almost 3 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

22s Welcome back to the Pulse in the heart of Jita 4-4,
27s your regular source of news from EVE Online.
29s As the Road to Fanfest continues to bring us closer to the main event,
33s there are even more updates to share,
34s and the latest batch are now ready for you to check,
36s on the Singularity test server.
39s First up, changes to the Standup Point Defense Battery
42s will require it to use ammo loaded into the module,
44s as well as giving it a longer reload time.
47s This will create downtime for the Point Defense Battery,
49s so that there are windows for counterplay,
51s where small ships can drop into a fight,
54s and warp off before it’s reloaded and ready to fire again.
57s The Standup Guided Bomb Launcher attributes are being adjusted
60s so that it holds fewer bombs and takes longer to reload,
63s creating windows where bomb use is more tactical,
65s and not a structure’s primary defensive weapon.
69s The damage of Standup Anti-Capital Missiles has been reduced,
71s so that Capsuleers will be more willing to field capitals during a siege.
75s While their anti-capital use has been adjusted,
78s the missile speed of Standup Missiles has been increased,
80s so that they remain able to catch and damage subcapitals.
84s Standup Arcing Vorton Projectors will be receiving an update,
87s removing their ability to target subcapitals.
90s This means that they can’t be used purely to headshot enemy fleet commanders,
94s as well as further reinforcing their purpose as anti-capital defense.
98s A new Rorqual module has made it to testing on Singularity,
101s providing it with a new and powerful maneuverability & logistics tool.
104s Rorquals will now be able to conduit jump 30 mining ships next to them,
108s allowing for better logistics for large-scale mining operations.
112s Combined with unparalleled boosts and compression,
114s along with the already powerful PANIC modules,
116s and the fact that it will be able to jump to industrial cynos,
120s the Rorqual cements itself as the most powerful mining support ship
123s New Eden has ever seen.
124s The once strong and popular Proteus Tech III cruiser,
127s is underperforming compared to other ships in the line,
130s in part due to low fitting room and low speed,
132s so it too is receiving an update.
134s Its potential is being further unlocked through an easing up of its fitting space,
138s to allow more comfortable fitting
140s of a 1600mm plate alongside a full rack of neutron blasters
144s without the need to spend a low slot or rig on a fitting module.
147s The plate mass change will also give it a slight speed boost.
151s An issue fix for stealth bombers will increase their strength
154s as they receive a cooldown reduction for bomb launchers,
157s meaning that they will be able to come back for a second bombing run more rapidly.
161s The new Feature Preview system will allow you to opt-in and engage with complex features
165s still undergoing active development,
167s test driving them directly in the EVE client.
169s Learnings will be incorporated by allowing early access to these features
173s while they’re being developed.
174s This will launch with the UI unification project,
177s aimed at improving consistency,
179s and creating a better onboarding experience for new players.
182s The features offered in the preview system are temporary
185s and can easily be turned on or off.
187s It’s important to note that the features are in development
189s and not in their final form.
192s Until 31 March, you can save significantly on Omega and MCT in the EVE Store.
196s The 1 month Omega + 1 month MCT package is available at 30% off,
201s and the 3 month Omega + 3 month MCT package is available at a 50% discount.
206s The Monthly Economic Report for February 2022 is out now.
210s A levelling off in production values has been observed in February,
213s after a steady rise since November 2021.
216s The supply of raw materials has remained steady, with a small dip in ice mining.
221s The commodities market has continued to perform strongly as the primary ISK faucet,
225s however there was a small but significant spike in bounties.
229s That’s all for this episode of the Pulse, thanks again for joining us.
231s Remember to check the description below for more information on the stories that we’ve covered,
235s and hit subscribe and the bell icon to stay notified of any new content that we post.
240s See you next time!