over 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

10s a lot of people throughout the years me
12s included have have been fascinated with
14s this wonderful weird organism that we
17s have that is Eve that's not 20 years old
20s and and it's been studied I mean we've
22s had university courses on it we've had
24s people doing doctorates around the Evan
27s line and one of the consistent findings
30s that keep coming back and back again is
32s that the groups that form in the game
34s The Corpse The alliances that that is
37s where the magic is happening that is
39s where something happens where people
41s build these friendships this lasting
43s impact this this world building that
45s we've seen on the scale that we have and
49s this incidentally is exactly the same
51s thing that the community that countless
53s CSM have told us over the years that we
56s need to take care of the groups we need
57s to have certain uh opportunities certain
61s equipment certain tools so we can expand
65s these groups so we can make it
66s meaningful so we can we can be efficient
68s with how we run and and make it fun for
71s everybody also new players as veterans
72s alike and this is the reason this is the
75s the driver for why we decided to
77s prioritize uh building new and better
81s tools uh to to strengthen the groups
84s within Eve and this is where Corp goals
86s is coming from and this is why that's
87s the first pillar we decided to put down
90s so when we looked into the organizations
92s I mean we found out the these are tens
94s and often hundreds of people involved in
97s running a single organization and it
99s it's taxing and they have to look into a
102s lot of Corners they have to plan a lot
104s of elements and we wanted to understand
106s like can we make uh the lives of these
109s individuals who are so important to our
111s world and so important in in in building
114s these communities can we make them
115s easier and so one of the things uh we
117s are prioritizing in the November
119s expansion is is auto payments for core
121s projects so it can be automatically paid
125s out and you don't have to look at who is
127s contributing how do I pay out from which
129s wallet uh all of these steps would be a
131s lot simpler we are also introducing
134s where you can copy the pre-existing
136s projects so it's a lot quicker to set up
138s new projects along with giving you seven
141s new additional contribution methods
144s which should uh make the pallet that you
147s can offer your organization just it's
150s it's is going to be a lot wider and uh
153s what we're hoping with this is that this
155s will touch every single Corp member from
157s the individual new player all the way up
160s to the fleet commanders and the big
162s groups where they can find Opportunities
164s to play uh it's simpler to set up and
167s just it will be more fun making
169s friendships and building these groups so
171s in the November expansion we're
173s introducing an important upgrade to the
174s new player experience currently players
177s have been able to start the game go on
179s an exciting Adventure through space uh
181s but they've had limited options of
184s leaving that Adventure until it's
185s finished uh otherwise they can't come
188s back to it but now we're introducing
190s basically a fork in the road we're going
191s to break the rails where early on in the
193s experience if you are interested in
194s doing something uh else right away you
197s can go open up the air opportunities
199s portal which will allow you to see all
202s the types of different opportunities uh
204s with different uh segments of the game
206s and different career paths you can go on
208s but you can always go back and continue
212s your air MP journey and we're really
214s excited about this because this means
216s that our players can now have a lot more
218s freedom over how they start their
220s journey into our world at what pace and
222s when they do it and this also opens up
224s in the future for us if we want to add
227s uh other story modules into the MP
229s Journey we can now do it without being
231s tied to single rail or something like
233s that from a story perspective so we're
235s really excited about this in the Havoc
237s expansion we'll be releasing a few new
239s features aimed at improving the
241s organization in corporations the most
243s important one is the ability to assign
245s es rewards to Corporation projects that
248s will now automatically reward the
250s members for their contributions in
252s addition we are adding a new Corp role
254s project manager that will allow the CEOs
257s and directors to delegate project
259s management to other members the new
261s project cloning functionality will make
264s it easier to create similar or recurring
266s projects making the management more
269s efficient we are also introducing the
271s new Air daily go system that is an
273s improvement to the current daily
275s challenges this system will give you a
278s selection of four tasks every day but it
280s will require only two of them to be
282s completed to get the main
284s reward this gives you a choice for which
286s challenges to pursue depending on your
289s Proficiency in specific area of the game
292s the new types of core projects and the
294s improvements to the Daily goal system
296s will provide everyone with better ways
298s to find things to do we are adding seven
301s new contribution
302s methods first remote repair armor and
306s remote boost Shields these two new types
308s of projects will allow the corporations
310s to recognize the efforts of their logy
312s pilots and reward them for it the
314s projects can be General rewarding any
317s remote wrapping activity or targeted
319s incentivizing the logi pilots to support
321s the fleet in specific solar system or to
324s repair specific types of ships scan
327s signature this project type will allow
330s the corporations to reward their members
331s for scanning signatures it will be
334s especially valuable for corporations who
336s are on the lookout for valuable Wormhole
338s connections and want to incentivize
340s their members for finding them kill
342s capsulier this project type is an
344s addition to the already existing project
346s for dealing damage to capsuleers now not
349s only the participation in combat can be
351s recognized and rewarded the actual
354s killer can be recognized as well this in
356s practice allows the corporations to
358s sponsor their top killers or to put a
360s bounty on another militia Alliance
363s Corporation or even a particular capsu
365s year capture and defend factional
368s Warfare complex We are continuing to
370s improve the factional Warfare gameplay
372s and this is another addition to it this
375s project type allows the corporations
377s participating in factional Warfare to
379s clearly declare and communicate current
382s objectives to their members and to
384s reward the members for their effort in
386s defending or taking enemy space
389s manufacture items
390s this project type will be useful for
392s industrial corporations as in practice
394s it will allow the corporation to rent
396s out the industry job slots from their
398s members combined with the deliver item
401s project that could be used to Source the
404s materials it will make it easier for the
406s corporation to communicate what needs to
408s be built and what materials are
411s needed all the changes to the cor
414s projects will enable corporations to
416s organize better to communicate what are
419s their objectives Ives and to recognize
422s the members for their efforts and reward
424s them for it this will enable the members
427s to have a clear path of progression
431s within a corporation where they can be
433s recognized where they can be visible to
435s others and for the corporations itself
438s this provides an easy way to achieve
442s specific goals all the functionalities
444s of the corporation projects feature now
446s give even more reasons to join a
448s corporation and actively contribute to
451s it and progress through its ranks I
453s can't wait to start using the new
455s features in my own Corp and to see how
457s you will use them in yours so with the
460s upcoming additions we're introducing in
462s the November expansion to the
463s corporation goal system uh the vision we
466s had for if if you're Corp leader is we
468s wanted you to feel like you have the
470s world at your fingertips like you have
472s the control mechanism to influence
475s Warfare to move the markets to to make
477s Destiny shape uh reality and and we feel
481s that now with the additional seven
482s contribution methods with auto payments
485s with autoc copying of goals we will be a
488s lot closer to uh that experience and
491s we're really excited to see how how Corp
493s leaders will respond to this and how
494s they will use it and then on the flip
496s side when we are we're looking at just
498s the average player in a Corp uh the the
501s vision we have for that is it's it's
503s really important just right after you
504s enter the game that you find something
506s to do ideally something relevant to
509s where you want to go in the game
510s something you're interested in but also
512s what's meaningful for your group for
514s your friends what is the Corp that
516s you're a part of what matters to them
518s and what is most important that you can
520s contribute to right now so you should
522s know yes if I do this now this matters
526s to my Corp and after November we are a
530s lot closer to having that as a standard
533s of when you're entering em online and we
535s really excited about
538s that