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over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by PyrohawkZ

don't know about putting it in low sec. Maybe we could have it delayed (as in literally, 60 second delay or something) , but having full blackout will:

  • Make low sec feel even deader than it is

  • increase blobbing shenanigans in FW (anti-fun for solos/duos/trios, FW being the only place we can actually enjoy the game this way now)

  • be practically un-counterable as we can't drop bubbles to defend gates/increase reaction time

the only benefit it has is it would make hunting a little bit easier but honestly low sec is so dead that it won't matter much, and I worry it will scare away the targets i'd hunt anyway.

For the record I am a solo low sec PVP player.

I mean, you'd have to package it as part of a suite of changes to make lowsec more viable though, right?

It's great to make things more unpredictable, but you've got to put the carrot on the end of the stick to get people out there.

Ore re-balance to bring some profit to lowsec mining, improvements to FW and rewards, maybe some low to mid end moon mining in lowsec and a pass on loot drops and NPC spawns in lowsec, maybe some nice anomolies too. Maybe making some resources unique to lowsec would be interesting too.

Of course, if it was up to me I'd also ban supers from lowsec and only allow covert cynos, forcing regular capitals to use stargates if they wanted to move around. They're big and tough, why not make them a little more vulnerable?

It'd screw logistics a little and gimp jump freighters, so I'd look at giving JFs the ability to travel via covert cyno, and probably investigate what impact allowing them to use a covert ops cloak would have, although that might end up being a bad idea haha

Hotdropping and the fact that every man and his dog in lowsec (including those in FW) started fielding cap fleets effectively killed lowsec piracy and small gang pvp. I witnessed this myself - I gave up on lowsec piracy the day that MC dropped five motherships on me while I was soloing in a Bhaalgorn in Molden Heath. If I remember, that was in 2010/2011 - I hung my eyepatch up after that and ended up joining CCP haha.

Of course, all the Game Design talk in this post is pure hyperbole and just personal opinion - I don't work in development and it'd be a terrible idea for me to go anywhere near it because EVE would be a place that would make people cry. I have way too many bad ideas for EVE :D

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by INITMalcanis

I'll ship you as much salt liquorice, midget porn and heroin as you need to get this done.

I hate liquorice - it makes me chuck haha <3

Harbo Starmix is awesome though! :D

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Malchia7

It's great to make things more unpredictable, but you've got to put the carrot on the end of the stick to get people out there.

Why was this sort of perspective completely ignored with Blackout? I can understand the desire to see more destruction, but I can't welcome it when the change is so clearly biased in favor of hunters. Especially when we've seen an almost continuous stream of nerfs to ratting/mining in the last year.

Have you SEEN the ISK faucets in the MER? The carrot on the end of the stick is the size of the f*cking Titanic.

Damn right the blackout is biased toward the hunters for once.

People who live in nullsec always talk about risk versus reward, and while there's risk in taking sov and defending space, it's far too easy to sit in nullsec, get fat and complacent, all the while making ISK and getting rich with little to no risk.

Yes, it's not the only solution and the ISK faucets need some work, but (at least in my opinion) it's a good start.

The blackout also kicks botters in the balls too, which I'm more than happy about.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Sentient_Blade

It'd screw logistics a little and gimp jump freighters, so I'd look at giving JFs the ability to travel via covert cyno, and probably investigate what impact allowing them to use a covert ops cloak would have, although that might end up being a bad idea haha

It would almost immediately make it more viable to live deeper in space without having a long network of friendly citadels between low and wherever you were.

This is the main thing that pushed me and my alliance out of nullsec, getting cut off from logistics routes when standings were reset. If we were able to run covert jump freighters back and forth through potentially hostile or neutral space, that would have been a game changer.

Doesn't even have to be a full on jump freighter. Something with ~100k m3 would have been more than ample.

Yeah, I'd love the idea of covert logistics runs - sh*t, that'd make flying a jump freighter super fun tbh :D

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by GelatinousDude


Still here, been here all the long.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by AlexsanderGlazkov

What do we needa do to get this threw? Low sec piracy is all I've ever enjoyed and it's become so stagnant and empty that I've resorted to high sec ganking...uhhg...

