Greetings, space friends; we return to your regularly scheduled Community Beat!

During the last community beat, we were amid the Alliance Tournament and saw some fantastic content being created surrounding that. With the tournament now over, Skyler Hawk, CEO of the winning alliance, The Tuskers Co. posted an After Action Report (AAR) about their journey through the tournament, including the buildup, the planning, the blow-by-blow of each match and even wraps up with some concluding thoughts on the tournament and internal stats from their run. Even if you're not necessarily interested in the Alliance Tournament specifically, AARs still prove to be interesting educational reads, highlighting the discipline and skill required for a ten-pilot group to execute a win successfully, as well as what they learnt. If you get a chance, give it a read!
Not only that, but the prizes were also issued yesterday, and the Tuskers Sprung immediately went into action, where they mobiled 9 Pythons and a Sidewinder to recreate a classic meme, the legendary El'Miner kill. For those unfamiliar with the story of El'Miner kill linking, there's a short story here. But in short, when people are eagerly anticipating a juicy killmail for something recently killed, it became a bit of a meme to disguise a killmail with the name of the person they're awaiting the kill for, but made it so when the link was clicked, it was the El'miner. With Tuskers recreating it last night, we wonder if this will become the new standard..?
If you're looking for a few of the highlights from the Finals, Melamori wrote up an article which includes some of the best (and worst!) moments, but also, as we are a community that loves nerding out over data, a most excellent data report as well!
Creatives corner:
In a sandbox universe, those who can think out of the box and explore their creative side go far, so we often like sharing your creations. Recently, some of "Lighthammerforge" shared that they work with creating sheet metal art. They imparted their wisdom to any others wishing to explore creating such things that starting with Minmatar designs is an excellent place to begin as you can't mess them up.. the imperfections are what make them who they are! Gammo over on Twitter tried this recently.

Lighthammerforges Lai Dai and Kaalakiota designs were incredible. I can only imagine walking into a boardroom with a Lai Dai panel overhead.. It will result in some mindblowing technological development reveal, or, being part of the Caldari Big Eight, some ruthless corporate overlording!
Speaking of Caldari, we also spotted this quite sizeable Moa 3d print over on X by Mack. It's a rather good print, even unpainted and in the two-tone section. I am a fan of the Gilded Predator SKIN Moa, so I'm curious if it'll get a SKIN paint job!
Hurricane Charity Brawl
In the last Community beat, we highlighted Schadsquatchs 24h Extra Life charity stream event, where they raised over 11k USD for the Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation. This weekend, Virion Stoneshard is also running a charity event, this time to help raise money for those impacted in the US by Hurricane Milton. A Tiltify has been set up over here. If you can donate anything, you are most welcome to do so! In addition, to raise awareness of it, a brawl has been organised this coming weekend, on Saturday, November 9 at 20:00 in Zarzakh, in, you guessed it, Hurricanes! No doubt it'll be a flurry of non-stop explosions, but with a plethora of, dare we say it, Eve celebrities in attendance, we are sure it'll be an explosive time!

Gate is Green
We wrap up this Community beat with a video from Becure called "Gate is Green". Goonswarm Federation performed its first major capital move op through the regional gate between 49-U6U and 4-07MU, headed towards their new homeland in Tenerifis. Two weeks of moving ships to 49-U6U culminated in an enormous move through a single gate, arguably the most treacherous part of the journey. Becure captured a timelapse of those moving through the gate, and it was incredibly hypnotic to watch
My favourite is around the 2-minute mark, where you see the flurry of ships arriving in succession and into tether. It's just a very beautifully framed shot!
That's it for this edition of the Community Beat, and we look forward to seeing you back for the next edition!