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6s thank you
31s good afternoon good morning good evening
34s wherever you are and welcome back to day
36s two of the alliance tournament 18 uh
39s mimitar Republic trials where teams
42s compete to see who is going to make it
44s through into the main Alliance
45s tournament uh in just over a month from
49s now I'm mythical Hawk joined um once
52s again by mystical Knight and Wingnut
54s cross Misty how are you this morning
57s nice refreshed ready to go yeah no it
61s should be good I'm looking forward to
61s some good games today
63s excellent I am as well and I see we're
66s joined also by working that cross all
67s the way from Orlando and under uh what
69s time is it there for you Wingnut
71s uh 1 30 in the morning so you know a
75s little early
76s yeah so you won't really just get that
78s Sun out of your eyes with those glasses
80s there so uh stylish as always
83s um but let's get on with the day so we
85s have our first match coming up in just
87s about three minutes though and it's
89s going to be a good one it's going to be
90s scary Wormhole people the dark space
92s initiative as they're sometimes known
93s and goonsworm Federation uh the goons
97s historically terrible at uh tournaments
101s especially Alliance tournament uh so
102s much so they had to make their own uh
104s the anger games uh obviously run by Dirk
106s and swarthracil uh in fact the top three
108s in Anger games actually got uh got
110s straight into alliance tournament 18
112s this year so anger games looking good
114s for uh for the future hope to see some
116s more of those
117s um but Misty can the goons get out of
120s feeders and actually enter the main
122s Alliance tournament this year
124s well I think you know something's been
125s rigged in the background because they
127s haven't actually flown yet so scary
129s Wormhole people won't know what goons
131s are bringing or where that matter is
132s whereas scary Wormhole people uh did fly
135s yesterday and they won
137s um not as convincingly as perhaps they'd
139s hoped
140s um against uh respectively I believe so
142s there is definitely a chance goons can
144s somehow swing it and get to the main
146s event this time
148s yeah that would be pretty interesting
150s um ski Rumble people we can see the
152s bands on the screen now Banning balgar
153s and lucky and slept near goons bang
155s Nighthawk Loki and Scorpion Navy issue
158s Wingnut what do you think about these
159s bands here scorpion Navy's an
161s interesting one from the guns
163s yeah Scott Navy's a pretty old uh
165s standby for a pretty heavy Shield cores
167s uh Cruise or rapid heavy setups the um
171s the Loki was he said there was a low-key
172s band right I didn't misread that
174s yeah there was a lucky band
176s yeah so they've banned out the basically
178s the Nighthawk rush and then banned out
180s heavy Shield core
182s not what other Shield comes to the left
184s that could really fit that besides maybe
185s a Minotaur
187s picked up that yoga band
190s yeah that would uh I mean that was
192s obviously a very dominating comp in
195s previous tournaments uh we saw the slept
197s near so the um mayhawk lucky Rush In
200s Alliance open it made a few appearances
202s in the live stream at 17. not seen it
204s hugely used thus far in Alliance
206s tournament 18. uh mystical might is
209s there any particular reason that you
210s think maybe that it's not going to be
211s used as often as those previous
212s tournaments
214s yeah I think the the Nighthawk Loki Rush
217s that we saw in Alliance opens uh
220s benefited from the rule of three where
222s you could only bring three of each ship
224s type
225s um to the grid so you could only bring
226s three Cruisers and you know the
228s Strategic Cruisers kind of filled that
229s role quite nicely with the ability to
231s bring four ships of each class now
234s um there's probably just better comps
235s that you can really bring plus based on
238s previous performance in tournaments the
241s points have been reject a little bit to
244s make it so that we're not just going to
245s see the same thing over and over and
246s over again so we do balance for you know
250s ship performance in previous tournaments
253s Yeah you mentioned the rule of three
255s um that was previously you could bring
256s three of a particular uh ship size three
259s Cruisers three battle cruisers for
260s example uh this year it's the rule of
262s four you can bring four uh for example
264s if you wanted to you could bring four
265s dimoses uh that would certainly be an
267s option that you could choose to to do
270s um I don't think it's a recommended
272s decision uh bringing four Diamond says
274s but it is something that you could do
275s this year uh bring that cross have you
278s seen any comps that you think we're
280s going to see more of or the the
284s Cornerstone of the meta this year
287s at the moment we're seeing a lot of
288s triple Battleship cores that I've seen
289s and sometimes they're full DPS sometimes
291s they're control battleships sometimes
293s they're just triple Cruise battleships
295s so I think we're going to see a lot more
297s of that
298s it it does I think there's definitely
300s holes in that kind of comp it can be
301s broken apart with a good team but at the
303s moment we're going to see I think a lot
304s of them just because they're pretty damn
306s effect
307s other options might be maybe more drone
309s control comps but I'm not sure on that
311s yet
313s drone control is something that um I
315s think we will see a bunch more of
318s um interestingly yesterday Mr drone
320s control comp actually lost
322s um I can't remember which match it was
323s but a rather surprising loss based on uh
327s what was on field do you think drone
329s control
330s um will be a strong competition or do
332s you think there's just too many ways to
333s counter it
335s yeah I was just looking through uh one
337s of our docs in the background I think
338s that might have been electus Matari with
340s the eos's and their hugin
343s um against kitchen sinkhole
345s um drones are historically finicky
349s um they are powerful if used right but
352s there's just so much that can go wrong
355s um I'm not sure if people know but if
356s you put mobile drones on a Target that's
358s my Co-op driving then they have a
360s tendency of just diagram completely so
363s it requires your Pilots to be on their
365s A-game like paying attention and staying
366s in drone control range of their target
368s and if anything goes wrong then it
371s quickly spirals out of control
373s um so I expect we'll see some more drone
375s comps as we go forward but I wouldn't
376s expect it to be you know the Mainstay
378s for many of the teams that will be
380s flying today
382s yeah I think I agree with you um I think
385s there's certainly a number of teams are
387s going to be still trying to hold what
389s they think the meta is likely to be
391s close to their chest uh not wanting to
393s you know risk showing everything and
395s we're actually in essentially a group
396s stage uh at the moment so teams are not
398s just one and done like previous feeder
400s rounds they're actually trying to
401s compete to get the top position in their
403s groups to get forward and through into
405s the the main tournament
407s um but speaking of competing uh the
408s teams have landed on grid now uh we're
410s about one minute behind so let's go over
412s to the arena with zerozak destroyer and
415s Jin tan
418s hello everyone and welcome to your first
421s game of the evening I'm here with zuark
423s and we have a really interesting match
425s up here it looks like we've got an armor
427s kingslayer being brought by uh goons
429s going up against a shield kingslayer
432s potentially it's four battleships here
435s Zoo uh what do you make of this
437s uh tsun also going for an armor King
439s Sarah there the bar gas might be
441s throwing you off but I noticed an
442s advertising Inquisitor but it isn't
444s going hard with four battleships here
446s throwing in the practice as well so I
449s think Tennyson's trying to just bring as
451s much raw fires power as possible but you
453s can see they're paying for points by
455s bringing something like a towel War as
456s well so let's see if that pays off now
458s as the match kicks off
460s yeah you can see that the uh The Tackle
462s here this is going to be what really
463s makes the difference from the Conde side
465s if they're going to win they need to be
466s able to use that Mala that cycling issue
468s and that pontifex effectively to lock
469s things down spread them apart and
471s hopefully not die to this initial volley
473s said I'm just starting to apply on Dirks
476s to teal looks like they're going for the
477s head shot on the team captain
480s quite interesting they might be really
481s confident in their Supreme Firepower
483s normally what you see in a kingslayer
485s comp is they would headshot them easy
486s pick like an execute right there xcare
488s is getting a light drone Cloud onto
490s right now but just like you say Dirk
491s seals in half armor already looking
493s really bad
495s yeah they are taking an absolute
497s pounding they're going to trade
498s potentially a typhoon here for a caracal
500s and that is not a trade you want to be
501s making that said these rep drones are
503s putting in a lot of work here
505s um keeping ducks to teal alive for just
506s a little bit longer they need to find a
509s purchase onto one of these other support
510s ships or maybe even start uh brawling
513s down one of these battleships if they're
515s gonna win this match
517s oh it's getting very close I'm not sure
519s if goons are trying to bait them right
520s now because pretty much if these clips
521s on TD Sun all finish without their
523s typhoon down that is four battleships
526s just sitting there for almost a half a
528s minute just on reload and not being able
529s to do anything and right now it's not
531s looking like they can actually finish
532s him off so uh but unfortunately as for
534s goons as well they're in the same boat
536s here having to read those rapid Clips as
538s well um so we're going to see if the
540s teams are going to try and reassess
541s their target or maybe teaches gonna be
543s confident enough to finish that off but
545s they might be actually just looking to
546s finish off this lighter Target of
547s execure instead
550s yeah um you know you shouldn't normally
552s need paints to apply to a typhoon but um
554s wow look at that just absolutely
556s destroyed there that Tower that's why we
558s don't see T1 destroyers brought very
560s often to the tournament uh their range
562s Advantage doesn't count for a huge
564s amount in a setting like this and it
566s just gets tapped Off the Grid it's going
569s to be a question now of if uh TD synth
571s has brought any smart bombs or anything
573s that can really effectively deal with
575s this cloud of web drones because the
576s Jack door and the pontifex you know
579s they're not really well suited for that
580s and they're getting deleted as well here
581s quite quickly
583s I mean I'm surprised with four
585s battleships from TD synside it looks
586s like reload's coming off they probably
588s both teams are looking to stop
589s supporting either side Jack though Busy
591s Dying there on the TDC inside uh the
592s side Fleet on the goons so there goes
594s down the Jackal safely and Lagoon's
595s gonna be trade of goons first I'm quite
597s surprised that tdsn isn't actually just
599s to look Ram in there take advantage of
600s these uh four battleships with muted
602s smart bombs they look and just play a
604s range game here and um not sure if it's
606s gonna bite them in the butt right now
609s yeah you can see the o1 shower there in
611s the Muller he's managed to hold on to
612s Archibald in the typhoon Fleet issue so
614s probably keeping uh all of them from
617s going in but still you don't want to
618s Anchor up you want to be taking
619s advantage
620s doing malediction over there uh going
623s for a backline tackle onto the frigates
627s of The Inquisitor I think right now so
629s zier and Arjun getting in uh looks like
631s goons are trying to be a lot more
632s aggressive now on finishing off I think
635s they smell blood in the water realizing
637s that tedison matific overextended a bit
639s and not really executed quite well in
640s their target choice but as I say that
642s that mallard that you're talking about
643s their heavy tackle on the Goon side just
645s went down
646s yeah it's going to be a struggle for the
649s uh the TD Center to really find anything
651s to apply to from this point though uh
653s they've got a couple of those um
655s destroyers they might be able to take
656s out the links uh but given that they
658s can't break those type the break the
660s typhoon with that executor left on the
662s grid they're going to need to find
662s purchase onto him somehow
664s I'd expect we're seeing goons make a
666s really good decision here
668s making really good decision from goons
670s you can see there's suddenly maneuvering
672s in they've gotten rid of the frig lodgy
674s that's fantastic that I'm maneuvering
675s and hopefully going to try and take
676s advantage of these battleships with you
677s know smart bombs and newts um a move I
680s really feel TD uh tedison should have
682s done right at the beginning but goon's
683s capitalizing now on this initiative
685s um lodgy is still live on the good side
687s uh good on them keeping that execure
688s alive not sure how much e-war has to
690s play with us right now but um goons seem
692s to be doing a fantastic job
694s yeah we can see damp effects uh going
696s from the typhoons actually it looks like
698s onto the uh the support of the Condi
702s team but it doesn't seem to be having
703s the impact that they're hoping it would
705s be
706s going down on the Goon side
709s um this actually might be a turning
710s point so kudos to goon's initiative that
712s they had so far but unfortunately
714s tedison is alive of four battleships
716s largely still alive on Lagoon side but
718s uh if the second Battleship typhoon 3
720s issue having a bit more HP at least uh
722s but if that goes down as well that's uh
724s that's pretty much game I'd say in favor
726s of TD sin
727s yeah it's actually a really interesting
729s choice here from the TDS and team rather
731s than using the typical
733s um armor maintenance Bots that we
735s normally see used by kingslayer teams
736s they have used pure damage drones and
739s they're setting those damage drones on
740s the rep drones of the Condi team kind of
743s so as this match has been going on
744s they've been slowly chipping away at the
746s sustain that goons have been able to
748s bring to the field that said then I'll
750s go for the bar guest so they're going to
751s try and take the highest DPS threat off
753s the field
754s um from their opponents here and try and
756s even things up we only got five minutes
758s left on the match this one actually
759s could potentially go to time
762s uh I think uh td7 is actually going to
765s be able to finish off at typhoon uh he's
766s probably going to live here right now uh
768s execure is going to pick him up here as
769s watch his armor go up slightly a bit
771s more but we saw the previous typhoon
774s being quite a similar situation full
776s armor half structure and then just uh
778s once all the battleships reloaded they
780s just did a quick uh shift and
782s deleted him
783s um so yeah that looks like goon
786s stabilized but I suspect once those
787s reloads are finished we're going to see
789s quite a quick delete of GoldenEye on the
791s Goon side
792s yeah we've got a little bit of a drone
794s target change it looks like um TT center
796s now putting all of that damage drones on
799s that maladiction trying to clear him
800s away from the bar guest get him free to
803s burn off and potentially waste an entire
804s clip from uh the goonsworm side well
808s this is this is getting really close
809s really intense just because they you
811s know we've seen six ships from this TDC
813s inside go down but they've still got
815s almost um almost three quarters of their
817s points left on the grid and there we go
819s typhoon fully issue down
821s this is now turning into it looks like
822s TV
824s I think TD stone is just pushing us
826s through with their four chunky boys
828s there right now uh the missile spew is
830s uh powerful right now and uh guns are
833s just left with one Battleship
835s um I'm not sure if they're gonna be able
836s to finish the clip into this phone
837s obviously the X gear is sitting here a
839s bit high on heat and its highs on this
841s reps probably a lot not able to put out
844s all those extra what it can to keep this
846s food uh Fleet food alive
849s um but I think it's all down here all
850s here right now for goons and I'm pretty
853s much looks like tdsen's gonna win for me
855s oh yeah and it looks like a bit of a
857s piloting area there from MWR Warrior uh
859s he's just drifted a little bit too close
861s to those two typhoons and uh picked up a
864s couple of heavy Newt Cycles being forced
865s to reposition the executor it's not the
867s same as the aniros it doesn't have
869s nearly the same amount of capacitor if
871s you force it to mwd constantly if you
873s put any sort of heavy Newt on it it's
875s going to drop its reps and you can see
876s the effect that that's happening there
877s having there on glendy's he's going into
879s armor going into structure
881s this this is it looks like a victory
883s secured for TD sin
886s and like you were saying actually about
887s that execure uh unfortunate thing that
889s it does uh normally our nearest able to
891s go deal prop and execure normally has to
893s make a choice about which prophet has as
895s well so uh on the downside of it but
897s obviously the upside being cheap on
899s points and if you're living the entire
902s match like this you can seriously get
903s some amazing reps out but uh doesn't
905s matter how amazing your reps are when
907s you're facing four battleships worth of
909s damage prax has been quite an
912s interesting choice here
913s um like it's a practice where they bring
915s for bonuses huge in town
917s so the Praxis has the bonus of being
919s able to
921s um use pretty much any weapon system and
924s in this case that means I brought some
926s uh rapid heavy missiles to complement
928s the rest of their comp but it also
930s brings alongside that a really unique
933s flat uh resistances to every single
935s damage type and a massive drone Bay that
939s can help you with your utility in
941s matches like this and we've seen it drop
943s a couple of different flights of drones
944s over the course of this match and there
946s we go the typhoon for the issue of
948s glendy's finally drops oh that's that's
950s tragic for this quantity team it looked
952s like they had it really early on in this
953s game but they just weren't able to uh
955s turn and deal with the uh the heavy DPS
958s being brought out by there it was
960s looking quite bad for tdsson there at
962s the start uh you were suspecting with
964s four battleships on grid
966s um they were going to make quite a
967s flashy show at the beginning execure
968s getting mopped up there now and they had
970s that initial stalled out so you know it
972s might have been a potential there for
974s goons to find some weakness to exploit
976s in the TDC comp to pick it apart but it
979s seems both teams just stoled out and on
981s the resets
982s the kind of uh you don't really see this
986s word being used a lot for a rapid comp
989s like this for kingslayers but it's
990s almost just the attrition in the form of
992s the hull damage leak happening
994s um just allowing TD syn to just bash on
996s the same Target they were bashing
998s through and just keep securing those
1000s high point value kills
1002s yeah I am reading in local that
1003s apparently the Goon swarm typhoon
1005s disconnected whether or not that's true
1007s or something we'll have to check the
1009s logs for but a really rough time for
1011s them if that is the case and uh yeah we
1014s see the uh we see a couple of the the
1017s support ships here just getting mocked
1019s up wow
1022s going for the boundary it seems there he
1025s goes I think he reached 200 something
1027s we'll get a confirmation on that uh just
1029s the Magus left on the goonside form mop
1032s up
1033s um he might be going for a boundary but
1034s he's just hovering at the edge right now
1037s yeah this this kind of comp from TDC
1039s there's something we couldn't have seen
1040s in previous tournaments due to the uh
1043s three the three of any shift class rule
1045s it'd be interesting to see if we see
1047s anything more like this in the future
1048s especially with the ex the Buffs to
1050s extenders and plates on battleships you
1053s can see just how much ehp TD sins still
1056s have left on their composition here that
1059s said we are now at time so let's hand it
1061s back to the studio and uh dissect this a
1063s little further
1066s now for the triglavian weather report
1068s brought to you by Exodus integration
1072s [Music]
1077s and that's the weather forever
1088s for just 10 million is a month you can
1092s save the life of a high SEC minor
1100s foreign
1113s [Music]
1128s Federation had the victory in the palm
1131s of their hands and then they just could
1134s not hold on to it and allowed themselves
1136s to be defeated by four battleships uh
1139s that's 81 points in forsha quite a
1142s strong showing there from tdcin the dark
1145s space initiative AKA scary Wormhole
1147s people uh mystical mites what happened
1149s there to the goons it looked like they
1151s were in such a good position at the
1152s start they had killed off a couple of
1154s support ships they had really lost
1156s anything and then it all just went
1158s horribly wrong
1160s yeah I think they they benefited at the
1163s beginning and it looked like they were
1164s in a strong position because they were
1166s picking off ships that
1167s aren't typically armor fit
1170s um so we saw a Carrick will go down I
1172s believe
1173s um we also had the tower
1175s um so entirely possible that uh scary
1178s Wormhole people were using those ships
1179s as platforms to
1183s um Harbor I guess ewall like damps or
1185s disruptors but not the tankier ship
1188s especially against some some of the
1190s battleships that we're seeing there so
1191s they started off Strong by picking off
1193s the the weaker ships on the grid but
1194s they didn't really have anything to
1196s break through the four battleships uh
1199s that were fielded against them
1201s what do you think we're not about the
1203s choice of bringing an Executor here tech
1206s one Logistics Cruiser I mean to be fair
1208s they're going up against two tech one
1209s Logistics frigates so no one believing
1211s in the power of tech two Logistics here
1213s but do you think maybe they'd been
1215s better off um downpointing something
1216s else and bringing in an Eros
1220s not sure the triple Battleship with the
1222s um with an exec would be fine if they
1225s use those rapid heavy battleships to
1226s kill a battleship
1228s I don't know if they I don't know if
1230s they even shot about should be the start
1231s with those triple rapid Heavies they did
1233s they didn't seem to do much with it so
1235s it's like you've brought what's
1236s basically a battleship killing comp
1238s and you don't kill battleships
1240s at that point those ships were just kind
1242s of useless in space I don't think the
1244s the exact part by the way Bravo he did
1247s absolutely his best he could without
1248s that ship in that situation
1249s some ships survived longer than they
1251s should so honestly I don't think there
1253s was really a problem in the comp but
1254s especially with the exec just more if
1256s they didn't use what they had just
1257s pretty well
1260s yeah and I also wanted to jump in a
1263s little bit the cast was talked about
1265s um message they talked about the Praxis
1266s being quite a Swiss army knife of of
1269s Choice here
1271s um what do you think about that like
1273s they obviously took uh four different
1274s battleships they didn't get hit by any
1276s point inflation and do you think that
1278s that's the reason for the practice and
1280s they would have maybe preferred another
1281s typhoon or practice is strong in its own
1283s right
1286s I think the practice is actually fairly
1287s strong in its own right
1289s um the various bonuses that it gets it
1291s gets a bonus to a lot of different
1292s things so it is kind of the Swiss army
1294s knife where you can fit it towards the
1296s the purpose that you need it to fill
1299s um
1300s and it's also likely yeah the fact that
1302s they were trying to bring four
1303s battleships in the first place means
1304s that they need to go for some of the
1306s battleships that are perhaps lower
1307s pointed to allow them to actually fit in
1309s a support Wing So they couldn't
1311s necessarily Splash for you know all
1313s faction battleships for example because
1315s that would be way too expensive on the
1318s top end wouldn't allow them to actually
1319s have a support Wing at all so yeah I'm
1322s sure there was some point calculations
1324s going on when they decided to bring the
1325s Praxis but it's also yeah in this setup
1327s with missiles a very good book to bring
1329s as well
1331s uh last thing uh well not on that
1333s previous match armor caracal question
1335s mark uh seems to be an unusual Choice uh
1338s any any good reason that that would be
1340s be squeezed in there
1343s no
1344s I I even asked I was like wait a minute
1346s is there some kind of like secret matter
1348s I've not realized am I just am I just
1350s too smooth praying for this no there's
1352s no reason it's just um I don't know why
1356s there are other options please
1358s I was I was stuck
1362s yeah I was equally confused but there
1364s you go it seemed to work in this case
1366s um let's look at our next match it's
1368s going to be rusty Hyena's Clan versus
1369s the ancient uh ancients Rossi hyenas did
1372s pretty good yesterday uh pulling out I
1374s remember correctly essentially the comp
1376s that won 80 17 filmed by Hydra reloaded
1379s and flew it to great success taking a
1383s solid Victory
1384s um over someone whose name I can't
1386s remember and they're going up against
1387s the Ancients the Ancients of course
1390s um being uh chiakti and the fun Inc guys
1394s so uh some mpsi boys uh
1397s yeah Misty what do you think about Rusty
1399s humans kind of they're going to bring
1400s the same comp again or do you think
1401s we'll see something different from them
1403s I would expect that
1406s they might not necessarily bring the
1408s same comp for fear that a team may come
1411s with ships that could counter it it
1412s doesn't look like the Ancients are
1414s really respecting the comp that they
1415s brought yesterday though because they
1417s haven't banned any of the ships I
1418s believe
1419s um that were essential for that comp to
1421s work so they could very well bring the
1423s pseudo show Tinker if they wanted to
1425s um it does perform strongly as we've
1427s seen in the previous match that they
1428s played against no visual we're at one
1430s and also in the previous Alliance
1432s tournament where it also uh won in the
1435s finals so yeah they could bring it if
1437s they wanted to but they opened
1438s themselves up to be encountered
1440s yeah it looks like the Ancients really
1442s don't want to see uh heavy energy
1444s neutralizers buying both the balgar and
1446s the Armageddon
1448s um when not why ban both of them is is
1450s your comp that weak to Newt
1454s uh maybe that that could definitely be
1457s true notes or like um it's kind of like
1459s new control the way of considering it
1461s the balgoons webs and notes the
1463s Armageddon is long range notes you get
1465s can I get the same same result which is
1467s a kind of a control effect of throwing
1469s touch down even
1470s so you must be scared of something there
1473s we'll have to see what it ends up being
1476s awesome well let's find out if they are
1477s scared of something and let us go to the
1479s arena for Russia's Clan versus the
1482s Ancients with your casters Jin tan and
1484s black part pirate
1495s welcome back to the arena where we have
1498s Rusty hyenas Clan versus the Ancients
1501s with Rusty hyenas bringing a zarm zed
1503s which I believe is the first time we
1505s have seen this ship in the feeders and a
1507s pretty heavy armor setup on the bottom
1509s line with a fleet Tempest damnation a
1511s couple little small tackle ships and uh
1513s that's quite a bit of tank but what is
1515s the Ancients doing gin
1517s yeah it looks like uh you might be
1519s confused you might have seen the
1520s typhoons uh being brought earlier in
1522s kingslayer but this is in fact just a
1524s regular armor control comp because it
1526s looks like those typhoons are Cruise fit
1528s uh rather than the typical rapid heavy
1530s missile setup that we've seen and it's
1532s supported by that Blackbird and celestis
1534s uh it's going to be really on Rusty
1536s hyenas to get in on top of that
1538s Blackburn celestis and make something
1540s happen there because if they leave if
1542s they leave those Cruisers to survive
1543s later on in this game it's gonna have an
1545s extremely powerful impact on their
1547s ability to do anything with the ramp up
1549s on both the drag vac and the zamas
1553s that is true and the uh the Ancients is
1555s already putting damage into the drekovic
1557s of the Russia's hyenas Clan I am a
1559s little bit worried that they don't have
1561s a particularly large amount of DPS on
1564s their side uh the two Cruise typhoons
1566s too means like you said there's gonna be
1567s constant pressure uh Vengeance of Czech
1569s is getting tackled right now taking some
1571s nude scenes some paints but I don't know
1572s if they're gonna be able to apply damage
1573s cruise missiles are notoriously bad
1574s against assault forgets that being said
1576s he is dropping into half armor already
1579s yeah it looks like that Rapier is not
1581s doing his job um as well as he could
1583s have as all of this tackle from Rusty
1585s hyenas is barreling into their comp at
1587s once uh stopping this kite pretty much
1589s in its tracks that said the Vengeance
1591s now of uh Rusty is taking a huge amount
1593s of damage and it doesn't look like
1594s bizarre mass is going to be able to wrap
1596s him up at all probably jammed by that
1597s Blackbird uh uh whilst Silas goes down
1600s into uh low armor and the Blackbird of
1602s Freya starts to take some heat as well
1604s uh probably whoever he's jammed is
1606s shooting and Scorch Celeste as well on
1607s the drag fight going low
1609s wow and uh while they did lose the
1612s Vengeance it does look like they were
1613s able to get tackle on the entire black
1614s line or back line here and there's uh
1617s Rusty hyenas take losing their other
1619s tackle ship right there but it looks
1621s like they might actually take down this
1622s Blackbird and this Hound possibly uh
1624s ancients doing a great job splitting DPS
1626s making that zarmsad which can only rep
1628s one target at a time after really
1630s struggle here
1632s yeah I've got to say I I that Rusty
1635s needs to break something here they need
1637s to get in on top of it and uh keep
1639s holding it down uh the question is going
1641s to be what they break for after this
1642s black bird does drop uh hopefully after
1644s that does drop they're going to be able
1646s to wrap up that stap of Fleet issue keep
1648s him alive and maybe even Scorch Celeste
1650s as well no there we go that's another
1651s tackle ship down this is looking really
1653s really bad for Rusty here they no longer
1655s have a huge amount of tackle and
1657s especially fast tackle to actually
1659s spread across this Fleet which looks
1662s like it's trying to Kite from the
1663s ancients
1665s it it kind of does uh I will say that
1668s now that blackbird's down hopefully this
1669s arm is going to be able to actually get
1671s some reps and we're seeing it finally
1672s being able to start sort of working on
1674s topping off that direct effect that
1675s ramping rep very very powerful uh the
1677s Rapier on the Ancients team is actually
1679s hard tackled down and taking quite a bit
1681s of DPS now we're finally seeing uh some
1683s damage being applied from Rusty hyenas I
1685s think that Blackbird was kind of just
1687s doing Mass amounts of work to their team
1689s uh it does look like this Rapier may go
1691s down as it is being ramped on quite hard
1694s by the direct effect and it does drop
1695s and uh I don't know that could be the
1698s Turning Point the Ancients are seeming
1699s to have a little bit of trouble actually
1700s taking anything down now without their
1702s blackbird
1703s yeah yeah it just shows you the power of
1706s those control Cruisers in the start of
1708s it it looked like they were pretty much
1709s able to to do as they pleased uh but
1711s once Rusty hyenas were able to identify
1713s and Tackle down those crucial crucial
1715s disruption pieces
1717s um
1718s it became difficult for them to then in
1720s turn break things that said the Mala is
1723s finally going down it looks like I can't
1725s seem quite what he's holding on to here
1726s uh it looks like he's holding on to the
1728s scythefly issue of ketsy so just keeping
1731s some tackle away from the rest of his
1732s Fleet
1733s um
1734s yeah that's a curious Choice I'm not
1736s sure why you'd go for the Maller in this
1737s case but maybe you're just trying to uh
1738s kill off some more tackle and keep that
1740s kite going uh that said it's not
1743s stopping the heavy DPS look at them
1745s they're right on top of this Fleet now
1748s yeah it might have been the only Target
1749s that they really had tackled down uh we
1751s are still seeing ancient slowly take
1752s stuff down there's two Cruise typhoons
1754s just are applying constant damage here
1756s but the oniros of LAX is now tackled and
1760s that might be the beginning of the end
1762s for them we will see here uh the typhoon
1765s is slowly working his way over and
1767s starting to apply some pretty heavy
1768s damage to that are near so just dropping
1770s into low armor probably about to die
1772s here and at that point I mean losing
1774s your logic like disarm the damnation the
1776s drekovic and the Tempest Fleet Rusty
1778s hyena still has their entire top end and
1780s the Ancients is about to lose the
1782s sonorous it does drop and uh I don't
1785s know if the game's still afoot
1787s yeah you really have to question the
1788s positioning of the neros there I'm not
1790s sure why he was sitting in the middle of
1791s his blob and not you know uh 20 30
1793s kilometers ahead so that the typhoon
1795s Fleet issues could have used their newts
1797s and things like that to help soak that
1799s pressure up we can see the uh heretic
1801s they're getting slapped in a second this
1803s Hound's probably not going to be far
1804s behind it and the celestis is dropping
1806s quickly as well Ah that's what it looked
1809s so good in the early game there for the
1810s Ancients they were able to do so so much
1813s with that disruption core but they just
1815s weren't able to keep it alive into the
1817s late game and uh snowball that Advantage
1819s as well as they'd hoped
1822s yeah they are they're starting to drop
1824s ships incredibly fast here uh you know
1826s honestly as soon as that Blackbird went
1827s down things got so rough for the
1829s Ancients and
1830s um I I'm kind of curious here like if
1833s these typhoons maybe start kiting away
1834s none of the typhoons are actually
1835s tackled right now with cruise missiles
1837s they can hit the entire Arena so I'm
1839s kind of thinking like if they start
1841s kiting here if they get away from
1842s everything they're actually playing a
1844s lot of damage to that drekovic and they
1845s still kind of have a chance here uh the
1848s points are not in a particularly uh good
1851s spot for them but as this Scythe fluid
1853s issue is starting to drop but I don't
1855s know like typhoon cruise missile damage
1857s are still pretty good and maybe if they
1858s like try and snipe those arms at or
1860s something here but you know that being
1862s said uh the typhoons do not actually at
1865s least isca is now tackled pretty hard
1866s here uh maybe too little too late I'm
1868s not sure if they don't they might not
1870s even have mwds they're not going that
1872s fast here and uh you know we're seeing
1874s the just very good tart calling from
1876s Rusty hyenas and very good adapting to
1878s what looked like a rough game to start
1880s again a really unusual Choice here from
1883s Rusty hyenas that's played massive
1884s dividends in that ham damn Nation uh
1887s it's typically seen as a really really
1888s tanky really slow deliberate ship but
1891s it's put in work versus this composition
1893s just about able to outrun the typhoon
1895s Fleet issues and force things to screen
1897s it constantly and everything that's
1899s tried to screen it has gotten tackled
1901s down in return and died as a result of
1903s that
1905s yeah so it's a little surprising uh
1907s being outrun by a damn nation is usually
1909s not a particularly good thing as they
1911s are not notorious for being particularly
1913s fast ships and uh I don't know Russell
1916s Haynes did a very very good job of
1918s making correct Target callings we've
1920s seen them play very well so far uh
1922s they're now obviously working on taking
1924s this typhoon down but uh what what could
1927s the Ancients have done a little
1928s differently here was was there any like
1930s key points maybe screening the Blackbird
1934s um yeah I mean it was really it was
1935s gonna always gonna be really difficult
1937s for them to screen it just with the
1938s sheer amount of tackle that Rusty were
1940s bringing to this grid uh especially with
1942s that armor skybreaker and a few other
1944s ships that are just so so hard to deal
1946s with effectively when you have
1948s um when you have Crews as your main DPS
1950s because Cruisers just do not apply to
1952s frigates at all it's not the same as a
1955s turret ship where you can match
1956s transversal maybe get a few lucky shots
1958s off and uh kill it through that these
1961s typhoons are pretty much only going to
1962s be doing 100 200 DPS to these frigates
1965s on the burning
1967s um
1968s maybe maybe they could have made a burn
1970s to the mjd beacons and used that to buy
1972s themselves just a little bit more time
1974s and maybe they could have pressured that
1975s Zar Master as well I'm surprised to not
1977s ever have only seen seen it take a
1979s couple of volleys through Shield
1982s um when they should have been able to
1983s shoot it for pretty much the entire
1984s match it didn't look like they were
1985s heavily damped down or anything that
1987s would prevent them from uh actually
1990s are putting their guns onto it
1993s yeah that's an interesting call is it
1995s Rusty uh actually brought almost zero e
1998s War um but there's a little bit of newts
2000s coming out from them and that's about it
2001s so uh you know the Ancients trying to
2004s bring some kind of Eeyore obviously that
2006s Blackbird was very very effective right
2007s off the bat I believe that it was
2009s jamming them out and that's what caused
2011s all of those small ships to die but you
2013s know once a blackbird in this lessons
2014s were gone I mean nothing else fell from
2016s the USD Hyena's Clan and you know
2018s they're just kind of mopping up here
2019s taking down this last typhoon Fleet
2021s issue trying to finish it off before the
2022s timer goes which I believe they probably
2024s will uh very very good showing didn't uh
2029s I don't know they've kind of been
2030s proving that they're a team to pay
2032s attention to there's good fights are
2033s starting to go out and local and
2035s yeah I don't know not not too much else
2037s to say about this one
2039s yeah I have to say it's a really
2040s interesting comp that we've seen brought
2042s here by Rusty the drekovac bizarre Mass
2044s the damnation a lot of ships we don't
2046s see very often but used to incredible
2048s effect here because they've built the
2050s rest of the comp around it they're using
2051s that 10 best Fleet issue as another big
2054s point of uh disruption it runs in first
2056s it's a really really fast Battleship uh
2059s and they've been able to use its
2060s Grapplers and its heavy newts to just
2062s look stuff down and allow those ships to
2064s continually apply their DPS which is
2066s normally its problem
2069s um normally sorry normally the problem
2070s of the damnation of the drag vac is that
2072s they get kited away from or they get
2073s screened and as a result of that they
2075s can't really do anything
2078s um what do you think about that approach
2080s from Rusty hyenas to start the match
2081s though BPP I thought it was really good
2084s that they actually LED with their
2085s Cruisers and Then followed up with their
2087s frigates they sort of baited those the
2089s ancient uh counter tackles into going
2091s for the Cruisers and not tackling the
2094s frigates
2096s uh it was it was really good we also
2098s it's uh both this and the last Rusty hey
2100s in this game they're tackling small ship
2102s Wing was pretty spectacular
2105s um just very very good play like they
2106s clearly practice and actually understand
2108s uh the different metas the typhoon Fleet
2110s of character is actually going for the
2112s boundary and about to hit it which does
2113s prove that it did have an mwd and they
2115s could have been kiting this entire time
2117s they just chose not to uh with that it
2119s explodes right on the edge of the
2121s boundary and we will go back to the desk
2125s bro remember me
2131s [Music]
2136s [Music]
2155s forever
2156s [Applause]
2158s [Music]
2161s [Applause]
2169s [Music]
2184s thank you
2186s foreign
2192s [Music]
2206s ERS Clan there taking that victory over
2209s the Ancients and going to nil on uh on
2213s the trials thus far they have faith in
2216s the rust some might even say in Rust
2219s they trust and it seems to be paying off
2220s for them uh mystical Mighty looks like
2222s Russian's Clan have been performing
2224s Pretty strongly from what we saw
2226s yesterday and what we've seen today uh
2227s could there be maybe one of the sleeper
2229s favorites to get out of the feeders
2232s yeah I mean based on their performance
2234s so far and based on the performance of
2236s other teams that we've seen so far I
2238s would definitely rank Rusty hyenas up
2240s there as one of the teams I'd expect to
2241s make it through into the main tournament
2245s awesome uh we saw some interesting ship
2248s choices and to be honest it looked like
2249s the Ancients were putting uh Rusty
2251s hangers under quite a lot of pressure at
2252s the start ancients choosing to bring a
2254s significant amount of Ebor the control
2256s bar was very very high they had both
2258s damps and ECM coming out of that
2261s Blackbird of course
2263s um Wingnut in terms of the choice of
2265s ships for Rusty Haynes they chose to
2267s bring us arms ad which is um a bit of an
2270s unusual Choice some would say why would
2273s you bring that over say uh a neros
2277s it is both incredibly tanky
2279s self-sustaining and also can rep one
2282s ship very well
2284s but of course the weakness being the
2286s moment you shoot anything else it sucks
2288s and I'm not a big fan of it
2290s but it's for that situation it can be a
2293s very good a very good ship I think some
2296s things maybe uh kingslay can rip to a
2298s battleship work and then wrap it up in
2299s time but it's it's got its purpose for
2302s sure but I'm not a fan of it
2304s yeah one of the one of the ways it does
2306s that uh single Target wrapping so well
2308s is um much like the drakovic the
2311s zarmazad Izzy spilly boy so when it puts
2314s its uh primary single rep on a Target it
2317s wraps a small amount and every cycle it
2319s rests a little bit more a little bit
2321s more and a little bit more until it reps
2322s quite a lot
2323s every single cycle but you're right that
2326s does take time to spill up so under
2328s front loaded DPS like something like
2330s kingslayer and that might just not have
2332s time to reach that full spool however if
2335s you can get past that initial uh slow
2337s rep maybe just for my local tank
2339s overheating for example then it can be
2342s incredibly hard to break something and
2344s it can force the other team to have to
2346s swap off earlier than they perhaps would
2347s want to Mystical might
2350s um we saw a couple of other things being
2352s deployed in that match specifically
2353s those ECM bolts and the uh the dams they
2358s are very powerful this year obviously
2360s because we can run scripted e-war ECM
2362s doesn't really change do you think that
2364s that's what kind of gave the entrance a
2366s bit of a leg up at the start when they
2367s were deploying so much control
2369s yeah for sure I mean when the match
2372s first began uh I believe the Ancients
2375s um
2376s began to put the damage into the
2378s dracovac that was burning in uh the Zam
2381s was damped and jammed by I think two or
2385s three different ships
2387s um on that initial burn-in so we saw the
2388s direct slowly dropping past half armor
2390s and by that point no reps had come out
2393s from that zone
2394s um the zom actually had to burn into the
2396s director that could basically sit on top
2397s of him to be able to actually start
2399s spalling and we saw various times
2401s throughout that match where the Zam
2403s positioning made or broke
2406s um where the ships lived or died so the
2408s more later on while it managed to catch
2410s that Draco back earlier in the match the
2412s Mauler was primaried later on and it was
2414s kinda surviving it was slowly dying and
2417s then the Zam burnt too far away from his
2419s friend lost lock and then it immediately
2422s fell apart so
2424s um it requires or it forces teams that
2427s it's being used against to again think
2429s about their positioning a lot more
2430s communicate a lot more with their
2431s teammates and to use as we saw with the
2434s sky breaker some of those remote sensors
2436s boosters that you can fit to your ships
2439s in the tournament setting
2441s awesome and one last thing to talk about
2442s in that previous match
2444s um winged up the commentators mentioned
2446s it but positioning in uh the alliance
2449s certain matches we saw that aniros get
2450s tackled right amongst everybody else
2453s you know what do we mean when we refer
2455s to positioning and why perhaps was that
2456s not the best move from him
2459s basically positioning is to like Place
2461s yourself where you want to be compared
2462s to your team and the opposing team now
2464s when leonoris got caught he wasn't
2466s hiding behind his team wasn't hiding out
2468s of the way he was right in the middle of
2470s his team as if he's in a tinker which
2472s he's not
2473s and that's why out of the entire team is
2475s around there was a typhoon Fleet there
2476s was a typhoon there of Warships around
2478s him they tackled him because of course
2480s they would that's the thing you want to
2481s kill he's right there all he had to do
2483s was burn 20 kilometers further back and
2485s he wasn't next to the Border he was 60
2486s kilometers away
2487s if you just move what 20 kilometers you
2489s maybe maybe even 10 that distance would
2491s have been enough for the typhoon to
2493s maybe screen the guy off or for someone
2494s else to do it and for him to not be
2496s primary because the moment he died the
2498s match was already going that way but it
2500s instantly ended it it was the moment he
2501s died it was match over there was nothing
2503s they could do
2504s so you gotta you don't know where your
2505s team is where the enemy team is and
2508s where you want to be which is kind of an
2510s interesting one to try and think of is
2511s where do you actually want to be in your
2513s ship and it takes practice that's all
2515s you can do for that is just practice
2516s where is the best spot where's The Sweet
2517s Spot
2519s yeah we spoke a little bit uh yesterday
2521s about how good having a really strong
2523s Logistics pilot is for your team and the
2526s power up that I can essentially provide
2528s but let's look forward to our next match
2530s so um we're going into the The crucial
2533s um tribe at this point and we can look
2535s at the standings for that particular
2537s tribe and see what's happening so this
2539s is where everyone's sitting at the
2540s minute it's spent two groups because of
2542s Pizza Time diplomacy have got one win
2545s and a roster of 28. for clarity what
2548s that means is that they've got 28 points
2551s of Minotaur ships so if there's a tie
2553s Break
2554s um the number of Minotaur ships that you
2555s bring the points worth of that is
2557s actually beneficial and it can be used
2558s for the tiebreaker so they're sitting at
2560s the top of group a
2562s uh Group B hidden Leaf Village ninja
2565s um assassins sport e-squad I can't
2569s remember what they're called uh are
2570s setting one win as well with a rough
2572s score of 34.
