Original Post — Direct link

Please Please PLEASE for sanity's sake - can you make it so that when we hover over the title bar of a window that is tabbed along with many other (e.g. - lots of chats) - can we have a tooltip of that window's title? So I can tell the difference between "Abyssal Lurkers" & "Abyssal Lurkers 2", or "EVE-Radio" & English Help" & EVE University", for example...

In a tabbed window they show up like this:


and I have to guess whats what. Yes, I _COULD_ use the Neocom bar to identify the one I want, but when I try that it minimizes the whole stack.

Yeah I know you guys are busy with lots of stuff... But this is one QoL change that would be really handy, and (yes, I'm guessing a lot here) I don't think tooltips would be that hard or time consuming to put in.

External link β†’
over 4 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

This sounds like a perfect example for the little things forum thread from CCP karkur - can you please add it there, if it is not already covered there: https://forums.eveonline.com/t/little-things-small-qol-suggestions/3545