almost 6 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

6s okay we're getting ready good afternoon
12s everybody thank you for coming to see us
14s on a Sunday afternoon I know everyone's
16s still happy from the party last night
18s we're gonna be talking to you this
20s morning and little bit about streaming
21s about why people do it it's just a
24s 30-minute presentation to release you
25s all for lunch but before we get started
27s can I ask you all to stand up please
30s I cannot you're right I can ask people
34s might not do it okay could you please
37s stay standing up if you have ever
39s watched anybody streaming EVE Online yep
43s stay standing I can see you now right
45s excellent
46s stay standing up if you've ever
48s interacted with anybody in chat in
53s stream yes not Yvonne line chat because
55s we know there's a problem right
57s okay stay standing up if you follow a
62s streamer yeah I know people are staying
66s upright this is quite good I can't see
68s unfortunate I'm a bit bright in if you
71s have ever recommended a streamer to
73s anybody can you stay standing up there's
77s a lot of people left if there's more
78s than I anticipated
79s this is good and finally if you've
82s learned something from a streamer stay
86s standing up that's a lot of people okay
91s thank you very much we just wanted to
93s understand what your level of
94s interaction was before we start talking
96s to you a bit okay so with that Rayden
100s I'm gonna hand over to you for a moment
102s thank you so much hello you're Mike
103s hello hello and there we go
107s right hello I'm Raiden what is in each
111s streamer well it's generally a player
114s that broadcasts their gameplay because
116s they enjoy it and they want other people
119s to enjoy it with them it's also a player
122s can do to educate people a lot of
125s streamers do a lot of like a lot of PVE
128s pvp and they like to teach other people
130s how to do this so it's a good way to
132s learn in the game a broadcasting host
135s and informative stream or chat show to
137s discuss explain and in
139s on the metagame of EVE Online open comms
142s talking in stations that sort of thing
144s you get the gist if you've seen those
146s CCP games also do their own streams so
150s they can actually present you to new
152s information and just to entertain you as
154s well like the old o7 show which we want
156s back CCP come on bring it back please so
165s whose streams Eve on any given day 30
169s plus individual streamers are showcasing
171s you online that maybe more than you
174s think there's a lot of people out there
176s doing this and we need to support them
179s and go and see what they do it's good
180s for them they come from all walks of
182s life and from all over the globe
184s we lost streamers everywhere and all
187s around New Eden as well so there's
188s people from most alliances and factions
191s and it's really good it's good fun some
195s of them are brand spanking new they've
196s literally just started playing the game
198s they're out there trying to learn go
199s help them talk to them and there's also
202s veterans I can see a Neve Skelton here
205s somewhere there's Johnny spike he's been
207s around forever he still does it and we
210s love watching him because he's
211s entertaining so what we gonna do is
214s we're gonna see who's live right now
215s we're gonna do this over here and see
218s who's on to it so yeah we've got us
221s hello the Solero there's Tamiya cowboy
226s one of our streamers Manik supposed to
234s be in here Manik velocity where are you
237s is he in here Manik Manik supposed to be
242s near support that's what you do right
246s would you mind I think he might just be
248s outside the door he's right outside yeah
251s this is what his dream saying what is he
253s doing unbelievable punchable is right
263s where is he I see him now here he comes
269s oh my god dude come on down the front
279s Manik come on come on come down unreal
290s [Laughter]
299s thank you for joining us Manik I
301s appreciate it
302s I might showcase you later in the
304s presentation just as a reminder of what
307s you do for us of course everybody in EVE
310s and all the presentations you'd like to
312s see a little bit of RAF porn right so we
314s put together some information from
316s twitch now twitch is the main streaming
318s platform that most people use for EVE
319s Online there are people who use youtube
322s mixer and other platforms and caffeine
323s as well but we took a snapshot just from
326s a random day to understand what did
327s different types of streams people are
329s doing and approximately 50% is pvp now