2574s um and so far snuffed out and I've
2576s certain mind Fox Moss piglet
2578s preservation Society uh no wins we're
2580s about to see snuffed out go up against
2583s out Fox so we could see this table
2586s Shuffle up a little bit if snuffed out
2587s for example or out Fox brings a comp
2591s wins and has a rough score higher than
2593s 28 they will actually and kill 100
2595s points they will actually take the top
2597s position in that particular bracket
2598s snapped out of course yesterday
2600s um we're very much playing their own
2602s game bringing four daimosas so we'll see
2604s if something perhaps a little bit more
2606s thought out comes today
2608s um they have chose to ban the EOS and
2610s the Gila whereas artfox are buying the
2612s balgorn and the armageddon's also
2614s looking to remove those powerful news
2617s um that mystical might do you what do
2620s you make of these bands here
2624s so
2626s from the snuffed out team it looks like
2627s again they just don't want to have to
2629s deal with any of the bonus drones
2631s um I mentioned it yesterday about
2632s banning the EOS
2634s um effectively limits how strong a drone
2637s comp can be because the EOS fulfills the
2640s role of a mobile damage platform but it
2642s also allows you to fit links or command
2645s bursts to your ship which effectively
2648s like area of effect buff your teammates
2650s around you that could be speed it could
2653s be the signature or the size of your
2655s ship it could be how much you tank or
2657s how tanky you are so these are all very
2661s important things to think about when
2662s putting together a drone comp because
2664s you need all of your ships to be
2665s contributing to the overall goal which
2667s is putting out as much damage in the
2669s form of drones as possible
2671s awesome well it's pretty much time to go
2674s to the arena and find out
2676s um if snuffed out are going to be out
2678s foxed or if they're going to bring
2680s something a little bit uh more varied
2682s than four diamonds is
2684s um I mean let's go let's go check it out
2686s with your commentators uh zozak and
2688s black bark pirate
2698s and we are back once again we've seen
2700s snuffed out versus out Fox and both
2703s teams have brought absolutely massive
2705s amounts of DPS with snuffed out green
2708s what is pretty much the classic
2710s minimatar Rush uh very heavy sleptner
2712s stabbered Fleet and you know a much
2715s better than their last one much
2716s more DPS much more thought out uh Zoo
2719s what about outfoxed
2721s alfox seems to have to bring uh some
2723s variant of that classic old-school
2725s octodaddy off obviously they're only
2726s them to the full battle cruises here due
2728s to rules but they're going to try and
2729s take advantage of those long range
2731s weapons railguns and uh beams to well
2734s actually they just could be pulses and
2736s the tracking bonus that these hulls have
2738s as well to just trying to play apply
2740s range damage right now so hopefully I
2742s can try and get touch of Scimitar in the
2744s back but um with uh it's not rushing in
2747s like that that's going to be a really
2748s hard job
2750s yeah snoft is actually burned straight
2751s towards them uh drones are flying from
2753s both sides looks like a decent
2754s combination of both EC and damaged
2756s drones already damage being applied to
2758s that Jaguar taking a huge amount of
2759s damage I almost died right off the bat
2761s snuffed out does have nothing really
2764s tackled quite yet they finally grab the
2766s stabbard fleet issue uh lots of damage
2768s Supply in all the ways Outfox being very
2769s very smart and burning shred away as
2771s fast as they possibly can here but uh
2773s surprisingly nothing's died yet I was
2775s actually expecting ship explosions in
2776s the first 20 seconds here
2778s yeah looks like a huge easy swarm of
2780s drones coming at you from snuff Soleil
2781s playing that RNG game with just Mass
2783s numbers here on these drones the drones
2785s uh having this gem cycle time than
2787s normal ECM but just counting for it
2789s making up for learning numbers uh alfox
2791s uh went to back burned rightful at MGD
2793s so I wonder if they're going to make a
2795s play but obviously realizing they don't
2796s they can't really group up they're going
2798s to have stragglers court to intercept
2799s with scrams uh catch them and split up
2801s their team so opting for the kite
2803s varying to the side there but still
2805s obviously sacrificing a few of their
2807s team and the background there that's
2809s going to be picked off now
2811s yeah it's a very good play on out Fox's
2813s team like they know that they can't
2815s really survive that much if they get
2816s tackled at losing the first ship of the
2818s match to stab or Fleet issue but it does
2819s look like they will take Tau ad Scythe
2821s Fleet issue who is a kind of a notorious
2823s low-sec player uh he's barely holding on
2826s actually in the rarfox is also tackle
2828s taking some serious damage again out Fox
2830s playing this very very smart most of
2832s them are on the mjd beacon as you said
2834s uh their executor though is actually
2835s tackled in between the rest of the fleet
2838s and snuffed out which is not a place you
2840s want to be out Fox having trouble
2841s actually finishing off the Scythe Fleet
2843s so not really sure what's going on with
2845s that probably need to maybe even move in
2847s a little bit or switch to a different
2848s Target because they seem to be tunnel
2849s visioning a bit here
2851s yeah I'm not sure they look like they
2852s got some fantastic hits on towel on the
2854s side Fleet there um but might just be
2856s the Panic of the execure we don't know
2857s what's happening in the coms but you
2859s could see a bit of Shield damage going
2860s on to this film on the soft side there
2862s of Matt so uh might be the execure
2865s trying to get some Panic tackle freed
2866s off of him uh causing that split damage
2868s to occur and leading to the side Fleet
2870s to uh live right now but uh that as I'm
2873s saying this is execure just seems to be
2875s willingly driving himself back into the
2876s hot zone right now
2878s you know the Exeter is doing that but
2880s the Scimitar and the snuffed outside is
2882s actually taking quite a bit of damage it
2884s doesn't look like Outfox has switched to
2885s full damage or long range and they
2887s actually have Berserker web drones out
2890s so the web effects you're seeing on that
2892s Scimitar is drones they have no way of
2895s actually clearing it and the long range
2896s damage of that battle cruiser looks like
2898s it might actually cause a lot to trade
2900s here I don't know if it's too little too
2901s late though as the saber fleets are both
2904s down the auger Navy is about to drop and
2906s the Scimitar is barely living in half
2908s structure right now should be dropping
2909s any second here I believe it should be
2911s out of ASB charges and the Scimitar does
2913s go down but snuffed out is still running
2914s nine members of their team out Fox
2916s losing almost half of theirs so far
2919s and let's keep an eye on that broadcast
2920s last night I'm going to suspect it's
2922s going to be an actual ASP there so he's
2924s probably just waiting because it's going
2925s to be a huge amount of raw boost there
2926s but we still have to remember that
2928s snowfall has two uh slept nears there I
2930s believe and those will also be having
2932s xlsb like local tanks so even though
2934s they lost their lodgy they're still in
2936s quite a dominated position here to just
2938s roll and still have that survivability
2940s and apply the DPS
2941s um as a safely does go down but a DPS
2943s oscillator uh but not much I think Fox
2946s can do yes they finally lose the harbing
2948s chairs so one of their core DPS finally
2950s being stripped off the grid lodgy down
2952s and the sacrificial token Badger also
2955s going to half armor
2957s the uh the badger I believe is uh has
2960s Target painters fit as well as probably
2962s remote sibo's and other things like that
2963s uh and just being soloed down by a
2966s spiffle right now in the back I guess uh
2968s decent use of two points if that's
2970s really what you want to do again alfox
2972s is doing a decent job surviving here uh
2974s they do still have a decent amount of
2975s DPS but the British Navy issue is
2977s tackled they're not really applying to
2978s anything I guess they're trying to clear
2980s the Sipple of Matt Riley uh not really
2984s sure it's probably the only thing they
2985s can really shoot here uh I don't think
2987s they're gonna do particularly well here
2989s unless that brutix is Hull tanked so now
2991s it does not look like it is
2993s now the meme of the whole tank does not
2995s live here but as we can see a second XL
2996s base charge on Instinct there and the
2998s broadsword
2999s um so just as we suspected that local
3001s tank coming through meaning uh
3004s that alfox can do it they can at the end
3007s of the day here but they're still gonna
3008s have to deal with a broadsword two step
3010s nurse with all those xlbs charges while
3012s having a ridiculous amount of damage
3014s coming their way so
3015s um good or still Todd Fox getting the
3017s pickles here uh getting what points they
3019s can always counts for tiebreakers if
3021s there ever is a tie breaker
3023s um but still unfortunately not looking
3025s uh too good for them Omen going down but
3029s powerful position here from snuff right
3030s now with a powerful Rush featuring the
3032s slippers again
3034s yeah it really is and you know like you
3036s said I like I think the two sleptner's
3038s alone at this point probably could win
3039s this match uh Oman Navy issue from out
3042s Fox going down again you know you gotta
3044s gotta give a shout out to Outfox like
3045s they did play this very very well all
3048s things considered I do think they
3049s probably should have gone after that
3050s Scimitar right off the bat but uh the
3053s individual piloting here being smart
3055s staying spread out you know it's all
3056s pretty good a pretty good plan they're
3059s doing their best I don't think they're
3060s gonna win but hey who knows like there's
3062s still four minutes left maybe they can
3063s kite out all of these ships uh decent
3065s amount of damage coming out from them
3067s still just just really unfortunate I
3069s almost think that they maybe got
3070s countercombed a little bit here just
3072s with that Minotaur Rush um they might
3074s take the Sipple down here at the end too
3076s just doing a little bit more damage but
3078s uh Ashley trainer is now tackled and
3080s that will not be alive for much longer
3083s so very interesting thing uh SCI Fleet
3086s is you might consider really powerful
3088s some people might say more better than
3090s the starboard Fleet you see actually
3091s China going down there so they're just
3093s going to melt up it's not lost Harbinger
3094s Navy issue
3096s um but we saw snuff bringing a massive
3098s cloud of EC drones to the field so uh we
3102s can definitely contribute the wind
3103s towards that EC Jones has definitely
3105s been harassment but the one difference
3107s as well between a starboard Fleet issue
3108s and a side Fleet issue is that the
3110s stepper can uh field a lot more drones
3113s at once it's I think it's like a 20 or
3116s 25 MBA on the sci Fleet versus a 40 MB
3119s on the stabber so just tiny little
3121s things that teams might consider if
3122s they're going sometimes on all day on a
3124s strategy like EC Jones for instance
3128s no it's a very very good point to make
3130s there uh it definitely it definitely
3132s does make sense why they brought the
3133s styrofleed snuff did bring a very like
3135s they I think their ship choices are very
3137s based around drones and the EC setup
3139s like you said because you know we don't
3141s really see a lot like a very stabber
3142s Fleet heavy uh end right there so uh not
3147s sure how much damage or how much uh EC
3150s the drones did do
3152s um I honestly I think the snuff damage
3153s was high enough that it wouldn't have
3155s mattered if that executor was jammed or
3156s not anyways but they were definitely
3158s prepared much much more thought out comp
3160s than their four die most that they used
3162s yesterday
3163s I think if I was at Fox tier I'd be
3166s wishing I just somehow managed to fit a
3168s single battleship in here
3170s um smart bombs is something you
3171s generally don't see on anything sub
3173s Battleship and I'm just thinking like if
3174s you were a battleship uh something like
3176s you know elishak a uh any of you know
3179s bar gas something like that just one
3181s psycho a smart bomb just watching all
3183s those easy drones just explode around
3185s you would have been so satisfying to see
3188s um but they just had no way to deal with
3189s it sometimes you can have a ship like a
3191s jackdaw which can just uh that's one of
3193s the cases where you would actually be
3194s ungrouping your launchers and just
3196s single shotting every little drone and
3198s just trying to shred them normally a
3199s tactic people would also use to get rid
3201s of rep John codes
3203s um but here if the ECS were actually
3205s putting a lot of pressure here on odd
3206s Fox I don't see any reliable way out Fox
3208s would have had to deal with it they
3210s would have just had to run and bear and
3211s suffer the consequences of the lack of
3213s options on their side
3216s if that is true and uh with that the
3219s harbinger of Charles is now dropping
3221s down I believe we will be very shortly
3223s throwing this back to the desk but
3226s snuffed out does win 85 points to zero
3229s on out Fox side and with that we'll send
3231s it back to the desk
3234s [Music]
3258s what's gonna happen here because Derek
3260s is going to undock the Titan and Bridge
3262s us
3279s there are a lot of fun dice games but
3281s rolling the number you need to win is
3283s pure luck or is it
3285s [Music]
3294s snuffed out foxing their opponents there
3297s and taking a pretty convincing win uh I
3301s think yesterday when we slightly dunked
3304s on snuffed out it's comp choice they
3307s were the embodiment of that and I took
3309s that personally meme because they went
3311s away and they came back with something
3312s that seemed to be a lot more thought out
3314s a lot more uh well executed and an
3317s actual decent comp so well done to
3320s snuffed out there on that one I'm told
3322s reliably by jintan member of artfork
3324s that the comp that we just witnessed
3326s being fielded it's called The Quad mummy
3329s as a bit of a throwback to the Octo
3331s Daddy from Alliance tournament 16. at
3334s some point we have to have a meeting of
3336s uh the people who name Alliance
3338s tournament archetypes and we need to
3339s discuss things because I have some
3341s issues
3342s um mystical mate what went wrong for the
3344s Outfox team
3346s yeah I mean it's not an ideal setup that
3349s they were running
3351s um was it quad mummy into
3353s um they wanted to be able to kite they
3355s wanted to be able to burn back and
3356s project their damage and the snuff comp
3358s was very much about getting on top of
3360s them as quickly as possible
3361s um and shutting that down
3363s um they did play well I think there are
3365s a couple things that they perhaps could
3366s have done a little bit better and they
3368s did a good job of initially pulling away
3370s from the snuff core while forcing the
3371s snuff tackle away from them by primering
3374s them but when it came time for them to
3376s turn and you know stay away from the
3378s arena Edge
3380s um I think Ashley Traynor in the estate
3382s band
3383s right from my camera angle I mean you
3386s know directions in space and the rest of
3388s the team burned left
3390s um so that makes it a lot harder for
3392s them to pick primaries
3393s um and position themselves appropriately
3395s to shoot the same Target which may have
3398s contributed to them swapping to that
3399s Scimitar a little bit later in the match
3401s than perhaps they intended so
3404s you know I think with better positioning
3407s faster swapping of primaries they would
3409s have been in a much better place to win
3410s that match
3414s um it looked like this was going to be a
3415s hard comp for them to kite around anyway
3419s um for those of you who maybe knew the
3420s alliance tournament we're in an arena
3421s 125 kilometers uh radius from the
3425s central Beacon
3426s um if you exceed 125 kilometers you are
3429s automatically exploded by the hand of
3431s God and that means kiting you have this
3434s artificial wall it's not like you can
3436s just keep running aligned Sun whatever
3438s in like you can do in TQ and let people
3440s chase after you you have to eventually
3442s turn and that makes it a bit hard to get
3445s away from people uh bring that as
3447s mentioned this comp brought by stuff
3449s seem to have quite a lot of fast ships
3451s that were you know it's going to make it
3452s hard to kite do you think uh this was
3454s almost like the worst case for Outfox in
3457s this particular matchup
3458s kind of yeah as you said the arena is a
3460s certain size but honestly they could
3462s probably have doubled it and they still
3464s would have been in trouble because about
3465s like seven of the ships maybe even nine
3468s of the ten if you click accept news are
3470s fast enough to catch that comp
3471s so basically the entire opposing team is
3474s tackle
3475s so like you can run as much as you want
3477s they're going to catch you I feel like
3478s they needed to know that you're not
3480s going to run away you can't get away
3481s from this you need to pick something now
3483s and go for it if they had maybe like
3485s Nuke the Scimitar within like the start
3487s of the match they could have maybe then
3489s started peeling off tackle you know
3490s start killing them off but because they
3492s spent so long before they finally
3493s committed to that they were just they
3496s they pretty much just separated when
3497s killed it didn't really matter anymore
3498s you know so this needs to know that
3501s you're going to get tackled you can't
3502s run you I know you want to the comps
3504s built for that you can't do it so you
3507s have to understand that it's going to
3508s happen and then how to react to it hey
3510s battle Badger is op so
3512s I do like the choice of the battle
3514s Badger
3515s um I I'm always pleased to see one when
3517s it appears on the field much like the uh
3519s the battle Ibis uh we all appreciate
3521s those mystical mate uh if you're going
3524s to kite around surely you might be
3526s better off with like Shield battle
3528s Cruisers why why armor here
3532s so when it comes to kiting typically you
3536s know on TQ you'll see plenty of of
3538s Shield kiting ships because they'll have
3540s a lot of damage they'll be super fast to
3542s battle around the grid
3543s um they'll have the benefit of the the
3545s passive Shield regen as well if they
3546s take damage and they're able to warp
3548s away and then come back later
3550s um you can't walk away from the arena
3552s um so that's already one positive I
3554s suppose of a shield kite ship on TQ
3556s removed and the other benefit with an
3559s armor compensating is the ability to fit
3561s tracking computers or guidance computers
3564s in your med slots so effectively this
3567s works much like a
3569s tracking disruptor does in concept where
3571s you're able to script it to buff instead
3574s of disrupt
3575s um a certain attribute on your weapon
3577s systems so you can fit optimal range
3580s scripts within a tracking computer
3583s and that will allow you to shoot further
3585s and apply your damage map much better to
3587s Target set distance likewise you can
3589s have tracking computers loaded with
3591s tracking speed scripts which will allow
3593s you to hit that pesky tackle while it's
3594s burning around so yeah that's one of the
3597s benefits I think of having an armor
3599s setup in a kite income
3601s awesome well out Fox we'll be back later
3603s on today uh where they go up against
3606s Picasso Pizza Time diplomacy
3609s um to see if they can pull out a w at
3611s the moment
3612s um they drop to the bottom of their
3614s bracket having just lost to to snuffed
3616s out who got one and one now let's look
3619s at our next match uh it's going to be
3620s between hidden Leaf Village Ninja
3622s Assassin Squad Esports and Moss piglet
3625s preservation Society the two longest
3628s team names in the tournament and they
3630s break most of our Graphics
3633s um and I had to write them down to make
3635s sure I can actually remember them
3636s because there's so many letters involved
3637s here but the bands for hidden Leaf are
3641s Cerberus slept near arthrus and Moss
3644s piglet Banning slept near Vindicator
3647s Scimitar wingna as a big Vindicator fan
3651s um how does it make you feel to see it
3653s banned out here
3655s they are true Heretics they are
3657s apostates they must be burned but I mean
3661s I get it they're scared of it I
3662s understand they also bans that another
3664s very good rushing uh brawling ship then
3666s they ban the Scimitar which is the exact
3668s opposite so I don't know there might be
3670s a bit confused on that one
3674s yeah and uh mystical mate slept near
3676s that's usually a very popular ship in
3678s the alliance tournament I believe if we
3679s look at the stats over the many years
3681s that line serum has been running uh one
3683s of the most fielded uh and successful
3685s ships and almost eponymous with Alliance
3688s tournament and we haven't seen a huge
3690s amount um but we've also not seen
3692s instrument bands on it what's your
3694s thoughts this year on the sleptner
3697s uh I mean yeah historically it's it's
3701s performed well and it's been a Mainstay
3703s for many of the teams that have taken
3705s part in one in
3706s um the various Alliance tournaments that
3708s have been run before
3709s um I think we've seen it a fair bit
3711s probably more often than some other
3714s ships that are being fielded today
3718s um I mean she would rush as a setup or
3720s an archetype this tournament seems to be
3722s where a lot of teams uh heads are at
3725s this moment in time so if you know we've
3727s seen a lot of Shield rush so far and
3729s they do typically
3730s tend to win uh that that track record so
3734s far is pretty positive
3735s the reason that perhaps we're not seeing
3737s it as much as we may have in previous
3739s tournaments especially not the fly
3741s killer
3742s trying to remember if that's the right
3743s name fly killer the Arty sleptness
3746s um is that headshot again
3749s yeah the Boom headshot comp is just that
3751s there's um there's so many other
3753s archetypes that you can bring and they
3755s they all work really well the points
3756s have been adjusted in a way that opens
3758s up the matter to exploration instead of
3761s relying on the ships that we've seen in
3763s previous tournaments
3765s awesome thank you I just wanted to
3766s clarify how the tiebreakers work here so
3769s we're running a group system in these
3770s trials uh it's not like double
3772s elimination or single elimination as you
3774s might have seen in previous feeders or
3775s the last tournament itself
3777s um it is a little individual brackets
3779s where people are fighting everyone in
3781s their bracket if there is a tie if two
3784s teams finish and say uh one and one then
3787s the first tie break is their rust score
3791s so the number of points in Minotaur
3794s ships they have brought all things being
3795s equal if you bring more Minotaur ships
3799s in the other team then you will win if
3801s that number is the same then it goes to
3803s points difference in the actual matches
3805s themselves so it's worth obviously
3807s trying to kill as many points as
3808s possible while losing the least amount
3810s so even if you've basically lost the
3812s match and you still have some ships
3814s alive it is worth them running around
3816s trying not to uh to die and to keep your
3818s points difference preserved so that is
3821s the the way the tie Breakers will be
3822s working uh we'll get some more
3824s information about that a little bit
3825s later on
3826s but it's pretty much almost time to go
3827s to our next match so as mentioned uh it
3829s is between hidden Leaf Village Ninja
3831s Assassin Squad Esports and Moss piglet
3834s preservation Society your casters for
3837s this one are going to be zoo and jintan
3840s so let's go to the arena now and see
3841s whose name can win
3849s and welcome to the arena here where it
3851s is the Battle of the green where it's
3852s hidden Leaf versus Moss piglets I am
3855s joined here by jintan my name is xurok
3858s and we already have some interesting
3860s lineups here I think they're bad and I'm
3862s not sure if this is the first time we're
3863s seeing one jinton
3865s uh I believe it is and it's accompanied
3867s by a pair of uh cruise missile typhoons
3871s it looks like so we've got another comp
3872s similar to what we saw the ancient
3874s spring earlier where they're relying on
3876s a large amount of long-range DPS that's
3879s going to apply consistently and they're
3881s going up against this triple rapid heavy
3883s Fleet from uh uh from hiddenly Village
3887s Ninja Assassin Squad Esports
3890s um who are going to be trying to burn
3892s through their support Wing as quickly as
3894s possible I think that the organ Navy
3896s issue and the harbinger are going to
3898s want to keep themselves very very safe
3900s during the opening seconds of this match
3903s definitely like you say we do have a
3905s countdown happening here so we're gonna
3906s try and look for the Target priority
3908s here
3909s um from head and leaf side I'm not sure
3910s what they're going for um the Deacon
3912s thought you're obviously being small
3913s things to pick off but like you say the
3914s best pick of them right now probably the
3916s harbinger followed by the Old Navy well
3918s I'm hoping uh Moss is going to probably
3920s go and try and apply to like execure and
3922s then grind through these battleships
3925s yeah another little interesting point is
3927s that both sides have brought an armor
3928s Jack door to the field uh so there's
3930s gonna be a lot of damps spread across
3932s and you can see they're already Landing
3933s from the hiddenly village Ninja Assassin
3936s Squad Esports across the top end of that
3939s uh Moss piglet preservation Society comp
3941s uh the fleet uh the fleet typhoon's
3944s probably not being able to apply to the
3946s long-range targets that they want to at
3948s this point that executor is looking
3950s rather safe as a result
3952s so we see damage being applied to the
3954s vigil Fleet issue on Master's side not
3956s to show why the vigil Fleet does have a
3958s web bonus but it's a flat bonus not the
3960s long range bonus like the hyena that
3962s being said tahina on the opposite side
3963s there of hidden leaves also being
3964s tickled a bit they initially applied
3966s some damage to the purifier obviously
3967s the purifier being a threat to
3968s battleships just applying a steady
3970s stream of torpedoes but it looks like
3971s suddenly uh Moss piglets has switched
3974s over back to the food luckily at the
3976s advantage of doing consistent damage and
3978s you know the crews and the Lasers versus
3980s something like Rapids is you can change
3983s targets whenever you feel like and not
3985s lose your momentum always you know it's
3988s really it really feels bad when you're
3990s halfway through a clip of Rapids and
3992s suddenly you want to choose targets
3993s because you know you're not going to be
3994s able to finish something off before the
3995s reloads but for this steady stream of
3997s damage at least um most piglets can keep
3999s poking away and see where the weak
4001s points are on the hit and leave side
4004s yeah right now it seems that both teams
4006s are just trying to figure out where they
4007s want to be positionally both teams sort
4009s of just flying around one another
4011s looking for an opening um whilst the
4013s e-war prevents either side from really
4015s breaking one another uh an interesting
4017s note here is that the jackdaw on the
4019s Moss piglet preservation Society side
4021s from flown by Coogan is actually using
4024s um tracking disruptors and guidance
4026s disruptors so helping to prevent
4028s anything from really landing on his own
4030s Fleet and that's especially especially
4032s painful when you're running a comp like
4034s this rapid heavy thing uh from the
4037s ninjas as they are only going to have a
4039s couple of charts sorry if they get
4041s disrupted during their clip it massively
4043s impacts their ability to kill something
4045s both sides now actually focusing on each
4047s other's Jack doors looking like looking
4049s like they want to take the control off
4050s of the grid as soon as possible that
4052s said Harbinger is finally getting shot
4054s it looks like he's straight a little bit
4055s too close
4057s Jack doors like you were mentioning
4058s being a uh perfect eward platform and
4061s Sharpshooter mode from the Tactical
4062s Destroyer having the bonus towards lock
4064s range and e-war resistance at the same
4066s time making that ironically enough if a
4068s jack donor carries were to be in
4070s jamboard that jackdaw would win but as I
4072s said at the harbinger on the Moss picket
4074s side goes down so uh hit and leave
4076s managed students securing the first kill
4077s here let's see if they can find some
4079s more holes on the most piglet side and
4080s get some more pickups here uh but the
4082s jackdaw on the hidden Leaf side is
4084s suffering a bit but
4086s um unfortunately it might just be a
4087s mismatching weapon types and
4089s consistencies on the Moss piglet site
4091s which not really alarm to always secure
4093s a kill when they get
4095s um some momentum going there because
4096s while the Cruisers can always hit they
4099s are still relying on tracking from the
4101s abandoned side as well so he's gonna
4103s have to be on his game to apply for
4104s damage but as we're saying that Abu and
4106s Piglet's side here and the organovic
4108s getting low
4110s yeah there's some really interesting
4111s tackle fights going on it looks like the
4113s visual Fleet issue of ear eae is uh
4116s trying to tackle down the Basilisk for
4117s getting screened off uh looked like
4119s their baton was actually trying to shoot
4120s him there briefly uh but the org Navy
4122s issue has finally Fallen there that's a
4125s lot of tackle Off the Grid now for um uh
4128s Moss piglet preservation Society they're
4130s gonna need to start playing a little
4131s more aggressively really if they want to
4133s lock anything down and stay within
4134s tackle range but Ultram is taking a
4137s decent amount of DPS here he's in about
4139s a quarter armor
4142s yes
4145s hitch on DPS is a tough one I I'm not
4147s sure if they're just being a range
4149s disrupt because it still had it's a
4152s faction pirate Battleship actually and
4154s has a lot of HP bonuses and they're
4157s still lodgy up and they don't exactly
4158s have the most high-end EPS stream coming
4161s out so they're probably gonna have to
4164s try and find some way to get their hands
4166s on that execure right now and then they
4169s can start looking at grinding away these
4171s chunkier boys it seems um but that also
4173s being said for hidden Leaf they're
4175s suffering the issue here right now oh
4177s fantastic headshot onto the Magus a plus
4180s coordination there
4181s um like I'm saying their their issue is
4183s all supplying onto this Deacon Thalia
4185s but they still have the Aina on this
4186s side
4187s um so just an issue of application it
4190s seems but hidden Leaf finally figuring
4192s out what they can hit and taking some
4194s kills now
4195s yeah and it looks like the uh it looks
4197s like the Oppo the sorry the piglet team
4199s have heard you they're rushing in both
4201s of those typhoons into the back line uh
4203s they should be starting to get really
4204s close to that executor now but it looks
4206s like
4207s um uh the ninja team have responded to
4210s that in turn pulling him in close behind
4212s these type of inflate issues and they're
4213s going to try and use that utility to
4215s soak the pressure of that aggression uh
4218s from the uh from the most popular
4220s preservation Society attack and Yep
4223s they're pulling back now this is this is
4225s a really rough position for the most
4226s people that's being especially as that
4227s typhoon of modern Inferno goes into
4229s really really low armor here they're
4231s finally getting some purchase on that
4233s executor trying to kill him off and uh
4235s maybe win the long game through that but
4238s it's going to be tough here especially
4239s as the vigil Fleet issue goes down the
4240s last bit of tackle they have left on
4242s this grid
4243s you know the typhoon going to structure
4245s there unfortunately I think they just
4247s have to make up their mind uh they can't
4248s uh really go back and forth here they
4251s have to commit and just decide that the
4252s execure is what they need because if
4254s you're trying to rush in and get the
4256s execure and then half back off this is
4258s what ends up happening is you're over
4259s extend the ship some You're Gonna Lose a
4262s ship that's fine but then if you're not
4264s even getting a trade uh it ends up being
4266s a complete waste and not only are they
4268s gonna there's no trade looks like
4270s they're probably gonna lose three ships
4271s here now
4272s um with the typhoon and going down
4274s likely soon with and the jackdaw of
4276s tugen as well on the Moss piglet side
4278s while this execure is still looking
4280s extremely strong as a typhoon goes down
4283s this extra in a comfortable position
4285s with the Bots surrounding it I'm rather
4287s surprised that the jackdaw on either
4289s side especially on the Piglet's side
4291s hasn't been looking to try and clear off
4293s these red Bots which I've been keeping
4295s up as execure to be honest
4297s yeah and I've also got to say I'm
4299s surprised to see no pressure really ever
4301s put onto these uh little bombers uh you
4304s know there's only six points on the
4305s Ninja's side and it's probably they
4307s probably put out 600 DPS between them
4309s for almost the entirety of this match
4311s straight onto those battleships and that
4313s is such a huge amount for that and also
4315s as I say that they finally start
4317s shooting them
4318s um
4319s you know these bombers they're
4320s relatively hard to kill if you've got a
4322s lot of Battleship top end which is what
4323s Moss piglet brought but even with that
4325s you should be able to apply to them to
4327s some degree and they have so so little
4330s tank that uh you're gonna Force an
4332s Executor to put almost all of its reps
4334s onto it even if you only have a couple
4335s of things like Harbinger and the org
4337s Navy which can apply to it effectively
4339s that's a toucan here is in trouble it
4340s looks like he's finally being picked out
4342s of the back line and dropped by the
4344s rapid heavy missiles from his opponents
4347s so if most people is actually paying
4350s attention and if hopefully they still
4351s had a battleship alive there was uh just
4353s now all the rep drones that were on the
4355s execure had a travel time over wherever
4357s they put them onto the hyena of basilus
4360s glare so if Moss was actually paying
4362s attention they could have actually
4363s capitalized on all those drones going
4365s off their exec applied all the exec and
4367s then to take advantage of that travel
4369s time for the repos to get back and
4370s hopefully taking on an exec but not
4373s really being situationally aware there
4375s and now they're starting to lose their
4376s lodgy so it looks like hidden Leaf is
4378s just going to be grinding down the last
4380s three remaining ships here and securing
4381s the win uh brilliant position here I'd
4384s say by the Neo in the execure
4386s um well then leave on their use of bots
4388s uh Bots can always like said on our
4390s panel before be a bit of a
4392s micromanagement hassle you might need to
4394s make sure that way he's applying the
4395s target they can't just disengage but we
4398s can see them comfortably here keeping
4399s the exit up so much he's able to read
4401s gen Shields even
4404s yeah yeah and yeah interestingly I think
4407s the uh both teams actually took the
