9 months
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | hello everyone and welcome to the latest |
3s | and final of this series in Equinox INF |
6s | Focus uh live chat today we've got the |
8s | director's chat something which I'm |
9s | always looking forward to because I'm |
11s | beginning to have something of a paoan |
13s | reaction whenever I hear the term |
14s | director's chat because it's telling me |
15s | that expansion is just around the corner |
17s | which in this case it definitely is it's |
19s | only a few days away on the 11th of June |
20s | you'll be able to try out the new |
21s | expansion and joining me aptly for the |
24s | directors chat uh game director CCP |
26s | retardi and creative director CCP Burger |
30s | uh we're still heads down here at CCP |
32s | you know I'm putting the crosses on the |
35s | t's and the dots on the lowercase JS |
36s | getting the expansion ready for you CP |
38s | retardi CCP Burger what's the mood |
40s | around the office how are things |
42s | going anxious I think yeah PR exci and |
46s | Jitters anxious but excited too it's a |
49s | for sure yeah it's for sure it's an |
51s | emotional roller coaster because uh |
53s | obviously you want it to be great you |
54s | we've put a lot of work into this over |
56s | the last several months um and it'll |
58s | soon be in players hands so you can |
59s | start pulling it apart so the last three |
61s | expansions that we've worked on uh |
63s | Uprising vidiian and Havoc have touched |
65s | on many many areas of of Evon line but |
67s | have had sort of like a consistent sort |
69s | of focus on losc I think it's fair to |
71s | say with the reinvigoration of factional |
74s | warfare the introduction of new factions |
77s | um the uh uh Insurgency mechanic which |
79s | came along and has proven to be really |
80s | really popular and now for equinox after |
83s | giving so much attention there for a |
84s | while we're kind of like pivoting a |
85s | little bit and looking a bit more |
86s | closely at nsec for the first time in a |
89s | little while what were sort of some of |
91s | the things that led to the decision to |
92s | say that like okay loac is is going to |
94s | be okay for now and we're going to turn |
96s | our attention over |
97s | here yeah so if I if I maybe kick things |
100s | off uh yeah we've been kind of you know |
103s | after we went back to expansions uh |
105s | We've we've kind of last three expansive |
107s | expansions have been focused on on uh |
110s | low and we've been but we've been kind |
113s | of thinking about noac the whole time |
115s | and we've been kind of rather than going |
117s | into into nsac where you know a lot of |
120s | the the player-to-player politics is |
121s | happening a lot of the kind of these |
123s | ideas of control and and things like |
125s | that going on we wanted to use uh a |
129s | different area of space of trying out |
130s | some of the hypothesis that we've been |
132s | flowing with um so in many ways you know |
136s | not to not to Discount the discount low |
138s | or discount work we did in low like it's |
140s | absolutely fantastic but these have been |
142s | kind of you know we've been allowing |
144s | ourselves to try out different |
145s | hypothesis and different ideas that have |
147s | been floating around for a while uh |
149s | before kind of the full step into into |
152s | into n so this um econox definitely |
155s | marks the first expansion uh where we're |
158s | kind of taking these steps into what |
160s | does owning what does owning space mean |
163s | what does uh territory control mean and |
166s | and things like that so we we're very |
169s | excited to get this into players hand |
171s | and get players uh uh really hammering |
175s | on these new features and and figuring |
177s | out new clever ways to to you know break |
180s | our brains and ideas and and figuring |
182s | out new ways to to uh yeah shoot each |
186s | other in the face cool more the |
190s | sandbox yeah I I mean I know that um |
193s | with the at the moment in nsec there's |
196s | really not much difference between one |
197s | system or another there are obviously |
199s | some aspects like geography how many |
201s | gate connections it has how close it is |
202s | to sort of jump off points and LC and of |
204s | course there's TRC which is sort of a |
206s | nebulous thing that just sits under the |
208s | surface of of nsec in general |
210s | but with the the new sovereignty hubs |
212s | that are coming the consolidation of the |
214s | ihubs and tcus that that that represents |
217s | the the sky hooks Supply chains of |
219s | resources that will be needed to |
220s | maintain um sovereignty upgrades um it |
223s | it we're putting more objectives it's |
225s | fair to say I think into space so there |
227s | you know as as a either as a harassment |
230s | utility or as a precursor to an invasion |
232s | there will be strategic points that an |
234s | enemy might want to sort of strike on to |
236s | try and sort of I guess like soften up |
238s | the ground a little bit before the next |
239s | steps in the |
243s | 100% um a lot of what we have been |
245s | trying to do is to to put way more |
248s | objectives in |
249s | space uh put PE more people into space |
252s | always that's kind of like a a rule of |
255s | thumb for us um and basically applying a |
259s | lot of these things that we learned from |
260s | faction Warfare about like um small |
264s | medium large objectives is something |
266s | that we really want to kind of uh take |
268s | as a as a as a core part of the vision |
270s | so that everyone can participate so |
273s | we're we're basically get everyone in |
275s | space but also not just into space for |
277s | something but like something meaningful |
279s | and something that fits their |
280s | capabilities so they can build up |
282s | confidence and be a part of like a |
284s | larger organization so everyone has a |
287s | role to play is is one of our things |
289s | what I mean by harassment of course is |
291s | like for someone mentioned in chat was |
293s | like the metox mo drill which people |
294s | will be anchoring to Harvest Moon |
296s | resources people will be able to uh blow |
298s | those up fairly easily that'll a source |
300s | of contestable income kind of like the |
302s | old poses which used to sort of like |
304s | just scoop up moongo and people would be |
306s | like fighting over the best moons |
308s | because the metox can also go into |
309s | Wormhole space and into loc so that |
311s | should spread the influence of that uh |
313s | that particular structure plus the |
314s | things that they uh are fed with the |
316s | reagents the um superionic ice or CP |
320s | calls it supersonic ice and um magmatic |
323s | gas which will have to come from Sky |
325s | Hooks and other parts of space to |
326s | maintain their fuel that those resources |
328s | unlike Workforce and electricity aren't |
330s | just you know transported sort of |
333s | mechanically by the system throughout |
334s | the throughout the network they actually |
336s | have to be collected and transported by |
338s | players so they'll be indictable they'll |
340s | be raidable U you'll be able to steal uh |
343s | those reagents from other players |
345s | skyhooks if they're you know not reative |
347s | react quickly enough when you show up |
348s | with your rating party to snatch them |
350s | away um so yeah hopefully there's a lot |
352s | more opportunities for engagement |
353s | that'll be coming in in um with the |
355s | Equinox system from aw TM uh in this |
360s | yeah definitely and this is a big thing |
362s | that we really want to focus on this |
363s | idea of you know there are multiple |
366s | multiple ways multiple kind of levels |
368s | you can enter the system into you know |
370s | if you're you know if you want to claim |
372s | space and set up your own Skyhook for a |
374s | for a very consistent flow of um these |
377s | resources or if you want to go and |
379s | siphon them and steal them and kind of |
381s | play more of the that that type of a |
383s | game so or them from the market from |
385s | somebody else who's done all this |
386s | stealing and siphoning yeah absolutely |
388s | so there are like there there angles to |
391s | to solve this person yeah uh and of |
394s | course on the back of that is you know |
395s | um this will require a restructure of a |
398s | lot of the uh nullsec infrastructure |
400s | that many alliances have had in place |
401s | for a while and probably taken for |
402s | granted for a while that's obviously |
404s | going to be a challenge for some |
405s | alliances but also just sort of uh uh |
408s | you know scrambling the Rubik's Cube a |
409s | little bit I know people will be hitting |
410s | the spreadsheets really really hard |
412s | trying to figure out where the best |
413s | systems are because you know not like I |
415s | said not all systems are created equally |
417s | now if you have a particular class of |
418s | star and a particular type of say an |
421s | abundance of say plasma planets in your |
422s | system that's obviously a logical uh |
425s | candidate for a you know an important |
427s | system a capital system uh somewhere |
429s | where you want to set up because you'll |
430s | have the energy to run lots of |
432s | sovereignty upgrades in that systems and |
433s | you'll have to route your Workforce in |
435s | from elsewhere as as some of your |
437s | reagents so a lot for a lot for the big |
439s | Galaxy brains of the alliances and Eve |
441s | online to think about in this expansion |
443s | and of course that might also require |
445s | them to rationalize how they've got |
447s | their an plexes deployed because they |
449s | may you know you may have had an anx |
451s | Network set up a certain way now for |
453s | several years but with Equinox perhaps |
456s | the same systems that those anes are in |
458s | today uh won't be able to sustain that |
461s | same number of network so that will have |
463s | to be refracted as well so this is like |
464s | a peripheral you know peripherally it'll |
467s | also probably affect projection a little |
469s | bit and it'll be really interesting to |
471s | see what happens with that because we |
472s | know from the player base and from |