333s we expected that to be a little bit
335s higher we thought they'd be much more
336s because normally when we're watching it
338s depends on the time zone but we saw that
340s 50% PvP around about a quarter is in PvP
343s then there's always the big battles that
345s take place that features and then we get
347s spikes as well but then of course
348s there's other elements as well people
350s generally talking being entertaining and
352s understanding what's going on now when
355s we look at the overall stats that we
356s have EVE Online is not the biggest
359s platform gaming it's not there are other
361s ones out there they get hundreds of
363s thousands of views when we look at the
366s most views that we've ever had on Twitch
368s it was just under 20,000 and that was
372s back in January this year when there was
374s a major battle that took place in 9th AK
376s R or something 9 yeah
379s 9 sorry I don't under I might have done
386s I think I was still in horde at that
387s point I might it was a long time ago but
389s yes and you can see from here the
391s massive peak that we get when a major
393s event takes on but overall it's pretty
395s static we have a static the set of
398s people that watch twitch that support
400s our streamers it's been growing over the
402s last few months but this is how we're
404s trying to maintain it now when people
407s want to know what else we doing
409s streaming there's a lot of questions
411s that people ask so I think Radin you
413s wanted to talk about what is it what do
416s FC what do know number two
419s hello there we go what do FC we've had
423s this a lot streaming educating new
425s players as I said before in the
426s mechanics and gameplay styles of EVE
428s Online a long saying that students also
431s learn from those in chat we have some
434s examples of this which would be fun
435s streamers also learn from each other we
437s collaborate and we do things together so
440s let's have a look at what happens no
447s that's an offline ok so shift clicked
449s actually off lines thing
450s [Music]
455s white
457s [Music]
468s [Music]
480s absolutely love it let's keep going I
484s didn't know you can do subfolders yes
490s I'm not gonna clock I'm sorry
491s how do you do subfolders create a group
498s holy crap I just learned something rated
502s right click on that little bar to the
504s left create cool you can even lock the
508s New York
508s comm okay whoa I will hide this thing
511s has an auto hide function oh there's
519s more
519s it's a click on the mr shipp what's
521s gonna be a park and show stuff ones okay
532s so here so you mean like show info on
536s this oh you are so right
540s oh my and this is where streamers can
551s help each other this is smokes who's in
553s here somewhere
554s I saw a raven this is and we know across
556s from Australia do you know that's
558s because their projection pointing us so
560s we are done yeah
563s okay go for the curse move - what's a
565s curse just go full speed towards that
567s curse put you to put your biggest range
569s you've got on them go straight for the
570s curse oh wait what's he slow I'm gonna
573s catch that's a shame hello
577s scratch that let's try going for this
579s guy go for the road go towards the road
581s I'm already dead pretty much that was
585s insane sorry some streamers
594s focus on having fun and interacting and
595s just being themselves class example is
598s manic velocity he's a terrible pilot he
601s can't fix ships
602s how does even I'm dark I'm pretty sure
605s he doesn't know where the Barton is but
606s we'll watch him I love watching him and
609s what he produces sorry I'm I had to go a
613s little bit but I'm picking you up as
614s well so we're all good he's an example
617s of why he makes me smile every time I
620s watch him or be around him
637s [Laughter]
640s [Applause]
644s shake it off buddy
646s the enormous passives we spoke about
648s earlier they do bring a lot of viewers
651s generally for Intel or is for plays that
654s can't necessarily take part in these
656s battles they want to see what's going on
658s they want to watch the things slowly
661s move like this in tight died its but
666s they love watching it because they get
667s the Intel as well so it's quite good and
671s it's also about history being made as we
673s mentioned before the majors of the
674s battle that took place on January 23rd
677s 94 when 19,000 viewers were watching
680s this so that's incredible but we want to
683s try and get that to normal daily viewing
686s Twitch it gets more people looking at
688s EVE Online and we want more nerds to
691s shoot so that would be good charity