I miss lowsec piracy so much.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by the_dark_dark

Damn! Also, did you forget to switch accounts?


Nope, I'm all good, just talking shop and having fun :)

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Baneken

Well I could had sworn you were already in CCP back in 2007 (trinity) when I joined the game.

Or maybe I'm just so used to seeing you around all these years.

Nah, I joned in late 2012 - October 15th was my first day on the job and Retribution was my first expansion with CCP :)

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by kaczynskiwasright

I mean, you'd have to package it as part of a suite of changes to make lowsec more viable though, right?

yeah but ccp has shown zero interest in that and they havent meaningfully revisited lowsec for so long that im not sure theyd be able to make a good change as i doubt they understand it

There's only so many hands that we have to work on things, and you gotta set priorities man.

I'm right with you on lowsec, it needs some serious love to bring back the yarr-harr-fiddle-de-dee but there's been other stuff to work on.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Fistulating

I am still hoping one day he quits CCP and brings Veto. Back

Some of my best memories of EVE

I'd never do it with lowsec meta this way it is right now, the corp wouldn't be able to function and would die in a matter of months.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Qanael

Oh shit, Falcon is Verone? That makes so much sense, I never knew.

Hi :D

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Gunzbngbng

Lowsec could be constellation chat. Enough for FW banter, but not small enough to derive actionable Intel from.

Also, any chance we're going to see more null incentive to leave super umbrellas?

I'd probably keep local delayed, go regional in lowsec and keep highsec as it is now.

I'd like to make highsec constellation chat, but we need to be mindful of new players and allowing them to talk a little bit of shop, see activity around them, and have a low as possible bar of entry to be able to engage with other players.

If they see an empty chat channel, it makes the New Eden feel less alive.

Conversely, in low and null, it's just more scary, which is a good thing.

It's all about finding a balance right?

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Gunzbngbng

I like the way your brain works.

It doesn't really work to be honest, it's just a mess of random sh*t that sometimes comes out in the right order.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Capable_BO_Pilot

wew, truthbomb, there is a reason even Lowsec groups ball up in bigger groups today ....

Yeah, screw that, we were always independent and damn proud of it.

I remember feeling bad when the list of corps on our blue list got higher than 5.

There was a reset shortly after.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Sentient_Blade

While we're just spitballing, it occurred to me that covert jump freighters might open up another option, although it being much more complex than a few attribute changes - actual escorts.

For a small alliance like mine, living in deepish nullsec (Cache), a JF run would be 5 or 6 jumps, and after a couple of them, the JF would be 15 to 20 lightyears away from our home. If it ever got tackled, that was it, there was no prospect of getting any help to it.

There was no point sending carriers along either, their range was comparatively so short the JF would take double the jumps, and fatigue would grind the entire operation to a halt half way through.

Instead, imagine if you will, a black ops freighter capable of dragging other covert ops support ships along with it, like being pulled into the wake of a big lorry. Like a black ops portal generator, but only capable of going where the freighter itself is going (i.e. it can't be used as a remote bridge, it has to jump through to drag other ships behind it).

Think command dessy generators, but with actual jumps and cynos. Those other ships would then inherit the JF's range and fatigue bonuses.

Suddenly, logistics runs are a group activity. It's not one guy on his own running his freighter and cynos, now there's incentive for his fellow players to move with him in a small gang of bombers, recons and T3s (maybe even the odd blops).

Especially for small groups, chances are they've all got stuff inside the JF they don't want to lose. Why wouldn't they want to ride shotgun to make sure it gets to its destination safely?

I think black ops freighters have an enormous amount of potential for making logistics work a better and more group-based experience.

Pretty interesting for sure, but I'd rather just have smaller hulls be more capable escort vessels rather than having some form of wake that they get caught in.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Silent_As_The_Grave_

It'd screw logistics a little and gimp jump freighters, so I'd look at giving JFs the ability to travel via covert cyno, and probably investigate what impact allowing them to use a covert ops cloak would have, although that might end up being a bad idea haha

Meh, there is industrial ships that can get the job done. Never see enough of these in action and would make for some nice diet whale hunting in low sec.