473s | talking to the CSM um a projection is a |
476s | big concern and is kind of it's kind of |
479s | Handy that as a I mean I'm not saying |
480s | it's completely by accident definitely |
483s | some thought went into it as well but |
484s | another component of our approach that |
486s | we've taken with Equinox will mean that |
488s | um those things will have to be sort of |
489s | rethought and rationalized so that um |
492s | their networks are sustainable yeah |
494s | absolutely and and I mean un lexes and |
497s | projection is is a big topic here and |
500s | this is something that we are we're |
502s | we're thinking about a lot and there are |
503s | going to be some I mean with Equinox |
507s | like the use of an sulex will definitely |
510s | be impacted then we will change kind of |
511s | how people will approach them and this |
513s | is we definitely want to see how Equinox |
516s | plays out and we know with big changes |
520s | like this there is always there's always |
522s | a grace period that we need to kind of |
523s | we need to kind of hold on hold back for |
525s | like couple of months because it's only |
528s | you know come kind of August September |
530s | October we where we really start to see |
533s | the impact of these changes to |
535s | projection and things like that so uh |
537s | this is very high on our list and this |
539s | is one of the top priorities uh uh for |
542s | the latter half of the year to to really |
544s | deep dive into into these into |
547s | projection and and the the uh |
550s | interesting challenges around it in E |
552s | today but first we want to see the |
554s | impact of of these new Sol chenes of the |
557s | new reagents and Workforce and how that |
560s | will affect uh uh kind of these networks |
564s | yeah which we dem sorry go |
566s | C uh no I just wanted to expand on the |
569s | so on the graphy so this has been |
571s | something we've been working on for over |
573s | three years now is to to make space more |
576s | diverse uh and geography matter more uh |
579s | with regard to resources but also travel |
582s | um it's been kind of stag it used to be |
584s | stagnant um and these are these are |
586s | solved things now uh what we want to do |
589s | is we want to keep the flexibility and |
591s | the freedom in the agency to have travel |
593s | to have like control their travel to |
595s | control their Logistics control their |
597s | resources and now we're finally getting |
599s | into that place of of of uh of |
602s | customizing space something that we were |
605s | basically talking about for been for a |
607s | very long time um and also I would say |
611s | increasing a little bit the effort of of |
614s | maintaining Logistics Network without |
616s | kind of cont completely uh making |
618s | Logistics directives hate their |
621s | lives we're not basically just you know |
625s | uh it's a it's a de Gentle Touch on the |
629s | on the system MH uh but I think there's |
631s | a a lot of give and take here uh finally |
633s | being able to kind of customize more on |
635s | their |
636s | resources uh alleviate a lot of the |
639s | pressure on jump freers well like uh |
641s | there's just it kind of to me it's the |
645s | culmination and I would say uh |
649s | Harvest like this is this is the first |
652s | of the Harvest expansions where you |
653s | actually see like all of these things |
655s | come together right it's good so I can't |
657s | wait it's good to hear you say that |
658s | because I mentioned you know the the |
660s | trilogy let's call it that of the um of |
664s | the the low SEC experiences that we've |
666s | just had and CP burger also you know |
669s | sort of like indicated this was the idea |
672s | before that this is like kind of once |
674s | again we're just embarking now on a on a |
676s | New Journey that's going to sort of go |
677s | on for a period of time we'll be |
679s | iterating on the things that we added |
680s | we'll be adding new things um we'll be |
683s | thinking about the future of of war in |
685s | New Eden what that's going to look like |
687s | and as we've covered in the the previous |
689s | streams that we've done on this we've |
691s | been talking about the actual nsac |
693s | aspects but also the home front stuff |
694s | and the Skinner stuff which we talked |
696s | about earlier in in um the InFocus |
698s | series of streams we'll continue to rate |
700s | on like the people's ability like you |
701s | know personal expression ship you know |
703s | ship skins and their the way they |
705s | express themselves uh and of course you |
708s | know yeah the the improvements that have |
710s | come to the corporation projects in this |
713s | in this expansion we're refactoring the |
715s | uh Corporation management UI window so |
717s | it's just a little bit more sensible and |
719s | in line with the rest of the the |
720s | features in the game so the the future |
723s | is bright but we've spoken at length |
725s | over the last few weeks both here on the |
727s | stream and in various Dev blogs about |
729s | these four big ticket items you know |
731s | Equinox itself the new ships the home |
734s | front and the Skinner there's a bunch of |
736s | stuff coming in this expansion though |
737s | and this is probably the payoff for |
738s | tuning into the stream right now there's |
739s | a bunch of stuff coming in this |
741s | expansion which we haven't talked about |
742s | at all yet you know the bundle of joy |
745s | let's call it the the the icing on the |
747s | cake the cherry on the icing of the cake |
750s | um and to talk about those a little bit |
752s | we would like to introduce you to uh uh |
754s | someone who you may not be familiar with |
755s | that's been working at CCP with us now |
757s | for a while CCP aami let me uh yink them |
761s | into the room hello CCP akami welcome to |
763s | the stream he everybody super nice to be |
766s | here um this uh Cami is yet another |
769s | director so now in addition to the game |
771s | director and the creative director we |
773s | have the game design director uh before |
776s | we sort of launch into what's uh what he |
779s | uh his to talk about could we maybe just |
782s | tell the people gather at home what is a |
784s | game design director and what do they |
787s | do yeah I think I think of game design |
789s | direction as designing the design team |
791s | so I'm here really to work with our |
794s | super awesome solid design team that we |
796s | have already and just help them organize |
799s | facilitate themselves uh understand how |
801s | they want to work with our players and |
803s | take player feedback into account as we |
805s | design things um how they talk to and |
808s | work with burger and snort and just get |
810s | our design team basically the strongest |
811s | team that it can possibly be delivering |
814s | like excellent content for you guys so |
815s | that's that's really my role here is is |
817s | working with the designers on on that |
819s | sort of level nice one and just how long |
821s | have you been with CCP at the moment in |
823s | this |
823s | role uh I think it's been five months |
826s | officially yeah I think it's about five |
828s | months right on that's not long |
830s | enough yeah I know it all now everything |
834s | by heart so yeah no I mean we' we've |
836s | missed you in the the past I know I've |
840s | I've seen you being I mean I didn't |
842s | actually get to speak to you until uh |
843s | recently because you're not yet you're |
845s | located in Iceland but um I I've you're |
848s | like white on rice as they say all over |
850s | slack all over the internal Wiki uh |
853s | doing game design documents and just |
855s | like pushing you know shaping how this |
857s | our systems work which is really really |
859s | cool um but as I said you're here to |
862s | talk about a little bit about what we're |
863s | referring to internally just sort of |
864s | like casually as the bundle of joy um do |
867s | first of all do before we talk about |
868s | specifics do you want like can explain |
870s | what we mean by that when we say a |
872s | bundle of joy I thought I was the bundle |
875s | of joy |
877s | um H uh yeah the bundle of joy is really |
881s | just a bunch of different pieces that we |
883s | kind of tried to pick off and didn't |
885s | really fit with like one specific thing |
888s | like piece of the game like nulc or uh |
891s | anywhere else and all it is is really a |
893s | bunch of updates to like meta changes |
895s | like game balances we've seen this part |
898s | of the game getting a lot of feed back |
899s | can we do something to give it a bit of |
901s | a bump and there's a lot of stuff that's |
903s | feedback from CSM and the player |
905s | community as well that we've tried to |
906s | take like tackle and just get a bunch of |
908s | little pieces kind of in there to to |
910s | boost everything else kind of |
911s | surrounding the expansion so at a high |
913s | level that's the bundle of joy all right |
917s | well let's should we just get started |
919s | like I said sure a lot of people who are |
922s | watching wouldn't have seen much of this |
924s | coming but would we like to start by |
926s | talking about the 74 and carrier idea |
932s | um yeah I think I think carriers are a |
934s | great place for us to start so talking |
936s | about the capital ecosystem like this is |
938s | something that we're really committed to |
941s | uh creating vibrant and sort of |
943s | challenging gameplay for all aspects of |
945s | the game and with that in mind we've |
947s | been thinking about carriers and taking |
949s | a look at some of the stuff we want to |
950s | do there so there are some carrier |
951s | changes coming and the philosophy here |
953s | is like where do they fit in the game |
956s | like we've we've kind of taken a look at |
957s | what their role was and what they're |
959s | doing and how do we shift them into |
961s | something that is interesting and |
962s | meaningful without just kind of tuning |
964s | up their damage or or hit points or |
966s | something like that uh so we've thought |
968s | about carriers as really having movement |
971s | oriented and positioning oriented |
973s | gameplay so that's their strength in the |
975s | game and with that in mind there are |