695s involvement is another part of streaming
697s eve streaming community has always been
700s an incredibly supportive of charity
702s events like Eva thorne we all like to
705s take part in those and help where we can
707s the platform of Twitch allows us to
711s inform about charities that do fantastic
712s work as well whether we're raising money
714s or not we can at least get the message
717s out there of a lot of charities so it's
719s a really good platform for doing that
721s many streamers are prepared to go above
724s and beyond their normal comfort levels
726s to help raise funds singing as we just
730s saw and even youth hairstyles I did not
733s know that was in there okay I have gray
736s hair this is not my natural color I did
739s this for Eva thorne because of like yeah
744s I opened my big mouth and said I'd dye
746s my hair grey because I'm an old man if
748s we got to a certain amount on the stream
750s I was taking part in and we got there
752s and I had to dye my hair gray so that's
755s why I'm this color the streaming
758s community as a whole
759s is privileged roads actually raise money
761s to support these charities but we can't
763s do that without the community which is
765s all you guys so thank you so much
768s helping us raise money for these great
769s charities so thank you right most common
779s questions how to become a streamer we
782s get asked this quite a lot how do I do
784s this can anyone be a streamer yeah but
788s you got to ask yourself a few questions
789s first what do you want to get out of it
792s there's enjoyment there's new I can
796s never say this word I'll just use it new
800s be famous is another one there's easy
804s way of saying it what would you like to
806s showcase what do you want to show people
808s I know streamers toggle over this in
811s their minds all the time
813s dawn a PvP tour on a fleet don't wanna
815s do PvE don't do mining what do I want to
818s do eventually they get there another big
822s question this was a little bit of why I
825s had to stop streaming was how much time
828s can you commit to it
829s because having a schedule is really
832s important as a streamer it's like be
834s who's outside he comes on stream every
838s day at the same times like a TV show
839s it's scheduled he's always there you've
842s got to know that you can commit to doing
844s this are you prepared to put the work in
847s to be a streamer it's not easy it's not
849s just playing a game and talking there's
852s a lot of preparation that goes in but if
855s you still want to give it a go
856s we're gonna get a proper streamer up
857s here to talk to you about a day in the
863s life of a streamer as to what goes into
865s it he's reloading
868s [Applause]
872s good afternoon Eve agus how many times
875s have you watched a streamer and at the
877s beginning they don't have the sound on
878s this one I'm gonna talk to you about its
882s if you want to start streaming right now
883s it's actually very easy to do it all you
885s need is one single program called stream
887s loves OBS it makes streaming
889s ridiculously easy all you have to do is
892s get you twitch key stream key or YouTube
894s stream key or mixer canteen whatever
895s whatever have you plug it in and off you
897s go don't forget to turn your sound on
899s it's a problem that happens with
901s everybody on top of that all you have to
903s have is the game on the screen you can
906s have a webcam you don't have to have it
907s it helps if you do too with interactions
910s but you don't you don't have to have it
911s all the bells and whistles on top are
913s just extra but when you're just starting
916s to stream for the first time don't worry
917s about it honestly just get your content
920s out there it doesn't matter whether you
921s have alerts or anything like that just
923s get out there try it for yourself don't
925s worry if it comes your viewers that's
927s fine pretend that you're narrating the
930s game to yourself as if you explain it to
931s your friends and then you will come it's
933s as simple as that if you don't actually
936s verbalize what you're doing game
937s practice it and don't worry if nobody's
940s watching that's okay because are you
941s doing this for practice but always try
944s to keep the chat up always talk to
946s somebody when they come in and that's as
949s simple as that so if you want to try it
951s ask stream plea for help we're here to
953s help you out any questions you have
955s please ask miss Moses Rayna Harmon
957s myself or anybody in a discord thank you
965s so I have to do this bit because we're
969s stream fleet so we do so now you're
972s streaming you can come talk to us we're
