over 2 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s hello everyone and welcome back to the
5s studio for the final match of the
7s evening i'm here one last time with
9s brett thomas thomas and we're about to
11s watch uh waffles go up against templars
14s kalsiff templars here they've brought uh
16s the triple loki double slept near rush
18s setup so they're going to be trying to
20s use those loki's to make sure things
21s don't get away from them but i don't
23s think waffles had any chance of that to
25s begin with wouldn't you tell us what
26s they've brought here btt
29s waffles have gone with a damnation
31s sacrilege armored core they've gone with
33s double domination for that heavy top-end
35s heavy missiles they've gone sacrileges
37s with a navy organ and confessor in the
39s lows for the maximum amount of damage
42s here so i think both teams may possibly
44s be rushing in since they both walked in
46s at 10.
47s yeah i think waffles does have a
48s potential advantage here though we've
50s seen this match up a couple of times and
52s it looks like the armor ships always
54s seem to come out ahead just because of
55s the raw ehp they have but look both
58s sides defense bars are literally off the
60s sides of the screens with how much ehp
62s they're bringing this is going to be a
64s bloodbath but it's going to be a slow
66s blood breath
67s yeah they're going the webbing down
69s slept nears of orcani and orwini in the
72s loki so it looks like they're probably
74s going to go for one of these shield
76s ships we are seeing damage on iran in
78s the loki and we're also seeing damage on
80s tom encore in the organ navy but have
81s we've seen previous previously the organ
83s navies are really tanky cruisers and you
86s know what else we're seeing from these
87s jackdaws we're seeing missile guidance
90s disruptors being brought it's as part of
92s the utility mids on these light missile
94s jack doors so that they can probably
96s take out snipes that's probably what
97s it's planned for but it's doing work
99s here it's stopping these damn nations
101s from projecting much gps back on to them
103s you can see though aurora cool he's
105s finally taking some dps but it's he's
107s not going down that quickly at all tom
109s alakar is going to fall way before he
110s even runs out of xlasb charges
113s yeah and it looks like he's a little bit
115s free now he is moving a little bit with
118s all of the slept nears behind him while
121s he is at the very front but it looks
122s like tom encar's pulling back and he's
124s getting away from all these lepneys the
126s ones that are hold down at least can't
128s follow and shoot them back so we might
130s just survive
131s and we're seeing some really interesting
133s swapping back and forth here or a walk
134s wall has been able to wrap up almost
136s entirely but the last spartan now is
137s sitting here in half shields this is
139s some
141s questionable stuff but then again tom is
143s holding they're moving back on to the
144s sacrilege this is intense stuff people
146s are moving in and out of this fight
148s there's this brawl in the middle and
149s ever and the the tackle freaks just
152s kind of screening the back line waiting
154s for their moment to get in
156s yeah it looks like the missiles are
157s pounding onto the last spartan in the
159s loki he is a locally so loki so they
161s won't be doing great but we're seeing
163s max
164s he is
165s yitzhak in the sacrament start to go
167s down because his 80s he's finally went
169s off
170s yeah that was so quick it's incredible
172s that they could kill it far easier than
174s they could kill an organization i'm not
175s sure what's going on with this uh
176s guardian as he jams the best is down
179s the burst is going down it looks like he
181s just can't manage to keep everything up
184s even with max amount of reps going on
187s there's just too much damage here from
189s uh the last spartans loki's and slept
191s nearers
193s yeah they haven't really been able to
194s take out that much here waffles there
196s and they're bleeding a lot for it they
198s just haven't been able to get in and
200s really tackle something tackle stuff
202s down the only thing that's tackled now
203s are these two loki's oh and the third
205s loki dale finally gets a web on him as
207s well but they're too spread out to
208s properly apply their hands to everything
210s they have to sacrifice either
212s positioning or tackle and they've chosen
215s both
216s they're breaking the other base while
217s holding everything down the last arm is
219s the last spartan is dripping into low
221s shield and this sacrilege is still alive
223s he's gone through his adc cycle that and
226s is still is alive
227s yeah he might be tanking a little bit
229s but i'm not sure how long he's going to
230s hold on for maybe they're just running
232s out of heat here on the template the
233s last part is going down
235s yeah lust button is going down that's
237s going to take some webs off the field
238s that's going to allow waffles to move
239s around a bit more one of the big
241s advantages of this armor version of the
243s setup is you have so many mids for
245s scrams and webs that you can just
247s control positioning once your opponent
248s engages and waffles need to take the
251s webs off the grid of those loki's for
253s that to really work out for them
255s yeah they are bending through the second
257s loki now they seem to be doing a lot
259s more damage to it seeing as now they've
261s freed up one of the loki's they can
263s actually get on top of dale stuvart in
265s the loki and
267s templars culsif can't break anything oh
269s then again some dps starting to get
271s applied to the guardian here we're gonna
273s have to watch his positioning very very
274s closely obviously if he gets caught
276s that's a single second response there's
278s a there's a slightness going for him
280s killer 542 is in the back line he's
281s managed to rush on top of this guy
284s yeah and you're seeing all the hordes of
286s logic drones fly back towards the
288s guardian
290s has a web
291s they're trying to keep the guardian
292s alive while the guardian keeps the
294s sacrilege alive while they break this
