almost 3 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s thanks all for coming along um
3s welcome um my name is katie um i'm gonna
6s be running through um basic presentation
8s on mpsi community development and
10s enrichment
12s uh so i'm just gonna go through a couple
14s of bits um so i'm going to talk to you
16s today about concepts of mpsi
18s its origins it's uh basically
20s challenges and the state of mpsi in
22s 2022. um later on i'm going to touch
25s base
26s on the development of the fun inc
28s npsi calendar uh community gateway which
31s basically we founded last year
33s um to round off the presentation um i'm
36s gonna basically talk to you about the
37s future of mpsi and how you guys can help
40s uh mpsi communities basically um in
42s their activities um it's probably gonna
45s be about 40 minutes uh there are there
46s abouts um obviously you can hear i'm
48s struggling with my voice slightly um
50s and obviously by all means you can
52s heckle me or you like um i might get a
54s few obscure references in about glyco
57s and a few other bits and bobs
59s and clearly some recruitment plugs as
60s well so
61s you can have a chance to do a q a at the
63s end also so if you've got any questions
65s just hang on to them put them in the
67s mind
68s so okay
69s so kick off
71s first part of the presentation i'm going
73s to introduce myself um so
76s my name's kayak t um
78s pronounced key yak t uh i've been called
80s various other things in the past um but
82s just don't call me late for dinner um
84s basically i started playing eve in 2004
88s um i got into eve actually via my
90s girlfriend um she's she's actually my
92s wife now um so
94s it kind of impacted her too much um
98s so i kind of did the usual things um you
100s know mining ratting missioning and sort
102s of around i think it was about 2005
106s i got talking to a chap at work
109s and he basically suggested that i do a
111s pvp uni
113s pvp university basic class
115s uh it's actually run by agony unleashed
117s um massive shout out to unleashed um
120s sounded brilliant and basically since
122s then i've been pretty much hooked on pvp
125s and so i ended up joining agony um
127s eventually uh they closed their doors
129s back in 2018 um and i then basically i
132s was kind of reluctant to kind of stop
134s eve um enjoyed it um made some awesome
137s friends in the process
139s um so i basically i decided to set up my
141s own corp which is obviously fun inc um
144s even better with friends
146s um
146s so in game i'm obviously the ceo of fun
149s inc and i'm one of the principal sort of
151s fcs i just generally tinker with stuff
153s as well
155s now we're a player player corporation in
157s our own right uh but we also like i said
160s we're the home of the community calendar
161s uh in my spare time in game i'm also the
164s alliance lead of uh the ancients which
167s is basically an nps site pure mpsi
169s alliance basically
170s so
172s um in my real life i'm a tea drinking
174s guinness drinking local government
175s worker base just outside of london um i
178s love internet spaceships spreadsheets
179s kpis feedback forms you guys know this
182s and trying to give a little bit back to
184s the community that i actually i adore
186s basically um outside of um
190s outside of spaceships i love metallica a
192s lot of people know that um
194s i've seen like 45 times now or something
198s like that so it's a bit mental really
200s a bit crazy um
201s play the guitar more recently sort of do
203s woodworking and stuff like that so
205s some of you that are on like twitch or
207s whatnot or watch streams um i also um
210s twitch
211s sort of stream on twitch um
213s so yeah so just before i sort of move on
216s massive shout out to my missus for
217s actually like putting up with my
218s incessant eve ramblings um she actually
221s doesn't play anymore but um she kind of
223s gets the game
224s so it kind of makes life quite cool
227s um so you know a little bit about me now
230s um
230s [Music]
231s i can see a couple of skeptics who is
234s this guy uh so i just want to know about
236s pvp um so before we kind of kick off um
240s basically just some terms and conditions
242s um sort of
244s before i move on
246s so
247s i suck at eve basically um although i've
250s played for a long time um and although i
252s like fc um i'm actually incredibly
255s average eve um
257s now what i mean by that is i'm i'm an
260s average solo pvp i'm an average small
262s gang pvp and i'm an ok hfc
264s now i'm just average across the board
266s basically it's not bad thing um
269s but one thing i do kind of pride myself
271s on um is sort of fc wise um
275s i'm not the worst fc um
277s but
279s really
280s first echo good job
282s what
284s what i lack of inability or skill i try
287s to make up in fun per hour
289s and passion in what i do um i've got
291s sort of 17 18 years nearly um of pvp
294s experience and i still learn something
296s every day basically and eve is
298s incredibly good at that and you you know
300s this
301s now okay so you've got some context
303s about me now i'm just gonna move on to
304s the juicy bits basically what is mpsi so
306s shout out what you think mpsi is
310s or not
313s there you go thank you
314s um so yeah that's basically it um not
317s purple shoot it um basically um it's
320s fleeting up with the mentality of if
323s you're um basically if you're not with
324s me you're against me so what what that
327s broadly speaking that means um
329s anybody that's in your fleet who by
331s default will be purple
333s um
334s on your overview uh is your friend um so
336s anything else is a valid target and we
339s go out and kill them basically in its
342s rawest sense um
344s arguably and this is obviously my
345s perspective um alongside sort of faction
348s warfare and recent proving grounds
350s events um in 2022 i believe npsi is
355s probably one of the most accessible
356s forms of pvp to anybody in eve um from
360s from a new bro right way through to a
362s bit of vet somebody that you know could
363s be in game for a month
365s or something that could be in game for a
