over 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s now let's get going so I've introduced
4s my co-host um let me allow me to
7s introduce myself uh my name's katti I'm
9s the CEO of funn even better with friends
12s we're a player Corporation and we're
14s home of npsi rocks you will have noticed
16s you had flyers in your Swag Bags uh
18s hopefully you've had a look at that and
20s bookmark with the Discord site and so on
22s I started Eve in
24s 2004 and I took a PVP uh basic class run
28s by agon on Leafs who's heard of AG
32s yeah there you go come on little bit
34s more now uh and I've been hooked on PVP
37s ever since um yesterday actually you
39s know pop fact here uh actually marked my
42s 7,000th day in game I've never been away
45s from game I've always been subscribed uh
47s I was disappointed that my name wasn't
48s on the list this morning God damn it and
51s I've actually been playing roughly
53s 44.3% of my life and out so interesting
57s fact again outside of my marriage um uh
60s my family and Metallica uh e I've
63s actually Eve is the longest relationship
66s I've actually had in my life um I've run
69s more than a thousand uh PBP and npsi
72s public RS and to date funn is actually
75s the only Eve partner um e partner group
79s um I'm a veteran of seven Alliance
81s tournaments uh four as line member and
83s three as Captain uh of the Ancients um
86s we were the team last year that W
88s battleships at zero and we won uh and uh
91s much to the commentators uh surprise um
95s but we also the we've got the juus honor
97s of this year um been the first uh first
99s team elimin eliminated and I lost our
102s barg in I believe it was 32 seconds um
107s so ex it was excellent piloting and I
110s I've got all the logs and it was
112s horrific um so yeah that's a little bit
115s about me um now in Eve there is a
119s powerful force and it is community um it
122s goes beyond your screen that force is
124s obviously it Community now it basic it
128s conveys a sense of togetherness
130s positivity and camaraderie U and for me
134s um it's shared experience is and it
136s transforms what is a um what could be a
139s solitary Pastime into a vibrant and
142s social Adventure um now it feel for me
146s it feels like a warm hug I give out warm
148s hugs and I like doing that I look
150s forward to fleeing up with people I look
152s forward to chatting on coms I look
153s forward to being um in Fleet with you um
157s and amidst all of the Grandeur of Eve um
160s and the complexity Community actually
162s elevates this game and
166s um that the online experience so what is
170s a
171s community I think that fairly sums it up
174s pretty well in its simplest form a
177s community is a group of people who share
179s an identity forming
183s narrative now this common bond this
186s golden thread it's what connects people
188s you can see the connections
190s coming we all share this narrative and
194s some it's something that is so important
195s to us that it defines what we are and
198s what we are in
199s game we you us however you say it we are
203s a community and we all share the same
205s narrative fingers crof it's e on 9
209s obviously
212s oh sorry it spreadsheets in space
216s now is it
219s gone click okay sorry about that uh so
223s communities are critical uh for our
225s personal happiness and we as humans um
229s we thrive on social connection and
231s social interaction and we have um we we
236s thrive on having those meaningful ties
239s now that belonging that is created is
243s through um I mean how many people here
246s um have you met through Eve I mean you
248s all know each other I know these guys
249s that's this is the Ancients this is fun
251s ink and there's other guys I recognize
253s the t-shirts you all have your own
254s communities now how many times have you
257s laughed with a Corp an alliance mate and
259s you just stay on coms for an hour after
260s a fleet's finished hour after a mining
262s off is finished the community drives
263s everything that we do it's not just
266s pixels it is um you thrive on those
268s social act you
270s interactions and Eve becomes a more
273s Vibrant Community on the basis of having
276s an Engaged
279s community so what five words does
282s community mean to you shout
284s somehow there you go come on some moreit
287s some more didn't hear that one yeah
290s there you go
293s now here's what around 100 players said
296s on our Discord and there are some great
299s answers
301s party banter good times together new
304s Laughs new friends laughs now there were
307s also some quite I I think quite um
310s thought-provoking um word bonding
313s purpose strength achievement family
316s mental health uh these are all really
318s really absolutely critical for us um so
321s is community is it friendship for you is
323s it you know is it help is it support
326s what what does it mean to
328s you I urge you the next time you log in
330s obviously once you get back from FanFest
332s and paid off your credit cards and so on
335s um next time you log in just pause for a
337s moment and think about what you actually
340s get what you you know what you get from
342s playing
344s Eve now the Eve online community plays a
349s it's a Cru we have a crucial role in um
353s in shaping the game and making Eve a
355s truly vibrant experience a rich and
358s engaging experience also
360s what are five most important blocks that
363s form the basis of this collaboration and
369s teamwork Eve is a complex vast game we
372s all know that we've seen the cliff top
375s and hills and so on and so forth put
377s your hands up I can't see you all but
379s put your hands up if you play Eve
380s because of these friendships I know I do
383s yeah that's you know 70% I'd say
385s straight away Eve is even better with
388s friends that is the reason Reon why I
390s name that is our Corp ticket that's the
392s reason why I name the court that
394s Community allows people to collaborate
397s and work towards common objectives a
399s common that Common Thread that I
400s mentioned earlier and working with
403s others to create those greater
406s achievements um and success it gives you
408s more success than that of a solitary
410s player it aids in retention it's greater
413s satisfaction it
415s aids it aids you having greater
418s resilience
422s as I mentioned there's
425s no we we CRA social interactions uh in
429s the same region of our brains that uh
432s where we act um Where We crave food um
436s and we experience social ex exclusion um
439s in the same region of our brain where we
441s actually feel pain um so physical pain
444s um Eve is a social platform it's allows
449s the communities an able players to
450s interact with others who share the same
453s passion the same drive that we all have
455s and whether it's through engaging in
458s chat channels um you know startup
460s corporations npsi groups or you know
463s block you know uh nelc blocks or what
465s have you the community allows players to
468s exchange ideas um to develop those
471s connections and Thrive really um and it
474s makes the game more meaningful and it
477s takes you in last year I spoke at
478s FanFest it takes you be beyond your
480s comfort zone and into a region where
481s you're happy and you know you enjoy
485s something now as everyone knows uh
489s mentor mentorship and Leadership uh and
491s learning sorry um Eve online has has
493s that steep learning curve um however the
495s community itself um acts as a valuable
498s resource for mentorship um Eve
501s University um the oldest largest in-game
505s training Corp um they've trained more
508s than 25,000 new players I find that
511s incredible um look at my old cup Agony
514s On least um we actually ran the PVP
517s basic University class and we had 10,000
520s graduates from that we've also got
522s obviously Redemption road with grey gal
524s everybody knows grey gal uh sadly we
525s don't see many fleets from her but the
528s the basic uh principle is there uh you
532s know running npsi roams and for for new
534s brat to get people hooked on PVP to get
537s people out and about and engaged in the
539s game
540s and obviously more recently on
547s ussm obviously K set up e rookies and
551s maintaining the same sort of principle
553s um new Bro orientated player driven
556s content this is what drives this game
559s these groups allow for learning they
562s offer experiences at the end of the
568s day
571s they're getting
573s better so one of the defining features
576s of Eve is it's player-driven content um
579s we all love player driven content let's
581s let's let's just break that down um the
584s actions and decisions of players in game
586s drives this game it has an impact on the
