about 3 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
22s welcome back to the pulse in the heart
24s of g24 your regular source of news from
26s eve online many of the exciting updates
28s mentioned in the recent road to fanfest
30s blog are now live in-game balance
32s changes new player-focused improvements
34s visual enhancements and more are set to
36s propel new eden into a future that's
38s never looked brighter the new mining
40s adventure is now live as part of the air
42s new player experience this significant
44s update to the first hour of gameplay
46s sends rookie capsuleers on a resource
48s gathering expedition fraught with
49s intrigue and hints at the unfolding air
51s storyline market and industry
53s fundamentals are also part of this
55s introductory experience
56s the anticipated changes to compression
58s as part of sweeping industry
60s improvements are also here and finally
62s available after the bloody raid and
63s theft from all research facilities
66s industrial command ships now have new
67s modules which allow all nearby fleet
69s mates to instantly compress their own
71s materials in addition gas and moon oil
74s resources are now compressible using
75s these new modules the porpoise can now
78s compress gas and asteroid ore and both
80s the orca and raw coil can compress all
82s resources gas ice asteroid ore and moon
85s ore finally compression continues to be
88s lossless and the capacity of jet cans
90s has been doubled to make it easier for
92s high volume miners and haulers to work
94s together more efficiently
96s a new scope will be coming soon in which
98s alton havery will report on the release
100s of outer ring excavation's new material
102s compression technology to the market and
104s will thank capsuleers for the safe
105s return of over 40 kidnap staff and
108s researchers to their families
110s the prospectus path event celebrates
111s these sweeping changes to industry join
114s the festivities and dive into a special
116s mining blitz event log in daily for free
118s gifts and challenges and mine in style
120s with offers on great skins
122s from now until the 16th of march fly
124s solo or with friends and gather unique
126s resources from mining expedition event
128s sites while fending off npc attacks then
131s deliver the oar to a nearby npc orca
134s rewards include risk and loyalty points
136s which can be traded in at special
137s resource wars lp stores for exclusive
140s skins including a new freighter skin and
142s apparel
143s you'll also be able to complete daily
144s mining challenges gathering varying
146s amounts of ore and can score up to 10
148s 000 skill points for your efforts
150s furthermore log in daily until the 16th
152s of march to claim free mining focused
155s boosters and up to 20 000 skill points
157s if you're an omega
158s in the same rich mining vein there are
160s now brand new limited time packs
162s available in the eve store
164s the industrial commander pack contains
166s omega plex skill points an expert
168s cerebral accelerator and the porpoise
170s radioactive's reclamation skin and the
173s dress to compress pack contains men's
175s and women's air claim survey suits and
177s the orca knox rush skin both only
179s available until the 31st of march you
182s can also get the prospectors pack
183s containing a fully fitted retriever the
185s necessary skills and modules to pilot it
188s as well as 30 days of omega to further
190s celebrate the industry updates a new
192s abyssal proving grounds event will run
194s from the 12th to the 14th of march grab
196s your venture and fit it for an intense
198s 48 hours of free-for-all warfare for
200s arena bonuses and restrictions check out
203s the news item linked below
204s changes to new eden's beloved
206s battleships have improved their
207s survivability and mobility on the
209s battlefield a new role bonus has been
211s added to all empire faction marauder and
214s black ops battleships apart from the
216s praxis which increases the effectiveness
218s of armor plates by 50
220s and bumps shield extenders by 100
222s what's more hull tankers of new eden can
224s rejoice as battleships have also gotten
226s a five percent additive hp bonus for
228s reinforced bulkheads and large micro
231s jump drive fitting requirements have
232s also been reduced substantially
235s on the topic of battleships from now
236s until the 16th of march you can get
238s discounts on a stack of scintillating
240s skins in the new eden store including
242s examples from the edens hunters ghost's
244s hex vampire's hex and steel cardinal
247s skin lines to name but a few
250s resistance modules which had their
251s resistances lowered by the surgical
253s strike update have now had half the
255s resistances they lost returned this has
257s been done so that capsuleers such as
259s wormholers lowsec pilots small to medium
262s gangs and even solo fighters can enjoy
264s longer and more tactical combat
266s this also provides new challenges to
268s master while rewarding good decision
270s making and opens the door to more
272s specialized fits and doctrines while
274s also enabling more ship diversity for
277s all areas of combat
278s another update that's now live and eve
280s involves quality of life changes to
282s warfare surrounding player owned customs
284s offices
285s gantry shield ehp has been greatly
287s reduced and both the onlining delay and
289s unanchoring delay have been increased
291s creating more fun and fairer gameplay
293s for both attackers and defenders players
296s can also now warp directly to the gantry
298s when it is placed in space and the
300s location from which players can launch
301s the gantry has been standardized there
304s are increased rewards for the use of the
305s concord rogue analysis beacon also live
308s in game now these come in the form of a
310s decrease in the loyalty point cost for
312s the beacon blueprint as well as an
313s increase in the amount of rogue drone
315s infestation data per run
322s maintaining eve's visually stunning
323s universe is as big a priority going
325s forward as ever and new visual updates
327s are now live
328s reflections in client now include
330s structures effects and other significant
332s objects in the space around you adding
334s to the immersion of new eden take your
336s silver magnate out for a spin today and
338s revel in its reflective radiance if you
340s dare on saturday the 19th of march
342s between 1600 and 2200 utc the eighth
346s annual frigate free-for-all will take
348s place in the system of ualetta organised
350s by the stay frosty player corporation 10
353s 000 free fitted frigates will be given
355s out to players that show up in system
357s and want to get stuck into this intense
359s and popular pvp event
361s ccp devs will also be in attendance and
363s all are invited so check out the link in
365s the description for more info to support
368s the stay frosty frigate free for all
369s there will also be the frigate frenzy
371s event running from the 18th to the 22nd
373s of march this will involve the 2v2 tech
375s one frigate abyssal proving grounds
377s round daily login gifs such as combat
379s boosters and a special expert system
382s that will allow anyone to fly all t1
384s empire frigates plus seasonal challenges
386s that reward more combat boosters and
388s frigate skins
389s ccp developers come from many countries
391s including both the ukraine and russia we
394s are joined with them in their shared
395s grief and dismay at the conflict that is
397s unfolding capsuleers too are deeply
400s affected and have called on ccp to
402s launch a new plex for good to raise
403s money to support those affected by the
405s conflict
407s the campaign is live now and you can
408s make a contribution by contracting your
410s spareplex to the in-game character ccp
414s plex for good at the conclusion of the
416s campaign all player donations will be
418s matched by ccp up to 250 000 us dollars
422s in this difficult time our thoughts are
423s with both our ukrainian community and
426s our russian community who like everyone
428s else are ordinary people that want no
429s part in war please capsuleers when
432s you're in space remember to treat your
434s fellow pilots with humanity and respect
436s no matter where they're from
438s that's all for this episode of the pulse
439s thanks again for joining us remember to
441s check the description below for more
442s information on the stories that we've
444s covered and hit subscribe and the bell
445s icon to stay notified of any new content
447s that we post see you next time