366s year you know like 10 years 12 years 15
368s years what have you
369s um
370s so it allows you access to pvp on tap
374s you log in you join a channel you x up
377s you join a fleet and you should
378s basically shoot shits
379s shoot ships
381s and you log off i mean basically you get
384s to meet new people you get to meet make
386s new connections and friends you get to
388s recruit people learn new tactics learn
390s new wacky things and basically having
392s fun in the process and probably dying
394s once you're doing it
395s um you get to try out new ships new
397s doctrines basically you develop your you
400s utilize and develop your growing skill
402s set to the best of your ability
404s and
405s all whilst making pretty explosions so
408s to me
410s i'm hooked basically
412s now broadly speaking um
414s [Music]
415s i've kind of spoke about what mpsi is
417s but where did this magnificent beast
419s come from and i'm talking about mpsi not
422s me um
423s so
425s so depend on sort of who you speak to um
428s you'll get a variety of um stories um
432s people like staking their claim to it
434s and about the origins of npsi now you'll
436s hear you know rvb bombers boss better
439s fleet variant hey
441s and
442s everybody will stake their claim to it
444s you know people do state their claim to
445s it basically now
446s i actually firmly firmly believe um the
450s concept of npsi was founded way before
452s these groups
453s existed and before the the moniker mpsi
456s was actually even created so
460s shout out if you recognize that logo
463s yep okay good there's a few old gifts
465s here like me uh
467s so this this corpolone um i believe it's
470s where mpsi started um
472s now agony unleashed as i mentioned um
474s they they were founded in 2006 and by a
477s small group of players that basically
479s they wanted to teach people
481s and
482s they did they did so through their pvp
485s basic course and the university and so
488s a couple of people recognize agony who
490s here actually took an angry basic class
492s that's one two three i know these guys
494s did they
495s did it um so it's half a dozen so you
498s know a decent decent percentage
500s now we actually had um nearly 10 000
503s graduates
504s of the pvp basic class um it was sort of
507s off these classes that the basic concept
509s of mpsi was actually born
512s um but agony fleeted up with random
514s people
515s gave them the basic skills um to start
517s pvp
519s and they just went and killed things uh
521s basically fortnightly basic classes
524s and their owns now so in effect what
527s agony actually did for eve was set up an
530s ideal
531s um a concept sort of like a way of life
533s for some people now um but basically
536s um
538s we didn't have discord back you know in
540s all those years ago and we didn't have
542s slack or whatever and
544s so
545s we basically xed up in a channel you
547s jumped into a naked pod you
549s you just did no strings attached pvp you
552s didn't need to join a corporation you
553s didn't need to be an alliance you didn't
555s you could just be a solo pilot
557s basically you just needed to be in a
558s channel
560s in the right place and at the right time
562s um
563s so basically that was an mps i was born
565s there now
568s from there what happened was basically
570s um
571s it snowballed
572s i'm terrible with dates but the general
574s consensus is as follows um rvb um and
578s through rvb
579s ganks obviously
580s ran from 2011 i think it was there are
583s there abouts
584s uh it it remains the biggest
586s uh and largest repeating uh public roman
589s eve um obviously it's with respect for
591s it now
592s um
593s after after that um
596s after departing again unleashed um grey
598s gal um
599s set up redemption road and basically
601s took out uh her new roams um obviously
603s it's been mentioned about the new bro
604s rome's been a huge um method for new
607s players to
608s um you know getting orientated and eve
611s um an absolute must for newborn pilots
613s they still they still run them now um so
615s from there bombers bar uh decloaked and
618s created a bit of havoc
619s and then more recently obviously
621s spectacularly that's a
622s symbol that people will recognize
623s straight away probably especially that
625s man
626s um
627s obviously they're now flying the ganged
630s flag
631s nearly in its eleventh year i think next
633s week there are there abouts basically um
635s ganked five fifty is next week uh
638s stormbringers uh basic bearings um
640s giving them free ships basically
643s they're not free i know are they
645s close enough um and more recently um
649s fun inc um basically
651s uh i set up the court mirroring a lot of
653s these ideals um to
655s basically
656s accessible visible and fun
659s pvp now from my perspective um the
662s growth in npsi has been huge uh recently
666s um many many groups have come and gone
667s over the years basically um outside
670s respectively you've got these awesome
671s groups um just shout out if you
673s recognize any of these groups um i know
676s all of them there you go
677s [Laughter]
678s so friday yarcas combat guild
680s perpetrators free-range chickens flaming
683s dragons on a bit of a hiatus at the
684s moment eve linknet fart uh fart
688s one of the streamers uh revaker and
691s stay feral and overclockers so you've
694s got a huge amount of content basically i
696s love that logo
698s and now all these groups
700s one thing they have in common is
702s basically uh pvp on demand uh it's
704s across multiple time zones with the
706s basic concept of fleeting up with mates
708s and killing stuff um
711s just get on board um basically it's an
713s amazing thing um when you actually sort
716s of strip down the the absolute basics of
718s um
719s what we're doing
720s um
721s fleet movement is sort of controlled by
723s an fc that you don't know
725s or they might be unknown to you um
727s you've got scouts that you might not
728s know you don't necessarily recognize
729s their voices there might be new scouts
731s so on and so forth um you don't know
