over 1 year
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | welcome |
1s | 20 years |
3s | what a ride |
5s | but you know what's been around there |
7s | for a little bit less than 20 years |
10s | anybody I guess |
12s | Bots |
14s | and they suck right |
17s | with exception of Ibex our friendly chat |
19s | support bot |
21s | but then again he is dealing with you |
23s | guys so it's just a matter of time until |
25s | he follows the footsteps of Skynet |
28s | but welcome to team security |
29s | presentation I'm CCP stinger and let me |
32s | introduce the team we have CCP grimy |
35s | our security analyst |
38s | our Auntie a credit card fraud and the |
41s | rmt Internal Affairs and spin with CCP |
44s | since 2003. |
46s | we have CCP hugin on our team senior |
49s | game master watchful hack excuse me |
51s | watchful Hawk who restores the Hacked |
54s | accounts |
55s | who is tackling the problem of hacked |
58s | accounts is anti-rmt and deals with the |
61s | most complicated |
62s | cases of account sharing and has been |
65s | with CCP since 2005. |
67s | then we have me CCP Stinger I'm security |
70s | analyst I take care of the Bots |
73s | I also handle anti-rmt |
76s | and I've been with CCP since 2012. |
79s | and you can see already |
81s | that all the free members of the team |
83s | security |
84s | we have something in common |
86s | it's anti-rmt |
88s | because credit card fraud hacked |
90s | accounts and botting is all connected by |
93s | Real Money Trade |
94s | and our speakers for today is CCP grimy |
98s | he's gonna continue a little bit a |
100s | little bit later after me and me |
103s | so let's see the menu for today what do |
106s | we have we have the team introduction we |
108s | have the voting recap of last year |
110s | anybody been last year here in Fan Fest |
113s | did you guys see the presentation last |
115s | year |
116s | okay great then we have top secret |
119s | middle secret bottom secret and let's |
121s | see how much time we have left for Q a |
124s | but let's start with the recap |
127s | last year I told you |
130s | I showed you some information on what |
132s | we're dealing with |
133s | right this year we're going to show you |
135s | how we're dealing with it |
138s | but to recap we were speaking about |
141s | organized bot Farms you know those bot |
143s | Farms that are there just for one |
145s | purpose and one purpose only is the bot |
148s | to generate currency that is being then |
150s | sold |
151s | on auction sites |
153s | vrmt they're easy to spot tough to |
156s | remove multiple accounts are created |
158s | with just one click |
160s | the accounts are running 24 7 in batches |
164s | and they use Virtual machines like the |
166s | user 1 Hardware machine with huge amount |
169s | of RAM and then spin up smaller virtual |
172s | machines with Windows and Eve online |
175s | clients to such an extent |
177s | that they even have a snapshot image |
179s | saved so to create a new virtual machine |
181s | takes them minutes right |
184s | they are fast and efficient |
187s | and the battle never stops |
190s | it's like a game |
192s | of whack-a-mole we remove one batch |
194s | another one takes over we remove another |
196s | one takes over |
198s | take a look at that smile |
200s | that's how I look like when I'm Banning |
202s | the Bots |
204s | so we have to take a step back |
206s | take a look at the situation and change |
209s | our tactics |
210s | because the organized bot Farms right |
213s | they are there just for one purpose |
215s | to generate the currency |
218s | to be sold that is a business model |
222s | they don't have a normal gameplay |
224s | Behavior like our players have you know |
226s | you start you start with Venture then |
229s | you play you play you play we all know |
231s | how hard it is to get the next ship and |
233s | the next ship and the next ship they |
235s | don't do that they just get something |
238s | injected assets a currency from somebody |
240s | and they immediately start boating |
243s | minimizing the time spent and maximizing |
246s | profits |
247s | so we have to change our tactics and go |
250s | after the financers |
252s | like burn all the bridges because it |
254s | didn't work just to remove the batch we |
256s | had to go after the financers who are |
259s | injecting |
261s | and this is how it looks like this data |
264s | what you see is an actual Farm bot farm |
267s | that started operating around Christmas |
270s | and this is a real data this is not made |
272s | up by us this was a proof by our legal |
275s | team so we can show it with the |
278s | character names |
280s | because they don't interact with normal |
281s | players they interact just with self and |
284s | it's for us safe to show and you can see |
286s | here is 150 accounts from a total of 117 |
290s | of this bot operation right |
294s | so 317 accounts |
296s | how many characters can account hold |
300s | up to three so that immediately spikes |
303s | up to one thousand one thousand |
305s | characters |
308s | and new players still say that our locks |