True, blockade runners are a thing, but it's all about capacity when you're trying to keep a small alliance fed.

A convoy of Cranes or Bustards ain't gonna keep the kids in packed lunches.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by daveyseed

Please stop, i can only get so hard

How do you think I feel, this is just a small portion of what's in my head on a daily basis haha <3

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by StainGuy

Just do it like WTF, why this stuff is not implemented ?

Priorities man.

It's super easy to spitball ideas on Reddit - we can talk shop all day. That's the easy part.

It's WAY HARDER to actually implement them. There's so much work that has to be done and only so many people working on EVE!

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by EruseanKnight

You are great. I'm a fan.

Right back at ya.

I'm a fan of everyone who plays EVE.


over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Silent_As_The_Grave_

I’m jealous of those at CCP who are getting to see the data on things so far. I know from my very limited time to play this weekend, it is a dramatic shift in how I do play. I will say the thrill of the unknown and adventure is back. It’s fantastic!

I can't promise anything, but maybe we can show off some of the data and how it changed at some point.

Not confirming anything, but we'll see :)

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Malchia7

The MER? really? I get it, there are people out there who are absolutely willing to abuse everything wrong in null-sec. That is not me, and I will not be held to account for the abuses you allow to exist.

Personally I find ratting so mind-numbing I can't even force myself to login to do it. I rat as little as possible and only when forced to. I preferred running incursions, and where they were sporadic before, they are dead now.

So now I'm left with ratting to make money, and here's my take-away from all of this. A 100mil doctrine ship used to take 5 ticks at 20mil/tick to replace. that's ~1.5 hrs. If I now have to replace a 60mil myrm every time I go out as well, that's now ~2.5 hrs. God help me if I want to fly something more expensive in pvp.

So here's my reality with blackout: every loss is going to cost me more time to replace, and that's not going to make me want to play *more*

The blackout also kicks botters in the balls too, which I'm more than happy about.

We can all agree about that, botters can burn in special hell.

I guess that in your blind rage to prove me wrong with math, you missed this part:

Yes, it's not the only solution and the ISK faucets need some work, but (at least in my opinion) it's a good start.

I'm not saying it's an endgame solution, I'm saying it's a test for part of a solution and we're watching metrics and activity.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by cursepilot001

what's the rest of it

Dude, I could talk for hours on things I'd love to do to EVE... but it's all horrible :)

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by h4l1n4ll3

Hard to implement in a way that things just go broken or just paper work?

I think it's a lot of things to be honest, there's some serious process that goes on during game design that I won't pretend to fully understand.

Then there's the actual work of design, programming, quality assurance and everything related to making things ship.

It's an incredible machine, and I've got endless respect for our guys and girls who do it :)

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Ryvaal

Is there any way we can get a an update on your updates webpage? Even something as vague as "Dec 2019 Lowsec Revamp" if it's one of the larger updates would be nice. I love EVE, but feel our community is in the dark compared to other games. I have some ideas on how to resolve that as well, have a Reddit post I was going to make here soon regarding that.

I'm not handling EVE Updates any more since the end of Q1 this year, but I'll pass this on to the team that take care of it now and see what we can do for sure :)

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Elowenn

Of course, if it was up to me I'd also ban supers from lowsec and only allow covert cynos, forcing regular capitals to use stargates if they wanted to move around. They're big and tough, why not make them a little more vulnerable?

How many alcohols do you need? I'll spare no expense.

I'm actually not really drinking much these days to be perfectly honest, just the odd bit of scotch here and there haha :)

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by computertechie

liquorice here almost certainly meaning traditional black liquorice, not sweetened red 'liquorice' like red vines


over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by HonJudgeFudge

This gif is simultaneously the best and worst thing ever.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Exilierator

Make EVE into your hellscape vision of yours please falcon.

Do you want three players online, because that's how you get three players online :D

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Malchia7

Just to be clear about my intent. I'm not raging, I'm hurting.

I brought math into it was to give you a clear example of how I'm being hurt, because 'feelings' should never be acted on.