977s | three new things uh that you can expect |
979s | with carriers in this expansion the |
981s | design team has done a great job sort of |
983s | uh coming up with and working on the |
986s | first is they all have a new innate |
988s | ability called a conduit jump so all |
991s | carriers will have this and this lets |
993s | them uh basically jump between systems |
997s | and carry up to 30 combat sub Capital |
1000s | ships with them and that's with Max |
1002s | skills trained and everything uh so |
1004s | thinking about them sort of uh being |
1006s | able to transport small fleets and |
1008s | deploy small fleets into combat that's |
1010s | their first big sort of |
1012s | overhaul second thing all right stop me |
1014s | if you want to jam on any this this is |
1017s | in the patch notes but I just like my my |
1019s | detail in mind is they said it's an |
1021s | anate ability which means on patch day |
1023s | all carriers will have this ability uh |
1025s | with the minimum level set to five uh |
1027s | and there will be a new skill that you |
1028s | can train that per level adds five more |
1031s | so you'll be able to do five by default |
1033s | with a carrier and then train up to five |
1035s | levels for five more space friends per |
1037s | level up to a maximum of |
1039s | 30 that's right proceed yep all right |
1043s | awesome yeah so the next one that's uh |
1045s | pretty exciting is uh more around um the |
1049s | carrier survival and how it kind of fits |
1051s | on the battlefield right now so we know |
1053s | that they're a bit of a slow ship and |
1054s | that they can get kind of like jumped on |
1056s | and and have have challenges with that |
1058s | so there's a new module that they can |
1060s | they can have which is called a capital |
1062s | micro jump drive and what this does is |
1064s | it lets them spool up and jumps them for |
1066s | 250 kilometers so this is a uh get out |
1069s | of combat sort of |
1071s | reposition um module right |
1075s | on uh and the last one which is really |
1077s | exciting I think and has a huge impact |
1080s | on how carriers are going to work in |
1082s | combat is it's pretty similar uh but |
1085s | this one's called the capital micro jump |
1086s | field generator and when this one spools |
1089s | up it jumps uh the carrier and nearby |
1092s | ships Ford 250 kilometers so this can |
1095s | move uh sub capitals uh as well as |
1098s | capital ships um combat ships basically |
1101s | uh and this is like really strategic for |
1103s | repositioning people on the battlefield |
1105s | so I'm really excited to see how this |
1107s | lands and how people use this in their |
1109s | in their combat strategies yeah people |
1111s | already call the Kush I think they I |
1114s | think it's Landing pretty well so far uh |
1116s | but so uh and just to expand as as with |
1119s | before this this will be for the the |
1121s | field is about I think it's a 10 km |
1123s | radius around the carrier and it'll move |
1125s | up up to 50 sub capitals or up uh or |
1129s | sorry up to 50 sub 50 sub capitals and |
1131s | up to four capitals even if they're in |
1134s | Siege or triage uh or the or the or the |
1137s | sub capitals are in Bastion mode |
1140s | so that's kind of interesting uh what do |
1143s | you think twitch |
1145s | chat I think this is super interesting |
1147s | yeah I think it's super cool I love U |
1150s | I'm I'm a big fan of of of uh kind of |
1154s | identity for ships it's something like |
1156s | that I've really tried to kind of push |
1158s | for for some time and fundamentally it |
1161s | it like I I'm a World War II kind of |
1165s | buff and I love battleships and and |
1167s | those kinds of things I think having |
1169s | that identity super clear for each of |
1171s | these ships what's a destroyer what's a |
1174s | frig it helps new players also like |
1177s | understand like how to what to do what |
1179s | roles to fulfill in a fleet Etc even if |
1182s | you have like specific Eve roles to then |
1184s | later to fulfill but the kind of like |
1186s | original Fantasy is something you come |
1188s | with from the environment into the game |
1190s | like and you kind of you have some |
1192s | assumed knowledge um and carriers have |
1195s | just and supers super carriers have have |
1197s | kind of like |
1199s | I've been waiting for a long time to get |
1201s | like more of this Mothership fantasy and |
1203s | this this is really fulfilling that yeah |
1206s | just to clarify however this is only |
1207s | applying to carriers just in case anyone |
1209s | because CCP reard mentioned super |
1211s | carriers then this this this these |
1213s | modules these changes are just for like |
1215s | the Baseline carriers which is which is |
1217s | great and I think it's a I think it's a |
1218s | much more interesting and creative way |
1220s | of doing something with carriers just |
1222s | rather than adding a few more HP or you |
1224s | know adding a bit more DPS or something |
1226s | like that giving them a defined role |
1228s | because they kind of been squeezed out a |
1229s | little bit with how effective Marauders |
1231s | are and also you know how effective |
1233s | dreadnots are so giving them a defined |
1236s | role it's basically like command |
1237s | destroyers right you're you're creating |
1239s | a a class of ship that has a very |
1240s | specific Battlefield utility in addition |
1243s | to its pre-existent you know fairly |
1245s | considerable um DPS ability and it and |
1248s | this tank but now it's just got like a |
1250s | it's got a little something extra that |
1252s | makes you will make get people's heads |
1253s | turning about how we can use these |
1255s | things on the battlefield rather than |
1257s | leave those at home because it's |
1258s | obviously just better to bring a bunch |
1259s | ofers or obviously better to bring just |
1262s | bring a bunch of dreadn which is super |
1264s | cool um now there was also something to |
1266s | do with um uh Titan doomsdays CP comi |
1271s | yeah yeah that's right they're getting |
1273s | uh they are getting a buff so I think we |
1275s | weren't feeling like they were sitting |
1277s | where we wanted them to be based on |
1279s | where the meta was currently looking at |
1281s | other ships sort of effective hit points |
1282s | and stuff and so they are getting a buff |
1286s | significantly nice so basically what |
1288s | that down to for people at home is that |
1291s | Titan doomsday Max damage will now be |
1293s | increased to about 3 million HP with Max |
1296s | skills which I think is about is it a |
1298s | double of what it is now or is it a 30% |
1301s | increase forgive me I sort of checked |
1302s | before the stream but is something that |
1304s | vicinity but with you know with the |
1305s | introduction of really powerful subc |
1307s | caps like Navy dreadnots and Lancer |
1310s | dreadnots this kind of brings back the |
1313s | the the ability for the Titans to |
1315s | dominate the battlefield a little bit |
1316s | the way you think a ship of that scale |
1318s | should |
1319s | um because Navy dreadn it's incredibly |
1321s | tanky and would just be able to you know |
1323s | can shrug off a DD blast but now they're |
1325s | sort of on noticed again if but on the |
1328s | Proviso that someone has uh the courage |
1330s | to like put a Titan on the field and |
1332s | commit that to the |
1334s | fight um so hope you guys will enjoy |
1338s | those changes that sounds like it's |
1339s | going to be a lot of fun um we're also |
1341s | doing some changes around some sort of B |
1343s | rebalancing and met changes to some |
1344s | other areas of space I want to talk |
1346s | about pochin next Um this can has come |
1349s | about through an extended period of like |
1351s | I want to say very constructive |
1352s | consultation with people who uh live in |
1355s | poven and also through the CSM and other |
1357s | resources like that a few years ago a |
1359s | whole bunch of uh this is PRI pre-u |
1361s | prising a whole bunch of faction Warfare |
1363s | alliances got together and essentially |
1365s | made like a problem statement uh |
1367s | document and said CCP we want you to |
1369s | give this some attention and the the the |
1372s | way that was presented and the way that |
1374s | the dialogue that ensued really helped a |
1376s | lot with us shaping what we did in |
1377s | Uprising and similarly I want to commend |
1379s | the PCH Community because they have also |
1381s | sort of taken that kind of approach as |
1382s | like okay let's let's actually put our |
1385s | heads together and try and articulate |
1386s | what the problems are um and present |
1389s | those to CCP so that we have like |
1390s | something really really good to chew on |
1391s | when our game designers are trying to to |
1393s | solve these problems so we are making |
1395s | some before anyone gets too excited |
1397s | we're not like turning poch ven on its |
1399s | head but we are making some changes |
1400s | which have been long requested which we |
1401s | hope will um make it uh uh improve the |
1404s | quality of life of people living that |
1405s | area space uh CCP or Ki or burger or |
1409s | rard whoever would like to speak to |
1411s | those I can speak to the big reason and |
1415s | then you can so there's what we really |
1418s | like is when the like the uh domain |
1421s | expertise Lobby group comes together and |
1424s | kind of pitches something that's kind of |
1426s | like a these are we all kind of agree |
1429s | that these are pretty logical fixes so |
1432s | it's not like a like a a real Lobby |
1435s | where you're basically just like pushing |
1437s | for your own interest like |
1439s | um over everyone else's yeah uh we |
1442s | really like these uh I think it was |
1443s | called the manifesto originally so like |
1445s | I I really like these |
1447s | manifestos um and these are really |
1450s | reasonable um and then we had a full |
1452s | follow-up talk about some of these |
1453s | changes we're going to talk about now so |
1455s | it's kind of good intro at the CSM this |
1458s | spring great CSM like uh meeting um it |
1462s | was just really constructive the whole |
1465s | days I was able to do like do way more |
1468s | meetings than I can usually do and we |
1470s | ended up with really good consensus on |