312s | show nothing I mean in the beginning of |
314s | Eve it's been 20 years our logs show |
317s | nothing this has changed and has changed |
320s | a lot the logs shows something actually |
323s | they show a lot |
326s | imagine somebody would be following you |
328s | throughout the day right and record |
330s | every interaction you have |
333s | so you wake up |
335s | at seven in the morning right you put |
337s | your socks on you put your pants on you |
339s | go to the toilet and you jettison |
342s | a container into space |
344s | and that continues throughout the day |
346s | now the question is what is interesting |
348s | for our investigation are those the |
351s | socks are those the pants or is it that |
354s | jettisoned space container that you did |
358s | so we need help |
361s | and let me introduce you our superhero |
364s | maltego |
366s | Montego is open source intelligence |
368s | software |
369s | doesn't mean that the software itself is |
371s | open source but the intelligence |
374s | there are 96 different information hubs |
377s | available in multigo where you can pull |
379s | and mine different data starting from a |
383s | simple Network mapping |
386s | to a complicated investigation into |
389s | social media presence of a person of |
391s | interest |
392s | and my take was mostly used by antivirus |
396s | manufacturers for the threat analysis |
399s | it's used by Interpol for cyber crime |
402s | investigations |
403s | and it's used by US |
409s | and in this particular example like a |
412s | simple example what Montego can do is a |
414s | network lookup Network mapping right so |
417s | we put in if online.com and we run |
420s | different transforms transforms when we |
422s | run transforms we're pulling the |
423s | information the different information |
424s | that is available for us a simple thing |
427s | is to take a look the DNS records where |
430s | they are stored when you type in |
431s | ifsonline.com where are you actually |
433s | going you know first and then |
436s | continue the network path |
438s | of course with if online.com you have |
441s | Associated the support if online.com |
443s | that's where you file your reimbursement |
445s | requests that are being denied |
447s | constantly |
449s | then you have the forums if online.com |
451s | Where You Are |
453s | trolling your position in the game |
455s | then you have the secure if online.com |
457s | hopefully that's where you're buying |
459s | Omega and Plex right |
461s | you're not going anywhere on auction |
463s | sites yeah I see you I see you |
467s | and then of course you have like |
469s | community evenlight.com and so on and so |
471s | on so this is just a simple example what |
473s | material can do but |
478s | I was speaking about open source |
480s | intelligence right |
482s | and this is not how we're using it |
483s | because we are having one huge Advantage |
486s | together with our PX tools team with our |
489s | programmers we took Montego and we |
492s | banned it |
493s | to our own needs and purposes |
496s | to investigate |
498s | the botting |
499s | credit card fraud and rmd and hacking |
506s | which is a second I lost my |
508s | adrenal thought |
511s | because we have a huge Advantage all the |
513s | data |
514s | is out there it's on our service |
517s | we don't need to look for open source |
519s | intelligence we have it |
521s | and this is how I'm gonna show you today |
524s | this investigation of the bot Farms |
528s | early this year |
530s | where we transform from this logs |
532s | and just a spoiler alert in this logs |
535s | there is a character already found from |
537s | 1 000 characters potentially 1000 |
539s | characters has already been found who is |
542s | Distributing the assets |
544s | so try to First find the character that |
546s | is a lot of a lot of man hours |
549s | and I'm gonna take you |
551s | where we gonna take a look you guys know |
554s | what this is |
555s | what is it |
557s | no not Russian bottom it's the matrushka |
560s | dolls right |
562s | and we're gonna take a look we're gonna |
564s | peel |
565s | the layers away from that organized bot |
567s | Farm to try and find our financers to |
571s | try and find that injection of currency |
574s | or ice assets or items so in the end |
580s | we have this nice looking graph in my |
582s | Tigo because maltigo is able to pull the |
585s | data |
586s | to display it on a graph and to display |
588s | the relationships between the entities |
591s | like when we put something on the graph |
593s | it's an entity |
596s | so let's start by peeling the first |
598s | layer right so we know the characters |
602s | who are doing the butting |
604s | ah sorry not the characters the accounts |
606s | that are doing the botting yeah but they |
608s | are not the ones |
610s | who are interacting in the game accounts |
613s | cannot interact in the game it's the |
614s | character so our first thing would be is |
617s | to take the first layer off |
619s | and take a look what's inside the |
622s | characters and this is what is happening |