733s your lodging pilots but
734s collectively um
736s the magnificent beast um
739s manages to function and kill things and
741s we actually kill a hell of a lot of
742s stuff um one thing sort of straight
746s straight away i'd like to say is that
748s mpsi allows for inclusion um of
752s everybody um from the very earliest
754s stages of a character's life i know
757s kashal
759s new bro
760s one day old i think yeah we've had new
762s bros in our rooms literally um
766s same day and
768s we welcome these people with open arms
770s um and it's the same for all the all the
772s different groups on average people are
774s sort of you know can be one or three
775s months one to three months old but this
778s is this is what what is key about mpsi
780s is there is no barrier to entrance
783s we don't take esis
785s we don't do interviews there's no blood
787s test urine samples there's no bs and
789s that's what is critical
791s it's just inclusion of people
794s embracing their potential
796s and showing off a game that we all love
798s we all love eve at the end of the day
799s you wouldn't have flown halfway across
801s the world if you didn't love eve now
804s mpsi has basically afforded people
807s pvp content on demand it's inclusive
810s it's accessible it's visible and it's no
813s strings attached pvp basically you get
815s some dang frags there
817s and
818s in in sort of recent years we've seen
820s huge growth in mpsi um some of the large
823s groups
825s we have content 24 7 basically
830s so why
832s so we touched on mpsi um
835s its origins chat briefly about uh about
838s those and some of the history of npsi
840s i'm gonna give you some context as to
842s why people do this and so let's go and
844s have a look
846s i think
848s if you just have a quick look at that
850s you probably have all seen it in all
851s fairness um now there's not gonna be a
853s person that hasn't seen this image in in
855s truth um it's from controller delete
858s it's a magazine uh webcomic um it sums
860s up why people um do npsi and why they'd
863s rather not join a corporation or
865s alliance
866s um
868s i believe that is the mps i dudes there
871s basically um they don't want fuss they
873s don't want and they just want content
875s and they don't want barriers to
876s accessibility
877s they just want to shoot things with
879s lasers that's basically it
881s um
882s so i kind of thought i thought thought
884s to myself what better way of answering
887s the why npsi
888s than ask the community themselves um
891s what motivates them to log in
893s why and why would they join an mpsi
895s fleet
896s so this is what they said
912s ifc and psi fleets because it's pure pvp
915s with no strings attached there's no
917s timers diplo or politics i can come up
919s with whatever doctrines i like go
921s wherever i want it's just my fleet and
923s whoever we can find to shoot
925s mpsi is a pure spirit of eve like-minded
928s people from different backgrounds
929s setting aside their different tickers to
931s band together with a singular goal of
933s blowing up spaceships
935s after years of living in narsek i
938s realized that i'm too time for to
940s maintain that level of commitment but i
942s still wanted to be able to have fights
944s with no pressure or hassle and also i
947s like being able to fly stuff that
948s doesn't necessarily bankrupt my
950s character
952s hi i'm varian for me mpsi is all about
955s the explosions just having a good time
956s blowing up ships with your buddies and
958s fleet
960s hey my name is rainrow i chose mpsi
962s because there's content almost every
964s hour of every day a variety of doctrines
966s and no worries about blues solo
968s tournaments
969s doing quality pvp and nothing trying you
971s know new ships and fleets in complete
973s freedom without all that goes with being
976s in an active car
978s hey i'm scopey from fan inc for me npsi
981s is all about the people the community no
984s boring duties or commitments i can just
987s do what i like most whenever i want
991s i fly mpsi because it means i can go
993s anywhere and shoot anything with no
996s restrictions for a call for an alliance
999s why i fly mpsi
1000s i would say variety and freedom
1003s you could choose the type of fleece you
1004s want to join nalsac fights stealth
1005s bomber fleet css robbing low strike
1007s roaming pve fleets wormhole dive and use
1010s an m view you also not limited to any
1013s certain type of content to a doctrine
1014s ship
1015s there's no obligations no alarm clock
1017s gta fleets no need to get bad links no
1019s mandatory structure passing etc you just
1022s go and join the fleet whenever you feel
1023s like it
1042s okay so i hope you enjoyed that um now
1045s so you've
1046s so i heard some of the testimonials um
1048s here's a few more from um regulars and
1050s court members um
1053s there's actually i had quite
1055s quite a few number of the replies um
1057s basically proper lull answers uh i did
1061s just say that out loud um
1063s some also i'm brutally honest about
1065s their own personal circumstances
1067s and how gaming is is actually a source
1070s of sanctuary for them um and their kind
1072s of real life
1073s kind of problems um
1076s so you get a kind of flavor
1078s overall a lot of feedback was centered
1080s around um sort of enabling the freedom
1082s uh to do what you want and basically to
1084s do it when you want it and without the
1087s pressure and the commitment um
1089s that being in a you know block alliance
1092s or whatever
1094s one of these big mega corps or whatever
1097s now my personal favorite and i need to
1100s stand back for this one because i want
1101s to see it
1106s now
1107s bless him devils
1109s uh
1110s he makes the
1111s he makes the perfect assessment
1113s um why would you not do npsi um people
1117s bemoan about i mean how many times have
1119s we heard about eve dying
1121s or it's dead or you know whatever um
1124s mpsi enables you to have content
1128s so
1129s why would you not want to do it content
1131s is there it's available
1133s it's accessible and you can get good
1134s fights