1473s | both like near and Midterm I think |
1476s | objectives um so I'm uh one of these was |
1479s | it was pochman we all agree that there |
1481s | are both issues with isk Faucets in the |
1484s | for the economy but also just like how |
1487s | it works like seagulling Etc same thing |
1490s | with um wormholes same thing with some |
1493s | of the ecos like other domains in the in |
1495s | the game so uh that's kind where it came |
1499s | from it's either raised or championed by |
1502s | the CSM uh this spring uh as well as |
1505s | just like some of the um other kind of |
1509s | we call them orphans like the things |
1511s | that like just never get fixed they like |
1514s | we were able to pull a lot of them into |
1516s | the into the into the team and say like |
1520s | kind of you can pick and choose like |
1522s | yeah just go wild but I think on the |
1524s | solutions I think Greg yeah |
1529s | a tiny bit to that um yeah I need to |
1532s | like give a huge shout out on to you |
1534s | know uh to the popor community for the |
1537s | for the manifesto uh what was also great |
1539s | about it is not only did they bring kind |
1541s | of you know they brought some solutions |
1542s | to the table like potential Solutions |
1544s | but the real power was how they came |
1547s | together and they managed to articulate |
1549s | the problems that we're facing really |
1551s | well because it's if you just bring |
1553s | solutions to the table like you kind of |
1555s | you start to kind of run in circles you |
1558s | know trying to fit problems to the |
1560s | solution it's way better when you can |
1561s | articulate the problem then we can kind |
1564s | of you know use our design jobs and and |
1566s | kind of start a very active dialogue |
1569s | about what how to solve these problems |
1571s | and you know what what angles you could |
1573s | you could kind of view it from because |
1576s | it's not you know even if even if |
1578s | there's a problem here the solution |
1579s | might be somewhere else like changing |
1581s | somewhere in a different spot might fix |
1583s | this this this um this problem so it was |
1587s | a really good instead of Nerf accent |
1591s | yeah turn off y |
1593s | yeah let's not keep twitch chat and |
1595s | suspenders any longer in fact CCP K if |
1597s | you just want to run through the pochin |
1599s | stuff we're going to talk about the |
1600s | incursion stuff we're going to talk |
1601s | about the trick Levan Mo Victory systems |
1603s | Etc yeah yeah we can just hit these ones |
1606s | pretty quick and and go through them at |
1608s | a high level I think the philosophy from |
1610s | a design standpoint here is that is is |
1612s | wanting uh sort of fairness for risk and |
1615s | reward oriented gameplay and commitment |
1617s | from players and so that's the theme |
1619s | with a lot of these changes uh so with |
1621s | the observatory flasho site in poshen |
1624s | this is the first one uh We've added a |
1626s | second pocket to the site so now uh |
1629s | payouts are happening in that second |
1630s | pocket you have to be there in order to |
1632s | to to get that reward and there are some |
1634s | new uh NPC behaviors that that are going |
1637s | to create some interesting challenges |
1639s | for players so a little bit of a shift |
1641s | in this one uh again just creating sort |
1643s | of more fairness for committing to the |
1645s | to the site um next one stop me if you |
1649s | want to jam any more on those but |
1651s | incursions uh yeah so so similarly uh |
1654s | incursions we thought there were some |
1656s | interesting opportunities here uh so |
1658s | there's some changes in HEC and LC no no |
1660s | real changes in in nsec um but in HEC uh |
1663s | the sanche mothership won't appear until |
1665s | three days have passed um and so we |
1669s | think that this kind of um uh incursion |
1673s | is a great place for players to get more |
1674s | comfortable in a group setting early on |
1676s | in the game so giving a little bit |
1677s | bigger of a window of opportunity here |
1679s | for players to uh engage with this |
1682s | content is is something we're looking |
1683s | for and in losc the sanche mothership |
1685s | won't appear for until a day has elapsed |
1688s | um so that's one of the the bigger |
1690s | changes there uh what do we have next on |
1693s | this list uh home front operations |
1694s | there's just a bunch of quality of life |
1696s | changes you guys can probably see more |
1698s | of them in the patch notes uh coming up |
1700s | uh soon and then yeah there's the |
1702s | Travian minor Victory systems uh so now |
1705s | the triglavians won't Target newer |
1707s | players that was kind of a bigger |
1708s | problem so anybody who has uh like no uh |
1713s | or or not NE non- negative standing |
1715s | basically is not going to be a Target um |
1717s | and they're going to be able to be |
1719s | cleaned up a little bit more too so uh |
1722s | the the where posts around Stargate |
1724s | stations and upwell structures won't |
1726s | respond any longer after they're |
1727s | destroyed so that's another big change |
1730s | happening |
1732s | there um yeah next up I guess we're |
1734s | going into factional Warfare stuff |
1738s | uh shall I just get into it or do you |
1739s | want to do you want do you have anything |
1741s | you want to on this one go uh yeah so so |
1745s | just going to hit this one pretty quick |
1746s | uh which is that fobs are now more |
1749s | likely to be closer to the front lines |
1751s | rather than rear guard systems uh so |
1754s | that's an Insurgency ql Q change from |
1756s | the community so we're happy to to put |
1759s | that one in there um uh we've got NPC |
1763s | behavior on Battlefield sites that have |
1764s | been changed to promote killing NPCs |
1766s | rather than uh kiing |
1769s | um uh kiting them out so promoting more |
1771s | fights uh opportunities like that uh the |
1774s | faction signature radius suppression |
1776s | modules are going to be a new thing |
1778s | exclusive from the pirate laundering |
1780s | site uh this adds some value there to uh |
1783s | to some Insurgency |
1785s | content um yeah stop there if anybody |
1788s | else wants to contribute |
1790s | and talk about kind of in faction |
1793s | Warfare and I mean we we even if we're |
1796s | focusing on on N now we're still kind of |
1798s | keeping an eye on on the content we put |
1801s | out in in havoc and in in Uprising and |
1803s | Meridian so we're you know constantly |
1806s | kind of looking at this and and there |
1807s | are some more kind of smaller changes |
1808s | and tweaks that we're also doing to FW |
1811s | space and uh make sure to to uh dive |
1815s | into those in in the Epic PCH notes that |
1818s | are are are coming out very soon Yes |
1821s | actually on that note we are sort of |
1823s | just moving through briskly now through |
1824s | these changes but specifics will be |
1826s | available around about the time this |
1828s | stream concludes we'll be publishing the |
1829s | full patch notes for equinox so you'll |
1831s | have all weekend to chew on those before |
1833s | you jump in and start playing it on |
1834s | Tuesday so uh we'll let you know as soon |
1836s | as they go live but you can always just |
1838s | go to the evl website and start spamming |
1840s | F5 uh please carry on CCP |
1844s | orami yeah sounds great so the next one |
1846s | I think is great to talk about some |
1847s | design philosophy and and Eve as well uh |
1850s | some LP store and Industry changes kind |
1852s | of coming down the pipeline um we love |
1854s | to think that the you know having the |
1857s | majority of content that exists and Eve |
1859s | be something that players create is |
1860s | really the best game we can make so some |
1863s | of these changes reflect that um so the |
1866s | first one just just just quickly is that |
1868s | T2 Capital guns and crab beacons are |
1870s | going to be cheaper to produce we want |
1872s | to see those the use of those kind of |
1873s | like increase a little bit right now we |
1875s | feel they're a bit too expensive so |
1877s | that's just a quick balance change that |
1878s | we're making um after that uh the bigger |
1881s | one that I'm I'm kind of interested in |
1884s | is that pirate and faction ships uh are |
1886s | no longer purchasable in LP stores inste |
1889s | you can only buy their bpcs so uh we |
1892s | really want to encourage players making |
1894s | ships and and the industry behind this |
1896s | and with that to encourage that there's |
1899s | some additional balance changes so we've |
1900s | also looked at the costs of making those |
1902s | ships and make sure that they're feeling |
1905s | a bit more balanced and Equitable some |
1906s | were a little bit more expensive than |
1908s | others and didn't really seem as viable |
1910s | to make so uh We've adjusted those kind |
1913s | of costs to be uh a little bit more fair |
1916s | so that we're seeing more more ships |
1917s | created |
1918s | we're also removing the neurolink |
1920s | conduits uh as a part of manufacturing |
1923s | the ships they were too expensive they |
1924s | just were kind of a hindrance rather |
1927s | than helping this and instead there is a |
1930s | uh a new component called net resonators |
1932s | that you can buy with LP at the sort of |
1935s | uh pirate faction specific stores so |
1938s | yeah this is a a big change I think it |
1941s | aligns really well with the philosophy |
1943s | of Eve's design and I'm excited to see |
1945s | how it turns out CCP rard B you were |
1947s | very Tor about this one this has been a |
1949s | long-term thing on your wish list as |
1951s | well hasn't it it it's just a it's a |
1955s | thorn in my side for so long like it |
1958s | just doesn't make sense to buy rade |
1960s | ships like it's an it's a game about |
1962s | player driven economy like um just a |
1965s | relic that we finally got the the the |
1968s | time to fix um it it really fits well |
1972s | with the kind of LP Focus that we have |
1974s | been going on for for years it basically |
1976s | all started with going into lowc |
1979s | uh you know highlighting LP like working |
1984s | more making more making it more fluid in |
1986s | the economy using LP more so basically |
