absolutely like yeah just
2156s like you know this is supposed to be a a
2157s different path into the universe it's
2159s not meant to be yeah you have to
2162s download both games and play both games
2163s so whenever we've said it's connected it
2166s doesn't mean that you know it just means
2169s that they're just they're connected but
2171s you can you know experience either
2173s either side you want to whether it's
2175s flying in spaceships or boots on the
2177s ground yeah uh perfect um okay so the
2184s the next one then this is the the fun
2186s one um the mining a
2188s skin uh granted a yellow Legacy skin
2192s named the the mort gun or is mustards
2196s existence not law accurate in e universe
2199s I I think that's quite funny I think
2202s that's really fun I mean honestly when
2203s it comes to gun skins gun names all of
2208s that stuff it's all on the table it's a
2210s super fun idea I thought that got a
2211s little chuckle out of that one um so
2214s yeah like it's it's all possible right
2217s um and especially on you know gun skins
2219s in general I think we've only really
2221s scratched the surface and how you can
2223s customize your weapon visually and then
2225s of course functionally as well we've you
2227s know been tapping into that so um yeah
2229s just send us all the feedback I can't
2231s promise we'll do everything right but
2233s just send it anyway we'll see see what
2235s we can get to but yeah super fun I do I
2237s like that great and yeah we did actually
2239s have like a we had that skin um reward
2242s for Solstice uh that we had the
2244s community boat on uh last week and it
2246s came through as the the purple 1 H um so
2249s yeah we're definitely are looking for
2251s Community feedback when it comes to
2252s Future skins as well um not just for
2254s like you know guns well potentially
2256s maybe not just for guns you know um
2260s so the next one then is uh okay so simp
2264s regard to the UI um is Eve Vanguard UI
2267s elements variations on diamond shape
2271s final or are we in UI exploration phase
2273s yet I've noticed the diamond shape theme
2275s for UI elements appeared lately in Eve
2277s online
2278s uh ship scanner daily SL monthly calls
2281s and even in one scope news video
2282s featuring Recon drone POV footage
2287s um but it first showed up in Project
2293s Nova okay um yeah I can take that one so
2297s um short yeah like fun to see what those
2301s guys have been doing on on on Skinner
2303s like really good stuff on the EV online
2304s side um yeah on on the on vanguards UI
2309s uh we're it's still an exploration
2311s nothing's locked yet we're still really
2313s early in all of that um and but we are
2316s planning to share you know more on this
2318s um on the Discord um as you know part of
2321s Founders um so you know once we have
2324s some fun Concepts we'll be sharing that
2326s so uh yeah long story short yeah uh it's
2329s not locked at all um it is a cool you
2331s know it's a you know it's a potential
2333s could be a through line but um hasn't
2335s been locked just yet uh so still an
2339s exploration excellent um so the the next
2343s question then uh okay so this is going
2346s back to the the mining uh laser again um
2351s but maybe JS you can answer this one but
2353s it it says when do the Vanguard miners
2355s get a mining laser skin do we have an
2358s answer on that right um yeah so we we
2363s don't currently have um anything in the
2365s plan to to update the the Min laser skin
2368s just yet but it will be um it is
2370s something that we definitely want to do
2371s obviously um the banana laser as it's
2373s become affectionately known it can't it
2375s can't last forever unfortunately um but
2378s uh but what we are going to be doing is
2380s improving the sort of mechanics and the
2383s way that mining works and sort of
2384s evolving that so mining as a as an
2387s experience will be changing um uh sooner
2390s rather than later and like I said it's
2392s it's a much the way we're the direction
2394s it's going in now it's a much sort of it
2396s has the potential to be much deeper um
2399s more interesting kind of more scientific
2401s uh way of doing mining rather than just
2403s kind of walking up stuff and shooting it
2405s with a laser um
2407s yeah okay it's it's going in a really
2409s pretty cool Direction yeah I like the
2412s the banana idea though though should
2415s have uh maybe uh the name of it uh so
2420s the the next question then I I actually
