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The game has a severely lower graphical quality on the Switch version. This might be obvious to anyone who knows the limits of the Switch, but the store page on the eShop is very misleading. The game snapshots and videos are all from another version which is much more detailed, so make sure you know this before you blow $40 on the game before knowing you would get a less pretty version like i did. The game still plays the same, everything just looks flat and pixelly and really jpeg-y.

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over 5 years ago - /u/RockfishGames - Direct link

Originally posted by dainebag

I appreciate the game and can see the hard work that has gone into the game. I won’t detract from that. I’m also not angry.

I’m more disappointed that this game is being held back from being amazing and instead is just “ok” because of its controls.

It’s right up my alley. I can maybe forgive the hold to boost. It’s terribly designed and is actually painful, but it’s not really needed that much. But the aiming on consoles is borderline broken and makes the game more frustrating than it needs to be. It is antithetical to the arcade style game you claim everspace to be. I love the layout C. Feels more akin to a first person shooter.

But the fact there is a huge deadzone and then when it finally does register, the reticle moves too fast and far even with sensitivity to 0.0, really detracts from what could be an amazing game. Surely you’ve noticed this when play testing?

Glad to hear that we are apparently not too far apart, so I’m happy to share a bit more context:

  1. Toggling Boost: We actually considered adding the option to toggle Boost, but we decided not to because not only has this been requested by less than 1% of our player base; most importantly, it would have led to even more frustration as toggling boost would have often made players run into battles with their pants down because of depleting their energy core more frequently – a “rookie mistake” that I could observe at dozens of game shows when watching unexperienced Everspace pilots dying like flies because of too much boosting; so, why not giving us the benefit of a doubt that we made the right call here?
  1. Borderline Broken controls on console: Again, a user rating of 4.5 stars on PlayStation is enough prove to us that absolute nothing in Everspace is borderline broken; however, I give you that: The controls in Everspace were initially optimized for M+KB (as you can see on our Steam store page) and we added gamepad support further down the line which was not ideal; even with increased aim-assist, the game is definitely harder on console; but, after I have played Everspace on console at gaming events for countless hours, I meanwhile prefer playing with gamepad, hands down (disclosure: I have always had and still do play on easy difficulty, but that’s an entirely different subject).
  1. Please consider this: When we defined the vision for Everspace, fast-paced space combat in a colorful, always slightly changing fantasy sci-fi environment came in first; hence, the shooter-style controls, procedurally-generated levels with lots of enemies (this gets you into the game); the looting & crafting system was second (this is where the meat of the game is and supposes to get you hooked); the roguelike elements & permanent perks are third (to make you stay, aka “just one more run!”); exploration & mining is fourth (to throw in same variety and make Explorers happy, too); and finally, lore & storytelling were fifth (to please sci-fi story aficionados who want to find out about the “why”); now, if you are coming from a space game that has a different set of priorities it is not a surprise to us that some don’t find Everspace to be amazing and that’s cool, too.
  1. Now, since we’re having this open discussion, I can see that you do care about our product(s); so, I’m happy to share here first, that exploration gameplay will play a more important role in our next space shooter, and that we will have gamepad support with more button layouts to choose from and customizable input settings as well as remapping for M+KB and HOTAS from the get-go.


over 5 years ago - /u/RockfishGames - Direct link

Originally posted by dainebag

See I still feel a toggle boost like sprinting in an FPS would work well. You toggle it on but to stop it you just stop holding forwards. Fair points though mate.

I guess I was way too harsh and obviously the game had a great reception so borderline broken was an exaggeration. I apologise. Actually going to give the game another whirl in a moment.

Just know that I spoke the way I did because I’m probably overly passionate and was just disappointed more than anything. If the game was terrible I wouldn’t care and would have moved on. But it’s one of those games where nearly everything is perfect and just a couple of tweaks could elevate it to being something truly incredible.

I take back what I said. If you can fix those little things, and really give the player that responsive feedback where every mistake feels like their fault and every win feels earned, I will 100% consider buying the next game, as this is so damn close to being an unmissable experience.

Apology excepted and great to hear that we didn’t lose you, after all.

One last piece of advice, before you fall too much in love with Control Layout C: Later in the game, dodging hostile fire will be key, which is why we put strafe left/right and up/down on the left analog stick in the default layout (thrusting forward with the left bumper is probaly more comfortable, too). However, circle-strafing with Layout C will be borderline difficult, indeed. 😉