4408s opposite role to what you would think
4410s they would have done on paper with uh
4411s Moss piglet having to come in a lot more
4413s aggressively and push into the control
4416s of this hidden Leaf ninja side where uh
4419s which is not something you would
4420s normally want to do with cruise missiles
4422s and pulses you'd want to kind of keep
4423s the longer range uh maybe distribute off
4426s that rapid heavy missile which we
4428s normally see rushed into your opponents
4430s and used to just clap things down
4432s quickly and then uh win off of the back
4434s of that with the positional advantage
4437s instead you know
4439s um the hidden Leaf ninjas just played
4441s the defensive game they sat back they
4443s waited for their opponents to get out of
4444s position and then they capitalized on
4447s their opponents being out of position
4448s just firing missiles downrange and
4450s killing them before they could turn
4451s around and it looks like it might be a
4453s 100-0 if they don't let Asuka go down
4455s here just for the memes
4457s and just don't get that tunnel vision
4459s don't get complacent because the
4460s advantage of a tracking ship is if
4463s you're not paying attention and you're
4464s just not watching transversal they can
4466s get those wrecking shots and just
4467s absolutely obliterate you but look like
4470s the strip of the shields there woke up
4472s Asuka a bit and he's on the move again
4474s so just gonna though deprive those
4476s points from Moss piglet um not giving
4479s any purchase uh any the wave to them at
4481s all having absolute dominant show there
4483s and I will just say as well as we finish
4485s off here well done to Hidden leaf for
4487s hiding their bombers in plain sight
4491s and with that we'll be heading back to
4493s the studio
4495s he who have seen war will never stop
4499s seeing it in the Silence of the night we
4502s will always hear the screams so this is
4505s our story wolves amongst strangers
4511s you know that anything can happen in
4513s Alfred fleets
4517s Jesus why you must have some big balls
4520s yeah
4521s [Laughter]
4522s yeah literally anything
4554s foreign
4557s eggs to go with that well fried bacon
4560s there as a hidden Leaf Village Ninja
4563s Assassin Squad Esports serves up a
4565s delicious breakfast
4567s um mystical might where did it all go
4569s wrong for uh the most public
4571s preservation Society I saw what looked
4573s like mixed weapon types that doesn't
4575s seem like a good idea
4577s yeah they uh they decided to mix weapon
4581s Types on their Battleship so they had at
4583s a badon which is by no means a bad ship
4586s um it does a lot of damage it usually
4588s projects quite well so no complaints
4590s there the typhoon and the typhoon Fleet
4593s issue opted to use different weapon
4595s systems so I believe the typhoon had
4598s rapid Heavies whereas the typhoon Fleet
4601s had cruise missiles so
4603s not really matching up too well it
4606s doesn't allow them to effectively burst
4608s anything on the enemy team short bursts
4610s of damage from the rapid Heavies and
4611s then the long reload times if they both
4613s have rapid Heavy's fit they're able to
4615s pair those up so that they're both on
4617s reload at the same time and then both
4618s applying damage at the same time because
4620s they have the different weapon systems
4622s they don't do anything of well they're
4625s just able to do both at the same time so
4627s they couldn't actually break anything on
4630s the hidden Leaf Village People
4633s whatever the neighbors team
4636s I should I'm assuming you're referring
4638s of course to Hidden Leaf Village Ninja
4639s Assassin Squad Esports uh the team is
4643s silent it's in their logo but it's not
4645s in the actual Alliance name I think the
4646s legitimately ran out of space on um on
4649s the game like allowing them to put more
4651s letters in otherwise I'm sure it would
4652s be there as well
4654s um uh Wingnut we saw what looked like
4656s really really good uh screening by the
4658s carries of hydro in that last match how
4661s important is in fact tell you what tell
4664s us a bit about what screening means in
4665s this context and how important it was to
4667s that comp
4669s it is basically keeping the naughty bits
4671s of their comp away from the weak bits of
4673s yours whether you use a tackle ship to
4675s scramming long range webs or just even
4677s just a damp for instance and just stop
4679s for someone being able to lock in the
4680s first place you basically want to stop
4682s them doing what they want to you and
4685s that's the most General way is just by
4686s stopping them scram them but that that's
4690s Hydro in that carries was just doing
4692s amazing work in general just
4695s I can't even explain it because I'm not
4697s that good of a pilot compared to that
4699s like that is that is levels Beyond me
4701s for sure and it's it's just so well done
4704s honestly I'm proud of it
4706s uh mystical mate as a as a former Elite
4709s tournament pilot now a member of
4710s fraternity
4712s um you've done a lot of uh like high IQ
4714s flying and piloting in matches how hard
4716s is it to fly a ship like the carries
4719s it is honestly
4724s quite tricky depending on the team that
4725s you're going up against so
4727s the carries isn't going to have the
4728s strongest tank one of the benefits of
4730s the carries and one of the strengths of
4732s it is that you're going to be sitting so
4734s far back that most things won't be able
4735s to project their damage onto you in this
4738s particular setup that we were watching
4740s that was very much the case the carries
4742s the hyena they weren't really pressured
4744s all that much again that is Testament to
4747s the fact that the piglet team didn't
4749s really have
4751s um you know weapon system cohesion so
4753s they weren't able to burst anything on
4755s the hidden Leaf ninja Village uh side
4758s if they had rapid Heavies I think we
4761s would have seen the carries in the hyena
4762s perhaps go down a little bit sooner
4765s um but yeah I mean that that
4767s fairly simple ships to fly in in the
4769s right circumstances really difficult
4771s ships to fly if you're going up against
4772s you know lots of Rapid Heavies and Rapid
4774s Light massage for example
4776s yeah well most piglet I think will be
4780s back later on yes they're going up
4781s against of sound mine in a few hours uh
4784s later today for uh for more matches in
4786s their group hidden Leaf Village Ninja
4788s Assassin Squad Esports
4791s open parenthesis team close parentheses
4794s um going 2-0 in their group so they're
4796s now in a commanding position uh look
4798s likely to get through to the next stage
4801s most of the the commentators uh agreed
4803s before the start of the trials in fact
4805s they were likely to be one of the teams
4807s to make it through uh the trials into
4810s the alliance tournament proper they
4811s looked like one of the strongest teams
4812s they performed relatively well in other
4814s tournaments and they seem to have
4817s continued to to grow as a team uh when
4819s that cross do you think that's fairly
4821s we're definitely going to see hidden
4822s Leaf in the main Alliance tournament or
4823s do you think there's still some people
4824s here that could maybe threaten that
4826s position for them
4828s there's some good teams around that's
4830s true there are definitely some really
4831s good teams around but this team is very
4834s good there's they've got a very good
4836s chance unless they truly truly throw
4838s brown stuff on the bed they've got this
4840s I think
4843s awesome now let's take a look at um
4845s let's take a look at the the grip table
4847s for the the next tribe the uh your tribe
4853s um so this is the group we're about to
4855s see start to play
4857s and as you can see wolves among
4858s strangers sing guard to Syndicate and
4860s Laser Hawks in group a Exodus initiative
4862s and Shadow Patel in group b so um rules
4866s among strangers sitting at the top of
4867s group a with that win aileron Ross Grove
4869s only 11
4871s um but doing fairly well Singularity uh
4873s syndicates so far yet to pull out a win
4875s as have laser Hawks but that's pretty
4878s much due to the fact they haven't played
4879s which is uh somewhat reasonable Exodus
4882s have been very strong uh we expect them
4884s to do quite well as well the initiative
4886s lost uh this morning to
4890s somebody forgotten or was it yesterday
4892s they lost but I'm sure they have lost a
4894s match and Shadow cartel as well losing a
4896s match yesterday so the next match we're
4898s going to see is actually going to be
4899s Singularity Syndicate versus laser Hawks
4901s so this could uh shake up the order of
4903s group a it could allow laser Hawks to
4906s move up into either joint first maybe
4908s with the tie break depending if they
4909s bring a lot of Minotaur ships or even uh
4912s into second place which is still a
4914s decent place to be
4915s singularities indicate choosing to ban
4917s typhoon flu tissue and the bar guest and
4919s those are expanding The Vindicator and
4921s the curse mystical might what do you
4923s think of these bands
4925s yeah I mean very typical bands I think
4928s at this point I'm sure the Vindicator
4930s ban is breaking uh wingnut's heart but
4932s you know some teams just don't want to
4934s be going up against the 90 webs because
4936s it limits their effectiveness with
4938s mitigating damage if they are in a
4940s brawling comp and likewise we're seeing
4942s the bar gas the type and Fleet issue and
4944s the curse these are pretty standard
4947s bands for ships that are historically
4950s and currently I would say strong in the
4952s tournament setting the curse being I
4955s suppose the the hardest one to deal with
4957s of the four that we just saw on screen
4959s though as again it has those long range
4961s medium newts that cycle fairly quickly
4963s and are quite strong so they're able to
4965s shut down things like Logistics vessels
4968s um preventing them from putting out reps
4970s and effectively deleting them from the
4972s grid
4974s when the singularity Syndicate dropped a
4977s match yesterday lizards haven't played
4978s yet
4979s um Singularity Syndicate can you need to
4980s win this now are they going to be in a
4983s really bad position going forward what
4985s do you think they're going to do you
4986s think they're going to just go all out
4987s right now bring the best comp that they
4989s have or do you think they're going to
4990s try and maybe out meta based on the
4991s bands what would you do
4994s I would just bring another Minotaur rush
4996s in Rush
4997s yeah you got your rust points yeah got
4999s to do it but it's it's gonna be
5001s interesting like some teams think
5003s different ways some people might just
5004s send it other people might just go you
5006s know what let's just play for rust
5007s points there might just be a team who
5008s goes who cares just bring something
5010s silly let's do like five badges Let's
5012s Roll
5012s I love to see what they do we'll see
5015s what kind of Parts they are
5017s yeah interesting to know uh as far as I
5019s know only one team has fully lent into
5021s the rust point system and no vacancies
5024s yesterday bringing a full mimitar comp
5027s 10 Minotaur ships taking I think 88 rust
5030s points from that in the end
5032s um maybe 100 I'm not sure how the point
5034s inflation works on that one so we'll
5035s have to double check
5037s um we're just waiting for teams to to
5039s warp into the arena I see that they are
5040s in local
5042s um and I'm seeing what some of these
5043s teams are bringing in this should be a a
5045s super interesting match up to be sure
5049s um mystical mate we watch predictions uh
5051s what do you think here is there going to
5053s be laser Hawks or Singularity Syndicate
5055s going to Claw on back
5057s uh
5060s so
5061s last uh broadcast so yesterday I
5065s basically just bet on team blue the
5067s entire time and then they lost almost
5069s every match in the uh the first segment
5072s uh this time I've actually been choosing
5074s people that I think will win uh I'm
5076s gonna go ahead and say laser Hawks for
5078s this one uh the setup that Singularity
5081s Syndicate brought last time was not
5083s convincing to me at all in fact I think
5086s it looks pretty bad so if that's where
5088s their head is at then I think they've
5090s lost this one
5091s how is your voting record today then
5096s it's not too bad not too bad I'm uh
5098s doing doing so so so so I dropped one
5102s without foxed unfortunately but so far
5105s I've been on on track
5107s uh rather interestingly uh so far today
5110s is 100 to the red side uh no blue team
5113s has won so far today uh can they do it
5116s can laser Hawks beat that curse and be
5118s the first blue team to win or will
5120s Singularity Syndicate prove that they
5122s can actually claw a match back against
5124s what mystical might says well let's find
5126s out as we hand over to the arena with
5128s Jin tan and blackberry pirate
5135s hello everyone and welcome back to the
5137s arena we have Cindy here bringing a
5140s heavy missile kite cop against what
5142s looks to potentially be a counter to
5144s that in an armor projection comp here
5146s from laser Hawks uh how do you think
5149s this match is going to play out what are
5150s going to be the key sort of ships to
5152s focus on in this match PVP
5155s man I don't I don't know if you would
5157s even call this an armor projection comp
5159s I just see four armor battleships like
5161s I'm just just putting that out there
5163s it's uh it's a little weird I do think
5165s that
5166s laser Hawks the four armored battleships
5169s will give it a lot of uh a lot of pretty
5171s heavy DPS if they can actually catch
5173s anything and get in range of it
5175s um obviously the laser ships do have
5177s pretty long range but that is a blaster
5179s Hyperion so we will kind of see I think
5181s laser Hawks uh they have to get on top
5184s of something and Singularity Syndicate
5185s needs to clear that very very weak uh
5188s low end on the laser Hawk side because
5190s laser Hawks only has a vigil Fleet a
5192s fire tail and a pontifix as tackle
5196s oh I think you're ignoring the power of
5198s the badger there that Badger is probably
5199s going to be using all of its 506 mid
5202s slots with remote tracking computers and
5203s remote sensor boosters making those
5205s battleships even more powerful and able
5207s to project on top of uh this Cindy Fleet
5210s they're going to need to kite Away
5211s really really aggressively and hope that
5214s the uh armor Fleet from lxh just uh
5217s burns into them and just dies as a
5219s result of that you can see look at that
5221s DPS already landing on the Drake Navy
5223s issue in half Shields before his
5224s Logistics can even lock him
5227s yeah that is a that's a pretty high
5229s amount of damage right there uh is
5231s starting to catch a little bit we're
5232s seeing some damage going out onto the
5234s apocalypse which is probably the best
5235s choice here but you're right that Drake
5237s Navy is almost into armor already
5239s massive amount of damps coming out of
5241s the singularity Syndicate side that
5242s doesn't really matter if their ships get
5244s too close to you uh I think you're right
5246s the straight Navy is just gonna go down
5248s here with uh barely a scratch being done
5250s to this apocalypse
5252s yeah the apocalypse has a weak tank but
5254s it has such a massive projection and
5256s tracking bonus that it should be able to
5258s hit things from pretty much anywhere on
5259s the grid as long as uh especially as
5261s they get caught right into the edge of
5262s the Arena here they're gonna have to
5264s turn around yep it looks like none of
5265s them are going to boundary uh but
5267s they're gonna have to slow down uh and
5269s turn here and that's going to give the
5272s laser Hawks team a massive opportunity
5273s to finish him off I gotta say this this
5276s basilisk is probably doing is doing work
5278s his hands are shaking and sweat is
5280s probably running down his forehead as he
5281s tries to keep Captain LeBron James alive
5284s he's doing an excellent job actually it
5286s almost looks like yeah it looks like he
5288s might actually be holding him uh which
5290s is really impressive uh you are right
5292s the badger is doing Mass amounts of
5294s tracking uh bonusing to all these
5296s battleships but I I don't know I think
5298s that this this Drake actually got away
5300s which is really crazy they are swapping
5302s over to the tingu uh same situation
5304s outfitted into half Shields almost right
5306s off the bat so you're right this fastest
5308s is doing incredible work but uh maybe
5310s maybe they'll take the Tinky down
5312s yeah it looks like they're just trying
5313s to split apart now um uh this Phoenix
5315s sorry this Hyperion is just out in the
5317s middle of nowhere so far away from his
5319s team if uh beastavane can uh screen him
5322s off uh he's gonna leave that Tengu with
5324s so much room to run away uh we know from
5327s the previous uh previous fights that
5329s this tengue is actually self-rep as well
5330s so he has the ability to keep himself
5332s alive versus just one or two uh ships
5334s shooting at him uh that could be crucial
5337s in this match actually it's not
5338s something we see a lot of in the
5340s tournament normally we only see ships
5342s with major major bonuses to uh self-rep
5344s uh Being Fit like that that said it
5347s looks like they're actually turning on
5348s the Basilisk here he's so out of
5350s position uh he's just been in court in
5352s the middle of all by all of this cheap
5353s tackle and he's gonna go down
5356s wow that was quick
5359s yeah
5362s because maybe a little bit too early
5364s there uh ancillary Shield booster
5366s catching it with uh okay now it's I was
5368s gonna say you're not gonna live long
5369s with 20 structure uh that is a huge
5371s change it does look like those
5371s apocalypse will probably drop as well
5373s without that basilisk I'm I'm very
5375s worried for Singularity Syndicate here
5378s they do manage to trade off for an
5379s apocalypse though so they've now only
5380s got one real good long-range projection
5382s ship in the apocalypse Navy issue a bit
5385s of mid-range DPS in the abaddin and then
5387s close range DPS and the Hyperion so
5389s laser Hawks are actually spread across
5390s three different ranges here and they're
5391s gonna need to rely on their tackle of
5394s that visual Fleet issue in that Republic
5395s Fleet fire tower getting in and holding
5397s on to something if they want to really
5399s really kill it quickly
5401s um it's going to be interesting to see
5402s if they're able to do that as this fight
5404s gets spread across all the all of the
5406s grid you can actually see now that uh a
5408s couple of people are starting to just
5409s sit on these jump beacons as well from
5411s the Cindy T and that's really really
5413s good tactics for them uh it means that
5415s they're going to be able to jump away if
5417s they start feeling threatened by that
5419s low end tackle that said Phoenix 755 and
5422s the Drake here going into armor and he's
5423s not going to be long for this world
5424s either
5426s no and honestly like I feel like the
5428s laser Hawk tackle has done almost
5431s absolutely nothing this entire match
5433s um which is kind of disappointing it
5435s doesn't seem like it's necessarily
5436s needed but uh I would love to see you
5439s know we're seeing the battleships
5441s tackling things where this fire tail and
5443s this vigil Fleet issue are kind of just
5445s like flying around I don't know if maybe
5447s they didn't fit tackle at all but I'd
5448s love to see them actually go and try and
5450s Tackle down that Tengu which uh like you
5452s said earlier it is self-repping like
5454s crazy like it might actually be able to
5455s hold long enough I'm just not seeing any
5457s damage coming out of Singularity
5458s Syndicate like they need to take
5460s something down here and they've just
5461s applied absolutely nothing for the last
5463s I don't know two minutes almost that
5465s being said visual Fleet issue does drop
5467s it does get tackled and finally taken
5468s down uh Singularity Syndicate maybe I
5471s don't know they just need to take this
5472s low one down a little bit maybe even
5473s kill the tracking uh bonusing Badger
5476s like that'd be a possibly a good Target
5477s in this case
5479s yeah I don't know why what it is but uh
5481s teams seem to just not shoot the badges
5483s they seem to have an invisibility cloak
5485s around them we saw it in the last match
5487s without foxware has brought and we've
5488s seen it in this game as well it's taken
5490s a little tickle of Shields and nothing
5492s else uh that said uh esper here he's
5495s apparently learned from what we talked
5496s about in our last game and he's finally
5497s diving in to uh protect his tengue but
5500s it's just a little bit too late as he
5502s falls through structure uh if they'd
5504s been able to screen off the tackle from
5506s the laser Hawk side and stop him from
5508s being scrambed he could have mjd'd away
5510s from safety but unfortunately it wasn't
5512s the case we now only have one DPS a ship
5514s left from Cindy here and it's that Loki
5516s and he is bouncing up his health is
5518s bouncing up and down up and down but I
5520s don't think it's going to be going for
5521s too much longer
5523s yeah it does seem like they put a lot of
5525s ancillator Shield boosters on everything
5527s I'm sure once this Loki runs out of
5528s Shield booster charge it's going to drop
5529s but the Stormbreaker also is tackled and
5532s dropping at the same time uh
5534s I don't know I feel that like
5536s Singularity Syndicate really like both
5538s teams kind of failed really hard here on
5541s both kiting and tackling but at the end
5543s of the day laser Hawks does have a lot
5544s more projection uh the Stormbreaker did
5546s get tackled down and is being solo pvp'd
5548s right now by the Hyperion while the long
5550s range Battleship shoot at the Loki
5552s um not a lot of
5554s damage coming out from Singularity the
5556s entire time stormier does get sold by
5558s the Hyperion uh and just honestly I hate
5561s to say this but laser hawks's tackle
5563s Wing just did so little it was all the
5565s battleships driving up to stuff and
5567s grabbing it so
5568s yeah it's kind of an interesting image
5572s if you've got four good enough
5573s Battleship Pilots as we've seen in a
5575s couple of matches earlier today they
5577s just present so much ehp and so much DPS
5580s so that it's difficult to really beat
5581s them
5583s especially in a sort of a lower skilled
5585s environment like this
5588s oh are you claiming that the trials are
5590s a lower skilled environment gen10
5593s I mean we're only going to see seven of
5595s the best teams get out of here and then
5596s uh you know what however many teams
5599s haven't forfeited uh are going to be
5601s sent home with nothing but a pat on the
5604s back thank you and uh uh everyone
5606s memeing on them in Reddit
5609s uh that is definitely true uh we you
5611s know we are seeing Singularity actually
5613s kite very well at the end tier
5615s um maybe if they had done a little bit
5617s better early on uh I do think you were
5620s right about the tracking Badger the most
5622s powerful ship of all time I don't think
5624s laser Hawks would have actually been
5625s able to kill anything without it so a
5627s good call on them four battleships is
5628s kind of weird but for battleships and a
5630s tracking badger well I don't know maybe
5632s maybe that's the secret trick the secret
5634s sauce
5636s yeah yeah I have to say I do like that
5638s Hyperion thought I don't think it's for
5640s this matchup obviously but generally if
5642s you've got three High projection
5644s battleships you should win versus kite
5646s uh you're gonna be hitting at the same
5648s ranges as a kite comp in that sort of
5651s circumstance and you're going to be
5652s doing so with way more way more ehp
5654s behind it which enables you to basically
5657s just sit in the middle of the in the
5658s middle of the arena and force your
5660s opponents to run around expend all their
5662s capacitor and still get shot off the
5664s back of it and that Hyperion seems like
5666s it's more there to deal with control
5667s setups or something similar where you
5670s are going to have to run into them to do
5671s anything
5675s did work
5677s no I do too it's interesting I like
5679s interesting stuff is fun but yeah the
5681s Hyperion pilot did work he was going
5683s around tackling everything and that's
5685s pretty cool this carries being the last
5687s one to fall uh kind of an interesting
5689s shift we've seen it a few times I feel
5691s like it didn't really do much this match
5692s but that is what it is uh
5696s maybe you're gonna die holding out like
5698s 20 structure ah there we go all right
5700s and uh with that laser Hawks does win
5702s 100 points to 23 and we're gonna send it
5704s back to the desk
5708s we who have seen war will never stop
5711s seeing it in the Silence of the night we
5715s will always hear the screams so this is
5718s our story wolves amongst strangers
5723s did you know that anything can happen in
5726s Alfred fleets
5728s are you still shaving sir Jesus why you
5732s must have some big balls yeah
5733s [Laughter]
5735s yeah literally anything
5745s thank you
5747s [Music]
5762s [Music]
5771s [Music]
5776s foreign
5777s [Music]
5787s [Music]
5801s Hawks there showing that uh Amar Victor
5805s is the true way to think about these
5808s these matches here Minotaur it's all
5811s about the lasers
5813s um so mystical might uh what happened
5816s there for Singularity Syndicate just it
5819s was mentioned I think by some of the
5820s casters in it that these long-range
5822s battleships which is able to project
5823s across all over the place but could
5825s Singularity something had done anything
5827s different and taken a w there
5830s I think they were doing well at
5832s surviving initially we saw that that
5834s Drake Navy issue dropped fairly low but
5836s was caught by the Basilisk when they
5838s managed to pull some range and they
5839s applied their damps to the projection
5841s team of laser Hawks but really it fell
5844s apart when the basilis decided to switch
5847s sides and burn into the laser Hawk
5849s Battleship blob
5851s um they weren't so welcoming so
5852s unfortunately he was killed and that
5855s essentially sealed the Fate I think for
5856s the singularity team with no Logistics
5859s and no real way of preventing those
5862s battleships to burn around I will say I
5864s think the singularity team had a harpy
5867s um I'm not entirely sure
5870s depending down some of the uh the
5872s battleships on the laser Hawk side but I
5876s would have liked to see him do some
5878s flyby scramms perhaps just to slow down
5881s the Hyperion
5883s um and the apocs and the abandon just to
5886s move their position or force them to
5888s reposition a little bit more
5891s yeah the um those arcs team brought a
5894s couple of perhaps unusual ships in that
5896s comp there uh they brought the infamous
5899s battle Badger which by the way a second
5901s time we've seen today it's now
5902s one-on-one on the day if you're keeping
5904s track at home
5905s um and they also in a ranged laser
5908s sniper comp brought a blaster Hyperion
5913s um why not why would you why would you
5915s bring up a short range of blaster
5917s Hyperion with some long-range
5919s battleships what were the reasons behind
5920s that maybe be
5922s so I'm not in their brain so I can't
5924s confirm this entirely but I feel like it
5926s was kind of like a protection against
5927s the Blaster potentially like if there's
5928s a windy coming at you have the hype just
5930s hold him because hype pretty much can
5932s tank any battleship one on one so it
5934s could maybe be something along those
5935s lines it could be maybe it's a more
5936s aggressive ship
5938s the one thing I actually like that we
5939s talked about the Battle Badger they have
5941s four battleships all neon cap boosters
5943s there how many 3200 can you get into a
5945s badger
5946s you can fill it for the 3200s because
5948s each Battleship only carry about seven
5950s so now you can get like what 20 30 40
5952s more I don't think I needed to do it but
5954s the option was there
5955s so you know all vouchers plus Badger I'm
5958s all for it let's go I want to see more
5960s of that
5961s nice now I want to take a quick moment
5963s uh mystical and uh answer a question
5966s that we had together on in twitch chat
5968s um from Nova valentis he was asking
5970s about
5971s um why sometimes when a match starts we
5973s see Pilots sitting at zero velocity for
5976s you know 30 as long as even 60 seconds
5978s you know why aren't they doing something
5980s at the start of the match
5982s yeah so there's a few different reasons
5985s that I could put forward as to why some
5988s people just decided not to move at the
5990s beginning of the match one the more
5993s likely one is that they've double
5995s clicked or tried to move too early in
5997s the countdown
5998s um so for anyone that's not aware when
6001s you are on the grid at the beginning of
6003s the match
6004s your ship movement is blocked so you're
6007s not actually able to move your ship
6008s around until the timer hits zero and
6011s you're given the go to start flying
6013s around and shooting the other two if you
6015s double click too early that command
6016s won't go through so when the match
6019s actually does start you just sit there
6021s zero Ms while the enemy team Burns at
6023s you or shoots at you
6025s it's pretty rough right
6027s um so I would say you know I'm double
6029s clicking too early or just the stress of
6031s the situation but sometimes ships just
6033s don't need to burn around no if you are
6035s a projection ship typically a gunboat
6038s burning will reduce your tracking on the
6040s enemy team so if you know that you're in
6042s no real risk of dying immediately it
6045s does give you the option to apply some
6047s damage a little bit better at the start
6049s of the match and that mic that might
6050s allow you to to sniper a key ship really
6054s early on
6055s yeah lots of people who've uh played Eve
6059s online know about the the combat shakes
6061s and things like that and they can be
6062s they can be real no matter how long
6064s you've been playing if you're new or
6066s even experienced in the alliance
6067s tournament I Know Myself uh like you you
6069s get teleported into the system and you
6071s feel your heart rate go up a little bit
6072s and then you warp end it ranges and
6074s you've been told hey warp it 50 and
6076s you're like super careful like just
6078s double checking you're working to the
6079s right thing like three times and then
6081s you walk to 50 panicking the whole way
6083s that you're somehow you're gonna land at
6084s like 90. uh and then you get there and
6087s you know a Target caller starts like
6089s calling out the strategy and everyone's
6090s sort of like getting prepared then the
6092s countdown happens and all of a sudden
6093s like it just becomes super stressful
6096s like it's a really intense moment and uh
6098s I can remember like you know hand
6100s shaking and things like that trying to
6101s trying to do things it's a great
6103s experience to have but yeah it's very
6105s easy to make mistakes like double
6106s clicking a little bit too early and then
6108s just not realizing it um it's it's you
6111s know happens to to the best of us
6114s um let's look forward to our next match
6116s because I'm excited about this one it's
6118s going to be extras versus Shadow cartel
6120s uh Exodus took a uh pretty decent comp
6124s yesterday uh and told her he saw it when
6127s we packed them as one of the other teams
6128s we expect to see come through uh this
6131s feeder trials
6133s shadow shadow cartel didn't perform as
6135s well as perhaps uh they would have hoped
6138s um but unless they hope to lose in which
6140s case they performed exactly as they
6141s hoped
6142s um I think at this point they need to
6144s pull out a win here but it's gonna be
6145s very tricky against a team as good as
6147s Exodus
6148s what do you think uh should I could tell
6151s I'm going to be kind of thinking here
6154s Exodus are very good tournament Pilots
6157s very good so you know that you probably
6159s have to bring everything you've got or
6160s something that you think you can outly
6162s or maybe out into the Nexus team it's
6166s definitely like you know you're going to
6167s come up against a high bar this you're
6168s getting against one of the best teams at
6170s the start
6171s that is
6173s you don't get time to warm up mate
6174s you're already in it
6176s so I suspect they're gonna bring
6177s something really good maybe they'll
6178s bring something tightly off the wall
6180s but I suspect we're going to see
6182s hopefully a very strong cop
6185s I think we have a Time quickly to look
6187s at the bands uh for shadow cattell and
6189s exodus so extra is bringing uh or
6192s Banning sorry balgorn and Loki so pretty
6194s common to see the balgown band at this
6196s point uh and we've seen a bunch of Loki
6198s bands people afraid of those kiting the
6200s Nighthawk ham rush for example Charlotte
6203s cartel Banning The Gila not really seen
6206s much of them and the Ishtar so it looks
6207s like they're trying to take out uh drone
6210s comp specifically Misty why why maybe
6212s the Gila and the Ishtar instead of say
6213s the EOS
6216s it's an interesting choice to ban the
6219s Ishtar and the Gila specifically The
6220s Gila makes a bit more sense because
6223s um garista ships for anyone who's not
6224s too aware can only drop two drones
6228s um of their respective type at one time
6230s right so a gila can only drop two medium
6232s drones but they are heavily bonus so
6235s they are tankier and they will apply
6237s more damage than a typical medium drone
6239s would so it makes sense to uh to ban
6242s that if you're worried about the
6243s application of gila drones to your
6246s support Wing perhaps with the Ishtar I
6249s feel like you can replace the edge tile
6250s with a number of different ships
6253s um like the stratios for example you've
6254s got Vex Navy issues or the vexes
6257s um not as good as the Ishtar since this
6260s shot does have its little panic button
6262s where it hits it it's damage control
6266s and it gets a resist buff for a short
6269s period of time
6270s but yeah I mean maybe they've just come
6272s across in practice and they don't want
6274s to have to deal with it here I also I
6275s just want to say I don't know if Shadow
6277s cartels played yet so I think you're
6279s preemptively flaming them for losing
6282s yesterday they might they might very
6286s well lose here
6287s um but yeah I'm not sure if they've
6288s played yet so I think this is their
6290s first match so far
6292s well there you go I take it all back if
6294s they haven't already played if they have
6295s played then I don't take anything back I
6297s stand by everything that I have said
6299s um we're pretty much ready to go to the
6300s match uh interesting point of note one
6302s of the ships on the ShadowCraft side uh
6305s did the full path the the shakes got to
6307s him and he warped to the sun rather than
6309s the arena and thus their Sky breaker has
6311s been moved to zero uh which is usually
6314s considered a sub-optimal but it's time
6316s to go to that Arena and find out who can
6319s win between Exodus and Shadow cartel
6321s with your commentator zoo and bbp
6329s and welcome to the arena with here it's
6331s Exodus versus Shadow Patel I am zurok
6333s joined here by Blackboard pirate and
6336s we're seeing a massive increase again in
6338s battleships here on grid with four
6340s battleships coming on the shadow
6341s quartile side here PPD
6344s um and more control what do you think of
6346s the battleship choices for both teams
6347s right now
6349s well I think that uh
6351s Exodus is bringing like we've seen it a
6353s couple times now this heavy missile
6355s launcher rapid heavy missile launcher
6356s armor setup but what's interesting is
6358s Shadow cartels four Battleship setup
6361s they're warped at zero and every single
6363s one of them is close range fit including
6365s a torpedo typhoon Fleet issue so Shadow
6368s cartel has a massive amount of
6370s anti-battleship DPS here which may be
6372s something that will be extremely
6374s dangerous when going up against Exodus
