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4s | hello everyone I'm ccbb and you're |
6s | tuning into the second InFocus segment |
8s | for the Revenant expansion which is set |
10s | to come the 12th of November today I |
13s | have a fantastic guest with me CCP trash |
15s | Panda welcome hi thank you for having me |
19s | we are going to be talking about |
20s | something really exciting today we had a |
21s | Dev block and a video come out this week |
24s | uh it was called wealth and destruction |
25s | if I'm not mistaken we're going to talk |
28s | about in depth the Merc Ary dens that |
31s | are coming to the game and the new |
33s | deathless ships and the new damage |
35s | overtime weapon system so as I'm warping |
38s | over could you in in short tell me what |
41s | is a mercenary Den yeah sure so the |
44s | mercenary Den is I would say a clan |
46s | destine structure that has been uh |
49s | deployed by the deathless to uh extract |
53s | the workforce from skyhooks in NC so |
57s | they're a structure a mobile structure |
59s | which you can deploy |
61s | yes that's correct yeah so essentially |
64s | yeah so essentially they're they're a |
67s | almost you would consider them almost |
69s | like a mobile Depot the difference is |
71s | that they have to be in in orbit around |
74s | a Skyhook they need to be attached to a |
75s | Skyhook and specifically sky hook are |
78s | around temperate planets because those |
79s | are the ones that have Workforce or |
82s | population on the planet which we can |
84s | then exploit uh in the video you |
86s | explained that um this isn't something |
89s | that only the S owner the themselves |
91s | could deploy this is something that |
93s | anyone who finds themselves at a Skyhook |
96s | that is on a tempered Planet could come |
98s | in and deploy yes so but it only works |
102s | in soval like where there are sky hooks |
104s | correct correct yeah so this is actually |
107s | like one of the key things and I think |
109s | really cool about the mercenary Dent is |
111s | that it is it's a personal structure so |
113s | there's no there's no ACLS for it |
115s | there's no uh restrictions it's |
117s | essentially if you have that in your |
119s | cargo hold and also you have the skills |
120s | for them because there is a set of |
121s | skills for deploying mercenary dens you |
124s | can go to an uh an empty Skyhook and |
126s | deploy it yourself so that's great for |
128s | for you the individual uh it could be |
131s | good for a system or a Sol owner who |
133s | wants to have their own deployed perfect |
136s | let's actually dive into some of the the |
138s | kind of high level overview of what this |
140s | is um so this is a Deployable structure |
143s | it can be like we said on tempered |
145s | planets only M it produces encrypted |
148s | infom Wars and on the 26 of November |
151s | couple of weeks after the expansion |
152s | something called Anarchy and development |
155s | will also go live can you talk to us |
158s | about those two things first of all what |
160s | is anarchy so when it comes to the |
163s | Anarchy um this is probably one of the |
165s | key things because it's it's more of the |
168s | detrimental traits that the mercenary |
169s | Den is going to be developing over time |
172s | which is that if nothing happens this |
175s | mercenary Den the people inside it just |
178s | kind of go a bit um I don't don't want |
181s | to say feral but they can you know they |
184s | they get disorganized they get you know |
186s | they increase their Anarchy um and as a |
189s | result of that it means that it starts |
191s | having a detrimental effect on the |
193s | Skyhook itself so uh the temperate Sky |
196s | hooks these are sky hooks that provide |
197s | Workforce to the system to the sof Hub |
201s | and if you let the Anarchy increase over |
203s | time that will actually start affecting |
205s | the amount of Workforce that a Skyhook |
207s | is producing uh the other side of that |
209s | coin is development what what is that so |
212s | as a result of an increase in |
215s | development you essentially get an |
217s | increase of the amount of encrypted |
220s | infomorph that are generated from the |
222s | structure generally speaking you want |
224s | these to be up and up for for weeks so |
227s | that it gets more developed and is |
229s | paying you out uh at a higher rate right |
233s | correct yes yeah absolutely both of |
236s | these things Anarchy and development can |
238s | also be affected uh by something called |
241s | mercenary tactical oper operations MH |
244s | what are those so the mercenary Den will |
246s | at a um a various levels of uh time will |
251s | provide you with uh a an objective that |
254s | you will have to do in space uh so that |
257s | would be the the possibilities are |
259s | endless we are hoping to launch with at |
262s | least a few of these um these operations |
266s | and the idea is is that you complete |
268s | them and that will have have an impact |
270s | on the Anarchy and the development at |
272s | the same time so uh essentially what |
275s | will end up happening is if you've |
277s | completed one of these objectives you |
279s | will have a reduction in the amount of |
281s | Anarchy and you'll have an increase in |
282s | the amount of development so these these |
284s | two uh bars will end up going like this |
287s | if you're thinking Anarchy on this side |
289s | and development on this side we have a |
291s | flowchart just to help uh kind of |
294s | gameplay Loop to to show that for a |
296s | second as well um just to kind of clear |
299s | things up for people So you you're going |
300s | to look for a location for this uh |
303s | obviously you have to construct the |
305s | Deployable or purchase it uh you will |
308s | deploy it at a location whether it's |
310s | your own space someone else's space m uh |
314s | and then after a Time the development |
316s | will increase that is something that |
317s | will naturally increase and cannot |
319s | decrease over time so the longer it |
321s | lives the more you get out of this mhm |
323s | uh and our key will start to play in |
325s | there and you either decide to to do |