976s an Eve community that is all about
978s streaming and content providers we're
982s not elitist much to popular belief or
985s sometimes we're here to help you grow
987s and build your community we want more
988s people streaming Eve we want more
990s viewers who turn into players that's it
992s why we're here we'll work with you on
994s streaming techniques improving
996s production quality and of course
997s promoting your stream as much as we can
1000s stream fleet is not here to tell you
1002s what and when to stream we're here to
1003s to be the streamer you wish to be we
1008s help each other a lot major benefit of
1011s our community is the interaction it
1012s brings between each other assistance
1015s with technology with graphics ideas
1017s happen on daily basis from really new
1021s streamers coming in saying oh we could
1023s do this and then everyone goes yeah
1024s that's nice or experience partners
1027s saying I've designed this you can use it
1030s I'll give it to any of you it's really
1032s good
1032s inter really long word into community
1036s collaboration is now growing we're proud
1039s to be able to assist iron in Thursday
1041s night and this morning with getting two
1043s of their shows out and if we're elitist
1046s we wouldn't do that so it's really good
1048s to work with them we've helped promote
1050s the 80 with event E and we brought
1052s chiefly two weeks ago life to twitch for
1056s the first time so we're really proud of
1059s that
1059s [Music]
1063s [Applause]
1066s here's two streamers well one stream are
1070s talking about another streamer and being
1071s nice person I players are easy to talk
1073s to I'll say all of them cuz we all we
1075s all have the same in common we all
1077s like this really weird game but yeah
1081s like Zara Vox and I just like I mean
1084s he's our box instantly like hit it off
1087s and then we made out later and he's a
1089s really good kisser you see what happens
1099s manic when you you know show up late
1101s that's the cliff I decided to go with
1104s that showcases you for us I thought it's
1106s just some shoe up perfectly singing and
1108s being best buddies with our votes
1111s we love you manic yeah so before we
1116s finish because I have to go and
1118s disappear to run the next stream the
1120s joys are being here we wanted to thank
1122s everybody for all the help you've given
1124s and I actually wanted to personally
1125s thank someone who's not here today
1127s EQ who is fat back in Europe who does an
1131s awful lot of work behind the scenes for
1133s us and has been on discord cause with us
1135s at 2:00 in the morning this weekend
1137s probably been trying to resolve some
1138s technical difficulties he's been an
1140s absolute star so I'm very very thankful
1142s for the work he's done I don't even know
1144s if he's watching I mean I've got twitch
1145s chat' but we'll see any he might appear
1147s maybe not so if you want to know any
1150s more about the streamers of Eve or the
1153s community or how we can help you
1154s we're here this weekend we're on Twitter
1157s come and find us you know we're fairly
1159s obvious to find now you know that space
1161s out there you can come and get us just
1165s come and talk to us about anything that
1166s you want to know about it we do have the
1168s website out there that has listed over
1170s 160 Eve streamers that is valid today
1173s across all the different platforms and
1175s we're gonna finish up with the video in
1177s just a moment but I'm sure for once
1179s radom would actually like to have the
1180s last word in a conversation we have so
1182s there we go that's a bit harsh but yes
1188s thank you all for come to listen to us
1189s and I really want as many people as we
1192s can to watch these wonderful streamers
1194s on Twitch so spread the word if you can
1196s and come see us enjoy the rest of Vegas
1202s [Music]
1203s [Applause]
1204s [Music]
1205s [Applause]
1207s [Music]
1226s [Applause]
1236s I still have some of your stuff since
1239s the last time you rage quit on me it
1243s reminds me of all the good times we had
1247s maybe I just didn't shoot you enough
1252s maybe you wanted to shoot me more
1257s instead
1261s without you
1265s is more than
1268s [Music]
1272s keep looking over my shoulder
1275s [Music]
1281s [Applause]
1284s [Music]
1310s we ride our names in the skies there is
1314s fire in the roads there to be mass me
1319s gaze upon the Stars
1323s every minor loss
1326s like a bird needs its fry
1331s [Music]
1347s my show
1351s [Music]
1351s [Applause]
1353s see
1357s [Music]
1373s pew-pew
1376s [Music]
1471s yeah thanks again