over 2 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
3s | welcome back to the last tournament we |
4s | have an absolute pancake party here for |
6s | you today we have some very special |
8s | pancakes we have a no lodgie set up from |
10s | uh royal capel and we have a flag |
13s | pancake for uh vajra hey miss tell us |
15s | about the rest of the team mate |
17s | yeah definitely looks like their waffles |
18s | are out of fashion that's what they both |
20s | teams brought three pancakes and on top |
23s | of that the road brought every ship with |
25s | missiles yeah rather every other ship |
27s | has missiles so we have three authors |
30s | one stock for links and maybe some |
32s | missiles two ejectors for even more |
34s | missiles and at gamma for the fastest |
36s | missiles |
37s | and on the vitro team like triple barges |
39s | again two north korean navy issue a |
42s | storm breaker which doesn't have |
43s | missiles a stock to clearance and the |
46s | jack draw because just more missiles |
49s | yeah it's definitely missed that all day |
51s | for sure so the storm bring is usually |
52s | there for killing off like drones or |
54s | being very heavy tackle but there are |
55s | effectively no real drones to kill here |
57s | it might be some rap drones but i don't |
59s | know there'll be that many as yeah we |
61s | already see they're going for a |
62s | battleship trade going for a trade |
64s | trading pancakes |
67s | yeah i've seen road going all in and |
69s | they're actually trading at the same |
70s | rate roughly uh it is this probably not |
73s | good if you're going all in without |
74s | lodging |
76s | yeah very much i mean honestly if they |
77s | managed to trade the bug for the oh |
79s | hello i just saw a gamma go from full |
81s | health to debt wow |
82s | simultaneous on those bugs |
85s | wow |
87s | yes the vitra actually a bit ahead |
89s | because they killed that the bag is but |
90s | we're seeing that panty in the bikes |
92s | also take massive amount of damage |
94s | they're really going for these pancakes |
95s | right away |
97s | i see a bit more damage they're going to |
98s | the small ships may raven and the |
99s | authors being shot at and the stalk is |
101s | being shot i'm assuming by one of the |
102s | jack doors and it looks like roy is |
104s | continuing with the kill the big ship |
106s | strap |
108s | was named tomboy outback i'm not sure if |
111s | they serve pancakes but they're |
112s | definitely getting grilled right away |
116s | the officer may raven is about to die |
117s | but honestly they've actually got panty |
119s | pretty low already i thought that the |
121s | bats surely be running out of missiles |
122s | soon which means pandy will get wrapped |
123s | back up but if they can trade off that |
125s | second box that wouldn't be too bad too |
127s | bad for them yeah it looks like the uh |
131s | hit reloads this is going to save panty |
132s | and the baggage and this is really good |
134s | call for the vitre team they know that |
136s | they knew that they couldn't have enough |
137s | missiles for killing a bias that went |
139s | for all these support ships instead as |
141s | they finish off the links in the |
143s | circular hexagon |
145s | yeah and uh the jackdaw and stalk of jim |
147s | raynor and head are doing great work |
149s | hurting the small stuff as well as the |
150s | offspring navies but i honestly can't |
152s | really see what the two jackdaws for a |
154s | road are doing i think they're trying to |
155s | shoot a kieran but they're not really |
156s | effective at that |
158s | just trying to kill off a killing but i |
160s | just don't think they have enough dps to |
161s | actually do it as a tune as kind of he |
163s | gets on top he might be able to get reps |
165s | uh |
166s | try and see if you can spot him yeah |
167s | he's getting in close to him yeah i mean |
170s | cyclists survive to walk his rapid |
172s | lights and wow look at that although |
174s | it's going from full health to hull to |
176s | dead within like 10 seconds that is |
178s | brutal levels of dps here yeah |
181s | definitely seeing what rapid heavy |
182s | missiles are doing to a crucial hole |
184s | that that isn't the tanky it looks like |
186s | they're going to finish off the links uh |
188s | or maybe not they're going for the |
189s | pancake after venturing into that |
192s | i think they're realizing that road's |
193s | very much going for killing the big |
195s | ships first and then bringing going down |
196s | after but i i honestly think you know |
198s | vajra is definitely ahead on this but ro |
200s | has still has a lot of dps battleships |
202s | and they're about to kill off the second |
203s | one now second bag is going down |
206s | they're going for entirely different |
207s | strats i'm actually curious to see if |
208s | maybe wrote has got a different idea |