327s | something about that or let it grow uh |
329s | and there's there's various reasons why |
331s | you would want to lower the Anarchy if |
334s | it's not your space so let's say you |
335s | live in close to someone's area but you |
338s | don't have access to Sky hooks but and |
340s | you know that they're not really making |
342s | use of this but you really want the |
343s | deathless ships and the Damage over time |
345s | stuff then maybe you want to sneak in |
347s | there and put up one of these and and |
349s | see if you can get that to to live for |
352s | several weeks or maybe just a week to |
354s | try and get what you can out of it |
356s | absolutely but you'd want to keep the |
358s | Anarchy down so that they don't just |
359s | tear your structure down right yeah |
362s | precisely I mean the the the way that I |
364s | look at it is and I mentioned this in |
366s | the in the InFocus video we did |
368s | previously but having those options from |
371s | a from a play style point of view really |
373s | does make this structure quite |
374s | interesting because |
377s | essentially uh when you're playing with |
379s | with Workforce you're also playing with |
381s | uh not just the system itself uh as to |
384s | its output its uh upgrades but because |
387s | you can transport Workforce to different |
390s | systems you have the uh the potential to |
393s | impact multiple systems down the down |
395s | the road so as a system owner you |
398s | probably really want to make sure that |
399s | that anarchy is quite low because you |
401s | don't want that Workforce impact however |
404s | if you are an attacker and you do want |
405s | to do that it's actually a really clever |
407s | way of impacting people's uh impacting |
411s | people's systems but also multiple |
413s | systems because if they're transferring |
415s | Workforce to other systems then those |
417s | systems get affected as well so it's |
419s | it's really fascinating from that point |
421s | of view becomes a tool to disrupt |
424s | aquinox of in a certain way on top of |
427s | linking it to the deathless and and I |
429s | guess personal gain you could use this |
430s | as a tool uh strategically as well |
434s | absolutely and I think that's that's one |
436s | of the I'd like to see as one of the use |
438s | cases for this is is uh a little bit |
441s | more under the radar disruption gameplay |
445s | for the uh for the sovereignty to go on |
448s | with a flowchart uh uh obviously the |
451s | Anarchy can be decreased but that's only |
453s | by the owner of the structure right |
456s | correct yes so you can't just put down a |
459s | bunch of these and then tell people hey |
461s | you're you just deal with them you as |
464s | the person who put this down has to go |
466s | and do the mission you have to you're |
468s | the one responsible for the structure |
470s | and keeping the Anarchy down uh and and |
473s | taking out the items and speaking of |
475s | which if we go back to the |
477s | ingame |
478s | um the in-game screen share I put this |
481s | down yesterday I'm going to access the |
483s | structure that I have here yeah oh I'm |
486s | too far away hold on no I was close |
488s | enough so it's been generating at a |
492s | certain rate here uh and I now have |
496s | 2,388 encrypted infom Wars and it's just |
499s | slowly generating this it can actually |
501s | hold uh quite quite a large portion of |
503s | this so over one day it didn't generate |
506s | that much obviously there's no |
508s | development increase on this either mhm |
511s | um but you can tell that this is a |
512s | structure that could be here for a week |
515s | or two or three and and |
516s | really uh just accumulate a bunch of |
519s | this am I the only person as the owner |
521s | that can empty this correct yes you you |
523s | are the person responsible for for |
525s | emptying this uh this structure um and |
528s | if someone attacks this and it's |
530s | reinforced because let's let's go over |
532s | some of those details this is a structor |
534s | that reinforces with a 24-hour timer y |
537s | uh kind of like a mobile Depot with I |
539s | guess that's a two two-day thing but it |
541s | has some Jitter which means that it |
542s | could come out 18 hours later or 30 |
545s | hours later or anywhere in between mhm |
547s | um it isn't a particularly hard |
550s | structure to kill it's just a mobile |
551s | small structure but it does give the |
553s | defender uh you know a timer to come and |
556s | defend this if they want to yes if it is |
559s | destroyed will these be up for grabs |
561s | will they disappear with it they they |
563s | will be up for grabs yes so that is also |
566s | a method of gaining access to these |
568s | encrypted infal is that you could go |
571s | hunting for other people's mercenary |
573s | dens and Destroy them and uh take the |
576s | take the rewards but as opposed to like |
579s | most of the roaming that that I see |
581s | people do nowadays which is filamenting |
583s | and looking for trouble you kind of have |
584s | to be local for this because it's |
586s | generating a timer the day |
588s | after and if you own one of these in in |
590s | enemy space you you can't hope that the |
593s | filament the next day will get you to |
594s | where you need to go you kind of need to |
596s | be locally there get to know where can |
600s | actually establish these uh kind of |
602s | creating more local conflicts than than |
606s | random uh filament type conflicts yeah |
609s | absolutely I mean you could you could if |
611s | you're filamenting in you could just go |
612s | and re reinforce the structure for for |
615s | the giggles but like I mean unless you |
617s | want to come back you're not really |
618s | going to get anything out of it other |
620s | than causing a bit of a nuisance and |
622s | it'll self-repair if no one attacks it |
624s | in the in the final right yeah yeah |
626s | exactly and so I mean it could also be |
629s | that as a result of you just hitting the |
631s | structure it could force a fight with |
634s | the with the locals so there is that |
636s | that um as an aspect of it |
640s | yeah all right we're going to go hop now |
642s | into uh into some of the new ships |
