10 months
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
4s | in the Equinox expansion we want to make |
7s | NX space have more meaning for players |
9s | this is a combination of allowing you |
11s | more customization options for content |
13s | and activities as well as creating |
16s | topology planets in a star system will |
19s | now be integral to the function of that |
21s | system and how useful the system is |
24s | strategically the upv Consortium has |
27s | been a huge part of NC since the |
29s | introduction of citadels in |
31s | 2016 now we're proud to be presenting |
34s | the next steps in transforming nulc from |
36s | a space you live into a home providing |
39s | more tools and content to allow the |
41s | inhabitants to shape the space to their |
43s | needs by improving mechanisms |
46s | streamlining ownership and allowing more |
48s | customization options for activities and |
50s | content within your Empires we are |
53s | creating the foundations for the future |
54s | of nsec a space that means and matters |
57s | more to you with the Equinox Suite up |
60s | well is introducing major new structures |
62s | the orbital Skyhook sovereignty Hub and |
65s | metox Mundra from a UI perspective our |
69s | focus is on enhancing inp space |
71s | interactions reducing friction and |
73s | ensuring smooth usability when engaging |
75s | with these structures with dedicated |
77s | inspace UI you can simly deposit Fuel |
80s | and hack objectives all while accessing |
82s | crucial information at a glance the |
85s | streamlined interface will Empower you |
87s | to interact with the structures |
88s | effortlessly without breaking imersion |
91s | the orbital Skyhook will be required to |
93s | extract resources from a planet with |
95s | each new resource power Workforce |
98s | reagents there will be Planet archetypes |
101s | that can only produce that type of |
103s | resource this means that some systems |
106s | with an abundance of one type of Planet |
108s | but none of the others will have |
110s | limitations on what upgrades the system |
113s | can |
114s | provide in terms of upw Well's new |
116s | technology the orbital Skyhook will be |
119s | the anchor extracting resources from the |
121s | planet Sovereign owners of a star system |
124s | will be able to deploy these giant |
126s | structures as a replacement for the |
128s | customs Office firstly replacing but |
131s | retaining the functionality of Customs |
133s | offices as a resource interface for |
136s | planetary industry and secondly opening |
139s | up an extraction of new resources |
141s | introduced with eoms power Workforce |
144s | reagents power comes from Suns plasma |
147s | and storm planets it's a hard limitation |
148s | that determines how many upgrades |
150s | sovereignty Hub Canen online Workforce |
152s | consists of people Specialists and tools |
154s | that are required to run these upgrades |
156s | it's a softer limitation and you can |
158s | move them from system to system although |
160s | some conditions apply reagents are two |
162s | new fuel types essentially that come |
164s | from lava and Ice planets you need them |
166s | to keep the upgrades lights on and |
167s | they're also using the metano moon drill |
170s | they're freely exchangeable so the |
171s | economic types might want to pay |
173s | attention to whole new markets opening |
175s | up perceptive types will notice that |
177s | power is a bit of Baseline but the other |
179s | two especially the other two have |
181s | potential for disruption messing with an |
183s | enemy Workforce by attacking a |
185s | sovereignty hub's Workforce transfer |
187s | complex or a Workforce providing Skyhook |
189s | directly or starving them of an |
191s | essential Regent prior to an attack are |
193s | now viable strategems and new meaningful |
195s | conflict drivers for Raiders and |
197s | attackers with these resources extracted |
200s | both power and Workforce will become |
202s | available to use in the sovereignty help |
205s | however reagents both magmatic gas and |
208s | superionic ice will need to be collected |
211s | and distributed with the introduction of |
213s | colony resources you can now tap into |
215s | the wealth of resources available on |
217s | planets within your territory you can |
219s | easily access information about power |
222s | Workforce and reagent distribution |
224s | through the agency window under the |
226s | resource harvesting tab you can search |
229s | and filter for specific resources their |
231s | availability and quantity empowering you |
234s | to make informed decisions about |
235s | expanding your Sovereign space and |
237s | Target valuable star systems as power |
240s | and Workforce will be required for |
242s | sovereignty upgrades there is fresh |
244s | opportunity for players looking to |
246s | sabotage and create more disruptive type |
249s | gameplay by choosing to destroy the sky |
251s | hooks these structures will behave very |
254s | similarly to medium upwell structures |
257s | with a single Shield reinforcement and |
259s | damage caps on both armor and |
261s | hle Sky hooks will not stop working |
264s | while |
266s | reinforced we've also created a new form |
268s | of Hit and Run gameplay around the these |
270s | structures by allowing you to hack the |
272s | structures in the style of an ESS Heist |
275s | which will allow you to steal resources |
277s | from them and sell them |
279s | off reagents in the Skyhook will also |
282s | have a period of maturation within the |
284s | structure to ensure that there is always |
286s | some form of vulnerability from the |
288s | theft |
289s | gameplay and due to the attention these |
291s | new structures have created they'll draw |
293s | the notice of local pirate forces so be |
296s | wary of warping to these structures in |
298s | undefended haulers |
300s | the concept behind the introduction of |
302s | the sovereignty Hub is to refresh and |
