almost 3 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s [Applause]
9s hey everyone i am ccp estimate a
12s relatively new
14s employee at gcp only been here for three
16s months
16s but yeah i'm definitely part of the 64
19s that hilmar mentioned yesterday but i'm
22s not new to eve online i've been playing
24s for the past 17 years on and off
27s and
28s i usually try and follow the discussion
30s that's going on on reddit and the forums
33s and yeah maybe put up the next step
36s and one of the main discussions there
38s has been the
40s dps system so i thought i would
42s investigate that a little bit and show
44s you some statistics on it so with the
46s main question did the dps or dynamic
49s pump this system ruin null check writing
52s so here we have a graph showing the
55s total daily bounty generated across all
58s of eve
59s we can immediately see the drop that
61s happened during the blackout period
63s where we saw a four
65s fold decrease in the total bounty
67s generated it recovered quite quickly but
71s not exactly to the levels it was before
74s and then we had the dynamic bounty
76s system period
78s where it dropped again nearly fifty
80s percent
81s so you can if we just look at this this
84s graph we can conclude that the dynamic
86s quantities and did indeed reduce
90s total bounty by a lot and maybe even
92s ruined writing but if we give ourselves
95s a little bit more historical context
97s we can see that the total amount of
100s bounty that's been generated in e1 line
102s now
103s is just the same as it was during the
104s period 2012 to 2016.
107s so this changes this perspective a bit
110s maybe
111s the period before the dynamic advantage
113s body system is the period of overpowered
116s bounty in
118s eve online but
120s let's focus on a period after the
122s blackout so zoom in on that period
125s and in the middle of the time frame we
126s have the release of the dps system
129s we can split this up even further by
131s security band and see that
134s most of the bounty is being generated in
136s nultrac the green area showing nullsack
138s the red area is showing high sec and the
141s purple area is showing low sec
143s what is interesting here is to see that
146s we actually have some activity in low
147s segment
149s after the release of the dps system
152s we see a three-fold increase in total
154s bounty some of it is of course due to
157s the fact that the bumpy risk modifier is
159s just increasing solar panty
161s but if we look at the number of kills or
163s npc kills in los ac that has increased
166s by 30
167s in that period
169s but because the dynamic boundaries is
170s the mostly affected null sect let's just
172s focus on that
174s and let's look at how it's split now
176s between the main banks
179s the main pack auto payments which is the
181s payment you get from the main bank if
183s you're npc and
185s thefts of the main bank and we can see
188s that
189s main banks are not being robbed that
191s much in fact the probability of your
193s main bank being dropped is only about
195s about five percent
197s and now we also have a new risk source
198s which is
199s the reserve banks and those are sitting
202s at 50 billion a day now
204s but this only covers the total bounty
207s what about the distribution in eve
211s this graph shows
213s all of
215s all the
216s yeah all the systems
219s each
220s popular represents one system and the
223s size of the bubble is the amount of
225s bounty that's generated within that
226s system this is pre-dbs
229s we can see that there are two sections
230s within
232s the universe that are responsible for
234s most of the bounty generated
236s now if you take all these systems
239s and split them equally in equal package
242s of 100
244s from the lowest
247s from those systems that generate the
249s lowest amount of bounty to those that
250s generate the highest amount of bonding
252s you can see that the top one percent of
254s systems
255s 33 systems generated 12.4 of the of all
259s the bounty that's 250 billion a day for
263s 33 systems
265s now after the release release of the dps
267s system we can actually see some activity
270s in the bottom fifty percent of systems
272s but the top one percent is still quite
275s high at eleven point seven percent so it
277s dropped it didn't drop the one percent
279s that much but the next fifteen percent
281s of systems those who are really affected
284s by the dps
286s now if we make this graph cumulative
289s in order to
290s see how many systems would need to
292s generate as much pump d as the top 1
295s we can see before
297s the release of the dps system
300s we would need the bottom 72 percent of
302s systems to generate as much quantity as
304s the one percent
306s but after the release we're at 55
308s percent
310s now i wanted to investigate this a
312s little bit further
315s here we're looking at how much bounty is
318s being generated by security status of
320s the system
322s i've adjusted for the number of systems
324s within each bucket
326s and we can
328s we can see that
330s it's go it's a downward slope there and
332s the main idea behind this graph is to
334s try and gain some insight on how much
337s better you're off in deep null stack
339s versus closer to height closer to low
341s sec
342s and we can see that you're about 10
344s times better off in deep knowledge
347s but if we look at what happens after the
349s release of the dps system
350s now we are about two to three times