6376s and exodus realizes this they're
6377s actually kiting away as fast as they
6379s possibly can because I think they know
6380s that if they get tackled down to those
6381s battleships they're gonna die very very
6383s quickly Exodus is also working on
6385s clearing the tackle right away see a big
6386s cloud of drones going out uh for
6387s publicly fire Taylor jancini is already
6389s taking Mass amounts of damage this is up
6391s to Shadow cartel to get on top as fast
6393s as possible and I'm actually not seeing
6394s their battleships moving that fast
6397s yeah going in there that ironically
6399s enough The Tempest on Shadow Qatar being
6401s the laggy one behind not too sure if you
6403s forgot to fit a prop or just the wrong
6404s one right now but he's lagging the
6406s Armageddon on Charlotte Hotel side is
6408s also full nudes not seeing any hard
6409s points as well so while they do have
6411s four battleships they do still only have
6413s a three Battleship uh EPS score so
6416s that's the same on both sides there so
6418s that's still going to match up just how
6419s these teams use the support but speaking
6421s of support we are just seeing Shadow
6422s cartel support kind of getting shredded
6424s here right now not exactly sure they're
6426s just so all the kind of pressure applied
6427s to right now the visual Fleet Sky
6429s breaker all that light stuff the things
6431s that might be vital for that application
6432s later in the game especially for
6434s something like Torpedoes which are going
6435s to be coming from that Fleet Boon
6437s um if that application gets uh deleted
6439s they're gonna have a real hard time
6441s applying these Torpedoes to anything
6443s that's not a huge chunky Battleship
6444s right now
6446s um but they're trying to split their DPS
6447s maybe trying to split the focus of these
6449s freak lodging right now
6452s yeah it does look like they're doing
6453s they're doing something at the very
6455s least here uh it looks like this visual
6456s Fleet will go down the shadow cartel
6458s Battleship group is uh still continue to
6460s be kited away there I feel like there's
6462s a moment where they almost were able to
6463s grab one of the typhoon fleetishes of
6465s Exodus but they just weren't able to
6467s handle it and uh you know like you said
6469s it's if they can't get on top of
6470s anything if they get screened if their
6472s backing goes down it's not really going
6473s to matter and exodus is just flying away
6476s um I'm almost wondering you might be
6478s right they might have fit the wrong prop
6479s mod because Shadow cartel's battleships
6481s are uh struggling to break a thousand
6483s meters a second where exoduses are all
6485s moving at around 1400 to 1600 so uh
6489s their plan I mean maybe they are After
6491s Burner fit maybe they're just having
6493s trouble clicking the plus button to the
6495s maximum I'm not sure here but they are
6497s not really applying anything right now
6499s there should still be microwave drives
6501s maybe they're going for more plates uh
6503s which are being slowing them down hoping
6505s to survive uh more of these King Slayer
6507s rapid kind of comps we've seen uh we are
6509s seeing Excellence position in their
6511s jackdorn Magus in a good position to
6513s intercept any battleship that might
6515s break uh in behind into enemy line so
6517s making sure they're keeping up that
6518s screen unfortunately it does still put
6520s them into position where we're seeing
6521s the props uh being muted out from this
6524s armaged and armor getting getting a
6526s ridiculous bonus to neutralizers so able
6529s to knock out these little ships props to
6531s stop them from running away
6533s um but and it's not even if they knock
6535s them out I'm not sure if they're going
6536s to be able to finish them off
6538s um so it seems like well uh Shadow
6541s quartal is creeping up there the damage
6543s is creeping up on them as this Tempest
6545s is going into half armor and not much to
6549s show for it right now
6552s well shadow cartoon has actually gotten
6554s tackle on something finally but it
6555s wasn't agar Navy issue which is a
6557s notoriously tanky and you're right they
6560s might trade a tempest for an agar Navy
6562s issue not really a situation you want to
6564s be in the hyena of Exodus has actually
6566s been doing really good work kind of
6567s cycling its webs onto different ships to
6569s slow them down uh which is why Shadow
6572s cartel was trying it to do something to
6574s it it does seem that budget in the
6576s Tempest is stabilizing a bit I think
6577s that the rapid Heavies on Exodus aside
6579s have probably clipped and we will see if
6582s the auger is Navy issue is able to be
6583s taken down here hopefully for shadow
6586s cartel they're going to be able to do
6587s enough damage to it to force something
6589s to happen here but so far it seems to be
6591s tanking pretty well
6593s now that's actually a pretty bad sign
6595s for shadow cartelier when you're going
6597s all in on this close as well use the
6599s visual Fleet issue there as you're if
6600s you're going all in on on this real
6602s Brawley style comps making choices like
6604s a full Newt getting torpedo Fleet phone
6606s and you catch something and you can't
6609s break it
6611s um that's really not a good sign for
6612s your future kill potential of anything
6613s so if they lose any key part of their
6616s strategy that being like the visual
6618s Fleet issue they just lost which is
6620s going to be that webs they needed for
6621s application for something like Torpedoes
6623s it's gonna start looking worse and worse
6625s so while this auger isn't a really tough
6628s spot the Magus on the other side of
6629s Shadow quartile goes down and in a
6631s couple of minutes they'll be losing
6633s their links and it might see the Tempest
6635s might be holding out now but once those
6637s links expire on him he could be in a
6639s much worse position as the older Navy
6641s issue goes down on the exit side
6644s yeah they did finally get some points on
6646s the board so that's something but you
6647s know you're right losing the links like
6648s the single links boat alone that's going
6650s to be massive um probably have about 30
6653s seconds to a minute before the uh
6655s ability for them to tank in any way
6656s shape or form is completely destroyed
6658s here we're seeing this temp is finally
6659s start to bleed structure a little bit uh
6662s I believe that they're probably going to
6663s be able to take him down they should
6664s have enough missiles left to finish him
6666s off and these the stallion Deacon are
6668s just not repping anywhere near enough uh
6670s budget does drop and that means that now
6673s uh Shadow cartel is in a really bad
6676s situation
6678s yeah we're about halfway through this
6679s match but it looks like Shadow crotero
6681s is well on their way to the dumpster
6682s right now still putting up a bit of a
6684s fight but it seems just like a useless
6686s slow struggle while your enemy uh your
6689s buffering armor teams yet one of you
6691s seems to be much more mobile this could
6693s be going back to what you were
6694s mentioning with a single link ship
6696s um having to make a choice as Shadow
6698s Hotel loses their audio there so they
6700s probably had to make some sacrifices on
6702s which links they wanted to bring
6704s um ewall bringing a lot more predominant
6705s in this matter with the focus scripts uh
6707s that people are allowed to bring so info
6710s Link's been really valuable with the
6711s sensor optimization for lock range being
6713s very important against amps
6716s um and then you need to make Choice do
6717s you want resist for your armor do you
6719s want the repairs do you want to go fast
6722s and when you only have two or three link
6724s slots on one little ship you're gonna be
6727s sacrificing somewhere
6730s yeah I think that you know they
6733s definitely got outspeed that is a that
6735s is an official technical term here as we
6737s are finally seeing the fleet typhoon and
6738s Fleet Tempest of Shadow cartel actually
6740s break the shockingly quick speed of a
6743s thousand meters a second which is uh not
6746s even close to enough they have lost
6748s their deacon now the fleet typhoon is
6750s dropping into low armor and you know
6752s Exodus yeah they lost the Navy auger um
6755s that was totally fine I mean they
6756s stopped the entirety of Shadow cartel
6758s they just kited them out with armor
6759s battleships for you know seven minutes
6761s straight and just incredibly well played
6764s on The Exodus part uh recognizing the
6767s danger and getting away from it uh Liam
6768s in the Tempest Fleet issue is dropping
6770s here now and I I don't I think Shadow
6773s cartels dead in the water like there's
6774s very little chance unless Exodus decided
6777s to start boundarying that they can pull
6778s this back
6779s yeah I think the unfortunate flow here
6782s in Shadow cartel strategy is they've got
6785s a nice core going for them uh that you
6787s can't deny it's definitely something
6788s scary to deal with but their problem was
6790s likely just grabbing things uh you can't
6793s really take advantage of fast tackle
6795s that flies out and grabs things when
6797s you're using frig logic because the
6798s friglogy might be limited on speed or
6801s range you don't want to separate that
6802s too much so that tackle cannot
6804s overextend so normally you'd see teams
6806s taking advantage of things like hyenas
6808s which in a sense can still fly out but
6810s it has a massive range bonus we have
6812s even seen some hugens and rapiers
6814s um but it seems like Shadow cartel opted
6816s for the vigil Fleet issue so while it is
6818s a Minotaur Republic bonus ship which has
6821s a discount and applies for tiebreakers
6824s um it doesn't have really good bonuses
6826s it has more of just a flat roll bonus to
6828s webs I think pushing to 15 kilometers
6831s without any links and that again comes
6833s back to the whole link sacrifice we're
6835s talking out before like now we want our
6837s ships to go fast or do we want our webs
6839s to reach further so it seems like a big
6841s flaw in Shadow cartel's comp here was
6843s they just weren't really able to grab
6845s something so that these battleships
6846s could actually fly towards it and kill
6848s it in a reasonable amount of time
6851s well you know that's a sacrifice you're
6853s gonna have to make I mean if you drop 78
6855s points into four battleships like you
6857s really do need to have some way of
6859s getting them on top of stuff and you
6860s know props to Shadow cartel they did
6861s work everything in at zero I think that
6863s against maybe a uh a less experienced
6866s team than Exodus they probably would
6869s have done a lot better but Exodus saw
6870s that and were like okay well we got to
6872s get away from these people they burned
6874s away as fast as possible and I mean we
6876s just it sucks for shadow cartel they got
6878s guided for you know nine minutes
6881s straight in battleships but like you
6883s said that's what happens you know so you
6884s got to bring those tackles that's why
6885s you got to bring the other stuff and
6887s uh yeah I I don't know also the lynx
6890s thing that's pretty bad like not even
6892s being able to catch them is not a good
6894s situation and just just totally handled
6897s my Exodus very very well played on their
6899s part
6901s exactly so lost Romania ship here from
6903s Shadow cartel is Tiny Armageddon he
6906s might be cold tiny but I'm sure he has a
6908s very big heart just waiting it out till
6910s the the match is done not going for the
6912s boundary as we have one minute left here
6914s he's just gonna sit there take his
6916s punishment he's done what he's can
6919s um but unfortunately just not much to do
6920s at this point
6923s um yeah I think like he's saying
6924s brilliant job by Exodus just showing
6926s that pattern normally you see this kind
6927s of maneuverable piling coming through on
6929s Shield comp so and again
6931s um not to two accidents horn too much
6933s and uh get their egos going here but
6936s um seeing an armor team uh in a sense
6938s flying like Shield kite uh well done to
6941s them obviously in a sense I think there
6943s was set up uh to display this kind of
6945s skill due to what shadow Patel brought
6947s but well done to Exodus again as they
6949s take this victory over Shadow cartel and
6951s with that we will go back to the studio
6965s thank you
6967s [Music]
6981s [Music]
6990s [Music]
6996s [Music]
7000s thank you
7006s [Music]
7020s Shadow cartel they are unfortunately
7022s taking the L to uh Exodus uh seem to me
7027s like those cartel ships were better
7029s suited perhaps to kiting a Poco than uh
7032s trying to chase down an exodus team in
7034s this instance uh Wing that cross what
7037s could Shadow could tell have done better
7039s in that match other than bringing uh
7041s ships perhaps with micro warp drives
7044s honestly it was kind of a hard match for
7047s them but basically the one thing they
7048s did wrong was just slowly charged
7050s towards the enemy the tempers took a bit
7051s long to get started which might have
7053s lost to the time they needed
7054s honestly big respect I think it was Wasa
7057s in the hyena I think it was him and
7059s maybe the uh other small ships just
7061s stopping those battleships and being
7062s able to build speakers the battleships
7064s they're slow they take a little while to
7065s build up if you just keep webbing them
7067s and webbing them webbing them you don't
7069s need to hold the whip as long as we slow
7070s them down they could never catch up they
7073s could have maybe tried MJ Dean in front
7075s of them or try something else but that
7077s was that was just a painful treadmill to
7079s be on I I've been in that situation it
7080s is not fun
7083s mystical my Anthem to add to that
7086s yeah I was going to say that um I don't
7088s think Shadow could tell we're
7090s effectively using their ships
7092s um in their effort to chase down the
7094s Exodus team the gedden is a ship that's
7098s quite scary in 80 format because it has
7100s long range nukes
7102s um that can be applied you know 30 40 50
7105s kilometers with diminishing effects
7107s depending on how far away you are from
7109s the garden but they spent the the entire
7112s time newting the logistics frigates
7114s which if you have something pinned down
7116s and you're applying your damage is a
7119s very good strategy but they should have
7121s been using those newts to slow down the
7123s Exodus battleships allowing them to get
7124s on top of them by turning off their
7126s promods which is just something that
7128s they didn't really seem to be looking to
7130s do so yeah they
7132s could have flown it much better
7135s I also wanted to ask you about that Fire
7137s tail Choice Misty uh we've seen another
7139s team earlier on bring a fire tail it's
7141s not usually a ship we see very often in
7143s the alliance tournament is it purely
7145s because of trying to get those mimitar
7148s rust points or is there another good
7149s reason to bring a fire tail
7152s I think it's a fairly flexible ship
7154s especially when it's armor fit because
7156s it has a number of mids that you can put
7157s towards webs and scrams so you're
7160s typically going to be using that fire
7162s Tail as a fast tackle boat and it was
7164s flown fairly well in that shotok hotel
7166s match it didn't look like it because it
7168s died at the very beginning but
7171s when the Sherlock Hotel support Wing was
7173s being shot they burned towards their
7175s Logistics frigates that were damped by
7176s the extra smallest because they'd
7179s communicated that they didn't have that
7180s much lock range and they know that the
7183s rep range on Logistics frigates is
7184s fairly short so it's about 15 kilometers
7186s optimal on an armor Logistics forget
7191s so it was flowing well but
7193s you know it's um yeah it's just a fast
7196s tackle boat that most strips most teams
7198s will be utilizing
7199s um when combined with the fact that it
7201s is a memital sponsored tournament so it
7203s also costs less to bring
7206s awesome awesome and uh Wingnut I wanted
7209s to also give you a chance uh you were
7211s calling out uh Wasa QC in that hyena in
7214s that last match uh not in a bad way but
7215s for for praise uh what was he doing that
7218s you think was so important to the uh to
7220s The Exodus team
7222s you're doing the honey does well which
7223s is one part is application the part is
7225s control and because they highly gets
7227s long range webs he was just constantly
7229s just putting a web on for like a second
7230s or two just slowing down a battleship
7232s let's switch it to the next one and
7233s doing it again and then doing it again
7235s and if you keep that up battleships
7237s don't accelerate particularly fast so in
7239s him doing that kept slowing them down
7241s and he managed to pretty much hold all
7243s four battleships alone I think I think
7245s he maybe had a bit of help but even if
7247s he didn't
7248s that was just beautiful work that's that
7251s is using that ship not just to the
7252s hundred percent like 400 Effectiveness
7255s you have stopped four it is that's
7258s how you do it that's how you do it it's
7260s perfect
7263s oh there you go Wasa QC of course
7265s um very well known uh in the catin
7267s community uh around loserc and the likes
7271s uh we have one more match uh for you in
7274s the first half of today's show before we
7275s take a break and it is going to be the
7278s network versus we form blob so let's
7280s take a quick look at the bands for this
7282s upcoming match
7284s um the network are Banning the abandon
7288s and the slept near uh rather interesting
7290s set of bands they're not I don't think
7292s we've seen many are bad in bands and
7294s we're from blob Banning the EOS and the
7296s bar guests Mr es book I learned about
7297s the EOS taking out you know pretty
7299s keyship for that drone comp but why is
7302s there on a badon band like why are the
7304s networks so afraid of that and do you
7305s think maybe something else like the
7306s Battleground would have been a better
7307s ban
7309s so with the abandoned ban I think this
7312s may be a call back to previous
7313s tournaments where we saw uh I think it
7315s was a badon and Oracle comps coming out
7317s uh it was effectively just like a full
7319s DPS setup that was meant to put out five
7322s or six thousand
7324s um damage
7326s um
7327s within you know 50 to 70 kilometers
7329s right so it's pretty hard to us to avoid
7332s um and there's also too much damage to
7334s tank so it may just very well be that
7336s they've done some testing in the
7338s background they've tried out that comp
7339s from previous years and they've gone hey
7341s you know we don't want to see this we
7343s don't want our team to have to to deal
7345s with that much damage coming out
7347s um on that grid other than that I've got
7349s no no clue why they would prioritize the
7352s about Nova literally anything else
7355s uh one thing to note is we had a comment
7357s in uh twitch chat from uh third Ferguson
7361s 13 asking what is a trickle ban uh the
7365s way bands work in this tournament here
7368s is uh both teams uh Bland ban blindly so
7372s they just say hey we're Banning these
7373s two ships
7374s um and then the referees take those ones
7376s and if there's any duplicates of both
7378s teams for example and a bar guest then
7381s each team would get one additional
7383s trickle-down ban if they both ban the
7385s same two ships they would get two
7386s trickle-down bands in the main Alliance
7388s tournament it's three bands each for
7389s potential of nine total bands depending
7392s on how it works out so that's what we
7393s mean by trickle-down bands
7396s um we have about two minutes to go
7397s before the uh the last match of the day
7400s and that's right of the first half of
7403s this show there's plenty more matches
7404s today plenty of explosions still to see
7407s um
7408s and when we go to that break um it will
7411s be about 90 minutes I believe uh the
7414s reason behind the the Brick is we have
7416s uh the minions who have uh withdrawn
7419s from the the trials giving Odin's called
7421s the Victory and then two best of Threes
7424s which are already decided by Prismatic
7426s Legion going 2-0 versus shut up and
7428s trying and bright side of death going to
7430s know versus hole control so that is the
7433s uh the reasons behind that break there
7437s um Wing that cross has been any
7439s highlight matches thus far today for you
7443s oh honestly that last one was pretty
7446s good as it shows what one ship can do
7448s but honestly it's not really been a bad
7450s match today like I mean some misplays
7453s here and there
7454s oh there's a cat on screen hello
7457s um it's good um the Ancients match
7460s I quite like because the Angels had all
7462s the cards at the start and when the
7464s blackplayer went down it just all
7465s collapsed so there's been a lot of good
7467s matches I thought it would have been a
7469s bad one I'm actually missing
7481s to just check in on things make sure
7484s everything is going all right thank you
7485s senior director of content thank you for
7487s uh for coming to check in on us
7489s um I think we're pretty much ready to go
7490s to this match between the network and we
7493s form blob so let's hand over to that now
7495s uh with the commentators Jin tan and
7498s black bar pirate
7501s bye
7506s welcome back to the alliance tournament
7509s where unfortunately we do not have cats
7511s but we do have two teams set up and
7513s ready to go with the network versus we
7515s form blob both of them bringing pretty
7517s heavy armor setups which is kind of
7519s interesting uh we are seeing a lecheck
7521s and we are think seeing one of the first
7523s balgorns of the entire tournament on the
7525s network side as it is uh one of the most
7527s banned ships out there uh Jen how do you
7530s think this is going to go down
7532s yeah this is going to be a really
7533s interesting match and it's going to rely
7535s a lot on the tackle wing of The Blob
7537s Fleet specifically that Vengeance and
7540s Mala they're gonna need to get in on top
7541s of one of those ships and somehow do so
7544s without getting destroyed by the
7546s powerful webs and newts of that battle
7548s gun it's gonna be able to screen so so
7550s effectively for those two apocalypses uh
7554s I don't know this is this is gonna be an
7556s interesting match especially with that
7557s crucifier on the blob side as well it's
7559s going to be able to turn off the long
7560s range damage of those apocal babies that
7562s said it's in half armor already going
7564s down very very quickly here
7566s yeah they uh they recognized it they
7568s almost popped it right off the bat I
7570s think it should probably survive now
7572s that it's actually got some transversal
7573s up and uh as of note this is a gun
7576s balgorn so the newts aren't quite as
7578s oppressive and said gun balgorn actually
7580s has all three battleships from reform
7582s blob directly on top of it already with
7584s that LE Shack ramping up uh the thing
7586s that I'm a little worried about for the
7588s network is they don't really have an
7589s effective way of turning off the shack
7592s rep unless they get all of the balgorns
7594s and newts on it so uh eventually this
7596s will Shack's ramping will be able to
7598s push through and destroy it it is only a
7601s matter of time and we are seeing uh
7603s interestingly off the tip of Fleet is
7605s actually dropping faster than the
7606s balgorn for now uh well so I don't know
7609s we'll see how this one goes
7611s yeah another one of the interesting uh
7613s actually sorry both teams have now got
7615s Brett Bots out so they're trying to
7617s sustain up this their uh battleships as
7620s much as possible we've got a little bit
7622s of a tackle war going on in the back
7623s lines it looks like the Mala uh actually
7626s the mellor is tackling the apocalypse
7628s Navy issue stopping him from getting
7630s away and getting range uh but that's
7632s allowing him to just sit there and pound
7634s conflag directly into the side of that
7636s uh tempestly issue and we finally got
7639s the rest of the blob tackle coming in
7641s here as well uh the Magus and other sort
7644s of emergency parts of the con you don't
7646s normally want to use as offensive tackle
7647s just burning in there uh making a bit
7650s more presence I I wouldn't be surprised
7651s if we saw them make a run for The
7653s Inquisitor or something like that just
7654s to reduce the amount of sustain that
7657s this Noir team has going forward as that
7659s Battleground gets into really really low
7660s armor it looks like they just can't
7662s handle the ramp of that LE Shack
7665s yeah it's the uh the shack ramping is
7667s very very strong it should take the
7669s spelling down and unfortunately they
7671s were not able to take this Tempest Fleet
7672s issue down uh as soon as those rep Bots
7674s got on it Tempest sleet issue stabilized
7676s however the Battleground does drop uh
7677s the shack damage being incredibly
7679s dangerous they always you need something
7681s to turn it off but you know now that
7683s that's down uh the network has to
7685s completely change their strategy here
7686s like you are not going to take down the
7688s Tempest Fleet issue when you've lost a
7689s third of your battleship DPS
7692s yeah I've got to say that this part the
7693s prophecy and the murmurdon here for the
7695s Noir team looks really really out of
7696s place I'm not sure what the theory is
7698s behind this uh you know they obviously
7701s give links but they are such fragile
7703s holes and they don't really provide a
7704s lot of DPS that they can actually put
7706s out onto the grid maybe they're using
7708s those drone Bays for more rep Bots but
7710s that wasn't enough to keep the ball
7712s going alive and at this point in the
7713s match there are effectively just 26
7715s points sitting there doing jackal
7718s well it does look like the mermaidon is
7720s actually moving in towards the deacon
7721s now and trying to get uh some Newt
7723s pressure on it apparently uh so nor you
7726s know the network is being smart they are
7728s swapping around their targets a little
7729s bit but that deacon now has rep Bots
7730s they just need to like I think we've
7732s talked about a couple times how just
7734s absolutely powerful rep Bots are but
7736s they do have that issue that you can
7738s swap them around so uh maybe if the
7740s network can do some like really quick
7741s Target swapping take some of the links
7743s down take some of the small stuff down
7744s that might be uh that might be the only
7747s way out of this because you know that LE
7748s Shack is still spooling it is destroying
7750s this Apocalypse Now and we form blob is
7753s just you know very very powerful chord
7755s completely handling it apocalypse is
7757s dropping into low structure the Thalia
7759s does actually take a large chunk of
7760s damage though so you know maybe we'll
7762s see a little bit of a logic trade here
7763s possibly
7765s yeah and we're seeing the apocalypse
7767s Navy issue of Alexia card their Captain
7768s just being damped Target disrupted it's
7771s just having all of the utility possible
7773s applied to them it's it's entirely
7774s possible that he wasn't able to lock
7775s anything uh during the start of that
7778s fight which would you know that can
7779s delay your ability to make calls to swap
7782s over onto new targets uh by a fraction
7785s of a second and often it matches like
7787s this that's what matters
7790s yeah neither the apocalypse does go down
7792s before they're able to take King
7793s carnifexes Thalia down and uh I I don't
7797s know without that I'm not sure if this
7798s value is going to go down at all uh the
7800s suite from Vlog bringing a very very
7803s powerful top end and you know without
7805s any ability to shut that little Shack
7806s down it's just gonna drive around ramp
7808s up to 2000 DPS and just destroy things
7811s um kind of wondering if the Network's
7812s regretting bringing those two tech one
7814s logic frigates now as taekwondology
7815s frigates are not particularly good ships
7817s but
7818s I'm not sure if they have any way of
7820s getting back from here
7822s yeah it would take I would take a couple
7824s of major mistakes from blob they'd need
7826s to somehow boundary one of their
7828s battleships as they experience lost at
7831s with the fraternity just move you know
7833s flying in Apocalypse Navy out of the
7835s edge of the arena for them to have any
7837s chance of coming back into this
7841s uh I don't know though
7842s I've got to say I really do like this uh
7844s blob comp though they've got such a
7847s tanky a little bit of tackle wig in that
7848s mall of entrance they've got the
7849s crucifer and the celesters to disrupt
7852s your opponent's game plan
7854s um and then you've got the three massive
7856s battleships that are just gonna get in
7858s on top of things and just smack them up
7862s I I think this is something that maybe
7864s would be yeah it was a cop lost on
7866s almost on comp selection here
7869s I it blast on I think it lost a little
7871s bit on comp selection and it definitely
7872s lost a lot on uh actual Target calling
7875s here
7876s um just you know the apocalypse and the
7878s apocalypse Navy and the balgorn like
7880s those three ships combined is a pretty
7882s decent amount of laser DPS but it
7884s actually has very good tracking I think
7885s that Network they might have been able
7887s to like pop that celestis pop that Magus
7889s uh maybe even go after some of the lodgy
7892s forgets here but I think that after like
7893s their initial plan of trying to headshot
7895s the crucifier was a really really good
7897s one but when it didn't work they're like
7899s okay well I guess we have to all in a
7901s battleship now and I I don't think that
7903s was necessarily their only option here
7905s um you know this last uh they're the
7907s captain of Alexi If he if he is the
7910s captain I know he's definitely the
7911s leader of the alliance like going down
7912s here uh pretty much seals the seals the
7915s fate of the network and
7918s I guess we'll just have to we'll have to
7919s hang out and chat while they slowly wipe
7921s out that bottom end here
7922s yeah I've got to say you've got to give
7924s a hand to sejolas in the celestis there
7927s for blood uh piloting really really
7929s effectively staying away from the
7931s staying within optimal range of his
7933s stamps but never getting particularly
7934s close to the fight just dancing around
7936s the edge of it and whilst the visual
7937s Fleet issue now is uh heading towards
7940s him might be able to tackle him down at
7941s long last
7942s he's effectively sat unmolested for this
7945s entire match and just stopped Noir from
7948s doing whatever they wanted to do and
7950s that's probably why they weren't able to
7951s shoot the Mala or uh or himself and uh
7954s you know clear off some of that tackle
7956s and maybe kite back and extend the game
7958s a little longer you know if they were
7960s able to get out of range and break the
7962s shack spool that would have done so much
7964s for them in that mid game point because
7966s if their bowel gone had survived it
7967s would be having such a huge impact by
7969s this point in the match uh those newts
7971s obviously impacting much much impacting
7974s over time and really coming into their
7976s own around at this point in the match
7978s when everyone's cap cap boosters are dry
7981s you've got nothing left in your cargo
7982s and you're just hoping that uh hoping
7985s that you can live off of basically
7987s native cap Regen
7990s now that it is a really good point um
7992s balgorn's you know the longer the match
7994s goes the more cap uh cap sucking is a
7998s important thing um I do think that
8000s honestly the biggest uh mistake the
8002s network did is they they didn't have any
8003s ships that were able to counter like a
8006s triple Battleship core just rushing in
8008s them especially illuschak I mean you
8010s know we we don't see the Shacks a huge
8012s amount because they have such a high
8013s point value but they are not that
8016s difficult to shut down uh with you know
8018s balgore newts with jams with tracking
8020s disruptors any of those things and you
8022s know we saw that as soon as it starts
8024s ramping up like there you can't stop it
8026s if you can't stop the ramp it is going
8027s to eventually break your reps and I
8030s don't know it's just very very
8031s unfortunate for the network because I I
8033s like both of these setups
8035s um I feel like the network were very
8036s much prepared to fight up against maybe
8038s like a kiting setup of some kind or some
8040s drones and they just weren't expecting
8042s to have three battleships go on top of
8044s them at zero and just punch through
8045s their reps here yeah we finally see a
8048s couple of ships just uh going towards
8049s the edge of glory and boundaring
8051s themselves out of the Arena we can see
8052s the visual Fleet issue there probably
8054s going for a potential record because
8056s that ship is very very fast
8059s um
8059s but yeah it's a it's a very very clean
8062s execution here from blob as well uh kind
8064s of the opposite of what they saw what we
8066s saw in their previous match
8067s where they knew what they had to do to
8069s win and then they just went straight
8071s through with it they didn't uh didn't
8074s get distracted by anything
8076s and execute on the game plan now just
8078s that Navitas left do you think we're
8080s going to see more The Shack bands coming
8081s through as teams have started to really
8083s show their Shack cults uh and show how
8086s far
8088s you know I I think that it's possible um
8091s especially I believe Odin's brought to
8093s the Shacks which is one more than one
8095s lashac it also makes it a twice as good
8097s setup uh
8099s that's very possible I think there are
8101s other ways to counter it but I I do
8103s think something I've noticed about today
8104s as opposed to yesterday is that some of
8106s the teams that maybe performed a little
8108s weekly yesterday and brought some kind
8110s of weird setups have been doing much
8111s much better today so I'm I'm thinking
8113s we're still going to see some more
8115s interesting and exciting matches uh
8117s definitely much more impressed by blob
8119s today than we were yesterday
8121s um the network unfortunately also
8123s actually brought I think they they
8125s piloted better too they just kind of got
8127s counted a little bit here but they do
8129s lose their last ship with the Tequan
8132s novitas eventually getting blown up and
8135s with that we are going to throw it back
8136s to Ithaca and the boys who will set us
8138s up for the break
8140s now for the triglovian weather report
8142s brought to you by Exodus
8144s integration
8146s [Music]
8152s and that's the weather forever
8162s [Music]
8163s for just 10 million ISC a month you can
8166s save the life of a high-sec minor
8184s [Music]
8193s thank you
8201s we form blob taking that Victory there
8204s and securing themselves runner up in the
8207s Tucker a tribe eliminating the network
8210s from Alliance tournament 18 contention
8213s we actually have our first two tribes
8216s now uh basically set up with some teams
8219s eliminated some teams moving forward so
8222s uh Tucker a has been won by ahil NA with
8225s we form blob as the runner-up soccer B
8228s won by Prismatic region with shut up I'm
8230s trying sitting in that number two spot
8232s in cbs38 is Odin's call is the winner
8236s with seriously suspicious as the
8238s runner-up and say he has to be bright
8240s side of death winning it with full
8242s control taking that number two spot so
8244s there you have it the first of the
8245s tribes have been decided that means that
8247s next week those teams will be back they
8250s will be fighting in a playoff situation
8252s now to move forward and win the total
8255s tribe so soccer itself will only submit
8257s one team of the four that I just
8260s mentioned
8262s Prismatic region and shut up I'm trying
8264s so they will have to Juke it out and
8265s decide who can make it through the
8267s alliance Tournament of course the second
8268s place of the whole tribe will get a spot
8271s in the Redemption Arc tribe so they will
8274s have some more matches to play and
8276s potentially grab that last spot for
8279s Alliance tournament 18.
