almost 3 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s nobody can hear me
3s hello
6s is this thing on
8s nothing
11s i'm trying to talk but i can't hear
12s anything all right guys is it on
15s hello yeah there it is
16s finally what's up guys it's amazing to
19s see everyone here
21s holy crap this was a great fan fest
23s um
26s okay all right all right sounds good
29s i need to grab the clicker real quick
31s we're very prepared yeah as you can tell
34s click home click off
36s click is there a clapper
40s so as you know imccb swift ccp zealous
43s ccp paragon
45s uh community team it's been amazing
48s hanging out with you guys all fan fest
50s long
51s some of you guys came in here earlier in
52s the week uh and we had a really really
55s good time together
56s but it all started out
58s early in the morning wednesday
60s party bus it was a really early morning
63s really early i don't know whose idea
65s this was but yeah it was his idea by the
68s way no no no no no no
70s place all the blame on you it was it was
73s mine it was great you guys are awesome
75s the afternoon bus a little bit more
78s excited people a little less sleepy
79s people but who cares this is i was in
82s this one so we got this one
85s and of course uh you guys kind of
88s went through the city of reykjavik even
90s before fan fest started
92s also uh some people are dropping the
94s best hip-hop album uh
96s of the year
98s new eden's hottest mixtape by here yeah
100s yeah
102s i knew equalizers was a was a dj but i
104s didn't know
105s rix was on the tracks
108s backing vocals
111s and
112s you guys didn't mess around you showed
115s up
116s real early
117s to the office
119s this guy showed up
121s especially early and he was really
124s yeah
126s he's been great all week he was really
128s excited to be here as you can see and
133s yeah it was great running to you and
134s just showing you a glimpse of the office
137s uh absolutely fantastic look how happy
139s he is this is like
141s it's so great to be here
144s and
145s after that we gathered here in cheetah
148s four four
150s uh
152s arena where
153s we
154s all had an amazing time it was fantastic
157s we had uh
158s people in suits
160s yeah and
161s we had uh just uh
163s great time we didn't have an official
165s cosplay contest but if we did obviously
168s it doesn't count he wins every time
169s right yeah yeah he's
171s disqualified for the next one ah no no
173s no we'll we'll do something good
176s uh but a lot of you guys have been to
177s many fan fest before but we were shocked
179s and really happy
181s to see a lot of you people um
183s having your very first fan fest
185s uh
187s here is one
190s the leader or the ceo the founder of
192s ursure khan
193s ran into ccp burger told him about how
197s he started an alliance before eve online
198s actually existed
200s so uh his alliance is now 20 years old
202s even though eve is only 19.
204s uh so
206s he gets this uh
207s this bit of a shout out his very first
210s fan fest after all these years uh so now
212s you have to come to the next one it's uh
214s it's an obligation
219s uh during the uh the opening ceremony we
221s heard from the boss uh ccp helmer
225s nice little chat
226s warmed everyone up
228s uh talked about a little bit about the
230s the friendship machine eve online uh and
233s absolutely everything there is about it
238s we got this guy as well
239s yeah he set the record straight for us
241s what was that what was it what was it
243s again
243s uh
244s who won i i wasn't listening yeah the
247s monkey is something about a monkey i
248s don't know who knows
251s but it was nice to see that his legs are
253s looking very fine
257s uh ccp burger went uh looked a little
259s bit road mappy stuff
261s uh we talked about faction warfare uh
263s living universe presentation today with
265s suzuki aurora csv ratati
268s loki that was that was a good one for
271s you guys at home if you missed it go
272s watch it it was amazing uh coming up
275s next week though uh
277s talked a little bit about this siege
278s green
279s the updates to uh dreadnoughts
282s faction ships
284s the blueprint material costs for all
285s that that'll be live we hadn't really
288s announced it we kind of talked about a
289s little bit but that'll be live on
290s tuesday so after you guys get home
292s you're jet lagged you can download the
293s patch and start building dreads to go
295s blow stuff up
298s and finally we got to chat with the
300s awesome scott madley
303s yeah let's hear it it was awesome guys
305s yeah
