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5s hello i am a moderator uh joined by
8s wingnut cross here no longer being ecm
11s irl we have a excellent match for you we
14s have triple sup near autocannon fit with
16s the flag nightmare um two kirins double
19s rocket jackdaw and raptor and garment
21s for tackle
22s yeah meanwhile the other side we have
23s the triple paladin pontifex double
26s thalia synesis double hound crucifier so
29s we got the palia blob versus the
31s traditional uh shield rush so this is
33s going to be very interesting how this
35s goes
37s yeah um
38s if you're in a paladin um you know you
40s kind of are just kind of the
42s better version of kind of these apoc
44s navies that we've seen but slept nearers
46s infamously are very comfortable with
48s getting hit by the
50s em in thermal that we will see from
52s these paladins um
54s already we're seeing that the slept
56s mirrors are starting to kind of uh
59s pace themselves around the paladins
61s they're trying to burn around uh what
62s those newts might be um gucci uzi taking
66s some projection from paladins uh pretty
69s expected meanwhile hound taking
71s basically chip damage from a combination
73s of what looks like uh barrage from the
76s ears and a little bit of drone
77s damage
79s yeah we kind of expect them to rush in
80s but they are definitely playing it safe
81s for now playing they're playing for time
83s gonna try maybe get around the back but
85s i don't think it's going to really help
86s at the moment they're just trying to
87s find the right position
89s we see stan matson being a hit by
92s assuming the paladins of course
94s yeah so faffy waffy is basically in the
97s center of the arena and we can see that
98s the uh uh garmer of a grunt is trying to
102s burn around to get above him and go on
104s to the back line maybe pick off one of
106s these thalias or some other ship um the
108s swept mirrors are just sort of burning
111s around uh not wanting to really have to
114s be uh forced into the paladin and kind
116s of any sort of utility that he might
119s have both teams is kind of jockeying for
121s position which is
124s what you really should be doing at this
125s stage of the tournament if you're in a
127s rush setup but you can't lose gucci uzi
129s who's already into pretty low shield um
132s we'll see he is currently in range of
135s the kierans but he's just taking too
137s much damage from these paladins that are
138s projecting
140s exactly like yes you want to play for
142s time and get the right position but if
143s you wait too long you're versing ships
145s that love you at this distance like they
147s are exactly where the paladins would
148s like them to please just stay there for
150s us as the second jackdaw is now being
152s shot straight down to about uh one-third
154s shields being hit even harder now
157s yeah i mean karen we do see karen or
160s kazan uh swap into defensive to try to
162s sustain against that and pulling range
164s against paladins to try to get out of
166s whatever you know uh ammo they're
168s shooting but i mean that's the thing
169s about paladins is they're very happy to
172s just hit you at range that is quite
174s literally what they do and they do it
175s very well um
177s if you're
178s in the position of locals primary you
180s need to find a way to close and get on
182s something because your core is being
184s picked apart at this point uh you can't
186s lose those rocket dogs that are very
187s good at killing thalia is very good at
189s killing hounds well hounds are happy to
191s just keep pumping um their torpedo
194s damage into a slept near a nightmare
196s it was of course the paladins have put a
198s bit of distance to each other they're
199s not they're not bulged up that bunch up
201s within a kilometer they're about maybe
202s five to 10k from each other so once one
205s gets a tackle then prime rate the other
207s guys are in the right position to engage
208s whoever is tackling him so
210s they're actually pretty much set up for
212s this rush but this rush is still taking
213s its time and honestly i feel like
216s they're just waiting too long at this
217s point i've seen a few boosters from sten
219s in the slept here that's waste of boost
222s what they're doing right now is they're
223s beating faffy waffy and man they needed
225s to commit they're still trying to burn
227s around and fatty waffles now zoning them
229s out they had a chance about 30 seconds
231s ago to make a snap call and go on to the
233s back line but like
235s i mean the masses kadesh instead are
237s just like you're saying they're having
238s to use asb charges to keep themselves
240s sustained and
242s i mean you cannot stay at range for all
245s of four minutes in a rush comp against
247s paladins they will eventually chew
249s through you
250s like those boost charges are like your
252s rush tank like that they're your time to
254s do massive dps at the moment they're
256s just like pissing into the wind and
257s doing absolutely nothing see the mass is
259s actually getting pounded again by these
261s pilots like there's a lot of damage
263s being put down on
266s yeah so the masters kadash is getting a
268s little bit outside of the range of the
270s kirins but um finally we see on the back
272s line the nightmare has finally made a
273s snap call getting into the back lane is
275s neuting out ballia's right now so now
278s that fern is probably capped out we see
279s that the webs are getting onto nika russ
282s um
282s once the slept news can break through
284s the valley of rico um they're going to
286s do a lot but damasus is still just
289s taking a lot of chip damage and
292s needs to get some sustain from the
294s kirins um valia just dropped okay so
296s that will be a lot of repower off the
299s field once they kill the thalia of fern
301s scored they can work their way through
302s the hounds work their way through the
304s crucifier get rid of the tracking
305s disruption that's hitting you get rid of
307s those uh
309s explosive uh torpedoes that are very
311s effective against the resist of the
312s slept here