1135s so give me one i'm not going to say give
1138s me one good reason because then somebody
1140s will actually give me a reason so
1142s why why would you not choose npsi so
1144s that's a rhetorical question no need to
1146s answer now
1147s but dibbles i absolutely
1149s adore that guy sums up perfectly in my
1151s eyes now
1153s mpsi is a super way to basically hone
1157s your your skill set um
1160s you can be a microgang of three or
1163s uh three or six um could i ask that the
1166s notes get narrowed down slightly if poss
1169s because i can't see someone else
1171s um but basically you can be in a small
1173s gang of three a larger gang of sort of
1175s six fifty whatever you learn mpsi and
1179s it's a great way of learning
1181s um you can be lodging one one fleet you
1183s can be boosting in the next you could be
1185s bubbling on the next one after that
1187s the possibilities are endless and
1190s support pilots are basically always
1192s always needed thank you
1195s and we get exactly and you get to die a
1196s lot as well um now in the process of
1198s learning you're going to make new
1199s friendships in the community
1202s there's my notes you can literally read
1204s it there
1205s there you go
1210s perf yeah if you could do that
1212s thank you
1214s uh yeah if i could have the notes thanks
1217s so basically in the process of learning
1219s you're going to make new friends
1221s and you're going to develop an awesome
1223s network of pilots that you basically you
1225s can rely on that you can roam with
1228s the net product is that you
1234s you have a solid group of people um
1236s now
1238s a while back um i actually read an
1239s interview and actually got mentioned
1241s yesterday um
1242s kind of almost like it's fate or
1243s something um read an interview with ccp
1246s ghost and he spoke in depth about the
1248s eve effect
1250s and basically eve's ability to basically
1253s create genuine friendships
1256s now i'm not saying that mpsi is going to
1258s resolve like pilot retention issues or
1260s anything
1261s however
1263s if you
1264s give people a community that they love
1268s and that they believe in and that's key
1270s where they've made true bonds they're
1273s not going to turn their back on it
1274s now how many have you
1277s sort of here um
1280s say that you log in because of the
1281s people
1282s um
1284s how many of you do that and
1286s that's what mpsi is to me
1288s um basically
1291s if there was a formula for npsi that's
1294s pretty much what it would be now we've
1296s we've all seen some similar formulas
1297s like bizarrely enough it's like i've
1299s almost like read their slides in advance
1301s which i haven't um
1303s i'm sure the mpsi formula would look
1305s something like that so just have a look
1308s basically people
1310s and practice
1311s multiplied by variety
1313s you're going to get good
1315s what this basically means if you fly
1316s with people enough and you have
1319s sufficient variety of content and
1321s exposure to different roles
1324s you know within within a fleet
1326s your skill set and your confidence
1329s and overall ability will improve over
1331s time
1332s basically as you get good
1335s the experience makes you feel good and
1337s it makes you log in it makes you want to
1339s log in rather and you will come back for
1341s more
1342s so
1345s so why is this exactly
1349s and i know there was a chat i saw a
1350s presentation i can't see him i know he's
1351s there if i can't see him now there you
1353s are there you are
1355s you see the parity now
1356s so why why why is this now it's pretty
1359s well known
1360s um
1362s video games release chemicals uh
1365s playing video games i should say
1366s releases chemicals in your brains
1368s and it makes you feel great
1370s now
1370s that's what makes you come back for more
1372s so
1373s and i i actually kept on pronouncing
1375s dopamine wrong so i've actually written
1377s and i wish you could see it i've written
1379s doh per mean
1381s like that just so i can actually say it
1382s correctly so dopamine is basically it's
1384s produced by the brain
1386s and helps make you feel good so when you
1388s do things that make you feel good you
1390s know it could be complete or succeed at
1392s task the brain releases dopamine now
1395s it's the brain's reward for
1397s doing something good
1398s and i'm pretty sure that's why ccp
1401s dopamine is always smiling
1403s now couple dopamine with serotonin
1406s uh another chemical that you get when
1408s you like achieve something or
1410s satisfaction accomplishment that sort of
1411s thing
1412s or recognition
1414s you have a fantastic mix of like happy
1417s hormones that make you feel great yeah
1420s so basically as you get good something
1422s um you succeed
1424s and in the process you get recognition
1425s and your brain releases all of these
1427s chemicals
1430s i mean i can't really say much more than
1431s that
1432s now slight slight slight derailment and
1434s i'm just i'm going to really whip
1436s through this quickly if you take a look
1437s at kohl's 1984 model on experience on an
1440s experience based learning
1442s it's four stages um
1445s you can only advance to the next stage
1447s once you've completed all
1448s the stages basically in effect you have
1450s the experience
1452s you reflect on the experience and you
1454s learn from the experience
1455s and practicing and by practicing what
1457s you've learned
1458s you
1460s you you basically improve um you you
1463s learn now eve is identical to that
1466s effectively um
1468s in its simplest sort of term you would
1469s hop in a ship you'd have a fight you'd
1471s reflect on the fight
1472s and you learn you gain confidence you
1474s gain ability
1475s you then go back and you have another
1476s fight you reflect you learn you gain
1478s confidence you gain ability and it just
1481s goes round around eve is like a learning
1483s circle basically
1485s now so meet dave
1489s say hello to dave
1491s thank you hello dave
1495s somebody might get that obscure
1496s reference
1497s you're my wife
1499s now dave's your average npsi punter