588s game's economy its narrative its
590s politics I could you could list 20 30 40
593s 50 words about it each player has your
596s you everyone has the power to influence
599s the game
600s landscape and leave a lasting Legacy and
603s we all do we all genuinely do we drive
606s the content we drive the conflicts we
608s drive the markets we drive the
610s strategies we drive EV on line I know
612s the devs obviously have quite an
614s important part but
616s um
622s now now a sense of belonging um is
625s crucial to our life satisfaction and our
628s happiness and our mental well-being um
632s that sense of belonging adds meaning to
634s your online experience you you can't
637s take that away it's it's there joining
639s forces within a community gives players
642s uh a group to identify with a shared
645s purpose and it Fosters that sense of
647s loyalty camaraderie and so and how many
651s I know we've got a couple of FC's here
653s those those guys over here and whatnot
655s that forms part of your identity in this
657s game and you can't you can't walk away
659s away from that you cannot do it the fact
662s just any any person that has a role
664s within a team you that is your narrative
667s that is your belonging and your
670s identity so these five so the community
673s community and Eve online is essential
674s for collaboration socialization learning
676s doing and shaping the uh the game that
679s the game that we love um we wouldn't be
681s here in at FanFest hundreds of miles
683s away from home if we didn't believe in
685s this game Community creates that
688s spirited and immersive environment for
691s us now when we are not connected um
696s people feel isolated and lonely and we
699s can strengthen our resilience by
702s creating social networks and pop just I
706s was a bit resistant about talking about
708s coid and pandemics and so on and so
710s forth it's a bit you know Buzz Kill and
711s whatnot but just pop your hands up
713s really quickly if you felt isolated
716s during Co yeah that's probably I don't
719s know 40% 30% something like that dur
721s during the course of pandemic I actually
723s received numerous um like messages from
726s people sort of saying how much um The
728s Fleets that I run that we run that the
730s community runs actually means to them
733s and it helped them through quite a
735s trying time people were isolated they
737s were lonely there's no there's no
739s walking away from that I actually I
741s would urge anyone I would urge anyone
744s that is thinking about doing something
747s to just do it set up a community it
748s doesn't matter what it is you know if it
750s helps you it will help others I I I know
754s personally um one of the most rewarding
758s things I've done is set up funing you
761s know and the npsi Rocks calendar and so
763s and so on and so forth people that log
765s into our fleets and support us it blows
768s my mind that actually it's a two-way
770s thing they they love coming to The
772s Fleets I love running The Fleets it's
773s the same it' be the same for ver it' be
775s the same for the guys in bombers bar and
777s so and so
778s on
780s now this brings me nicely on to the
782s title of our presentation almost like we
784s actually had a plan now within the
787s community there is the UN and I um
789s content cre creators provide the content
791s they drive um people to log in um if we
794s didn't have content creators we wouldn't
796s have a game we sorry we would have a
798s game but we wouldn't have people logging
799s in yeah so this is where you guys come
803s in log in get in fleets go out mining go
806s out do do do what you do and enjoy it
809s and keep the community
811s vibrant the Bedrock of Eve is our social
814s experiences and real experiences with
818s real people at are at the heart of the
820s game our our community pulls us together
824s where other communities push
826s away again Eve is real community and Eve
829s online goes beyond the Strategic
831s advantages that it actually offers and
834s it transcends the virtual
835s world in the faces of challenges
838s setbacks or failure we rally together we
841s help out we help people we you know
843s offer support
844s advice you know just just look at Plex
847s for good look at Broad cost for reps
848s these are Community Driven
852s um things that um that help us it brings
856s us
857s together now as I said we're hundreds of
860s miles away from home the bonds that we
862s form within Eve um we share those
865s triumphs together and we learn from
867s those
868s failures which brings me nicely onto my
870s favorite motto of the Court fly together
873s win together um it's that's our court
875s motto through the power Community Eve
877s online becomes a platform for personal
879s development personal growth social
881s interaction you can list off hundreds of
884s things so next time you're online like I
887s said just step back and look at what you
889s get out of the community and how you
891s actually um benefit from
893s it which leads me very nicely onto our
896s little website it's the only plug I'm
897s going to do really um for the community
899s that run um we launched in 2020 uh it's
903s npsi rocks and it showcases 20 of the
906s best npsi content creators out there I
908s acknowledge that there are other content
909s creators out there if there are content
911s creators that want to get onto the
912s calendar just DM me and we can we can
915s sort it we created a centralized visible
917s and open calendar that promotes a v
919s variety of content and uh to allow
922s people to create connections and engage
924s with other
926s players and go check out the website
928s I've done a very very quick um video
931s it's like 15 seconds long a lot of
932s people that watch the at will have
934s recognized it um all my contacts will be
937s on the last slide if you want to reach
938s out just drop me a message um and I'll
941s be out the out in the bar having a drink
943s later on if you want to chat so here's a
945s quick video thanks for listening I'll be
947s passing over to Casal next sorry got
950s that wrong and um yeah enjoy this
958s video
972s there you go there's all my contacts if
973s you want to contact please do so and
974s I'll pass
981s you so is this on yeah perfect so I'm
986s cun and I'm the CEO of of e rookies and
991s my part of the presentation is building
992s the
995s community so uh this probably needs to
997s be updated
1007s now but I got my start in EV line three
1010s and a half years ago and the very first
1012s thing I did was found greel with
1014s Redemption Road and I started scouting
1017s then I joined funing
1019s and within 6 months I was fene thanks to
1023s people who threw me under the
1025s bus from there we started doing our own
1028s new Rams and then oh it was about 11
1032s months in someone wanted me to do
1033s something with incursions that fell
1035s through and kept doing newro stuff also
1039s stream and uh do some
1041s videos but in
1044s 2021 everything
1046s changed the community decided that I'm
1049s not going to get away with not doing
1051s incursions for New Bros and it came
1053s around and we founded ookies I already
1056s started a website so um we moved on and
1059s E rookies has
1061s uh grown we now 1,700 people strong uh
1066s two and a half years later I think in
1068s real life I am a marketing SEO expert
1071s and I'm also a community manager so this
1073s kind of goes into building the
1076s community so who here
1079s is thinking about building their own
1081s Community or is in the process of
1082s building a community anyone okay perfect
1086s the very first thing you need to look at
1087s is need do we really need another newro
1090s Corp that is sitting in jetah spamming
1093s newbros probably not we got plenty of
1095s those look at the community and see what
1098s is actually out there and where you
1102s exceed because that's where the
1105s community is going to grow ookies needed
1108s something for new Bros in the incursions
1110s and later in mining and later in Ford
1112s bases and Wormhole routing so that was
1116s our secret sux finding something where
1118s we were
1120s needed so identify the untapped
1123s opportunities in the Greater Community
1125s pinpoint what's
1127s missing offer a distinctive solution to
1130s the Gap provide a compelling reason for
1132s players to join leverage your personal
1135s strengths so everyone sitting here has
1138s some sort of strength something that
1139s you're good at in the game it could be
1141s you know ship spinning and station but
1144s chances are you actually know something
1146s that you can pass on to somebody else
1149s make sure your community is about
1150s something that you're passionate about