306s this guy loves spaceships and we love
309s spaceships yeah
311s it was really cool to see him after all
312s these years we tried to get him for some
314s previous fan fests and then this pesky
316s thing happened
319s but we got him and it was an absolutely
321s wonderful presentation
324s but most of all we got to hang out with
326s all of you yeah
330s yeah
331s both in the crowd
333s and in person
335s each the round tables you were fantastic
338s hearing your feedback
340s absolutely amazing
343s uh yeah it was it was uh really awesome
345s to see you guys at the the roundtable
347s specifically i know there's a lot of
348s missing gaps sometimes in presentations
350s so when you guys clear things up with
352s the round tables
353s contentious sometimes but always
355s enjoyable
357s and then we did this thing
360s i'm still not exactly sure what the hell
362s this is
364s but it was probably the most incredible
366s thing i've ever seen in my life
369s everyone's fine
371s there was no major injury and
374s definitely don't look it up afterwards
377s but thanks to all the contestants in cp
381s games games and our lovely horse they
382s were fantastic
385s who won the
387s uh did anyone keep track
390s i think antiquate
391s the left team
393s which one is that that was this pulse
396s yeah the pulse that one let's hear it
398s give it up for them
399s yes
403s and this might be the single best
405s picture of ccp antiquarian ever taken i
407s think this is the best picture ever
409s taken yeah yeah it's really good
414s and then uh
416s after four years of
419s uh being docked in downtown we finally
422s undocked and we took over the town
425s i'm not sure about you guys but uh my
427s team won all right
430s i don't know
432s oh we won
433s team team five went strong through most
436s of the night i have to say
437s that's a pretty good team look at this
438s guys
443s there you go
444s we all won we all win that's a one but
447s absolutely incredible evening with all
449s of you seeing you all
451s with the smiling faces walking in the uh
453s fantastic weather
455s uh it wasn't
456s it only rained once right maybe twice
459s yeah something like that occasional bit
461s of hail as well
462s yeah yeah nice classic island for you
465s but it wasn't just the pub crawl we also
466s did the gourmet tour for the first time
468s ever it was actually pretty nice you
470s guys did some fine dining
472s you guys put the fine in fine dining huh
475s what the hell is that
478s i don't know
479s it looks
481s bam
483s it's wham oh oh wham it's a spam 80s pop
487s singer
488s group
490s all right
491s but you guys also got up to uh some
493s other shenanigans including being
495s incredibly incredibly charitable i mean
497s we just got off a plex for a good
498s campaign where guys knocked out of the
500s park uh you guys came over here again
503s between the charity dinner uh the silent
505s auction and the raffle organized by our
507s amazing team here you guys raised
510s 26 thousand dollars
517s incredible
522s yeah for the ablegamers charity um
525s amazing stuff uh we are really really
527s happy to support this cause this is
529s something that the community started
530s doing
531s and we just kind of followed suit so
533s thank you all for everyone well we'll be
535s grabbing the raffle winner soon just in
537s case you want to see who won not that
539s charity needs a winner
540s but uh if players kind of like to win
546s but uh most of all
549s yeah yeah you recharged our capacitors
552s it's been a long time uh four years
554s without seeing you guys
556s um we didn't realize how much we needed
558s it
559s uh you're a giant cat booster 3200. to
562s our little
563s frigate capacitor base
566s uh yeah this is the best analogy in the
567s world
568s uh
570s it was amazing to see everyone
572s uh ccp bureaucrat there if you guys
575s haven't seen him he is our social media
577s guy he was the one taking pictures of
578s you guys all week
581s uh frank and some guy i don't know i
583s think he's
584s does something to eve probably
588s uh but yeah as i mentioned before this
590s is our very own ccp bureaucrat uh you've
592s seen him taking pictures for social
594s media hanging out with you guys i just
596s want to give him a massive shout out
597s he's been a machine
599s taking pictures
603s uh making sure people at home are like
605s well informed of what's going on and of
607s course we have to keep them a little bit
609s jealous uh because you know they're not
612s here and you guys are
615s i look at the uh the fanfest global