305s | enhance the existing sovereignty |
306s | management and system upgrade mechanics |
309s | and gameplay in player controlled nsec |
312s | by replacing the existing sovereignty |
314s | structures the territorial claim unit |
317s | and the infrastructure Hub with a brand |
319s | new Central management structure called |
321s | the sovereignty Hub the key feature of |
323s | the sovereignty Hub is sovereignty |
325s | upgrades these upgrades serve as the |
327s | primary means through which you can |
329s | improve systems you control providing |
332s | value to the owner of the space and |
334s | creating drive to capture space which in |
337s | turn is intended to ignite territorial |
340s | conflicts sovereignty upgrades currently |
343s | exist in game however these new upgrades |
345s | will offer more meaningful choices |
348s | renewing your passion for controlling |
349s | space while creating interesting choices |
352s | about how best to utilize and specialize |
354s | the systems you |
356s | own one example of the improved Sol |
358s | upgrades is the addition of a new Hardo |
361s | combat anomaly for the pirate detection |
363s | array upgrade furthermore all of these |
366s | sites detected by this array will now |
368s | have a chance to escalate with the |
370s | possibility of an officer escalation and |
373s | a combat site for |
374s | capitals another upgrade will allow the |
377s | detection of previously undiscovered |
378s | ores so you can choose what minerals in |
381s | your system will provide and potentially |
383s | reduce manufacturing bottlenecks for |
385s | those of you in managerial roles a |
387s | dedicated interface offers the ability |
389s | to install and prioritize upgrades here |
392s | you can design your desired layouts for |
394s | upgrades monitor resources available to |
396s | the sovereignty Hub and manage Workforce |
399s | transport efficiently this interface |
401s | provides a centralized hub for strategic |
403s | decision- making allowing managers to |
406s | optimize the territory |
408s | effectively additionally all players |
411s | within a sof holding Alliance can now |
413s | track Alliance progress receive updates |
415s | and gain insights into their soft space |
417s | activities through the corporation |
419s | window we've revamped the alliance tab |
422s | dedicating a section specifically to |
424s | sovereignty our goal here is to strike a |
427s | balance between Clarity accessibility |
429s | and engaging Aesthetics by incorporating |
432s | table layouts for easy sorting |
434s | introducing Furs for enhanced research |
437s | and integrating graphical data |
439s | representation for items such as |
441s | resource allocation and fuel consumption |
444s | we aim to deliver an interface that not |
446s | only informs but captivates ensuring you |
449s | stay engaged and up to dat about the |
451s | state of your territory Equinox will |
453s | also introduce a new Deployable |
454s | structure the metox moon drill this |
457s | structure can be deployed at moons in LC |
461s | nulc and Wormhole space and is fueled by |
464s | some of the new reagents the metox moon |
467s | drill will slowly collect the resources |
469s | obtained from Mining and refining |
471s | mools although the metox is less |
473s | efficient than if the resources were |
475s | manually collected using an athanor |
478s | tatara this allows small alliances and |
481s | corporations which are more aggressive |
483s | focused but do not have the manpower to |
485s | M moons the ability to still utilize |
487s | them for the groups that do have the |
490s | Manpower they can focus their attention |
492s | on the high value moons while the metox |
494s | takes care of the low value ones metano |
497s | Moon drills are vulnerable to attacks |
499s | only having a single short reinforcement |
501s | time if they are reinforced then any |
504s | materials inside them are trapped inside |
507s | allowing aggressors the opportunity to |
509s | provoke an engagement or loot the |
511s | resources for themselves if they manage |
514s | to destroy the structure successfully |
516s | aggressors will be able to deploy their |
518s | own metox in its place this new |
520s | technology Suite from upwell will make |
522s | where you are in the universe matter the |
524s | tech allows you to really specialize the |
526s | systems you call home and then move |
527s | workers around on your wi to make the |
530s | best use of the Equinox Suite you will |
531s | have to plan ahead and be aware of |
533s | possible attack vectors for example a |
535s | system might have a high power potential |
537s | but there aren't many Workforce sources |
539s | nearby and it could easily be cut off |
541s | would you rather that scenario or a |
543s | little Hub in a corner that won't be as |
544s | good but more easily defensible also |
547s | which systems will specialize in what |
548s | types of upgrades if you can't have them |
550s | all in one place how will you lay them |
552s | out Equinox will create opportunities |
554s | for raiding trade and betrayal high |
556s | level specialization of specific systems |
558s | for mining or ratting using metano Moon |
561s | drills to bait fights or on a massive |
563s | scale to make tons of isk players will |
565s | be able to tweak systems to appease |
566s | their needs like specifically mining |
568s | isogen I'm a sneaky worm holder type so |
572s | getting lucky attacking someone who got |
573s | a little too greedy with an unattended |
575s | metox or getting out of w space and |
577s | seeing a regent Skyhook ripe for a |
579s | little rating yeah that's that's what |
582s | I'm excited about there is so much I'm |
584s | looking forward to redefining what makes |
586s | a system valuable giving you exciting |
589s | new tools to transform your space the |
591s | way you want to and of course adding |
593s | more conflict drivers for groups of all |
595s | sizes we can't wait to see what you do |
598s | with them |