1153s there's too many communities that were a
1155s great idea there was an Abyssal group
1157s not too long ago great idea it's kind of
1161s puttered off into nothing because they
1163s just burned out so make sure it's
1165s something that you're passionate
1167s about
1169s leadership sorry no sound effects for
1173s me establishing a Leadership Foundation
1176s this is the very first place that you're
1178s going to decide the flavor of your
1181s community your leadership style some
1185s people have kind of a uh communal
1189s leadership so there is no one point at
1192s the top making decisions everyone is
1194s making them together then you have the
1197s Democracy the community decides then you
1199s have the CEO that makes all the
1201s decisions there isn't one that is better
1204s than the other you have to decide what's
1207s good for your
1210s community surround yourself with equally
1212s passionate
1213s leaders honestly I'm passionate about
1216s what I do with newbros but my leadership
1219s underneath me is equally as passionate
1222s so when I start to burn out I can tell
1224s one of my leaders you know you need to
1226s do this for me and then can keep it
1231s going
1232s Implement contingency plans for decision
1237s makers look back at the last three years
1240s alone how many communities have
1242s absolutely
1243s imploded because the decision makers
1246s went AFK they're no longer in the game I
1250s can sit here and I could probably rattle
1251s off five right off that always always
1255s always have a contingency plan that way
1257s your community is going to thrive even
1259s if you can't be part of
1262s it regularly evaluate and reflect on
1265s leadership
1266s Effectiveness it's not static there is
1269s no one way sometimes you think that
1271s you're going to go this way with your
1273s community but your community is going to
1275s go that way roll with it be flexible
1278s don't say this is the only way there's
1281s too many communities still in Eve right
1283s now saying this is it and the community
1286s just kind of says we don't want that and
1288s they go find somebody
1291s else be part of the community yourself
1294s again let's think about some of the
1296s communities out there how many of your
1298s CEOs actually fly with you how many of
1301s them actually log
1303s in you know be part of the community if
1306s you're going to create it be there to
1308s support your people you know it's just
1311s like a CEO of a company manager of a
1313s company you want to see the people that
1316s are you know working for you and they
1319s want to see
1321s you come up with rules that are flexible
1324s and make sense this one is a huge bug
1327s bear there's a couple communities that
1329s I've tried to be part of but I wasn't
1333s willing to quite uh sit down and do um
1337s paperwork I wasn't willing to do tests
1340s and things like that so think about the
1344s rules that you're going to put out
1346s decide what atmosphere you want your
1347s community start with the minimum amount
1350s to achieve that atmosphere don't try to
1353s fix problems that don't yet
1356s exist and if a rule becomes obsolete get
1359s rid of
1362s it the problem in a lot of communities
1365s and even companies is they just try to
1367s fix things that aren't
1370s broken just don't
1374s stop scale your community as it
1377s grows this was almost a trap that I fell
1379s into when iie started not only were we
1382s doing the open Community concept we
1383s wanted to become a corporation too we
1385s wanted to become a new Bro
1387s corporation that takes a lot of work I
1390s realized that probably about three
1391s months into it that I didn't have enough
1394s of me to go around to all the different
1396s projects so I pulled it back scaled it
1399s just to the
1401s incursions and from there someone
1403s stepped and said I want to do forward
1405s bases someone else says I want to do
1407s mining and then we can go and we can
1410s grow and we can extend those tentacles
1413s out into other regions but always start
1416s small adapt an organizational structure
1420s and reinforce the community
1425s culture empowering your
1428s community there again think back to
1432s different communities been part of how
1434s many of your CEO you have to ask
1435s permission to take a fleet out or you
1438s need to ask permission to go into a
1441s different area of the
1444s game what you want to do as a leader or
1448s in your leadership group you want to
1449s empower your players we want to see new
1451s FCS to come out we want to see people
1454s trying new ideas and new
1457s things your community is your most
1459s valuable asset and you want to give them
1461s room to take ownership matter of fact it
1464s was just two nights ago I looked at our
1466s Discord and I saw one of my very
1469s reluctant FC's he actually stepped out
1472s and he pinged a PVP Fleet this was
1475s totally
1476s unexpected he did that because he felt
1478s comfortable because he knew no one was
1480s going to go and say oh you know stop you
1483s shouldn't do that you should have asked
1484s permission
1485s first he went it was a
1488s success that that made me like the proud
1490s mama
1492s bear identify your Future Leaders when
1495s you're flying with people you know who's
1498s going to be that next
1500s FC when they're picking up if you get
1503s blown up they pick up and they start
1504s calling targets or they get someone safe
1507s those are the people you want to
1508s identify and you want to start talking
1510s to and you want to start grooming and
1512s you want to get ready to give those
1513s wings because those are the people that
1516s are going to be your
1517s stars encouraging your members to take
1519s an active role in ookies we're always
1523s encouraging people to help out I have
1527s another FC
1528s and he has a pretty severe disability he
1531s never thought that he was going to be
1532s able to FC in order to move his Mouse he
1535s actually has to blow into a tube and he
1537s does a lot of voice
1539s commands today not only is he FC not
1542s only is he a leadership but he also
1544s moves all of our incursion ships from
1546s Focus to focus and he duel boxes these
1549s are all things that he never thought
1551s that he could actually
1553s do and given them the tools that they
1555s need to be
1557s successful we don't trust people because
1560s of the nature of the game we don't want
1561s to give people directors we don't want
1563s to give people um roles in Discord we
1565s don't want to give people uh other
1568s things that they could really mess up
1570s your group or Corporation with but
1573s sometimes you have to trust someone
1575s giving them the tools that they need to
1576s be successful whether it's those roles
1578s or ships or isk that's how we're going
1581s to get content into the
1585s game and IES is the
1593s proof so this is Eve rookies as of about
1596s a month ago our monthly average we did
1599s 21 incursion fleets with 32 new 32 new
1603s pilots four fob fleets with five new
1606s pilots five mining fleets with 15 new
1608s pilots and these are all Pilots that
1610s have never done an eies Fleet with us
1613s two Mission
1614s fleets four routing fleets two PVP P
1618s fleets and that ends up being about 34
1622s fleets that we stood up with about 70
1625s unique people coming through and that's
1627s how it's been for the last year
1630s so what you saw up here isn't the end
1633s all Beall but this is like the tldr of
1636s getting a community up and
1638s running so now we're going to figure out
1641s how to uh maintain the
1647s community
1654s cool it's my wife
1656s working uh oh the silence oh there we go
1659s now I can hear myself feeding back Hey
1661s so uh I'll talk about myself in a second
1663s but yeah we've now heard about I guess
1664s what a community is we've spoken about
1666s how a communicate how a community
1670s community uh can be developed what I'm
1672s going to talk about is uh something near
1673s and dear to my heart and that is
1675s actually I guess the enduring nature of
1677s some communities and I'll talk talk
1678s about why I'm the dude doing it in a
1680s second so who am I I'm a wormholer by
1682s the way uh I'm an Aussie I drink beer um
1686s so I thought I'd do that just spill all
1688s over the
1689s stage make a mess uh and that's that's
1692s who I am right uh so why am I talking
1695s about the enduring nature of uh
1697s communities themselves so I actually see
1699s myself as quite a young player like I
1700s haven't even been playing Eve for a
1701s decade which is probably half uh what
1703s everyone else is in um so you can seeit