617s finals
619s we had the games
621s upstairs in thunderdome
623s and whittled our way down to two
627s final teams
628s and of course you just witnessed that up
630s here on the main stage rng being the
632s witness
634s yeah that was that was pretty cool i
635s think that's the the most epic
637s tournament setup that we've had for a
638s tournament
639s especially at fan fest alliance
641s tournament ships cool stage massive
644s backdrop uh so big shout out to all the
646s teams that participated it's been a long
648s time coming you guys have been training
650s for years for this
651s when you're supposed to only be trading
652s for a couple weeks
654s uh but yeah it was it was definitely uh
657s high
659s quality then tonight after we're done
661s here we are going to party all right
663s let's hear it who's ready anyone ready i
666s know you're not ready
668s everyone's
669s out of energy that's fine we're gonna go
671s home
672s recharge get ready and we're gonna turn
675s this place into the craziest party
678s we've ever done here
680s and we're gonna be having our very own
682s mind one
684s and
685s yeah
688s sea trip for the third time completing
691s the trifecta yeah he's going for the
693s three feet uh really happy to have mind
695s one here as well uh saturday night
696s swarm's gonna take on a brand new
698s meeting
700s uh so we'll be uh will be a good time i
702s can't wait to see you guys in just a
703s couple hours
707s and if you're still around tomorrow
708s there are tickets available for the
710s screening of down at the rabbit hole
713s with the uh director frederick
716s i'll be there myself i look forward to
718s seeing you all there
721s uh okay cool what's happened are you
723s breaking things again i broke things
724s well sweet wow you guys want to go
726s through the presentation again
728s yeah yeah one more time can we just
730s start over um
732s please
734s i've got a laser pointer this is the
735s last time i gave you the clicker
738s i don't know there we are there we go ah
739s nice nice
741s i'm so good at fixing things i just i'm
743s breaking
756s we're good we're good and while we're
757s winding down fan fest
759s there are some upcoming player meets
761s happening throughout the world
763s they are still to come we have poland
766s 29th to 31st of july we have
770s finfest
771s 28th
774s through the 31st
775s thank you dopamine
777s and
778s fin fest august 13th we have vienna
780s october 15th
781s vegas october 20th to 23rd
785s london later this year i don't know when
788s it is
789s when
790s november and new orleans
793s it is happening also or so they tell me
797s june i am
799s feeling uh yeah we have to find alana
802s now and just make it do it in chicken so
804s make us look good yeah
805s that's how we do it yeah that'll be fun
807s it'll be great to see you guys uh
808s outside of reykjavik uh we'll certainly
811s have some sort of presence here for you
813s but
813s we expect you to take lots and lots of
815s pictures tweet at us make us jealous
818s uh and yeah we just we just can't wait
820s to see you
824s but while we have you here
826s we want to give a massive shout out to
828s our amazing volunteers who helped with
830s registration
832s just getting everyone sorted there was a
834s little bit of chaos at some point but
836s luckily our volunteers came and saved
839s the day along with our amazing team at
841s ccp cc nala and ccp lisa
844s so yeah grey gal in the crew come on up
875s keep it going
878s yeah
880s i forget your mic am i on you come a
882s little further
892s every year the volunteer team
894s you know i'm gonna get choked up they
896s just really make it happen they really
898s y'all don't know how hard they work they
900s really do but who really makes it happen
902s is all of you
904s so give yourselves a round of applause
906s because without you we wouldn't be here
908s without you there wouldn't be a fan fest
914s and without you there wouldn't be
916s uh way it's more than twenty six
918s thousand dollars we actually ran out of
920s time to count the money uh
923s raised for able gamers so now i guess it
926s is time for the raffle right
929s yeah okay
931s dana you're holding the tickets
934s master
935s come here please i'm gonna let you be
937s the first one to pick must be present to
939s win if you are not president when we
941s will pick a second number
951s number
952s 409 409 are you here
958s four
959s oh
967s nine congratulations
972s let's make sure it's actually you know
974s this ticket actually says 409.
