7 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s hello Pilots it's time to gear up let's
5s break down some of what you'll see in
7s today's free armed and dangerous update
9s for everspace 2.
12s we've added 10 brand new item sets item
16s attributes new perks customization
18s options quality life features and more
21s to the game
24s item sets are powerful gear combinations
26s that give bonuses based on the number of
29s items equipped from a given set
32s discovered 34 fresh items for 10
35s different sets
37s over 40 new item attributes can now
39s appear on loot so we're also enabling
42s the ability to re-roll attributes this
44s this gives you another way to pursue
46s that exact item you need to complete
48s your build
50s crafting also gets four new catalysts
52s giving greater variety to your gear
58s we were inspired by Community requests
60s and added new perks for two characters
62s for you completionists kala can now help
65s you find missing secrets from locations
69s as for the Traders Among Us terrine now
72s will set you up with contracts to sell
74s crafting resources
79s 15 new tier 4 wings are available to
82s choose from it's never been easier to
84s fly in style should you want to mix it
87s up a bit we've added new randomizers to
90s ship colors and module parts
98s even more quality of life features have
100s been added we've gone under the hood to
103s improve autosave add UI elements and
107s bring quick save and quick load to the
109s game
110s other cool features include selectable
112s modes for the inertia dampening toggle
114s and Ultra wide owners can now enjoy
116s dedicated 21 to 9 support
122s it's been a wild ride so far to
124s celebrate the work of our incredible
126s team digital editions of the official
128s art book and soundtrack are now
129s available on Steam and Gog the art of
133s everspace 2 has over 280 pages of
137s meticulously curated concept art
138s developer insights and previously unseen
141s content the official soundtrack has 30
144s tracks rearranged in remixed specially
146s by our very own gyro gorlik tracks in
150s game have been improved as well
152s buckle up Pilots because there's more to
155s come thanks again for being a part of
157s this journey toodles
162s foreign