1988s | it's just like probably the third third |
1990s | fourth fifth wave of just kind of the lp |
1993s | economy and Industry uh fixes just to |
1995s | make it modern and and exciting |
1997s | fundamentally to make it more |
2000s | approachable from everyone like if if if |
2003s | something's a niche and you need to |
2005s | learn very like many different things |
2007s | and it's like a specific style of |
2009s | gameplay it's just like unlikelier that |
2011s | people participate in because it's a |
2013s | black boxing don't understand it if if |
2015s | LP starts be just more |
2017s | understandable uh Works uh the same way |
2020s | corporations can tax it like now like |
2022s | everyone can just do what they want to |
2024s | do which is like fundamentally the |
2025s | freedom that we want to go for and we've |
2028s | also seen like we've seen a lot of |
2030s | younger players kind of go into faction |
2032s | Warfare so like it makes more sense to |
2035s | get young you know Young capsuleers into |
2039s | corporations um and they're running like |
2041s | they're running plexes uh you know even |
2044s | as young as as day two or day three uh |
2046s | so they're generating like meaningful |
2048s | revenue for for uh corporations um which |
2051s | can then be spent on all these awesome |
2053s | things in the on the lp |
2056s | Market I think the lp generation last I |
2059s | looked um was up at least |
2062s | Sixx since since Uprising so just an |
2066s | overall impact on the economy |
2068s | has sixfold uh increased the just the |
2071s | generation of LP and the throughput and |
2074s | like just the health of the economy so |
2077s | something to celebrate and we're not |
2079s | we're not done yet yeah yeah um there's |
2083s | a little bit more for coming for |
2086s | something else you can send your LP on |
2087s | coming soon as well especially for a |
2089s | carrier pilot uh we're introducing a a |
2092s | full Suite of of Navy variants of uh |
2095s | light Fighters and support Fighters so |
2098s | they'll work kind of like the way Navy |
2099s | drones do they'll be a bit tankier than |
2101s | Tech 1 or Tech 2 drones uh but they |
2104s | won't do as much DPS and they will be |
2106s | slightly or they'll be less effective at |
2108s | ewar rolls of support drones so it's a |
2111s | it'll just be another component thrown |
2112s | into the mix for um carrier pilots to |
2115s | make a decision about whether they want |
2117s | to stock Tech 1 Tech 2 or now Navy |
2119s | faction drones as well that'll be on the |
2121s | menu |
2122s | too um but carry on we're going to talk |
2124s | about wormholes next I |
2125s | believe Yeah final one up uh this again |
2129s | the C5 and C6 Wormhole sites have gotten |
2132s | some some balance changes uh really this |
2136s | comes back to again the the concept of |
2138s | risk and reward and commitment so uh a |
2140s | lot of the escalation sites are now sort |
2142s | of balanced to reward players who are |
2145s | committing with capital ships and kind |
2146s | of demonstrating that level of risk that |
2148s | we originally intended in those sites so |
2151s | uh yeah we'll see some AI behaviors that |
2153s | are um basically rewarding the players |
2156s | who do commit and do risk those ships uh |
2158s | to to those sites so that's that's one |
2160s | of the bigger changes |
2162s | there awesome um I'm sorry I was just |
2165s | reading twitch for a second um yeah so |
2168s | so now when people are doing a wormhole |
2170s | specially trying to escalate the sites |
2172s | they can't just like put their steak on |
2174s | put the capitals on the grid to spawn |
2175s | the extra Drifters and then bail out |
2177s | because if their capitals leave so do |
2179s | the extra Drifters so uh you'll have to |
2181s | put your anti on the table and leave it |
2183s | there for the duration of the fight so |
2185s | if you're living in a wormhole if you're |
2187s | hunting through wormholes rolling and |
2189s | looking around for targets and you come |
2190s | across people who are uh doing PVE |
2193s | they're going to have to uh there's |
2195s | there's a the chance it'll be like the |
2197s | good old days uh where you know you find |
2199s | an nag or something like that you can |
2201s | you get a tackle on that and then things |
2203s | can snowball from there and'll be uh you |
2204s | can turn into really exciting |
2207s | brawls all right um I think that's sort |
2209s | of like the extent of those like the |
2210s | bundle of joy surprise changes we hope |
2213s | they all sounded pretty good to you once |
2214s | again full details on the patch notes |
2216s | coming at the end of the Stream |
2218s | uh CCP aami thank you so much for |
2220s | joining us uh we'll let you off the hook |
2222s | now though and I do look forward to |
2224s | meeting you one day soon in rikic yeah |
2227s | hell yeah super nice to be here all |
2228s | right see you later and I'll just bring |
2230s | it back to myself burer and CCP retardi |
2234s | all right um I think we've got we've got |
2236s | one other director sort of up our |
2238s | sleeves who's just sort of been chilling |
2239s | around in the in the back at the moment |
2241s | but before we bring in CCB GOI is there |
2244s | anything else with regards to that that |
2245s | that Suite of changes that either of you |
2247s | want to talk about |
2249s | uh I think |
2250s | the one of the biggest kind of things |
2254s | that we knew we needed to fix and just |
2256s | we're waiting for the opportunity was |
2258s | Wormhole isk |
2259s | faucet and I'm um really happy with with |
2265s | uh what we've done um there's a lot of I |
2268s | would |
2269s | say uh there were a lot of good feedback |
2272s | uh from worm H holders um kind of |
2274s | preemptively trying to Nerf themselves |
2276s | so that we wouldn't |
2278s | and I think I think it ended up in a |
2281s | really good solution where we actually |
2283s | instead of trying to tackle like raw |
2286s | faucets like add more um add more risk |
2289s | add more |
2290s | commitment um and change the kind of the |
2293s | ship profiles uh the the loot |
2295s | distribution so I think it's a a super |
2298s | elegant solution uh that should not be |
2301s | just like Nerf 20% we want to we want to |
2305s | have people do these sites we want to |
2306s | have uh people out there and I want |
2308s | people to be targets when they do |
2311s | that on all right we've also got some |
2314s | graphical updates which have been coming |
2315s | which will be coming in the next |
2317s | expansion our team has already done a |
2319s | fantastic job as hopefully you've all |
2320s | seen with the new upwell structures with |
2322s | new upwell ships but there are a few |
2324s | things which haven't really we haven't |
2325s | really put a spotlight on yet so to talk |
2327s | about those we're going to bring in uh |
2329s | CCP goggi who is looking very very much |
2334s | like an artist right now you just need a |
2335s | baret um uh CCP the art director uh |
2340s | of Eve online I think we've had in |
2342s | streams before hello hello sir how are |
2344s | you doing how are you feeling about all |
2346s | the stuff that's coming from your area |
2347s | and showing up in Equinox soon yeah good |
2350s | you have just been chilling in the |
2352s | background like you said um yeah we told |
2354s | him we told him we'd be like 10 minutes |
2356s | and he' be on the air and it's been 45 |
2358s | so drinking three |
2360s | coffees smashing Red Bulls ttch chat he |
2363s | looks like a wormholer |
2368s | yeah no I feel really good about it um |
2371s | like you said it's uh it's been a really |
2374s | art heavy um uh release for us uh lot of |
2378s | big assets um you know the Skyhook you |
2382s | know all the structures moon miner sof |
2384s | hub for ships and support with Skinner |
2388s | so you know those are kind of the main |
2390s | things we've been focusing on |
2393s | um yeah and like I said they're all big |
2397s | projects um but on the side you know |
2399s | we're always trying to um update Eve as |
2401s | you know so we we ran into some issues |
2405s | you know when supporting especially the |
2407s | Skyhook you know and then kind of |
2410s | surface the problems of planets |
2414s | proximity with planets so you know kind |
2416s | of found some time to look at those yeah |
2419s | if you're going to be spending that much |
2420s | time around the structure that's just |
2422s | above the surface of the planet you |
2424s | might notice a few pixels on the planet |
2426s | Texas it's probably fair to say yeah |
2428s | just a few just a few all right show |
2430s | show in a bit yeah um what I was going |
2432s | to actually what I was going to start |
2434s | with there is just like the the VFX |
2435s | updates that are coming for for for |
2438s | bombs uh which is going to which looks |
2441s | really cool because recently we |
2442s | renovated the missiles and they look |
2443s | dope so now we're getting onto bombs as |
2444s | well and also some new explosion types |
2447s | are that are going to be coming so let |
2448s | me just like uh we'll just quickly put |
2451s | I'll throw them on the screen and we'll |
2452s | just like uh talk through them so first |
2454s | of all here is a comparison of the top |
2457s | is the bomb VFX looks in the game right |
2459s | now and down the bottom is how it will |
2461s | look in Equinox so it's just may been |
2464s | made a lot more interesting and exciting |
2466s | and sort of like brought more into line |
2468s | with the um the new missile explosions |
2470s | that I mentioned before so that'll look |
2471s | really really cool if you and your squad |
2473s | are doing a bombing run here's a closer |
2475s | look at the individual bombs one by one |
2478s | you also see that the actual radius of |
2481s | the explosion is now sort of better |
2483s | graphically |
2484s | represented so these will be really uh |
2487s | really cool up on uh nsec uh battle |
2491s | grids and things like that and the void |
2493s | bomb's got a really really sweet look to |
2495s | it and the new explosions that I alluded |
2498s | to so these new explosions have been |
2499s | authored for um the new upwell ships |
2503s | that are coming uh the new upwell |
2505s | structures and existing upwell medium |
