almost 6 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s hello everybody this is variance tone
8s shirt and suit Anya Jun you for the last
10s match in Ba Island crab claws and
13s Russian weep squad stony oh what have we
15s got that's the year we're now 1-1 all
18s both teams have won one game we've had a
20s bit of a mix-up here with the cruisers
22s of they were still saying that the jewel
24s Navy hook bills so Russian weeps would
27s have chosen to go with their Vexin Navy
29s issue instead of the Osprey Navy issue
31s this time yeah crab claws finally
36s learned that you safely maybe not as
39s good as the Osprey Navy when it comes to
40s raw damage so they switched out as well
42s and it's gonna be interesting here
44s because now both the cruisers are a
45s little bit more of a brawling setup yes
50s and the next Navy issue only has an
52s afterburner whereas the the Osprey Navy
54s issue for Russian web squad has 30
58s kilometer range on the heavy assault
60s missile so he could potentially if he
61s wanted to just cut away and not have to
64s commit into the range of that Beck's a
66s navy issue if he doesn't want to so the
68s Vexin navy issue is taking quite a bit
70s of damage here and it looks like that's
71s exactly what's happening me the weep
73s squad Navy Osprey is just putting a
75s damage into him all and I said that bill
78s was going in for a scram yeah you see
81s that drones being deployed by the Vexin
84s Navy also just haven't even moved on
85s target yet they're still around avexir
87s Navy they're only just now starting to
88s move in a little bit so the damage is
91s already being lost here yam was pretty
94s all these vmx Navy issues drones are
96s actually going off to the enemy hook
98s bill looks like both teams kind of broke
101s away from each other the blue hook bit
104s the crab will hook bill decided to sue
107s peace out let the Navy Ospreys actually
109s coming in super close to that Vexen
111s aviation is actually brawling him a zero
113s yeah the Killarney vehicle tried its
116s attacker but wasn't quite able to get
118s him now the vector Navy is somehow
119s managed to get tackle on the osprey Navy
122s here that's going to be pretty important
125s here yes sir both teams have decided to
128s pool was pretty interesting about this
130s is the Navy Osprey could have carted
131s this out a bit longer if you wanted to
133s but feeling super
134s and that he can win now that the Vexin
136s TV issues would have been brought down
137s to you know about two-thirds of his
139s armor it's like he's just committing to
141s try and go for the win here alright only
145s now we are seeing the effects of navy's
148s drones actually hitting the osmium not
150s sure maybe they were having some issues
151s on the key blinds are just not getting
153s the drones on the target here but now
155s the drones are on the osprey Navy has
157s taken heavy shield damage yeah most
159s really interesting here is there's this
160s little fire going on between the two
162s hook those where's the hook those is
164s ignoring me we've spotted he's just
168s shooting putting all of his DBS Antonio
169s areas he's going down one and crab claws
172s hook bill yeah that's a smart move you
175s know the friggin he was probably not as
177s important anymore now that these two
178s crews is so just brawling it out so
180s trying to put that extra damage in on
181s something else we need me as fast as
182s possible that's a good call here yeah
186s and so now Russian waves would have the
190s hook bill and I wasn't anyway that's
191s pretty low the next Navy issue of an
194s octopus is also low - this is gonna be a
195s pretty close game I think yeah the
198s Osprey Navy is now eating chunks of
200s armor but the Vexin abz chunks of whole
201s it's gonna be incredibly close but I
203s don't think the Vexin Navy can hold out
205s long enough then just as I say that the
212s Vexin ad goes down and giving violent
214s crab claws bwin here I apologize Russian
217s weed squad yes they will be going into
220s the final to face
222s ZZ boy yeah beautiful match is another
226s close finish of one of the ships in Hull