352s better off
355s now what is the correct factor here i
357s i'm not sure but
359s 10 sounds a bit off
363s now so far we have covered
367s the total bounty
369s and the distribution in the universe
371s what about the shift types affected by
373s the dps change
376s so here we have the dominance the total
379s bounty generated by the dominic's
382s it has decreased or started decreasing
385s prior to the dps release and we can see
387s it was slightly affected by the dps
390s release
391s but not not that much next we have the
394s rather snake
396s he was highly affected and i wonder if
398s people thought it was an over investment
401s ratting in a rather snake
404s next there are the two carriers
407s the thanatos and the neither curve
409s those are both heavily affected by the
411s dbs change
416s and then we have the super carriers
421s those both saw a huge
424s drop both during the surgical strike
426s patch which was april 2020 and also
430s during the dps release and then finally
433s we have the gila
439s and the ishtar
444s and currently easter is generating about
447s half of the of the bounty in nolsack
452s which i'm sure we would all like to see
454s a little more
455s diversity in the total in the ships used
459s but
460s if we now transition this graph to see
462s how many characters are behind this so
464s we transition it to total bounty per
467s character per day
469s here i'm trying to
470s mimic something
472s closely related to isk per hour but it's
476s not this per hour it's
477s per character per day
480s you can see that the hell and the nicks
483s they had their bounty reduced by about
486s 44
488s after the release of the dps pass and we
490s can even see that the surgical strike
492s patch
492s which we saw earlier that dropped both
495s supercarriers by a lot
497s didn't really affect
499s the isk that i make just the number of
501s characters behind it
504s then we have the thanatos and the
505s nitrogen those both saw at 21
508s increase decrease i mean
510s and the estar saw about 11
513s degrees
514s now if we also consider it that
516s that there's less risk to be made in the
518s universe now
521s and there is there is a proportion of
523s the total risk that is being generated
526s then the history is not worse off
528s at the moment
530s now we can also look at
533s the proportion of is generated by ship
536s category
538s and i've increased the time frame of it
540s here now we're looking at all the way
541s back to 2017.
543s and you can see today
545s it's mostly just sub-capital ships that
547s are generating risk
550s we got the super capitals pre-dps
553s which were about 28 of the total bounty
556s generated by the super couple by super
558s capitals
560s now more interestingly during the
563s blackout period
565s supercapitals were responsible for 40 45
568s percent of the total estimation
570s which means that
572s not all ships were affected equally
575s during the blackout period
578s which begs the question where super
580s capital pilots or super carrier pilots
584s playing the game of low risk high reward
586s during that period
588s or even during the period just before
591s the release of the dps system
594s now we can also transition this graph to
597s see how many characters behind this
599s you can see that there are not that many
601s characters behind the subcapital group
603s but still they're generating
605s most of this there before the release of
607s the dps patch
610s so if you summarize this
612s the effects of the dps patch
615s there is dropped by from one 1.7
618s trillion a day to one trillion day
621s and it's now at the same
623s level as it was in 2012 to 2016.
626s the risk is now generated in
629s or it's more distributed across the
632s universe
635s and those that are affected the most
637s heavily by the dbs system are the super
639s capital pilots while the sub-capital
641s pilots
642s didn't really see that much effect
645s and low-sec rating seems to be a thing
647s now
649s now
650s to finish this section i was want to
652s show some
654s statistics on the ess system
657s so here's a average auto payment from a
662s from ess
664s here's the average main bank theft
666s sitting at 50 million
669s and this is the largest main main punk
671s theft so far 1.7 billion
676s and the average reserve bank theft
678s similar amount
681s and then there is a largest auto payment
683s someone managed to get 2.5 billion from
687s an autobahn payment and then the largest
689s reserve bank theft at 10 billion
692s and then the amount that is in currently
694s in all reserve banks
698s sitting at 50 trillion estimated to be
701s 77 trillion by the end of the year end
703s of the year for anyone to grab
706s not not exactly you need the keys
709s but yeah
711s thank you everyone uh now i want to
712s welcome ccp bjorn on the stage to talk a
715s little bit about you cash
722s very nice
726s hello everyone
730s do i have audio
732s can you hear me
734s it's great to be here uh
736s super happy to uh
738s yeah finally be here after the break uh
740s fan fest has already been always been a
742s highlight of me for me working at tcp
746s and three years without fanfest in two
748s years without any events is a bit long
750s so super happy to be here
752s now uh
754s the a professional actress came to ccp
756s before fan fest and was like teaching us
759s how to do these types of presentations
761s and she emphasized that it was very
764s important to start big