314s exactly that they start pulling apart
316s the small side get rid of this crucifier
317s which is also hurting their tracking
319s probably driving these guys absolutely
320s insane and they can theoretically like
323s pull this team apart but again like i
325s feel like they're still taking a while
326s to do this
327s but domestic is sitting on a pretty high
329s shield so maybe he's got time to like
330s pull away and then maybe reload
332s yeah so shooting damascus is kind of
334s bait you know being a nightmare he can
336s burn away from things very well so we
338s see one of the hounds got scrammed and
339s webbed by the garment and raptor and
342s these garmin raptors are just zooming
344s not getting interfered with it all
345s picking up um things in the back line
348s and then once they do that the slipknots
349s are just pounding into it and
351s systematically taking them apart um i'm
354s really liking this recovery from locals
355s primary they initially looked shaky but
357s they did identify their win condition
359s and are starting to execute finally
362s yep at some point they're going to have
363s to charge i think to go after these
364s paladins but you know at the moment
366s they're pretty happy to remove all the
367s backline stuff they've got this hound in
369s low armor they've got this point effects
370s and hull he's about about to lose their
372s links soon so yeah pop yeah both at the
374s same time so they are slow pulling this
376s team apart they might better pull this
377s back
379s yeah so grunt managed to get himself uh
381s you know uh kind of that bonus range
383s scram on top of um you know the hound
386s and the crucifier and now um they picked
389s up the pontifex as well so paladins
392s aren't gonna have any sort of links and
394s now we can see that the
395s the locals primary team has recognized
398s the trigger once they killed up all the
400s links they're happy to chew through uh
402s fasty wappy uh realizing that without um
405s having killed those links it would be
406s difficult given given the self tank of
408s the paladin uh but from here on out i'm
411s really liking where locals primary is
413s that um
414s darkseid will have um grapple grapples
417s and
418s some utility newts we can see onto the
420s kirin
422s but
423s i think at this point uh
425s all of the
426s swipe not disciples these slept nears
428s have likely reloaded their ancillary
430s shield boosters and grunt cato is going
433s to be the primary as he does get
435s grappled um
437s uh grunts choosing to break range um not
440s being harassed by any sort of drones is
442s going to be uh you know soaking fire for
444s the paladins he would probably be rather
446s shooting anything other than a frigate
448s right now
449s exactly there's a raptor anagama holding
451s down the palette of faffy waffy
452s meanwhile his team and the other powders
454s were starting to like burn away chasing
455s other contacts they finally stopped
457s they're just holding position now and
458s shooting targets so he's not being left
460s out to dry at the moment but his reps
462s are gonna run out soon he's pretty sure
463s he got answer charge answer repfitted
465s and he has been firing it for quite some
467s time now
469s yeah we don't see much in the way of any
471s sort of armor repair box they've either
473s all been killed or
474s um they just were never deployed we do
477s see a lot of damage drones chasing after
480s things fairly ineffectually um on the
482s side of you know dark side going after
485s local's primary and if i'm zoji um you
487s need to probably try to consider pulling
490s range in your nightmare don't feed it at
492s this point keep that flag nightmare uh
494s you know chewing through the rest of the
496s lower bracket at this point the
498s schleppingers alone can easily handle um
501s you know these last two paladins um
503s given kirin support
506s ah he's all good mate he's he's all good
508s got a bling tank on that thing he'll be
509s perfectly fine first paladin's gone down
511s second paladin has now been absolutely
513s obliterated i mean slept near a massive
516s amount of damage anyway and these guys
517s are all sitting at range too they're not
518s even brawling him they're just sitting
520s at optimal their long-range ammo is just
522s obliterating them
524s yeah i mean if they really wanted to
525s they could eventually just swap to hail
527s and you know dump you know nearly three
529s thousand damage uh just because
532s on top of that but um zhao yi is you
534s know
535s given that sanchez's uh after burning
537s bonus uh just happily uh pulling range
540s and using his very blinged out uh tank
542s that he's allowed to fit as a flagship
544s um continuing to mute and affect the
547s tank of sky killer while the paladin of
550s agent double 07
553s is basically been pinned down by a
555s garmin raptor for the last few minutes
558s um
560s and that's about to be you know zero
562s ships for a dark side as well so um
565s locals primary kind of executing better
567s than um
570s we thought they were initially
572s exactly we were kind of uh we're giving
574s him trouble to start thinking you know
575s playing a bit too careful but they wave
577s for the right moment struck rip the team
579s apart and here they are now only losing
581s two jackdaws and wiping the entire squad
583s of darkseid within a couple more minutes
585s after that
588s yeah i mean people often think of you
590s know rush comps oh there's this thing i
592s have to bring in at zero i have to rush
593s i just have to rush well that's how you
595s end up getting picked apart and we've
596s seen that happen to you know some of the
598s um not quite as good teams in the lower
600s bracket and while
602s damascus and core might have taken a
603s little bit too long to get in they did
606s eventually recognize their win condition
608s and they are executing showing why
610s they've been making kind of this run um
613s through the lower bracket
615s i don't envy them though going up
617s against templars who has seemed a little
619s bit shaky today
621s more on that as we send it back to the
622s desk