1705s do I have a laser pointer yeah Sin Sin
1707s gets born here um and all of the
1709s communities I'm part of um in some sort
1711s of role existed before my character was
1714s you know kind of even out of you know
1716s the rookie system uh you can see the the
1718s little red triangles there is sort of
1719s where I got involved in those
1721s communities from uh be be it up in Red
1723s Frog uh down to uh exit strategy sort of
1726s where I'm I'm sort of known to be most
1728s of the time uh a little bit of bombers
1730s bar but we're talking you know I'm a I'm
1731s an F1 monkey in bombers bar uh I'm
1733s attending Eve down under um things like
1736s that and it's not until the stars that I
1738s get involved in some of those
1739s organizations at a leadership level so
1741s not only am I younger than the
1743s organizations but it takes me a while to
1744s get into them um definitely those that
1748s are going to be down under though Eve
1749s down under 17th of November come along
1752s yeah buddy um so I've only got a couple
1755s of slides that I'm going to talk to
1756s which will allow us to have plenty of
1758s time for questions so if you've got
1759s questions sort of rattling around your
1760s brain at the moment uh for some of the
1762s other guys get them get them primed but
1764s the first thing I want to talk about is
1766s if you do find yourself stepp up into a
1768s community that already exists in a
1770s leadership role uh the the best thing I
1773s think you can do is probably look at the
1775s the why are the people that are in that
1777s Community doing whatever it is they do
1780s if you can you know you've got your your
1781s Simon cynic you know start with why if
1784s you can kind of groundbase your
1785s organization your business your
1787s corporation your community whatever it
1789s is um from that you'll probably find
1792s that it's pretty easy to I guess get the
1794s momentum and continue it to go um
1796s there's a couple of things I've put up
1797s there there's five of them so certainly
1799s your group whatever it is will have a
1801s reputation for doing something whether
1802s that's uh gate camping or or you know
1805s hot dropping people in lowc if it's just
1807s owning some huge Empire in null or if
1809s it's evicting uh other Wormhole groups
1811s around the place or it's mining in high
1813s SEC whatever it is have it you'll have a
1815s reputation you'll be known for it and
1816s it's very very hard if you step up as a
1818s leader to try and alter that reputation
1820s particularly quickly so I would say find
1822s it embrace it go with it and if you do
1824s want to change it work on it later
1826s you'll have Affiliates whether they for
1828s enemies whether they be enemies whe
1830s whatever um getting in networking with
1832s them diplomacy and that that interaction
1834s and communication in Eve goes a whole
1837s whole way into most leadership's uh
1840s daily life so even if you're not logging
1842s in you'll probably find that Discord
1844s slack whatever is pinging all the time I
1847s can't even imagine how many messages
1848s I've probably had while I've been here
1850s uh presenting in the like time zone is
1852s important I'm an Aussie naturally if I
1854s try and force myself into another time
1856s zone uh too quickly it's not going to
1858s work particularly well whatever it is
1860s your groups do I mean I've spoken about
1861s the hot dropping or if you're rock or
1862s mining or if you're Capital produc
1864s whatever it is again it's very hard to
1865s steer the ship somewhere else too early
1868s because your your community itself
1869s exists for a reason and the last thing
1871s is the third party tools so uh it's
1874s probably um I would say widely
1877s understood but probably not widely
1878s acknowledged is how many thirdparty apps
1880s be they team speake Discord slack Mumble
1883s whatever it is you guys are
1885s communicating on um is a massive deal
1887s and trying to alter whatever it is or
1888s maybe it's tripwire or Pathfinder if
1890s you're a worm Haller um trying to alter
1892s them uh might not work and you have to
1893s kind of steadily steadily bring them in
1895s to the community so we have heard a
1898s little bit about some of the things you
1899s should do as a leader I kind of I got
1902s some inspirational you know things I
1904s just Googled like you know leadership
1905s and picture and I thought I'd bang them
1907s up I mean they look pretty um but really
1909s over here is uh is what I wanted to talk
1911s about I'm not going to dwell on them too
1912s much because I think a lot of them are I
1914s guess motherhood statements or
1915s self-explanatory but it is really
1917s important that if you're a leader of a
1918s community you do communicate with your
1920s people and not only talk like I'm doing
1922s now but also perhaps listen um sometimes
1925s you can learn a lot about your community
1927s if you just sit in coms and let your
1929s dudes talk uh and figure out what it is
1931s they want to do I think so like uh we
1934s did say gelle said you know like log on
1936s I would say yes I know there are some
1937s groups that necessarily don't have their
1939s dude or dudette that's in charge or
1941s their leadership log on but certainly it
1943s might just be show up maybe that's a
1944s better way of putting it like actually
1946s engage in your community your that goes
1948s a long way certainly delegate there are
1950s far too many leaders that should still
1952s be around in Eve that have just burnt
1954s themselves out from a lack of Delegation
1955s so it's something I'm really bad at uh
1958s quick to discipline if you've got issues
1960s growing try and try and nip them in the
1962s butt nice and early before you are um
1965s get too far and the the inverse or or or
1968s the like is to reward so if you have
1971s people that are stepping up putting the
1972s hours in um you mentioned the dude that
1974s moves all those um all the incursion
1977s Fleet fits around the place like like
1979s time is a massive resource that you no
1982s matter who you are in this game you only
1983s get 24 hours of it a day most of us have
1986s lives um sometimes I wonder if I do
1988s because I spend way too much in Eve but
1990s you know work family and all that sort
1991s of stuff is is naturally should come
1993s first and then whatever people have got
1994s left they put into this game and it is
1996s amazing to see what some of the players
1998s that aren't necessarily in leadership do
1999s so reward those individuals have a plan
2001s don't just kind of sit there probably
2003s the worst thing you can do is go into
2005s what I I would say the defense and do
2006s nothing uh have have a plan of attack
2009s like start doing stuff and you you'll
2010s find that the community grows and
2012s certainly make mistakes um the inverse I
2015s only put a few down I only want to
2016s really touch on that last one is I would
2018s really encourage you if you want to
2019s maintain a community you've taken over
2021s is uh is probably don't use it for your
2023s own gain or or steal from them you'll
2024s probably find the community will either
2025s get rid of you uh or it'll implode
2027s there's some some really good uh
2029s Rockstar news articles that are out
2031s there about you know a new leader steps
2033s up and then it's like and it's all mine
2035s yeah um that's Eve I guess
2038s uh and then if I've spoken to the
2039s leaders I guess if anyone everyone can
2043s be a leader that would be great but you
2044s need followers so I would say for those
2046s of you that are in your corpse if you
2047s want to um take away a whole bunch of
2050s stuff from this presentation and you
2052s don't necessarily want to lead and
2053s that's fine um like there's a whole
2054s bunch of stuff you can hear like
2056s interacting with the community just be
2057s on coms uh run activities events social
2060s stuff like I have I have a dude uh in my
2062s court that generates these once a month
2064s right he he actually grabs someone he
2066s interviews them he learns their Eve
2068s story learn some fun facts about them
2070s and you know and we we put them up and
2071s so everyone knows sort of where people
2072s are from like what they do their
2074s favorite things and then we've got sort
2076s of you know the leading leading pvpers
2078s each month get added to the list so you
2080s know again we've got all the countries
2082s kind of in exit strage so if you for
2084s that month have got the most kills
2085s someone puts it together gets you on
2087s there on that that terrible I think like
2088s Windows background or whatever it is um
2091s and lines it along you can see we're all
