11 months
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
6s | EV online's ships are enormous even by |
11s | science fiction standards this one can |
14s | plunge entire mega cities into the |
17s | shadows and the blasts from its doomsday |
20s | device are brighter than the sun itself |
23s | meet the Avatar one of the largest and |
27s | most recognizable spaceships in new e |
30s | Eden despite the Colossal amount of time |
33s | and resources it takes to build this |
36s | Titan it's the most popular choice among |
39s | Eve online players but why in this video |
43s | you'll find out which ships in the Amar |
46s | Empire Fleet were even larger how can |
51s | avatars turn the tide of any battle what |
55s | does a player have to do to get an |
57s | avatar of their own and finally why did |
61s | this particular Titan become a cult |
64s | spaceship in new |
68s | Eden it all began with a myth more |
71s | precisely with the Sacred Scriptures of |
74s | the Amar Empire casting his sight on his |
77s | realm the Lord witnessed the Cascade of |
80s | evil the Torrance of War burning with |
83s | wrath he step down from the Heavens to |
86s | judge the Unworthy to redeem the pure it |
90s | it believed that these lines inspired |
92s | the religious leaders of Amar to create |
95s | truly colossal ships able to turn the |
98s | course of any battle the very first of |
101s | them was the Imperial Flagship built |
104s | during the height of the Amar expansion |
106s | in fact this Flagship allowed the |
108s | emperor to Traverse his territories and |
111s | feel absolutely safe thanks to the |
113s | gargantuan size of the vessel the exact |
117s | dimensions of that Flagship are unknown |
119s | but legends say it was the largest |
122s | vessel in new Eden measuring hundreds of |
124s | kilometers in length whether it's true |
127s | or not the giant had minimal Armament |
129s | and functioned more like a mobile space |
132s | Fortress later the Amar Empire |
135s | constructed somewhat more modest ships |
138s | IMU Hub capable of scorching fleets of |
142s | Heretics of course considering the |
144s | massive size of over a 100 km even they |
148s | could accidentally bump a small |
150s | satellite out of orbit with their |
152s | gravitational field that's why amarian |
155s | Engineers designed a much smaller Avatar |
159s | using the IMU Hub of the second |
162s | generation as a base but don't let this |
165s | comparison fool you being more than one |
169s | and a half times taller than Earth's |
171s | highest point Mount Everest the Avatar |
174s | stretches 13.8 km in length which means |
179s | it wouldn't even fit in the Mariana |
181s | Trench with a weight of nearly |
184s | 2,300,000 |
185s | tons the Avatar is as heavy as seven |
189s | empire state buildings combined if a |
192s | ship this size were to slam into any |
195s | populated Planet at full speed it would |
198s | truly be an |
200s | apocalypse however the Amar Titan isn't |
203s | made for primitive ramming it's built |
205s | for tactical domination on the |
208s | battlefield is it fair that the amarian |
211s | consider this ship as an embodiment of |
214s | God's Wrath after all every faction in |
217s | new Eden has its Titans and the Avatar |
220s | isn't even the largest among them it |
223s | boasts a unique slot configuration with |
225s | modules for storing various combat |
228s | equipment eight High slots and eight low |
231s | slots and the latter figure is the |
233s | largest among all Titans which is |
236s | crucial on the battlefield why because |
239s | it's in those low slots that you can |
242s | install armor plates significantly |
245s | boosting the ship's durability under |
247s | heavy fire this gives the Avatar plenty |
250s | of time to unleash massive damage with |
252s | amarian capital energy turrets |
255s | essentially super powerful lasers but |
258s | what will truly give enemies nightmares |
261s | are the 10 battleships or 50 Cruisers |
264s | that can be housed within the belly of |
267s | this Titan plus thanks to the Clone vatb |
270s | it will be players in capsular form who |
273s | will be controlling the ships not in PCS |
276s | so if an avatar unexpectedly jumps into |
279s | the midst of a small Skirmish it can |
282s | drastically shift the balance of power |
284s | even in a hopeless situation moreover |
288s | the Amar Titan like any ship of its |
290s | class can open a portal for other |
293s | players to a specified location |
295s | essentially it's a field jump gate the |
298s | Avatar can also empoy a pretty unique |
301s | thing the Amar phenomena generator |
304s | although you should remember that its |
307s | positive and negative effects will |
308s | impact both enemies and allies within |
312s | its radius of action yet experienced |
315s | players value the Avatar above all for |
319s | its most powerful weapon the doomsday |
322s | device called holy Destiny it can |
326s | destroy enormous enemy ships from |
328s | dreadnots to other Titans as it inflicts |
331s | electromagnetic and thermal damage which |
334s | heavy armor is especially vulnerable to |
338s | after unleashing Divine wrath upon their |
341s | enemies the Avatar can quickly vanish |
343s | from their field of view and radar with |
346s | the help of its cloaking |
348s | device however sometimes the Amar Titan |
352s | itself due to its value becomes the |
355s | target of a bold attack in this video |
358s | you can see the user go posts entire |
361s | fleet of stealth bombers attempted to |
364s | catch an avatar as it approached a jump |