2509s | and large structures so uh CCP goggi uh |
2514s | I believe a lot of this V VFX work done |
2517s | is done by CCP M and CCP Savor y that's |
2521s | it thanks for the kind you covered it |
2523s | pretty pretty well okay let's just sit |
2525s | here in silence for the next 90 seconds |
2527s | while this video finishes you really |
2529s | want to be a director yeah it's it's |
2531s | really nice update I mean we're always |
2534s | trying to update um if uh there's so |
2537s | many areas where we kind of want to |
2540s | touch up on VFX always a big one so um |
2543s | it's nice to see this update and |
2545s | especially like tying it like you said |
2547s | you know the radius indicating where |
2549s | where you take damage and and things |
2550s | like that so um yeah we look for |
2553s | opportunities to update um things like |
2557s | this whenever we can and have time and |
2560s | um yeah goes really nicely with the |
2562s | missile update that went up I love this |
2565s | one you see the stars get Warped a |
2567s | little bit just before the explosion |
2569s | like there's like a reactor going off it |
2570s | looks incredible and there was a note on |
2573s | screen before which some people may have |
2574s | noticed it said authed for tie-dye uh |
2577s | which essentially means that uh as my |
2580s | understanding is like in terms of the |
2581s | way the explosion executes and how much |
2583s | detail there is in it we realize lot of |
2586s | these structures might be exploding |
2587s | while there's time dilation around and |
2590s | uh so that's been taken to account as |
2591s | you can see here with sort of the the |
2594s | Majesty of the explosion being uh |
2595s | captured in slow motion for people who |
2597s | might be watching it at 10% of normal |
2599s | speed so for better or worse uh you'll |
2603s | have something pretty to look at once |
2604s | you win an objective on a Tio fight |
2607s | yeah it's really nice |
2610s | also yeah all right that's all I was |
2614s | going to show though uh you've got |
2617s | uh some stuff that you wanted to present |
2619s | as well uh with regards to the new |
2621s | planets just to sort of walk us through |
2623s | those yeah can do that so let me I'll |
2627s | share my screen now okay y go |
2630s | ahead cool all right I'll bring that up |
2633s | I'll punch it up on the main view screen |
2635s | so yeah so so like a mentioned before |
2638s | you know we're uh always looking to |
2641s | update um you know whether it's ships |
2645s | that are kind |
2646s | of yeah getting quite old need need |
2649s | model updates or textures or VFX or |
2651s | whatever uh so we're always on the |
2653s | lookout for those when we have time um |
2656s | but then sometimes you know these |
2657s | problems kind of surface uh tied to to a |
2661s | release and in this case it was um yeah |
2664s | the Skyhook being in or gaml in close |
2667s | proxim it with planets um so the ask was |
2671s | in the beginning like we wanted to have |
2673s | the sky hook you know very close like |
2676s | there were numbers thrown around like |
2678s | 1500 kilometers to a planet and like we |
2682s | wanted to have the distance uh like the |
2686s | same between planet sizes so you kind of |
2690s | so we can emphasize uh I guess the the |
2694s | scale difference of |
2696s | planets which we quickly figured out was |
2699s | not going to be possible because of |
2701s | course scale difference in Eve is |
2703s | um extreme to say the least so |
2708s | um you |
2710s | know I think it's like from the smallest |
2713s | planet to the big ones biggest ones you |
2716s | know it's like a multiplier by 50 or or |
2719s | more you |
2720s | know so but looking at this though you |
2722s | know you see uh the textures are just |
2724s | not holding up here in the background so |
2727s | um |
2728s | so we decided to have have a look at |
2731s | what we can do with you know tiling |
2733s | textures more and and relooking at just |
2735s | the planet shaders so um so we gave |
2739s | ourselves some uh gave ourselves time to |
2741s | kind of look into that so I can show you |
2744s | here some of the old planets um I'm just |
2747s | going to jump into a ship here |
2750s | and |
2752s | maybe just just in the spirit of Equinox |
2756s | I'm going to make it and pink for you |
2759s | guys yeah |
2762s | um is that okay Burger you prove this |
2766s | it's okay yeah yeah I'm I'm big for pink |
2768s | man always but here you see one of the |
2771s | old ice planets and kind of what we're |
2773s | facing what we're dealing with and um |
2779s | so uh so there is you know we haven't |
2781s | looked at the planets for a long time |
2783s | and so when we started digging into it |
2786s | we just saw a lot of stuff had broken |
2789s | and |
2790s | um and we found a lot of stuff that we |
2793s | can kind of improve and I'm jump into |
2797s | here another client graphite version |
2800s | here that I have um so here you see uh |
2805s | not a pink ship this time but an updated |
2808s | ice planet and you see the textures are |
2810s | um holding up a lot |
2813s | better um you know so some of the things |
2817s | we did uh you know fixing presets or |
2820s | reworking them tiling um up upscaling |
2825s | textures uh most if not all to 4K I'm |
2828s | not quite sure we also um tried to |
2833s | create more variation within each planet |
2836s | type um and a lot of fixes like on the |
2840s | temperate ones the details in the ocean |
2843s | layer had kind of |
2845s | disappeared um yeah well I could p on I |
2849s | could also just show you maybe a few |
2851s | more if you want to |
2854s | see loader up a few |
2858s | here |
2860s | so oh you have amazing Powers you can |
2862s | just spawn endless planets yes I can I |
2866s | can spawn planets uh I can show you the |
2868s | planet spawner if you want |
2870s | to this is I mean here I was thinking he |
2874s | his camera just reminded me of shen |
2875s | Connor and the Nothing Compares film |
2876s | clip but oh thank you he able to make |
2879s | planets as well it's full surprises H so |
2883s | here we have a planet spawner and we can |
2884s | kind of changed planets and something |
2888s | missing ah |
2890s | yeah we can jump |
2893s | to Lava planets yeah and you spawn them |
2898s | and they magically appear |
2901s | here but I wanted to show you like so |
2905s | here you see now the kind of uh the |
2907s | variety with we have within ice Planets |
2910s | For example |
2912s | right |
2914s | so we're getting a lot more |
2917s | um yeah nicer variety within each |
2921s | class yeah so we've we've like we've |
2924s | always had a tiny bit of variety within |
2927s | planets like Baron planets there is |
2929s | variety but they're all just so similar |
2932s | and uh one of the things that we're |
2933s | playing with now is is really pulling in |
2936s | kind of kind of ping the boundaries of |
2938s | of what colors we we can use and the |
2940s | color spectrums and just kind of make |
2943s | each each system feel more unique allow |
2947s | kind of each system to kind of it's your |
2950s | home and and and you know the planet so |
2952s | yeah here for instance you can see the |
2954s | baron the yeah huge variety yeah these |
2957s | are the new uh versions of Baron so |
2960s | we're introducing a bit more color and a |
2962s | lot more variety within them W and yeah |
2966s | when you can see kind of hold on jump |
2969s | back to the caracal here ah so you can |
2973s | see what how the textures are holding up |
2975s | you know a lot |
2980s | better I had I hadn't seen most of these |
2982s | until just now these look fantastic yeah |
2984s | me too it's really nice and |
2989s | yeah the lava plet as well they're so |
2992s | yep I have them here also y plasma super |
2997s | cool yeah so that we also changed the |
3000s | like the plasma and lava uh quite a bit |
3002s | hold on I need to find them I this is |
3005s | probably too much to hope for and I'm |
3006s | just having like you know one of my you |
3008s | know player moments here it's like do |
3010s | the do the more active lava planets |
3014s | produce more magmatic gas than the less |
3016s | active ones or is there is a |
3017s | relationship there or is it just no so |
3020s | okay we didn't have time to go that deep |
3022s | into it but um it's something we've |
3024s | talked about a lot is like this Mor |
3026s | logic |
3027s | and uh also like within I can show you |
3030s | with the temperate ones we're starting |
3032s | we have some glaciers on on some of them |
3035s | so there's you know there's a bunch of |
3037s | ideas to kind of hook up |
3039s | more |
3041s | um I guess to make it makes more sense |
3044s | yeah but like this time around no it's |
3047s | just they're just spawned like |
3050s | this I'm just super happy to see this |
3053s | because I I think maybe one two years |
3055s | ago remember when the like Ultra highr |
3058s | pictures came from Saturn |
3061s | Jupiter and like it was just so like |
3066s | cool to see them like this kind of hyper |
3069s | detailed and like way more variable than |
3071s | like than you expected with these |
3073s | planets uh same thing with the Sun so |
3075s | like seeing this imitated here and or |
3078s | even kind of beyond beyond reality here |
3081s | is super cool |
3084s | yeah and it's also interesting because |
3086s | we are I mean we've also been working |
3088s | really hard um on one card and one card |
3091s | happens down on the planet so so that's |
3093s | also kind of opened up a really good |
3095s | conversation about okay how do they how |
3098s | do they look how do they feel how do |
3100s | they you know what are the materials |
3101s | that are kind of what are the planets |
3104s | made of and and that kind of allows us |
3106s | to play with colors that are a bit |
3109s | Wilder and bit kind of pushing the |
3111s | bounds without you know maybe becoming |
3114s | too Fantastical but but absolutely it's |
3116s | it should know just be kind of gray and |
3118s | brown |
3120s | um exactly we and there is you know |
3124s | opportunity to to push this a lot but uh |
3127s | I think it's super nice for the kind of |
3129s | first even you know yeah first update |
3134s | with planets for a long time so I think |