1502s uh he's he's a bit of a cool dude he's
1504s got a bit of swagger as you can see he's
1505s quite pixelated though unfortunately um
1508s now
1509s he's gone to a few sort of mps athletes
1511s um
1512s and
1514s he's enjoyed them and he lacks
1516s confidence
1517s now as you gain confidence and ability
1520s um
1521s you're taken out of your comfort zone
1524s and
1525s that the comfort zone is basically what
1526s you settle for in this precise moment
1528s the here and now where you are now
1529s basically
1530s um
1531s and beyond um
1533s it's basically what you're settling for
1535s at this precise moment and beyond that
1537s comfort zone is the fear zone
1540s and people that don't step outside their
1541s comfort zone stay there
1543s they stay there
1545s because they're scared of their you know
1548s they've got fear of failure um
1550s that they don't have what it takes that
1552s um they haven't got the right skills
1554s you know or experience um they're scared
1556s basically
1558s um so people's fears are
1561s they're created from criticism by others
1563s um they could be self-conscious like
1566s self-confidence anxiety you know what
1568s have you now
1570s sometimes you need to stop being scared
1572s and just go just go out and do it and if
1575s it doesn't work out that's life you
1577s might die in game obviously um
1583s sorry now um
1586s now
1587s any this could be like skirmishing it
1589s could be f saying it could be logic
1591s dicta boucher whatever now it doesn't
1593s matter what the function is um it's
1596s irrelevant the point is that you're
1598s doing something that helps you learn it
1601s helps you grow and you develop
1604s um that's what this is about in my eyes
1607s now beyond the fear zone
1610s this is where the zimagic happens
1614s and
1615s basically once you get out of the fears
1616s and you're in the learning and growth
1617s zone
1619s this is what i actually technically call
1620s the what the fun zone is um the brain
1623s loves
1624s basically learning um it gets addicted
1625s to progress
1627s you've in effect you've activated the
1629s creative part of your brain
1630s you're learning you're growing and
1632s you're developing
1634s i think it's amazing that zone um
1637s because
1638s that's what makes people log in
1642s so
1643s we've spoken about a number of key
1644s concepts in mpsi um what it is
1648s is origins and what motivates people to
1650s log in
1652s and bit of random psychological babble
1655s in the middle um which i'm probably
1657s definitely not qualified to talk about
1658s really in all fairness um that that chap
1661s is
1662s now what probably 99 of you are actually
1665s here for um is to find out
1668s how is the state of mpsi so how active
1670s it is um when a fleet and uh what type
1674s of fights i had and are they good
1676s so
1676s let's have a look
1678s um
1679s it's a recurring thing like i said um
1681s people are always saying that he's dead
1683s um
1683s i fundamentally disagree uh npsi
1686s community says contrary to this 100
1689s um
1690s it's very very much alive
1694s we've seen a huge resurgence
1697s in the number of people sort of coming
1699s along to the fleet
1700s during covert obviously and actually
1703s post covered
1705s we're basically we're in an instant
1707s gratification world
1709s people want to be able to flick a switch
1711s fire up the client
1713s um browse for a fleet uh x up in a
1716s channel and shoot spaceships
1718s um
1719s pvp in different time zones and
1723s and have a variety of access to content
1727s basically
1728s it's easily accessible now um through
1730s the variety of npsi groups um
1734s you're never going to have to wait too
1735s long for content um
1738s and regardless as to who you flight with
1740s um
1741s mpsi is about logging in for what makes
1743s it motivates you as the player
1746s um
1747s you're a customer you're buying into a
1750s service
1751s now the commodity it's not risk it's
1754s time
1756s time is more valuable than esk
1759s um
1760s the only limitation
1762s um
1763s is being there at the right time uh and
1765s exiting up in a channel
1767s at the right time now what tell me what
1769s could be simpler
1773s so just as an example obscure raptor
1775s references coming up now guys
1778s this is my
1779s signature fleet uh it's called shrink
1780s wrapped it's combat raptors uh
1783s loads of email decent damage application
1785s um
1786s it's my go-to fleet basically
1788s it's fast hit and run death by a
1789s thousand papercuts coupled with e-war
1791s supremacy and grid tactics superior grid
1794s tactics apparently uh
1796s that's added that bit
1799s so 30 raptors each doing 250 dps 7k a
1802s second equates to seven and a half
1803s thousand dps and a whole lot of fun
1806s trust me uh
1807s second
1809s that's one marauder yeah don't even get
1811s me on vargas mate
1813s op um generally we have sort of between
1816s 20 and 15 fleet depend on you know
1818s obviously numbers um and we pretty much
1821s we kill in excess of five billion
1822s isconite
1824s uh we've actually been known to kill 30
1826s billion isk in one individual realm
1829s uh and as of last week um
1831s we've actually killed uh destroyed one
1833s trillion isk very very nearly one
1835s trillionisk in this um
1837s doctrine for about 140 romes 150 rhymes
1841s now
1843s the doc and i'm going to read this exact
1844s the doctrine has the ability to destroy
1846s hostile ships with a blink of an eye
1848s just ask horde just asked frat and goons
1854s now
1856s there are three recent realms that stick
1857s out for me uh super saturday one and two
1859s uh you had to be there to believe this
1860s um 50 billion eric in two realms we
1863s destroyed more recently mj hoard
1865s relocation where we destroyed 18 billion
1867s esk in one rome
1869s that is just under 70 billion esque in
1872s three realms
1874s now
1876s it's in raptors
1878s now
1879s boom
1881s so here are some of the kills
1883s hopefully you can see some of those
1885s now
1887s there you go
1889s so excluding sub caps that's two
