almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

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The Patch Notes for the March 2020 release are now available. As always, we will keep updating the main page with all subsequent point releases but to increase the visibility each update will also be posted in this thread.

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link


Defect Fixes

  • Needlejack Filament icons will now be shown correctly
  • The Rapid Repair and Active Shielding command bursts now once again affect capital remote repair modules… once again

Audio & Graphics:

  • Combat music will now stop playing after the player’s capsule has been destroyed and the clone transferred to a station

Features & Changes

  • The “Skilling is a Means…” event has begun! During this event players will receive bonus Skillpoints for their first PvP kill against a vessel of frigate size or larger each day.

Defect Fixes
User Interface:

  • Fixed an issue where a wrong Chat link would be created when dragging from the Chat Channels window
  • Fixed an issue where Fleet links would not be given the correct name
  • Fixed an issue where Pointer window links could not be created
  • Fixed an issue where links to the Agency would fail to open
almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

A few defect fixes have been added with today’s deployment:

Defect Fixes

  • Needlejack Filament icons will now be shown correctly
  • The Rapid Repair and Active Shielding command bursts now once again affect capital remote repair modules… once again

Audio & Graphics:

  • Combat music will now stop playing after the player’s capsule has been destroyed and the clone transferred to a station
almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

I hear you. We are working on putting the information together with the teams involved for everyone.

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Hey Mestoth,

The Micro Capacitor Boosters are just collector items and we have not been adding any more to the game for a decade now. Instead of having ten different colletor items, we consolidated them into one and to emphasize that these are unique we made them into a storyline module.

We have done that with all deprecated Micro modules in the previous Tiericide passes for other module groups.

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

These three missions were part of a project to test the existing content authoring tools to see in which way we could potentially be making improvements in the future :slight_smile:

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Thanks for letting us know. I will forward that to the team!

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Patch Notes for today’s point release:

Features & Changes

  • The “Skilling is a Means…” event has begun! During this event players will receive bonus Skillpoints for their first PvP kill against a vessel of frigate size or larger each day.

Defect Fixes
User Interface:

  • Fixed an issue where a wrong Chat link would be created when dragging from the Chat Channels window
  • Fixed an issue where Fleet links would not be given the correct name
  • Fixed an issue where Pointer window links could not be created
  • Fixed an issue where links to the Agency would fail to open
almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

I believe that you need to get top damage for this.

EDIT: Correction.

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Is the assumption that the event will impact Frigate prizes your main concern here or what, in your opinion, made the previous Skilling Spree better?

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Patch notes for today’s point release:

Features & Changes
User Interface:

  • Updated the tooltip text for the “Skilling is just a means” daily challenge to make it clear that the challenge requires you to achieve top damage on a PvP kill.

Defect Fixes
User Interface:

  • Fixed an issue that caused the daily challenge info panel to blink intermittently for several minutes after a downtime
almost 5 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

About the red dots: We do think this feature has value, particularly for newer players, but we know it has caused some aggravation and we’re always looking for ways to improve.

We’ve already made some changes to this feature so it isn’t showing the red dots anymore where they are not necessary (drones and probes for example) but we know there may well be other places we can improve.

If you guys have any feedback on the specific pain points you’re still dealing with I’ll be happy to pass that along to the relevant teams.

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

This is actually super useful feedback and is just what we’re looking for. Thanks!

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

I hear you guys on the request to add an option to remove it and rest assured I will be passing that along.

At the same time I’m also looking for feedback that will help us improve it to the point where people aren’t quite so desperate to disable it.

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

It’s my place to help act as a bridge between you guys and the development teams - I know I will take a bit of heat in the process sometimes. But I do honestly want people’s opinions to be heard.

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Patch Notes for the 18.03.2020 point release:

Features & Changes

  • Adjusted the signature radius and max velocity of some tutorial NPCs to provide a better experience for all of the faction’s corvettes
  • Aura’s portrait has been replaced with the concord logo in the tutorial section of the Agency
  • Moved the tutorial ISK rewards to the “Agents & Missions” wallet category
  • For a limited time, we will be performing a test in which 50% of new users will receive an updated version of the Tutorial:
    • New capsuleers will start in a new calmer setting before being asked to travel to the first tutorial site
    • The interface will be gradually revealed and introduced as the tutorial progresses
    • Updated flow of tasks within the tutorial
    • Upon entering the sites of the first three tutorial missions, the camera will automatically focus on the site’s key objectives
    • Updated tutorial storyline text to provide a clearer purpose to the players actions
    • Updated Aura conversations in the tutorial – now with added sass!