644s | because these infow wars that this is |
646s | generating uh they are used to acquire |
650s | the deathless ships the Scarab breacher |
653s | pods uh which is the damage overtime |
655s | weapon system uh we want to talk about |
658s | those things I'm going to hop into the |
660s | Destroyer first mhm the thos now we have |
665s | talked about these a little bit but we |
666s | haven't given people details on like |
670s | their other weapons that are on the ship |
672s | this will be the first time they |
673s | actually get to see what these ships |
676s | really are like exciting these things uh |
680s | they're kind of DPS monsters so if first |
683s | of all first of all let's just |
685s | appreciate how cool the the r team made |
687s | this look it's like this crazy amalgam |
690s | of ofari and minmatar fused together |
693s | with all these tubes going everywhere |
695s | and into there and honestly like the r |
698s | team Nails it every time but but this |
700s | this went even further than what like |
702s | whatever I would have expected from |
704s | minimar calari hybrid it looks like this |
707s | kind of like cyber Punky like almost |
709s | like diesel Punk tubes everywhere it's |
713s | very industrial looking I think I think |
715s | they look super cool I'm want to try |
718s | something here I want to try to do the |
720s | ab boarding UND do was too quick here do |
724s | a little Loop to Loop we'll see if we |
725s | can do it again yeah but um speaking |
729s | about these ships M if we look at the |
732s | bonuses on them they have a local rep |
737s | bonus a shield boost amount and yes this |
739s | is a new window for those who don't |
741s | don't like new stuff you can make this |
743s | swall and just look at this stuff but |
744s | look at how cool it is I believe that uh |
747s | in the future the plan is to have your |
748s | skin and your your kill Maes and and |
750s | kill marks displayed on this as well but |
753s | I dig the bonuses on the ship is calari |
758s | Destroyer will give this a shield boost |
760s | amount so a local rep amount whereas the |
763s | minimar Destroyer will give it a web |
765s | resistance it's a new bonus isn't it it |
768s | is a new bonus it's just the the first |
770s | of its kind and it's also like an |
773s | interesting uh addition to the mimit |
776s | Destroyer like DNA essentially um but |
780s | yeah I mean it's also fascinating |
782s | because it effectively uh really plugs |
786s | into the DNA of the deathless ships in |
788s | the sense that you want to be able to |
790s | get in close and we'll talk a little bit |
792s | more about the close range of these |
794s | weapons in a sec but essentially it |
796s | means that under the effect of a web you |
799s | are faster than other ships that would |
801s | be trying to close the |
803s | distance on top of that you're also a |
806s | cloaky covered up ships so this is a |
808s | destroyer that can warp around cloaked |
811s | it can be bridged by by Black Ops uh it |
814s | can get in close it gets to choose when |
816s | it wants to start the engagement and |
819s | then when you are in Brawl range you |
822s | have a web resist and a local tank that |
824s | is basically solving the problem that |
826s | that Brawlers have it's the fact that |
828s | they can't close that Gap and I think |
831s | most solo Pilots are Brawlers at heart |
834s | but the the environment pushes them to |
836s | adapt and become kers because they just |
838s | don't like losing ship so |
840s | much but this is something that that |
843s | it's kind of built to let you get into |
845s | braw range start that engagement and |
848s | even like you said if you have a web |
850s | resist and they target doesn't you can |
852s | always scram web them and pool range you |
854s | can disengage from that type of a fight |
856s | and then warp away if you want to so it |
858s | gives you a lot of control once you're |
861s | in the brawl range yeah and then on top |
864s | of that with the uh Shield boost bonus |
867s | you also have quite effective local tank |
870s | to kind of hold off that that DPS in |
872s | that bro range which I think is really |
874s | cool yes uh one other thing that a |
878s | brawler needs is needs to kill its |
879s | Target before all of their friends |
881s | arrives uh and that's where actually a |
884s | couple of different things come in uh it |
886s | has the ability to launch breacher pods |
890s | which are the uh the damage over type |
892s | system the damage system but that's not |
894s | all this ship uh if we look at the |
896s | attributes of it actually let's look at |
898s | the fittings of it |
900s | mhm it gets two missile slots and two |
904s | turret hard points as well mhm uh and |
907s | I've I've cooked up a fit here which I |
909s | think honestly might become uh quite |
912s | usual you see this on something like a |
914s | uh a ram |
916s | ja this is basically a double medium |
919s | ancillary Shield booster fit it has a |
922s | cloak it has two rocket launchers two |
924s | light Auto cannons if we look at the |
926s | bonuses again you have bonuses to to |
929s | just pure damage you don't have any |
931s | range which means your weapons aren't |
933s | going to reach really far and then |
935s | coupled on top of the uh the small |
938s | breacher pod that is also a very short |
940s | range damage overtime weapon system is |
942s | that correct yes that is very correct |
944s | yes so that's one of the things with the |
947s | with the uh weapon system as well |
949s | obviously you have the small projectile |
951s | turret bonus which I mean I guess |
952s | technically you could fit artillery on |
954s | but really you're kind of thinking Auto |
956s | Cannon for that kind of range um but the |
959s | other thing to note is that it's not um |
962s | it's not like a missile bonus it's |
964s | specifically rocket damage bonus yes so |
967s | that really does in reinforce that kind |
970s | of short range so really for the solos |
972s | you're not really going to be wanting to |
974s | engage in less than 10 kilm like that's |
977s | that's the kind of ranges that we're |
978s | talking so really up close and yeah |
