about 3 years ago - CCP_Paragon - Direct link

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Hello everyone,

The Economic report for the month of January 2022 is now available.

We’re continuing iterations on the MER with a few notable changes. Pochven has been added to every regional metric. Net Imports and Net Exports have been merged into a single graph and the Decomposition of Trade Value in each group is not a part of this update and is being phased out.

On the latter part, we would appreciate your feedback on the removal of Decomposition of Trade Value graph.

We have bar versions coming soon™ (Hopefully next MER) for the regional graphs.

You can find the link to download the raw data for your spreadsheet fantasies here.


about 3 years ago - CCP_Paragon - Direct link

Yes, in the Total mining value by Region it includes Gas, Ice, Moon Ore & Asteroid Ore.

about 3 years ago - CCP_Paragon - Direct link

Let me see if I can’t get those three graphs for January for you guys.

We removed these three graphs as we feel it wasn’t giving enough value in the way it was being represented. It was more artwork than good data visualization.

That being said we are planning on adding those back into the next MER with a new and better version.


about 3 years ago - CCP_Paragon - Direct link

Here is the Destroyed value by Region, peak player and stargate jump regional maps for January. As previously mentioned for the next MER we’ll be doing these data points in a more useful way.

about 3 years ago - CCP_Paragon - Direct link

Trade balance is calculated as the total value of all ships and cargo items that enter the regions via gate jumps subtracted by the value of leaving ships and items. The balance does not consider those entering/leaving via wormholes or cynos, which is something we hope to add in the future.