over 2 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s hello again everybody and welcome back
5s to the main event the ultimate showdown
8s the grand finale
10s hydra reloaded coming up against volta
13s volta having already pushed them down
15s once but hydra with their second health
16s bar
17s opportunity here to show a resurgence in
19s this final best of five match of the
21s whole tournament for all the marbles but
23s are you hype or are you hype yeah i am i
26s am so hype in pre-gaming energy drinks
28s like a total true gamer i am like hearts
31s actually beating for this one which is
33s crazy because that doesn't really happen
35s all that much but this is about to be
36s wild hydra has their flagship they have
38s a kind of kiting setup volta's coming in
41s with autocannon scepters this is gonna
42s be wild
43s yeah i'm wondering if this volta team is
45s just going to charge right in and try
46s and take that bargest out because with
48s the conquest rules on this final series
50s um flagships are actually immune to the
52s conquest rule so if you win with your
53s flag bogus you can in fact bring it
55s again so it may in fact be worth i'm not
57s saying this is their game plan it's
58s obviously too early to say that they may
59s just want to charge and take out the
60s flag burger so it just cannot be used
61s again
62s well they certainly are charging in here
64s i'm not sure if that's what their target
66s is they are kind of not overheating too
68s fast though so being very smart coming
69s in slowly but quickly at the same time i
72s know it sounds weird but there's no uh
74s no mad dash very very intelligent
76s keeping the team together but control
78s freak is getting just destroyed right
79s now yeah and immediately he's peeled off
81s to go and collect some reps from from
82s reload planet six in the scimitar um so
85s i mean he's not gonna be part of this
86s continued rush but the two others of
87s annie and and theron for continuing in
89s and they are now right on top of the
90s storm ring of kadesh but i think they're
91s ignoring him they're going straight past
93s and they don't care about the storm
94s bringing there's more valuable targets
95s on the field here
97s yeah and uh volta is actually pushing in
99s very very quickly taking a lot of damage
101s on their small stuff but incredible
103s logistics piloting by planet six uh
105s stormbringer is tackled nothing else
107s really is lots of guy instructors out on
108s dexter in the flagship and you know this
111s first schlepner of theraph is actually
113s in a little bit deep here i'm wondering
114s if they're about to swap to him and do
115s some damage but we're also seeing planet
116s sits taking a lot of damage in the back
118s line those heavy missiles crazy
119s application and range
121s yeah but these slapners now are right up
122s in the middle of the action here these
124s these two are back in an obvious control
125s threat uh topped up by by reload in the
128s scimitar and now he's on his way in as
129s well so these three semitones are gonna
130s be causing chaos in here uh planet six
132s and the scimitar is taking aggro as you
133s say he is going down and we're starting
135s to see damage applied i think a little
136s bit to the bar guest by the slutness
139s yeah i think he might have been right
140s they might be trying to just head shot
141s him down uh i they dived a little bit
143s deep though planet six got in pretty
144s close he should be very low on ancillary
146s shield booster charges so at any moment
148s here you're gonna see planet six drop
150s unless they hit reload first it's it's
152s pretty dang close right here a little
154s bit of damage bleed on dexter though
155s like that flag vargas is not tanking
157s anywhere near as well you would hope it
158s would be yeah well he's got these three
160s stipples on top of them and the
161s sleepiness are pretty close as well
162s they're all closing in here um so this
164s the damage of all these autocannon ships
165s is going to absolutely pile onto him
168s and i mean at the moment hydra seems to
170s be focusing now on to tick-tock in the
171s swivel who just goes down that obviously
173s arctic autocannon swivel just absolutely
175s melts under all these rapid-like missile
176s boats the two authors here uh the drake
178s navies as well and of course the
179s jackdaws who are just kiting around the
180s edge here
181s yeah it looks like hydra is actually
183s hard swapping and taking down the back
184s line every one of these spittles is
186s about four to five hundred dps at least
188s so they're trying to actually clear as
190s much as they can to save dexter's vargas
192s and i think they're doing a good job it
193s looks like supreme leader is going to
194s drop and i think planet six is unreal
195s he's actually dropping armor dropping
197s into structure and he is going to go
199s down probably in the next volley as
201s supreme leader goes down as well so
202s massive massive lead for hydra at the
204s same time dexter is in low shield yeah
207s yeah and if they kill this vargas this
208s this would be huge because as i said on
210s the desk both these teams still have
211s their flagships up this may be apparent
213s victory for volta here for hydra sorry i
216s mean if they if they win this match here
217s obviously with the conquest rules they
218s can't bring any of these comps again any
220s of these ships um and that will leave
222s volta with their flagship vargas open
225s yeah at this point
227s it's pretty much hydra is going to win
228s this is the question the question is are
230s they going to be able to clear dps fast
232s enough and i mean look at him he's in
233s low or he's in mid structure low
235s structure boosting up as fast he can i
236s think if this slept near goes down it
238s might be enough we're gonna see though
240s like i'm sure there's some massive
241s amounts of heat damage once that oh he's
243s trying he's trying oh
245s structure 40 35. but there's still these
247s two slept as popped up right on top of
249s him
250s is he gonna live he's still boosting
252s oh no this is this is so close this is
254s you might be stabilizing this is some
256s real edge of the chair stuff dexter is
258s absolutely gonna need a change of pants
260s hot swap between these two matches
261s because he is so low right now he's
263s teetering on the absolute brink here but
265s volta don't have the time this second
266s slapness taking chunks they're on he's
268s cycling his asp he's trying to survive
270s but i don't know how much duties he's
271s got left he's still cycling decks are
272s still just about holding
274s and he's just breaking through i think
276s the dexter's coming back alive but
277s theranth is about to drop and once
279s that's done they're not going to get it
281s we're seeing comments going on local
282s good fights some uh fantastic commentary
285s by casper who's been just wild and local
287s this entire time dexter regioning back
289s up to 50 shield and
291s you know i think the gamble did not work
294s volta gonna be down 0-1 in this best of
297s three and they have nothing to show for
299s it yeah if you kill the ball guest and
301s lose the match maybe it's worth if you
303s don't kill the bar guest and lose the
304s match it's absolutely obviously not
307s worth and volta now
309s this one match deficit going into the
310s rest of the series with as you say
312s nothing to show for it at all i mean
314s they have the conquest bands i suppose
315s but i mean that vargas dips them
316s anywhere we've seen so many different
317s vargas comps so far and so on we've seen
319s arma vargas i mean i don't know
320s obviously what hydra um have the
323s potential to switch to whatever comps
324s they've got with the vargas that we've
325s seen but i mean yeah the flag they can
328s bring they can you know put this thing
329s into all sorts of comps
331s oh we've seen some real wild stuff and
333s uh i can't tell we might be seeing it
335s looks like the volta he's either going
338s for the edge of glory looking like he's
339s going to go for the record but uh you
341s know volta's saying the ec drones are
343s what saved them and the cerberus of ur's
346s mjd's out hits about 211 to 212
349s kilometers didn't quite break the record
350s but did a pretty good job uh match is
353s over in five minutes we're gonna be
354s going straight into the second one and
357s with that we're gonna send it back to
358s the studio for them to talk about how
359s this went down