625s | in this particular recording just on a |
628s | side note |
629s | the recordings that I have are from |
631s | multigo 4.2 |
633s | the version is outdated nowadays there's |
636s | 4.5 which even brings more capabilities |
639s | of the software itself |
642s | and here I place the users that are that |
646s | we know that are botting and place them |
648s | on the graph and I have a simple |
650s | available transforms to me that's how I |
653s | pull the information first one would be |
655s | like you know |
656s | to actually not work with the IDS |
660s | but work with the usernames so the |
662s | simple transform is like okay tell me |
664s | the username of the account |
668s | and then that's what you get uh you get |
670s | the username the account you get the |
672s | alpha or Omega state |
675s | and then you get |
677s | a little red bookmark |
679s | you see on on the slides the red |
681s | bookmark indicates |
683s | that the accounts have been banned of |
686s | course they've been banned they've been |
687s | operating since January we will not |
689s | allow them to operate until September so |
692s | we ban them another set of transforms |
695s | it's where we're gonna peel our first |
697s | layer is to take a look at the |
699s | characters |
700s | character names |
702s | their wallets |
704s | their skill points right and very |
707s | important there's a user link between |
710s | the account and character |
713s | so let's get back so we got our |
715s | characters right |
718s | what would be the next step for us |
723s | copper good that's actually good but in |
726s | this particular case Corporation as you |
729s | maybe saw a few slides back |
732s | excuse me I'll |
734s | go back |
736s | they are all in NPC corporations |
740s | so in |
750s | for example so the next step would be is |
753s | actually to peel another layer but for |
755s | that we need to do a middle step the |
757s | middle step would be |
759s | is actually to grab |
761s | all the characters and try to pull all |
764s | the information that we have |
767s | and that's what you get so this is the |
770s | result of that transform and you see |
772s | immediately that something is off |
775s | on the graph the characters are bookmark |
778s | purple |
780s | now in this particular case our PX tools |
782s | have made it if the character is deleted |
786s | it's bookmark purple now why would |
788s | somebody delete a character I mean you |
790s | guys have been deleting characters here |
792s | and there because it didn't like the |
794s | name you didn't like the race and so on |
796s | and so on but this is a bot Farm you |
798s | know it's designed to do one thing and |
800s | one thing only so that means somebody |
803s | a person went in there and actually |
806s | deleted it why |
816s | in this particular case this is |
818s | immediately jumps into our eyes that we |
820s | need to investigate deleted character |
822s | it's odd in this particular |
824s | investigation are they trying to hide |
825s | something are they trying to destroy the |
827s | evidence we'll need to find out |
830s | but the next step would be is actually |
831s | to find all the interactions in terms of |
834s | assets movement so we need to peel |
836s | another layer to go a little bit deeper |
839s | for that I'm gonna grab all the |
841s | characters that came from the users our |
844s | known Bots and I'm gonna bookmark them |
847s | blue |
848s | it's just for me to know that those |
850s | characters are known to us |
853s | they're known to us so later on the |
855s | graph and an investigation we can see |
857s | clear results a little bit |
860s | for us to easier spot something |
863s | and now unfortunately when we're gonna |
865s | be peeling another layer |
868s | there is more transforms available for |
870s | us we can look at different information |
872s | but I'm not gonna show you what is |
874s | available to us right now because it's a |
877s | constant battle that we're fighting we |
879s | still want to have one ace up our |
881s | sleeves but you already know that we're |
883s | looking here in this particular |
885s | investigation when we're peeling another |
887s | layer is all the interaction |
891s | regarding assets movement in particular |
893s | items and currency not the jettison |
896s | container yet but we could and you can |
899s | see I selected everything I'm running |
901s | the transforms and now would be the time |
903s | for me while it's completing to go grab |
905s | a cup of coffee |
907s | no of course I'm gonna |
909s | skip the waiting and gonna show you the |
911s | result |
912s | and this is |
914s | what happens when we're feeling another |
916s | layer |
919s | this |
921s | transform showed all the interactions |
923s | all the assets movement between the |
926s | characters and you can immediately spot |
929s | in this particular layer of |
931s | Investigation |
933s | how one character is Distributing left |
935s | right and Center into the bot Farm |
938s | but there's something interesting |
940s | happening there right so you see the one |
943s | character |