At the end of the day I'm not asking for local to be returned, nor am I crying about losing ships. I'm giving you a reasoned argument about how & who this change hurts so that you see that there is actually another side to this discussion other than the incessant furor on this sub about how this is the best thing ever

I agree that there's another side to this, not denying that at all.

I just don't believe that ISK should come so easy in nullsec, and that the ISK faucets need to be hammered into the ground.

That said, I also think I'd take a serious look at the amount of ISK made from highsec incursions too.

Nullsec isn't the only issue.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Ohh_Yeah

Have you gotten to roam during Blackout any with your undercover Non-CCP account? Shit is cash money my dude

I can neither confirm nor deny whether I've been shooting the sh*t out of people in nullsec.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Malchia7

Highsec Incursions have needed the nerf bat forever.

Are there metrics about what type of ship people are using to rat? I think it would be really interesting to know if the reason bounties are so incredibly out of hand is because supers/titans are viable and extremely efficient for ratting, or if its the thousands of VNIs that are responsible for the majority of the faucet.

And I'm curious, if you got your wish, and the ISK faucets in null dissapear, what do you envision would be the allure of null? I imagine there's some magic number(25% better than low, 30%, etc) where people would live there anyways, but is that known?

Highsec Incursions have needed the nerf bat forever.


Are there metrics about what type of ship people are using to rat? I think it would be really interesting to know if the reason bounties are so incredibly out of hand is because supers/titans are viable and extremely efficient for ratting, or if its the thousands of VNIs that are responsible for the majority of the faucet.

Yep, we have a lot of data to hand, and it's obscene how safe cap ratting is in null. It's not even funny, it's just depressing and needs to be fixed in my opinion.

And I'm curious, if you got your wish, and the ISK faucets in null dissapear, what do you envision would be the allure of null? I imagine there's some magic number(25% better than low, 30%, etc) where people would live there anyways, but is that known?

I'm not advocating for them to dissapear, or for them to necessarily change that much. I'm advocating for people to actually have to work to get the ISK that they're raking in.

Being able to literally just go AFK while you're ratting in null, or sitting AFK ratting in a cap/super/titan isn't okay in my book.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Exilierator

I know of at least four players who would play it that way so your logic is invalid!

Damn, math has foiled me again.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by crockett5

Hi, Verone this is Mutnin I didn't know you were out of the closet now.. lol but I always knew it was you "because of falcon".. Anyway can you please fix this game so small groups can play again.. It's just lame all the blue shit and bigger and bigger groups..

Also can we just have the drifters delete all titans & super carriers in low sec? End that whole bit of nonsense...

Holy sh*t dude it's been so long - you should speak to Demetri and join us on the Veto veterans discord we have going :D

Super nice to hear from you man, hope you're well <3

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by BraveOthello

You do understand that both having those ideas and realizing they might go too far is what makes you perfect for the job, right?

haha not my call :D

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Man_whosoldthe_world

What about gimping/removing JFs and adding DST style freighters with "defense only" guns, unique EWAR, etc. We'd actually have "trade routes" in the game that people would fight over.


  • How do you define defense only?
  • What is unique EWAR?
  • What class are these?
  • What niche do they fill?
  • How do we balance them?
  • Are we prepared to wait a substantial amount of time for new ship designs?

These are just a few questions that come to mind in like 10 seconds of thinking - this is why it's often best to look at what you already have and iterate, change things up, work with what's already there.

Dumping new ship classes into the game shouldn't be something we just "do". There's enough ship classes right now that are struggling to find their roles.

We should use them.

Apart from FAX, which I'd just delete if it was my call, lol.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by IamSoGreedy

To be fair, how we would move super caps/titans in Lowsec without who is there?

I love this idea, but to move these through lowsec, i NEVER jump into a system that i dont know about EVERY pilot that is there (afk, in station or whatever).

Its just impossible to me, i dont know.

In my opinion, the best way for it all, is to delay the local chat in 15 second for every 0.1 security status. Instant for a 1.0 system and 300 seconds delay for a -1.0 system.

It would not f**k the game, as intel would take a "long time" and we would be good to "deal" with cloak campers.