1891s thanatos one phoenix one mid hogger one
1894s orca and that's in two rhymes just these
1895s 12 kills equates to 30 billionisk
1899s in raptors i'm going to do that a lot
1902s now
1903s more recently
1905s after horde's rededication to mj we had
1907s a very very very nice wormhole um horde
1911s basically fed us for nearly five hours
1914s um we actually destroyed
1918s 17.63 billionisk uh we actually lost
1921s about 2 billion 1.9
1923s um we had 15 fight systems
1927s uh and
1929s 203
1931s kilometers in an evening
1933s it's the same doctrine 46 raptors uh
1935s that was the size of the fleet um i
1937s think that was probably including the
1938s supply um light support pilot so it's
1940s probably about 35 something like that
1942s um i was actually i'll be honest with
1943s you i was bloody exhausted after that
1945s rome um
1946s i couldn't get to sleep for about two
1948s hours uh i think
1951s uh oh no it does it does it should be
1954s i think that time there and that time
1955s there
1956s uh i i couldn't sleep uh when i went to
1958s bed and i think i got to sleep about
1960s three o'clock in the morning um
1964s again it's another chemical yeah so
1967s again i'm just going to do that a few
1969s more times probably so we can weak out
1972s we get this amount of kills
1977s i like admiring them
1983s now we've had content literally um
1985s basically right from the get-go
1988s there you go
1989s i think that might be the last one now
1994s whilst we're talking about killboard i
1995s just want to thank a massive shout out
1997s to horde frat and goons um
1999s they've just feed us basically um
2002s they've been awesome at letting us kill
2003s them um and we definitely
2006s could not have done it without them uh
2008s the kill males prove it
2010s um
2011s so it's not it's not limited to
2015s just fun ink obviously
2017s especially get some amazing content too
2019s uh
2021s that i think
2022s i knicked from the aar channel on
2024s specifics discord um
2026s and it's basically it's in their defeat
2029s debrief section and each one of these
2031s equates to one room or one part of a
2033s room or sorry one fight within a room
2035s it's a mixture of lowsec nullsec um as
2037s you can see
2038s i think it's about 100 billion in 12
2042s 12 rooms i think it was it's insane
2046s and
2051s i don't have the same problem
2058s that is
2060s aside from it being awesome uh it's
2062s actually the unthinkable um it's the
2064s seven day varga
2065s bingo card
2066s uh
2068s it was actually nine vargas i believe in
2071s three was it 11 okay see this is the
2073s thing these guys get so much content i i
2076s had to change so many of these slides it
2077s was quite and i was adding them and
2079s adding them anyway it was like three
2081s afternoons worth of pvp in
2083s was it about on i think it was a badass
2085s one mostly time and that was it
2087s so beaver's dead
2091s that's his contrary
2093s now in fact around the 14th of april um
2096s i believe it was um this is actually um
2099s from zed kill
2101s four out of ten of the top pilots
2106s on zed kill
2108s are actually mpsi people audi virion
2111s paradigm rain
2114s they're basically regulars to go to the
2115s mpsi range and that that's me if 40 of
2118s those people
2119s um regularly attend npsi roams and that
2122s says to me that mpsi is clearly
2126s kicking out basically
2128s now
2131s i don't i don't even know what so about
2133s this to be honest um
2135s you you see things on like reddit and
2137s you know so on and so forth and then you
2138s hear the one about the uh
2140s mpsi group that killed four arcs in less
2142s than five minutes um 90 billion isk
2146s in like five minutes it's literally
2148s insane um
2150s the content's out there you just need to
2151s log in um
2153s and as i said i actually gave up adding
2156s slides because pretty much every week
2159s something awesome was happening
2160s respectively and and so on um so
2163s the slide won't do it justice just get
2165s on to discord go along to the mpsi
2167s rhymes
2169s likewise bombers bar
2173s i can't really go into much more detail
2175s than that they do what they do they do
2177s it awesome they don't have as many air
2179s reports though like after-action reports
2181s um on their discord
2182s um
2183s i think it's probably because they're
2184s out killing stuff um i like i like a
2187s good write-up though as does fearing as
2189s well
2190s so eve is not dead
2193s it very very much is alive
2197s so
2197s gonna move on
2199s slightly to challenges to mpsi
2202s um i've spoken at length about how
2204s awesome npsi is and where it came from
2207s and the state of mpsi
2209s in recent times
2211s what have been the main challenges to
2213s mpsi
2214s um
2216s ironically enough um i say ironically
2220s basically one of the principal issues or
2222s not issues challenges is is actually the
2226s client itself
2228s traditionally it's focused um on
2230s corporate alliance communications um so
2233s not necessarily like open to public
2235s content or communication
2238s so we kind of got around this by message
2240s of the days mailing lists and how many
2244s people would have won eve
2246s because it was so high maintenance um
2248s having to edit message of the day having
2250s to go in gaming the client having to
2252s send a mail and
2253s this is all client-side stuff
2255s now
2257s something that's always always bugged me
2259s um is if you're a new player how would
2262s you even find out about an npsi channel
2266s aside from like spamming it in jeter and
2268s yada yada
2270s people know about bombs bars better
2271s fleet so on and so forth um
2274s this is eve the video so on um
2276s what of the smaller groups um these guys
2278s and girls that basically they put out
2280s content daily
2282s um but they don't have
2285s um but basically the attendance to these
2288s realms comes entirely
2290s uh word of mouth forums reddit social
2292s media twitter instagram
2294s um there's next to no visibility in game
2297s um so the lack of a client-side public
2300s calendar and a method for you to