2093s like holding hands and oh it's so nice
2095s except for I don't know what's going on
2096s there it's like a leg rub
2097s um doctrines like getting in there I
2100s mean if you're an alliance tournament
2101s ship uh like sort of Team having some of
2104s that anything you can do like try to
2105s take it away from the leadership because
2107s again leaders are are particularly bad
2109s in this game at delegating so if you can
2111s do something and sort of Bring It
2112s Forward you'll find that the community
2114s will grow uh definitely have stories the
2116s amount of times um I have sat on comms
2119s probably drunk most of the time or
2121s someone else's and they're just rattling
2122s some story about something happened in
2124s this battle in 2006 or whatever and it's
2127s just like you just sit there and it's
2128s it's just amazing to be on coms with
2130s these people right and then some of them
2131s aren't even playing the game I I have a
2133s guy that that he drives a truck right
2134s he's not always able to get on the game
2136s with us but he definitely puts Discord
2137s in he we just driving this truck for
2139s many hours he's just on on Discord just
2141s listen listen to his PVP listen to his
2143s chat listen to his mine or whatever uh
2145s uh I'm very very Tech uh incompetent so
2149s I I rely on other people in the
2151s community to sort of have things like
2153s your Discord Bots or your slack or be
2155s able to get me onto other coms cuz
2157s sometimes you know you're interacting
2158s with multiple fleets and again anything
2159s that can take the burden off me trying
2160s to click my my monkey brain that doesn't
2163s know how to you know do programming or
2164s data or whatever somebody's like sing
2166s just just click this like it'll just get
2167s you in there boom good to go like uh
2170s really big thing and then the other one
2171s is you know if you want you want your
2173s community to grow and be known like um
2175s communicate right a lot of us hide
2177s behind sort of different pseudonyms
2179s online and that's great but uh if you
2180s can bring your your group forward you'll
2183s find it will'll either get a better
2184s reputation whichever way you want to go
2186s um and and certainly develop from there
2188s so that's that's my shout out to you
2190s guys if you're going to follow uh and
2192s then my last one if I'd be forgetting
2194s someone would be CCP uh I'm not going to
2196s ask them to to answer the questions and
2198s I know that some of the devs are in the
2199s room and I'm sure some will watch the
2200s recording later and probably never
2202s invite me back but
2204s um I I would say uh content creators and
2207s Eve are different to other games so uh I
2210s would say that all of the streams and
2212s and things that people watch and the
2214s YouTubes are are great and it's great
2215s that we have that Community Partners
2217s ship but I would say that there's we're
2218s probably missing a trick on are the
2220s content creators those people that do
2222s stream which absolutely in gaming terms
2223s they are but in Eve are they the people
2225s that behind the scenes are putting in
2226s the hours that actually involve The
2228s Fleets getting undocked are they the
2229s people that have the setup for the
2231s response Fleet are the people putting in
2232s the work for the alliance tournament
2233s team or or newbie groups or npsi I would
2236s say those individuals um I think you
2238s kind of mentioned it right at the start
2240s is without those people I mean Eve would
2242s absolutely exist but I'm not sure if it
2243s would flourish like it does uh so who
2246s are they and and and and how are we
2248s retaining them without having them burn
2249s out as they you know their family lives
2251s and their jobs take away from them uh
2254s and then if we aren't going to retain
2255s them because we won't retain everyone uh
2257s how are we growing new ones so how are
2258s we getting the I can't remember I was in
2260s that that presentation at the start we
2261s were talking about you know there are
2262s some you know 13 to 17 year old dudes
2265s and dudets that are are now playing Eve
2266s how are we developing them into the
2268s content creator in three years or five
2270s years I spoke at the start you know when
2272s I joined in in 2014 2015 uh I had no
2274s idea what was going on you know I was
2276s like sitting in the corner at the the
2277s player meetups and the like I was quite
2278s on comms took me about a year from
2280s creating my character to get to bombers
2281s bar and I created it for that reason
2283s like how we how are we growing these
2284s people into um what are effectively
2286s running these communities uh and then
2288s the other thing is like why are people
2289s logging in how can we get them to do
2291s that more you know how can we get these
2292s content creators to actually put in the
2294s effort to find that raw cor to Ping the
2295s kicky MOA Fleet or whatever to get them
2297s out there uh and I would just say that
2299s that's that's probably my final point
2300s right if I if I had to sum it down to
2302s one thing is people in space is good to
2305s get people in space it's generally pings
2307s that's what I've found uh and things in
2308s space is what gets the ping you know
2310s help I've been tackled or help I've got
2312s something tackled right so that is where
2314s I kind of wanted to get to uh for the
2316s presentation uh what we are going to do
2318s now Absol is open up for some questions
2320s if we've got time I don't have my watch
2322s on WE how we going great so thank
2331s you so I don't know if we have a really
2333s cool oh there we go that that' be that
2335s good look good in the background um yeah
2337s so if there are any questions please
2339s like throw your hands up um and if it's
2340s directed to one of us all of us um happy
2342s to take some of them or none of them
2345s either's a game where trust is a
2348s resource to some extent and you know
2351s what we're talking about here involves
2353s placing a lot of trust in how do you
2356s manage that element of your community
2359s with the
2361s bance yeah um so so the questions we
2364s have to repeat it for the Stream So
2366s effectively is e as a game of trust uh
2369s which can be lost or gained uh and I I
2371s guess the question is like how do you
2373s retain it or how do you accept the risk
2375s of it like what's the how you manage the
2377s yeah sure you guys want to throw it out
2380s um I think it's
2383s knowing getting to know the person and
2386s it's
2387s actually
2388s right with with funing people that fly
2392s with us as an npsi
2395s Community I do know recruitment
2397s they just join because they just fly
2399s with us it's like we have frequent
2401s flyers that I mean I've had people that
2403s said I'm never going to join a um
2405s Corporation I'm not I'm I don't want to
2407s do that eight weeks later six months
2409s later a year later in some instances
2411s they join the community they join the
2413s court and they become FC's so they then
2416s have access to certain privileged
2417s channels and so on and so forth within
2419s the within our Discord within our kind
2422s of Discord channels and whatnot that
2425s trust you
2428s you gain it or they gain it rather just
2431s through interacting with us it's you you
2434s you read the the circumstance I mean
2437s that to me it's it's about the person
2439s and the IND and the individual what what
2441s what do they bring to the table and what
2442s can we bring through the table too then
2444s that's I mean I think
2446s sh yeah so with Eve rookies uh we had
2450s the worst thing that could possibly
2452s happen to us happened within three
2453s months someone ran away with 20 bill
2455s worth of incursion ships
2458s I mean it it was pixels that's where we
2461s quickly learned that we need to separate
2462s assets and now we have things separated
2465s in a way that when someone's a JFC that
2469s they get a little bit of access and when
2470s they become a leader we hope that
2473s they're not going to run away with you
2474s know a lot more than 20 bill worth stuff
2478s but um yeah you know it's going to
2480s happen have a contingency plan you know
2482s for when the worst happens and when it
2484s does happen you're going to realize it's
2485s really not that big deal you fix it and
2488s you move on yeah and I would um I don't
2491s have as much luxury to um be as trusting
2494s uh so both uh I guess as a wormholer or
2497s dealing with people's real life cash
2498s when I run um uh eat down under right so
2502s I guess uh probably easier in real life