981s | super high damage but the other thing is |
982s | that because it's multiple weapon |
984s | systems and bonuses to multiple weapon |
987s | systems it also requires a lot more |
989s | skill to to Pilot effectively you know |
991s | you're going to have to if you want to |
993s | run those Tech 2 Auto cannons and also |
996s | those tech2 Rockets you're going to have |
997s | to have those skills for it and the |
999s | actual skills of managing all those |
1001s | buttons uh when you have suddenly two |
1004s | ancillary Shield boosters you got your |
1005s | local tank and the scram and you're |
1007s | making sure you're orbiting the Target |
1008s | and that your Rockets are firing and |
1009s | you're maybe defanging some drones and |
1011s | yeah and then making sure that the Pod |
1014s | the breacher Pod is actually applying uh |
1017s | and that actually does damage for um I |
1019s | believe 75 seconds that it's taking down |
1023s | damage wise but it has a 10c spool time |
1027s | so you can you can well not spool time U |
1029s | you can cycle time sorry which means |
1031s | that if you're in a brawl you could put |
1033s | the damage over time on one Target and |
1035s | then keep fighting him someone else |
1037s | lands you put the damage on TI on that |
1039s | guy and suddenly two guys are having |
1041s | their their their health tick down yes |
1044s | yeah um if I show this off so this ship |
1047s | it also gets drones it gets one light |
1050s | uh well it can carry two but it can put |
1051s | out one light set of drones M this is |
1054s | quite a lot of damage for a uh for a |
1057s | destroyer especially when you count in |
1059s | the |
1059s | fact that the damage pot itself it's |
1062s | taking for 75 seconds you could go in |
1066s | put this on someone and then leave and |
1068s | it'll keep D damaging that person right |
1071s | yes yeah absolutely for 75 seconds |
1073s | unless unless that person docks or or |
1075s | jumps away so you could keep dipping in |
1078s | and out making use of the the web resist |
1081s | to quickly get close enough put the dot |
1083s | on him and then leave and someone else |
1086s | is maybe holding him at range or long |
1087s | pointing them yeah uh it opens up very |
1090s | different way of fighting where you |
1091s | don't have to stay in the thick of it |
1093s | but if you are in the thick of it uh and |
1096s | here we have zero bonuses we haven't we |
1099s | haven't put uh ballistic controls or |
1101s | anything in the lows M this is uh this |
1103s | is a quite a decent chunk of damage |
1106s | you're putting out |
1107s | 640 it's 4 40 DPS plus then the the |
1111s | damage over time mhm and it can tank |
1114s | itself quite well uh I think this will |
1116s | be kind of a dirty little brawler of a |
1119s | destroyer absolutely I mean I've I've |
1122s | described it internally as almost evil |
1124s | at times like it's it's beautiful but |
1126s | it's also evil yeah the the dot um we're |
1130s | gonna have so many people dying in like |
1132s | weird places mhm that you're going to |
1135s | have kill males pop up they go oh he did |
1137s | die like once you're off that grid and |
1140s | different looking forward to to to what |
1143s | kind of shenanigans this ends up leading |
1145s | to yeah and the other thing is like if |
1148s | you've got the dot effect on you while |
1149s | you're in warp you could die in warp yes |
1152s | which is uh the only way currently to |
1154s | die in warp is if you're smart bomb midw |
1156s | warp um yeah but uh the other thing is |
1160s | you don't often get kill Maes once |
1162s | you're off a grd uh up to now the way to |
1166s | get a kill Mill is if someone you just |
1168s | almost killed warps to a gate and then |
1170s | rats kill him that'll sometimes still |
1172s | pop up you're like oh he did die um but |
1175s | that's going to become a probably a far |
1178s | more like normal occurrence well maybe |
1181s | not normal because the way to counter |
1182s | this is still just local rep we're |
1184s | getting remote rep right yes correct |
1186s | yeah so maybe to just explain the the |
1189s | breacher Pod a little bit more so the |
1192s | the key thing is that um it's still even |
1195s | though the breach pod is uh attacking |
1198s | the internals of the ship |
1200s | it's still going to be uh damaging from |
1202s | the outside in so imagine like the it'll |
1205s | hit shield first then armor armor then |
1208s | Hall yeah so the idea is is that like |
1210s | the the HP of the ship still matters |
1212s | you're not just focusing entirely on the |
1213s | hle yeah um so that means that you are |
1216s | you can local rep yourself or you can |
1218s | receive remote reps to kind of counter |
1220s | that effect but obviously is a sustained |
1223s | effect that's going to happen over 75 |
1224s | seconds um but the key thing also to |
1228s | mention is that uh it bypasses all |
1231s | resistance so you are you are attacking |
1235s | directly the the HP not the not even the |
1238s | HP the HP of the shipping yes so it's |
1242s | directly damaging the the health pool |
1244s | instead of the the the effective hit |
1246s | points like which will increase by |
1248s | resists it doesn't care about resists no |
1251s | no um the way to balance something like |
1255s | this is difficult because you have |
1257s | everything from Tiny frigs up to |
1259s | gigantic bhips Titans like the the scale |
1262s | is |
1263s | enormous how have we decided to make the |
1265s | application on this work yeah so um |
1269s | regarding this we basically have two two |
1272s | thresholds that we want to hit um and so |
1275s | for this one is essentially um you're |
1277s | either doing 1% of the ship's total HP |
1283s | or you're doing 200 DPF like and that's |
1286s | for that's for the uh the breacher pods |
1288s | the small one now those numbers are like |
1291s | could could change a little bit we're |
1292s | still a little bit in the balancing but |
1294s | essentially the idea is is that okay so |
1296s | if you're in a a like a very very large |
1299s | ship with lots and lots of HP like 1% of |
1302s | its health is you know thousands of of |
1306s | HP so we don't we don't want that so |