2303s actually plan your gaming in advance i
2305s know that sounds very very
2307s um
2309s strange comment um
2311s i actually have to do that um because i
2313s do i'm quite busy in real life in all
2314s fairness um so i actually have to plan
2316s my gaming in advance and
2319s to to create those connections it's
2321s forcing people specifically
2324s in the npsi field it forces those
2326s endeavors to get um have to be planned
2328s offline
2329s on discord third party websites and so
2331s on um so it's quite a shame really um
2335s now
2337s hype
2339s um i was like super super excited about
2343s the fleet discovery tool
2344s um
2347s i don't know how to say this without
2350s um i'm just gonna say it um it didn't
2352s hit them up for npsi
2355s it
2356s didn't hit the mark in terms of
2358s how we actually interact with content
2360s creators
2361s um and the ipsi groups that exist
2364s didn't allow for advanced planning
2367s there was only live instances of fleets
2370s at that particular moment in time
2372s um
2374s there was no way of seeing future events
2376s it lacked visibility
2377s transparency of content and
2380s there were so many opportunities
2382s that i think from my perspective
2384s um i just don't see that the fleet
2387s discovery tool really scratched the
2388s surface of
2389s what was actually needed and what was
2391s actually truly required of the
2394s mpsi community can't say it should be
2396s upset um and that's why so many of those
2399s in-game activities are still
2401s um they're still planned offline
2403s now
2405s brings me very very handily it's almost
2408s like i planned it
2409s onto the next slide which is me talking
2412s about the funning npsi canada and
2414s community gateway drum roll or something
2416s we're officially one year old
2422s i set up the calendar um
2425s after the dissolution of spector fleet's
2428s nps ihub and
2431s i felt that the work that we did um and
2434s i say we did it and we did
2437s i wanted to continue that push um for a
2439s centralized calendar um
2441s i i kind of thought
2444s basically
2445s the community needed it um
2448s now
2450s it's in in an accessible format
2453s there's a listing of the fleets
2454s available from some of the top npsi um
2457s groups out there
2458s um here's a little advert that i did
2460s that should be sound again
2463s [Music]
2481s and uh
2483s yeah so it's what 42 year olds get up to
2485s in their spare time
2486s this is eve
2487s that was eve
2489s so
2491s i launched the public calendar um with
2494s the sole aim to showcase some of the
2496s best mpsi pvp content creators out there
2499s people that consistently post fleets
2501s consistently gets content and are
2503s basically totally awesome um
2505s the site acts as a springboard for
2507s community engagement
2508s uh cross harmonization of groups
2511s with sole intent of promoting variety
2513s visibility of content with main focus
2517s to develop relationships within eve
2519s um i want it to be centralized so that
2521s anybody could see it
2522s and have that variety
2525s across a variety of time zones and for
2527s it to be as inclusive as possible
2529s now
2532s that's basically
2534s pretty much it in terms of the calendar
2536s itself can be found on our website uh
2538s above link
2539s if you can't find
2541s it straight away just google ebwf
2544s uh mpsi calendar and you'll find it and
2546s don't forget to bookmark it
2548s um
2549s the astute of you might have seen those
2551s in your swag bags also
2553s um
2554s the qr code works on these ones
2557s on that fly you've got the url to the
2558s corporate website
2559s uh where they can where where you can
2561s find out about the corp and also the mps
2562s like calendar and you've got
2564s access to the discord over there
2566s so if you do one thing today
2568s um hop on discord um
2571s or just use it as a paper airplane
2574s um it's up to you
2575s um currently we've got 13 groups as i
2577s said we're soon to add and major just so
2579s you know
2580s this might be 14 next week
2582s might be 15 next week potentially
2585s just
2585s to keep you up so up to date he does the
2587s hard work he does the hard work
2590s now the list is growing um we're going
2592s to make it even more user-friendly we
2594s need to talk about this
2597s i was really really drunk
2600s you can probably hear it in all fairness
2602s um
2603s this is basically calendar
2605s it's pretty simple um
2608s it basically comes with a number of
2610s views
2611s um
2612s each group is color coded uh by linking
2615s basically by clicking on the fleets um
2617s you can see the details the fleet format
2618s location doctrines comms details that
2620s sort of stuff
2622s you've also got a list of like an agenda
2623s view basically just lists all the fleets
2625s that are coming up this i took the
2627s screen dumps quite a while back um so
2629s it's quite old
2630s um
2631s and the last view
2632s is the must list that's basically a
2635s month view um look at all those fleets
2640s it's mad
2642s now when i set the calendar up um i need
2645s it to be simple um
2648s basically effective and require an
2649s external maintenance um and i needed to
2652s be user friendly and so we opted to
2655s integrate from
2656s a google calendar
2658s uh everybody everybody knows how to use
2659s an outlook style calendar
2661s um and each of the mpsi leads is
2664s provided a link to that calendar
2666s um so once they populate the fleet with
2670s um
2671s sorry the calendar with their fleet
2672s details
2673s um it integrates directly through to
2677s the website
2678s uh
2679s second main integration happens in the
2681s background from the google calendar
2682s directly into discord
2684s uh
2686s and i'll say this out loud uh well i
2688s won't say silently um the discord
2690s integration is where the magic actually
2692s happened um
2693s so
2695s who here is actually on discord
2697s just say just yell i can't really see
2700s yeah it's as i thought it's pretty much
2701s all of you probably um
2703s now i'd like to introduce you to fluffy