2504s we're governed by some pretty strict
2505s laws it's easy for me to do um so that's
2508s that's fine ingame I mean yeah
2511s I yeah it takes time takes a really long
2513s time to develop the trust um and it's
2516s it's Absol absolutely critical in the
2517s leadership circles as well and um yeah I
2520s don't actually know how I can answer
2521s that question how how do you manage it I
2523s I think you always need to have I guess
2525s a backup plan so uh I know there are
2527s many uh Corporation leaders that have
2529s you know isk in the corporate account
2531s but then they've got an alt and that all
2533s that that is you know that's their their
2534s Backup backup set of cash so you know if
2536s if they if they will lose everything in
2538s the the blink of an eye because there
2539s was a disagreement at a leadership level
2540s and someone took it all um they could
2542s replace it I know other guys and girls
2543s that don't have that and they are
2546s probably taking a risk and I guess that
2548s is that is what Eve is right like some
2549s of the things that keep people like
2551s probably you and I Vault logging in is
2553s the fact that um there is that element
2554s of risk and and chance so yeah I guess
2558s be be hyper aware of it would be what
2560s would I say yeah any other question
2563s actually yeah with if you put the checks
2566s and balances in place you
2569s will create that that security um that's
2574s you if that makes sense obviously the
2577s person you're having to trust that's
2579s them um mud sticks um we're all in a
2583s community that um it's quite although
2586s it's hundreds of thousand you know
2588s thousands of players and
2590s whatnot mud sticks and that goes with
2593s them to the next so you know every users
2596s Reddit and so on and so forth so that
2598s all you need to do is just post well
2599s this person did this that now and that's
2601s that's them that's that character B and
2603s yeah okay they're going to have to start
2604s a new charact you know so on and so
2606s forth It's
2608s yeah I mean I think that's where I would
2611s say and also if you create a community
2614s that people are proud to be part of
2616s absolutely you're going to have a lot
2617s less of that clo and Dagger thing going
2619s on Eve rookies we've been live for two
2621s and a half years 1700 people and we have
2625s banned I think five people because
2627s people enjoy being part of the community
2629s we don't do drama we don't do any of the
2632s toxicity or anything like that so people
2634s just come fly and have a good time it's
2636s really easy to promote
2640s leaders while waiting for another i' say
2642s um drama the earlier you can stop drama
2645s um the the less risk you've got with the
2647s trust problem I would say as you and I
2649s know a little bit
2651s Yeah
2653s mention issue
2657s directly would risk to
2664s set to
2667s okay so the question is a Corp versus a
2669s community
2671s so I think there is no risk in one or
2675s the other it's what your goal is in the
2678s game um e rookies could be a corporation
2682s but that takes a lot of time away from
2686s everything else you want to do uh we
2688s decided to go the open Community route
2690s because we didn't want to say oh no you
2693s can't come fly with us because you're
2694s goons or no you can't fly with us
2696s because you're a wormholer we wanted
2698s everyone to be able to participate and
2700s join and that is our goal is inclusivity
2703s so if we are a corporation then we'd
2706s really have to say no you really do have
2708s to leave that cor to come and join us so
2711s like say end a day it's what your goal
2713s and your intent is in your group so
2716s one's not any better than the other it's
2718s just your
2722s intent yeah sorry we go I'm just
2725s stabbing in the duck yeah thanks um so I
2730s guess my question is when you're
2732s creating open communities and recr
2735s people sure at the extreme you sometimes
2737s get toxic people and you have to deal
2739s that like that perhaps more common is
2742s you might end
2743s up
2749s people what's your experience with that
2751s what's your approach
2753s to so experiences with people that
2756s dominate the community uh in Eve rookies
2759s we deal with new players so usually
2762s they're very quiet and timid and we
2763s don't have a lot of that but I do know
2767s in h the npsi community we do have those
2770s type of characters oh yeah yeah it's
2774s um s I'll let
2777s you man man I don't know if he's saying
2780s I'm one of those people or if he's
2782s asking me to so I mean how do you deal
2784s with it look um Eve is fascinating God s
2787s like I'm answering politically like was
2789s fascinating because we we come from
2790s different cultures and like and also
2793s because something that is uh
2795s intrinsically involved in online gaming
2797s right we're all on somewhere on the
2798s Spectrum somewhere particularly if you
2800s play Eve and you you know like the
2802s problem is sometimes they don't know
2803s they're doing it um for sure like like
2805s you have uh particular cultures might be
2808s slightly more in your face uh other
2810s cultures might be uh slightly more uh
2812s reused and take longer to warm up how do
2815s you deal with it I think it is the
2816s responsibility of the the the senior
2819s veteran um more developed people in a
2822s community to um set the cultural
2825s patterns through coms over time so you
2827s know if you if you don't uh stuff up
2830s local with lots of words or if you do
2832s like you doing that um people naturally
2834s I guess fall in line it's like the whole
2836s like you know the monkey in the room and
2838s you bring in the other monkeys the
2839s banana gets hosed and if you don't know
2840s the one Google it be fine um but that
2843s there will come a point when eventually
2844s someone might not fit in so in uh public
2847s communities which which we all uh uh you
2849s know kind of manage run or FC in um it
2852s could be harder to do because we are
2854s supposed to be open and welcoming but
2855s absolutely in bombs bar you might get
2856s someone like that and it just takes time
2858s and eventually if they're completely not
2860s fitting in you might provide someone to
2862s provide some I guess mentoring on the
2863s side and and and I would say the worst
2865s thing you can do is try and expose them
2867s in front of everyone because people get
2869s uh quite embarrassed um anxious if they
2871s do get called out in front of their
2873s mates um and I would say the other bit
2875s is in in closed community so like my my
2877s community eventually there might come a
2879s time where someone's just not fitting in
2880s they're just not fitting with the
2881s culture uh it's up to you as a leader or
2883s person on how many guess strikes you're
2885s going to give someone but it you know
2886s there is probably not I don't want to
2888s say a month maybe not not not not a half
2890s a year goes by when I don't have to kind
2892s of bring someone into a channel and be
2893s like hey dude um just let you know we do
2895s that uh this is not particularly working
2897s out like maybe try this give them
2899s another chance and if it still doesn't
2900s work out it's just like hey I'm sorry uh
2902s I'm going to recommend you go to another
2905s C
2907s take your stuff I think it Al sorry to
2909s just cut in there um I think it also
2911s goes on feel um you get to know people
2913s and you can read a room you can see what
2915s they like and I mean just using fun Inc
2919s as an example I mean I'm counting what
2921s 12 from cour here combination of
2924s Alliance and so on and so forth we're
2926s actually a small Court we've only
2927s actually got I think it's like 75 in um
2930s in the corporation and for sort of 12
2932s people to be here I think it's amazing
2935s on the basis of the the percentage of
2938s the Corp and that's because we've
2940s created that environment we're all
2941s like-minded people we get on uh I've
2944s known you know a couple of guys you know
2946s sort of since 2004 2005 that is a huge
2950s percentage of my life it's a huge you
2952s know um you know percentage of where
2955s we've had those shared experiences um I
2958s trust these guys uh you know it's it's
2961s just yeah and also lead how you want
2966s your community to be as I had said
2968s before on my slide um none of the
2971s leadership in ookies is really
2973s overbearing or dominating uh everyone
2975s knows when it's time to lead and knows
2978s to follow and the community is just
2980s Fallen right into place so you know we
2983s have ambassadors which are glorified
2985s moderators on our Discord and the