8281s um it is time for us to take a break uh
8283s so we will do that now and we'll be back
8285s for the high SEC minors versus kitchen
8288s sinkhole match uh which is scheduled for
8290s 1840 Eve time we will see you then take
8294s care
8297s foreign
8302s to day two of Alliance tournament 18 uh
8307s trials the momentary trials I am joined
8309s by uh black white pirate and sitting
8312s upon his vessel moderator mod how are
8316s you
8318s um excellent you know just moving my
8320s rupture around space casting Lions
8322s tournament glad to be here with such
8324s great co-hosts
8326s excellent I mean I thought these uh
8328s these ruptures were a lot bigger than
8329s they are but seeing you next to them
8331s really gives an idea of the scale of the
8333s ships in the in new Eden and it's
8335s certainly not what I expected uh
8337s speaking of scale Bart you're not
8339s looking as white as you were yesterday
8340s you're looking relatively normal how are
8341s you
8342s I I think I'm relatively normal I don't
8345s know it's it's hard to tell I uh we
8347s figured out the compromise on the
8349s production versus my camera side so
8351s we'll see how long it lasts I might get
8353s bored and start messing with it again
8357s yeah I'm sure everyone enjoyed a bit of
8359s a wide bar tell everyone
8361s um mods sitting on his ship everyone's
8362s having fun uh speaking of fun uh we are
8365s almost ready to go with uh the next
8368s match here today and it is going to be
8370s high SEC minors versus kitchen sinkhole
8373s so I think that from memory whoever wins
8378s this is to kind of secure themselves a
8380s position uh in next weekend and her
8383s religious is going to be out I said
8385s miners Banning interesting choices here
8387s the Deacon and the Talia so they're
8389s banning the tech to logistic frigates I
8392s don't think we see very many bands of
8393s those at all uh kitchen thing called
8395s Banning the zarmsad and the typhoon
8397s Fleet issue mod why would you ban the
8400s Deacon in Italia
8402s and they're just the two most powerful
8405s um well the only Tech Two armor
8407s Logistics uh frigates if you don't want
8409s to fight that and you're much more
8411s comfortable with
8413s um running a setup for example like the
8415s king Slayer Battleship core that we've
8417s seen that's very good at taking out
8419s logistics but isn't so great at taking
8421s out logi frigates you might want to do
8423s that or if you just don't have a good
8425s way to get
8426s ships on top of olaji friggs and you say
8429s hey I'm good with brawling against you
8431s know a Tech 2 logic
8434s um and you would prefer to do that
8435s instead
8437s awesome and uh I see the teams are
8440s landing in the arena now
8442s um so I think it's probably time to go
8443s to the match and see who's going to win
8445s between High SEC minors and kitchen
8447s sinkhole with your commentators ish and
8450s Alec
8457s hello and we are on field with high SEC
8460s minors and whole control to see who can
8463s uh walk away with a nice entry into the
8468s final tournament and I am joined by Alec
8470s now like what is the first team I love
8472s you today
8474s well we've got high SEC miners here with
8476s a triple Battleship comp Nighthawk for
8478s links they've got a scalpel and Kieran
8480s for Logistics with some bombers for long
8483s range DPS support this is an extremely
8485s high damage comp they are looking to
8488s rush and pound
8490s uh that is those are rapid heavy Foods
8493s so they're definitely going to be
8494s kicking out a lot of DPS very quickly
8496s probably going for higher end Targets on
8499s the enemy team
8503s yeah indeed and so they're going up
8506s against a uh a celebrity Rush with a HFI
8509s figured in there to kind of balance out
8511s the points it's a dual HFI
8513s with the slept near and uh the Loki for
8516s the control and some Cruiser midline
8518s they do have the carries mullets there
8519s and with the fly catcher so I have to
8521s look to see if they can hold back the
8523s elements they want to hold back and then
8524s apply those damps well enough to make
8526s sure that uh that they can they can keep
8529s control of the match here
8531s the carius mullus will be huge at
8533s neutralizing the DPS coming off of those
8535s bombers but the fact that both teams
8538s want to be in close with each other
8540s generally speaking I think this is
8542s actually going to favor the battleships
8543s they should apply pretty well to that
8545s fluffner and the hurricane Fleet issues
8548s now we see both teams uh yeah we see
8550s high SEC miners charging forward
8553s uh meanwhile kitchen sinkhole attempting
8555s to kite as best they can and they are
8558s they're trying
8563s yeah High SEC minors coming in here
8565s strong with that nighthawken type these
8567s are artillery so
8570s yeah the rdks definitely want to hang
8572s back try to get the damage generally we
8574s see the fly catcher coming to intercept
8575s and I expect a Wubble drop here
8577s hoping to slow down that Nighthawk
8580s typhoon Rush inwards what is it a
8582s stabber it looks like he's going to try
8583s to work around the battleships a little
8585s bit these are going to try to hold back
8587s battleships here or maybe he's going to
8588s try to swing around them sort of pivot
8590s off of those battleships and maybe catch
8592s something in that back line
8594s I think it's a lot of Reliance online
8597s the kitchen sink Scimitar is a little
8600s slower than you'd expect he is beginning
8602s to get overtaken by these battleships if
8604s he gets caught out that is bad news
8608s yeah only going 300 there might might be
8612s might not be over probably maybe might
8614s just be standard a b fit he's gonna
8616s definitely need to start moving here as
8618s uh as they press in those damps are not
8621s going to have a desired effect to hold
8623s off damage from him as they get closer
8625s in because it's just simply not going to
8627s matter at that point
8630s yeah
8631s we are doing a bit of work
8634s yeah the bombers are hanging back they
8636s are starting to apply now most of them
8638s uh The Hound of Stefan still out and he
8641s is about to get caught by that stab or
8643s looks like the stabber has looped around
8644s into the back line and he's going bomber
8646s hunting right now that stabber will
8649s absolutely shred through these bombers
8652s yeah I think that will be that will be a
8654s good move on his part to take care of
8656s the bombers and I get that large damage
8658s off of his battleships uh he's he's
8661s pretty free to run around back then it's
8663s not really a whole lot to hold him down
8664s hold him back uh and the Loki has sort
8668s of swung around to the same to a similar
8670s side of the axis so we'll see if they're
8672s able to just keep pushing away and keep
8675s that fret line separated from the
8677s midline
8681s one of the bombers got the memo the
8683s other did not they've lost a hurricane
8685s in the kitchen sinkhole side this is a
8688s very interesting fight Jack Harvey's
8689s Nighthawk recovering his Shields now but
8692s they're beginning to lose lodgy
8697s oh evaporated
8700s oh yeah the bleed of the lodgy is
8702s definitely going to hurt yeah very very
8704s fast damage going into that is
8706s definitely going to hurt and without the
8709s other logi to cross-rep him uh I I think
8712s we're going to see a fair bit of trouble
8713s here coming in for the freak Lodge line
8717s yeah and the kiting attempt has
8719s completely collapsed now uh kitchen
8721s sinkhole is converging
8724s on the high SEC minors team attempting
8726s to apply as much DPS as possible while
8727s they feel like they have the advantage
8729s they are about to lose one of their
8731s hurricane Fleet issues it's like those
8733s typhoons and the scorp Navy issue still
8736s alive uh kitchen sinkles lost their low
8739s end or most of their low end but their
8741s high-end super heavy damage battleships
8744s are still perfectly fine they've barely
8746s taken any damage
8751s they're going to be in a very rough
8753s position
8754s definitely they're losing that losing
8756s that tanky front line like that the
8759s hurricane Fleet is hanging on for dear
8760s life here running and eating through
8762s those x-lab charges but that's not going
8764s to last he's not bleeding the structure
8765s and there he goes it's a pop and the
8767s Nighthawk at about the same time and uh
8770s that that sort of spells some certain
8771s death here
8774s interestingly uh the typhoons the scorp
8778s Navy they'll still have all of their
8779s damage but they're not going to have a
8781s ton of tackle so if kitchen sinkle
8783s resumes kiting they might be able to
8785s just ride this one out a little bit
8791s yeah they're going to take some things
8793s off field to be able to get to a point
8794s where they feel comfortable playing for
8795s points
8798s we do see some damage going into the
8799s typhoon here and he sort of caught into
8801s the middle of things he's definitely not
8802s going anywhere
8804s he's gonna be able to crank out a fair
8805s bit of damage as he uh as he soaks up
8807s damage at the same
8810s when you see the Loki working over top
8812s of the typhoon now looking to drop uh
8815s into that Fury range and get those
8816s missiles out to him
8819s and now we've seen uh ECM drones popped
8822s by the non-primary Target typhoon that's
8825s gone on the sleffner just trying to buy
8827s extra time for their battleships but it
8829s is RNG based and it will only break
8832s locks briefly this typhoon is not going
8834s to live that long
8837s yeah it's unfortunately not gonna be
8839s able to stand up to that and down it
8840s goes
8844s a high SEC minor is going for a very uh
8846s high risk High reward strategy here
8848s leaning into their damage very heavily
8851s but unfortunately not able to actually
8853s crack any of the high value high-end
8856s Targets on kitchen sinkhole
8858s um so they're
8860s they're basically their their team's
8862s Advantage their key to victory was
8864s denied here
8865s they needed to get the sleffeners or the
8868s uh hurricane Fleet issues off much much
8870s sooner with their strategy and it just
8873s didn't come together for them
8875s yeah unfortunately not I think they're
8876s also of course hampered a bit by when
8878s they could get that locked in and I
8880s think they were hoping for a little bit
8881s more mileage out of the uh out of the
8883s bombers there it wasn't to be yeah and
8887s the the carries smallest combo kitchen
8889s sink I'll definitely earn their pay
8891s today throwing out the dams that delayed
8894s that essentially an entire half of the
8897s high SEC minor team from actually
8898s getting involved in the fighting
8901s foreign
8903s slept near hanging on quite well here he
8906s baited out that axolab a bit to uh and
8909s now he's able to pump those charges and
8910s he's actually probably just gonna live
8912s all the way through
8914s at this point as uh we see The Last Ship
8916s start to go down
8918s well and now we are just counting the
8921s moments the last gas of life
8923s from the scorp Navy issue now if the
8926s sleffner runs out of ASB charges there
8928s is a chance that it could die
8931s something away
8935s scroll is uh
8938s no longer held there it looks like so it
8940s looks like he could start to wheel out
8942s but uh he doesn't seem too afraid he's
8944s gonna just hold on there
8945s he stopped pumping uh let's get around
8947s one more cycle the ASB there and we'll
8950s see I believe he thinks he can hold on
8951s as they take this Sni down and get a
8955s clean Victory out of it
8956s snys of course fairly tanky ships it
8959s takes definitely some work to get them
8961s down they wisely saved it for last based
8964s on the success of burning everything
8965s else through and now it's just a
8967s formality to take that down not a fast
8969s chip so it wasn't hard to save for the
8971s end and get the catch on to and then
8973s just collapse onto it as they are
8977s foreign
8984s I thought it was interesting that they
8986s that band got thrown out uh the
8989s decantalia band but we saw the freaking
8991s logic here not able to stand up to what
8994s uh Cinco was putting out with a scimitar
8996s but a lot of that had to do with what
8998s Cinco was able to do and pivot around
8999s this battleships I mentioned before with
9002s that stabber they're able to take that
9003s big DPS and the bombers off the field
9005s and then to start working from both
9007s sides inwards got two minutes left on
9010s the clock Dennis and I is finally into
9011s its structure after getting through the
9013s absurd amount of resists into the uh to
9016s the shield and Hall and we'll see it go
9018s splashier in a moment
9021s a well-fought match very uh
9025s very competitive very bloody it actually
9027s lasted a lot longer than you might
9028s expect but at the end of the day kitchen
9030s sinkhole takes the victory as we throw
9032s it back to the desk
9036s now for the triglovian weather report
9039s brought to you by Exodus
9041s integration
9043s [Music]
9048s that's the weather forever
9059s for just 10 million is a month you can
9063s save the life of a high SEC minor
9080s [Music]
9090s thank you
9097s foreign
9100s to uh the studio with that match between
9103s High SEC Miners and kitchen sinkhole uh
9106s kitchen sinkhole taking the W there
9110s um in that match
9113s so I've got a lot of people talking in
9114s my ear uh Mr Mr BR J and and ish could
9119s you guys maybe not
9122s guys can you be quiet
9125s um thank you very much uh so high side
9128s miners they're struggling to pull out a
9130s w even though it looked like it was
9133s theirs to take there was a scimitar just
9136s hanging around in what was probably
9138s considered the wrong place to be and yet
9141s High site miners just chose time and
9143s time again to ignore that Scimitar at
9146s blackback pirate what went wrong there
9149s you know I think uh I think High SEC
9151s miners actually had the advantage comp
9153s wise in that entire setup
9156s um you just got like completely out
9157s piloted uh kitchen sink realized really
9161s quickly that their initial plan of being
9163s a Minotaur Rush would not work versus
9165s those battleships
9166s so they just flew away and then used
9168s their damps and high SEC minors didn't
9171s like I don't think they were expecting
9172s it they weren't ready to have someone
9174s run away from them and uh they just
9176s tunnel vision I mean like you said
9177s there's a there's a scimitar sitting
9179s within like 10 to 30 kilometers of all
9182s of those battleships for like several
9184s minutes of the fight
9186s and at any point they could have just
9188s snapped to it and blown it up and they
9190s just didn't and then I wonder if they're
9191s saying they're like well why isn't
9192s anything dying oh you didn't kill the
9194s lodgy it was sitting on top of you so
9196s it's unfortunate yeah you have to wonder
9198s if maybe the match started and they
9200s thought oh we're not going to break this
9202s Scimitar so they just ignored it and
9204s they just didn't notice that that
9205s Scimitar was just positioned in you know
9207s the complete wrong place uh moderator we
9210s also saw kitchen tinkle bringing a
9212s couple of bombers but look like maybe no
9214s real way to screen and protect those
9215s bombers so they didn't last very long
9218s um is there really anything else that
9220s kitchen sinkhole could have done in this
9221s instance turn up kitchen cycle Isaac
9223s miners could have done in this instance
9224s apart from going for the Scimitar to
9226s make it better for themselves
9229s yeah I mean they could have tried to
9233s deal with the fact that there was a fly
9236s catcher and a jackdaw that were just
9239s completely head shotting their not only
9242s their bombers but the fact that their
9243s frigate launching got basically
9245s assassinated by those light missiles um
9247s they got pressured very heavily uh by
9250s those missiles and they're going to
9251s apply perfectly to frigate so uh
9255s possibly a bit of a Target calling issue
9257s also
9258s um
9258s I understand that you want to take the
9261s typhoons because of the discount and the
9264s fact that it's a tiebreaker opportunity
9267s um when you're already down one match
9268s but
9270s um typhoons if you're bringing a prop
9273s mod means you would at best have a four
9275s slot tank which uh is not the kind of
9279s the way to go if you want your
9280s battleships that you're dumping 20
9282s points in each two to survive more than
9285s someone looking at them funny
9289s yeah and I think with that
9291s um the the brackets haven't been updated
9292s yet but I'm pretty sure kitchen sinkhole
9294s now taking that top position in uh
9297s brutor a with Alexis Matari taking that
9300s runner-up position and that results in
9302s high SEC minors being ganked out of the
9305s tournament uh they didn't buy the
9307s correct permit uh so they are no longer
9310s competing with us
9312s um let's look at some other things so
9314s Bart we spoke a little bit about Target
9315s choice in the sense that they didn't
9316s choose to go for the Scimitar but just
9318s in general how important is Target
9321s calling and the Order of which you
9323s choose to shoot your Targets in an
9325s alliance tournament match going to be
9327s uh it's it's pretty much everything
9330s um there's very
9332s very few situations where you can really
9336s survive uh like tunnel visioning on the
9338s wrong target and we've seen it uh
9340s honestly like this entire weekend we've
9341s seen a lot of teams going after
9344s something that like and I'm a backup a
9347s little bit so you might not necessarily
9348s know it's the wrong target Until you
9350s realize you can't kill it right but as
9352s soon as you realize you're not killing
9353s it you need to switch and we're see
9355s we've seen a lot of teams that'll like
9357s Tunnel Vision on one Target and then
9359s watch that Target like survive for three
9361s minutes straight while their entire team
9363s gets destroyed
9365s um which you know I'm thinking like back
9367s yesterday there was that drone setup
9369s where uh hurricane Fleet issue tied to
9371s the drones for like five minutes
9372s straight and like at any point they
9374s could have swapped the drones to
9375s something else and maybe one uh or
9377s you'll see these ones where it's like
9378s okay we brought three rapid heavy
9380s missile launcher ships and then you pick
9382s the tankiest Target on the field versus
9385s maybe shooting like
9386s Cruiser like Logistics Cruiser like say
9389s take the kingslayer set up and use it to
9391s kill a logistics Cruiser which is what
9392s it's made for
9394s Pro tip Yeah you mentioned kingslayer
9397s um mod perhaps maybe you can run us
9399s through kingslayer what that means and
9401s why we call it that
9404s sure so King's lawyer was a composition
9407s that
9408s um Hydra built many many years ago and
9411s essentially what it's designed to do is
9413s to have
9414s um two usually three battleships that
9417s have
9418s um kind of a rapid
9420s um heavy missile launcher setup and
9422s basically the idea is that I'm going to
9424s dump a crap ton of damage in you while
9428s controlling range
9430s um while controlling the arena and I'm
9433s going to dump everything I can into one
9436s ship that's being Target painted that's
9438s being webbed and being held down and
9441s then I'm going to pull back while I'm
9444s re-clipping and then I'm going to
9446s re-engage when that clip is back up and
9449s then you basically rinse and repeat
9450s until you've won the match is the
9452s underlying concept there
9456s awesome awesome uh thank you for the
9458s insight there uh let's look forward to
9460s our next match which I'm quite excited
9461s for because this this should be a a
9463s spicy one it's going to be turbo feed Or
9466s Glory versus No Vacancy so two Wormhole
9468s groups one uh with CSM we're mostly said
9471s Martin resurrect is one without actually
9473s uh there can only be one
9476s um and this is for bruter B so this is
9478s quite an important match for both of
9479s these teams and then a lot a lot to win
9482s a lot to lose here let's take a look at
9484s the bands and see what these teams have
9486s chose to prevent your opponents from
9489s bringing so turbo feed Banning out the
9492s bar gas the balgorn and then
9494s interestingly enough the guardian
9497s um I don't think we've seen a band of
9498s those yet not only people choose if they
9499s want to Banner Tech to arm a logistics
9500s Cruiser to maybe ban his arms ad or the
9503s uh oniros Guardians usually maybe third
9505s tier there
9506s um no vacancies Banning slept near
9508s Bargas and typhoon Fleet typhoon Fleet
9510s makes sense it's been quite powerful
9512s it's low pointed by comparison moderator
9514s this Guardian band like what are your
9516s thoughts there
9519s so the guardian is more powerful in kind
9522s of these
9524s um slower setups where you don't
9527s necessarily need the mobility but like
9528s you've been saying um we usually see
9530s that
9532s um you know neros tends to be banned out
9534s more or the zarmsad because his arms
9536s that has started to replace a little bit
9539s of the role that the guardian used to
9541s have because of the massive amount of
9543s repping that you can get and the oniros
9545s is kind of the faster
9548s um laundry where you accept that it
9550s doesn't rep as much but it's got you
9553s know more mid slots where it can have a
9555s dual prop running where the guardian
9556s can't really
9557s and it's just not really a band we
9561s really see so much in kind of
9563s um at 18 maybe if this was at14 we would
9567s see it and say it was a good band but
9568s not So Much Anymore
9571s all right what's the what's the main
9573s difference when you when you're pecking
9574s between say like a guardian and a aniris
9577s like by my recollection the guardian can
9579s actually rep more why is it not more
9581s popular
9583s uh it's a lot less survivable it's um so
9586s it's not it's not that much slower but
9589s you can't really it's it's like mod set
9590s you can't dual prop them so a really
9592s common Guardian fit is you'll have both
9594s a micro warp drive and an afterburner on
9596s it so that you can mitigate missile
9599s damage with the afterburner or at least
9601s try and kite a little bit uh away maybe
9604s long enough for your team to get it uh
9606s honestly I don't understand why you
9608s would do a guardian band ever unless you
9611s were Banning both the guardian and the
9613s owneros so I think it's kind of a it's a
9615s little bit of a strange band the only
9617s thing I could think of
9618s is that they don't want people doing
9621s remote cap transfers because
9622s traditionally you probably will not fit
9624s remote cap transfers on a neuros since
9626s they don't get the long range bonus
9628s they've only got a couple of high slots
9630s um
9631s but realistically like
9634s maybe they have some like super you know
9636s Giga brain plan here but the owneros is
9640s almost always better in every single
9642s respect uh the only other thing I can
9644s think of is maybe they're trying to
9646s counter ECM so they're like hey
9648s well if we ban the guardian it leaves in
9650s a neuros open and then we can put our
9652s green jam on your oniro send our
9654s yellowjam on your not oneros
9656s but that's that's getting into that kind
9658s of like those weeds where you might be
9659s setting yourself up for failure
9662s yeah I meant to hang yourself well it's
9664s pretty much time to go to a pre-arranged
9667s system with a uh agreed upon honorable
9670s between two Wormhole groups uh with
9673s certain specified ship limits the
9675s situation both of these teams will be
9677s very familiar with as they are both
9679s Wormhole Corps so let's hand over to the
9681s arena with turbo feeder Glory versus no
9683s vacancies and your casters firvana and
9686s the Basilisk
9692s welcome everybody to the arena having
9694s successfully herded my team of cats
9696s through the group stage earlier I'm now
9697s joined by fear Viner for this match
9699s between turbo feed or glory and no
9701s vacancies in Turbo fetal Glory it looks
9702s to me are going to stay true to their
9703s name as they've brought this heavy armor
9705s control comp with this armor Loki which
9707s is something we don't see very often
9708s these armor logic frigates the Deacon
9710s and Thalia and they are going to try and
9711s rush in get webs on with this Loki and
9713s just pump them down with these two on
9714s battleships
9716s we're all known vacancies on the blue
9718s side they've triple Varga we'll see if
9720s this is going to be a tinker setup or
9722s not but with those dual lodgy frags it
9724s might be and these are 800 millimeter
9727s vargers so they're going to project out
9729s a little bit more than this TFR this
9730s Hyperion but at the same time damage
9733s wise they also do more damage uh on this
9736s high end we'll see if they're gonna be
9737s able to make this happen as these
9739s Tempest lead issues start burning in
9741s towards the side of no vacancies
9743s yeah I feel like this is going to be a
9745s bit of a bloodbath here these obviously
9746s three battleships on each side both just
9748s gonna charge into each other I feel like
9750s um the turbo fetal Glory team should be
9752s able to have reasonable Target access of
9754s course with the ranged webs from the
9755s armaloki um but the rock Channel of art
9757s cell starts taking chunks to start off
9759s with I'm not sure how this um somewhat
9762s unconventional three Varga comps is
9764s gonna work and the Vaga is MJ ding on
9765s this Beacon here pinky line in the Varga
9767s appears to have activated the beacon
9770s yeah I mean it's being primaried right
9772s now so trying to get away at the
9773s beginning the rupture was taking down an
9775s armor but he hasn't gone down quite yet
9778s yeah so this isn't a tinker setup like
9780s we've seen with those Golems earlier
9781s this is actually just every man for
9783s himself these battleships have such high
9785s projection on them because of their
9787s bonuses they figure that they're going
9789s to be able to get these 800s to do work
9791s from any area of the map meanwhile
9792s aren't saying the rupture is still being
9794s primaried right now about to hit
9795s structure that might be first blood for
9797s the match but no one has fallen yet from
9799s no vacancies
9801s but this is a crazy strategy from no
9803s vacancies they just parked up all these
9804s three Vargas
9805s um you know on opposing micro jump drive
9807s beacons and obviously now they're not on
9808s top of each other there's no way you can
9810s avoid at least two of them tracking you
9812s know if you're orbiting one then the
9813s plan is I suppose for the other two to
9815s be able to track you I mean they're all
9816s going to have range limitations but as
9817s you say Vargo projection is pretty
9818s decent but still
9819s you know I was wrong in my initial
9821s prediction this is a bloodbath this
9822s doesn't seem to be a bloodbath so far
9823s it's sort of slow paced
9826s yeah it is the sky breaker taking a bit
9828s of damage right now only got dual T1
9830s larger freaks keeping him alive while
9832s this rupture was able to heal back up
9833s the pull
9835s but a deletion of that mollus that was a
9837s single volley and the mollus is gone
9839s damps off the field no and the Hyperion
9842s gets deleted was that a micro jump drive
9844s battery yes it was
9846s that's insane that's incredible I mean
9848s the pressure wasn't really on turbo
9850s field gory to make to do much here I
9852s mean this this strategy from no
9853s vacancies doesn't seem to be really
9854s doing much there's another that is the
9856s Hyperion
9857s um they they were parked up but I feel
9858s like the application as you say is it's
9860s maybe not enough these beacons uh so far
9863s away from each other that maybe they
9865s couldn't apply the Varga mjds away to
9866s get away from these drones but this wolf
9867s now goes down as well this is turning
9869s into chaos to be honest I feel like the
9871s Vargas yeah it doesn't too much pressure
9872s out but
9873s yeah they're just volleying these slow
9876s ends
9877s yeah following these lines and turbo
9879s feet are growing I'm not sure what they
9880s were trying to do with this mjd play on
9882s the Hyperion uh really costly mistake
9885s because the only damage left is the
9886s Tempest Fleet issue uh the Loki and the
9889s astardite and that's not nearly enough
9891s the pawn effects gets volleyed as well
9892s these Vargas lining up the volleys
9895s getting the low end out I think they
9897s might go for the steek and Thalia next
9898s and then start working away at this high
9900s end
9901s yeah I've commentated a fair few matches
9903s I don't think I've I can remember seeing
9905s something like this before executed to
9907s such Effectiveness I mean turbo fetal
9909s Glory obviously land on the grid they
9911s say okay we got these three battleships
9912s we've got these Loki we're just gonna
9913s try and RAM in and pump all our DPS into
9915s them and no vacancies immediately from
9917s from second zero just Starburst get all
9919s their three Vargas away to different
9920s micro jump beacons and just start
9921s volleying stuff across the field
9924s yeah absolutely crazy from no vacancies
9927s remember if they win this they're gonna
9928s be first seed and then ushra Khan the
9930s momentary role play Corp becomes second
9932s seed in the group this rupture now into
9934s very low armor this Deacon and Thalia
9936s don't look too close to the rupture so
9938s they should be able to get through him
9939s as this Hawk and Bantam starting to get
9941s some pressure on top of them they might
9944s go down but still triple vargar is a lot
9946s of points on the high end killing the
9947s low end at this point might not be
9948s enough
9950s yeah obviously these vulgars are gonna
9951s have so much
9952s power in their own right there's so many
9954s points pumped into them
9955s um and they're still you know there's
9957s the Tempest Fleet and their starter I'm
9958s not gonna be able to take them down
9959s their own they are slowly killing off
9960s this support wing and on their side but
9962s I mean it the logic obviously doesn't
9964s matter the Decon Valley they've
9965s demonstrated that they're able to just
9966s pop things
9968s yeah and as we saw the low end the
9970s rupture goes down as well as the uh Hawk
9974s and the Bantam from no vacancies so
9977s decontalia last for members of this low
9979s end alive and they have been able to
9981s keep things alive under the Varga but
9982s not through volleys the sky breaker
9985s going down very low but they go all the
9986s way through half armor on the first
9988s volley towards this Loki skybreaker goes
9990s down this Loki he's got to get wrapped
9992s up a bit more if these Vargas uh if he
9995s has any chance against these vargers
9998s yeah the Deacon and Thalia are burning
9999s towards him now trying to pump reps out
10000s on him but I don't know how long it's
10001s going to be until this next volley comes
10003s out on this Loki he is coming up to 75
10005s armor now they are sold on top of 68 he
10006s gets another chunk down to 35 so you
10009s know these these logic frigates gonna
10010s have to be working overtime to to heal
10012s him back up but I mean of course in the
10013s meantime the Vlogs could switch to
10014s something else and just totally put them
10016s into disarray the turbo food comp isn't
10017s particularly balled up right now so
10019s these logic frigates with the limited
10020s range are going to be struggling to keep
10021s everyone alive if they decide to switch
10023s Artie vargers that's not something I
10026s have ever seen before in my life we've
10030s seen the cruise missiles on these Golems
10032s because they have more DPS and less
10034s volley and this Loki dipping into very
10037s low armor now off that last volley from
10039s these Vargas this is incredible uh
10042s prediction from no vacancies realizing
10044s that hey if they we keep them split up
10048s we're going to be able to volley through
10049s basically everyone this Loki I think two
10051s more volleys is probably going to be
10052s enough to kill him the seeking mentholia
10054s are not making enough progress uh after
10056s every volley
10058s I don't know I mean they are holding up
10060s he's got back to 85 armor here before
10061s this next volley comes in but I mean
10063s even if they do if even if they are able
10065s to keep him up he's still they haven't
10067s got enough time there's not enough time
10068s for them to be able to kill these Vargas
10070s and they need to obviously stay in a
10071s pack to make sure that these lodgy
10072s frigates can rep up whoever gets
10073s primaried
10074s um they maybe have cycled off the Loki
10076s or they can't track him maybe but I mean
10078s this this sort of
10080s cage of death that no vacancies are
10082s built here with these artillery Vargas
10083s and of course as soon as they see
10085s um the turbo feed comp approaching them
10087s they can just use the mjd and go to
10088s another corner
10090s yep njd from Infinity right as you said
10093s that as well going towards the center of
10094s the Arena trying to get a little bit
10096s better maybe onto this uh deconthalia
10099s maybe they just don't think that they're
10101s gonna be able to track with these
10102s artillery canines I can't believe I
10103s messed right the model it looked like an
10105s AC to me but I guess uh I'm just uh
10108s blind even with my reference another mjd
10110s this one the Tempest Fleet issue from
10112s Turbo theater Glory gets on top of Razer
10114s but he's fooling the mjd right now as
10116s well uh I do not know if he's scrammed
10119s by this Tempest lead issue as I don't
10120s have fancy UI but he is at the very
10122s least webbed and it looks like yeah the
10124s MGD was broken so uh rezura is in
10128s trouble right now now the MGD wasn't
10130s broken he'd boost okay we're good
10133s I mean I'm just I just want to address
10136s the sheer balls of no vacancies to bring
10139s this out because obviously if you you
10141s walk this to the field and you see those
10142s The Tempest Fleet that you started the
10144s Loki bearing down on you and they're
10145s charging into you you know it's got to
10147s be a matter of seconds as to whether or
10148s not you can get these mjds off on the
10150s Vargas get away you know spread out
10151s enough or if these tempests Tempest
10153s Fleet and the starter are just going to
10155s punch through you
10156s um and you know clearly it's worked
10157s Perfection but it must have been a very
10158s fine margin for them to do so and
10160s obviously if they hadn't and these
10161s Vargas had got caught down next to each
10163s other it could be a very very different
10164s match
10165s hyena being in a little bit of trouble
10167s here though no logic available to him
10169s he's in structure should be going down
10171s but once again there are so many points
10173s in these Vargas you have to kill all
10175s three of them if you want to win with
10177s all of your low ends gone uh from Turbo
10179s feed or glory and I don't think they're
10181s going to be able to do that the lift to
10183s win strategy now seems to be the play
10185s for no vacancies as I don't really have
10187s the ability to take anything else off
10188s the field
10190s yeah there's you know less than two and
10191s a half minutes left in the match so this
10193s is going to be wrapped up for no
10194s vacancies whatever's left it just
10195s doesn't have enough damage to break
10196s through even one of these vloggers
10198s um you know as you say 26 points each
10199s these are a hefty
10201s um contribution to the points here and
10203s you know I think killing they need to
10204s kill at least two at this point and
10205s obviously that's not gonna happen
10208s um so yeah I mean really well played by
10209s no vacancies it's it's so impressive to
10212s see such a
10214s audacious comp it's it's really yeah I'm
10217s impressed very impressed I I am
10220s impressed but I also have to point out
10222s that uh turbo theater Glory did
10224s themselves no favors by mjd boundarying
10227s a Hyperion at the start of the match I
10230s think if they had that Hyperion it would
10231s have been tough to break a Varga but if
10233s they were able to get a scram on one of
10234s these Vargas they might have been able
10237s to actually kill him between the
10239s Hyperion and the Tempest Fleet issue but
10241s now that's just not the case there's
10243s Loki going down he's gonna be right back
10244s up by this Deacon Thalia uh this hyena
10247s is actually Shield regened up a pretty
10249s high now as he hasn't fallen quite yet
10252s uh defrost seems to be the next one to
10254s go down some damages going on in the
10256s assade as well but it doesn't look like
10258s they're going to be any more uh kills in
10260s this as we wind down into the last
10262s minute
10263s yeah so it looks like this is going to
10265s head towards a stalemate or not still
10266s you know win in favor of no vacancies
10268s but it's going to sort of taper off
10269s rather than end with a bang but yeah as
10271s you say CP CCP zealous calling out in
10272s local chat 127 kilometers on the uh on
10276s the Hyperion boundary and of course the
10277s edge of the Arena 125 so just perhaps a
10279s slight miscalculation just a slight
10281s different angle on that mjd and he would
10284s have potentially landed exactly where he
10285s wanted to on maybe on top of one of
10286s those Vargas and and scrammed it and
10288s this match again could have gone
10288s completely different so you know so many
10290s pivotal moments in this match where it
10292s could have just been on a total knife
10293s edge and the outcome could have been
10294s completely different but this Loki now
10296s of koniko may actually find himself
10297s going down before the end but this is
10299s going to be the end of Turbo feed or
10300s Glory's hopes and aspirations of getting
10302s into alliance tournament 18.
10304s yeah another mjd from Razer just to stay
10308s away from this blob I mean there's not a
10311s whole lot that this Tempest lead issue
10312s this is star day uh and this Loki can do
10314s the Loki's being wrapped up by these uh
10317s lodgy frigates at the moment but another
10318s good uh volley with a couple wrecking
10320s shots might be enough but they aren't
10322s syncing up the volleys right now
10324s yeah it's it's kind of funny really how
10326s uh Taylor fito Glory brought a Loki for
10328s range control thinking they could get on
10330s top oh there you go but of course the
10333s only thing that can't be range
10334s controlled by a Loki is mjds and that's
10336s exactly what no vacancies have uh you
10337s know specked into with these three
10338s Vargas so congratulations to no
10340s vacancies they're going to proceed I
10341s believe as you said top of their group
10343s turbo fetal Glory will once again
10345s encounter turbo feed and with that we're
10346s going to send it back to the desk
10354s [Music]
10360s [Music]
10380s [Applause]
10381s forever
10383s [Music]
10384s [Applause]
10394s [Music]
10410s [Music]
10416s thank you
10419s foreign
10421s [Music]
10430s there you have it the order of the
10431s business today is indeed turbo feeding
10434s and no glory for top of future Glory no
10437s vacancies taking a win is definitely a
10440s win
10442s um with a triple Varga triangle of death
10445s strategy uh not something we've we've
10447s seen much of in the alliance tournament
10449s before uh it reminded me immediately of
10452s I think it must have been Alliance
10453s tournament 13 when
10455s um I think the micro jump drive he first
10458s came out and mirada's got the the 70
10460s reduction in cooldown for it and I tried
10463s to convince at my fellow 3D Crafters in
10465s my team back then that the uh micro jump
10469s driving Varga comp was going to be a
10472s real thing where we could just micro
10473s jump drive around the arena away from
10474s the enemies uh Novak basically deploying
10477s some weird version of that and you know
10479s what it worked for them
10481s um they did have 11 people on their team
10483s their entirety of their team and ordoski
10486s and his Hyperion choosing to uh jump
10488s themselves straight out of the Arena
10490s moderator uh a small narrator as I see
10494s you're now called uh how is that match
10495s for you it's a bit bit odd but um
10498s anything that the uh uh top of your
10501s glory team could have done better other
10502s than staying inside the arena to maybe
10503s secure a victory there against three RT
10505s vargers
10507s yeah I mean they could have had
10509s literally any one of their ships have a
10513s scram and be able to hold down an
10515s artillery Barger unfortunately
10519s um
10520s all of their ships that were capable of
10522s doing so basically got headshot by 1400
10526s artillery and then once they were dead
10529s no vacancies had a lot of fun
10533s doing I lost count of how many micro
10535s jump drives but it was more than one and
10538s none of them died or went out of the
10540s Arena wolf doing it so uh Big Ups to
10542s them for not jumping out of the Arena
10546s yeah the arena is only 125 kilometers
10548s radius from the center Central Beacon so
10552s depending on which direction you're
10553s moving in
10554s um it can certainly be less than 100
10555s kilometers to the boundary from where
10557s you are at any one time I could jump
10559s drive obviously it pings you forward 100
10562s kilometers and uh that Hyperion land is
10565s 127 kilometers away from the central
10567s Beacon so he only misjudged by two
10569s kilometers but uh Bob only cares about
10572s one meter so in this case he was
10575s eviscerated immediately by uh the hand
10578s of God
10579s Blackboard pirate triple Vargas is that
10581s the meta
10583s no I don't think so I honestly like
10587s I I don't want to downplay uh no
10590s vacancies winning but I think that with
10593s that if that Hyperion had not decided to
10595s uh try and be a super cool guy and mjd
10598s after the vargary and said just like
10600s mwd towards him
10602s I think that Novak would have lost that
10605s um I'm I'm assuming that the Hyperion
10607s had a scram on it but I I'm pretty sure
10610s that uh
10611s like we saw that Novak wasn't actually
10614s really losing anything
10616s after they lost like two or three ships
10618s right so I I don't think that they
10619s actually had enough DPS with their
10620s vargers to break anything if that high
10622s period had lived so
10625s you never know I mean it's super cool
10626s like
10627s three burgers was super awesome like
10629s they played it perfectly they went to
10631s different beacons but I I don't think
10632s that that is the uh that is the secret
10634s trick that will win every single
10636s tournament from now on
10638s Unfortunately they can't bring four
10640s Vargas because they wouldn't have uh
10642s enough points because that would be well
10643s over 100 points just for those with that
10646s match
10647s um that finalizes the standings for the
10649s briter tribe uh today so winning britar
10653s a is Kitchen sinkhole with runner-up
10656s electus Matari and winning bruter B is
10659s no vacancies and shrikan as runner-up
10662s rather annoyingly uh by no vacancies
10665s taking that W it means that they push us
10668s into that runner-up slot and the drivers
10672s of Alexis material versus shrekan next
10675s week as the winner of uh brutal a plays
10679s the runner-off of Ritter B and vice
10680s versa so if no vacancies dropped that
10683s anushra can had one and we would have
10685s seen a lesson and I think that would
10687s have been quite a match to watch but
10690s unfortunately it is not to be
10692s now we are going on to the Stark manure
10695s tribe with uh Spector Fleet versus
10697s gunswarm Federation so uh mpsi group
10701s versus one of the biggest groups of
10704s Blues in the game who can win here we
10706s will find that uh let's see if we can
10709s just uh oh we're looking at the starting
10710s your tribe group right now so scary
10712s Wormhole people in group a sitting
10714s comfortable at the top with two wins
10715s they are very happy so essentially
10717s respectively in goon from Federation are
10719s now competing for relegation whoever
10722s loses this match will almost certainly
10724s be relegated from the tournament uh
10726s something that goes from Federation is
10728s intimately familiar with Group B
10730s Russell's Clan also sitting uh with two
10732s wins no visual in the Ancients with zero
10735s each so when they play later on there's
10737s also going to be an elimination match uh
10740s the winner will stay in the loser will
10742s be kicked out of Alliance tournament 18.