3136s | it's uh yeah it's really interesting |
3138s | really nice update along with everything |
3140s | else that the team is produced like I |
3141s | said before the new structures new ships |
3143s | um just a really nice trying to make a |
3147s | pink planet for |
3148s | you you can only go so far all right |
3151s | going have to talk to uh CCP Amino who |
3154s | works on this tool yeah I have it |
3156s | hardcoded it's not |
3160s | possible CH |
3162s | channeling yeah all right well thank you |
3165s | very much for walking through CCP |
3167s | we've just got a coup we're almost |
3169s | towards like the the time for the stream |
3171s | but we still got a few other things we |
3172s | want to cover so um we can bid you a due |
3176s | and uh I'll just sort of like wrap up |
3178s | the last couple of things with CCB snor |
3180s | CCB |
3182s | CC thanks for having me I'll go back and |
3185s | chill yeah no wor you can put your feet |
3187s | up now I have eight more Reds it'll be |
3189s | fine it into |
3191s | black all right okay so that's all been |
3194s | really really sweet um but there was a |
3196s | couple of things there was a Dev blog |
3197s | that came out today which sort of um was |
3201s | uh relevant to sort of like the Cadence |
3203s | of um how Equinox will actually unfold |
3207s | so when the expansion comes out on 11th |
3209s | of June there will be a day two and then |
3211s | a day n addition to day is day two is in |
3216s | two days later day nine is in nine days |
3217s | later the 20th of June additions to the |
3220s | content in it will be progressively |
3222s | unlocked so um would one of the two of |
3225s | you like to talk a little bit about that |
3227s | Cadence yeah absolutely so |
3230s | um so the expansion is coming out on the |
3232s | 11th uh and uh there's a lot of amazing |
3236s | things and and I know that there's a lot |
3238s | of uh nsac uh uh Community the NC |
3244s | Community is definitely starting to map |
3245s | out uh different planets and different |
3248s | planet types it will take a couple of |
3249s | days for for uh people to build up um |
3254s | Sky Hooks and and uh kind of the the |
3256s | base infrastructure so we will actually |
3259s | have have uh so by kind of day three we |
3262s | will be a people players will be able to |
3264s | start building the the auton minor and |
3267s | um then on the 20th we're actually going |
3269s | to we're going to give people like kind |
3271s | of a week's window to to get things |
3274s | going before um on the 20th where |
3277s | actually we're going to have a follow-up |
3280s | uh opening where people can actually |
3281s | start moving uh moving their their uh |
3285s | kind of s to the new S hub kind of |
3288s | swapping the systems over flipping |
3290s | between let's call let's call Legacy s |
3292s | and the the new sovereignty system yeah |
3295s | but but on top of that we're also um |
3298s | we're we're also going to be rolling out |
3300s | with Skinner on on June 11th and people |
3304s | will be able to players will be able to |
3305s | uh to start digging up all those awesome |
3308s | colors around space and and customizing |
3311s | their ships uh players will be able to |
3314s | like you know decide if they wantan to |
3315s | if they want to apply the skin to their |
3317s | own ships or if they're actually going |
3319s | to stockpile them and and uh add them to |
3322s | the uh Paragon store uh kind of player |
3325s | store which will be opening on on June |
3327s | 20th we wanted to kind of hold back on |
3329s | the store for like a week so or nine |
3331s | days so players can like build up good |
3334s | um a good stock of of skin so the store |
3337s | doesn't open up empty and we're |
3339s | extremely excited to to see uh what |
3343s | players will come up with uh we are |
3345s | going to allow you all to pick if you |
3347s | sell your skins for Plex or isk um |
3350s | that's up to you um so so that's going |
3354s | to be a big one uh so |
3357s | and also on the 20th um the next E1 cart |
3361s | uh there's a major update to E1 cart |
3364s | where we're going to open up a a new map |
3369s | um on a tempered Planet uh vegetation |
3373s | for the first time in a in a Eve Suter |
3375s | ever so that's going to be interesting |
3377s | to see see kind of how people and water |
3380s | good and water and water yeah yeah there |
3383s | hasn't been like proper water before as |
3384s | well never water never |
3387s | and uh I played a build this the other |
3389s | day weapon modification as |
3391s | well sorry weapon modification as well |
3394s | yeah 100% weapon modification uh some |
3397s | new challenges uh lots of new content um |
3402s | y it's a it's a it's a major major |
3404s | update it's like vastly improved |
3407s | shooting it it it's a it's a big |
3409s | overhaul it's a it's a real build yeah |
3411s | that's from the last one it's uh it's |
3413s | radically different I only got my chance |
3414s | to get hands on with it first time the |
3416s | other day not always a new map Great uh |
3418s | but the persistence between sessions as |
3420s | well so if you in a session you get some |
3423s | cool mods for your weapons like can get |
3425s | stuff you slap on like different Optics |
3427s | things that increase its rate of fire or |
3430s | damage and that sort of stuff if you |
3431s | extract with those you can keep them in |
3433s | a stash and you'll be able to equip your |
3435s | weapon for future outings with it so the |
3438s | weapon is getting taller rather than |
3440s | going wider with more weapons you the |
3443s | the flexibility of the weapons will come |
3444s | from how you choose to customize it |
3447s | and C Burger alluded to it before there |
3449s | were a couple of sites which really |
3450s | surprised me where your squad kind of |
3452s | has to we've had mining in the game for |
3453s | a while but now there are sites where to |
3456s | get the thing your squad has to sort of |
3458s | like to an extent synchronize their |
3461s | activities around a certain site like |
3463s | pull a lever here at the same time cut a |
3465s | panel off and that can trigger a |
3467s | response from p uh from from NPCs and it |
3470s | really changed the vibe I was getting |
3472s | from the game like I can the the scope |
3476s | of the |
3477s | was becoming more apparent in front of |
3478s | me like where we actually going with |
3480s | this like we've said in some previous |
3482s | interviews with um CCB Collins this |
3484s | isn't just an extraction shooter this is |
3486s | like a Sandbox shooter um where bringing |
3489s | you know with the mining Edition we're |
3490s | basically bringing careers into the FPS |
3492s | as well it's uh I'm really excited for |
3494s | it it's it's it's shaping up to be super |
3496s | super cool and this play test if you if |
3498s | you've kind of like fell off a little |
3500s | bit for the last two or three play tests |
3502s | because there were only being |
3503s | incremental improvements definitely get |
3505s | back and try this one again because it's |
3506s | a completely new ball game yeah and I |
3509s | mean our goal is to uh the reason why we |
3511s | opened up the doors this early is |
3512s | because we want to develop this with the |
3515s | community uh so there's a lot of |
3517s | community feedback that we're actually |
3519s | taken into into this build and this is a |
3521s | build that the team has been uh the |
3523s | vanard team has been building for for |
3526s | they've been working on this build since |
3528s | um November so there's a lot of like |
3531s | multiple months of work uh com together |
3533s | here that we're rolling in rolling out |
3535s | um this is uh I mean we have a fantastic |
3540s | the vanard team is absolutely fantastic |
3542s | it's a lot of like FPS veterans um |
3545s | there's a lot of like knowledge sharing |
3547s | happening between the the flying in |
3549s | space team and the boots on the ground |
3551s | team um so it's it's the development of |
3555s | Ward is really pushing forward both um |
3559s | the flying in space experience and the |
3560s | books on ground experience so I'm very |
3562s | very excited to to get this in front of |
3565s | everyone get people fly |
3567s | people shooting each other in the face |
3570s | we want to big a big build a bigger |
3571s | Universe we need more new fresh blood |
3574s | into the universe and um it it it's |
3578s | healthy for for Eve to get more more |
3581s | people in more ingrained but you all |
3584s | everyone who has an Omega |
3587s | account are able to download and play so |
3590s | yeah just try it it's literally free for |
3593s | you so just come on down play it um and |
3597s | kind of make the world a bit more |
3599s | versatile more flavorful with more types |
3601s | of people absolutely yep um and uh we we |
3607s | mentioned Skinner and Vanguard but of |
3608s | course like as we mentioned home front |
3610s | new core projects are coming which will |
3612s | enable uh small organizations to |
3614s | basically run their own SRP which is |
3616s | kind of huge I I know a lot of people |
3618s | might have heard that news and like oh |
3619s | we've already got at SRP but most of the |
3622s | big alliances who have like the the |
3624s | numbers and have their own it |
3626s | infrastructure for example will have |
3628s | this basically taken care of but this |
3630s | means that your smaller organizations |
3632s | can also um you take advantage of tools |
3634s | like that for when it comes to um for |
3637s | when it comes to reimbursing ship losses |
3639s | after fights so it's not a redundancy |
3641s | it's an expansion of this thing which is |
3644s | usually only available to very sort of |
3646s | distinct well equipped groups and |
3648s | democratizing it and making it available |
3650s | to everybody and that's in addition to |
3652s | the new tasks such as for for example |
3654s | like you know uh tracking Salvage |
3657s | and things like |
3658s | that um |
3661s | and I think we've sort of like come to |
3664s | the end of the material for the stream |
3667s | today yeah do you both feel that way |
3670s | like um I just want to make sure I |
3672s | haven't overlooked anything important |
3673s | that we want to talk about but I think |