2987s ambassadors are very proud of this and
2989s they you know set the tone and yeah
2992s everyone just kind of does their thing
2997s is someone over here a question sorry
2998s it's very hard to
3004s see when you form aeration and you have
3007s a focus and you're look enough to
3009s recruit people into that Focus so you
3012s talk about
3013s delegation where does the boundary come
3015s in where you want people to L and enjoy
3019s game but you also might need help and
3021s support let's say Logistics or fueling
3024s structures set
3026s at what
3027s point where you say you know there are
3031s opportunities open up here for roles
3033s within the corporation but people are
3036s brave enough either to step up or youate
3039s where you're actually making a job
3042s taking away their the game what's been
3045s your experience with that type of
3047s decision management delegation yeah so
3049s the questions about delegation so um I
3051s guess to to Briefly summarize it is
3054s where is the line between um handing out
3057s delegation and taking someone's fun out
3058s of the game because they're going to
3060s expend their time and their resource
3061s doing it um versus I guess um I guess
3064s not not handing it out so they can enjoy
3065s the game is that probably a fair
3072s summary very
3074s good think brilli maybe I can tell we
3078s can as a coration yeah but then what
3081s you've done is now you an ownership on
3083s them and themselves
3104s yeah I I've got it I've got an answer
3106s ready go yeah I I I'm a huge fan of
3109s Delegation um the joke within IIs is you
3113s know I try to delegate myself out of the
3115s job it's like oh Sha's not doing
3116s anything cuz she's has everyone else
3118s doing it um I always look for people who
3121s shine and who can do the job and then I
3125s pull him to the side and I ask him if
3126s this is something we want to do also uh
3129s we have a great thing happening within
3130s the community uh people are saying you
3132s know I really want to do this can I help
3134s out that's how I got um my new U-Haul
3138s driver for the incursion focuses is he's
3141s like you know I'm not doing anything can
3143s I move the ships so um yeah just find
3146s somebody who is willing to do something
3149s and give it to them but keep checking up
3151s on them you know are you okay uh are do
3154s you need help you know because just like
3157s a real life job where your manager is
3159s delegating it out you know sometimes you
3162s this person is so fantastic you're going
3164s to give them too many jobs and they just
3165s can't handle it anymore or maybe you
3168s know you notice that they're slowing
3169s down and someone else is coming up
3171s that's going to be the star shining kind
3173s of past the torch you just have to be
3174s hyper aware of that as the leader or
3177s leadership of your
3180s group yeah so I I I want to Echo that
3183s being hyper aware so once once you do
3185s delegate and they they might naturally
3186s Bubble Up which is probably been my
3188s experience is people just sort of come
3189s up and then start gripping into things
3191s so that's that is great but you do you
3193s need to just watch them watch their
3194s activity and then yeah do do check up on
3196s them um I'm okay at it in some areas and
3199s I'm I'll tell you some bad stories in a
3201s second bombers bar is easy though we
3202s just have rols on a Discord and people
3204s can say yeah I am willing to be a
3206s Bridger and willing to be a hunter or
3207s whatever and even if they have a lack of
3209s experience someone will take them under
3210s their wing and actually there's there's
3212s quite a bit of fun I've found people
3214s actually probably play more um when
3215s they're doing those sort of roles but I
3217s guess you're talking more about the the
3218s work right like fueling structures um
3221s yeahp
3234s maybe
3236s I think
3237s what
3242s people all
3247s ofation and then they end taking on
3257s themselves no you you so you are right
3260s um like you know I think there's a
3262s there's an old prob like a man can only
3264s only carry so much or something like
3266s that or you know the old camel camel you
3267s know with the with the straw its back
3268s type thing but um you just need to be
3270s aware of it so so leaders should be
3273s aware when individuals are logging in
3275s less because they're overfocused on the
3278s the the harder harder administrative
3280s work that goes with the game or outside
3282s of the game and things like that and I
3284s would also say um people should be aware
3285s when their leader uh starts logging in
3287s less and less because some sometimes it
3289s does become overwhelming and I mean I I
3291s like to get in fleets FC fleets and and
3293s like there's nothing worse for me than
3294s Fuel and structur is handing out sip
3297s cach you know hauling in ships and all
3299s it's just hours and hours of work or or
3301s hauling loot out from an eviction I like
3302s but it doesn't need to get done um yeah
3304s I get I think you somehow you have to
3306s make the balance and I probably can't
3307s answer the question because sometimes
3309s you have more time than you know what to
3310s do with and it's great and other times
3311s you just you just don't right um yeah
3313s and that goes for everyone whether
3314s they're a leader or someone that's been
3315s delegated to yeah I think can I just tou
3318s that I think like-minded people
3320s gravitate towards like-minded people and
3323s you end I mean just using in as an
3326s example we're I mean We've joked about
3328s this in the past is that we're a Corp of
3331s FC's I mean it got actually got to the
3334s stage where you know people posting
3336s fleets and we we had more FC's than
3338s there were days of the week so your
3340s Prime EU time zone it was oh you know
3343s who's going to post the fleet then it's
3344s we we had three four people that were
3346s you know could potentially post a fleet
3349s and that that is an amazing thing
3350s because it gives you that that that
3353s flexibility to actually step back for a
3355s little bit just right I'm I'm busy I've
3357s got to focus on some real life stuff or
3359s or what have you so it then stops you
3361s from burning out I mean as I sort of
3364s said at the start of the um start of my
3367s presentation i' I've been in game best
3369s part 20 years and I've never afd um
3373s other than like moving house relocations
3375s that sort of stuff so and having that
3377s ability has allowed me um to to step
3380s back periodically and just take a take
3383s that check
3386s pretty good time for two more I would
3388s say so I don't know I'm panicking now y
3391s so that last question was about
3394s individ
3401s respons a community as a whole has
3405s overed andt itself to the point
3411s thatle MERS
3414s of
3416s mhm absolutely like I am sure there are
3419s so many of them right um e was a long
3422s long-term game there are players that uh
3424s as life creeps up on them right it um it
3426s gets harder and harder and you're right
3427s there are there are pretty veteran
3429s communities some of them even still come
3431s to FanFest but don't necessarily log in
3433s anymore right and groups of people that
3435s someone put their hand up um yeah it are
3438s there examples yes um I would love to
3440s name a few but it would probably someone
3442s on a stream somewhere would shake a fist
3443s or something at me um no no we're still
3445s relevant um but yeah I mean the answer
3448s is yes are there um I don't know if you
3449s guys want to throw examples out but um
3452s well yeah
3453s newo probably I would say 75% of the new
3458s neero corpse that come out end up
3460s burning out was precisely for that
3461s reason they have all these great ideas
3463s and they start out really strong they
3465s get the new Ros in there and then their
3467s leaders just kind of burn out because
3469s they're doing too many different
3470s activities too quickly yeah you know
3472s like I say Eve rookies almost fell into
3474s that because we wanted to do the same
3477s thing and then you know we realized that
3480s no we need to just do one thing and let
3484s it scale up naturally so yeah I I know
3486s many many
3487s communities that have done many
3489s different things that have burned out
3490s like that yeah yeah we and we saw it in
3492s the slides this morning in the data
3494s presentation with the lifespan of the
3497s different corporations corporations and
3498s whatnot how the there was growth there
3500s was depletion so on and so forth so that
3502s it's all that you're always going to
3504s have that um growth and attrition um