945s | and then suddenly |
947s | more characters appeared and they don't |
950s | have a bookmark |
953s | remember we bookmarked our characters |
955s | because they are known |
956s | and these ones are not |
958s | so maltego pulled them out of the locks |
962s | there because they exactly you got it |
966s | because they |
968s | came up |
970s | because they injected assets or currency |
975s | and those are the guys |
977s | that we need to investigate they are the |
980s | financers |
981s | they interacted with the bot Farm in |
985s | terms of assets movement |
988s | and I will |
990s | need to skip because now we are doing |
993s | the same thing that we did with the |
994s | first layer is actually to take a look |
997s | who are they get all the information get |
1000s | all their usernames |
1002s | uh their accounts and so on and so on |
1004s | and it continues three four layers a |
1007s | little bit further |
1008s | until we arrive at our destination in |
1011s | this particular investigation |
1015s | and we'll find out |
1017s | that those guys who got the assets |
1020s | and the items they were credit card |
1022s | fraudsters |
1024s | they exposed another set of accounts |
1027s | that were focusing just on credit card |
1029s | fraud |
1030s | where Grimmie was taking care of them |
1031s | but some assets |
1034s | were invested |
1037s | into the bot Farm |
1040s | and this is it this is our small |
1043s | presentation of the investigation where |
1046s | we take multigo and its capability to |
1049s | mine data display data with |
1050s | relationships |
1051s | and this is how we transform from |
1054s | reading logs |
1056s | following maybe that that and leads |
1060s | instead we're doing nice looking graphs |
1063s | and multigo just helps us a lot in this |
1066s | particular case how we are using it it's |
1068s | very unique even unique to the the team |
1071s | itself of maltego |
1074s | this is our huge Advantage because we |
1077s | have all the data and multigo helps us |
1079s | to reduce man hours spent on an |
1083s | investigation |
1084s | and keep my sanity |
1086s | in place |
1088s | big investigations that were taking days |
1090s | now take hours |
1093s | trivial tasks that were taking hours for |
1095s | us to complete not take minutes |
1098s | and because of that because of the time |
1100s | that we have we can also help our other |
1103s | departments in CCP for example Alliance |
1106s | tournament that just finished our |
1108s | prestigious esport event |
1110s | back then every character that signed up |
1114s | for the alliance tournament had to be |
1116s | checked manually and the aliases too |
1119s | because we don't want bad guys |
1121s | participating and winning |
1124s | those prestigious ships |
1126s | so now this year team Securities would |
1129s | was helping with that we punched all the |
1131s | information we run our transforms |
1133s | multigo even supports machines where we |
1136s | just simply set different types of |
1138s | transforms and it was like punch the |
1141s | information in |
1142s | run the transforms and then really just |
1145s | take a look at those guys that have |
1147s | something on them that are suspicious |
1149s | that were misbehaving and then you know |
1153s | instead of finding them we have them and |
1155s | now we can spend time to make the |
1156s | decision if we allow them to participate |
1158s | or not |
1160s | with it a small thing together with the |
1163s | multigo team we published a case study |
1166s | it's available on multigo.com under |
1169s | block on the resources block case study |
1171s | and white papers it's a small summary |
1174s | but we're we're gonna be also looking to |
1177s | do something bigger in the coming months |
1180s | but that is it from me I hope you |
1183s | enjoyed the small presentation of our |
1185s | small investigation and I'm giving the |
1187s | stage to my colleague CCP grimy |
1196s | thank you Stinger for this onto the hood |
1198s | view of boat hunting |
1201s | I will be doing a little more |
1203s | traditional things for a Scenic like |
1205s | this |
1206s | some numbers some graphs |
1208s | always enjoyable |
1211s | we'll go through the numbers of accounts |
1214s | we plan for rmt related activities |
1216s | and first on the list is account hacking |
1219s | which is a |
1220s | quite an annoying and a nasty problem |
1224s | obviously people lose their skill points |
1227s | their assets even characters are |
1230s | destroyed and deleted you know it's just |
1232s | complete Devastation and it takes a long |
1236s | time to fix and it's a very very |
1239s | all of it obviously sold to other |
1242s | players in the game |
1244s | so something that we |
1248s | tastes like quite a lot next on the list |
1251s | is the Bots |
1255s | so this is mainly multico results and |
1260s | clearly ruining the gameplay for |
1262s | everyone |
1264s | doing |
1265s | their automated tasks |
1272s | financed by fraud account hackers it's |
1276s | all basically the same groups of people |
1280s | then this payment fraud this is a very |