Cloak camp still there, stronger than ever now.


To be fair, how we would move super caps/titans in Lowsec without who is there?

You wouldn't. If it were up to me I'd ban supers from lowsec. As for regular caps, HTFU, grow some balls, and roll the dice like everyone else - or have a friend scout for you, it's not rocket surgery. There's two Ms in MMORPG for a reason, use them.

I love this idea, but to move these through lowsec, i NEVER jump into a system that i dont know about EVERY pilot that is there (afk, in station or whatever).

Then you're highly risk averse, and part of the problem.

Its just impossible to me, i dont know.

It's not impossible, you just want a safety blanket. That's fine, but if changes like that were made you'd want to consider flying something else.

In my opinion, the best way for it all, is to delay the local chat in 15 second for every 0.1 security status. Instant for a 1.0 system and 300 seconds delay for a -1.0 system.

15 seconds is nothing, unless you're flying a Diemos, then it's basically the entire engagement. Space needs to be scary. I can remember jumping from highsec to lowsec and lowsec to nullsec back in the day. It was sh*t scary, even when you had a scout. EVE needs that adrenaline fuel back.

It would not f*ck the game, as intel would take a "long time" and we would be good to "deal" with cloak campers.

No, it wouldn't, because it's not enough.

Cloak camp still there, stronger than ever now.

AFK cloakers are only a problem for people who are risk averse. Yes, it's a sh*t mechanic that people can just sit AFK in a system all day but cloaking has nothing to do with it. People shouldn't blame it on EVE if they don't have the balls to undock because someone's in the same system as them. They should grow a spine and play the game.



over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by crockett5

Yea will have to look for it, is it one I can just search for or do I need some super secret password

Sent you a DM! :D

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by RikenVorkovin

I had zero clue you were that guy haha. I remember watching a q & a at a eve fest and it seemed like every dude who got up was in your corp.

Good to see ccp is still using some vet players over there.

Yeah, we held the record for the longest time of the most people from a corp at Fanfest.

I still have the t-shirts, it was insane haha.

I think we got to the point where we had more than 50% of our active members at Fanfest one year.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by commisionar

Should add pirate faction to fw. Remember you guys mentioned adding a pirate faction back at pax east think that was 2012 sad it never got added

Eh, I'd far rather go a completely different route if it was up to me.

  • Split FW into a four way war with each empire considering the other three enemies.
  • Split empire into four seperate highsec islands with a band of lowsec that separates them all.
  • Collapse CONCORD and make the Genesis constellation a lowsec landmark.
  • Have the faction navies take on CONCORD's role in their respective areas of space (with the power of current CONCORD).
  • Have militia NPCs act as faction police and customs (with the power of current faction police and customs).
  • Have each empire at odds with its traditional pirate enemy.
  • Both PvP and PvE focused content for FW so that you can focus on either, or a combo if you want.
  • I'd also heavily intertwine the NPE with factional identity in EVE to give people a feeling that their starter empire is "home", and get rid of the current NPC starter corps, everyone would go into one per faction so that there were more options for engagement.

I kinda love FW, but I think everyone agrees that it could use some love.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Maria_Tokila

So whats the carrot for NS and the current no local?:)

Tipping the balance more toward blowing sh*t up than making risk free ISK under your super umbrella all day.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by MarcusUitoh

As an Icelander, you should be deported for not liking liquorice! As an EVE player black it out bae!

I'm not Icelandic ;)

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by john_dune

I just want to say thanks. You've taken my love of the memories of this game and made me feel like I love this game again.

Never enough <3 for the bad old days!

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by titanmainbtw

There's only so many hands that we have to work on things, and you gotta set priorities man.

you're not wrong, but then again when the priorities seem to skewer towards:

  • making an entire line of instanced pve content with unfinished modules multipliers(still no mkt integration) and
  • adding a whole new race of ships with unique designs in the game where you yourself rightly said we have too many with no roles already

its kinda hard to eat up the priorities talk, especially coming from a ls background. Yeah I know its not your call on what priorities they take but come on.