10746s uh looking at our next match Specter
10748s Fleet versus gun from Federation let's
10749s take a quick look at the bands
10750s themselves see what these teams have
10752s chose chosen to ban out so respectively
10754s Banning the Nighthawk and the Gila and
10757s with the trickle-down band to the curse
10759s Aguila is not the most banned ship it is
10761s we've seen it I actually take out some
10763s of those drone comps
10765s um goes for a federation Banning The
10766s Vindicator the Nighthawk and the low key
10768s so they really don't want to see that
10770s Nighthawk Loki Rush uh moderator why
10774s else jumped out at you from these bands
10775s here
10778s yeah I mean again uh goon swarm not
10781s wanting to deal with any sort of webs
10783s yeah I mean that's why you would ban Out
10785s The Vindicator not wanting to deal with
10786s 90 webs and then not wanting to deal
10788s with
10789s um the 60 but bonus to range webs that
10792s the Loki can bring
10794s um I'm liking the Specter band a little
10796s bit more with the the kind of the
10798s healing not wanting to deal with uh
10800s drones and not wanting to deal with the
10802s Newton tracking disruption you can get
10804s out of a curse hitting you
10808s yeah I mean I'm I'm struggling to decide
10810s who I want to win this most uh I always
10812s like to see the goons do well because
10815s you know they do so well in so many
10818s other aspects of Eve online but uh the
10820s tournaments they just really struggle
10821s with uh and they feel like somehow the
10824s Plucky underdogs
10825s um in in this scenario uh but then again
10828s respectively as well a bunch of cool
10830s dudes npsi is always something that I
10832s like to support I think it's awesome uh
10834s be able to just drop and drop her and do
10835s fleets all over the place and the
10837s content creators uh that make that
10839s happen uh should be applauded very in
10842s stone chart across the fc4 is basically
10845s a team here today BlackMart pirate what
10848s do you think about this matchup who
10849s would you put your uh your Twitch
10850s Channel points behind
10853s uh well unfortunately uh I am out of
10856s twitch Channel points because I suck at
10857s uh predicting people this time which is
10860s usually not the case I swear but uh I
10863s don't know I want to put it behind
10864s Specter I feel like they would have won
10866s their last match if they hadn't burned
10868s their guns out and hopefully that was
10870s like a learning experience for them
10872s it says don't burn your guns out
10875s whereas uh goon's I don't know I I you
10878s can't vote for goons like it's it's
10880s against the rules like I personally
10882s I feel dirty if I do it they've got 40
10884s 000 people they should be able to get 10
10885s like really good Pilots to win with
10887s right so
10888s I'm going for Spectra yeah
10891s I mean the odds there do seem high for
10894s students from Federation to be able to
10895s find the 10 Elite PVP Pilots moderator
10899s um what about you like as we said before
10901s goodons not usually known for their
10903s tournament prowess do you think this
10905s could be where they start to turn it
10907s around
10908s no
10910s um Specter while they did make a bit of
10912s a mistake yesterday burning out their
10915s guns I mean fundamentally they played
10917s well in their match
10919s um they just basically choked themselves
10921s out of that win unfortunately
10923s um they're the better players and I
10925s think they're going to come away with
10926s the w but you know if they lose here I
10929s you know I will equal to 40 000 down
10932s votes so
10934s um
10935s hoping Specter can prove me right but
10938s ready for anything to happen here
10942s awesome thank you well in the event that
10945s uh Federation are knocked out I'm sure
10947s we'll see them uh in the next anger
10949s games
10951s um but it's time to go straight and find
10952s out who can win between spec to Fleet
10955s and gunstorm Federation with your
10957s casters ish and Alec
10962s and here we are with Specter and consorm
10965s and it looks like Specter has brought
10968s here a balgorn and double T5 comp that
10970s is a gun balgorn uh with four post laces
10973s on it and AC t5s and they've also
10976s brought uh two bombers behind that so
10979s they're looking to do that high-end
10980s heavy front-end DPS what is ithaca's
10983s favorite uh Underdog brought here Alec
10986s well goonsworm who I also bet on for
10989s full disclosure has Tempest Fleet issue
10991s Hyperion EOS for their damage core and
10994s they've invested points in a Tech 2
10996s logistic ship the sceneros they've got a
10998s bunch of tackle and I wore low end but
11001s this is generally speaking a fairly
11002s traditional double Battleship Rush comp
11010s foreign
11018s logic and Dodge and we've managed to get
11021s more reps done or if the tech 2 Cruiser
11023s will win the day uh
11026s Drive potential Advantage here is the
11028s scenarios will be able to rep outside of
11030s the balgorn's new Range which could
11032s prove a decisive Advantage if he can
11034s position correctly
11037s yeah agreed I think this will be a lot
11039s of this will come down to uh how that
11042s Daenerys is going to position on field
11043s and how long he can avoid losing 100 of
11047s his capacitor
11049s would you see the T5 sort of pressing
11050s into each other
11052s uh Lord Jackson's OG Navy joining that
11054s struggle and they're going to look for a
11057s lock down here the Hyperion not quite
11059s into the mix yet but he's buzzing in
11061s there as they close at Hyperion and I
11063s think we'll start to see the damage wrap
11064s up ramp up
11067s yep a mix of e-war damage and rep Bots
11071s for both teams it's a bit of a drone
11072s Smorgasbord right now but what you're
11075s seeing with the uh
11077s the Specter Fleet bombers that's drone
11080s damage coming their way meanwhile the OG
11081s Navy has not only guns on top of him but
11084s a big cloud of drowns as well
11088s indeed a rocket Adventure has managed to
11091s make it yeah he is he's disintegrating
11093s uh we do see the rocket Vengeance has
11096s managed to make it to the bombers now
11097s and he's working into that purifier
11099s so he should be able to get a purifier
11101s of the field in due time but Lord
11103s Jackson's OG Navy does not survive the
11105s struggle in the mid there with all the
11107s t5s able to get access to him
11109s and very crucially the balgorn for
11112s Specter fleet has burned away he was not
11114s screened successfully he is on top of
11116s the aniris needing it dry
11121s yeah
11122s damage into it too which is strange it
11124s could be that he's not in range to hit
11125s anything else with for full damage but
11127s either way there's a bunch of split
11129s damage coming out now from Specter Fleet
11131s whereas goons are focusing on the
11133s Tempest Fleet and the purifier however
11135s neither are dying remarkably fast
11140s yeah the purifier has a fair bit of
11142s lodgy bots on it and it's sort of
11143s managed to sustain them he's not able to
11146s move anywhere being uh held down there
11147s by the Vengeance but he is trying his
11149s best to get all of the torps out he can
11152s before he goes pop and Tyler in the T5
11155s holding on for your dear life at about
11157s 50 armor hovering there as he
11159s self-wrapped but without the without the
11162s help of Logie that it's going to be a
11165s severe challenge here as this Hyperion
11167s is he's stable to have free access to
11169s the T5 and keep whittling it down
11175s dropped hard they tried to swap over to
11177s the pontifex which was holding it down
11179s for the balgorn but too little too late
11181s that Battleground was allowed free reign
11183s and it just rampaged right into the back
11185s line and created this this big hole in
11189s the Goon comp which they can now no
11191s longer fill their lodges down and we're
11193s gonna see the rest of their ships
11194s falling in very quick order
11198s yeah unfortunately they did not take
11199s enough DPS off the field to justify a
11201s lodging loss so I don't think we're
11204s going to see that a big recovery here
11206s and their Hyperion is now has all of
11209s those balgar newts turned onto itself
11211s along with additional Notes From The
11212s Tempest he looks like he's trying to cap
11214s boost and rep through it but that is
11216s going to be a really difficult thing to
11218s juggle for him is going to be losing
11220s armor a lot faster than he can replace
11222s it because his cap is going to be
11223s basically zero except for those few
11226s seconds right after he pops a cap
11227s booster charge now dipping to half
11229s structure and there he goes that is a
11232s huge huge chunk of their DPS down I do
11234s not think there is a road to recovery
11236s here for goonsworm
11238s unfortunately it seems like their win
11240s conditions have left the building as now
11243s they are simply getting whittled down
11244s getting pushed into balgorn fairly
11247s comfortable here to stay on that end of
11248s the field now of course he's been held
11250s down for a bit by the uh by some hero
11252s scram out of the Tormentor but I I don't
11254s think he cares at this point he's just
11256s gonna switch out the radio throw some
11258s damage that he can across to that
11259s Tempest Fleet issue
11261s and uh still get work done as his team
11264s finishes the details
11266s yeah they are on cruise control right
11269s now this Tempest will drop very fast
11271s didn't need cap for its guns but does
11273s need cap for its local rep which is the
11275s only way it's going to pull back some
11276s hit points and now we see their low end
11278s just evaporating that was a tour Mentor
11280s gone I didn't even see him take a hit he
11282s just completely vanished in one shot
11285s it looks like varying got tired of being
11287s held down all the way back there and
11289s decided he would uh take that Tormentor
11291s out once and for all and threw a little
11293s bit of pulse into him and now we see the
11294s bagworm buzzing in to help his team uh
11297s finish off the match here but with just
11298s Vengeance carries EOS smallest lust
11301s unfortunately it's not a lot for goons
11303s to do here to recover
11305s yeah they're double deacons perfectly
11307s fine they haven't even been taken into
11309s armor and the Reps from these deacons
11311s will be more than enough to keep all the
11313s rest of their ships alive as this EOS
11315s drops as well that is the last gasp of
11318s DPS on the goonstorm team they're done
11321s now they have a carius malice for e-war
11323s but nothing to follow up with this
11326s Vengeance for tackle it is one of the
11328s tankiest assault frigates in the game
11329s but we're seeing now just how quickly
11331s that tank evaporates when it doesn't
11333s have anything in terms of reps to back
11335s it up
11337s yeah I think they were looking for some
11339s openings to hold down some key ships but
11341s without the positioning from the onerus
11343s to avoid getting caught out by the
11345s balgorn it really just started to fall
11347s apart it's a good example of where
11350s Kerry's Mullis is certainly powerful for
11352s holding off or sort of delaying the
11354s field and giving that element of control
11356s but as ships start to pushing close
11358s micro jump driving he's going for it
11362s to Glory oh
11366s I think he only made it 208 I don't
11369s think he came close to the record but he
11370s made a good showing
11374s 205 208 somewhere in there
11376s 231.5
11379s oh my goodness very nice
11383s that's the record micro jump record
11388s well it's important
11392s well done oh my goodness
11395s well a clean Victory here for Specter
11398s Fleet as they Advance onwards
11405s foreign
11432s [Music]
11434s foreign
11445s there
11449s um welcome back ladies and gentlemen
11450s goodsworth Federation back in their
11452s traditional Place uh for Alliance
11454s tournament which is out of it
11457s um we thought for a while maybe Alliance
11459s tournament 18 was going to be the one
11461s for going from Federation but much like
11464s Alliance tournaments one through 17 is
11467s not uh happen to be that way they did
11470s however set a new record for dying as
11472s far away from the center of Arena as
11473s possible
11475s 231.5 kilometers uh from Azure and
11479s Oregon there the captain of the gunsm
11481s Federation team
11482s um of course you can argue in twitch
11484s chat all you want about whether that
11485s counts because it's not on Tranquility
11487s uh but you know this is an official
11489s Alliance tournament trials match that's
11492s uh
11493s I'd say I'd say it probably leans on the
11495s side of counting uh somewhere in the
11497s world
11498s um Casper 24 just sat up looked around
11501s and felt a little shiver down his spine
11503s the previous record holder
11506s respectively doing great there I really
11508s dismantled uh that goons Federation team
11511s rather surgically one after the other uh
11514s seemed to be moderator just a bit of a
11516s lack of screening uh from the gun from
11519s Federation Thai aside
11522s yeah
11524s um so we saw that virion stone Shard
11527s um quite literally ran it down mid past
11528s the first Tower and into the inhibitor
11531s uh where he inhibited the oniros from
11533s doing literally anything when he got a
11536s newt and a web on top of him and that is
11539s not where you want to be if you are that
11542s gun owneros
11544s um the ships that would have been
11546s screening him were at Vengeance and the
11549s Tormentor
11551s um the Vengeance unfortunately was
11552s trying to solo PVP bombers which is
11556s understandable but when those bombers
11557s are sitting on top of the deacon Duo
11560s you're never going to break it so what
11562s you need to do in that situation is you
11564s know play defensively and mitigate the
11567s you know 20-something points balgorn
11570s with your four point Vengeance and
11572s prevent it and uh once the goons lost to
11575s that Logie
11577s um there was no way back into that match
11579s for them
11581s yeah it was just like I say kind of
11584s systematic from uh respectively like
11587s about pirate um do you think goons
11589s Federation
11590s really could have done anything else
11592s against that execution from respectively
11595s it seemed like they were in control uh
11597s they were can they were collected you
11598s know wood guns need basically to perform
11601s less good to have a chance there
11604s I think so like honestly uh comp wise it
11608s wasn't that much it wasn't a particular
11610s advantage on one side or the other
11612s um in my opinion like the specters lead
11615s setup was a little bit better in the
11616s sense that it had higher DPS and it had
11618s a balgorn balgorns are pretty cool but
11621s like like mod said if they had screened
11623s the balgor and with the Vengeance then
11625s what are you gonna do with the valgorn
11628s um the Spectra flu was kind of spread
11629s out in a lot of different parts where
11631s they could have just
11632s tackle different ships off in different
11634s areas and then maybe applied something
11636s uh we did see goons almost get a couple
11638s kills at the end there
11640s because they like switched targets but
11642s again it kind of goes back to that thing
11643s we've been seeing for this entire
11644s weekend where people are tunnel
11645s visioning
11647s and then think oh maybe we'll beat it if
11649s we keep shooting it
11651s and that's not gonna happen unless you
11652s figure out some way to pressure the
11653s logistics so
11655s um you know
11657s I think that was like actually a skill
11659s issue on goon's part it wasn't like an
11661s out Theory crafted per se it wasn't an
11663s outcome it was just that you know they
11665s couldn't find 10 good pilots and it's
11667s unfortunate but I'm actually happy for
11670s Specter because I think this is going to
11671s be the first time they've made it
11672s through the feeders and one of the first
11674s times they made it and you know has a
11676s possibility making in the main
11676s tournament for a really long time so
11678s it's good for them
11680s yeah exactly so well done specifically
11682s for uh for taking that W and
11686s um eliminating good Confederation from
11687s the tournament and securing themselves
11689s at least a place in next weekend
11691s uh so they still have to secure
11693s themselves a place in the main
11694s tournament uh but they will have the
11695s opportunity to do that
11697s on day three and four of the trials now
11701s I just wanted to briefly uh discuss the
11704s Thunderdome server so for those of you
11706s who may
11707s um be new to Alliance tournament in
11709s general uh you will be thinking hey is
11712s this happening somewhere on Tranquility
11713s you know can I go Harvest up these
11716s wrecks and and sell them or whatever but
11718s in fact these are half this fight and
11720s all the fights today are happening on
11722s the Thunderdome server which is a
11723s completely separate server from
11725s Tranquility everyone has maximum skills
11727s all the ships are free and basically
11729s points mean absolutely nothing except
11731s entry into the main tournament itself
11734s one of the reasons that we do it on
11735s Thunderdome is it means that
11738s um the teams don't have to worry about
11739s losing the esk for the ship so if you're
11741s a small team that's new the tournaments
11743s you want to give it a go you don't have
11744s to worry about trying to find people
11745s with the right skills like if you're a
11747s new Bro Corp you don't have to worry
11749s about if you're finding someone to fund
11751s buying all the ships and modules to be
11753s able to fit up you know x amount of comp
11755s so that when you know your Battleground
11757s gets banned you have to bring something
11758s else you have to buy it all of a sudden
11760s in Jita that can be quite detrimental to
11762s small teams so we're doing this on
11764s Thunderdome which is lovingly maintained
11766s by CCP zealous uh he gets up every
11769s morning uh has a afar talk with in the
11772s dome make sure that everyone knows it's
11774s loved and cared for and he goes about
11776s the rest of his day uh Thunderdome
11778s itself now lives in the London uh server
11780s room with the rest of Tranquility
11781s there's a long step up from where it
11784s started which was on a server blade
11786s under CCP logic bro's desk so uh we
11789s event here are all super happy with uh
11792s with the current state of Thunderdome
11794s and we hope to see more of it in the
11795s future
11797s now we can look forward to our next
11799s match here in the Stark manure tribe
11802s another elimination match black pirate
11805s between no Visual and the Ancients
11807s elimination matches the um the pressure
11810s certainly going to be on what do you
11812s think about these bands here
11815s I really like actually all the bands
11817s here except for the balgorn I think I've
11819s said several times I'm not a huge fan of
11821s these balgorn bands I don't think it's
11823s that good of a ship granted we just saw
11825s it goons but yeah does that make it a
11828s good ship I don't know
11829s um the Vargas though we've seen a lot of
11831s bargists uh we've seen a lot of
11834s scimitars like I think it's probably the
11835s most common logic ship uh so you know no
11838s visual Banning the Bargas to the Golem
11840s they're really not wanting to see that
11843s you know that rapid heavy kite they
11846s really don't want to see that Golem
11847s Tinker we've seen a couple times which
11849s is fair I think it's been very difficult
11850s to beat uh ancients not sure about the
11853s balgorn they must have just feel that
11855s it's difficult to play into but the
11856s Scimitar band
11858s um that honestly
11860s pretty much bands out Shield kite and
11862s does a seriously good job about damaging
11865s some of the other like heavy missile
11867s setups uh it's honestly pretty good
11869s against Minotaur Rush as well so I think
11872s a scimitar band is like a very clear
11874s sign that you want to fly armor or you
11876s want to fight against armor
11878s moderator you've uh you've flown in some
11881s fairly uh high-level teams in your time
11883s talk to me about this whole concept of
11886s like outmitting yourself in in bands and
11889s things like that like what do what do we
11890s mean sometimes when that happens
11893s yeah so
11895s um once you have been kind of
11900s um scrimming yourself internally kind of
11902s like we used to or you have a single
11904s scrim partner
11906s um you can kind of
11907s kind of get in your own head and out
11909s think yourself and overthink situations
11912s when really what you just need to do is
11915s just go with the composition that you
11917s have most experience with that you know
11920s everyone can communicate and pilot
11922s effectively and not try to do any like
11927s last minute crazy things like saying oh
11929s hey um I think they're going to bring
11930s all
11932s you know all Omar damage let's you know
11935s Swap all of our uh hardeners to like em
11937s Instead at like the last minute and then
11940s you fight like a missile team and now
11942s all of a sudden all your Em hardeners
11944s are useless because they can just choose
11946s whatever damage uh things like that so
11948s it's very possible to kind of get in
11950s your own head and kind of um
11953s double guess yourself especially when
11955s you're in an elimination match and
11957s everything is riding on the line and you
11959s just kind of want to go For Broke
11960s because you just need to pull up the W
11962s to keep going but
11965s um yeah just
11967s the advice I'd give to most of these
11968s teams is just go with what you're
11970s comfortable with go with what you have
11972s the experience on and play to the best
11974s of your ability
11976s yeah sometimes you see that with uh
11978s younger teams as well uh less in-depth
11981s video crafting and the best thing to do
11983s is just pick a couple of comps and just
11985s run them over and over and over again
11986s and get really good at flying executing
11987s those ones and try and do your best with
11989s them I've seen plenty of times where
11991s that happens and then they maybe lose
11993s against some other comp and in the next
11994s match you see them bring because they
11996s just lost to they've never flown it
11998s before they'd never practice with it
11999s before and all of a sudden uh they're
12001s trying to to use it rather than just
12003s bringing what they're comfortable with
12005s um I've been in that situation myself I
12007s remember getting absolutely dumpster in
12009s Alliance tournament 13 by uh Shadow
12011s cartels bomber Tinker in a practice I
12013s think the day before the first day of
12015s Alliance tournament and we immediately
12017s stole that comp and deployed at the next
12019s day
12020s um because we were like wow that pump is
12022s going to be good and then we lost the
12024s match so it's easy easily done
12027s uh but it is time to go to the you know
12029s for a elimination match between no
12032s Visual and the ancient with your casters
12035s firvana and the Basilisk
12044s welcome back to the arena my name is
12045s fear joined by the Basilisk and we have
12049s on the red side
12051s no visual dots with a triple Battleship
12055s set up this one with a little Shack and
12057s a high PRN uh with a tempest Fleet as
12060s well more armor more control but it's
12063s more armor than control in this
12065s particular instance
12067s yeah and on the other side I think the
12068s Ancients here are about to discover why
12070s it's uh generally a pretty bad idea to
12072s warp to zero unless you're 110 certain
12075s that you've got the rushiest rush to
12076s have ever rushed because they've brought
12078s in these two abandons at zero they've
12079s got lodgy frigates that warping in at 30
12081s so there's not gonna be effective reps
12082s from The navitestinal Inquisitor on
12083s these abandons and they've parked up
12085s right on top of this lashac tempestly
12087s and Hyperion from no visual who are just
12088s gonna absolutely Munch through them
12091s yeah a baton's very tanky ships but
12093s triple battleship you have three with
12096s the damage bonus and one of which is a
12098s little Shack versus two with a damage
12099s bonus and one with just tracking and
12102s production Grant you they have these
12103s Attack Battle Cruisers and these oracles
12105s perhaps they'll be able to chunk through
12107s a Target but first uh they have to deal
12110s with this Le Shack the biggest damage
12113s dealer out of any ship in the at we'll
12115s see how well it can do I believe the
12117s lashac is undefeated through feeders uh
12119s if I'm not mistaken at the moment
12121s the thing is as well for the ancient
12123s series they're also potentially going to
12125s have to deal with this carries and this
12126s Confessor who may also have damps in the
12128s mid so that's potentially five bonus
12129s stamps here sitting at zero so those
12131s oracles might find it very very
12133s difficult to actually lock anything at
12134s all without burning in and obviously
12135s oracle's not both tankiest ships in the
12137s world not exactly where they want to be
12138s coming up close to the shack and Tempest
12140s Fleet and all the other sort of stuff
12141s that they've brought at zero and it's
12142s about an immediately if it is take
12143s chunks
12145s yeah but as is predictable they are
12148s going for this little Shack first off
12149s the field if they can take the little
12150s Shack out perhaps they can survive the
12152s storm of the other two battleships of
12154s course the Hyperion very tanky of the
12155s TFI not nearly as much The Shack in half
12159s armor Grant you they've got T2 lodgy
12161s frigs or the T1 lodgy frags what the
12163s Ancients have brought
12165s yeah but this Deacon of castrator act
12167s seems to be running away I don't really
12168s know where he's going to be honest
12169s they've got Zone control in the center
12171s of the Arena here there's not going to
12172s be as much new pressure from the abaddin
12174s and and the apocalypse as there is on
12175s their own team with the Le Shack and the
12176s Tempest Fleet having multiple utility
12177s highs and this Deacon is just letting
12179s his Battleship body die here the slash
12181s needs you castrator he needs you right
12183s on top of him he really does
12186s yeah and Ryan and Natalia are being
12188s taken down low as well
12190s Frozen Slayer if he goes down before
12192s this a bad and this goes the way of the
12194s Ancients nine times out of ten this Le
12196s Shack is so important and he's already
12198s in structure if he goes down this has
12200s blown wide open after this Deacon not
12203s being there and the Le Shack is dead
12205s iska into armor now but they're onto the
12208s Hyperion
12209s he goes down and that's criminal I mean
12210s I think there's still a chance for the
12212s Ancients to win this despite that the
12213s shack loss because as time goes on
12214s they're going to have new pressure as
12215s you said they've got the more advanced
12217s logic frigates and these are badons
12218s obviously apoc as well vulnerable to new
12220s pressure from this Tempest Fleet but the
12221s Hyperion of Miss Isbell is dying now
12223s rapidly in fact and I in general I
12225s really don't like the Hyperion and
12227s allowance tournament setting I feel like
12228s it's so limited I mean blasters in
12231s general they're such short range and new
12232s pressure absolutely screws it as well
12234s and I mean
12235s the Ancients here are going to sort of
12237s well I mean
12239s no visual have just sort of I don't know
12241s they had they had some strong should
12243s start with and they've thrown it yeah
12244s they've thrown it there's no other way
12245s to put it they've absolutely dumpsted
12247s their own chances here
12249s yeah and on top of that right like this
12252s a baton still hasn't died in iska with
12255s only T1 lodgy frigs due to the uh
12257s bonuses that the abaddin gets is just so
12260s damn tanky he finally Falls but with the
12263s full damage of two oracles and apoc and
12265s a baton on this temp of sweet issue even
12267s with the t2 Logie freaks he will fall
12269s they're gonna turn their eyes onto Arya
12271s in the Oracle because that's a lot of
12273s DPS per the low HP of the Oracle but I
12275s don't think it's gonna be enough to take
12277s this match from the ancients
12279s yeah I think the critical part of of
12282s this no visual comp is that they have
12284s the Zone control and when I say Zone
12285s control I mean sort of new pressure in
12287s this area you know you you don't if
12288s you're the enemy team you don't want to
12290s come into this range where you've got a
12291s tempest Fleet you've got a lot of Shack
12292s sitting there you know so they're trying
12294s to get away we saw one of the abandons I
12296s think it was Freya gray who was
12297s untackled he was trying to burn away at
12298s the start and get out of that zone get a
12300s little bit of distance between himself
12301s and the Hyperion and all that damage but
12303s for them for them for the Deacon himself
12306s to just sort of abandon that zone
12307s control and leave the shank to die it's
12309s it's criminal it's disastrous absolutely
12311s disastrous and of course once they lose
12313s those ships once they lose that LE Shack
12315s and lose the Hyperion the oracles then
12317s feel oh okay you know they haven't got
12318s that much DPS left I can now go in as
12320s well and start making it even worse
12323s yeah it's it's uh Bad News Bears for no
12327s visual dot uh as you know as you
12330s mentioned that key mistake at the
12331s beginning they lose their Thalia now
12333s there's not a whole lot left in the tank
12334s they've only got low end and a stabber
12336s Fleet issue I mean this one's uh pretty
12339s much over and it's pilot error really
12342s from uh the or from no visual dot um
12345s they could have taken out these oracles
12348s straight off the chat uh throughout the
12350s bat they won for Nevada and they thank
12351s you on or the tankiest ship on the
12355s side of the Ancients well they could
12357s have sniped the oracles the oracles were
12358s in there at close range too uh bad
12362s Target calling bad piloting from the
12364s Deacon and it just turns into a absolute
12367s mess for no visual Dot
12370s yeah I think as Ithaca was saying
12372s obviously the theater tournament
12372s provides an opportunity for teams to get
12374s involved at low cost and I think there's
12376s potential here that maybe the decompilot
12377s got a bit skittish you know he lands at
12378s zero he sees the three battleships on
12380s top of many things you know this isn't
12381s where I want to be and that sort of
12382s knowledge of what your comp does and you
12385s know sort of is the enemy more scared of
12387s you than you should be of them because
12388s you know if you see these three
12389s battleships landing on top of you you
12391s might think oh well you know this isn't
12392s where I want to be but unless one of
12393s them is a Vindicated with a 90 web if
12395s you're in a telemund deacon you can sort
12396s of hover around 10K sort of range keep
12398s your reps operational you know keep
12400s pumping your guy full of HP and not
12402s worry too much about the presence of
12403s these three close battleships but if
12405s you're an inexperienced player you might
12406s think you know this isn't where I want
12407s to be I need to get away it's sort of
12408s the natural Logistics Instinct you know
12410s we see all these logic Cruisers
12411s obviously trying to stay around 50 50
12412s kilometers maybe you know warpins at
12414s range and think you know I've got to get
12415s out of here this isn't where I want to
12416s be but the lack of new pressure as well
12418s with the abandons they have new control
12419s if this match goes for a long time with
12421s all these battleships clustered on top
12423s of each other at the center of the Arena
12424s um no visual would come out on top
12426s because they've got the new similar
12427s Shack they've got the news from The
12428s Tempest Fleet and the abandons obviously
12429s in their apocalypse the oracles are also
12431s capacitor Reliant
12434s yeah it's it as you mentioned just a a
12438s myriad of mistakes leaving uh the
12441s Ancients in position here I I do want to
12443s say uh they did exactly what they needed
12445s to do at the start of the match nukes
12447s and lushak off the field uh as that is
12449s the highest DPS and the highest point
12451s ship to deal with in a little Shack well
12453s it's tanky not as tanky as an Abaddon uh
12456s with that resist bonus that it naturally
12458s gets and then obviously nuking that
12460s Hyperion go in the order of damage as
12463s you need to that looked like a single
12464s rep High period to me didn't really have
12466s a whole lot in the tank uh in the way of
12468s ehp or actual repping power and only
12471s three frigates remain for no visual Dot
12475s yeah it's not obviously it's I don't
12477s think it's a perfect match for the
12478s Ancients I mean I as at the start a
12479s question bringing in the battleships at
12480s zero if you're not certain you have the
12482s Russia's Rush then you know it's a
12483s little bit questionable and of course
12484s they brought in their logic frigates at
12485s range so if they needed those reps
12487s um you know they're not going to be
12488s optimal so in that situation you sort of
12490s think you know maybe we should bring in
12491s the battleships a little bit further
12493s back and sort of take a more measured
12494s approach
12495s um but you can only beat what is in
12497s front of you right you can only beat the
12498s opponent of the song Good in front of
12499s you and the ancient star stuff for that
12500s perhaps deficit based on initial
12502s position and have actually turned it
12504s into a win here with good Target calling
12505s they've correctly taking down the shack
12507s right off the bat so he can't get
12508s spalled up and effectively capitalized
12510s on uh the mistakes here of no visual
12513s yeah really well played from the
12515s Ancients uh to pull that out maybe work
12518s on the warpins next time but as the
12520s stekin Falls High in and Carries last
12522s ones remaining I hope they get the
12524s opportunity to boundary here because it
12526s will take a long time to catch these two
12528s very fast ships
12530s yeah this carries his 100 kilometers
12532s away from the middle I think he's just
12533s he's not doesn't seem to be going for a
12534s beacon he's just sort of burning around
12535s as is the hyena of Renee but drones are
12537s going to start arriving on them pontifex
12539s of Scott Peak is making his way in there
12540s as well I'm not sure if he's gonna be
12542s able to catch obviously high end with
12543s Webbs he's going to keep him off but
12545s um you know as this is the end of the
12546s tournament run for no visual I guess
12547s they want to just enjoy their time in
12548s the Sun
12550s yeah I mean I don't blame him
12553s necessarily but you know the boundary uh
12555s record has been broken today so I I want
12558s to see more attempts uh at the mjd
12561s record uh the carries ends up falling he
12563s bound to read I believe don't know what
12565s the distance was we're gonna get it from
12567s ccps
12568s 126. so you know he's just
12572s trying to go down so that is
12575s unfortunately going to be the ending
12579s and they will move on to the playoffs
12583s we're gonna throw it to the desk real
12584s quick to break down that match and bring
12585s us into the next one
12596s thank you
12598s [Music]
12612s [Music]
12619s foreign
12621s foreign
12627s [Music]
12637s [Music]
12652s the Ancients taking the W over no visual
12655s there
12656s um in a very exciting match uh I'm I've
12659s loved that much that was super fun to
12661s watch uh you know big chunky laser boys
12664s just pummeling DPS into that LE Shack it
12667s was a race to the bottom who's gonna die
12669s first and in this case it was XX Frozen
12671s X Slayer in his Le Shack he could not
12674s take down iska in the abaddin proving
12678s once again that lasers are definitely
12680s going to be the way forward in this
12682s minute art themed uh competition
12684s Blackboard Pirates how is that match for
12687s you
12689s uh I have I I really liked it um I've
12692s been saying kind of in our internal
12695s little channels I've been saying that
12696s I'm pretty sure that a laser rush like
12699s that would be almost every single team
12700s that we thought or we've seen so far
12703s um I feel Vindicated because it did uh
12706s honestly I'm I don't want to be that I'm
12709s I'm not gonna say I want to be that guy
12710s I totally want to be that guy I mean I'm
12711s going to counter one thing that fear
12713s said during the commentary because he
12714s said that it was kind of a piloting
12716s error perhaps and in all honesty that
12720s match was over as soon as no visual
12722s worked in at zero like that was it
12724s they're done
12726s um we've seen it happen a couple times
12728s you should never ever warp at zero
12729s unless you are 100 sure that if someone
12732s else works at zero they're not going to
12734s be showing a brawl and
12736s unfortunately uh every single major ship
12740s that they had was tackled immediately
12743s because they worked at zero and the only
12745s targets they could have shot were the
12746s abaddens because like in hyperion's
12748s pretty short range right like yeah you
12750s could load null and shoot out to like 20
12751s or 25 but that's not that good uh kind
12754s of leadership pretty short range you
12756s could load hail or load barrage and
12758s shoot out pretty far again not that good
12759s if you're tackling on top of the
12761s abandons and you want to maximize damage
12762s in a DPS race you kind of have to go
12764s after it so it was unfortunate
12767s um I think that it would have been a
12769s totally different game if no visual had
12771s warped in at like 20 or 30 or maybe even
12773s 10 but they just got completely melted
12776s by like seven thousand DPS worth of
12777s lasers
12780s and mod the The Shack is 25 points right
12785s and the abandon is 20 points the fleet
12788s Tempest is 20 points the Hyperion is 19
12790s points you know it's a lot of points for
12793s a single ship uh why why so many points
12795s and is it still worth bringing it that
12797s high cost
12799s yeah the deal with the Le Shack is that
12802s it doesn't start out with a lot of
12804s damage but when it ramps up fully um
12807s with close range ammo
12809s um you're doing 2000 damage and not only
12812s are you doing 2000 damage you're doing 2
12815s 000 Omni damage
12817s um so you're not running into the
12820s reactive armor hardener issue that teams
12823s often run into when they bring say all
12826s lasers right where
12828s um if a ship does hold on long enough
12830s and it shifts its reactive hardener to
12833s all em therm yeah maybe you eventually
12835s break it but how long did you spend
12838s breaking it did you spend so much time
12840s like art was talking earlier that you
12842s just kind of you know spent four minutes
12845s trying to kill one ship and all of a
12846s sudden you've lost all your support core
12848s and you've lost the match now
12851s um I mean in this case like
12853s or was saying about the kind of the
12855s armor Rush
12857s um
12858s Oracle pretty cheap a bad and pretty
12861s cheap
12862s um sometimes you put out a few thousand
12865s laser damage and your 25 Point Le Shack
12867s never gets to split up to that 2000
12869s because it dies in the first minute of
12872s the match
12874s and also if that the shack happens to
12876s warp in at zero get tackled and then
12879s whatever it wants to shoot at just burns
12881s away in and out of its uh range and of
12883s course it's going to reset that spill
12884s every single time uh Bart we saw also um
12889s the tech one Logistics frigates being
12891s brought by the Ancients going up against
12893s uh the tech 2 Logistics triggers brought
12896s by no visual a difference of 10 points
12899s to just two you know do you think that
12902s the tech two logistic vehicles are five
12904s times better than tech one in this case
12906s or you know was it wise move to spend
12908s those points in the bigger ships here
12911s uh they're they're definitely not worth
12914s five times as much
12916s um I I don't think in that specific
12918s match it mattered all that much that it
12920s was Tech One versus Tech Two uh
12922s obviously taekwon taekwon armor forgets
12924s are not great
12926s um I think they rep about 60 to 75 as
12929s much as a Tech Two I don't think it
12930s would have saved them if they had
12932s brought you know a deacon and athalia
12933s instead of an Inquisitor and uh Navitas
12935s uh but I understand why they did it
12938s because in regards to survivability
12941s Tech 2 Logistics forgets actually can
12943s survive we're tech one like you any ship
12947s can look at them and basically take them
12948s down um I'm pretty sure like if you had
12951s two sipples you could put them on each
12952s frigid and they both forgets that
12954s they're tech one or Tech Two wouldn't
12955s care so uh I'm not saying you shouldn't
12958s bring tech one frigates obviously we
12960s just saw them win uh I just don't think
12962s that in most situations tech one
12965s logistics for kids are a great idea it's
12967s it's kind of a weird I hate to say oh it
12968s depends but in it depends I don't think
12971s it would have mattered in that match
12974s awesome awesome
12976s um so that was the uh second of the
12978s Start Community matchups uh in the last
12981s couple of matches so no visual being
12984s eliminated from the feeders the Ancients
12986s living to survive next weekend we will
12990s see them again uh looking for a place in
12993s Alliance tournament itself so start
12995s coming here a uh the winner of that uh
12998s tribe is scary Wormhole people and the
13000s runner-up is Specter Fleet spark
13002s Stockman Air B winner Rusty hyenas Clan
13005s and runner-up is the Ancients so we say
13008s goodbye to gunstorm Federation and no
13012s Visual and now we look forward to the
13015s next one which is the crucial uh tribal
13018s group so right now sitting at the top of
13020s group a is percussive Pizza Time
13022s diplomacy uh the gal Mill uh Heroes of
13026s the Federation uh sitting above snuffed
13029s out and out Fox Group B is hidden Leaf
13032s Village Ninja Assassin Squad called
13035s Esports sitting above officer in mind
13038s and Moss piglet preservation Society so
13041s we are going to see a uh I think another
13045s couple of elimination matches coming up
13048s depending on how these ones work out our
13050s next match of the day is going to be
13052s percussive Pizza Time diplomacy versus
13055s out Fox
13057s um
13058s question for you pineapple and pizza
13060s what do you think yes or no
13062s absolutely not
13064s okay moderator yes or no pineapple and
13067s pizza
13068s disgusting
13070s okay well you're both wrong pineapple
13071s pizza is delicious
13073s um and uh you can all at me all you want
13076s but everyone who disagrees is wrong and
13078s I'm going to use my
13080s I'm being asked by the producer uh well
13082s bear Jay
13083s I diligaf so it's uh it's delicious give
13087s me all the pineapple on the pizza it's
13090s fantastic uh it's uh it's just more more
13092s pineapple that's right put it all on I
13095s love myself a good pineapple pizza
13098s um yeah spam Pizza emojis if you like
13100s pineapple and pizza it's definitely an
13102s emoji in twitch so make sure you use
13104s them uh to support an apple on pizza
13107s um let's look at the bands for
13109s percussive piece of Tanks diplomacy and
13110s out forked and see if Fox have chosen to
13112s ban pineapple
13116s here we are so Progressive Pizza Time
13118s Banning typhoon flea tissue and the EOS
13121s so afraid of those drone comps afraid of
13123s that type and Fleet issue out Fox
13125s Banning balgorn I've been told it is the
13127s number one must banned ship thus far in
13130s the tournament and also the Gila so out
13132s forked by virtue of not Banning
13134s pineapple are also supporting pineapple
13136s on pizza so good for them uh moderator
13139s what do you think about these bands here
13141s they're looking fairly standard at this
13143s point
13145s yeah I think we're gonna see a lot of
13147s EOS bands as the tournament continues
13149s like Bart and I think literally every
13151s other
13152s um analyst has been saying when you take
13154s out EOS you take out kind of this uh
13157s linchpin uh command ship that you want
13159s to have in a drone comp
13161s um typhoon Fleet issue is just an
13163s excellent Battleship for the point value
13165s it brings and then balgorn again you see
13170s it a lot kind of in these sort of
13171s preliminary
13172s stages and probably in the early at
13175s people just really get it in their heads
13178s after playing a lot of scrims that I
13180s really hate doing with battleborns and
13182s Gila has been Good Sense forever so
13186s pretty standard bands at this point
13189s bar do you think when we get to three
13191s bands in the main tournament that we
13194s will see
13195s um some of these laser boats maybe like
13197s the abaddin the Oracle start to appear
13199s in bands uh or what's your what's your
13200s thinking if you could ban more ships
13204s uh I don't think I would ban
13208s I don't think I would ban the abandon
13210s per se um I think there are other ships
13212s you could ban to make the about and like
13214s that laser Rush not work uh I don't
13216s think I banned the balgorn either I
13218s think we'd start seeing things like like
13220s EOS curse uh slepner would be a good one
13223s like we've seen we've seen nematar Rush
13225s doing very very well
13227s um I think I don't know what the actual
13228s win percentage is uh but you know we
13231s will probably have that for next time uh
13233s but it feels like it's winning a lot so
13235s I'm gonna go off my feelings all three
13237s of them
13238s uh yeah I would expect like EOS curse uh
13241s sleptner Le Shack seem to be doing
13243s really really well even though they're
13245s 25 points
13246s um so maybe some more Shack fans coming
13248s out
13249s but I I don't think the uh
13252s I don't necessarily think the laser Rush
13254s is like the thing like you can counter
13255s it by warping at 30.