2708s uh that's our bespoke discord bot it was
2711s dined in designed in-house by major over
2712s there
2714s and it's named after dibbles uh who's
2716s chapping corp he doesn't know that yet
2718s though what he does i think he suspects
2719s it
2720s um
2722s he does now
2724s a couple people would have got that
2725s reference
2727s now when a fleet's posted on uh
2730s on the calendar uh it announces onto
2731s discord
2733s and uh when the fleet is about to form
2735s up fluffy pings you on discord and
2736s reminds you about the fleet and once the
2738s fleet is over it archives it from
2739s discord um so any one time on um you'll
2743s only see future fleet
2745s and if you need to edit any of the
2746s fleets it automatically updates the ping
2748s um to remove the previous instance of it
2750s and replace it with a new one
2752s so it basically removed 99 of the sort
2755s of painful administration
2757s side
2759s and i'm not gonna go into too much
2762s detail about the bot itself because
2764s i don't actually really know how it
2765s works because as i said i just done i'm
2767s enjoying the like techie stuff so
2771s here's a cute kitten uh
2774s there you go
2775s um
2776s now
2777s i'm gonna move on slightly now uh we've
2779s so we've spoken about npsi
2781s um it's origins it's barriers and i've
2784s given you like a really really quick
2785s whistle stop tour of the integrations
2787s involved in the calendar
2789s um but what is the future of mpsi
2793s i i've actually played eve now
2796s for
2798s nearly 43 of my life
2801s i do like numbers um
2803s and i actually genuinely believe that
2805s mpsi is it's in as good a state as it
2807s has ever been if not the best state i
2809s would say
2810s content is going out daily many billions
2812s of risk is being destroyed
2814s um daily basis basically just so long as
2817s there is a means for content creators to
2820s advertise the fleet
2822s um i believe it's in safe hands
2824s um
2825s i would love
2827s um for client-side development
2830s to happen to enhance the mpsi experience
2835s and i believe that npsi
2838s needs that continued exposure
2841s to get people hooked on pvp
2844s i would love
2846s for the mpsi community leads to work
2848s with ccp to channel the knowledge that
2850s we have and the skills and experience
2852s and the understanding that we have
2854s um that we've developed um
2858s and basically help them
2861s help us
2863s um
2864s i think it would be a better in a better
2866s place if
2868s the if the community is engaged with
2869s basically
2870s now
2871s for fun inc um we're going to be
2873s continue being awesome basically i'm
2875s going to keep looking for more groups
2877s we're going to look for more content
2878s creators
2881s and support them um people's growth and
2884s push the npsi community moving forward
2887s um we're going to develop the calendar i
2889s need to speak to you about this major
2891s lots of wii
2893s um we're going to develop the calendar
2894s its functionality and make it even
2895s better than it is
2897s um so if if there are any fcs or you
2899s know people that post content regularly
2900s that sort of thing if it's pvp
2902s um just get in contact with me um all my
2905s details are gonna be at the end of the
2906s presentation
2908s so
2909s how can you help npsi
2911s okay so this is gonna be my last
2914s few
2916s um sort of content slides
2919s and it's probably as important as any of
2922s the slides
2923s you've seen previously
2924s um it's how you can con contribute uh
2927s how you can support how you can assist
2929s any of these groups um continue
2931s providing their content
2934s it's pretty simple
2936s that's the key one
2938s that's pretty key as well
2941s you know you you guys know this stuff
2943s log in x up in a channel take a support
2945s role support nps uh content creators
2949s um
2950s and probably equally as important
2953s is spread the word
2954s tell people about mpsi tell people about
2957s fleets tell people about good
2958s experiences
2960s tell tell a friend
2961s bring a friend get active
2963s get in fleet
2965s let's keep mpsi as vibrant as we can do
2968s so
2969s help us help you guys
2971s get the content that you deserve
2974s so
2976s i'm really going to wrap this up now um
2977s you're probably super bored of me my my
2979s throat's given into as that might have
2981s got better actually i'm not sure
2983s um so i'm going to leave you with a few
2985s final thoughts um
2988s i feel incredibly privileged to be part
2991s of the eve online community um
2994s we pull together when real life pushes
2997s others apart and i feel privileged to be
3000s able to stand here and talk to you um i
3002s feel proud of the
3004s accomplishments that the mpsi community
3006s has
3008s have made
3010s you know especially the mpsi community i
3012s should say
3012s i'm proud of our adaptability our
3014s passion
3016s and i'm really super proud of the mpsi
3019s groups that exist
3021s and content creators that exist that day
3023s in day out week and week out month in
3026s month out they log in
3028s they strive to get people but they don't
3030s know
3031s content
3032s and they put many many hundreds of hours
3034s in behind the scenes um
3037s me personally i've taken so much from
3039s this community
3041s um
3042s moving forward um we can we can develop
3044s things further
3045s um we can make even more vibrant
3048s we can make even more deadly
3050s and we can make even more dangerous and
3052s make eve great again just remember
3056s eve is even better with friends
3060s so here's all my contacts
3062s if anyone wants to reach out or has a
3064s good idea
3065s knows of a group or
3067s run to group or if you just want to send
3069s me a cat picture or something um there's
3071s all my details
3079s and that's it so that's end of the
3080s presentation um
3083s i'm happy
3084s thank you um i'm happy to film any
3086s questions you may have um i'll try and
3088s answer them um or just gloss over the
3090s answers entirely um my name's cathy fun
3092s fun link is recruiting
3094s so thank you very much