210s | that'll actually work |
213s | though like really though he burned away |
215s | but there's drones chasing him they just |
218s | need a couple of hits and then he's |
219s | going down |
220s | he's at one percent okay there he goes |
223s | he's literally one percent like a man |
226s | that's pants brown moments |
228s | yeah they're losing the links as well so |
230s | it's two pancakes and then offers versus |
232s | one pancake two |
233s | uh raspberry navy issues |
236s | and still having a decent-sized support |
238s | wing on the vitra team |
240s | yeah i definitely think vajraj at this |
241s | point almost definitely have this like |
242s | they have a lot more support they've got |
243s | their lodgies still as well they've got |
245s | like a much more secure comp here |
246s | whereas |
247s | just begging and praying that bugs |
249s | hardly murray is scrambled by the stone |
252s | bringers they're not going to get free |
254s | from that |
255s | and just amount of time before dps |
256s | arrives and finishes him off |
259s | yeah that's the thing sombra is it may |
261s | not be easy doing too much against |
262s | drones but it is a very good shield |
264s | tackle though and he's got that authors |
265s | very well held down |
267s | but i'm curious to see what these bugs |
268s | trying to shoot next are they going to |
269s | continue going for the battleships are |
270s | they going to start going for offspring |
272s | navies |
273s | they say there's dps on their kidney no |
275s | no they're shooting at kieran they |
277s | shouldn't get killed with heavy missiles |
278s | no |
280s | yeah it's a bit of crushing questionable |
281s | target calling because these uh free |
283s | lottie figures have a really small |
285s | signature radius that being said that |
287s | offers did go down two pancakes vs the |
290s | world |
292s | i'm sorry i'm just it hurts so bad to |
295s | watch them try and shoot a kieran with a |
297s | rapid heavies like |
299s | that just hurts man that just hurts |
303s | [Music] |
306s | well |
307s | so uh i think vajra win this one |
309s | unfortunately |
312s | yeah it looks definitely like a video is |
313s | going to move honestly going to finish |
315s | off uh |
316s | the second pancake of the |
319s | of the road team so |
320s | this madmaster was really that good that |
323s | they're serving pancakes today so i will |
326s | certainly have to see uh road leave |
328s | their |
329s | tournament |
332s | yeah i i like the idea of going for the |
334s | bigger ships first i do like the idea of |
335s | just removing the core dps but |
337s | unfortunately i think i don't think it |
339s | would have worked but they immediately |
341s | killed any chance of it may be working |
342s | by trying to shoot kirins with heavy |
344s | missiles like i'm sorry guys you need a |
346s | hyena minimum for that |
348s | but the key thing here is to know what |
350s | you could finish off before you hit |
351s | reload if they managed to kill something |
353s | like if the menstrual fins of panty |
355s | before did the reload they could have |
357s | been in a much better position and the |
359s | vitro team did that really well as uh |
362s | as they went for the smaller ship once |
364s | they had killed the first pancake |
366s | exactly that official they know exactly |
367s | how many missiles they had what they |
368s | could kill and they did very well like |
370s | they killed two targets at the same time |
372s | they were trading like considering they |
373s | killed two ships while wrote only got |
375s | one they knew how to trade and knew the |
377s | missiles they had so honestly bravo |
378s | divider this is a master class but i i |
381s | have my hopes on road here i'm so sad |
386s | seeing kiev's local uh as the last |
389s | vargas is going into half shield |
392s | wrote did what they could but uh sadly |
394s | the pancakes |
396s | just weren't enough and i i hope that |
398s | the next match is going to have a lot of |
400s | ecm because i could use some jam for |
402s | these pancakes we had |
405s | and a quick little note as well is that |
406s | the uh the flag bug was nika noiser so |
409s | nika is still alive in the flag bark for |
412s | virus so they did not lose their flag |
413s | bug here that could have been a really |
415s | painful loss considering also that bro |
417s | did go for the uh killing the big ships |
419s | they did leave the flag bar until last |
420s | because it's probably the most tanky so |
422s | that that could have been a rough one |
423s | for vajra if they lost their flag |
427s | yes i want to expect it to be the |
429s | tankiest one so |
431s | i think that's a good call but we will |
433s | soon send it back to the studios they |
435s | just finishing off the last bike so yeah |
438s | a bit moving on as we send it back to |
441s | the studio |