1308s | essentially in that case when the when |
1310s | the breach pod hits the ship it will |
1312s | then determine okay is is 1% more or |
1317s | less than 200 DPS and then it will pick |
1319s | the lowest so essentially it means that |
1322s | you can still do damage to things like |
1324s | carriers or dreadnots or whatever but |
1326s | you're not going to be doing 1% of that |
1329s | dreadnut HP every second that would be a |
1331s | ridiculous amount of DPS yeah exactly |
1334s | that was one of the worries that people |
1335s | had like will this just kill certain |
1337s | things like Dread bombs will 10 of these |
1339s | show up and just kill all the dreads no |
1342s | uh and local tank and stuff will |
1345s | obviously counter the the type of damage |
1346s | this puts out as well yes but for like |
1349s | beefy targets I don't know let's say a |
1352s | battleship Fleet fighting another |
1353s | Battleship a few of these on one side |
1356s | spreading dots on different targets that |
1358s | could really start to add up over the |
1360s | course of the fight yeah absolutely and |
1362s | and if you just do some like quick math |
1365s | on it essentially um you have 200 DPS |
1368s | coming from the the breacher Pod you |
1370s | have 75 seconds of um like duration of |
1374s | the of the effect but with a cycle time |
1377s | of less than that you can apply to |
1379s | multiple people and I mean again the |
1382s | cycle time is also still a little bit Up |
1383s | For Debate but even at 10 seconds you |
1386s | could potentially apply to up to seven |
1388s | people while the while the dot is still |
1390s | on all the others so it the the |
1393s | potential DPS of this ramps up really |
1395s | quickly so the way that I would see this |
1397s | is that I I would think that fleets |
1399s | would probably want to at least have a |
1401s | couple of these in the mix because of |
1403s | just the Sher like raw DPS output these |
1406s | can put out it does depend on the ranges |
1408s | that they're fighting at course in |
1410s | today's meta there's very little up |
1412s | close brawling like that um but these |
1416s | are uh cloaky ship that could get into |
1418s | places they they could be they could end |
1421s | up being far more prevalent in in |
1423s | wormholes where fights are usually a lot |
1425s | closer and a lot more |
1427s | Broly um it's remains to be seen what |
1430s | players end up doing with it if this |
1432s | becomes the solo pvpers Dream Ship uh if |
1435s | it becomes the small gang kind of can we |
1438s | hold targets go in put a dot on them and |
1441s | then leave and then like hold them at |
1442s | range and just slowly see them |
1444s | disintegrate or will this become a tool |
1446s | that the the big groups use blops |
1448s | bridging them around taking wormholes |
1450s | with them we have no idea how they're |
1452s | going to use it but it is for sure an |
1455s | interesting tool yeah absolutely and I |
1457s | think in particular when it comes to |
1459s | blops that they'll definitely be uh very |
1462s | effective because generally in in like |
1465s | when you're actually jumping at a Target |
1467s | if you're hunting a Target you're quite |
1468s | close to them when you you know light |
1470s | your Soo anyway so yeah probably find |
1472s | that these will be quite effective um |
1474s | like |
1475s | Hunters the bigger brother of the |
1479s | tholos and the ship that I'm actually a |
1481s | little bit more excited about is the C |
1484s | and that is for the first time ever a a |
1487s | Black Ops capable uh battle cruiser yes |
1492s | so if I close all these things this is |
1494s | essentially just a battle a battle |
1496s | cruiser version of The Destroyer here |
1498s | and |
1499s | looking at it again this is just some |
1501s | crazy amalgamation of a a ferox that has |
1505s | had a a tornado top Wing attached to it |
1509s | it's got tubes everywhere all these |
1511s | things are just like outside tubes going |
1514s | into one spot with it looks crazy cool |
1518s | you can even you can even see on on the |
1520s | right hand side you can see a little bit |
1521s | of hurricane in the in the wing tip |
1523s | there like I and the back of them as |
1526s | well like this is very minitar kind of |
1528s | Thruster placement and just this is such |
1531s | a cool ship yeah um I'm going to do the |
1534s | same before we undock and |
1537s | actually mess around with this a little |
1539s | bit let's talk about the bonuses on this |
1541s | ship this also has a local tank |
1544s | bonus it also has a web resist bonus |
1547s | albeit maybe a web resist on a smaller |
1550s | Target that can get under guns might be |
1551s | more useful but this still might help |
1553s | you if you're I don't know at like |
1556s | getting grappled uh and holding yourself |
1558s | at like Max grapple range it might |
1560s | affect you less uh yeah you might be |
1562s | able to scram web another battle cruiser |
1564s | and still pool range or another Cruiser |
1567s | all of those same things still apply M |
1570s | uh this again gets close range missile |
1572s | damage bonus and |
1574s | projectiles this can use a command burst |
1577s | which now means you could have a blops |
1578s | capable battle cruiser that can spring |
1581s | command burst onto onto a |
1583s | grid uh but this does get an optimal |
1586s | range fall off for projectiles and |
1588s | missiles so this becomes a little bit |
1591s | more blurred where this this can project |
1593s | a little further than Destroyer can yes |
1595s | correct I mean there there still as as |
1598s | seen there there's still a bonus to |
1600s | heavy assault missiles compared to heavy |
1602s | missiles so you obvious you don't want |
1604s | it to be really long range as um some |
1607s | heavy missile Doctrine ships are um |
1610s | based version of the it's not the like |
1612s | the double bonus that some ships get to |
1614s | to range and like you said the bonus is |
1617s | kind of tied to the heavier |
1619s | but you can if you want put heavy |
1621s | missiles on this uh and completely |
1623s | speack a fleet into that if you wanted |
1626s | to this only gets half and half so it's |