1282s | nasty problem as well |
1284s | obviously a real world crime |
1286s | not a lot of good things to say about |
1288s | these people |
1290s | this incurs all kinds of operating costs |
1293s | we have to |
1295s | refund this charge box there's all kinds |
1298s | of fees |
1299s | and various problems obviously |
1302s | negative effects on the ink Market |
1306s | and |
1307s | prices and availability of offers you |
1310s | had to restrict offers or even remove |
1312s | offers due to abuse |
1317s | selling This is the End station of it |
1319s | all generally all these accounts |
1322s | previously could be |
1324s | classed as isk selling but these are |
1327s | actual accounts that are sort of |
1330s | getting assets from hacked accounts and |
1333s | then selling onwards |
1336s | mostly it's organized networks of of |
1340s | non-players but there are also some |
1342s | players in there that are trying to make |
1344s | a buck on the side |
1346s | everyone gets the same end result we |
1348s | permanently ban everything we find |
1350s | connected to them |
1352s | so I don't want to be doing that |
1354s | also we see accounts that have obviously |
1357s | been sold at entropy and used for any of |
1360s | these |
1361s | previously mentioned activities and we |
1365s | will go and find all your accounts all |
1367s | their accounts not necessarily you guys |
1369s | but |
1370s | all other accounts that we find and |
1371s | close them as well |
1374s | so this is all about the isk and Plex |
1377s | and the skill injectors that you people |
1379s | are |
1380s | buying on the market |
1383s | and this is various websites across the |
1387s | world |
1388s | getting all this from stolen accounts |
1390s | from credit card fraud |
1392s | so it's easy to lower your prices if |
1395s | it's not your things that you're |
1396s | actually selling |
1398s | so that's |
1400s | easy to give that discount but there's a |
1403s | price |
1404s | because we have always since all these |
1407s | 20 years we've always removed whatever |
1410s | assets we find that people have been |
1412s | paying from these people |
1414s | and this is a |
1416s | a long history by now 20 years |
1420s | and if we you buy something at a |
1423s | discount and we |
1424s | find you and take your stuff then |
1427s | there's some bad things that can happen |
1431s | we will go and find the use a lot of |
1434s | people use throwaway arts for this but |
1436s | you know we find connections through |
1438s | musty go through all kinds of things and |
1440s | in the end we find the main characters |
1442s | where we will take the value of whatever |
1446s | they're getting |
1448s | and this means in many cases |
1450s | unfortunately that people are put into a |
1453s | negative wallet |
1455s | so that's never good because you can |
1458s | have problems with using the market you |
1461s | can have problems with creating |
1463s | contracts all kinds of problems |
1465s | and obviously all accounts connected |
1468s | will be flagged for scrutiny and if |
1471s | there's other you know if you catch you |
1473s | again or them again |
1476s | they will get in the end permanently |
1478s | banned as well |
1481s | so we will |
1484s | it's a long history we didn't go back 20 |
1486s | years but five years |
1487s | we had a look of confiscated stuff |
1492s | so we take let you take a minute to let |
1495s | this sink in this is |
1497s | so some big numbers |
1499s | so the this is isk that we've removed |
1502s | plaques that we moved and we also have |
1506s | removed skin in textures these are not |
1509s | the only items of the sold people are |
1511s | selling all kinds of ships tags |
1516s | whatever it is like but these are the |
1517s | most commonly traded rnt Goods |
1521s | and you know we are talking |
1524s | trillions and trillions and trillions |
1528s | what are we 130 33 and a half trillion |
1532s | isk in the last five years |
1534s | on top of all this we have |
1538s | we have a Titans and all kinds of shapes |
1540s | and all kinds of assets and characters |
1542s | on these accounts |
1544s | so this is just a part of it |
1548s | and um |
1550s | it continues and we still do this and |
1553s | we'll continue doing this |
1558s | just for uh for the sake of looking at |
1562s | it or kind of hypo hype |
1565s | hypothesizing |
1567s | um |
1568s | we did we did earlier this year we did a |
1571s | little uh scientific |
1574s | calculation on the prices involved |
1576s | actual real world Monies |
1580s | so you know this is a this is the assets |
1584s | obviously these prices go up and down on |
1587s | on these rmt websites and you know |
1589s | they're quite lower at the moment and we |
1592s | went with |
1593s | but this is a |
1595s | like a rule of thumb |
1597s | kind of average price |
1599s | but these are still some you know |
1603s | still some some impressive |
1606s | amounts |
1608s | and I will now read the statement that |
1610s | we have prepared |
1614s | we want to use this opportunity to |
1616s | dispel any vicious rumors |