3508s periodically it's it's finding the
3511s individuals actually to take those
3512s responsibilities on and just lead
3517s leaders this will sound like a stupid
3519s comment it probably is a stupid comment
3521s leaders need followers but followers
3522s need leaders it's the two aren't
3525s mutually exclusive and having that
3527s ability to identify you know a sin or a
3531s kashar or a kti you know within a group
3534s and letting those people run with that
3536s and having the ability to develop from
3538s there and keep to keep the game vibrant
3541s for
3542s us yeah absolutely uh I I don't know
3546s where to go with the last one I mean you
3547s got your hand up first so it's all yours
3549s back you
3560s said don't
3562s want don't want I just want
3572s to some
3574s option we in the incursion Community
3577s there was actually uh a Brazilian group
3580s that I think that they're one of those
3581s that kind of petered out because of
3583s various reasons but they were all
3585s different corporations and they would
3586s get together they would do incursions uh
3588s a couple times a week and go off and do
3590s their thing they had a Discord you know
3592s for communication and that's really all
3595s you need is you just need to have a way
3597s to find players of the same interest and
3600s bring them in there's absolutely no
3602s reason that you have to leave your Corp
3604s um in order to operate uh a lot of open
3608s communities we have a corporation to put
3610s alts in if we're going to share assets
3613s so everyone can get into the Corp hanger
3615s and wallet and stuff like that but even
3617s at that level if you're just going to go
3619s out and do some PVP or go shoot some
3622s rocks or you know do an incursion or fob
3624s or something like that you don't need
3625s any that you just need you know that
3627s Community Hub and
3630s go and just to add to that there's
3633s consistency of approach um when I've
3636s I've run fleets sort since probably
3637s around about I'd say probably since
3639s about
3640s 2015 and it was always Tuesdays
3643s Thursdays Tuesdays Thursdays I know real
3646s life's busy at the end of the day if
3648s I've got that consistency of approach
3649s that people know that I'm going to log
3651s in another Tuesday and run a fleet
3652s people will come when I started funing
3655s back in 2018 we started off just roaming
3658s in the home of P you know home of small
3659s game PVP Syndicate best Syndicate
3664s and two or three people three or four
3666s people would log in and then that kind
3668s of swelled to three or four four or five
3670s five or six and if you get that
3672s consistency approach people will follow
3674s people will come to you
3676s it's yeah so I'd just say just do as I
3679s said in my presentation just if you want
3681s to do it come and speak to me I'll get
3682s the calendar set up you know for you so
3685s can integrate I mean you know major who
3687s massive shout out to Major by the way
3688s who's done he's done all the leg work on
3690s the C
3692s so
3694s and no pre plug and also skip at home
3698s back in Croatia uh he um they both
3701s obvious have done a fantastic job with
3702s that we can give me your details tell us
3704s a bit about the group what you do you
3706s know how you do it is it PVP you know
3708s whatever it is and I can easily you know
3710s we can easily get it set up so that we
3712s can you can integrate that data through
3713s and you will get people log in I mean
3716s our Discord has got uh about 2,000
3718s people on uh it's not the biggest npsi
3721s group but there's a lot of visibility in
3722s it um you know and casal's Discord and
3725s you know so so on and so forth so it's
3728s and that kind of touches on you know
3729s working with other groups um Eve players
3732s you know once they get into their little
3735s corner of the universe they don't really
3736s want to talk to other players and reach
3738s out and stuff like that um networking
3741s don't think ookies got to where it was
3744s uh overnight magically it literally
3746s started out one day a week eight of us
3750s uh dual boxing stuff and incursions and
3753s all of a sudden that one Brave person
3754s showed up and then it was two brave
3757s people and pretty soon we saw the boxes
3758s going and then uh it was just that
3761s consistency of logging in then we're
3763s suddenly two days a week three days a
3764s week four days a week um the Discord
3768s growing you know we I I am always on
3772s Reddit answering people's questions and
3774s trying to direct them to what the
3776s project is uh streaming YouTube
3779s basically I am
3781s everywhere so you know I'm in other
3783s people's discords you know talking and
3786s networking and stuff like that so it
3787s just starts out with that little seed
3789s you know coming to ookie hey you know I
3791s have this group can I post something in
3793s your Discord yeah sure go ahead and then
3796s more people and it finally just branches
3798s out and becomes a thing and I mean I
3801s mean just for instance when I do when I
3802s do run fleets I always sort of say at
3804s the end of
3805s end of the fleet I would say when the
3806s next one is so people know so it's like
3808s if I'm on holiday or whatever you know
3810s so there've been quite a few instances
3812s where you know I've been away on holiday
3813s what H what what have you and then you
3815s know come to a Thursday sort of 18:30
3818s 19:30 whatever and there's like two or
3820s three pings it's like what no Fleet
3821s tonight I'm on holiday yeah if you see
3824s what I mean so so there is it's having
3827s and there's a great calendar that where
3828s the information is so go use
3831s it yeah and and maybe if if you're
3834s struggling to find find people um from
3836s you know whatever culture Community
3837s country you're from I would I mean you
3840s you could just start with like the the
3841s eve Discord like I mean Discord is has
3843s been amazing for for Eve in the last
3845s little while so You' probably join that
3846s you know start talking in your language
3848s in your in your culture whatever it ends
3850s up being and you'll you'll find them and
3851s then I mean it is pretty easy with the
3854s the the public fleets The npsi Fleets
3856s like most groups don't mind if they
3858s friend you know or their Court mate goes
3860s off and runs a bombers bar Fleet they
3861s might mind if you then start targeting
3863s uh you know your friends that are
3865s actually out Mining and telling us where
3866s they are but if you want to hit me up on
3867s Discord we can have a chat um but that
3870s that might yeah absolutely and like if
3873s uh that might be a way you don't have to
3874s leave your corpse you'll find each other
3876s and then naturally I mean and then you
3877s could even have your own little Discord
3878s set up and you could uh sheep talk the
3880s FC you know while while he's you know FC
3882s on other coms or whatever he can do a
3884s whole bunch of stuff to keep that click
3886s going and then you could you know you
3887s could shop up to a a raptor roam or a
3889s bombers bar thing or whatever and then
3891s um I don't know I mean that's that's
3892s probably how I do it like I talk to
3893s Aussie in all sorts of groups right and
3896s there's there's it's very rare that when
3897s I drop someone in bombers bar in in autz
3900s that I don't have someone pop up in
3901s local it's like sin's here and then all
3903s of a sudden discord's you know rattling
3904s off as we're trying to kill them or
3905s their super drop on top of us or
3906s whatever so yeah I don't know if that
3908s answers the question
3910s though I I I do think we have to uh
3913s clear up and and and get the others it's
3915s actually quite flattering to have have
3916s this many questions if if you do have
3918s more questions like I imagine we're
3919s going to probably hang around a little
3920s bit after we're definitely going to be
3922s here this weekend so like one last thing
3925s before you before you all go we're doing
3926s an npsi charity raffle and brunch on
3929s Sunday morning 11 o' at laundr on La laa
3933s Vega um all proceeds to the local
3936s children's hospital in in reic um Come
3939s Along come and say hey
3941s um it's in the basement by the way don't
3943s it's we have to go if you walk in
3945s there's nobody there we're actually
3946s downstairs um loads of prizes and few
3950s surprises as well hopefully so come
3952s along um we'll probably stick around
3954s might you go to the bar get a drink all
3956s I'm going to bring my I think you like
3959s drink I'm getting close yeah absolutely
3962s so thanks very much than about Two
3974s Hosts