almost 3 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

Hello everyone!

With the latest Road to Fanfest pt2 blog that went out today, we announced some tweaks to the Proteus. We’re trying out separate discussion topics for various announced changes to make it easier for our teams to find topical feedback, so this thread is for this particular balance change.

The Proteus has been under-performing compared to its other T3C brethren. In particular, it suffers largely from very tight fitting stats as well as well as slow speed, as it’s often trying to fly around with heavy armor plates. These changes should help to give it a little boost and hopefully bring it up to a similar level as the other ships in its class.


  • Hybrid Encoding Platform Subsystem: 430 PG from 330 PG
  • Augmented Plating Subsystem: 25% reduction in Armor Plate Mass Penalty

New Additions based on feedback:

  • Drone Synthesis Projector Subsystem CPU 60 from 40
  • Drone Synthesis Projector Subsystem Bandwidth to 125 from 100
  • Drone Synthesis Dronebay Capacity to 300 from 250

Take a look at your Proteus fits and use this thread to let us know your thoughts on the changes! As always, we’ll keep an eye on how this develops in the meta and adjust as required.