1628s | another very interesting setup where he |
1630s | gets three turrets three |
1632s | launchers uh a slot for a cloak and then |
1635s | the medium breacher pod uh does this |
1638s | work exactly like the other one yes ex |
1641s | exactly the same the only difference is |
1643s | slightly larger range and also more DPS |
1645s | so this one can put up to a th000 DPS |
1649s | a th000 DPS that's a lot of |
1653s | damage uh it also reaches to 12 kilomet |
1657s | when fully skilled uh at the base it's |
1659s | going to be 8 kilm that can be quite a |
1661s | big difference if you talk about grapple |
1663s | range and how it applies up close versus |
1665s | further away it could also be dancing on |
1667s | that edge of scram web range where you |
1670s | want to keep someone scram webbed but |
1672s | dip out of them scramming you making use |
1674s | of that web bonus mhm um here I've |
1677s | pushed the ship into to uh specking both |
1681s | for damage on autoc cannons and for the |
1683s | heavy assault |
1684s | missiles uh and this it's a high number |
1688s | for battle |
1690s | cruiser oh |
1692s | yes so if I turn off the the breacher |
1695s | Pod this gets to have a a medium set of |
1698s | drones has enough for a couple of lights |
1700s | on top of that as well uh but I mean |
1703s | that's a lot of damage from from turrets |
1705s | missiles and drones combined just that |
1707s | on its own right M that is a lot of |
1710s | damage and then you count in the fact |
1712s | that it does have a potentially thousand |
1715s | DPS uh damage over time it'll take for |
1718s | 75 seconds uh this is going to be a bit |
1722s | of a monster MH I am incredibly excited |
1726s | to see what people do with this thing uh |
1729s | and I can't wait to fly it myself either |
1731s | this uh finally start brawling again and |
1734s | kill things quick enough |
1735s | hopefully I I'm absolutely the same I'm |
1738s | I canot wait to buy this ship I mean I I |
1740s | really think the the current specs of |
1742s | this ship like we're we're sort of |
1745s | almost going to be changing the way that |
1747s | at least small gang fights occur and |
1749s | it's like will likely try and push back |
1753s | towards more broadly matter for sure |
1756s | we'll we'll see how the the small |
1758s | gangers feel about it I'm sure a lot of |
1760s | soloers will feel confident in this yeah |
1762s | i' be terrified to see someone like I |
1765s | Beast or something in the ship like this |
1768s | um I do want to do some tests I want to |
1770s | undock in this I want to go to a place |
1774s | where we actually got CCB convict |
1775s | waiting uh and we want to show the the |
1778s | weapon system actually |
1780s | in uh in effect we want to shoot him |
1782s | with a couple of breacher |
1784s | PODS uh what is your |
1787s | your what do you think is going to |
1789s | happen here with the the first Target |
1790s | the Kel you think he stands a chance I |
1793s | mean I I'd say absolutely |
1796s | not I think once this ship gets into |
1799s | close range and it gets Target locked |
1802s | down there isn't much it's going to do |
1805s | so I'm going to scram web him first here |
1806s | so I've caught my target here obviously |
1809s | we could do a lot of damage with our our |
1812s | our weapons but I just want to shoot one |
1814s | breacher pot at |
1815s | him uh as you can tell this is a a |
1818s | missile type that goes to him and now |
1821s | it's going to start ticking for 21 |
1823s | damage that's dependent on the the size |
1827s | well the HP of his ship uh we should see |
1831s | different numbers here when I shoot him |
1832s | in the rattlesnake afterwards is that |
1834s | correct correct yes yeah so so as I |
1837s | mentioned before the the formula has two |
1839s | two different variations so it's it's a |
1841s | th000 DPS or 1% of the ship's hole or |
1845s | one of the ship's health and it picks |
1847s | the lowest so in this case it's uh two |
1852s | 251 essentially we we don't really want |
1855s | it to be doing a th000 DPS directly to a |
1858s | ship that only has 7,000 health because |
1860s | then it do that would be a little bit |
1863s | rough it would be yeah exactly so it |
1866s | does it take the the health pool of the |
1868s | ship before or after you've put any |
1870s | modules on it so if you put a bunch of |
1872s | Shield extenders on it would it be |
1873s | taking more |
1874s | damage yes it would take more damage |
1877s | it's it's uh from the moment the |
1878s | breacher Pod hits it then takes the |
1881s | total HP of the ship so you can tell now |
1884s | I've only hit him once and he's now he I |
1887s | believe he was Shield f b m this is |
1889s | going to be |
1890s | taking I think it's about to stop now |
1894s | yeah it put him into 25% armor with just |
1897s | one application of a medium breacher pod |
1902s | yeah obviously if I had been shooting |
1903s | him on top of this reiring my breacher |
1906s | pod I mean drones out and all that sh |
1909s | bang this is one brutal little brawler |
1912s | not little at all actually no um but |
1916s | there is obviously the the difficulty of |
1919s | being in Brawl range in Eve if you're in |
1921s | Brawl range that's usually where you end |
1923s | up dying very quickly yourself yes you |
1926s | end up getting caught by whatever backup |
1928s | shows up as well MH um but if we |
1930s | remember that number 251 if we could ask |
1932s | M coni to hop into the |
1934s | rattlesnake if he boards that we can see |
1937s | what type of damage the breacher Pod |
1939s | would be doing against a much bigger |
1941s | Target and then afterwards to a fly CER |
1943s | much smaller |
1947s | Target I well |
1949s | so this time around we're going to shoot |
1950s | him and then we're actually going to |
1951s | swap to his POV uh and we're going to |
1953s | only see uh what this looks like on his |
1957s | end we're going to shoot him and see |
1958s | that it's now 793 that is taken down and |
1962s | if we swap over to convict's point of |
1964s | view for a second I could now just fly |
1967s | away having done my damage to |
1970s | him um I could have maybe someone else |