1619s | uh that this is team Security retirement |
1622s | fund or even or even |
1625s | that's such a such a fund exists at all |
1629s | we of course emphatically deny this |
1632s | ridiculous allegations |
1633s | and will most certainly not be spending |
1636s | it on lab's trip to the Bahamas or Vegas |
1641s | we'd also like to make it absolutely |
1644s | clear here that our Villas or lake Grand |
1646s | Lake Garda |
1648s | are nowhere near as large and |
1650s | preposterously luxurious luxurious as |
1653s | some people have erroneously even |
1655s | maliciously claimed |
1658s | now that |
1659s | I think we have time oh I must have left |
1661s | the Rolex in the Lamborghini |
1665s | anyway I think we have time for some |
1667s | questions |
1669s | from the audience |
1679s | so we have a just a little bit um |
1682s | limited limited time for a few questions |
1685s | so make them count |
1695s | ing in data centers by remaining abuse |
1699s | because actually it's it's fraud in |
1701s | every country we have okay so |
1703s | um I will rely the question because |
1705s | we're recording the question is are we |
1707s | taking any actions uh on uh the auction |
1710s | sites that are running uh because every |
1713s | site needs to have a legal contact |
1715s | person |
1716s | uh and if we're taking actions towards |
1718s | that yes we are |
1720s | but |
1721s | um it's not always as simple some |
1724s | countries do take down the stuff |
1727s | some countries just |
1729s | we don't care you know |
1732s | and again there's multiple it's the same |
1734s | scenario as whacking the Bots you take |
1736s | them down |
1737s | they will appear somewhere else it's not |
1739s | only just the problem of if online and |
1741s | CCP there's multiple games who have this |
1745s | issue going on |
1747s | yes |
1752s | generally always gets away around it I |
1755s | know that's an always an ongoing process |
1757s | but you always actively trying to stop |
1760s | the new way of certain circumventing |
1762s | those Batmans so the question is |
1765s | um |
1768s | the question is like |
1770s | well this goes to me |
1775s | yes |
1776s | yes |
1780s | okay so um when we ban the Bots what |
1783s | other actions are we taking against them |
1785s | to make sure they're not gonna come back |
1788s | into the game unfortunately we will not |
1790s | disclose this information uh because |
1793s | um again as maybe you saw from the |
1797s | presentation virtual machines |
1799s | they're trying but failing and I will |
1802s | and we will not comment into further |
1804s | because we need to keep some information |
1805s | to ourselves |
1807s | because it's an ongoing operation and |
1809s | balance we do know that obviously they |
1812s | will be changing their past tense so |
1815s | the fact that they're changing the |
1816s | pattern is also suspicious so we look at |
1819s | that you know we're but mostly vpns are |
1821s | used and we cannot ban the vpns because |
1824s | they are actually used by some actual |
1826s | players not bot Farms |
1829s | yes please |
1837s | oh so are we doing something against the |
1840s | Intel Bots who are not actually |
1841s | generating currency that is the question |
1844s | and answer we are |
1846s | but they are tough |
1848s | Bots to spot |
1850s | and I already know what you're referring |
1852s | to because that situation happened two |
1854s | weeks ago on Reddit |
1856s | and they were known to us |
1859s | I invested investigated them personally |
1861s | because they were reported via ticket in |
1863s | the beginning of August |
1866s | and when looking into our systems |
1870s | I see a picture |
1872s | and in this particular case it was for |
1874s | us inconclusive so I left a note for |
1877s | further reference if this becomes a real |
1879s | issue and we will need to you know dig |
1882s | super deep |
1883s | and then the situation |
1885s | what's happening on Reddit by |
1887s | whistleblowers and suddenly with the |
1889s | information that they provided us that |
1892s | was the missing puzzle piece |
1894s | the whole picture became clear and in |
1896s | that case it became clear a clear |
1898s | violation of our rules of our Eula and |
1902s | toss and we were able to take action |
1904s | which brings me back again to you guys |
1907s | if you see something create a support |
1910s | ticket |
1911s | it our GMS will pass it on to us and we |
1915s | will investigate the situation and we |
1917s | will take actions where we can |
1919s | you can also use bot reports but the |
1921s | problem with bot reports they are being |
1922s | abused because everybody who is in Gita |
1925s | right oh that spammer he's a bot report |
1929s | him as a bot so a lot of players are |
1932s | reporting false positives and the data |
1935s | is just watered all around the place or |
1937s | even in a huge flit flight with a huge |
1940s | tie-dye let's just simply report the |
1943s | enemy Fleet right |
1945s | come on guys if you see something please |
1948s | create a support ticket we take a look |
1950s | at every ticket we do our investigations |