2422s had this question uh asked several times
2425s um I think it's by the same person as
2427s well several times but they're asking um
2429s hi there will the eve skins of the AR
2430s combine Fleet pack sold this time never
2433s be released again after they are
2435s discontinues um just very quickly I'm
2437s just going to answer this and say that
2439s uh we said this in the news item for
2441s that pack that it won't be sold again um
2443s I think that was listed in the actual
2445s email that we sent out as
2447s well uh so the next question then um
2452s this is this is from forbidden art again
2455s um so what might be the potential
2457s drawbacks of not including vehicle
2459s combat in your game design from the
2461s start and how could it impact the
2463s overall gameplay experience how could
2465s the absence of vastly Open Spaces affect
2467s the player's sense of exploration and
2469s freedom in the game in what ways might
2471s the lack of expansive indoor spaces with
2473s grand objectives limit the game's
2475s narrative and strategic depth what
2477s benefits could be miss out on by not
2479s integrating these elements into your
2480s design and how might they enhance player
2483s engagement JS you want to take this one
2486s sure um to break this up into some
2488s pieces um I to remind myself of some
2491s some of but yeah so to answer the the
2493s first part about drawbacks um to De not
2496s developing Vehicles earlier um yeah so
2500s because we are um because of like the
2502s way we're approaching development which
2504s is it's you know much in the way you
2506s know Eva's Eva's lasted for like 20
2508s years and you know the plan is that
2510s Vanguard will last for you know forever
2512s you know so so it's like so you know we
2515s something like Vehicles is something
2516s that we can evolve into the game over
2518s time um and we can introduce over you
2521s know number of releases you know
2522s whatever you know mechanics Maps you
2525s know Landscapes we need to accommodate
2528s um something something like Vehicles
2529s which is which would would be huge um
2532s and you know we have
2534s to uh you know we've sort of decided to
2537s to focus on sort of core Gunplay and
2540s build out from there and and um and so
2544s yeah like I don't think personally that
2545s there are that there are a huge amount
2547s of drawbacks long term to not doing
2548s Vehicles now I I just think it's
2550s something we can just we can just weave
2552s into the game when when the when the
2554s time comes um so that would be the the
2558s first part and then sorry what was what
2560s was the next part again um how could the
2563s uh well I guess the absence um the
2565s absence of vastly Open Spaces affect the
2567s player's sense of exploration and
2569s freedom in the game in what ways might
2572s the lack of expansive indoor spaces with
2574s grand objectives limit the game's
2575s narrative and strategic
2578s dep do you think any do you think be
2581s missing out
2582s yeah um so I would say that sort of any
2586s issues like that are sort of temporary
2588s in like future potential for the game
2590s rather than like problems right now you
2592s know like I I think um you know we want
2595s to expand the game into a whole bunch of
2597s different in a whole bunch of different
2598s directions and you know big indoor
2599s spaces maybe one of those future things
2602s and when the time comes to do that we
2603s can we can explore it and um I don't
2606s think we lose anything by not doing any
2608s of that stuff right now I just think
2610s it's all just future potential for the
2612s game to explore when the when the time
2614s comes um yeah hopefully that's that's a
2617s good enough answer to to the question
2619s I'm definitely not trying to be evasive
2621s but yeah I just think it's like a it's
2623s something that yeah I just see it as
2625s like future potential rather than like
2626s something that's sort of negative in in
2629s in the short term yeah after playing
2631s like solce um after playing Carion and
2633s then solstice I thought Solstice was
2635s larger than Carion um but then it wasn't
2637s until that I discovered that it's
2638s actually a smaller map but because of
2640s the verticality of it it just made it so
2642s much more open um and it added so much
2646s depth to it which I guess is something
2648s that I guess the team kind of is already
2651s experimenting on
2653s so it's a lot smaller as well it's
2655s smaller by half oh