1973s | Point him and hold him at range if he's |
1976s | not quick enough I could cloak and and |
1978s | just chill next to |
1979s | him but it's still ticking down and if |
1982s | he leaves this grid if he warps away uh |
1986s | he will still continue to take 793 |
1989s | damage in this case for 75 seconds |
1992s | without me having to be close and and be |
1994s | in the danger zone so to speak MH what |
1997s | are the ways to stop the damage from |
1999s | taking |
2000s | down so really at this point once you've |
2004s | been like hit by the breach pod the way |
2006s | that you would stop it conventionally is |
2008s | you would need to make sure that you |
2009s | have some sort of local rep or or remote |
2011s | rep that can counter the amount of |
2013s | damage that's being been given now |
2015s | obviously um one of the things when it |
2017s | comes to say Logistics is that it's a |
2020s | very sustained amount of damage so it's |
2022s | not like you're being bursted down and |
2023s | so therefore like it could be quite easy |
2025s | for a logistic ship to kind of catch |
2027s | that and and negate that effect um but |
2030s | the other alternative is to to dock uh |
2033s | if you dock there's the the damage goes |
2035s | away um but obviously if you're affected |
2037s | by weapon timer you may be denied entry |
2039s | to the the the structure so you may end |
2043s | up uh like not being able to get to |
2045s | Safety in time I believe if you leave |
2048s | system as well is the other other way |
2050s | would it be only three Gates or what |
2053s | about so we're still trying to figure |
2056s | out with the Wormhole stuff I mean |
2058s | probably uh likely it would uh be the |
2061s | same but we just need to make sure that |
2063s | we want from a from a balance point of |
2064s | view that that's that's okay so a lot of |
2067s | worm fights happen both sides of a |
2069s | wormhole as well exactly it could be an |
2071s | interesting way to to juggle it as well |
2073s | because you do end up polarizing |
2075s | yourself at some point and then you're |
2076s | still stuck there with a scking down |
2080s | yeah um so docking up leaving system |
2084s | those are the two ways to to to kind of |
2087s | stop the damage completely yes but also |
2089s | if you have to be in the system or on a |
2092s | different grid you can still repair this |
2095s | uh and and the target would in some |
2097s | cases be able to stay alive yeah that's |
2100s | that's right yeah and the other thing is |
2102s | that we when we um looking at the DPS as |
2105s | well one thing that we we from a design |
2107s | design philosophy that we wanted to |
2109s | install is that this this one weapon |
2112s | won't completely destroy the ship so 75 |
2116s | seconds 1% like Health each time uh you |
2120s | know you you'll take a lot of damage but |
2122s | we don't want this to be you press this |
2124s | one button and the person dies like that |
2126s | would just be that would be too broken |
2128s | at least the get go but I mean if I put |
2130s | this weapon on someone who's already Hur |
2133s | it can still finish them off right |
2135s | correct yes corre so this isn't some |
2137s | like in in many there's many ways to do |
2139s | damage over time in some cases it does a |
2141s | lot of damage but never does the killing |
2143s | blow hit this can do the killing blow |
2146s | but the first hit won't just like oh |
2148s | you've won because that would be be |
2150s | ridiculous yeah exactly if we swap uh |
2153s | the Stream Point of View back to to the |
2156s | Mind here and we actually lock him up |
2159s | we can actually see what sort of damage |
2162s | we put on him |
2164s | here lock him up real |
2167s | quick okay so he's gone into a little |
2169s | bit of armor damage |
2170s | 78% uh it was taking a lot harder he |
2173s | does have way more |
2174s | buffer if we hit him again here it's |
2177s | just going to continue again it'll start |
2178s | hitting the shields completely ignoring |
2181s | all resists it'll continue doing this |
2183s | damage number throughout the shields as |
2185s | it goes into armor it'll keep doing the |
2187s | same damage number because it's based on |
2189s | the HP total of the ship it's got |
2191s | nothing to do with individual HP levels |
2193s | of The Shield armor and Hull M |
2198s | um yeah there are small explosion |
2200s | effects so you can you can kind of see |
2202s | that there are like it's being blown up |
2205s | from the inside in various places so you |
2207s | can tell if a ship has this effect on it |
2209s | MH so you could look at a Target and go |
2212s | hey he's been hit with this thing and in |
2215s | this case it actually just took two |
2217s | pracher pods finish him |
2219s | off um and goodby rattlesnake but that |
2222s | is of course uh 75 seconds no Twice |
2226s | sorry yeah |
2228s | um that's a that's a pretty good way to |
2231s | kill a big Target however people |
2233s | probably think well is this the way that |
2235s | to solve dealing with vargar or dealing |
2237s | with local tanks will still tank this up |
2240s | quite well and this was a buffer fit so |
2242s | this thing uh oh I don't actually get |
2244s | Kil Ms on the server but this thing was |
2248s | very extender fit kind of Fleet fit in a |
2251s | way um a local tanked ship would be |
2253s | taken less damage and would be able to |
2255s | WRA that up and fight that damage |
2258s | correct cap boosters with being burned |
2261s | it' be it would help you kind of Whittle |
2263s | them down so |
2265s | just yeah and just as an extra note |
2269s | you'll notice that when you have fired |
2270s | the preacher pod you will see um in your |
2273s | buff bar at the top of your cap you will |
2277s | see that |
2278s | like that you have affected someone with |
2280s | the breacher but equally the person that |
2282s | is affected by the breacher will have a |
2284s | you are under the effect of uh of the |
2288s | breacher Pod that way um because |
2290s | obviously the the graphics are beautiful |
2292s | but we also have to consider the like |
2294s | how we message that to the the person if |
2297s | they have low graphical settings good |