1953s | if there is something we'll take action |
1956s | you'll get a thank you email for bot |
1959s | reporting if there is nothing |
1963s | next |
1975s | to take on uh punishment to perhaps the |
1978s | leadership of those groups so we're |
1980s | following up on the situation that |
1982s | happened uh |
1983s | if it's found for example in Alliance |
1986s | that some members of The Alliance are |
1988s | botting |
1989s | uh are we taking any further actions |
1991s | against the leadership of the alliance |
1993s | or the cooperation and so on and so on |
1995s | and the answer to that is yes we do |
1999s | follow |
2001s | the isk we do follow and see who is |
2004s | benefiting benefiting from that what is |
2006s | actually happening with that is and the |
2008s | assets are they being sold on the |
2011s | auction sites are they are they being |
2013s | injected into something else are they |
2016s | being injected into capitals and so on |
2019s | and so on that's why also agreement was |
2021s | speaking that ships we do try to |
2024s | confiscate as much as possible |
2027s | but we have a line that we try not to |
2030s | cross we try to keep the game Integrity |
2033s | in place |
2035s | but we're not trying to make |
2038s | uh |
2039s | players |
2041s | into no you can deposit it into the |
2045s | retirement fund |
2046s | but we're trying not to punish players |
2048s | who |
2049s | seem to have benefited from that but |
2051s | didn't know |
2053s | so |
2054s | we are not punishing everyone |
2056s | in the terms like okay that Alliance is |
2059s | bad let's ban the whole Alliance no we |
2062s | try to take action as far and as much as |
2066s | possible to the parties who were |
2068s | involved and who did benefit from it |
2071s | do you also make adjustments to the UI |
2074s | or design the UI in a specific way to |
2078s | harder for |
2080s | wow |
2082s | so the question is like are we making |
2084s | changes to the UI to the user interface |
2086s | to make it harder no unfortunately that |
2090s | would involve other teams in CCP has |
2093s | been discussed many times but it has |
2095s | been discussed and interesting enough |
2097s | when there is a UI change in the client |
2101s | we see that the Bots uh |
2104s | are not operating but it takes them |
2107s | three or four |
2108s | weeks and they're up again and running |
2111s | so |
2112s | we cannot do UI change every month |
2115s | unfortunately |
2128s | it's a game design we operate on our own |
2132s | and we are not in sync with the what is |
2134s | happening with game design and |
2136s | developers who are actually bringing new |
2138s | features sometimes we benefit from it |
2140s | sometimes we don't but we continue with |
2144s | our operations uh as they are |
2154s | information |
2155s | we have yes we have visited all the |
2159s | games for all kinds of information with |
2161s | customer support related issues with all |
2163s | kinds of these types of issues as well |
2166s | so yes we have we try to knowledge share |
2169s | and get other knowledge absolutely |
2181s | while uh it's uh the question is what is |
2184s | our opinion regarding the CCTV but |
2188s | and the answer to that is it's |
2191s | technically not a bot |
2193s | because a bot needs to do something on |
2195s | its own |
2196s | uh when we take a look at our Eula and |
2199s | toss there's a clear statement about |
2201s | third party |
2203s | software years right so if you have an |
2206s | account logged in 24 7 right |
2210s | and you're streaming it to Twitch or |
2212s | YouTube or whatever you're not violating |
2216s | anything technically |
2219s | but again the situation that happened uh |
2222s | two weeks ago we are after Fan Fest |
2225s | we're gonna sit down together with other |
2226s | departments and actually discuss |
2229s | uh the situation because it's not it's |
2232s | been known for us uh back then with the |
2235s | what was the tool called I already for |
2238s | Beacon |
2239s | if you if you guys like been around for |
2242s | a little bit longer there was a |
2243s | situation with the software called |
2245s | Beacon that was gathering Intel and we |
2248s | addressed that situation where it was |
2249s | reading the memory from the client right |
2251s | so this particular case again our |
2254s | players they are always one step ahead |
2256s | like if we cannot do this we're gonna do |
2258s | that |
2259s | and we'll need to sit down and analyze |
2261s | the situation and come up with new rules |
2264s | and policies to enforce that |
2268s | what sure |
2275s | against the option |
2277s | are you doing the same |
2281s | yes so we had one person uh uh you know |
2285s | him CCV Alpha he was actually doing it |
2289s | he was collecting the information from |
2291s | different Bots uh run run website |
2295s | websites that offer Bots and also the |
2298s | auction houses and |
2300s | she's cease and desist orders were sent |
2303s | out and yeah they're still online so um |
2307s | at some point when you're trying to |
2310s | pursue that particular path |