2657s wow oh yeah wow okay yeah I I still got
2661s lost in the tunnels after playing it for
2663s several hours still got lost um okay
2667s great uh so the uh the next question
2670s this one's in regards to uh just a game
2671s setting um so I can just take this very
2673s quickly but the side of Unreal Engine 5
2676s launch what exactly is a view distance
2678s uh graphical setting architect to do um
2682s this one came in from epic uh this
2684s setting controls both the distance of
2686s objects to be called and the speed of
2688s lods um the level of details uh
2692s changing um I did have to get internal
2695s expertise on that question but I I that
2698s I believe
2699s that's what the answer is there so um
2704s the last two questions that we have then
2707s uh so we'll take this one first this
2709s one's in regards to Dedicated servers um
2712s this one comes in from Dron will there
2714s be a way for Vanguard players to host
2716s games for other local Vanguard players
2718s similar to other games like deep
2720s Galactic or Counter Strike um maybe
2723s emeralds would be best to answer this
2725s one yeah yeah I can answer that so so
2728s creating more ways for you to play
2732s together with friends um and improving
2734s that overall experience it's a huge you
2736s know Focus for us um and something we're
2738s aiming to build out um however we don't
2741s currently have plans for players to for
2744s you guys to host your own games mainly
2748s because um we're thinking it could
2750s create you know too much of a siloed
2752s experience when you know the world were
2754s trying to create you know you could have
2756s your worst enemy just like right around
2757s the corner um that you're going to have
2759s to engage with on the Fly um Levi
2762s Thunder the melee machine for example
2764s comes to mind um it's a prime example of
2767s that so shout out to them uh but just
2769s you know that that's that's the
2771s experience we're trying to create so if
2772s you have you know you have your separate
2774s servers it could kind of limit that so
2776s no current plans for that in you know on
2779s the horizon uh but definitely ways to
2781s play together with your friends um and
2784s making that experience richer and better
2787s over time time is uh definitely on the
2789s tables awesome um and the the last one
2793s so this one comes in from uh dark dog uh
2796s and they're saying I'm hoping that
2798s Vanguard isn't going to be a
2799s Battleground nightmare the last thing we
2801s need is an eve game that's a Battle
2803s Royal
2805s um don't know if you want to I I think
2808s you already touch on this anyway J but
2810s yeah yeah so um yeah so I mean we don't
2813s currently have any plans to make a
2814s battle royale mode I can definitely say
2816s that um but uh but you know but I think
2818s like I said earlier I think the game can
2820s be many things to many people and I
2821s think we could have you know I can
2824s certainly see world where we do have
2825s game modes that are more PVP based and
2827s you know much more about fighting with
2829s other players but you could but players
2831s could just not engage with those game
2833s modes at all and going do something
2835s completely different you know like I
2836s said my my personal thing is I like I
2839s like valheim that's what I I play a lot
2841s of alheim and I like just going with a
2843s podcast or some friends and you know
2845s mining or building my you know building
2847s my my Viking Fortress you know and uh
2851s you know I can I can certainly see a
2852s world where you know in in the future
2854s where Vanguard players
2856s can you know could uh you know are just
2859s kind of Mining and doing you know sort
2861s of like you know prospecting site pack
2864s activities you know or exploration type
2866s activities and other players are doing
2869s you know much more PVP fighty based
2871s activities you know I think I think all
2874s things can be true and players that
2875s don't like those activities just don't
2876s have to engage with them
2879s yeah I I I I know what you're saying
2881s that I think a lot of people actually
2882s said um some one person said they were
2885s going to mine as many like nanites or
2887s something as possible and they they were
2889s just going to go from server to server
2890s being an ice cream fan but with nanites
2892s and just selling them to players and I
2894s thought yeah I mean you can pretty much
2896s just put whatever you want into the game