295s loki so they traded out the burst they
298s waited for the positioning to to just be
299s slightly off and then killer 542 you
302s don't often see these big mid-range
304s ships make plays like that onto
305s logistics but here he was able to do it
308s and this guardian is now in a court it's
309s now in like two-thirds armor it's going
312s down quickly david penkin is taking some
314s dps as well though it looks like they're
316s gonna lose a jackdaw for this and dale
318s might go down as well just after it but
320s they're pulling their way back into this
321s match templas
323s yeah the sl the jackdaw is going down
325s and the loki is going down but it's a
327s slept near and i believe one jackdaw
330s that's on this guardian so it's only one
332s celebrity's worth of damage which is why
334s you're seeing the guardian slowly go
336s down instead of instead of dying in a
337s fire like you seen previous matches
339s you're seeing this guardian slowly be
341s chipped away it's just losing a little
343s bit a little bit a little bit as the
344s slept near starts to do it as it runs
346s out of
347s paste and heat it will eventually go
349s down but curtis and the best has been
351s cornered by a jackdaw and it's down
354s yeah it's finally over for those bursts
356s but those were only two points of
357s investment and it feels like it's taken
359s minutes and minutes to kill them and
361s that's a great trade for templars khaos
363s if it looks like they are going to be
364s able to finish sarah off here it's slow
366s work oh i don't know though orianna is
368s burning down at quite the speed now it
370s looks like all of those damnations are
372s finally on top of them and applying
375s yeah it looks like the guardian finally
377s goes down but they've traded a guardian
380s for three
381s loki's and the two bests
384s this is amazing it turns out if they
385s don't bring a robisu waffles are
387s actually great at the alliance
389s tournament here they are taking on
391s templars handily
393s come on my boys i'm so excited for you
396s um the sacrileges are slowly breaking
398s down but the confessor is being shot it
400s looks like the jackdaws being soloed by
402s a confessor and is actually winning as
404s puchoco goes down it looks like they're
407s just spreading damage to everything or
409s rockwool in the slept knees already in
410s 50 shields
412s yeah i have to say this is some really
414s excellent execution from waffles they
416s took some losses early on this match but
418s they didn't break composure and they
419s were able to control this thing and just
421s take it home in the end that you know
424s the the discipline that it takes to
426s switch off of a slept near the first
428s thing that you catch and move over to a
430s target that you haven't primaried you
432s know after you've burnt those excellent
433s speed charges that's such a difficult
435s call to make as an fc but it practically
437s won them this match
441s yeah it looks like that you're peeking
442s through the slept near down now they'd
444s know that when the celebria runs out of
446s its final until charges it's going to go
449s down so it's just a waiting game of how
452s much damage they can play over time it
454s is also a very important thing that they
456s keep their small stuff alive they pull
458s those sacrileges when those sacrileges
460s get low because they have the excess of
463s control right now waffles are beating
465s templars calcified
468s i know just resident tournament
469s favorites almost i think every single
471s prediction that i've seen has them
473s almost coast through this section of the
475s winner's bracket and now they're going
477s to be fighting for their life in the
479s losers bracket not shortly after this
482s and they're they're finishing the second
484s slept here so there's one going to be
486s one slept near left against double
488s damnation sacrilege org navy but it
490s looks like the sacrilege is finally
492s going down now it's dipping into
494s structure
496s yeah we've seen some upsets before but
497s this would be the upset of a lifetime if
499s killer 542 was able to pull it out he
501s was the man making the dive into the
503s back line he was the guy who got on top
505s of the guardian who gave templars the
506s hope of coming back but it just wasn't
509s enough
511s here he is dipping down
513s and gf's are already in local what a
516s match bttt
517s i'm so excited my please if anyone's not
520s aware i'm currently flying with waffles
522s at the moment and gave up flying on the
524s team to come and commentate so i'm so
526s excited they did really well in this
527s match
529s yeah absolutely and you know it's great
531s it's gonna be great to see such a
532s diverse set of teams in the finals we've
535s got people from all over the game we're
536s going to have low sec representation
538s wormhole representation no sec
540s representation
541s everything apart from price basically
548s yeah and it looks like the final slept
550s knee is gonna be breaking down it is
552s boosted up through all of its shields
554s and it's boosted up to high shields but
557s it's going to run out of cap charges now
558s and has to reload what could have
560s templates cause if done at the start to
562s do better here
564s you know i really don't know i think
565s they just needed to dive for that
566s guardian sooner but the the you know the
569s screening that waffles were able to put
570s out there with the damnation and the
571s sacrifices as you said it was just
573s really really strong and templars
575s weren't able to thread the needle
576s through to the back lines
578s do you think trying to break that tanky
580s navy ogre in the start was best or
582s should they have gotten something for
583s like the confessors
586s i don't know it's it's a it's a hardcore
588s it's one of those things where it's
589s isn't almost entirely dependent on where
591s your opponents are you've got to catch
592s the mispositions with those rushes but
595s the only thing i'm going to be rushing
596s to do is to order some waffles after
597s that display so let's head back to the
599s desk and we'll round things out for this
601s wonderful weekend
604s you