2312s | you'll hit the dead end so we're trying |
2314s | it's not always working |
2325s | um |
2326s | macros so how do we stand about uh using |
2330s | macros like our macros are bad |
2333s | like if you say macro itself |
2336s | it's bad you need to be more specific |
2340s | what exactly are you trying to do input |
2342s | broadcasting where you press one button |
2344s | and 20 clients do the same thing is bad |
2347s | automated bot is bad |
2351s | what else is bad are you guys gonna ask |
2353s | us again about this boxer |
2357s | is boxer for window management good is |
2360s | boxer for automation input broadcasting |
2363s | bad |
2365s | it's been constantly ongoing ongoing |
2368s | every Fan Fest |
2370s | so sorry that we need to continue just a |
2373s | second there in the back |
2394s | ground |
2398s | and like kind of |
2401s | the box so that the Box cannot be made |
2404s | anymore so yeah the question is like are |
2407s | we gonna be like pursuing legal actions |
2409s | against the bot makers and uh so on and |
2412s | so on uh people who are offering cheats |
2414s | and so on so the situation in the gaming |
2417s | industry uh we we are literally in the |
2420s | same boat as other companies for example |
2423s | blizzard with OverWatch that was News |
2427s | free four months ago you know when they |
2429s | were pursuing legal actions against the |
2432s | cheat Creator |
2433s | um it all depends uh we're trying to go |
2437s | that path but when it's when it starts |
2440s | to actually involve legal teams |
2443s | yeah it's uh we would love to do it but |
2447s | you know we have a legal team that needs |
2449s | to be able to actually do it |
2452s | and any clear opportunities probably |
2455s | would you know be worth pursuing in this |
2459s | but nothing so far |
2461s | okay last question Let's Make It Count |
2464s | here |
2472s | that's serious sorry can you repeat it |
2474s | again |
2485s | because they are less or because you |
2490s | know can you measure house |
2496s | it depends sometimes I mean you're there |
2499s | is a problem you go at the problem and |
2502s | you clean up the problem but there's |
2504s | another problem so there's always a you |
2506s | know they're always coming back they're |
2508s | always trying to find new ways to do it |
2510s | so |
2511s | you know for individual situations you |
2514s | do see the result when they try and go |
2516s | somewhere else but they always try and |
2518s | go somewhere else so you know I guess in |
2521s | regarding we're chasing our own tail a |
2523s | lot of the time in terms of the |
2524s | organized bot Farms that we were dealing |
2526s | last year we actually drove them out of |
2529s | TQ they disappeared like the last |
2532s | quarter of last year they were not |
2534s | running because we hid them so hard we |
2537s | hit them so hard where it hurts that |
2540s | they said okay we cannot run a |
2542s | sustainable business because you need to |
2544s | understand what they're doing is a |
2545s | business we cannot run a sustainable |
2547s | business and generate the currency so |
2550s | they disappeared until Christmas they |
2552s | came in |
2553s | oh |
2554s | we can operate again let's start up and |
2558s | then we started hitting them again and |
2559s | again and again and they disappeared |
2561s | after January like the bot the the data |
2564s | that you saw the 317 accounts that was |
2567s | their attempt for three or four weeks |
2569s | they disappeared |
2570s | with exception that starting on the 17th |
2573s | of August this year they came back |
2576s | and they came back with reinforcements |
2579s | and now we are working hard |
2581s | to drive them away again |
2584s | so |
2586s | in regards of metrics we'll also take a |
2588s | look at the average price of 5 billion |
2591s | isk on auction sites |
2593s | because we are driving like hacking and |
2598s | uh CC fraud and botting you know it all |
2601s | ends up in Mt and if the price for 5 |
2603s | billion is on the auction side is high |
2606s | we're doing fine |
2608s | if it's low |
2610s | there's something going on that we don't |
2612s | see and we need to dig into the data |
2614s | harder to see where is it coming from so |
2616s | so the player sentiment you know that's |
2619s | also an indication usually I hope you |
2622s | actually guys see it nowadays in game |
2625s | that there's less Bots around |
2628s | and you need to understand that if you |
2630s | take our effort from the team |
2633s | what you see in the in in the game you |
2636s | can divide that effort by 10. so there's |
2639s | a lot of going around in the background |
2641s | what you guys don't see but if you |
2643s | already see in the game that means that |
2645s | huge effort was put into it and the |
2647s | situation is changing |
2649s | but guys that is it we are out of time |
2651s | thank you very much |
2660s | We Wish You a pleasant fun first it's |
2662s | been 20 years |
2663s | and hopefully another 10 years and then |
2666s | another 10 years and another 10 years |
2667s | thank you guys |