Defect Fixes
User Interface:

  • Notes in the Notepad can now be deleted again.
almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

We are looking at having it for a few weeks, but will monitor how things go and adjust the time as needed.

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Right now, it is too early to say what we are going to do with this in the future but I would also love to see some new Epic Arcs :slight_smile:

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link


The patch notes from today’s update are now available:

Features & Changes

Changes to Faction Warfare:

  • Faction Warfare complex Acceleration Gate will give a Suspect Flag if activated by non-Faction Warfare Capsuleer.
    • In such cases, the Safety setting must be to Partial or No Safety (orange or red) to activate the gate. When safety is Full (green) the gate cannot be activated.
    • FW participants will be able to activate the acceleration gates without penalty.
  • Faction Warfare Acceleration Gates have an increased activation range allowing for activation at 90km radius
  • Adding a new 5th tier of Faction Warfare sites, and renaming the ‘Large’ tier:
    • Large Compounds are now (Faction) Open Compounds
    • Large Strongholds are now (Faction) Open Strongholds
    • Added a new tier of sites. These sites have gate restrictions that allow only Battleship sized and smaller ships
    • The new Battleship Complexes are named (Faction) Large Outpost
    • The progression in tiers is now:
      • Novice (unchanged)
      • Small (unchanged)
      • Medium (unchanged)
      • Large (new Battleship tier)
      • Open (formerly “Large”)
  • Loyalty Point payouts for Faction Warfare PVP kills have been given a fixed increase, and no longer linked to the warzone tier multiplier. The LP payout rate is now fixed at approximately the same level as it previously was when the attacker held tier 5 warzone control.
  • Loyalty Point payouts for Faction Warfare missions have been reduced by approximately 30%


  • Increasing Warp speed for all ships in Low Security system by 2AU/s. Active until the 6 April.


  • Added a circle of perimeter lights around Acceleration Gates to show activation range
  • Added a circle of perimeter lights around Faction Warfare capture beacons, showing the capture range and capture status. These lights will change color depending on the beacon’s capture state:
    • Green - Being Captured by Defending Faction
    • Orange - Contested
    • Red - Being Captured by Attacking Faction


  • If a war ends because the attacking Corporation/Alliance fails to pay their War Declaration bill, a forced peace treaty for 14 days is triggered. This will prevent the attackers from re-declaring another war against the same target.
  • A second daily challenge has been added to the “Skilling is just a means” event that rewards skill points each day for the destruction of one of the NPCs defending a factional warfare capture site. This extra challenge will be available daily until 6 April, at which point the “Skilling is just a means” event will return to having a single challenge per day.
  • The Loot drop chance has been increased to 90% in Low Security space. Active until the 6 April.

Missions & NPCs:

  • Reduced the mining efficiency of NPC Mining Fleets


  • Adding the Frigate Escape Bay to Battleships, Marauders, and Black Ops. Click here for more information.

Structures & Deployables:

  • Hull Reinforcement Duration for War Headquarters structures reduced to 24 hours (down from 4.5 days). This is intended to give defenders a realistic chance of taking down the HQ within 7 days.
almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Absolutely. We are moving forward with the changes in March and will have the news out for you with additional details by the end of this week. The important thing to note is that Moon mining extractions that are currently underway won’t be affected by the ore distribution changes, so you will get what the job promised you would.

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

A couple of minor changes going live today:

Third Party Developers
Static Data Exports (SDE):

  • Removed a yaml that was incorrectly added to the SDE thus breaking its generation

Defect Fixes:

  • Fixed strings not being translated in corp Wallet UI.
almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Seems like you have already answered your own questions.

However, if you actually want to know the answer then the lack of sound in Jita IV-4 and Caldari hangars is a bug that will be fixed with today’s deployment.

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Patch Notes for today’s release:

Features & Changes:

  • Common naming restrictions reapplied to user supplied names.

Defect Fixes:
Audio & Graphics:

  • Fixed missing Atmosphere Audio in the Jita IV-4 hangar and other Caldari hangars.
almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

To the best of my knowledge there was a brief issue where some bad unicode characters were not caught properly by our system. This has not been reapplied and everything should be working as intended.