13257s just saying true you couldn't decanter
13261s by warping it Thursday uh but let's find
13263s out if anyone's warped it there too if
13265s anyone's warped at zero as we go to the
13267s arena and see percussive Pizza Time
13268s diplomacy versus Outfox with your
13271s casters ish and Alec
13279s what's up everybody Alec here percussive
13281s Pizza Time diplomacy being a very
13284s interesting setup
13286s uh double broadsword not used to seeing
13290s that one uh We've also got double
13292s Seffner with a Loki and then Tech 2
13294s Logistics support fragrance
13296s but have they been out Fox Tish
13300s well everyone's favorite cat years team
13303s has brought a bar guest to play and
13306s they've brought actually a hick of their
13307s own a single Rod sword but same deal
13310s that already broadsword setup but
13312s instead going to be working in Tangent
13314s with that bar guest there they've also
13316s brought the tech 2 logi in the Scimitar
13319s and then they brought in some bombers to
13321s hit those big targets and an orthos for
13324s the projection and some hyena for
13326s lockdown so we'll see how they uh work
13328s out versus the damage and the control
13331s the hit control from pizza time
13334s yeah this is a curious setup it's a a
13337s rush con it's a rush with a control
13340s element to it
13342s we'll see if they can pull this off I
13344s think they're drastically lacking in
13346s damage which might be the issue here for
13347s Progressive Pizza time but both teams
13349s have clashed into each other now uh
13351s percussive going after the bar cast of
13353s Outfox meanwhile Chad Flames schleffner
13357s already dipping into one-third Shield
13359s dropping rather rapidly and they're
13361s splitting fire between it and one of
13363s their kirins
13365s yeah with Chad being there caught in a
13368s triangle between uh Ashley's T5 and
13370s Teddy's bar guest that's definitely a
13372s lot of damage for a single to take
13374s on and endure they do have this bar
13376s guest locked down and they want to try
13378s to pump the damage into it at the same
13380s time uh these bombers are probably
13382s gaining a little bit of torp application
13383s too we see lots of paint going out and
13386s some good control happening here so
13388s there's definitely gonna be a challenge
13389s and there Chad flame goes and he's
13391s popped though
13396s it's definitely a challenge they will
13398s trade for the bar guest here it's a
13400s question of how quickly can they do it
13401s the longer it takes the worse off
13403s they're going to be meanwhile their
13405s Kieran is about to drop as well he's
13407s hanging on for dear life the only
13410s anti-logistics uh
13413s tools that here Casa pizza time seems to
13416s have as a lone flight of ECM drones
13418s which is parked on top of the Scimitar
13420s and that is not exactly inspiring
13424s because if they lose this sleffner that
13427s is pretty much all of their damage that
13428s the Loki will be kicking out quite a bit
13430s but it's not going to be enough to cut
13431s through a logistic ship this broadcast
13434s will die first which is huge this will
13437s buy that Seffner a lot of breathing room
13439s but what can they do with that time
13442s yeah if he's got some anti-charges left
13444s in that stack which looks like he should
13446s have about three left here uh he should
13448s be able to pump through and and actually
13449s maybe pull off some survival if he can
13452s get moving now of course can't be
13454s understood it looks like a 19 kilometer
13456s scrams going out everywhere
13459s yeah it looks like they're they're
13460s trying to go for the other Battleship
13462s trying to uh cut off the head of the DPS
13464s here but the mollus also taking quite a
13467s bit of fire as well as the Manticore
13469s they're kind of splitting all over the
13471s place here Progressive piece of time
13473s diplomacy having a hard time figuring
13474s out their path forward against out Fox
13479s that's all for the ASP charges he's out
13482s yeah and down he goes and the mullet
13485s Falls at the same time to the Rockets
13487s out of the vigil Fleet the vigil Fleet
13489s doing a little bit of hero damage there
13491s besides his usual webbing duties
13494s we do see the story terrible trade
13498s yeah it's unfortunate
13503s those Tempest sounds it's not gonna be
13505s nearly as tanky as the barg but they
13508s don't they just don't have a lot to push
13509s through it and that Scimitar is still
13511s alive still pumping out reps it's not
13514s even harassed at the moment the ECM
13515s drones that wear on it are dead so they
13518s must have been one of the sleffner's it
13520s is now moving around totally freely not
13522s under any new pressure not under any
13524s significant electronic warfare it's just
13527s gonna keep this Tempest Fleet nice and
13530s healthy in its optimal Shield regen all
13532s this low-key of elicon is dropping ever
13534s so slowly closer to armor bleed
13538s yeah and unfortunately he won't be able
13540s to make it through as he hits an armor
13542s he'll fall very rapidly uh Loki's able
13545s to represent quite a lot of tank but not
13546s in this kind of scenario without some
13549s serious saving it's just not going to
13550s happen we see Bradley's uh broadsword
13553s being worked on next as they they're
13555s still trying to get out Fox T5 down here
13558s uh but it's not it doesn't look like
13560s they're really going to have anything to
13561s be able to get that done
13563s and only now is percussive Pizza Time
13566s going after the Scimitar they've put out
13568s a stipple to go catch it and now it
13569s looks like they're sending every ship
13571s that isn't heavily tackled on top of it
13574s that's a good move but it's too little
13576s too late
13577s yeah we do see the visual Fleet bearing
13579s down on it but it's not going to be
13581s enough damage that they're able to
13583s collapse onto that
13585s and we see piece of time bring down
13587s their Jaguar as well but the hyena from
13590s uh fox has actually been able to pull
13593s the vigil Fleet out of there and vigil
13595s Fleet goes down and the Scimitar once
13597s again free to do what he wants Zippo has
13600s come in for a tackle but he's just not
13601s going to be able to get anything done is
13603s the orthos already on top of them and
13605s that's going to spell certain Doom
13608s now they are putting out significant
13610s damage into this Scimitar he will be
13612s running an ancillary Shield booster as
13613s well so his tank has a time limit on it
13616s they are pushing him to the point where
13618s he's probably firing it pretty close to
13620s the reload so it is possible the
13623s Scimitar will drop but once it does
13625s they're just not going to have the
13626s Firepower to make significant Headway
13628s against the remaining Battleship
13630s broadsword worthless combo that out Fox
13632s still has on the field
13636s yeah agreed and with that mandicore
13637s Nemesis still up there you can still get
13639s some hits into a broad sword with a
13641s broadsword of course chooses to bake the
13643s heck Point uh it couldn't receive lodgy
13646s even if it had lodgy to receive so it's
13649s going to be uh
13651s it's going to be challenging for a piece
13653s of time to survive here
13655s to their credit the Pizza Time Logistics
13657s frigates are doing their best to keep
13659s the remainder of their team alive they
13661s just have a very uphill battle here
13663s with both the jaguar and the broadsword
13665s taking chunks now now the Jag is down
13668s the broadsword is sure to follow shortly
13672s yeah credit where credits do uh these
13674s logic freaks are not running away they
13676s they tried initially earlier into the
13678s match tried to use some of their bigger
13680s ships as sort of a protection but they
13681s are trying to get those reps pumped out
13683s there it's just not enough to save
13685s what's left on field and now it's just a
13687s matter of finishing off those heroic
13689s logic frigs and their simple friend as
13692s Outfox will take the cat ear style win
13696s a brilliant job by Outfox uh was a very
13701s interesting setup from percussive I
13703s wonder if they were planning for a
13704s different team something that would uh
13706s try to kite away from them a bit more
13708s but had thinner tanks
13710s not what they ran into here they ran
13712s into a big old barcast Tempest right in
13714s their face
13717s yeah it seemed as he said that they were
13719s anticipating something that might try to
13720s push off a little bit and perhaps they
13722s were hoping with that double broadsword
13724s lockdown so they could catch a key
13726s Target in flight but it just wasn't to
13729s be uh out foxes not afraid to play
13731s completely into them and uh that
13734s aggression proved to be a good winning
13736s point
13739s turning it back to the analyst desk
13743s now for the triglovian weather report
13745s brought to you by Exodus the weather
13747s calls for this integration
13749s [Music]
13754s and that's the weather forever
13765s for just 10 million ISC a month you can
13769s save the life of a high-sec miner
13786s [Music]
13796s thank you
13804s percussive Pizza Time diplomacy getting
13807s pepperonid by Outfox there as Outfox
13811s takes the win sorry Bart was that pun
13814s too cheesy for you
13816s um unfortunately without Fox though
13818s unfortunately far out Fox though
13822s um they may have won the match but they
13824s have lost the war as in their particular
13827s bracket uh snuffed Out percussive Pizza
13830s in Columbia and out Fox all finish on
13832s one win a piece one and one so we have
13835s to go to the tie Breakers and the first
13837s ordered tiebreaker is the rust score how
13840s many Minotaur ships each team brought in
13843s the points value these points are not
13845s affected by Point inflation so you don't
13848s get extra for bringing more of the same
13849s one and with that because of Pizza Time
13853s diplomacy take the top spot in crucial a
13855s they are the winners and number two the
13858s runners-up snuffed out bringing uh
13861s approximately 29 points more of Minotaur
13865s ships in their matches and out Fox so it
13869s is with great shame we say that perhaps
13871s we should have brought more Minotaur
13873s ships to the Minotaur themed tournament
13876s uh moderator we saw there that the fox
13880s bomb bombers warped in at 20. that
13882s seemed like a very bold move but it
13885s seemed to pay off for them
13887s yeah it was in fact a Bald Move carton I
13891s thought that at some point that the
13893s slipel and the Jaguar that were on field
13897s would get on top of those bombers and
13900s kill them uh
13903s because when you rush your slept near
13907s into a bar guest and then bombers it
13910s usually doesn't really pan out well for
13911s you and that's more or less laid out
13913s here so uh they needed to get the jaguar
13916s and the disciple on top of those bombers
13918s that warped in entirely too close like
13920s you were alluding to and they might have
13923s had a much better
13924s outcome in that match
13928s yeah it's um I'm just being told by uh
13931s by Gentile those bombers were 20K ehp no
13934s prop bombers uh Blackboard pirate bit of
13937s an unusual uh tactic there do you think
13940s or is that some way to maybe go off the
13942s wall and try and actually win
13945s I mean I guess I would work like bait
13948s stealth bombers I
13950s I don't know I mean it would have been
13951s kind of interesting to see um I was I
13953s was saying in our little commentary
13954s thing uh that
13957s really uh they needed to go after
13959s outfox's low line because of what
13961s moderator said but you know now that we
13963s know in hindsight after the fact that
13965s they were in fact made stealth bombers
13967s then maybe that wasn't the right call I
13969s don't know uh personally I would never
13971s expect it to be bait stealth bombers so
13973s it's kind of kind of sad that it didn't
13975s happen I'm actually really curious if he
13976s would have won in case you know if they
13978s did actually go for the bait stealth
13980s bombers
13981s you know I remember just talking in the
13983s previous segment about not like out
13985s thinking yourself and doing like crazy
13987s and now all of a sudden we see a 22
13990s stealth bomber win so
13991s you know hey exception to every rule but
13994s unfortunately they don't advance I am
13996s breathing a sigh of relief that snuff
13998s does make it onto the playoffs so uh
14001s yeah sorry they didn't bring more
14003s minotaurships but hey snuff goes on so
14005s that's cool
14007s yeah snuff does indeed go on and it
14009s looks like they'll be facing a hidden
14011s Leaf Village Ninja Assassin Squad
14013s Esports next week
14015s um in the matches to see if they can
14018s continue to keep going on
14020s um spoiler alert I don't think they will
14023s um but we need to find out who is going
14025s to be the runner-up in crucial B here uh
14029s on day two of Alliance tournament
14031s feeders or trials I should say we still
14034s have officer in mind and most piglet
14037s preservation Society both sitting on
14039s zero wins so this next match will be
14042s another elimination match uh to
14045s determine who remains and who does not
14048s let's take a quick look at the bands
14050s between officer and mind and Moss piglet
14053s reservation Society so also in mind
14055s Banning again we see the EOS band super
14058s popular I'd gather it's probably up
14059s there as uh you know Common a ban almost
14063s as the bar guest maybe sorry the ball
14065s ground maybe not quite as common but
14067s it's definitely up there we see loads of
14068s them but I don't see very many Cerberus
14071s bands but certain mind choosing to ban
14074s one anyway most piglet preservation
14076s Society Banning a bit more normal ships
14078s Vindicator and the slept near uh
14081s Blackbird pirate in what world do you
14083s ban a servers here
14087s uh I think the only reason to do so is
14089s that they really don't want to fight
14091s like a rapid light missile kite that
14094s being said I don't know if a Cerberus
14096s ban is the best way to stop that
14098s um the Cerberus is definitely not the
14101s key to a rapid light missile kite setup
14102s that would be the Scimitar so if you had
14105s a scimitar you have to bring a basilisk
14107s or an osprey or logic frigates none of
14108s which are particularly good at going
14110s really fast away from people meaning the
14113s servers just means you could bring like
14114s an orthos uh you bring healers you could
14117s bring Navy Ospreys you could bring
14120s um caracals like just regular old
14122s caracals Drakes like there's a lot of
14124s ships that can take the place of a
14126s Cerberus
14127s so I think this is probably a case of
14130s them having done some testing uh
14132s probably lost they probably lose to some
14135s guys that fly rapid light all the time
14136s and they've zeroed in on the Cerberus as
14138s the problem
14140s not piloting shipcon uh scimitars
14144s scimitars Scimitar scimitars so I'm not
14148s sure about the Serb uh we'll see
14151s I kind of hope that they bring it I hope
14152s their opponent brings a rapid light comp
14154s that just doesn't bring services and
14155s wins with it now just for the sake of it
14156s but we'll see what happens I can tell
14158s you I can tell you they won't bring
14159s Cyrus is because it's banned
14162s um moderator you've been in the
14164s situation before
14165s um with teams either as a captain or as
14167s one of the theater Crafters
14168s um where you've had a significant input
14170s on the band choices and what kind of
14173s goes through the minds of of captains
14175s when you're deciding what bands to
14177s pretend especially in these blind band
14179s scenarios that we have here
14182s yeah so I mean first off I would
14186s kind of see if we had any intel when we
14188s slide on teams and see like what are
14190s they good at what are they bad at if
14192s they if there was a setup that I knew
14194s that a team was particularly good at I
14195s would just stand that out and say hey
14197s we're going to force you to run
14199s something you're less comfortable with
14202s um and we're going to try to force you
14203s into
14205s um an archetype that we we know we can
14209s beat you with I think if some of the
14211s commentators have been alluding to
14213s they're definitely set up so we're going
14214s to see later in this event that
14217s um are very just generically good
14218s against most teams and if you can pan
14221s out the counters to that you're going to
14223s do very well in this event
14225s um but when I see something like a
14228s fan of a Cerberus and then an EOS it
14231s says I really really hate getting kited
14234s so yoast go to drone kite Cerberus
14237s generally good at kite comps in general
14239s um slept near Vindicator a little bit
14241s more traditional bins again slept near
14244s part of that Minotaur rush we see all
14245s the time a Vindicator just kind of very
14249s generic armor Battleship band in general
14253s so if you see a team binding
14257s um a bunch of kiting stuff against you
14259s saying hey you know Telegraph and we
14261s don't want to see kite there's two
14263s schools of thoughts one is bring kite
14265s because they don't want to see kite and
14267s the other school of thought is maybe
14269s they just want us to think we don't want
14270s to see kite and we want you to bring
14273s kite so we're going to pretend to
14274s Pancake and then bring something that we
14276s know characters Katie Combs how do you
14277s get out of that Circle of meta death
14283s um by bringing
14285s um
14285s other drone comps or I bring King Slayer
14288s and then I just out control you and be
14291s you because I'm a better player anyway
14295s there you go that's the top Tech on the
14297s desk just be better if you ever find
14299s yourself in a situation where you're not
14300s winning stop it and when instead uh Bart
14304s uh do you do you agree with this uh this
14307s tactic just be better
14310s I I think that you look at your opponent
14313s and kind of you know not just assume
14317s that you're going to be better like look
14318s at them and think okay how good are
14319s these guys really like
14322s maybe if you look at them and say like
14324s their previous match they weren't
14325s particularly great Pilots then you bring
14328s kite
14329s because you know that they're not gonna
14330s out pilot you right
14332s um generally especially like at the
14335s point we're at where we're not doing
14336s like best of Threes And best of fives
14338s yet you're probably not going to ban a
14340s setup because you're trying to bait your
14342s opponent into picking that setup with
14344s lesser ships
14346s probably yeah I noticed the comments in
14349s twitch chat
14350s main games are always going to happen in
14352s in the last room it's one of the reasons
14353s why we love it I think
14355s um I mean pandemic Legion historically
14357s not recently um have been excellent at
14359s that part of the meta and weren't
14361s exactly the best execution team not a
14363s bad team by any stretch it means but
14364s they used to win a lot based on just
14366s being smarter and outmitting their
14368s opponents but I did see a question in
14370s twitch chat asking about what kingslayer
14372s is there's a number of different comp
14374s archetypes that sometimes get referred
14376s to kingsler being a very popular one and
14378s it's usually those uh large rapid heavy
14382s missile uh ships where you just want to
14384s just headshot something super important
14387s like for example the uh the logistic
14390s ship of the of the opponents so you
14392s basically force them to die by shooting
14394s them until they die and then you burn
14396s away reload your rapid Heavies and you
14397s come back in and then you just sort of
14399s control and kite away and do that damage
14402s one at a time bang bang bang so that's
14404s usually what we call kingslayer there's
14406s a bunch more archetypes that we talk
14408s about for days but we have time to
14411s because the teams have taken the field
14413s and they are ready to go so officer in
14416s mind versus Moss Piglet's preservation
14418s Society let's go to the arena with the
14420s casters fear and the Basilisk
14429s welcome back to the arena everyone as
14431s the house as a desk was saying moist
14433s piglet sorry most piglet preservation
14435s Society versus opposite our mind and
14436s funny that they were talking about
14437s kingslay because I think we've got two
14439s sort of pseudo King Slayers here
14441s um Moss piglet bringing this time over
14442s they seem to have learned from their
14444s mistakes earlier of having mixed guns on
14445s their battleships because they've got
14446s rapid Heavies on all three of these
14447s battleships here these are rapid heavy
14448s typhoon Fleet Praxis and typhoon but
14451s otherwise it looks like a very similar
14452s comp that we saw earlier in their match
14454s against hiddenly Village Etc
14456s yeah and of sound mind bringing the
14459s armor control they got a TFI the other
14461s TFI and a balgorn I'm taking a look at
14465s the belgorm model now is this a gun bell
14467s it's the real question it is so uh
14470s balgorn's got guns does a little bit
14472s more damage has a little bit less
14473s control we'll see how that goes as we
14475s get ready to go for this match
14479s yeah my only concern is of course in
14481s some matches the newts from the battle
14482s going are exceptionally powerful and in
14484s some matches they're uh they're not that
14486s great
14487s um so obviously against the missiles of
14489s these rapid heavy comp it's not going to
14490s be that effective so I expect to see
14491s these these newts dumped onto the lodgy
14493s frigates of the deacon and the failure
14494s of um of the Moss piglet Society but
14498s heavy newts obviously 24 second cycle
14500s time so if it's just you know if you're
14503s only under one or two newts it's fairly
14504s feasible for these frigates if they have
14506s a cat booster fitted to just wait for
14508s the new to cycle you see your cap at
14509s zero you inject 400 and you're good to
14511s go again
14513s foreign
14516s of course also brings the long range
14518s webs perhaps they can get something of
14521s value here but it looks like both these
14523s teams did not warp at zero which means
14525s that I gotta move towards each other if
14527s they want to make things happen we are
14529s now underway who moves first is the real
14531s question this vigil Fleet issue uh from
14534s Lost piglets uh preservation Society
14536s sexy care bear making his way over
14538s towards this valgorn and Tempest lead
14539s issue but he's breaking off as it's a
14542s little bit dangerous to get in close to
14544s this balgorn
14546s yeah I feel like off sound mind here
14548s should based on these two comps and the
14550s way it's lining up they should be
14551s feeling like they should they should be
14552s wanting to rush in here they want to
14553s tackle something down with these bow
14554s gone webs and try and get on top of
14556s something apply the new pressure that
14557s they do have from their tube from their
14558s three battleships in fact and just try
14560s and make their way through something
14562s obviously the rapid Heavies don't really
14563s care about being that range and I would
14565s have expected
14566s um the Moss piglet team to sort of try
14568s and kite around but in fact both these
14570s teams have taken quite a reserved stance
14571s or the Tempest Fleet of Ronnie is
14572s pushing in but the bowel gone is sitting
14574s back here and I feel like he should be
14575s on the front line as well
14577s yeah this Vengeance though pushing in
14579s towards this Magus was getting right
14581s past the vigil Fleet issues trying to
14582s screen him now but this Tempest Fleet
14583s issue moving in towards the rest of uh
14586s Moss piglet preservation society as the
14588s typhoon fleetest she was trying to smart
14590s off some smart bomb off some of these
14592s drones off the mega Stark hadron has
14594s survived rapid heavy reload cycle and no
14596s one has died quite yet and they're split
14598s damage across the board
14600s yeah that's the thing with these rapid
14602s heavy comps is you've got to choose your
14603s targets correctly you've got to pick
14604s something that you know you can break
14605s through that won't get out of range
14607s because obviously on some of these ships
14608s if you haven't got like Rigs and stuff
14610s you can only get maybe sort of 60 70
14611s kilometers on the rapid Heavies and it's
14613s entirely feasible but something
14614s untackled can just burn away from you
14615s and obviously a bowel gone can be very
14617s very tanky it's pretty tough to break it
14619s in One Clip and once you finish a clip
14620s you've then got a long reload time so
14622s but as I say that the Magus just pops
14625s yeah going down to the drum blob across
14628s uh everything else that's coming at it
14630s this Harbinger taking damage right now
14632s from of sound mind they're ignoring
14634s these rapid heavy battleships at the
14635s moment because they treat trying to
14637s break uh the other battleships from of
14640s sound mind but they're able to wrap
14641s through that at the moment once again
14642s this battleground's been so tanky they
14644s swapped to The Tempest Fleet issue back
14646s to the balgorn and now back to the
14647s Tempest Fleet issue again
14650s yeah I mean this this uh piglet team
14652s that is staying quite compact here and
14654s I'm not I feel like these teams are sort
14656s of playing the inverse of what their win
14658s conditions are I mean the most piglet
14660s team have the range they should be able
14662s to kite around with these rapid heavy
14663s split up a little bit but instead it
14665s seems like um the of sound mind team are
14667s just sort of coming in one by one and
14669s that's not the strategy here they need
14670s to be coordinated it's only now the
14671s bowel gone arriving on the scene
14673s yeah and the simplest Fleet issue is
14675s Doven into lower armor because he
14677s survives a rapid heavy reload cycle
14679s who's gonna be able to get some uh reps
14682s back from this Deacon and Thalia but
14684s none of these rapid heavy battleships
14685s have been touched and he's not going to
14686s be able to uh live to win after this it
14689s looks like uh only one or two of these
14691s ships is actually hitting him at the
14692s moment
14693s um so it doesn't look like the reload
14695s Cycles are synced but now looks like the
14697s full damage is about to be applied
14700s yes it's not looking good here if this
14702s Tempest Fleet goes down that's a
14703s significant chunk of their damage and I
14705s keep saying it this Battleground just
14706s needs to charge in there the Deacon and
14707s Thalia are sitting relatively unmolested
14709s here he needs to just get in and stick
14710s those newts on on those those Deacon and
14712s failure I mean they're not doing
14713s anything on anything else so
14715s he needs to just make progress here he
14717s should be the front line for his team
14718s he's got the range webbed he's got the
14719s news it's important it's imperative that
14721s he gets the value for those points
14722s balgon was it 23 points expensive
14725s investment you need to make use of it
14726s and that salary does go down at the same
14727s time as the Sentinel from um of sound
14729s mind
14731s yeah tennis leadership dipping into very
14733s low structure at the moment but he's
14735s weathering the Storm at the moment as
14737s his heartbringer seeps uh getting some
14739s damage from the rest of of sound mind
14741s he's now dipping into structure himself
14743s The Tempest Fleet issue though one more
14745s rapid heavy cycle is enough to kill him
14748s he's dipping ever so slowly in towards
14752s his death
14754s this deacon now Julius modern his lodgy
14756s partner's dead so I don't think he's
14757s gonna last long as well it's only going
14758s to be Reggie but logic Bots that are
14759s able to keep him up but he's got a swarm
14762s of bread as well yeah that's that's good
14767s this OG Navy in a half armor as well
14769s he's fairly tanky for a cruiser but
14770s remember all three of these battleships
14772s are alive and now they're on to the
14773s typhoon Fleet issue uh with these rapid
14775s heavy missile launchers we'll see if
14777s they're gonna be able to take him down
14779s once again they still have both of their
14781s laundry frigates alive but dual laundry
14782s freaks does not outpace three sets of
14785s Rapid heavy missiles in the long run
14787s we're gonna see if they can get this
14788s typhoon Fleet out of uh the way does
14791s look like he's ancillary fit though as
14793s he did get quite a big rep there
14796s I mean the Deacon goes down now they've
14797s lost all logic frigates I feel like this
14799s is swinging towards of sound mind ever
14801s so slightly I mean those three
14802s battleships won't be affected by the
14803s newts anymore but I mean against the
14805s lodgy frigates they haven't got any real
14806s control left depending down as long as
14808s this visual Fleet issue dies the Deacon
14810s and Thalia should be able to sort of
14811s Coast around fairly safely outside of
14813s web range outside of tackle range and
14814s just keep pumping these reps into their
14816s um you know their battleships
14818s I may be issued diving very low as well
14821s the vigil Fleet issue gets deleted from
14823s the map and it looks like most
14824s particular preservation Society they're
14826s gonna lose all their low end and have no
14828s way out of this one they lost the OG
14831s Navy the jackdaw the armored actor the
14833s last member of their team alive as the
14837s battleships remain untouched but they
14839s just can't get any kills at the moment
14840s this Magus uh being taken down pretty
14843s low I believe it's just the jacket on
14845s top of him at the moment as a type
14846s inflate issue is being hit by these
14848s rapid Heavies but on the same time more
14850s power of the typhoon Fleet is now being
14852s taken down by the counter-type inflate
14855s of of sound mind and this gun balgorn
14857s he's dipping an armor right now
14860s yeah the thing as I said at the start of
14862s the match I mean these this piglet team
14864s is having difficulty breaking these
14865s battleships and of course once you hit
14866s reload the logic frigates can just wrap
14868s them straight back up again if they
14870s can't kill him in one clip then it's
14872s very very difficult to deal with them
14873s and they've so far been unable to do so
14874s at the start of the match they haven't
14876s got much chance about getting better
14877s with just three three ships left as time
14879s goes on it's swinging more and more
14880s against them as more power is going to
14882s go down first of these two typhoon Fleet
14884s issues
14886s do enough damage to deal uh with this
14889s other TFI there's a typhoon and peraxis
14892s left but two sets of Rapid heavies
14895s worse than three and the three is not
14896s enough to kill ranamar who keeps repping
14899s through the damage
14901s nor power into structure now he's about
14904s to go down and this match is over
14908s yeah it's it's one of those matches
14910s where the target calling I think the
14912s choice to get rid of the logic frigates
14914s has really helped them out here once
14915s lodgy frigates are gone obviously the
14917s longer match goes the more DPS you're
14919s able to clear the power of those reps
14921s compared to the incoming damage becomes
14922s a greater and greater proportion until
14923s eventually you reach a point where they
14925s just can't break through the Reps
14927s um at all and at that point it's just
14929s sort of the death knell for your match
14930s because obviously if you can't kill
14931s anything the opponent's still doing
14933s their thing they're still making
14934s progress as that type of inflate does
14935s finally go down and you're just sort of
14937s stuck stalling and you know it's it can
14939s be difficult to judge the right time to
14941s take them out a lot of teams we see
14942s don't take them out immediately
14944s um but they do sort of take them out in
14945s the mid game when they're when they
14946s present like an opportune chance to to
14948s get rid of them and they just sort of
14949s neglected them a little bit here and
14950s obviously now at this point in the match
14951s it's too little too late they can't get
14952s rid of them at all
14955s nope they can not I mean rapid Heavies
14957s don't really apply to 10mm logging
14959s freaks all that well their low end is
14962s dead modern Inferno the next primary
14965s from of sound mind as they are just
14968s waiting for their inevitable deaths are
14970s we gonna see some mjd plays here uh
14973s perhaps because this is an elimination
14974s match I want to see uh who gets the best
14976s boundary if they're made uh able to do
14979s that
14981s I mean we saw goonestorm Captain Azure
14983s and Argent come up with a new record
14984s earlier in the day I I mean I didn't
14987s think the old record would ever be
14988s broken to be honest because it doesn't I
14990s mean logically it doesn't really make
14991s sense for it to be broken if the beacons
14993s are 88 from the center and it jumps to
14994s 100. how do you get to 230 I don't know
14998s math doesn't make sense to me anyway
15000s um what do you think
15003s could have happened differently in this
15004s match for piglets do you think
15006s what what strategy would you would you
15008s have suggested they've gone for
15010s I mean better Target calling perhaps uh
15013s they want for a typhoon Fleet issue off
15015s the start there uh and another thing to
15018s note is that the rapid Heavies of a
15019s Praxis and a typhoon aren't going to
15021s sink because they have different bonuses
15022s one of them I believe the typhoon uh
15024s Fleet and the typhoon have a uh write a
15027s fire bonus whereas the Praxis I believe
15029s has a damage bonus I might be wrong on
15032s that one
15033s um either way you're not able to sing
15035s your rabbit Heavies you're not able to
15036s actually burst through as effectively as
15038s if you had three of the ships with the
15039s exact same cycle time on uh those rapid
15042s heavy missile launchers on top of that I
15045s just don't think they should have gone
15046s for a battleship maybe they should have
15047s tried to go for something lower and
15049s something that was going to give their
15050s low end some trouble before they'd moved
15052s on to this type input issue uh hopefully
15054s their loan could have taken out the
15055s Deacon anthalia and then they could have
15057s made things a little bit easier for them
15060s yeah I actually completely agree with
15062s that take I think um a lot of teams
15064s might look at the sort of DPS bonus on a
15066s rapid heavy boat and go you know it's
15067s about the same as a as a damage bonus
15069s boat on a rate of fire bonus boat but
15071s the reality is you just get more damage
15073s out of a clip and that's the that's the
15074s most important thing is being able to
15076s kill a target from 100 to zero within
15078s one clip and if you're just churning
15080s through your missiles and each missile
15081s is less effective and you can't clip
15082s something as a result because I believe
15084s the typhoon fleet has 37 damage bonus
15087s compared to the regular typhoon yeah
15088s something like that I'm sorry if you
15090s have the rate fire the regular typhoon
15092s has the damage yeah points I'm trying to
15095s make it it's the same it's the same
15098s yeah so much
15100s and yeah the practice of Abu Waheed is
15103s going to go down and that's going to
15104s Signal the end of moist I keep saying
15105s moist piglet Moss piglet
15108s I'm sorry most piglets I keep saying
15109s moist it's going to Signal the end of
15111s their chances of getting until 2018 and
15113s with that we're going to send it back to
15114s the studio
15119s now for the triglavian weather report
15121s brought to you by Exodus
15123s calls for this integration
15125s [Music]
15131s and that's the weather forever
15139s [Music]
15145s [Music]
15156s did it
15158s [Music]
15160s again
15161s [Music]
15165s [Applause]
15166s [Music]
15169s [Applause]
15177s [Music]
15194s foreign
15201s [Music]
15215s mined they're proving that they are of
15218s certain mind and uh Moss slash moist
15222s friglet piglet preservation Society
15224s depending on your perspective
15226s unfortunately exiting the uh the
15229s Minotaur trials here today that is it
15231s for them the Basilisk will be relieved
15233s he doesn't have to try and pronounce
15234s that name any further now he understands
15237s what we have to go through we have to
15239s pronounce his alliance's silly name so
15241s hopefully yeah he feels bad about
15243s himself now
15244s um so with that the uh I think it's the
15247s crystal we were just on yeah Crystal B
15249s uh we have that now set so hidden leaf
15253s hidden Leaf Village
15256s um Etc as it was called by
15259s um basilisk who's a member take the
15261s winning spot also main take that
15264s runner-up spot
15266s um and then they will be going up
15267s against because of Pizza Time diplomacy
15269s as the winner of crucial a and snuffner
15271s as uh runner-up of
15274s hey so um I wanted to ask you about
15277s pirate about the Sentinel we saw that uh
15281s officer man brought a comp that had a
15283s very uh wide control bar it was maxed
15285s out as much control as uh as the UI
15288s could display and a lot of that clearly
15290s coming from that Sentinel why is that
15292s such a important ship here
15296s uh Sentinels like it's it's a miniature
15298s curse right
15299s um it has bonus Newt range bonus Newt
15303s amount bonus tracking disrupter range
15305s and bonus guidance disruptor range so in
15308s a very very small you know couple Point
15310s package it is actually one of the most
15312s powerful control ships in the game uh
15315s interestingly enough it actually pretty
15317s much hard counters Logistics frigates if
15319s you are able to get it on top of a
15321s logistics version so uh just because the
15324s newts cycle so fast and they they suck
15326s so hard for how small they are they like
15329s if you can actually Newt down Logistics
15331s with it they're pretty much done um
15333s because they cycle like every six
15334s seconds or so and it it's so hard to
15337s keep your cat versus them
15341s yeah now moderator
15343s um in terms of one of the things we had
15345s the uh the casters in that last match
15347s talking about was Target selection uh
15349s and execution in the actual match itself
15353s um as someone who's been in uh you know
15354s High tier matches what's the kind of the
15357s thought process when you're team more
15359s upsend like you don't know what's
15360s happening you've initiative work to the
15362s arena everyone's spamming D scan and
15364s starting to call out the ships that they
15366s see on D scan like when do you start
15368s theorizing what you're going to do and
15370s like how does that process really work
15372s well I mean ideally that process began
15377s um in scrims about
15379s you know a week or two weeks ago when
15381s you practice against the setup or a very
15383s similar setup to what you're seeing and
15386s then you kind of understand what your
15387s win conditions are what your loss
15389s conditions are and then you get ready
15391s for that setup
15392s um it can be very daunting when you get
15395s on the arena and you're like oh crap I
15398s have never seen this setup
15400s um what do you do so the first thing you
15402s do is you look at the guns of these
15404s ships right you confirm okay do these
15407s three battleships that we're seeing do
15409s they actually all have rapid Heavies do
15410s they have Crews do they have torpedo and
15413s depending on what they have you
15414s formulate a strategy same thing or
15417s for example like those Amar uh boats do
15421s you say the harbinger it's got pulses
15422s does it have beans
15424s um do you decide to you know play in
15426s close do you play Far Away
15428s um and that's kind of how you formulate
15431s your game plan from there knowing what
15433s your capabilities are what their
15435s capabilities are
15437s yeah the worst thing is warping in and
15440s seeing something that you just did not
15441s expect and you're not really sure how
15443s they're going to play it because then
15445s you have to literally try and come up
15446s with your strategy on the Fly and that
15449s can be really a daunting thing as you
15451s say but uh nothing better than warping
15454s in with a comp you think can control a
15457s specific type of comp and then they've
15459s brought exactly what you think they were
15461s going to bring those are situations
15463s where you feel very confident going into
15465s the matches obviously you still have to
15467s execute
15468s um that in theory like it's all nice and
15470s nice to win in theory you have to win in
15473s practice as well so executions could
15475s sometimes be where we see these teams
15477s who have the uh the rock to someone
15479s else's scissors but then it turns out
15482s that that rock was made of paper
15484s so let's look at our last uh group for
15487s the day the veracular tribe
15490s um this is this one still needs to be
15493s set I believe uh so there's I don't know
15495s if there's any here we go so we can
15497s throw up on the screen
15500s so briefly disappeared again
15507s it is right I've been told it is right
15509s here we are so rules among strangers are
15511s sitting at the top uh over laser Hawks
15514s and Singularity Syndicate breaking that
15516s tiebreaker with that rust score of 11 to
15518s four
15520s um and in group BX is sitting with two
15522s wins uh over at the initiative in Shadow
