almost 2 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

21s welcome back to the pulse coming to you
23s from the heart of gta44 your source of
25s news from eve online
27s eve evolved is another step towards eve
29s forever and is a commitment to keep eve
30s online at the forefront of visceral
32s supremacy with features designed to
34s enhance the sensory experience of new
36s eden like never before
38s experience breathtaking visuals in every
40s system with remastered nebulae and an
42s incredible overhaul of many career agent
44s sites
45s eve evolved is a continuing commitment
47s to invest in eve's underlying tech with
49s significant performance improvements
51s paving the way for a more beautiful and
53s efficient new eden you can expect more
55s to come with continual investment into
57s the foundational tech the graphical
59s fidelity and the gameplay of eve
61s directx 12 has now been implemented for
63s eve and will bring a slew of
65s improvements in stability and
66s performance helping to modernize the
68s game engine for the third decade directx
70s 12 also opens the door to even more
72s graphical upgrades in the future the
74s photon ui compact mode is also now live
77s in game
78s building the ultimate sensory experience
79s for eve creates even more immersion for
81s capsuleers and to that end for this
83s release evolve represents a three-fold
85s strategy to improve and upgrade that
87s experience big improvements to
89s compression mean that textures have
91s never looked better in game engine
93s sounds are now improved and career agent
95s mission sites have been completely
96s overhauled with new cloud effects
98s asteroid designs updated structures and
101s more
102s fresh capsuleers often start their
104s journey in eve with career agents and
106s that journey is evolving with a plethora
108s of improvements to the career agent
109s experience and the new air career
111s program which will launch new players on
113s their path to glory career agent
115s missions feature remastered environments
117s designed to entice and to create an
119s immersive experience with the enforcer
121s career agent seeing further improvements
123s that feature a modernized conversation
125s window when using photon ui and
127s highlights to help guide new players
130s the air career program works with and
132s follows on from each career agent taking
134s players down four career paths of
136s recommended eve content
138s players are awarded handsomely as they
140s complete goals with support from
141s recommended skill plans ayers program
143s culminates in a graduation moment
145s sending players out as capable
147s capsuleers ready to tackle new eden
150s the first narrative arc in eve online
152s has already begun with the kaldari and
153s galenti issuing a call to arms due to
156s developments in the athenon system can
158s you piece together what the future holds
160s check out the new eden news on the eve
162s universe site and keep your eyes peeled
164s for more clues as they appear
166s the citizens of new eden have decided
167s and the results of the csm17 elections
170s were recently announced welcome to all
172s new and previous council of stellar
174s management members and thank you to all
176s capsuleers who voted here's to another
178s exciting year of collaboration with the
180s best community in gaming
182s galente federation day saw the return of
184s glorious parades in luminaire dodeci and
187s many other federation systems the
189s parades and player-hosted events were
190s well attended and filled with fireworks
192s and prizes dovetailing nicely with the
194s federation grand prix
196s the upcoming minmatar liberation day
198s celebrations will continue the fine
199s trend of empire day festivities so keep
202s your eyes open for more events
203s challenges and rewards
205s you still have time to save 50 on select
208s omega and mct packages from the eve
210s store make your purchase by the 4th of
212s july and train skills on a second
214s character alongside your main as well as
216s gaining all the benefits of omega
218s that's all for this episode of the pulse
220s thanks again for joining us check the
221s description below for more information
223s on the stories that we've covered then
224s hit subscribe and the bell icon to stay
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228s you next time