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Let me take that back. You should be able to use brackets. I have notified our folks internally to take a look at it momentarily :slight_smile:

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Sorry for the confusion, Lena. Brackets should be a go - we are looking into it.

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Good stuff. Thanks for bringing this up right away!

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Good day,

Please find today’s patch notes below:

Features & Changes

  • Various combat anomalies have had mineable asteroids replaced with cosmetic asteroids.

Missions & NPCs:

  • Various mission site locations have had mineable asteroids replaced with cosmetic asteroids.

Resource Distribution:

  • All basic ores (Veldspar, Scordite, Pyroxeres, Plagioclase, Omber, Kernite, Jaspet, Hemprphite, Hedbergite, Gneiss, Dark Ochre, Spodumain, Crokite, Bistot, Arkonor), were removed from moons. In some cases, they have been replaced with Moon Ore.
  • All basic materials (Tritanium, Pyerite, Mexallon, Isogen, Nocxium, Zydrine, Megacyte) were removed from moon ore DNA (refining materials output table) with the following exceptions:
  • R4 moon ores (Bitumens, Coesite, Sylvite, Zeolites) keep their original yield of Pyerite & Mexallon (Tritanium was removed).
almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Yes, this is intentional.

almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

A couple of defect fixes coming in with today’s deployment:

Defect Fixes
Audio & Graphics:

  • Fixed visibility of VFX on the Gila with the Abyssal thunderstorm SKIN applied.


  • Fixed strings not updating properly in the corp wallet.


  • Resolved NPC spawn issues from a number of combat sites (such as some of the Havens and Sanctum sites)
almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Yup. Just got it in now :slight_smile: Updating relevant pages with:


  • Resolved NPC spawn issues from a number of combat sites (such as some of the Havens and Sanctum sites)
almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Good day,

Today’s patch notes are now available.

Features & Changes

  • The Hunt has begun! This event will run from 6 April to 21 April
    • Mysterious brightly colored Guristas Capsules are appearing all over New Eden! These capsules can be found at planets, moons, asteroid belts, and stargates. They are detectable through directional scanners and probe scanners.
      • When destroyed, each of these capsules will drop a Guristas Hunt Acceleration Gate Key required to pass to the final section of the Hunt and Huntmaster Outpost sites.
    • The new Guristas Hunt Outpost and Guristas Huntmaster Outpost sites are also appearing. These sites only allow access for T1 and T2 Frigates and Destroyers, and reaching the final room of these sites requires an acceleration gate key obtained from the mysterious capsules.
    • The Guristas Hunt Outpost sites can be found all over New Eden (Highsec, Lowsec, Nullsec, and W-Space).
      • Destroy the advanced fighter in the final area for a chance at valuable loot including implants, skins, clothing, modules, and blueprints for the powerful Gecko drone!
    • The Guristas Huntmaster Outpost sites are appearing in large numbers within Caldari Lowsec space and in lower numbers within the Venal region.
      • These more difficult sites also contain more valuable rewards including blueprints for the new Hydra implant set.
  • During the Hunt event, capsuleer capsules will have a 50% chance of dropping as loot each of the implants that normally would have been destroyed by the capsule destruction.


  • The new Guristas Hydra implant set has been introduced. This implant set improves range and precision of both drone and missile weapon systems. Hydra implants have no effect on fighters.

  • Blueprint copies for the Hydra implants will initially be available through loot drops from the Huntmaster Outpost sites in Caldari Lowsec and Venal.