15525s Patel both sitting at zero so
15527s um for Singularity Syndicate now what
15529s they need to do is win uh their match uh
15533s nope they can't do that they have no
15534s matches they're done
15535s um the next match is a Wheels among
15537s stranger laser Hawks initiative and
15538s Shadow cartel so the initiative and
15541s Shadow cartel that one's an interesting
15543s one both of those have the opportunity
15545s to still retain a spot in the alliance
15549s tournament trials by simply winning
15551s their match laser Hawks in a pretty
15553s solid position at this point to Simply
15555s uh win maybe and then try and get one up
15558s on rules among strangers because they're
15560s both sitting at one and one so uh
15563s whoever wins here will take the top spot
15565s whoever loses will take the middle spot
15567s neither of them are going to be
15568s eliminated so comfortable positions for
15571s each of them one thing to look for
15574s um would be uh who's gonna maintain and
15577s the initiative because as mentioned that
15578s is the elimination match
15581s let's look at our next match which is
15583s rules amongst Rangers versus laser Hawks
15584s and take a look at the bands and see
15586s what these teams uh are theorizing their
15588s opponents might want to bring so let's
15591s talks Banning out that Vindicator bar
15592s guest and balgorn three very common
15594s bands now at this point we've been doing
15596s this for two days everyone's Banning the
15598s battle Garden that seems to be the
15599s common theme
15600s and rules among strangers Banning Out
15602s The Vindicator the Ishtar and the curse
15605s Ishtar perhaps a bit more of an unusual
15608s band The Curse we've seen a few of those
15609s but what do you think about this Ishtar
15612s all right
15613s so Banning an Ishtar makes it pretty
15616s tough to bring drones
15618s um I would say that EOS is a better band
15620s if you're trying to prevent drones but
15622s of the two ships like the Ishtar is the
15624s other really important one so I think
15627s the Wolves has definitely they've seen
15629s drones they don't want to fight them and
15630s in the Ishtar out uh it's a pretty solid
15633s band definitely definitely a good way to
15635s stop having to deal with drones because
15636s there's not really a lot of ships that
15637s are anywhere near as good as the Ishtar
15639s are at drone comps so uh pretty smart on
15642s their end if they don't want to see
15643s drones
15644s if they do want to see drones then I'm
15646s not really sure what's going on with
15647s that
15649s there you go so it's time to find out
15651s who will win between laser Hawks and
15654s wolves amongst strangers as we hand over
15658s to the arena with ish and Alec
15674s hello and welcome we have wolves among
15676s strangers here with a pretty classic
15677s mimitar Rush team with some damp support
15680s in the low end
15682s ish what do we have from laser Hawks
15686s laser Hawks has opted to bring a slept
15688s near Rush here pretty classic setup now
15690s an interesting little thing they sort of
15692s thrown to the side there is a saber so
15694s we're going to see some wobbling I think
15695s the challenge for them will be getting
15697s some good positioning challenge with
15699s wubble of horses wubble wubbles all so
15701s the slippers do not want to get caught
15703s in there and wobble but it may actually
15705s uh prove to deter wolves from their own
15708s rush if they can get a good position on
15710s it or perhaps catch out some targets a
15712s little later in the match we'll see how
15713s that gets employed with the double
15715s lokies here coming out of laser Hawks
15717s there is a lot of early control saber
15719s aside
15721s yep we'll see whether the hurricane
15723s Fleet issues were worth the investment
15725s on the particles among strangers because
15726s they put a ton of points into that
15728s points which laser Hawks spent on an
15730s additional Loki and a pair of Scythe
15732s Fleet issues and here we go laser Hawks
15735s charging in
15737s they definitely seem to have the
15739s initiative whereas those among strangers
15740s look like they began to kite initially
15742s then thought better of it now they're
15744s racing in as well
15746s yeah I think that might be a bit of a
15748s misplay there I think you really just
15750s with a slap rush you basically just won
15752s a slap Rush unless there's something
15753s really exceptional going on especially
15755s when you're going into a mirror you know
15756s if you assume these slept fits are at
15758s least somewhat similar some kind of
15760s relevancy uh then it's really about who
15762s can get that damage applied earliest and
15764s strongest and we're seeing uh cook and
15766s the slept near and Laser Hawks going
15768s down so a really good Focus out uh going
15771s out there from wolves to get that first
15773s kill of the match done but we're gonna
15775s see something seemed like they had a
15778s sorry
15780s sorry that was here wolves HFI uh take
15784s the fall for it but we're now one down
15786s one slap one HFI so Wolf's still up a
15788s bit on this
15790s yeah both teams look like they had a bit
15792s of uh indecisiveness in terms of Target
15795s calling damage spread among the comps
15797s but then what was like strangers got
15799s themselves on the same page first but
15802s laser Hawks brought down the bigger
15804s Target and it looks like they're gonna
15805s bring this hurricane Fleet issue down as
15807s well he's not receiving that many reps
15809s and he drops meanwhile the sleffner of
15811s our tennis to Lander is local ancillary
15814s Shield booster doing a ton of work here
15816s extending his life on the battlefield
15819s foreign
15821s yeah he's definitely looking to get a
15823s little bit of preservation out of that
15824s they do lose a stabber in the mix uh and
15826s our tennis will not be able to quite get
15828s the Reps up to sustain
15830s and uh we're we're seeing wolves start
15832s to fall pretty rapidly here I would not
15835s say all hope is lost there is still a
15837s near on field but uh it's going to
15840s be a bit tricky here in light of the
15842s fact that there are two Scythe fleets to
15844s uh pump out some damage and they've got
15846s quite a bit of Mobility they can
15847s possibly gain
15849s but with the uh like the one potential
15851s Advantage here is the
15853s with the sleptors down laser Hawks
15856s likely does not have links
15858s so as the match extends that could be a
15861s slight Advantage for wolves among
15863s strangers but they need to have enough
15864s of a team left on the field to take
15866s advantage of it and that is proving to
15868s be a challenge as they're beginning to
15869s lose their low end here now they will
15871s trade for this slight Fleet issue but
15873s that is it's hard to say this is a race
15875s and they're starting to fall behind
15879s indeed in the definitely on a timer here
15881s we are seeing Bobby in the slept near
15884s he's starting to Bear Down on the Loki I
15886s think he just doesn't want to be held
15887s back in his hopes of perhaps getting
15889s some other work done later
15891s but it's going to be difficult to uh to
15894s wear down probably to wear down major
15897s targets and get those critical points
15899s and in time but laser Hawks do lose
15901s another SFI
15904s and we see the symmetology this could be
15906s a huge point the Scimitar dropping low
15908s this is a chance yeah the roles among
15911s strangers is counterintuitive as as it
15913s might sound a chance for them to come
15914s back if they can trade something for it
15916s but it just drops with absolutely no
15918s answer just a bit of Chip damage really
15921s on the Loki of six Vinatieri he's not
15926s dropping very rapidly at all his tank
15928s actually holding pretty well meanwhile
15930s Victor Maitland's low on the Wolves
15933s among stranger side is taking
15934s significant damage uh going down to half
15938s Shields lowering at a very rapid steady
15940s pace
15942s indeed we've been seeing this come out I
15944s think in quite a few matches now where
15945s Loki's have been present where in the
15947s latter part of the match especially but
15949s perhaps all throughout the tankiness of
15951s the Loki is being utilized to sort of
15952s push the enemy team and sometimes maybe
15954s sort of offer up this GC Target well I
15956s don't want this webs on field anymore
15958s but it takes a while to get these Loki's
15960s down we've seen consistently these
15962s Loki's uh proving pretty tanky as their
15964s standard fit
15965s amongst these teams and it doesn't look
15967s like we have a win condition left for
15969s our woven friends they only have the
15972s slept near left for damage Mollison
15973s carries are not really going to be able
15975s to do a lot to damp out any damage here
15977s because laser Hawks has gathered around
15979s the fire of the dying slept near and
15982s we'll be able to take their win here
15984s yeah Wolfgang stranger it looks like
15986s they hedge their bets a bit with these
15988s damp ships trying to uh Force other
15991s teams to come into them if they were
15992s going to pull away but that cost
15994s precious points for the actual charging
15997s in part of the fight which is what they
15998s needed here they just went up against a
16000s major match that was just that much
16002s better
16004s I agree and I still hold that not having
16006s that early initiative and not charging
16007s in quite as strong custom despite being
16010s able to sink the first ship it cost them
16012s some position throughout the fight and
16014s that position proves critical when
16015s you're going up against a rush mirror
16017s like that and I think the combination of
16020s position plus the control that was able
16021s to be exerted out from laser Hawks
16023s proved to be a bit fatal and last ship's
16026s going down here now in the former
16027s carries and mullets just eating it as
16030s laser Hawks takes this win
16032s certainly not a clean sweep a pretty
16034s bloody battle but a critical mass of
16037s laser Hawk ships left and they were able
16039s to get the work done
16043s [Music]
16058s something stupid I think it's all it's
16062s Alton like uh F4 I think just going in
16065s steep so what's gonna happen here is
16068s Derek is going to undock the Titan and
16071s Bridge us
16077s foreign
16088s there are a lot of fun dice games but
16090s rolling the number you need to win is
16092s pure luck or is it
16094s [Music]
16104s laser Hawks taking the W there so they
16108s will go top of their tribal group
16111s meaning that Wills amongst strangers
16113s will take the runner-up position and be
16115s the first to face Exodus next week when
16119s they return
16121s um in terms of who gets knocked out is
16123s singularity Syndicate and we've yet to
16125s find out between initiative and Shadow
16127s cartel
16129s um that match had quite a quite a number
16131s of things to do to discuss Blackboard
16134s Pirates
16135s um what do damps do in an Eve online
16140s uh it depends on what script you loaded
16144s as we are able to use scripts nowadays
16145s but you can either make it so someone
16148s can lock their lock range is not
16151s enjoyable you can make it quite short or
16153s you can make it so they take a very long
16155s time to lock generally I would expect
16158s people in the at to be using the lock
16161s range script which means you can I
16163s believe that like one or two dams can
16165s bring a logic forget down to like six or
16167s seven kilometer lock range at most which
16169s is not a particularly large number
16172s uh
16173s but they're pretty powerful if used in
16175s the correct comp
16179s so you say used in the correct comp
16182s um would for example a mimitar rush comp
16185s be type of comp you would expect to see
16187s these damps in
16190s uh probably not I
16193s if you think about what you're trying to
16195s do in a Minotaur Rush right is you're
16197s trying to get as close to the enemy as
16198s possible and then do lots and lots of
16200s damage to them if you're using your
16202s damps on them but you're also putting
16205s your ships on top of their ships it
16207s doesn't really work as well the only
16209s reason why I could see bringing them is
16212s if you expect to like them to maybe have
16216s their Logistics farther away from your
16218s ships but at the end of the day the
16220s thing that makes Minotaur Rush strong is
16221s its massive DPS like it's unrepable
16224s amounts yes not that you're able to like
16226s out position somebody outplay them force
16230s them into doing something you don't want
16231s to do
16233s yeah we also saw
16235s um some interesting Target calling
16237s decisions there so wolves among
16239s strangers uh choosing to shoot the slept
16241s nearest moderator whereas laser Hawks
16243s going for the fleet hurricanes what do
16244s you think of that decision
16251s you can't hear you moderator
16254s oh no we got muterated it happened no
16257s unfortunately
16259s um it didn't really pan out for wolves
16261s uh we thought initially that you know
16264s killing slept nears before laser Hawks
16266s could kill hurricanes they might have
16267s been
16269s um leading but what ended up happening
16271s is that
16273s um as it turns out laser hawks just had
16277s way more damage and way more going for
16279s the movie to see that the attack bar was
16281s constantly in laser Hawk's favor
16283s um when you bring you know two Loki's
16286s two Fleet size and then you have it
16288s supported by
16289s um spiteful you know saber and you're
16293s only bringing you know your scalpel and
16295s a burst and the other side brings a
16297s scimitar well that's 10 more points I
16299s can bring for damage and on top of that
16301s you have wolves bringing
16304s um carries and mullets so essentially
16305s they were like 18 points down on damage
16307s and two comps that essentially are just
16310s gonna go you know
16311s face to face and that's a command ship
16313s or the points right there
16315s um In the End Laser Hawks was able to
16317s leverage the fact that wolves didn't
16319s kill their Fleet size didn't handle
16322s their smaller support and you know chew
16325s through the Wolves team faster than
16326s wolves could do the same
16329s do you think there was a a win condition
16331s for the Wolves team in that instance
16334s with what they brought against laser
16336s Hawks moderator
16340s um probably trying to kill the fleet
16343s Feist trying to kill
16345s um
16346s a Loki's first and then dealing with the
16349s slept nears last of all
16351s um you have to realize that when there's
16354s a scalpel and a burst you're not going
16356s to have the strongest of reps and slept
16359s nears with their asbs are not going to
16363s be your you know Target of choice I
16366s understand you want to get rid of links
16368s but
16369s um you need to deal with the ships that
16371s are going to do
16372s um equivalent damage or close to a slap
16374s near but are gonna have maybe a third or
16377s a fourth of the tank
16380s and one other thing that we we saw
16383s potentially to be deployed in that match
16385s uh twitch chat called it out uh we
16388s called it out but it didn't happen
16389s Blackboard pirate what is he wobble and
16392s why might we see them deployed uh in an
16394s alliance tournament match
16397s so the uh
16399s the interdictors can Now launch a stasis
16401s webifying bubble which is called a
16404s Wubble because
16406s two syllables as opposed to seven or
16408s eight twelve I'm not really great at
16410s math sometimes uh but it does slow
16413s everybody down within a pretty large
16415s area I think we've seen them once or
16418s twice I believe there was a game where a
16420s fly catcher actually used one really
16421s really well and like webbed the entire
16424s fleet down and then
16425s survived with like 30 structure but
16428s they're very very good if you use them
16430s correctly now the issue with them is it
16432s does web both yourself and the
16434s opponent's Fleet so everybody involved
16437s gets slowed down uh I think it was a
16439s really cool idea though on laser Hawks
16440s to bring one if somebody had maybe
16442s brought a kiting setup or anything else
16443s you can just you know run your dictator
16445s in web everybody down maybe the doctor
16447s lives maybe a dozen but then the rest of
16449s your Minotaur Rush gets on top of it so
16452s um as a utility ship that you're only
16453s going to spend a couple points on this
16455s is actually a pretty good idea I think I
16456s would rather see that than like it
16457s carries
16460s yeah I think I agree with you
16462s um laser Hawks comp was just seemed a
16464s little bit more Point efficient I guess
16466s we can say you know we talked about how
16468s some of those points there the carries
16470s and the most eight points essentially
16472s being semi-useless uh or not as
16474s efficient as we would hope for in a
16477s match whereas if uh you know you Fleet
16480s size is seven points for example you
16481s could have brought one Fleet site and
16483s then one single point ship like a burst
16485s just to you know hang out and play uh
16488s but they they didn't and unfortunately
16490s for them uh yeah that's it but they're
16492s not out of the the tournament of course
16493s they are simply the runners-up for their
16496s tribe so we will see them again next
16498s week
16499s um and of course like all the teams we
16502s wish them well uh so let's look forward
16504s to our next and final match of the day
16509s um which is going to be between
16510s initiative and Shadow cartel
16513s the initiative Banning the balgorn as is
16516s now tradition and the Nighthawk and I
16519s can tell Banning The Gila and the Ishtar
16520s so sharakatau really saying we don't
16522s want to see this drone kite comp uh but
16525s of course leaving that EOS moderator do
16529s you what do you think about these bands
16530s here
16532s um Sherlock Hotel clearly has faced uh
16535s shield and armor drones and
16539s um they don't like either of them um
16541s like Bart was saying
16543s um earlier we normally see the EOS be a
16546s little bit more effective than
16548s um
16549s you know an Ishtar ban uh but you could
16552s kind of sort of a little bit ish make
16555s the Ishtar
16556s um in a shield drone setup
16559s um whereas the EOC would never see in a
16562s shield drone setup or almost never and
16565s kind of the Ishtar and the Gila tries to
16567s cover a little bit more space between
16569s shield and armor I don't necessarily
16570s like the bands the most but I understand
16572s what they're trying to do with it
16576s awesome so we'll see that match in about
16578s five minutes and it is an elimination
16579s match between Shadow cartel and the
16581s initiative to find out who is going home
16583s from Alliance tournament 18. speaking of
16585s Alliance tournament 18 this is the
16587s feeder trials for the 18th Alliance
16590s tournament uh there has been 17 up till
16593s now this is the start of the 18th the
16594s alliance tournament is now old enough to
16596s go to a pub in the UK and buy a beer
16598s it's gonna have to wait until last
16600s minute 21 in America of course but you
16602s know I'm sure that'll come up soon
16603s enough this particular Alliance
16605s tournament is sponsored by the Min mitar
16607s Republic and that means that mimitar
16609s republic ships so just you know the
16611s regular old Minotaur ships and of course
16613s Fleet ships are pointed down one that
16616s means they cost one point less than what
16618s they would normally cost the price ships
16620s for Alliance tournament 18 are the
16623s frecky and the mimir the uh price ships
16626s which were given out Alliance tournament
16628s I want to say seven or eight uh way back
16631s in the day in their first run since then
16634s all the different
16635s um factions more garistas
16640s Etc have all took turns sponsoring the
16643s alliance tournament and the price ships
16644s are usually based on those particular
16646s factions last year for example we had
16648s the Raiju and the laylaps as the
16651s electron 17 were sponsored by mordu's
16654s Legion
16655s uh in terms of what this means for the
16657s feeders well because instead of doing a
16659s single elimination is these uh tribal
16662s brackets there's plenty possibility to
16665s have ties you know teams going one one
16666s and one in their bracket and in order to
16669s determine who takes the tie breaker the
16672s mimitar Republic informed The igc Who
16676s Run the tournament that they wish to use
16678s what we've called the rust score so
16680s every time you bring a mimitar ship that
16684s ships points are basically added to your
16686s rust score and that was before any point
16688s inflation due to bringing two of the
16690s same
16691s everything else being equal if you
16693s brought more memory to our ships well I
16694s mean this tournament is sponsored by the
16696s military Republic they appreciate that
16698s they appreciate your business uh so
16700s they're more likely to allow you through
16701s into the next round of the tournament uh
16704s so that's that's where we stand with uh
16706s with mimitar Republic uh in Rust We
16708s Trust although it looks like uh Amara
16711s lasers are going to be doing some damage
16713s um in this particular tournament we've
16716s seen them be very effective a number of
16718s times Blackboard pirate
16721s what do you think about the freaking
16723s mimir I mean they've been long mocked
16725s for being uh some of the worst Alliance
16728s tournament prai ships of all time uh do
16730s you think they will remain as bad or is
16732s there anything else that you can say
16733s about that
16735s so from what I understand uh CCP is
16738s planning on doing a rebalance of the
16740s mimir and Frankie I would
16742s hope that they're going to make them
16744s significantly better uh I believe that
16746s they are
16749s that's what the plan is obviously we
16750s don't have finalized to ask for them uh
16752s we don't know exactly what they're going
16754s to be but from what I understand and
16756s what I've been told that they're going
16758s to be uh kind of elevating them up onto
16761s the current uh status of Eve online
16763s ships because we have had a little bit
16765s of power creep especially in regards to
16767s at ship some of the ones that came
16770s afterwards are incredibly awesome
16773s um specifically thinking like the fiend
16775s is really really cool it's my favorite
16777s one uh so I don't really you won't
16780s really see any of them anymore they're
16781s pretty not a lot of them are left around
16783s but yeah they're gonna they're going to
16784s buff buff the nimir and the freaky from
16787s what we all understand
16789s yeah one of the other cool things is
16791s since Alliance tournament 17 the number
16792s of prai ships and the position you need
16794s to reach in the united term has
16796s increased significantly uh in a in a
16798s move I am fully behind used to be you
16801s basically have to be top four and then
16802s the fourth place team would get um not
16805s very many like one of each
16807s um third place we get a bit more second
16808s place we get a chunk more in first place
16810s we get the Lion's Share now it goes all
16812s the way down uh to Tenth position
16815s getting uh ships so you basically only
16818s have to do and certainly started to a
16821s teams in the tournament you don't have
16821s to do anywhere near as much to get
16824s yourself and your team some price ships
16826s the number has gone up from 50 to I
16828s think it's like
16830s 250 something like that which means
16832s there's a significant amount more of
16833s them out in the ecosystem which is
16835s awesome uh because we get to see a lot
16837s more people flying them around it used
16838s to be like maybe you got one if you were
16840s lucky in a team
16842s um I mean per person if you did really
16843s well and you wouldn't want to lose it so
16845s people wouldn't risk flying it now maybe
16846s you get two or three so people are much
16848s more likely to sell one to someone who
16850s wants to fly it and we saw plenty of
16852s riders and Lee lapses getting caught web
16855s drones or PM
16857s um so I'm looking forward to seeing
16858s people flying around in Mimi's and
16860s Frankies and next year when we get to I
16862s think a lenty republic and we see the
16864s address here and the utu that is going
16866s to be pretty baller
16869s but before that um we have to get
16871s through Alliance tournament 18 uh and to
16873s get to that we have to finish the trials
16875s so we have our last match of the day uh
16878s pretty much ready to go
16880s um with the initiative versus Shadow
16882s cartel in this elimination match so
16885s whoever loses this one's definitely not
16888s winning any freckies rickies or mimiers
16890s so let's go to the arena and find out
16892s between uh between these two teams with
16895s fear and Basilisk
16900s welcome back to the arena my name is
16903s fear that's the Basilisk and we have on
16906s the red side the initiative dot with an
16909s armor control setup depending on a
16912s Vindicator
16914s yep and on the other side shut up cartel
16916s bringing a fairly standard shield Rush
16918s which we've seen quite a few times over
16919s the past couple days
16920s um but I'm not sure if they're actually
16922s going to want to rush here this is going
16923s to be you know this match is going to be
16924s pivotal on what they choose to do here
16926s because you know you come up against a
16927s Vindicator and two Tempest fleets you
16929s think do we want to go into that maybe
16930s not but I'm not sure what else the
16932s wincon is going to be maybe they'll be
16934s able to burn Around The Vindicator and
16935s and sort of pick on this low end of the
16937s comp here but of course those frigates
16939s on on the um initiative side are going
16941s to be well advised to sort of try and
16943s hug into that Vindicator hug into their
16945s Zone control and rely on them to sort of
16947s provide an area of safety
16949s and we're off nearest moving uh
16952s left as far as I can see uh off the
16954s start of it trying to look for an uh
16956s probably an opening on the back line
16957s move around this Battleship core from
16961s the initiative dot I was like keep on
16963s moving away they're going to look for
16965s their opening but this Vindicator
16966s Tempest Fleet issue and the other
16967s Tempest Fleet issue are burning in might
16969s actually find Liam schotten at the back
16972s of it as he is very far behind the rest
16974s of his team
16975s he is but he should be able to get away
16977s I mean it's a now running away from
16978s arm of indicator he should have speed in
16980s in Spades here and of course he's got a
16982s hyena of Max on top of them as well to
16983s try and web these guys down and as long
16985s as this hyena doesn't get webbed and
16986s caught out of position I think this is
16989s actually going to plan so far for shadow
16990s cartel they've sort of lured these
16991s battleships out of position and the
16993s frigate Wing isn't on top of them
16994s um so they can hopefully just sort of
16996s pin these battleships down in no man's
16998s land and allow the sleptness and the
16999s hurricane fleets to get into position on
17000s the backline
17002s yeah this vexer was screened off by the
17004s hyenas the Karen keeps moving uh with
17006s the rest of the team these slept nears
17007s though towards the edge of the Arena
17008s about yeah maybe closer to 80 kilometers
17011s away the thorax on the top side though
17014s might be in trouble as the Dual
17015s hurricane Fleet issues appear to be
17017s going towards lockdown and that is who
17020s they are shooting at the moment neither
17021s of the submers are there but they are
17023s moving towards that thorax at the moment
17024s as the battleships are way too far away
17026s to Aid them
17028s yeah this is going to come down really
17030s really pivotal performance here from Max
17032s Ibanez because he's got three
17033s battleships effectively to control here
17035s he's got the Vindicator and the two
17036s Tempest fleets who are trying their
17037s hardest to get on top of something and
17039s he's quite likely only got two webs on
17040s that hyena as I can see a paint coming
17042s off as well so he needs to keep
17043s switching those webs up keep those
17044s battleships slowed down and away from
17046s the action while the rest of his team
17047s pumps into the backline
17049s yeah the thorax going down pretty
17052s quickly at the moment as the slopners
17054s are finally on top of them they gotta be
17055s careful about these battleships the
17057s vindicator's starting to move in
17058s near of Liam a little bit too far
17060s forward but he's going to try to be
17062s headed off uh as the scalpel nearly gets
17064s in web range of The Vindicator they keep
17067s on moving on to the sorex but he's not
17068s breaking nearly as fast and it looks
17070s like luxus in the hurricane Fleet issue
17073s might be the primary for this triple
17074s Battleship comp
17076s yeah they really need to pick their
17077s Windows here very very carefully once
17078s you get webbed by The Vindicator
17079s obviously with a 90 web it's very very
17081s difficult to get away from it again so
17083s this is going to be a match of of
17084s initiative just trying to sort of pile
17086s on top of whatever they can get the
17087s Bindi on top of and Shadow car till
17089s continuing to just sort of probe for an
17090s opening you know if they stick on top of
17092s something and they can make a trade
17093s maybe on the thorax and then The
17094s Vindicator rolls up and website the
17096s slept near is a lost cause he's gonna
17097s die but this is sort of devolving now a
17100s little bit I think one of these is
17101s looking like he's very close to The
17102s Vindicator and that Sentinel does go
17104s down on the initiative side however
17107s web
17111s yep slap near Corrigan appears to be
17113s webbed down at the moment as a Magus is
17116s actually uh webbing down another slump
17118s near uh as well or maybe the other way
17119s around I can't quite see the animation
17120s don't have fancy UI but at the same time
17123s uh no damage has gone on to core gun yet
17125s they're now starting to bring their
17127s damage on top of him and The Vindicator
17130s should be able to track him just well
17131s with these 90 webs as the Magus Falls
17134s yeah and this is what a situation where
17136s it's so dangerous to bring lodgy frigs
17138s because your sleptner has been caught
17139s and those logic freaks would love to go
17141s in there and help him they would love to
17142s pump reps into him but if they do that
17144s then The Vindicator is just going to
17145s switch his web onto them and they're
17146s going to get blasted too so they have no
17147s real Choice here they can't go in and
17149s save Corgan Corgan is dead and they're
17151s gonna have to try and continue this
17152s match without him obviously that's a
17154s significant chunk of their DPS drop in
17155s there
17157s yeah they're gonna try to trade for the
17159s vexer of caxton who does go down around
17162s the same time as Corrigan and we'll see
17164s where the Vindicator is there's another
17165s slop near right on top of them I believe
17168s that's no actually uh that was just the
17171s model Liam is actually moving in though
17173s towards this Vindicator at the moment
17175s so thorax still hasn't gone down budget
17177s looks to be the primary first though
17179s from the initiative
17182s this stalk is still stuck up in the
17183s action as well I mean this yeah the
17185s budget it air of in the hurricane Fleet
17187s is now looking like he's getting
17188s absolutely dogpiled on here of course
17190s the hurricane Fleet just basically a way
17191s less tanky version of a slap now um and
17194s he's gonna eat crow pretty damn quickly
17196s here is this Vindicator and two but two
17198s Tempest sleets roll up on him and
17199s they're not looking like they can make
17200s the trades here I mean um Shadow cartels
17202s seem to have over committed to this
17203s fight they they had the right strategy
17206s at the start of trying to kite the
17207s battleships out get them into a bad
17209s position and then keep them off the back
17210s line but they just they seem to have not
17212s quite made enough space and the The
17214s Vindicator and the Tempest Fleet seem to
17216s have been able to to get in on the
17217s action relatively quickly here
17219s yeah they picked off some of the low end
17221s but as you mentioned that Vindicator
17222s getting in just in time picking out one
17225s slap near and now on a budget in the
17227s hurricane Fleet issue goes down we'll
17229s see who his next Target is he does have
17231s once again those massive webs as uh
17235s looks like the thorax is still maybe the
17237s primary from the near hurricane
17238s Fleet I'm not sure Liam though is
17240s definitely being webbed down and
17242s definitely going down in his near
17245s yeah this is looking pretty Dire Straits
17247s for for
17248s um for shadow cartel right now they seem
17250s to have sort of given up on their
17251s strategy of kiting around trying to
17252s build space perhaps when that first let
17254s me got tackled they could have taken
17256s that opportunity to get everything away
17257s sort of reset say okay you know we lost
17259s that sled mirror but let's try and move
17261s everything away and and start again and
17263s try and pick something apart but they
17265s seem to have forgotten that strategy in
17267s the last two minutes or so as now this
17268s Liam shots and is taking huge chunks and
17270s of course still these lodgy frigates
17271s can't really come in without risking
17273s getting blown up themselves and they're
17274s just losing this DPS race at this point
17276s The Vindicator and Tempest fleets are
17277s still absolutely untouched
17280s yeah just nothing they can do after the
17282s slap near Falls the only DPS ship they
17283s have left will be his Hurricane Floyd
17285s issue and the Scythe Fleet issue that's
17287s not nearly enough to deal without the
17289s initiative dot has brought I'm calling
17292s it right now the initiative dot are
17293s moving on to the playoffs and Shadow
17295s cartel are knocked out
17298s yeah it's a little bit I mean you know
17302s sad to be honest I mean Shadow cartel
17304s perhaps a little bit cowardly if one
17306s might say to sort of leave the
17308s tournament so prematurely
17310s um but this was for sure a tricky match
17311s for them to come up into if you bring a
17313s shield rush and you encounter a
17314s Vindicator and a comp that you really
17316s don't want to rush into you can find
17318s yourself in a sort of tricky position of
17319s well how do we actually go about winning
17321s this match if we uh we can't operate on
17324s our WinCo and that's sort of what
17325s separates good teams from from lesser
17328s skilled teams just sort of being able to
17329s identify okay this was our game plan in
17331s this match in particular it's not going
17333s to work out so we need to adapt to the
17334s situation and figure out how else we're
17335s going to win this match and Shadow
17336s cartel started off well by trying to
17338s type those battleships out and pull them
17339s into a bad position but they just didn't
17340s build themselves enough space I think
17343s yeah not nearly enough space not nearly
17346s enough picking apart or pulling apart of
17349s the initiative.team and obviously The
17351s Vindicator as well just wasn't screened
17353s off as effectively as he could have been
17355s they had a hyena if I'm not mistaken
17356s that could have done something to deal
17359s with this Vindicator uh but instead
17361s actually the high end is still up so
17363s they did but weren't able to screen them
17365s off and instead The Vindicator got right
17366s on top of them was able to get the webs
17368s onto the primary targets Hurricane Floyd
17371s issue Falls and the only DPS left is a
17373s safe lead issue and he does not have
17374s enough DPS to break three battleships
17377s yeah this is just going to be the drags
17379s here Shadow call tell what's left over
17380s and they're going to slowly get a little
17381s down here or perhaps quickly as the webs
17383s come on and start punching through this
17385s remainder of the Shadow cartel support
17386s Wing but yeah it's a disappointing end
17389s for them to bring a shield Rush that
17390s we've seen be so effective and just come
17391s into what is I wouldn't say a hard
17393s counter but as I said it is a very very
17395s tricky match to pull off you need to
17397s control the range and the communications
17399s especially with that hyena pilot he
17400s needs to be able to sort of say you know
17402s I've got the Bindi web down everyone
17403s needs to be looking at their ranges
17405s making sure they're out of Harm's Way
17406s but when those Vinnies whenever he does
17407s roll up when those tempers do roll up
17409s and they just weren't able to pull it
17410s off
17412s yeah I'm just not nearly enough uh in
17415s the execution I mean we talk about
17417s Shield Rush being one of the easiest
17418s taxi hoot comps in uh the at just
17422s generally speaking not just Minotaur
17423s rush but any version of Shield Rush
17425s including hamrush right but in these
17428s edge cases where you have a difficult
17430s matchup that's where you separate the
17432s good teams who are running Shield Rush
17434s from the teams that are running it
17435s because they think that it is always
17437s going to be the easiest comp to execute
17439s this case wasn't the case and they ended
17442s up getting punished uh for having the
17444s right idea but just not the right
17446s execution
17448s yeah it's also a bit of a risk as well
17450s bringing carries into this comp because
17451s as we're saying you know carries if
17453s you're coming up against kite comp it
17454s could be very very helpful shutting down
17456s let's say you know you've got semi
17457s kiting around
17458s um and you take his lot range down to
17459s eight kilometers and suddenly he has to
17461s come into your rush but when you're up
17462s against vindies and Tempest fleets if
17463s you're damping them out and you're
17465s saying okay you can't lock more than 10
17466s kilometers they don't give a they
17468s don't care
17470s no they do not I mean this is exactly
17473s what the desk was pointing out with
17474s these damps uh added to the shield Rush
17476s comps is just not worth it especially in
17480s these types of scenarios when you could
17481s have spent those points on more DPS
17484s perhaps if they had one more DPS ship in
17486s this thing they could have been able to
17488s actually trade favorably for that first
17490s slap near instead they just ended up
17492s getting picked apart one by one by one
17495s by this Vindicator over committing not
17497s breaking themselves off when that
17499s Vindicator found the first slap near and
17501s we see what the results of that were
17505s yep for sure for sure for sure I agree
17507s with everything here it's it's
17509s yeah there's nothing here that we
17510s haven't already said I think it's it's
17512s just a difficult situation to be in and
17515s but with just 30 seconds left on the
17517s match it does look like um Shadow cartel
17519s are not going to be wiped out initiative
17520s they're not going to collect the 400
17522s points but they will collect the match
17523s Victory and that means they will be
17524s advancing as I believe the second seed
17526s in this group
17528s um on to next yes they are they're the
17530s second seed in the group we'll see them
17532s next Wednesday uh weekend Shadow cartel
17534s at least they're friends in snuffed out
17536s made it to uh next weekend perhaps uh
17539s they can blob and low SEC together to uh
17541s make up for this loss uh either ways GF
17545s has been called we're going to send it
17546s back to the desk
17558s thank you
17560s [Music]
17574s [Music]
17583s [Music]
17589s [Music]
17592s thank you
17599s [Music]
17613s there you are the initiative securing
17616s the final Place uh this weekend in
17620s Alliance tournament 18 mimitar Republic
17622s uh trials Shadow Patel unfortunately
17625s departing us for the final time
17629s um and that's it we're done for the
17630s weekend uh with the alliance tournament
17633s 18 mimitar Republic trials will be back
17636s next weekend on Saturday the 8th of
17640s October at 1500 Eve for the first match
17644s um and all that remains to do is to say
17645s thank you to everyone uh thank you all
17647s for watching thank you all for competing
17650s especially to the teams that we will we
17652s will not see any more of uh this
17654s tournament the network high side miners
17656s turbo feeder Glory good and Swan
17658s Federation no visual Outfox Moss
17661s Piglet's preservation Society
17662s Singularity Syndicate and Shadow cartel
17665s we thank you very much for competing and
17667s I wish you well and hope to see you in
17669s more tournaments in the future of course
17671s thank you very much to all the of people
17674s who've helped make this possible the
17675s people in the background clicking all
17677s the buttons and doing the important work
17678s uh CSV zealous GM Star Lord GM Maverick
17681s GM Kobayashi GM goat CCP ice cream and
17685s of course
17685s who can forget them CCP convict the man
17688s with the Skins the man with the
17690s predictions the man who has been taking
17692s away all of your Twitch points uh with
17695s his predictions all day long
17699s I've been joined by an amazing team uh
17702s we have uh brj in the background doing
17704s the the producing but also of course
17706s we've got zuzak Destroyer jintan black
17708s pirate Wingnut cross mystical Knight
17710s moderator ish Alec the Basilisk and
17715s fearovina uh as I said I'm a thicker
17718s Hawk thank you very much for watching
17719s and we'll see you next week
17725s foreign