2299s | point so you can't tell that you've |
2302s | you've hit something if we get conic to |
2304s | hop into a fly catcher this time around |
2306s | actually I can't lock the while he's oh |
2308s | no he was quick enough to board |
2310s | it uh we should see a significantly |
2313s | lower damage than we saw with both of |
2315s | these two yeah so if we hit |
2318s | him it's only doing 101 which is you |
2321s | know it'll Whittle down but this is not |
2323s | something that'll quickly deal with a |
2324s | fly catcher |
2326s | that but let's say you're being bubbled |
2328s | by several if you're able to put this on |
2330s | different targets over time this is |
2332s | going to whittle them down and then you |
2333s | could obviously finish them off yeah |
2336s | with your normal weapon systems |
2338s | I think this is a very exciting weapon I |
2342s | think these are incredibly exciting |
2344s | ships uh are there any limitations to |
2347s | the dot though you can't as far as I |
2349s | understand put them on on structures is |
2351s | that correct that's correct yes so that |
2354s | they're not no go are there any other |
2356s | things that it cannot |
2358s | hit um at at this point no so we we're |
2362s | mostly focused on uh mostly focused on |
2366s | ships um making sure that you know the |
2369s | damage works well on ships and also the |
2371s | interactions between those um but that |
2374s | that's essentially what we what we've uh |
2376s | targeted this this weapon to be able to |
2379s | shoot so you can use this against NPCs |
2383s | yes sorry to to mention this is this can |
2386s | be used in PVE as well you can shoot |
2388s | NPCs essentially it's if it's a the ship |
2391s | it's a valid Target regardless of |
2392s | whether it's a um an AI or a player |
2395s | using it one interesting uh thing that |
2399s | we've been talking about in the |
2400s | community area is because these are like |
2402s | the whole deathless versus Drifter it' |
2405s | be interesting if uh if people put this |
2406s | on Drifters to negate the the Doomsday |
2410s | that it happens right to like pop this |
2411s | on one and then leave and see if the |
2413s | Drifter keeps taking down there'll be |
2415s | interesting ways to use this PVE wise as |
2417s | well um yeah I'm I'm incredibly excited |
2421s | for the ships I don't know what else to |
2422s | say uh they seem to be working better |
2426s | against bigger targets mhm they you know |
2430s | in some way like maybe you don't want to |
2432s | be that close to a varer that showed up |
2434s | to fight you but if you can pop one of |
2436s | these and then dip and then watch it |
2439s | just slowly Whittle down it could win |
2441s | you some fights that you couldn't |
2443s | possibly win before but we'll uh we'll |
2445s | see do you have anything else to add |
2448s | before we we call it here I was going to |
2451s | say I would be really interested to see |
2453s | like oneone via varo like how the sener |
2455s | have would actually it because obviously |
2457s | like such high DPS um you know but |
2461s | obviously varer also has high DPS I'd be |
2463s | interested to see like I don't know if |
2465s | you want to get that close to a varer |
2467s | ever yeah exactly maybe you can dip in |
2470s | close put this on and then use your web |
2472s | resist to get out of range and maybe |
2475s | you'll get out of there we'll see I |
2477s | don't think this is the complete |
2478s | solution to it especially the active |
2479s | tanked ones they'll just W through it |
2482s | but it'll definitely burn a lot C |
2484s | boosters uh in some cases uh depending |
2488s | on their fit it could it could |
2489s | significantly help in in some situations |
2491s | where you're fighting much bigger |
2492s | targets yes I'm also honestly I'm I'm |
2495s | excited to see what theory Crafters do |
2497s | with this in Fleet settings in like you |
2500s | can try to over propop these you could H |
2502s | demand these and go into esss where you |
2504s | have a web resist you could go you know |
2507s | you could do all kinds of crazy things |
2509s | with these that I cannot wait to see |
2511s | people try and try and experiment with |
2514s | absolutely I'm also one thing I'm really |
2516s | fascinated to is um if Fleet commanders |
2520s | use potentially like wings of these in |
2523s | big Fleet fights because obviously that |
2525s | you wouldn't want this as a Doctrine |
2526s | ship but as a force multiplier in a in a |
2529s | fleet engagement this could be really |
2531s | interesting so I'd like to see something |
2533s | like that where it's like oh yeah we |
2535s | take in you know five cots to spread |
2538s | damage across the the fleet that kind of |
2540s | thing to kind of like stress out the |
2541s | logistics or something try and use that |
2544s | sort of Hit and Run tactics feel like |
2546s | how um command destroyers are used in in |
2549s | fleets these days where it's like you |
2551s | use the command Destroyer to try and |
2553s | separate portions of the fleet from each |
2554s | other like I'd love to see that kind of |
2557s | that only have to to get into that |
2559s | danger zone for a little while and then |
2561s | they could you know decloak hit a Target |
2565s | burn away and then cloak up again and |
2567s | then and then hope for the best yeah now |
2569s | I've landed my hit and I know this is |
2571s | going to ticking and it's going to be |
2573s | interesting to see how people use it and |
2575s | in what situations they think it's most |
2577s | useful |
2578s | mhm um I think we're at the end of our |
2580s | time this is actually a pre-recorded |
2582s | segment like the last one being shown in |
2584s | the the break on the at on the finals I |
2587s | have no idea who is competing next |
2588s | because it's not happening yet so |
2590s | whoever is about to compete good luck um |
2593s | thank you so much CCB trash binder for |
2595s | showing up and uh helping me explain the |
2598s | mercenary Den the uh encrypted INF |
2601s | morphs to give a deep dive on the ships |
2604s | themselves and how the damage system |
2606s | works appreciate your time thank you |
2608s | very much for coming |