2897s and and uh come up with your own stories
2899s and ideas it's really interesting um
2902s excellent okay so uh I think that
2904s concludes the the questions then um um
2907s the only thing that I have left is just
2909s to uh touch up on um the things that
2913s we've got coming up so over the over the
2916s coming weeks we are going to be
2917s releasing um themes uh I I don't know if
2921s Emerald wants to touch up on this at all
2923s but um we're going to be releasing like
2926s two themes uh per segment and then after
2929s each uh after we've put up the two
2932s segments uh we're going to run a QA and
2936s the QA will be based on those two themes
2940s so when the second uh segment goes out
2944s the Q&A submissions will open and then
2946s you guys can just submit your questions
2947s based on theme one and two um once we've
2952s done that then theme three and four will
2953s come out and then four and five five and
2955s six etc etc um and that's going to be a
2958s lot of fun because there's uh a lot of
2959s really interesting themes the First
2961s theme that we have um coming out is
2963s going to be today uh after this Q&A um
2967s just check the Discord announcements for
2968s the information on this um but it's
2970s going to be in regards to the artwork
2972s behind uh life in new Eden and what
2975s vegetation looks like on planets um just
2979s a really interesting one you'll be able
2980s to see Sor yeah it's kind of um so it's
2983s intended to be you know how do we bring
2986s planets to life in new Eden um and it's
2989s kind of like how do we you know because
2991s up until now it's been you know
2993s spaceships flying around space so it's
2995s um you know all the art all the art and
2998s the thought process that's that's gone
2999s into bringing the planets to life in new
3001s Eden and yeah and just to just to touch
3003s on you what you're saying uh yeah every
3005s two weeks we're going to be sharing
3007s stuff with you guys um in the Discord
3009s there will be kind of some thematic
3011s approach to it um and then uh so that'll
3014s be on every two weeks or so basis and
3017s then um every four weeks or so that's
3020s when we'll yeah we'll open things up for
3022s questions and we'll do this kind of
3023s format again but with different people
3024s on stage so sat a little bit more yeah
3027s yeah
3028s yeah no no no that's perfect that's
3029s perfect I think we come up with the name
3031s of like thirsty theme Thursdays uh
3033s because the Q&A are going to be on a
3034s Thursday every time so um so make sure
3037s you keep an eye out for the Thursdays it
3038s can be every four weeks um I think the
3041s uh I can't recall actually when the
3042s first it's on the 8th I think the first
3044s one I believe um 8th of August amazing
3049s um and yeah the questions uh for
3050s submissions for those said themes will
3052s open up um a couple of days prior so you
3054s guys can get your questions in but it
3055s should be related into the theme them
3057s that we've already shown you um also uh
3061s then in regards to the play test as well
3062s this was one of the questions that was
3064s asked in the Q&A but I thought we was
3065s going to touch up on it anyway because
3066s it is a very big um question that
3068s everyone has uh we don't plan on having
3071s um on hosting the uh the next public
3075s play test right now we don't have any
3076s plans for this but we are going to be
3077s hosting internal play tests for a VIP
3080s group which we've called the Vanguard
3082s important players group um this VIP
3085s group will be uh
3088s uh there will be some it will be gated
3090s to a certain extent but more information
3092s on this will follow later so we won't go
3094s into too much detail but it's coming
3095s soon it is coming very soon because we
3097s want you guys playing it we want all the
3099s feedback we need uh we need your boots
3101s on the ground and we want to test some
3103s new things with you um but yeah apart
3106s from that um I think all I need to do is
3109s just thank uh CCP JS and CCP Emerald for
3111s their time today um and everyone else
3113s that came and hang up for the Q&A
3118s yeah thank you thank you for having us
3120s it nice to nice to chat with you all
3122s yeah it was been great um thank you very
3124s much uh War clones we will catch you
3127s very soon with some more really cool
3129s information hopefully and uh I'll see
3131s you all
3132s soon bye see y by bye thank you