766s so uh that's what i'm going to do
768s with a big ass 3d pie
771s uh it's all also like a huge no-no in
774s the analytical world to use pie charts
777s especially three t-pies so it's been a
779s bucket list item for me to be able to
781s use this
782s in a presentation for a long time
785s and uh
787s but it also illustrates the point nicely
790s uh you the attendees at fanfest 2022
794s make up roughly 0.3 of the active player
797s base
800s when i pulled this data almost a week
801s ago you were standing at 831 players
806s 6542 accounts and 13
809s 681
811s [Music]
812s [Applause]
813s a characters
816s uh so as i mentioned you make up of you
819s make up 0.3
821s of all currently active players
823s but you make up 0.9
826s of all active accounts or like the
828s accounts belonging to those active
830s players rather and 1.1
833s of all their characters
835s so as you can see you have a lot more
837s accounts on average
840s and you have a lot more characters than
842s the average eve player
844s 3.8 times more characters in fact
849s now you have character members in two
852s percent of all active player
855s corporations which is already kind of a
857s lot but
859s you have
860s character members in 13.4
863s of all active player alliances
865s which is staggering
869s and even more crazily you have active
872s character members and 29 out of the 30
875s largest alliances in evil line
878s however you don't exactly brought
882s like you don't exactly follow the
883s overall membership trends to the latter
886s the orange line here represents the
888s amount of characters you have in each of
890s these alliances while the black bars
891s underneath
893s are the same as we had before
896s so
897s brave united and pandemic legion brought
900s a disproportionate amount to federation
902s which is awesome
905s now talking alliances we got a special
908s request to uh remake this graph so
912s here you go
914s the higher you go up on this graph like
917s each star on the graph
919s indicates an alliance
921s the higher you go
922s the
923s more total lock on time on average the
926s member of the alliance have
927s and the further right to go the more
929s alts
930s each member has on average and the size
932s indicates the player
934s amount in each alliance not the
936s character count but the player count
940s so you can let this sink in a little bit
943s and yeah the orange ones
945s are represented at fan fest the blues
948s are not
951s here is a similar graph but showing very
954s different things
955s instead of alliances each star here
958s represents a player at fan fest
962s the higher you go the older the player
964s is
965s the more forward the more further to the
967s right you go
969s the more lock on time you have on the
971s most played character
973s uh yeah on your most played character
976s so as you can see you differ quite a lot
979s you are as different as you are many
982s and there yeah there are some quite
984s staggering statistics in there
988s alt counts and total playtime on the
991s most played character
1000s now here
1002s we see every character in eve online
1005s that has more than 100 hours of active
1009s game time since 2012.
1012s uh it's the same graph really as before
1014s except the axes have been flipped so now
1016s on the bottom axis you have character
1018s engineers
1019s on the y-axis you have total lock on
1022s logon hours
1023s for that character
1025s of active time again and you are
1026s represented in orange
1028s so
1029s you kind of follow the distribution but
1032s still you can also make out that you are
1035s a little further up like
1038s on the
1039s higher echelons of players definitely
1040s when it comes to age and total log on
1043s time
1045s so yeah most of you have actually spent
1047s quite an astonishing amount of time
1049s playing eve
1050s both in terms of tenure or active log on
1053s time or both
1055s uh i remember when i reached 1 000 hours
1058s in a game i was playing
1060s my friends actually threw me a party
1062s it was such an achievement and i'm not
1064s getting even kidding
1067s i was probably also the first one to do
1068s it and it was like a huge achievement
1071s however a thousand hours for you
1074s is more like a barrier to entry
1078s [Applause]
1081s and
1082s i would like to review some of your most
1085s played characters
1090s now 71
1092s of you have reached that one thousand
1094s hour mark
1098s fifty-five percent of you
1101s have more than two thousand hours
1104s spent in the game
1107s 22 percent of you have more than five
1110s thousand dollars
1112s nine percent have more than seven
1114s thousand and five hundred hours of
1116s active play time on your most played
1118s character
1121s and 4.5 of you or 38 players have
1124s reached 10 000 hours of active game time
1128s on your most played character
1129s which is often considered
1131s the amount of time you need to reach
1134s global expertise you're like the very
1136s top
1137s of your field
1140s 13 of you
1141s have 15 000 hours of active game time on
1145s your most played character
1146s however
1148s one
1149s absolute legend
1151s has spent a total of 23
1156s 776
1158s active
1159s hours of game time so removing i to log
1162s on time since 2012
1165s on his most played character
1167s and i think he deserves a round of an
1169s applause
1177s and perhaps uh a report to the security
1180s team as well no
1182s no no kidding getting kidding