    • Low-grade Hydra Alpha: +2 Perception, 1% bonus to drone tracking speed, drone optimal range, drone falloff range, missile flight time, and missile explosion velocity with 2.5% set bonus
    • Low-grade Hydra Beta: +2 Memory, 1.5% bonus to drone tracking speed, drone optimal range, drone falloff range, missile flight time, and missile explosion velocitywith 2.5% set bonus
    • Low-grade Hydra Gamma: +2 Willpower, 2% bonus to drone tracking speed, drone optimal range, drone falloff range, missile flight time, and missile explosion velocity with 2.5% set bonus
    • Low-grade Hydra Delta: +2 Intelligence, 2.5% bonus to drone tracking speed, drone optimal range, drone falloff range, missile flight time, and missile explosion velocity with 2.5% set bonus
    • Low-grade Hydra Epsilon: +2 Charisma, 3% bonus to drone tracking speed, drone optimal range, drone falloff range, missile flight time, and missile explosion velocity with 2.5% set bonus
    • Low-grade Hydra Omega 10% set bonus
    • Mid-grade Hydra Alpha: +3 Perception, 1% bonus to drone tracking speed, drone optimal range, drone falloff range, missile flight time, and missile explosion velocity with 10% set bonus
    • Mid-grade Hydra Beta: +3 Memory, 1.5% bonus to drone tracking speed, drone optimal range, drone falloff range, missile flight time, and missile explosion velocity with 10% set bonus
    • Mid-grade Hydra Gamma: +3 Willpower, 2% bonus to drone tracking speed, drone optimal range, drone falloff range, missile flight time, and missile explosion velocity with 10% set bonus
    • Mid-grade Hydra Delta: +3 Intelligence, 2.5% bonus to drone tracking speed, drone optimal range, drone falloff range, missile flight time, and missile explosion velocity with 10% set bonus
    • Mid-grade Hydra Epsilon: +3 Charisma, 3% bonus to drone tracking speed, drone optimal range, drone falloff range, missile flight time, and missile explosion velocity with 10% set bonus
    • Mid-grade Hydra Omega 25% set bonus
    • High-grade Hydra Alpha: +4 Perception, 1% bonus to drone tracking speed, drone optimal range, drone falloff range, missile flight time, and missile explosion velocity with 15% set bonus
    • High-grade Hydra Beta: +4 Memory, 1.5% bonus to drone tracking speed, drone optimal range, drone falloff range, missile flight time, and missile explosion velocity with 15% set bonus
    • High-grade Hydra Gamma: +4 Willpower, 2% bonus to drone tracking speed, drone optimal range, drone falloff range, missile flight time, and missile explosion velocity with 15% set bonus
    • High-grade Hydra Delta: +4 Intelligence, 2.5% bonus to drone tracking speed, drone optimal range, drone falloff range, missile flight time, and missile explosion velocity with 15% set bonus
    • High-grade Hydra Epsilon: +4 Charisma, 3% bonus to drone tracking speed, drone optimal range, drone falloff range, missile flight time, and missile explosion velocity with 15% set bonus
    • High-grade Hydra Omega 50% set bonus
  • The ‘Valdimar’ drone and fighter hardwiring implants have been introduced. These are initially available in the Hunt event:

    • Black Market ‘Valdimar’ Drone Navigation DN-701: 1% increase in drone and fighter max velocity
    • Black Market ‘Valdimar’ Drone Navigation DN-703: 3% increase in drone and fighter max velocity
    • Black Market ‘Valdimar’ Drone Navigation DN-705: 5% increase in drone and fighter max velocity
    • Black Market ‘Valdimar’ Drone Sharpshooting DS-801: 1% increase in drone and fighter optimal range
    • Black Market ‘Valdimar’ Drone Sharpshooting DS-803: 3% increase in drone and fighter optimal range
    • Black Market ‘Valdimar’ Drone Sharpshooting DS-805: 5% increase in drone and fighter optimal range
    • Black Market ‘Valdimar’ Repair Drone Operation DR-901: 1% increase in drone repair amount
    • Black Market ‘Valdimar’ Repair Drone Operation DR-903: 3% increase in drone repair amount
    • Black Market ‘Valdimar’ Repair Drone Operation DR-905: 5% increase in drone repair amount
    • Black Market ‘Valdimar’ Drone Durability DD-1001: 1% increase in drone and fighter hit points
    • Black Market ‘Valdimar’ Drone Durability DD-1003: 3% increase in drone and fighter hit points
    • Black Market ‘Valdimar’ Drone Durability DD-1005: 5% increase in drone and fighter hit points


  • The Loyalty to Lowsec event has completed:
    • The 2au/s bonus to warp speed in low security space has ended
    • The increased pvp loot drop rate in low security space has ended
almost 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

A few additions:

Features & Changes

  • Removed old video from in-game billboards. Everyone has a clear vision now.
  • Added 16 new videos to the in-game billboards; 15 ship videos and 1 Guristas video.

Defect Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where PLEX could be lost after buying from multiple orders at the same time.


  • Updated Aura conversations for German, Russian and French
  • Fixed text formatting and language inconsistencies for German, Russian and French

User Interface:

  • Fixed an issue where buttons to Upgrade to Omega and Buy Plex in the Daily Login Campaigns window didn’t work.