My view (and of course it's fine to disagree) is that the Triglavian hulls fill a need for something completely different in terms of weapon/remote rep mechanics that give a boost to the meta and a little more variation that a re-balance of a ship class wouldn't.

When we're talking about adding industrial hulls that already have their roles specifically filled then there's not much point and it feels like a different kettle of fish to me, personally at least.

I'm from an LS background too, it's where my heart was from release right through to when I came to CCP in 2012.

It's all about give and take in terms of prioritising things :)

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by artemisdragmire

I remember the reset the blues post on the internal boards. Those were good times.


over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by youwereeatenbyalid

Hey I don't know if you're (still?) a community manager but this is the best community interaction I've seen between a game company and their community. Keep up the good work.

Yup, still the Senior Community Manager for CCP :)

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Ribshifter

Arh Verone, never knew you were Falcon πŸ‘ I fondly remember the Celestial Apocalypses days, chasing pirates around, joined Veto for a while too 😎

I miss Celestial Apocalypse - some great times sparring with you boys!

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Political_What_Do

Hotdropping and the fact that every man and his dog in lowsec (including those in FW) started fielding cap fleets effectively killed lowsec piracy and small gang pvp. I witnessed this myself - I gave up on lowsec piracy the day that MC dropped five motherships on me while I was soloing in a Bhaalgorn in Molden Heath. If I remember, that was in 2010/2011 - I hung my eyepatch up after that and ended up joining CCP haha.


There it is. Hotdropping kills the game.

All of Eves problems with people not undocking, not leaving safety can be traced back to the fact that there is an unknowable force multplier of austistic proportions that can on grid you instantly if your exposed.

Make caps jump to Celestials then warp to grid. That delay makes the skirmish possible. Subcaps will fight either to apply or escape the tackle and have a chance at settling things before the blob can mobilize. Additionally caps are now less safe because they cant jump on a station.

Also get rid of asset protection for caps. This game needs more dead caps.

It's highly controversial, but in all honestly I'd probably kill asset safety completely or heavily gimp it if it was up to me. I'd also cap the amount of storage space that's in each type of structure, with standup modules to give more hangar space.

I'd also get rid of tethering for anything smaller than a supercap, and have tethering become mooring for supers. Only XL structures would have mooring space, and it'd be limited to a certain number at a time per structure, with the ships visibly in gravdock outside so they were visible.

Yes, it'd mean a lot of nullsec entities would flood back to living from NPC stations, but then I'd probably look to make changes to those too and how they work, like capping their capacity for storing stuff too.

Again, all savage and terrible ideas.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link


Verone! I had no idea this was you! I was in Veto for a short time when when you were mercs. What a great time! Do you still have the flaming toboggan?

Nah man, I sold it at the Fanfest 2011 Charity Auction... it made a few hundred bucks for charity!

Not bad for a $5 beanie :D

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Ange1u5

The list of blue corps in The Establishment remains... zero :D

As it should be - I miss flying alongside EST.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by IamSoGreedy

Great responses, even though i dont agree with a few of them.

Thank you for your interest of trying to making eve better every day.

We wont forget it!

ps: remove rorquals tomorrow, please! :D

Personally, I'd remove the ability for the rorqual to mine at all. I'd also completely delete the panic button too, I don't like it personally.

I'd then beef up the rorqual to be a lot tougher, and to serve as a mining foreman platform and a mobile refinery. It'd basically be an ore refining and ore/mineral compression platform for use in the field that gave mining bonuses to barges.

Then of course, people would start mining in Orcas, so I'd remove their ability to mine too, and make them a dedicated compressed ore and mineral hauler with bonuses to carrying compressed resources.

I'd rather see a world where barges are the ships that are doing the actual mining, and there's a few support hulls needed to get max yield out of them - promotes engagement between people and larger groups of people in space collaborating.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by artemisdragmire

You should throw that my way so I can snag Mooya and Alvey for it too.


over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by youwereeatenbyalid

Wait I thought CCP fired their community team. Did /r/eve lie to me?

A couple of us made it through the cull of '17.

We're in the process of bringing a third on board at present.

over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

Originally posted by Ultroth

The good old days of lowsec <3