1184s it's phenomenal it's almost 2.7 years
1188s of active play time
1190s since like in the last 10 years
1193s which is crazy
1194s now you have started uh started out in
1197s eve in almost every or in every year
1199s since eve came out
1202s some of you have been with us from the
1203s very beginning and some are at their
1206s very beginning
1207s in eve
1208s we actually have five players at fanfest
1210s that started out on the day eve was
1213s launched
1214s yeah
1217s may 6 2003
1220s 19 years ago
1222s but we also have some new players which
1225s still have a little ways to go towards
1227s their thousand hour party but i hope you
1229s will be there for them
1231s to show them the ropes welcome them into
1233s the game with open arms and loaded guns
1237s like you only know how to
1240s but yeah to the fun stuff pew pew and
1243s exploding spaceships
1247s since 2007 late 2007 fan fest 2022
1251s attendees have been involved in 2.5
1254s million pvp kills
1258s in 85 of those kills
1260s you are the aggressing party
1263s [Applause]
1267s in 15 of those you are the victims
1271s and
1273s in 1.5 you are both
1277s which means that you guys only the
1280s players at fan fest have killed each
1281s other 40
1283s 423 times
1286s and you've potted each other 4 000 four
1288s times
1290s which i would expect to be a little
1291s higher it's like you're kind of nice to
1293s each other just like no okay job done go
1296s it's nice it's very nice of you
1298s now
1299s even more interestingly in 10 of these
1302s 40 423 deaths
1304s one or more of the attackers also
1307s belongs to the victim player
1310s and
1311s even more oddly
1313s in 82 of those cases the final blow is
1317s delivered by a character owned by the
1319s same player as owns the victim
1322s and i have no idea what you're doing
1325s [Music]
1326s is it like insurance fraud are you
1328s practicing are you duking the dps system
1331s like i have no idea what you're doing
1333s and like what the happened in 2020
1336s was this like uh
1338s i don't know
1339s very interesting
1341s now since 2012 we're gonna
1344s shorten the time skill a little bit you
1346s have killed 3900
1349s no 300 000 90 wow this is a difficult
1352s number
1353s 393
1354s 847 characters distinct characters
1358s belonging to
1359s 278 392 players
1363s almost 1.8 million times over
1367s which means you have killed each like
1369s each character that has been killed by
1371s you has been killed 4.7 times on average
1375s some a lot more than others
1380s i i resisted the urge to include the
1382s character names but
1384s some poor fella has been
1386s killed 2000
1388s 400 twice by you
1390s seems excessive guys seems a bit
1392s excessive
1394s now you have destroyed stuff since 2012
1397s worth
1398s 270 trillion isk
1402s and
1402s stuff worth
1404s 428 trillion has been dropped during pvp
1407s kills you've been involved in
1409s now as just uh kind of to to shape this
1412s the average destruction value for entire
1415s for even its entirety per day is 1.1
1419s trillion
1420s so this is a lot
1422s this is actually 8
1424s of all total pvp related destruction in
1428s eve for the past 10 years
1432s but you only make up 0.6
1434s of the attacking characters
1437s which is crazy
1439s and only 0.4 of the attacking players
1444s so uh
1445s it seems that some people just want to
1447s watch the world burn
1450s yes indeed
1453s you have way more kills than the average
1455s player
1456s almost eight times more 8.4 times more
1459s you also have
1461s way more deaths than the average player
1464s 20 times that of an image player your kt
1466s ratio is still like six so you're fine i
1469s would say
1471s uh you tend to not go for low value
1474s targets as much as the average player
1477s uh you tend to go for higher value
1479s targets and granted these are not these
1481s are not the most high value targets but
1483s these are the categories where you
1484s differ the most from the overall
1488s however the kind of more staggering
1490s thing is if you look at your percentage
1492s out of all the total kills
1495s per the highest value categories
1499s you have killed 18 of all carriers
1502s destroyed the knee for the past 10 years
1504s 36 of all forced auxiliaries
1507s and you can see the other numbers
1509s perhaps perhaps most staggering is if
1511s you have killed
1512s 64
1514s of all titans in eve for the past 10
1516s years
1517s you've been involved in the kills
1520s and that is crazy to me
1525s now
1527s i just want to sincerely sincerely thank
1529s you
1530s uh
1531s for all the activity you do in e online
1534s uh it's because of you and every action
1535s you make in game that i get to come to
1537s work and i i get to analyze some of the
1540s craziest and complex data sets there are
1544s your creativity and your crazy kind of
1547s shenanigans in game kind of continually
1550s blow my mind i've been here for 10 years
1553s and
1554s it kind of amazes me that i can get
1556s surprised by you guys and what to get up
1558s to still
1560s so yeah thank you very much again
1564s and you can see all your beautiful faces
1567s as i as i leave
1568s thank you
1570s [Applause]
1578s forgot one note i'm going to let this
1580s run through
1584s please join us at the roundtable at
1586s three where we'll be discussing all and
1588s everything data related actual brief
1591s player facing analytics and questions
1594s regarding these presentations if you
1595s want thank you