3674s | we've covered it all pretty much I think |
3676s | the new daily goals are are like I look |
3681s | a lot ex y car on seeing them um again |
3686s | it it uh it it's basically getting more |
3689s | people into space that's the core of it |
3691s | yeah trying to to make it more um also |
3696s | kind of palatable so that you have |
3698s | something like literally like that you |
3700s | can do so the splitting the daily goals |
3703s | into kind of career focused should like |
3705s | alleviate a lot of the problems that |
3707s | players had before of like go kill 10 15 |
3710s | uh NPCs in the abyss like that not not |
3713s | necessarily something that you can just |
3714s | like do but more of uh it's more of like |
3718s | a primer of just like kind of undock and |
3720s | do something like you're going to be |
3722s | fine every day you'll have four things |
3723s | to do one for each career you only have |
3726s | to do two of them and they're all the |
3727s | same for every single player so you can |
3729s | do them with your alts and things like |
3730s | that if you want yeah exactly um and |
3733s | then uh sugar on top Plex reward for |
3737s | that um two very interesting things we |
3740s | wanted we basically just want to kind of |
3742s | uh see where it goes it it's kind of fun |
3745s | it it's kind of fun to to to uh |
3748s | collector Plex to be able to tip like |
3750s | buy Omega or buy some skin components or |
3752s | or something but just we just want to |
3754s | kind of embrace the freet to-play aspect |
3756s | of it let people try out this premium or |
3759s | the hard currency sell it for risk if |
3761s | you want because that's actually going |
3762s | to be healthy for the game in the long |
3764s | term if we have a a low kind of uh or |
3769s | like kind of behind activity income |
3772s | stream of Plex and you just want to sell |
3775s | it we're going to create a a healthy |
3776s | supply of Plex into the market uh maybe |
3780s | reduce the price and kind of get the |
3782s | ball rolling a little bit so like this |
3784s | is a it's a very interesting economic um |
3788s | kind of evolution of the game right |
3792s | on all right well uh ccpb if you're |
3795s | watching you can press the button for |
3797s | the patch notes now if you want you can |
3798s | publish those and those are those will |
3800s | probably go live on the EV online |
3801s | website in just a couple of minutes so |
3803s | you can start pressing |
3804s | F5 they are ridiculous long I think |
3807s | cated there if you if you're into |
3809s | reading science articles from journals |
3813s | like nature it's like uh two and a half |
3815s | science article long uh and that's not |
3818s | even counting text on |
3820s | images yeah no it'll be a lot of |
3822s | scrolling so if you got one of those |
3823s | mice where you can click the button and |
3825s | you you just give it one spin that's |
3826s | probably what you want to do rather than |
3828s | have to sit there and you you'll get RSI |
3830s | and your middle finger and your index |
3832s | finger um okay I think we're done |
3837s | um uh not that I'm impatient to leave |
3839s | but I just don't want to like overstay I |
3840s | welcome um the the patch notes are |
3843s | getting published uh you've got all |
3844s | weekend to check them out the uh E |
3847s | online Equinox will be going live on |
3849s | 11th of June at downtime so you got that |
3851s | look forward to um thank you for coming |
3854s | and hanging out on the stream I hope you |
3855s | found uh the the new information the |
3857s | bundle of joy stuff really really |
3859s | exciting there's even more stuff in the |
3861s | patch notes we probably haven't even |
3862s | covered yet and of course the details |
3863s | about all the things that we have spoken |
3865s | about uh any closing thoughts from CCP |
3867s | burger or CCP |
3869s | RAR uh I'm just excited to to continue |
3874s | this journey with you all like we've |
3876s | been we've been uh trying to kind of |
3880s | keep a bit more focus on these |
3881s | expansions with with kind of kind of a |
3884s | continuation of the of the narrative and |
3886s | the story that we're we're trying to |
3887s | tell that you know that being the actual |
3889s | lore of the game or kind of the focus on |
3892s | War the future of war the focus on on |
3894s | ownership and and making space your and |
3898s | you know making it your own and now |
3900s | we're doing it with with even more |
3901s | structures with uh you know personalized |
3903s | ship skins uh I'm looking forward to |
3906s | seeing the the uh I don't know football |
3910s | football uniforms or arm uniforms that |
3913s | corporations and alliances are GNA start |
3916s | flying in um I I can see I can |
3919s | definitely see lots of lads of uh B |
3923s | looking ships flying around space I know |
3925s | that there are couple of bees around CCP |
3927s | that have been like practicing their |
3929s | skills and and there's also a lot of |
3931s | people from other corporations and |
3933s | alliances that have been like playing |
3935s | with their Alliance colors to make sure |
3937s | that they get it just right um and and |
3941s | you know we've been focusing on |
3942s | friendship and strengthening |
3943s | organizations and |
3945s | corporations |
3946s | uh there's a lot there are lots of |
3949s | fantastic things coming out in this |
3951s | expansion there are loads of things that |
3953s | are kind of precursors to to things that |
3954s | we want to do in future EXP expansions |
3956s | so we'll keep a close eye on that and |
3958s | and uh I'm actually really excited to to |
3961s | kind of see what you will do with the |
3964s | with the tools that we're giving you all |
3967s | uh I know I've found a couple of ways |
3969s | like quirky ways that I'm GNA kind of |
3971s | mess with space and but then kind of |
3975s | yeah how that will kind of lead us into |
3977s | the future that's a that's a that's a |
3979s | the next fantask to take on speaking of |
3982s | things what they'll create I wasn't I |
3983s | wasn't planning on showing this in the |
3984s | Stream but you just reminded me about |
3986s | CCP Devil's excellent esimu skin uh I'm |
3990s | just going to quickly plun that on here |
3992s | so people at home can can check it out |
3995s | uh let me just go fit to screen uh brace |
3999s | yourselves there you go it's the uh does |
4003s | that look familiar to |
4006s | anyone so if youve ever been to you been |
4009s | to sanfest in Rick you you will you've |
4013s | only seen this at like 4 a.m. in the |
4015s | morning downtown ra half drunk not able |
4019s | to stand on both feet this is like the |
4021s | savior of your life so so this is a |
4024s | honorary this is a honorary ship skin in |
4027s | in E onl I just see Tim Robinson's like |
4030s | suit that's all |
4032s | I it's Ste got mustard on it oh my |
4036s | God great this is I was gonna say like |
4040s | there's a little bit of like trepidation |
4041s | and fear like in my head I'm I'm I I |
4045s | take my n narrative and my science |
4047s | fiction seriously so like I I I don't |
4049s | want to be immersed broken but let's see |
4053s | what people do I think um there's a |
4056s | there's uh freedom is more important |
4058s | than my my sensitive I ultimately see |
4060s | Spirit tell the hot once what a heart |
4062s | the heart wants about a year and a half |
4063s | ago I tried to like all right let's get |
4065s | serious about Alliance logos let's just |
4067s | have cool ones you know that look |
4068s | awesome and sci-fi and futuristic and |
4071s | the I got people on Reddit revolted uh |
4075s | so I'm like all right okay fine wuss all |
4078s | day long go nuts um I have a line I have |
4082s | a line but |
4083s | like it's a different line U oh and I |
4087s | was gonna add like so speaking of the |
4089s | future um uh the plans are very much |
4094s | already taking shape and I just want to |
4096s | let people know that you'll probably not |
4098s | have to wait long after the actual |
4100s | expansion launches before you'll be |
4102s | hearing again from C rard and CP Burger |
4105s | about the sort of like the vision for |
4106s | Evon line as we move into the summer |
4108s | expansion uh excuse me the winter |
4110s | expansion I'm Australian the seasons are |
4112s | opposite into the into the winter |
4114s | expansion uh towards the end of the year |
4116s | so that'll that'll probably actually be |
4117s | coming hot on the heels of the release |
4119s | of equin itself once the dust has |
4121s | settled a little |
4122s | bit yeah uh 100% um actually like I'm |
4127s | I'm already in that mind mindset for |
4131s | like some time thinking about the next |
4132s | expansion and the the one Beyond because |
4135s | uh |
4136s | once we've we've selected the expansion |
4138s | features and we've the teams are are |
4140s | rolling I kind of I can safely eject |
4144s | myself from the like execution |
4146s | production pipeline there are directors |
4149s | uh across the company and more people |
4151s | that ensure quality and follow it |
4153s | through so berer and I berer has |
4156s | actually been doing a lot of quality |
4157s | control and Skinner I can tell you like |
4159s | he's been spending more time and Skinner |
4161s | I think than anyone um but uh we have uh |
4167s | really interesting awesome things |
4169s | planned up uh for for expansion uh in in |
4172s | the fall and the teams will just be |
4175s | ready to roll into them we're really |
4177s | early with this we're all we're truly |
4179s | getting better at it so we can't wait to |
4181s | talk about it more kind of like you know |
4184s | sometime summer I guess but like let's |
4187s | just celebrate this expansion and and |
4190s | and uh look forward to the next one |
4193s | right on okay then |
4197s | we hope you enjoy Equinox CP hit the |
4199s | press the button um and uh from all of |
4203s | us here thanks for tuning in and we'll |
4205s | raid you off somewhere else yeah I |
4208s | actually just my my Discord just went on |
4210s | fire every Discord Channel I I'm in just |
4213s | pinged all uh notes are out so all right |
4217s | okay all right go read all right read |
4219s | right we're g for real this time goodbye |
4222s | bye bye bye go bye |