2 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s I'm Ilcin, I'm the
1s Community Manager
2s and we're doing
3s Songs of Silence,
4s which is a 4X
5s turn-based
5s strategy game.
7s It has real-time
8s battles during
9s the battlefield
9s and it's based on
10s this beautiful
10s card
11s mechanic we have.
12s So you drag and
13s drop the cards
13s onto the
13s battlefield and
14s get your
15s actions done.
16s We're out in
16s early access
17s already on Steam,
18s so wishlist now
19s or check it out
20s if you want.
20s We also have a
21s free demo
21s available, so you
23s can look through
23s the campaign
24s yourself.
25s The first map is
25s available there.
26s We also have a
27s skirmish mode, so
28s you can play
28s against AI or
29s multiplayer.
30s We also do some
31s streams on Twitch
32s where we play
32s together with the
33s community
33s to get an
34s understanding of
35s "Hey, how's the
36s game feeling? Is
37s the balancing
37s good or not?"
38s So we just want
39s your opinion on
40s the game to make
40s the best game
41s possible.
42s Make sure to
43s check it out if
43s you like
44s strategy games,
45s because I promise
45s this one has a
46s really good story
47s and really
47s nice perks!