366s | gate at first it might have seemed like |
368s | the attackers would deplete the Titan's |
371s | armor and destroy it but they never |
374s | expected that this Avatar was equipped |
377s | with non-standard doomsday Weaponry a |
380s | bonic fuel generator unlike the holy |
383s | Destiny aimed at single large Targets |
387s | this beam can disintegrate multiple |
389s | ships in a large area so with a |
392s | well-placed shot the Avatar destroyed |
395s | enough enemy stealth bombers to make it |
397s | possible to war away and then it just |
400s | continued on its way but when these |
402s | Giants are indeed hunted user draconic |
406s | Slayer showed how his Alliance tracked |
409s | down an avatar the Amar Titan and an |
412s | arabus the Galant Titan during a jump |
416s | between systems players quickly |
418s | mobilized dozens of dreadnots effective |
421s | in dealing damage to Titans |
423s | interestingly the arabus was the first |
426s | to go down while the heavily armored |
428s | Avatar held on until the end though |
431s | truth be told without each other's |
433s | support both of them were doomed from |
436s | the start but in large organized fleets |
440s | avatars can basically write the history |
442s | of new Eden this legendary battle for |
445s | the keepstar Citadel in the M2 XF system |
450s | marked the culmination of a |
451s | long-standing conflict between the papy |
454s | and the Imperium alliances it was dubbed |
457s | The Clash of Titans because the sides |
461s | deployed |
462s | 1,34 super Capital ships for this |
466s | strategically important object and |
468s | considering the regular rounds of the |
471s | Holy Destiny it becomes clear that most |
474s | of them were avatars specifically that's |
477s | 560 ships which is near |
480s | 43% of both fleets Titans these Giants |
484s | didn't just deal severe damage to their |
486s | enemies but also significantly boosted |
489s | their comrades with spherical command |
491s | bursts in total during the most massive |
494s | battle in the history of new Eden that |
496s | lasted 14 hours |
499s | 256 Titans were destroyed but among them |
502s | there were only 19 avatars which is the |
505s | lowest loss ratio among super Capital |
508s | ships thanks to the extraordinary |
510s | defense capabilities of the Amar Titans |
513s | The Fleets couldn't deal each other a |
515s | fatal blow and the war between papy and |
518s | the Imperium continued but how |
520s | challenging is it for players to rebuild |
523s | their forces after clashes like that |
526s | even the most ambitious Pilots must |
528s | demonstrate an insane determination to |
531s | get one of the legendary avatars you'll |
534s | not only have to buy the blueprints for |
536s | this Titan for a hefty sum of 200 |
538s | million isk if you're considering |
540s | building at least one you'll also need |
543s | the components for production which will |
546s | already cost you 185 billion isk you can |
550s | try to save tons of money by mining all |
553s | the raw materials yourself but for solo |
556s | players this alternative process will |
558s | stretch over months without helpers and |
561s | friends this decision doesn't make |
563s | practical sense moreover to initiate the |
567s | actual production of an avatar you'll |
569s | need to reach the highest levels of the |
571s | relevant industrial skills not to |
573s | mention that you'll have to regularly |
575s | defend the station where the Titan is |
577s | being built from the interference of |
579s | other players we know what you're |
581s | thinking isn't this way too challenging |
583s | for lonely dreamers who aspire to fly |
586s | and fight in those legendary avatars |
589s | cheer up in new Eden there are plenty of |
592s | exciting opportunities for solo players |
595s | well yeah embarking on a journey with a |
597s | lone Titan isn't one of them unless of |
600s | course you plan to lose it in the very |
602s | first battle wasting months of work and |
605s | billions of isk long story short the |
607s | best path for an avatar owner lies |
610s | through player alliances you know the |
613s | ones able to successfully use these |
615s | amazing ships as both a formidable |
618s | shield and the deadly weapon of a |
620s | well-organized fleet experienced |
622s | alliances with established production |
625s | and specialized bonuses can churn out a |
627s | brand new Avatar in just a few few weeks |
630s | they'll also help you learn all the |
632s | skills necessary for Effective Titan |
635s | piloting more quickly after all the Eve |
638s | online community is the real key to |
641s | getting your dream Titan and achieving |
643s | great |
644s | success well that's yet to happen we |
648s | recommend visiting two intriguing |
650s | locations in New Eden in the C9 NCC |
655s | system you can catch a glimpse of an |
657s | avatar named Steve the very first one in |
660s | Eve online History built by a player |
663s | well to be precise you'll see only its |
666s | Remnant because Steve is also the first |
669s | Titan lost in battle then near the |
672s | amarian capital Planet you'll be |
674s | impressed to see a massive formation of |
677s | avatars creating just one of these ships |
680s | would likely bankrupt the economy of |
682s | Earth but here eight Titans stand |
685s | proudly in honor of the fierce |
688s | competition for the Imperial Throne |
691s | though actually in new Eden epic scales |
694s | can be found in almost everything dream |
697s | big and we'll see you in the |
705s | [Music] |
708s | game |