976s that's gonna have to go around the other
977s one
978s huh he's just gonna come around the
979s other
981s what's going side
983s so what does he win
985s he wins this wonderful
987s amd radeon rx 6800 xt a graphics card
991s and hey you all know graphics cards are
993s pretty hard to find nowadays
995s it is valued at over 900 dollars
998s unless you buy it you know on ebay where
1000s it's like 2 000 or something
1006s all right
1007s let's find out who our winner is
1014s must change his auto pilot settings
1025s come on
1027s give the man a hand
1030s how many tickets did you buy
1032s he bought five tickets
1034s and your name is
1037s aj congratulations and thank you for
1040s your generosity
1050s and thank you ken everybody your
1051s generosity
1052s and supporting ablegamers
1054s it is an amazing charity that helps
1058s you know children and adults who have
1061s some physical challenges using
1064s things we call keyboards and mice that
1067s cause all kinds of problems for all of
1068s us and we've been supporting them as a
1070s community
1071s since um pretty much their first year
1074s maybe it was their second year in
1075s existence so they are dear to all of our
1077s hearts
1078s um
1087s all right
1088s just got to make sure i can plug
1089s something
1090s all righty yeah they all don't do that
1092s um
1094s as you know we made these wonderful
1097s little capsuleer pilots licenses many of
1100s you already pictures up
1101s for donation to ablegamers those of you
1104s watching at home
1106s can order your own by making a donation
1108s to ablegamers at eve charities dot org
1112s eve charities dot org make a donation to
1114s ablegamers
1116s at that site and i will print and mail
1118s you one within the next two weeks
1120s that site
1130s i want to give a shout out to rick's
1131s javiks who designed these
1133s and to our wonderful volunteer laser
1136s who's
1137s helping me start a new fashion trend
1140s for putting the site together and i'm
1142s sure i'm forgetting somebody else
1144s so apologies for making this all happen
1146s that url will be available for orders
1149s through um when i get home on tuesday so
1153s and we'll mail them and uh thank you
1156s again for having us yet again
1169s well thank you very much everyone like
1170s this was we literally could have done it
1172s without you and of course we couldn't
1173s have done it without you
1175s yeah uh
1176s absolutely what's left
1179s yeah what's that so
1182s he was turning 20 years old next year
1186s it's a big year
1189s and
1191s we have plans that's good
1193s we're going to talk a bit about them so
1199s the first thing
1201s is that
1203s there will not be a fun fest in may
1205s of 2023
1210s sorry guys sorry that's because it's in
1212s september
1224s but it's going to be right here in the
1226s search
1227s and it's going to be bigger and better
1229s than ever
1230s so we cannot wait to see you all next
1233s year
1233s thank you so much for coming thank you
1235s so much to everyone at home that's been
1237s watching throughout the weekend been an
1239s absolutely incredible weekend
1241s and uh
1243s yeah is there anything left uh we
1245s actually have to uh we don't have to but
1247s we should especially after the raffle
1248s thank our sponsors uh intel hyperx
1252s uh amd
1253s worldline
1255s island sofa and did i say that right no
1257s we did not i'll get it one day all right
1260s i've got 14 months to prep for the next
1262s one what's the venue called again
1264s yeah all right i'll get it i'll get it
1267s all right but uh now we're actually done
1269s you guys can go get ready see you back
1271s here in just a little bit where this
1272s area will be transformed
1274s for the party at the top of the world
1276s for the first time back in four years
1278s uh you've been absolutely great
1281s thank you